Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The revolution is brought to you by cable news.

Image result for baltimore riots imagesSomething about the wall to wall coverage of this uprising in Baltimore seems a little unseemly to me.

As if a community suffering is something to pontificate about 24/7 from a cozy  temperature controlled news studio.  

Gil Scott Heron, may his soul rest in peace, was wrong. The revolution will be televised.

CNN has sent their Negro du jour, Don Lemon, to the streets, to interview troll protesters in order to give that network a much needed ratings boost.

MSNBC is calling back every black host and guest that ever appeared on their network in order to help white America understand the "riots" from the Negro perspective.

Meanwhile, over at FOX VIEWS, it's just more of the same: Scare old white people
into thinking that the black bogeyman is right around the next corner.

And on and on it goes. Each network hoping to capture that moment that sparks conversation at water coolers in cozy temperature controlled offices all across the country.

"Wow! Did you see that mother smack the hell out of that kid of hers and drag him away from the rest of those thugs?" Good for her. Give that woman a medal." 

Under different circumstances that same black woman would  have child welfare services called on her by some white woman in the grocery store. Now she is a hero.

Yes, get over here right away! I saw it with my own eyes! The woman just hit her son in the back of the head repeatedly. Yes, I will wait. 

I tried to say something but she told me to mind my own f*****g business. Please hurry. I fear for the child's safety.....   

Let me stop.

"You will not be able to stay home, brother
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag
And skip out for beer during commercials
Because the revolution will not be televised"

Yes it will, Gil.

But enjoy the riot while it is in limited release.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    "Under different circumstances that same black woman would have child welfare services called on her by some white woman in the grocery store."

    Nah, not even the most naive liberal is ever gonna think black kids get too much discipline.

    The only thing their parents give them is space to destroy.

  2. Wesley R10:48 PM

    Malcolm X said it best "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing". Put news media or entertainment when speaking about Fox News, and Brother Malcolm described them quite well, 30 years before they came on the air.

  3. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Ya knooww... As usual, y'all know me:) and I don't wanna rain on anybodies parade, but.....I just wonder if, and hope that she didn't smack him upside the head like that as a child...'cos that coulda broken capillaries, blood vessels caused necrosis in little areas of the brain, etc., etc., and that is no bueno for a developing brain...

    But, then again... if it was just that one time,not gonna hurt nothin!

    But then again if he knows and the communication process has been good, that his mom does not approve of this type of protest, then why he out there in the first place?...

    I smell the form of a little 'oppositional-defiance disorder' maybe?

  4. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Well since everybody seems to have gone to bed early today...hehehe...

    I also beg to disagree, I think that Gil Scott Heron was correct that the revolution will NOT be televised.

    It cannot possibly be televised because the revolution will be in the hearts and minds of the people, all the people, as one poster so aptly surmised in the post before I believe.

    And hearts and minds cannot be televised.

  5. I don't think the first anon is blah. If there's one thing our kids get is discipline. Mothers beat their kids regularly but that is a holdover from the days when parents had to put the fear of god in kids so they wouldn't do something stupid like disobey them and look a white person in the eye or something. Ah, gotta love the lack of knowledge of blah culture. They love to shame us but know nothing about us. Some things never change.

  6. 1) Not sure I'd call any of this revolutionary in the slightest.

    2) I'm shocked that Fox News hasn't found a way to blame this on atheists.

    3) It'd be nice if one day legitimate protesters knocked the other mfers out of pocket for rioting and looting. But that doesn't happen anywhere, unfortunately; from the TPers to OWS, the trash settles in and dictates how the protest is remembered.

  7. Watching Hannity, he is downright giddy that he has a report from the WaPo that Freddie Gray injured himself. He did find a way to blame Barack of course and even had David Clarke Milwaukee County Sheriff (uncle thomas) to back him up. Gotta love faux.

  8. Hannity is one of the purest examples of conservative hypocrisy. He talks a lot about the President dividing the country by race but let's count how many times he and his guests says "blah" when describing people. The blah witnesses to the Michael Brown shhoting, the blah protesters ect. Why can't they just be witnesses or protesters? Gotta love faux.

  9. Anonymous2:35 AM

    "Watching Hannity, he is downright giddy that he has a report from the WaPo that Freddie Gray injured himself."

    This is just a wild-ass guess from a person in a completely different section of the van from Gray, who couldn't see what was going on. I'm surprised the Washington Post thought this detail was even credible enough for them to print.

    It's sad when mainstream media sinks down to Hannity's abysmal standards.

  10. Anonymous4:20 AM

    "This is just a wild-ass guess from a person in a completely different section of the van from Gray, who couldn't see what was going on. I'm surprised the Washington Post thought this detail was even credible enough for them to print.

    It's sad when mainstream media sinks down to Hannity's abysmal standards."

    Mainstream media is White. They will invariably blame the victims when they are Black. The oppressive white establishment always blames the ones they oppress.

    It's sad that Blacks don't see that. If they did, they wouldn't be sad when WaPo trashes them.

  11. Anonymous4:27 AM

    OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
    Ya knooww... As usual, y'all know me:) and I don't wanna rain on anybodies parade, but.....I just wonder if, and hope that she didn't smack him upside the head like that as a child...'cos that coulda broken capillaries, blood vessels caused necrosis in little areas of the brain, etc., etc., and that is no bueno for a developing brain...

    That mother shamed the hell out of that kid and he will have to live with that for a long time. That is not what is called healthy parenting.

    That kid has an angry mean-ass physically abusive raging mother. It would not surprise me to read about her death by her son one day. It must be terrible for him to run from the cops and from his own mother.

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson5:14 AM

    What is your problem, supposed Pilot X? What's the deal with "blah" people?

    This is a NEGRO site. Your predjudice is apparent.

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson5:27 AM

    And....BTW...your bruthas & sistas wouldn't try to pull this rioting & looting shit where I live. Well, maybe at their risk of their lives. We white folks are armed, and protected by the Constitution, not some Affirmative Action Mayor.

    1. Yeah we know Johnson, you trailer park types love your guns. Then again it probably already looks like a riot went through so what would be the point?

    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Respond to bigotry with bigotry! Good job, that'll show him!

  14. Anonymous7:34 AM

    "That kid has an angry mean-ass physically abusive raging mother. It would not surprise me to read about her death by her son one day. It must be terrible for him to run from the cops and from his own mother."

    Alright, maybe she is, maybe she isn't. You don't actually know that this is her everyday behavior.

    Keep in mind that she was reacting to seeing her son going off to riot or loot -- as indicated by the ski mask he was wearing. So at that moment, she was imagining him shot dead by the cops or the National Guard.

    If you thought your kid was off to do something extremely dumb and possibly get himself killed in the process, you might lose your temper, too.

  15. Virginia8:59 AM

    I don't know about a revolution, but because people are standing up all over we will see more police accountability and that's something.

    Mom was too harsh, but under the circumstance, I understand. Any mom would be was terrified. Maybe he's just a brave kid standing up against racism. Unfortunately there isn't a guidebook for him explaining best way to go about it.

    "Mothers beat their kids regularly but that is a holdover from the days when parents had to put the fear of god in kids so they wouldn't do something stupid like disobey them and look a white person in the eye or something. "

    Never thought about it from that perspective. :(


  16. Josh said...
    knocked the other mfers out of pocket for rioting and looting. But that doesn't happen anywhere, unfortunately; from the TPers to OWS

    TPers = tea partiers?

    Looting and rioting?

    I googled and couldn't find anything.

    Got link?

  17. StillaPanther210:18 AM

    It sad when an disabled mother has to beat her son with the thinking that his behaviors will change. Until his environment change he AND SHE will remain the same. There is a lot missing in her daily existence that would make her so terrified to respond that way- there were/are many incidences that this lady must/may have suffered to get to this moment in time.

    I call her disable because I know some of her daily traumas living in some areas of Baltimore. Going there to cop in the 70s, 80- there were little kids "slinging dope'. The only commerce then.


  18. NPR calling out Chelsea Clinton for lying?


    Fact Check: Is The Clinton Foundation 'The Most Transparent'?
    "Even though Transparency International and others have said we're among the most transparent foundations, we'll disclose donors on a quarterly basis, not just an annual basis."
    The problem with that, though, is Transparency International never cited the Clinton foundation.
    We do not do an examination or any ranking of foundations," said Dumas, who noted that Chelsea Clinton may have simply made an innocent mistake.

    It appears Chelsea inherited the genes for lying.

    There must be a good reason dumbocrats need to lie instead of being honest.

  19. Black Resentment Festers10:51 AM

    PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
    I don't think the first anon is blah. If there's one thing our kids get is discipline. Mothers beat their kids regularly but that is a holdover from the days when parents had to put the fear of god in kids so they wouldn't do something stupid like disobey them and look a white person in the eye or something
    Not enough discipline of black kids by their parents: White people's fault.

    Too much discipline: White people's fault.

    Is there any bit of their problems that black folk are willing to take accountability for on their own?

    When someone violently resists arrest, do they share at all in the blame when they get shot?

    Are all of these "Black Lives Matter" rallies protesting for the rights of blacks to attack police officers?

    This isn't advocating for civil rights; it's advocating for anarchy.

  20. Dr. Ramos, PHD10:56 AM

    Violence begets violence. I can not praise this single mom of six for abusing her child. Neither will i ask "Where's daddy?".

    The results are in. Liberal government doesn't maketh a good father.

    Instead of embracing new ideas , we see many Democrats and Liberals still going down the road of yesterday's failures.

    We need to move the black community forward so all of America can prosper in the future.

  21. Anonymous11:39 AM

    "We need to move the black community forward so all of America can prosper in the future."

    But the Left needs them right where they are, so they can use black resentment and white guilt to fuel their Fundamental Change of society.

    And the Left controls everything. So blacks aren't going to be moving forward anytime soon.

  22. No BRF, not so much. Blah parents had to keep strict discipline over their kids historically because children weren't exempt for extracurricular "justice". This is a provable fact not anyone in particular's fault. I know you're just here to blah people shame and not truly dialogue so I won't waste too much time but I would say study a bit of history and don't focus so much on whether blah folks blame white people or not. It is what it is. None of us here can change this country's awful racial history only try to understand it.

  23. Black Resentment Festers12:23 PM

    "No BRF, not so much. Blah parents had to keep strict discipline over their kids historically because children weren't exempt for extracurricular "justice". "

    So now that black children are exempt from any kind of justice, are things better?

  24. "So now that black children are exempt from any kind of justice, are things better?"

    Not even close to what I am talking about BRF. Check this article to get a better understanding.

  25. My man Bernie is getting into the race.

  26. "So now that black children are exempt from any kind of justice, are things better?"

    Well, in a word yes. I am grateful for not being killed for looking at a white person, not getting off the sidewalk fast enough, whistling at a woman or any other perceived slights that got blah people killed. You don't think that's a good thing?

  27. Anonymous12:43 PM

    "Keep in mind that she was reacting to seeing her son going off to riot or loot -- as indicated by the ski mask he was wearing. So at that moment, she was imagining him shot dead by the cops or the National Guard.

    If you thought your kid was off to do something extremely dumb and possibly get himself killed in the process, you might lose your temper, too."

    7:34 AM
    You are definitely Black. I can tell by the way you think and justify losing your temper and beating your kid.

    That's the problem with our folks. Every problem is solved with physical abuse and violence.

    Even PilotX has an excuse for that abusive Mom. He 'justifies' her violence because 'back in the days'Blacks were not allowed to look Whites in the eye. Someone should tell that 'blah' dumb mf that this is 2015. Any Black still beating their child is setting that child up to abuse someone else. Physical abuse of a child hurts the child and builds low self-worth.

    Negroes who think like this is the very reason our children feel worthless and ashamed. How can a child feel worth something when you have a raging sick dysfunctional mother like her?

    Of course, bw are always justifying why they do the shit they do. And, there are 'blah' men like PilotX who support that ugly crap that does no one any good.

    By the thinking of some Negroes like you, it's no wonder some black kids feel hopeless. Add in the cops who abuse them and you have a child living in hell.

    And people wonder 'why' they want to tear down their neighborhoods? Any human being with a heart can understand 'why'.

  28. "MSNBC is calling back every black host and guest that ever appeared on their network in order to help white America understand the "riots" from the Negro perspective."

    MSNBC should be calling all their black host and tell them to pay their taxes.

    "Meanwhile, over at FOX VIEWS, it's just more of the same: Scare old white people
    into thinking that the black bogeyman is right around the next corner.'

    Who told you that field? Everyone knows you don't watch Fox....

  29. Anonymous12:56 PM

    PX, "Well, in a word yes. I am grateful for not being killed for looking at a white person, not getting off the sidewalk fast enough, whistling at a woman or any other perceived slights that got blah people killed. You don't think that's a good thing?"

    Who made that possible? Hint: it wasn't the, "blahs" as you call us. Did you know blah came from a wm who hates Blacks? If so, WHY are you using it?

    Is it because you love the wm and hate the Negro?

  30. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "Meanwhile, over at FOX VIEWS, it's just more of the same: Scare old white people
    into thinking that the black bogeyman is right around the next corner.'

    Who told you that field? Everyone knows you don't watch Fox....

    12:45 PM
    Now this is a classic example of a wm trying to make a bm a liar. It's not fair and is the root cause of white injustice.

    Besides police accountability there needs to be white accountability for calling bm liars on FN too...which we know will NEVER happen.

  31. "Obama's America, where you can't even let fans watch a baseball game."

    Even though 4 Dodger games were cancelled during the Bush years. Carry on.

    "Who made that possible? Hint: it wasn't the, "blahs" as you call us. Did you know blah came from a wm who hates Blacks? If so, WHY are you using it?

    Is it because you love the wm and hate the Negro?"

    Who made what possible?
    BTW i use blah I guess for the same reason you use the word negro.

  32. "Even PilotX has an excuse for that abusive Mom."

    Nope, read the article I posted and you will know where I stand on the issue. Or you can just project your issues onto me. Your choice.

  33. Limpbaugh1:24 PM

    If I were in Baltimore, I'd throw rocks at the media. Propagandists were prosecuted at Nuremberg. Here we won't even prosecute Dick Cheney. The media still lies about how badly we were lied to about getting in to the Iraq War. MSNBC is one of the most offensive liars to me because they act like they expose the truth while they cover it up. I see examples all of the time, but I'll keep this short. They said Saddam Hussein chased out the UN inspectors, and on another occasion they said that the UN pulled them out. They didn't tell you that Bush warned them to get out. The Iraq War was a "mistake". Yeah, one that was on purpose. While the vast majority of the media was lying us into war, Knight Ridder papers were telling the truth. That's why I say search through the BS on the internet to find the truth. You won't find it on TV.

  34. SFNorCal1:33 PM

    Blacks are too accepting of mediocrity. That's why you people live in places like Baltimore, DC, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Memphis, and Oakland. I bet most of you couldn't handle or last long in San Francisco or San Jose.

  35. The Fixer1:37 PM

    Whites are too accepting of mediocrity. That's why you people live in places like Kentucky, West Virginia, Florida, Mississippi and Missouri. I bet most of you couldn't handle or last long in San Francisco or San Jose.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  36. The Fixer1:38 PM

    Fox News should be calling all their white host and tell them to stop sexually harassing their employees.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  37. TY Fixer. I can always count on u to fix things for some of our friends. :)

    And why exaclty would I want to live in NoCal any damn way?

  38. Anonymous2:05 PM

    "You are definitely Black. I can tell by the way you think and justify losing your temper and beating your kid."

    Nope. I am not black, and I do not believe in beating your kids.

    But I also feel a city in the midst of rioting and a National Guard occupation is perhaps not the ideal place and time to give a lecture on proper parenting. Total societal breakdown means ordinary rules do not apply.

  39. Anonymous3:07 PM

    "I am grateful for not being killed for looking at a white person,"

    What a fantasy.

    Blacks were never subjected to any such oppression. Most of those who got lynched deserved it.

    If you want to know why Jim Crow existed, just look at Baltimore today.

  40. Livin' in the BRA3:15 PM

    Today's headlines:


    'Weren't Allowed To Defend City'...

    100 Officers Injured...

    WASHPOST: Prisoner in van said Freddie Gray was 'banging against walls' during ride...

    Baltimore Leaders Try to Curb Expectations Over Pending Police Report...

    City braces...

    100 Arrested in NYC...

    Protesters Ignore Orders To Stay Off Streets...

    Police Depts Stockpiling Stink Bombs for Next Riot...

    CRUZ: Obama 'inflamed racial tensions'...


    SMILEY: This Is the New Normal...

  41. Livin in....I hear Eastern Europe has a lot of opportunities for folks like u.
    Maybe it's time to contemplate a change of scenery.

    I think these Negroes are going to be around for awhile.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Well there is an entire continent waiting for you. Maybe it's time to contemplate a change of scenery. Blacks are the ones constantly whining about how evil and oppressive America is, maybe blacks should go back to their homeland. After all why would you want to stay in a place that is so evil and racist.

  42. SFNoCal AKA Mr. Whittington, perhaps the reason you're so happy living in San Fran is because you're White AND gay.

    I know a couple Black techies living in San Fran (one of whom is also gay) and clearly you're not smart enough to be a Techie. So I'm guessing there's NO other reason for you to be in NoCal except the fact that your sexual behavior isn't welcome in rural Tennessee.

  43. Silence is Golden Brown4:19 PM

    Yisheng speaks and removes all doubt that she is an idiot.

  44. Anonymous4:21 PM

    field negro said...
    Livin in....I hear Eastern Europe has a lot of opportunities for folks like u.
    Maybe it's time to contemplate a change of scenery

    Is that the Obama plan? Drive all the white folk out of the country? Who is going to recharge all those EBT cards then?

  45. Anonymous4:26 PM

    "Is that the Obama plan? Drive all the white folk out of the country? Who is going to recharge all those EBT cards then?"

    There will be millions of fewer EBT cards when the poor whites leave. Including yours and your mother's.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      That's true, but I doubt us Latinos will put up with your monkeyshines for long. They already drive your asses out of neighborhoods they don't want you in. Without whitey to protect you the Aztec will really get going.

      We get along with whites far better than blacks ever will. You better pray that whitey doesn't stop protecting and subsidizing your people. If they do it's going to get ugly re all quick.
      Latinos dislike blacks

  46. Hillbilly Bob4:28 PM

    "If you want to know why Jim Crow existed, just look at Baltimore today."

    Or look at West Virginia, a bunch of toothless white trash jealous of folks with more than them.

    "Blacks were never subjected to any such oppression. Most of those who got lynched deserved it."

    Because they were being Black and all.

  47. No, I don't think the TPers were looting and rioting like the OWS morons, but they still had their share of idiot racists with offensive signs and slogans and megaphones invading their space, and they didn't do much in the way of clearing it out, thus letting the worst element there paint the picture. That's my point. The worst element of a protest is what colors the entire protest. And one might think that if the worst element is just a small minority, the majority would stand up and snuff it out. But it never seems to happen that way. The worst of the lot is allowed to take the protest in the direction it wants, which often turns nasty.

  48. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Josh said...
    No, I don't think the TPers were looting and rioting like the OWS morons, but they still had their share of idiot racists with offensive signs and slogans and megaphones invading their space

    No they didn't, that was MSM propaganda.

    Name one verified example of Tea Party sanctioned "racism".

  49. Unsanctioned racist4:46 PM

    "Name one verified example of Tea Party sanctioned "racism".

    I don't think tea baggers need to get their racism sanctioned. More like unsanctioned wouldn't you agree? Where would they got to get it sanctioned?

  50. Law enforcement sources say Freddie Gray suffered head injury in police transport van

    BALTIMORE, Md. (WJLA) -- An investigation into the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray has found no evidence that his fatal injuries were caused during the videotaped arrest and interaction with police officers, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

    Sources said the medical examiner found Gray's catastrophic injury was caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van, apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van.

    So this was all over a lie, just like Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin. Figures.

  51. Anonymous4:51 PM

    "I don't think tea baggers need to get their racism sanctioned. More like unsanctioned wouldn't you agree? Where would they got to get it sanctioned?"

    Yep, there are no real examples of Tea Party "racism", it was all a pack of lies designed to keep white folk out of the Tea Party and negroes on the plantation.

  52. So the man who could barely stand BEFORE being put into the police van has enough strength to break his own neck while IN the van?

    Rather convenient coincidence to the story a couple days ago, from the inmate in the van with Gray.

    So it took what, a week to come up with this narrative?

  53. Anonymous5:02 PM

    "Yep, there are no real examples of Tea Party 'racism', it was all a pack of lies designed to keep white folk out of the Tea Party and negroes on the plantation."

    Are you joking? There are entire collections on the Internet of Teatard signs from their ridiculous rallies, demonstrating the essential racism and ignorance of the movement.

    Plenty of broke idiots with three teeth and not a pot to piss in, angrily fighting against their own best interests, and demanding aid for rich people who wouldn't piss on the average Tea Partier if he were on fire. And no, they're not just a few knuckleheads who just happened to show up and ruin things. This is a fair representation of what a substantial chunk of the Republican base looks like.

    Rich and "respectable" Republicans always want to disclaim these people, even as Republican leaders and commentators work very hard to inflame their hatred in exchange for their foolish votes.

    Read 'em and weep.

  54. Anonymous5:06 PM

    "Law enforcement sources say Freddie Gray suffered head injury in police transport van"


    That story is a leak from "anonymous police sources." In other words, friends of the neck-breakers.

    Sorry, zero credibility.

  55. This reminds me of the story of Malcolm X's father who decided to tie himself up and take a nap on a train track. Right after he bashed his own head in.

    Black folks sure do have super powers, Mike Brown charged a man after being shot in the top of the head. Travon beat the hell out of a fat dude with a bag of skittles.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Black people corroborated Officer Wilson's testimony. Black people.

  56. Yep, there was no Jim Crow, blahs were only lynched after an extensive trial and no examples of racism in the tea party. Glad to know it's all in our imagination like the Temptations sang. FN is a very informative blog. Well Doc, nothing to see here Freddie Gray committed suicide by throwing himself around in a van. There is some stupid who will believe this including Sean Hannity.

  57. PX, I KNEW they were searching for a "story", as soon as I heard the statement by the other person in the van,I KNEW the suicide story wasn't far behind.

    I'd like to see the ME reports, and I already suspect that the states ME's story is going to be VERY different from the one hired by the Family.

    So I guess the police decided against the story that Gray was a contortionist, who got carried away doing tricks in the police van.

  58. Limpbaugh6:06 PM

    Apart from whether looting is right or wrong, and wether the situation called for it or not, the mother beating her kid seems like spanking a little kid who runs out in to the street. It's probably a valid parenting technique.


  59. Study: Global Warming to Push 1 in 13 Species to Extinction
    WASHINGTON — Apr 30, 2015, 2:01 PM ET

    Study Finds Global Warming as Threat to 1 in 6 Species

    It appears the science is settled.

  60. @6:22, you must be one of those fair skinned/light Hispanics who think it's White, that was called "Blackie" by your ignorant parents.

    Signed, a Black woman with a Hispanic maiden name.

  61. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Bill is a fucking moron.

  62. Anonymous6:57 PM

    "Are you joking? There are entire collections on the Internet of Teatard signs from their ridiculous rallies, demonstrating the essential racism and ignorance of the movement"

    Have you not ever heard of "Photoshop"?

    What a buffoon! Look at you own links!

  63. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    @6:22, you must be one of those fair skinned/light Hispanics who think it's White, that was called "Blackie" by your ignorant parents.

    Signed, a Black woman with a Hispanic maiden name

    Yisheng's parents called her "Blackie"?


  64. "Name one verified example of Tea Party sanctioned "racism"."

    Why must everything here devolve into dumbfuckery? We're all fucking adults; what's wrong with some honest dialogue? Holy shit. It doesn't matter who it is, what their politics are, etc. People want to treat others like they're stupid or something.

    I'm not playing the word weasels game with this "tea party sanctioned" bullshit, as if to say that unless it was written on the TP charter website's mission statement that they condoned racism, racism was thus forbade.

    Go take that shit up with a dullard.

    My point, which is factual whether you like it or not: The minority elements of a movement, when they act harshly and nasty, paint the entire movement in a negative light.

    Why in the ever-lovin' fuck are you trying to argue with me about a point that's so benign and self-fucking-evident?

    The worst of a thing sullies that thing. Every single person here knows that to be the unfiltered truth.

  65. Anonymous8:07 PM

    SFNorCal said...
    Blacks are too accepting of mediocrity. That's why you people live in places like Baltimore, DC, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Memphis, and Oakland. I bet most of you couldn't handle or last long in San Francisco or San Jose.

    1:33 PM
    What is SF that makes it so hard to live in? Could it be if you are not White and gay, you are not welcomed?

    Yes, I believe that's the case. White gays are the biggest racists on the planet, which makes the Bay Area outrageously racist. You make the Whites citizens in Alabama look better and smarter.

  66. Anonymous8:14 PM

    America is the greatest nation on earth. Where else can you turn on you TV to this kind of spontaneous entertainment? I thought "What's on tonight? Reruns of MASH?" Then I turned on the TV and there was Baltimore! Fun for all viewers across the nation!

    And the participants are having fun too. The cops get to play with their fancy toys. The National Guard gets a break from all the military boredom. The rioters get fee stuff. Reporters get heat face-time with the TV audience. Store owners get a free, though unexpected, renovation. It's a win - win situation.

  67. Anonymous8:18 PM


    You look like you've lost weight. Keep it up girl.

  68. "in police transport van"


    That story is a leak from "anonymous police sources." In other words, friends of the neck-breakers.

    Sorry, zero credibility."

    Yes, well there is that.

  69. "Black people corroborated Officer Wilson's testimony. Black people."

    Ah, the Sean Hannity argument, the witnesses were blah so therefore case closed. Uh, ok.
