Saturday, May 16, 2015

Caption Saturday

I need a caption for this pic.


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM

    This is what happens to a nigger who shows up at our all-white frat party.

  2. Wesley R8:06 PM

    Damn Gatlin Gun fired shots at Jamaica, 9.74 !! Waiting for Lighting Bolt to answer.

  3. Fuck do you mean you don't read the Field Negro blog! Get him!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Photo by JOSH showing Negro Fatigue.

  5. Manifest Density8:39 PM

    Neighborhood watch volunteers detain "suspect."

    "We feared for our safety."

  6. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Here we see some Bogans in the wild, exhibiting reflexive Bogan territorial aggression when their space is invaded by an unsuspecting visitor from another area.

    ("Bogan" is Australian for redneck.)

  7. Anonymous9:02 PM

    "Man bites dog"

  8. PilotX's comment was actually funny.

    Go figure.

  9. Anonymous9:16 PM

    From Things Bogans Like.

    #47 -- The "Fuck Off, We're Full" anti-immigration bumper sticker:

  10. General Corn10:26 PM

    Colonel Corn is an asshole.

    Go figure.

  11. Someone bust out with some weed right away, this party is off the rails...

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson11:35 PM

    Uh huh...this should be on the national news tomorrow.

    Want to bet, field?

  13. Anonymous11:40 PM

    "Uh huh...this should be on the national news tomorrow."

    It definitely won't be on the national U.S. news tomorrow because this photo was taken from events that happened

    a) in Australia; and

    b) ten years ago

  14. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Pilot and also 8:24 and 8:29 were good too.

    I dunno, these pictures just , I just can't see the caption! It's so horrible! x(

    And BTW it's a Lebanese or Mid Eastern man they are ganging up on, he's not a Black man.

    But I see a Bruce Jenner look alike back there with the brown bottle so I'm gonna go with:

    "Whatdayamean Bruce doesn't look like a REAL woman, he does to us!"

    (I know, laaame) *slinks away*

  15. Lt. Commander Johnson12:13 AM

    I figgerd this pic was not from the US, and older than Oprah Winfrey's first turd.

    I am surprised that a fancy Philadelphia lawyer would fall for this shit.

    Now. Will he apologize?

    I think fucking not.

  16. Johnson, make a caption and move on. Jeez.

  17. Lt. Commander Johnson12:37 AM

    X. Am I wrong?

    The caption's shit so old, it's embarrassing.

  18. He's had pics from the 60's. So yeah, you're wrong. (Shocking huh?)

  19. Lt. Commander Johnson1:07 AM

    You are a piece of crap, X.

    You are actually trying to defend field, for using his dumb-ass usage of a pic on his blog, to make his fucking points,,,whatever they may be.

    Your defense of him?

    Him has a lot of pictures...let's not count the one he made "special" on his most recent blog crap.

    I think you might be some of those lowdowns.

  20. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Yeah, you tell him Commander. Ever wonder why Field rarely comments?

    Could it be that he collects this stuff for Intelligence?

    Aren't you afraid?

  21. Lt. Commander Johnson3:44 AM

    Yeah, I'm scared to death. He collects INTELLIGENCE? Posting old, stooped pictures to adorn his "Award-Winning" blogsite?

    Well. That might be slim pickings from me.

    Perhaps he can buy another suit off the rack, from the information he gleams from me.

    Choke, choke.

  22. "I figgerd this pic was not from the US...

    Oh you "figgerd" that all by yourself did you?

    Who's a clever boy, den?

    But so what? What difference does it make how where it is or how old it is?

    Field asked for a photo caption, not a PhD thesis.

  23. Manifest Density4:47 AM

    "Where particular people congregate."

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Pale Males cause cancer, diabetes, emphysema, hypertension and intolerance.

  24. Lt. Commander Johnson6:45 AM

    OK, you goddamned stupid Purple Cow. You KNOW I purposely spelled "figgered" as opposed to "figured". Trying to talk-down to you lower IQ's unfortunately makes me try to speak and reason at a lower level. Understand that...the same way your genetics cause YOU & YOURS
    to hold an automatic pistol you can hold "sideways", for some strange reason,

    Sorry. The stupid is just too much

  25. "Who's a clever boy, den?

    But so what? What difference does it make how where it is or how old it is?

    Field asked for a photo caption, not a PhD thesis."

    *Head bows*

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson7:43 AM

    Uh huh. I've heard all about you black men, and your "head bowing"!

    field would not have posted this pic on his blog, without recognizing it was a TEN YEAR OLD pic, not even from the US.

    He knows it. You know it.

    The Truth Shall set you free. Not to mention, about a half million stupid yankee boys.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. "Trying to talk-down to you lower IQ's unfortunately makes me try to speak and reason at a lower level."
    Yeah, that's it. Or not.
    Ha! Johnson is stupid because of our negro influence not because he's just stupid. Wow, that is a new one one me. He was probably a rocket surgeon before being unduly influenced by us darkies.
    Holy shit Field, you have a true cast of characters here.

  29. Typical white racist, can't accept responsibility for their own stupidity.

  30. Manifest Density12:12 PM

    Beat down etiquette rule #1

    "Never hold your pinky up in an informal brawl."


  31. What happens when a dumbocrat makes "insensitive" gestures about American Indians?

    She runs away from reporters and later blames her political opponents.

    Imagine the outrage if she was a rethug.

    There must be a good reason dumbocrats are held to a lower standard than rethugs.

  32. Manifest Density12:42 PM

    George Zimmerman in a perfect world.

  33. Lt. Commander Johnson12:45 PM

    Well, you might want to consider a pic of two pigs fucking, circa. 1909, for your next "Caption This"

    I will already put in my entry as:

    Pilot X & Purple Cow Have a Summit.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Or he can have a picture of a disheveled obviously mentally challenged clown with the caption

    "Lt. Commander Johnson wonders why no one will hire him".


    Seems the articulate, brilliant and beautiful young sista is appalled and she's going to win that seat. Seems Dems also have good quality candidates but our buddy won't post this story. Wonder why.

  37. Lt. Commander Johnson1:40 PM

    X Bastard..Huh, are a ignorant bastard, of I assume ignorant West African "heritage". Not any East African "Nubian Crap" Hell, the Arabs got you.

    Just what DO you claim as to your genetic make-up? Excluding monkeys, I presume. Got a white man boss in the old woodpile?

  38. Lt. Commander Johnson1:48 PM

    BTW....Pilot X Massive Crap I'm not looking for a job, or to be "hired."

    I resigned my job of 27 years, and am living quite nicely on my investments. You stupid crap jungle monkey.

  39. Quote: Lt. Commander Dingbat

    "field would not have posted this pic on his blog, without recognizing it was a TEN YEAR OLD pic, not even from the US.

    He knows it. You know it."

    Again, what possible difference does it make if its 10, 50, or 100 years old?

    Field wants a caption, write one or quit whining.

  40. "I resigned my job of 27 years, and am living quite nicely on my investments. You stupid crap jungle monkey."

    You had a job? Really? What did you do? Ha! Yeah right. No sane individual would hire such a clown.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. "Field wants a caption, write one or quit whining."

    Now see PC, you're making the mistake of thinking you're dealing with a mentally stable half way intelligent person. You have to deal with inbred hillbillies a bit differently. You may not have much experience with these types in the UK but in the US they are a dime a dozen.

  43. @PX, I guess some men consider "hillbilly hos" an investment, you know to each their own.

  44. "@PX, I guess some men consider "hillbilly hos" an investment, you know to each their own."

    Or a meth house.

  45. "Field asked for a photo caption..."

    And as my observation holds up still, I notice no photo caption was provided; just criticism of someone else's comment. lol

    Caption: Riley Cooper's family reunions tend to get a little wild after 3:30.


  46. The Purple Cow said...
    Again, what possible difference does it make if its 10, 50, or 100 years old?

    Field wants a caption, write one or quit whining.

    As said by someone whining about someone else whining.


    Ding Ding PurpleCow.

  47. Before Johnson tells us what he did for a living anyone want to take a guess? My guess is shit shoveler.

  48. Bill. The ultimate one-trick-pony.

  49. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Bill. The ultimate one-trick-pony.
    Be nice to the mentally challenged. Bless his little heart, at least he's trying to play with the regular kids.

  50. Manifest Density7:45 PM

    Pale ails and ginger snaps

  51. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Here's a story that WILL be making the news. Yet another tale of red-state redneckery.

    Three biker gangs massacre each other in Waco, TX. (Home of religious nutjobs and, er, massacres.) Nine dead, sixteen injured. Hundred of guns confiscated.

    Where were the "good guys with guns" to stop the violence? Where were those heroic private citizens? I'm guessing they were running as fast as their legs would carry them away from the hillbilly mayhem.

    It's strange how inner-city neighborhoods catch such flak for being pathological (with the entire city of Chicago erroneously labeled "Chiraq" despite being nowhere near the top of the per capita murder statistics).

    And yet this kind of crap ... not so unusual for good, wholesome country white folk.

  52. Johnson still hasn't told us what he did for a living. Shocked?

  53. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Yeah, wouldn't it be nice if we could all see what we do and who we really are for a change? I think it'd be way cool!

  54. Lt. Commander Johnson3:07 PM

    Uh, huh...Pilot crap X. I was in the maritime business, specialty was chartering vessels to ship my company's product(s), thru out the "KNOWN world", Africca excluded, and to deal with the legal implications involved.

    As for "shoveling shit", it was invariably monkey shit, from my former life on the "Middle Passage".

    Matter of fact, we wouldn't even DEAL with Nigeria, which is where I suspect your ancestors hung from the trees.

  55. Lt. Commander Johnson3:11 PM

    Now. Suck on that, you down-low bitch.

  56. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    "Now. Suck on that, you down-low bitch."

    Suck on what??? You're white, you don't have anything worth sucking!

  57. Interesting Johnson. Did you finish college? Nah, not from Nigeria but have many friends from there. They don't hang in trees but they are probably more educated and wealthier than you.

  58. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Matter of fact, we wouldn't even DEAL with Nigeria, which is where I suspect your ancestors hung from the trees.

    Nobody in Nigeria wants crappy meth. Only toothless white assholes like your family want that shit.

  59. Lt. Commander Johnson6:20 AM

    Yeah, you stupid bastard. I finished college, and then went on a mission on the Glomar Explorer. Ever heard of her? I suspect not. The "revolving Captain of the vessel was my Eagle Scout sponsor, thanks to my departed aunt.

  60. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Such a shame.

  61. KILL The aggin! make sure the camera is broken
