Sunday, May 17, 2015

Does just being black give the police "probable cause" to stop you?

Image result for benjamin and ryan v brown imagesThe Field Negro education series continues.

So if you are reading this and happen to be black, you can relate to the experience of the Brown brothers in Colorado, recently.

"Two brothers, Benjamin and Ryan Brown, were stopped for DWB (Driving While Black) in Colorado Springs, CO.
Ryan, who was a passenger in the car, recorded the so-called routine traffic stop via mobile phone, in which officers gave no cause as to why their vehicle was stopped and the brothers subsequently detained.
On Tuesday, Roland Martin and the NewsOne Now Straight Talk panel discussed the disturbing Colorado Springs incident and how vitally important the cell phone recording of the incident was in bringing this injustice to the forefront.
As a result of the video, the ACLU of Colorado has taken up the Brown brothers’ case, citing they were handcuffed, searched, then detained without reason or fault.
During Tuesday’s NewsOne Now segment, panelist Avis Jones-DeWeever highlighted the ACLU’s Mobile Justice App that can be used to record an incident with law enforcement officers and then send the recording to the organization.
The ACLU of Missouri Mobile Justice smartphone app was created to empower individuals to hold Missouri law enforcement agencies accountable for their actions. It has four main features:  
Record- allows citizens to capture exchanges between police officers and themselves or other community members in audio and video files that are automatically emailed to the ACLU of Missouri.  
Witness- gives citizens the option to alert nearby Mobile Justice App users when they are stopped by police so that they can move toward the location and document the interaction.

Report- gives citizens the option to provide a more-detailed account of their interactions with police in an incident report, which will be transmitted directly to the ACLU of Missouri.
Panelist Delegate Jay Walker, Chair of Price George’s County House Delegation, had some reservations about recording encounters with law enforcement.
He told Martin, host of NewsOne Now, that he was “conflicted” with the notion of citizens recording their encounters with law enforcement, saying, “with social media, everybody is trying to record everything right-away, but you’re going to have to go back to the type of protocol that you have to have with law enforcement when they come along.” [Watch video]
So after watching the video, what do you think?


  1. Access to a lawyer is always a good thing as is properly documenting any interaction. It helps both cops and citizens.

  2. Apparently the OPD are doing better (as measured by the volume of citizen complaints) since they started wearing body cameras. From what I've read, though, there's another component that's contributing to the improvement: they've been subject to mandatory reforms for years due to some lawsuits, and have been blowing off deadlines for years. The overseeing judge, Thelton Henderson, "threw a fit" at them and imposed some deadlines after which he threatened to put the entire department into receivership if they weren't met. I don't know how that is going, but at the same time he appointed a panel whose job it is to actually review the footage from the body cameras, and that, it seems, is actually getting things done. The police and the citizens are both happier with the new situation (or so I've read) as most of the tape has backed up the cops' stories, and the people feel better just knowing that someone is watching when they deal with the cops. It's kind of sad that it had to come to this, but it definitely did. I was very surprised when I read about this, as I had long ago written the OPD off as beyond reform.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous1:29 AM

    The cops may very well have profiled them. Pulling them over for a cracked window does sound "profile-y."

    And recording the cops, that's fine. Maybe he'll need that as evidence if the cops have wronged him. (Even though cops don't like being recorded, it's usually legal.)

    But that said ... the dude's refusal to hand over his ID was just dumb. My understanding is that in most states -- maybe all -- motorists do not have the right to refuse to produce ID. This is the reason the cops decided he was a threat and he ended up with his face on the pavement.

    If you're going to challenge the cops, at least know your rights and don't assert rights you don't actually have.

    1. Anonymous11:16 PM

      Facts be raciss and sheit mang. Y a bruva gots to produce hims eye -d?

  4. Anonymous2:15 AM

    that's the problem with brothers, they keep doing shit to aggravate the police and then expect the government to save them.

    wm don't have a problem when cops pull them over. why must bm make a big deal out of it? just obey the law and you will have no trouble. i am sure field will agree.

  5. Anonymous3:34 AM

    "DWB" - I am sure that if these two "bros" are like the black men who drive in the Washington-Baltimore corridor, they were driving so aggressively as to be a danger to everyone else on the road. We have continued to put pressure on our local State Troopers to crack down on this type of aggressive and dangerous driving but we're told it could be "profiling".

    Enough is enough. Behave like humans and you won't have problems with the Police.

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    KJV Psalm 83=ssshhhh!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Olive oil, people are catching up on world events first thing in the AM and planning for productive days, no one has time to read/view the 99.9999% garbage you post.

    BUT YOU!!

  15. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Focusedlunacy spamming blogs again


  16. Samantha Power

    From a wmn carrying a mattress on her campus to Afghanistan's Wmn's Nat Cycling Team, reaching true equality req showing change is possible.

    The US ambassador to the United Nations is still pushing the fake rape story?

    There must be a good reason dumbocrats need to scare women by repeating lies.


  17. Global warming?

    John Kerry owns $6 million of stock in oil and gas.

    And people wonder why the dumbocrats aren't doing anything about global warming.

    Besides profiting off of it.


  18. NBC news keeps talking about the biker shooting in texas where no innocent people were injuried.

    Meanwhile, 49 people get shot in Chicago and NBC still hasn't mentioned it.

    What makes violence in texas more newsworthy than chicago?

    Besides the political affiliation.

  19. Bill is a F'n Idiot11:50 AM

    And people wonder why the dumbocrats aren't doing anything about global warming.
    And what exactly the fuck are Republicans doing about it? You are an idiot!

  20. Bill is a F'n Idiot11:51 AM

    What makes violence in texas more newsworthy than chicago?
    You mean besides the fact that in Chicago there aren't OK Corral type shootouts in restaurants? You certainly are the fucking dumbest person on the planet. Holy fuck!

  21. i post with the hopes that maybe if folk KNEW...

    WHO they are +

    WHERE they are...

    some of the shock and awe would wear off.

    the battle is Real. the casualties of the on going FN "education series" just needed additional info.

    in Messiah's Name, i pray those that will see + hear will get it.

    the defeated, wop bodied, demons + their alters on the thread are ALL over it/me.

    like regularly.


    Blessings all!

  22. Anonymous4:16 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    the defeated, wop bodied, demons + their alters on the thread


    FP Why you keep calling people "demons"? You think that's cute or something?

  23. Anonymous8:13 PM

    FP, thank you for those links, it is much appreciated. I need to be aware of those things and you make it possible.

    FYI: The Anons and other crappy comments are coming from Yisheng. Obviously you pissed her off and the anger has her in its grips...LOL

    The woman probably can't sleep at night thinking about you and how to get at you. LOL It's obvious she is a very sick puppy.

    How would you like to have her for a doctor? ROFL

    Seriously, thank you for the info. I need as much spiritual info and nurturing I can get these days.

  24. Olive oyl, the ONLY thing wop sided around here is that nappy a$$ mop on your head, masquerading as a fro, lol!!!

  25. Hey hey hey sistas, let's call a truce. No blah on blah violence up in hurr!

  26. America is a big country with many policemen out trolling. Certain police forces have been beating down people for a long time. They knew/know they can operate with impunity because - "who is going to believe a Blackman".

    Again, I write from first hand knowledge".

    1. Anonymous11:21 PM

      I'm white and I've been seriously smacked around by the cops. So what? Should I go burn down some Asian businesses? Should I go and loot a pharmacy and then burn it down? How about beating up some bystanders?

      Why don't you go fill out a hurt feelings report and call it a day.

  27. Pluto ahahahaaa10:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    FP, thank you for those links, it is much appreciated. I need to be aware of those things and you make it possible.

    Seriously, thank you for the info. I need as much spiritual info and nurturing I can get these days.

    8:13 PM


    Hun if that's where you're getting your spiritual info and nurturing, you is dead in da water !!!


    @Yisheng: Olive oyl!!!Aaaahahahaha AAAAHHHAAHAHAHAHAAA!

    I'M SCREAMIN ROLLING ON THE FLOOR! I can hear Popeye now!!! "Oh Olive Oyl, come here Olive Oyl"

    AAAHAHAHAHAA! OMG! This is too rich! I'm loving it! xD

  28. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I agree with you 100% Black Panther 9:52 PM.

    Sad situation because they obviously do not have any orders to do otherwise. It just keeps on keeping on. Unfortunately. My brother in law was almost killed by a policeman when they began a serious crackdown on POC's in the early 80's. And he was a serious, hardworking young man at the time. Only brown...

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson10:47 PM

    LOL, LOL, LOL...

    Such may there craps be.


  30. @Pilot X-

    i can appreciate you. however, you need to check your girl.

    it is she that likes to gas herself up to try to come for me...

    while posting only teachable moments of how to spot a useful idiot.

    for example:

    kiss my size 8 wop bodied A!

    (though NO one was talking to her nor asked how big her wop bottom was when she volunteered the go find your husband TMI.)

    spews racist stereotypes nonstop!

    (against Blacks and Whites)




    i got 700 degrees!


    i have asked nicely that she raise up + find her some business. have employed the IGNORE tactic, too, yet she persists.

    so i don't own this.

    + only one of US is Blessed Black. folk that think wooley haired + nappy = bad...

    when Messiah + Yah Almighty possess that flow according to what is written...

    can they kick it on the Righteous Blessed Black tip?

    no they can't.

    i prefer to focus on all their mingledness + mixture they like to shout about and politely invite them out and on where ever they can be respectfully. see i never bought the racist one drop, force them on Black folk business.

    the next wave of these self hating mentally shackled slaves look to be chinese speaking from all signs.

    sad part:

    these souls won't even know that even the 1st Chinese were Black. as they kiss behind + co sign many many many lies to have a few extra dimes..

    house negroes as Malcolm X called them.

    Malcolm X who ALSO back in the day broke down police brutality + the police state. all the brand new...

    i just can't get with it.

    truth be told, i am not even mad at mpd. i think she is funny in a sad type of arrested development,insecure,HE PUT A RING ON IT!,way...

    she even disses Yah Almighty to get at me so what can i really say? i do PRAY for her. but i won't PLAY with her and somebody needs to get her back in her chicken coop. she is doing entirely too clucking much.


    @8:13pm-started to post my thoughts, then took them off the thread.

    thought instead to post other folk telling the undeniable Truth about who we are.

    and yes, 'ole girl STAYS on one, as it relates to me. not sure what the fixation is about, i just pray she works it on out.

    lastly @4:16pm- yes, i think it is cute + Truth to call things what they are. there are spirits that can only be described as demonic on the thread. far be it from me not to call it.

    now if you and mpd would chat amongst yourselves, and leave me out of it, that would be great. i don't come over here and pick fights with folk. nor will i quietly tolerate folk needlessly coming for me disrespectfully. i don't know White Jesus and that is what he seems to teach Black folk...

    thank you kindly in advance.

    Blessings all!

  31. Lt. Commander Johnson11:18 PM

    Who blew away "brutha" Malcom X" with a sawed-off shotgun and various other weapons, Focused?

    And yes, the "cultured" part wasn't an error in spelling, as our esteemed " 120 degrees" elite Queen seems to represent itself.

  32. Demon Slayer11:23 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    yes, i think it is cute + Truth to call things what they are. there are spirits that can only be described as demonic on the thread.

    11:01 PM


    Such as you, can't take the demon out yo mouth!

    You sleep with demons, you are possessed by demons, you eat, breathe, sleep demons, they are in your demonic home, demonizing you!

    As you show on this blog with your demonic commentary.

    You scary, hairy...Ahahahahaha!

    you're a scary, hairy skinny, flat azzed demon! Not a pretty sight! At all!

  33. LCJ @11:18PM-

    there has ALWAYS been hell to pay for telling the Truth.

    THIS is why so many cowering Blacks AND Whites, refuse to do it.

    Malcolm X decided to shine light on folks' adulterous, pedophile flavored get down with teen girls.

    Standing for Truth and what is Right has ALWAYS cost folk their lives.

    financial well being.

    place in history.

    it is high time for ALL Righteous folk of ALL hues to get with the Truth, though.

    someone said that WM have no problem with the police in the police state. take another look @ Bundy Ranch. these demons sold that man's stuff to the chinese and violated all types of rights. but keep focusing on color...

    then check the government stats on how many white folk don't walk away from being detained by militarized police officers that are israeli trained.

    seems to me that folk are being played, ALL day...

    @11:23pm- did you type that, hissing out loud, in the little possessed poltergeist girl voice? lol.

    tell US why you mad, son?!


    ps. i rebuke you in the Mighty Name of Yahushua Messiah aka Jesus Christ around the world. i bind you and your curses, with a double permanent fix, and cast you back to the pit of hell.

    Heavenly Father, may the whole host of heaven give me some heavenly dap on that, in Messiah's Name.

    and so it is.


    rhymes with dip stick:)

    cast your demonic spells elsewhere. they won't land here, homie, as it is written.

    the ONLY fact in your demonic curse hissing/hopping mad + wishing rant= scary.

    darn skippy devils best be scared. i walk in the Power of Almighty Most High thanks and praise to Messiah!

    + i know it!

    now fall back...

    + giggle incessantly over the elementary, while waiting for mpd...


  34. Anonymous1:32 AM

    "And yes, the "cultured" part wasn't an error in spelling, as our esteemed " 120 degrees" elite Queen seems to represent itself."

    11:18 PM
    I like the "120 degrees" label. It suits her.

  35. PoopAvenger1:52 AM

    Damn, Lt. Commander Johnson. I feel sorry for all the little boys you molest on a daily basis.

  36. Lt. Commander Johnson2:12 AM

    And...just why would you possibly suppose I would molest little boys....Mr. "POOP AVENGER"?

    Maybe projection?


  38. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Yīshēng said...

    Olive oyl, the ONLY thing wop sided around here is that nappy a$$ mop on your head, masquerading as a fro, lol!!!

    This thing Yisheng is what is wrong with Blacks.

    Nothing but a Quasi-literate Ghetto Hoodrat Hoochie Mama.

    Imagine having "umpteen" degrees and still being a lowlife. Maybe those degrees that I paid for aren't worth a damn, when given to an affirmative action semi brain dead negress.

  39. PX, I agree with your words about the truce, IF I had beef with another Black person here. But any Whuteemoo washed negress disloyal enough to side with a Whuteemoo as Olive Oyl has done here NUMEROUS times, doesn't get a moratorium on my words from me.

  40. Yīshēng's Weave8:40 AM

    Yīshēng once again shows us what a racist hoodrat she be.

    Yīshēng is a modern day slave catcher who catches Negros who dare leave the democrat plantation or dares to speak truth to massa...

  41. Lt. Commander Johnson9:32 AM

    Pilot X....I've not had time to digest all the posts on this thread, but, I would suggest you, and all the others read this:

    You can Google, and find much, much more.

  42. Lt. Commander Johnson9:41 AM

    I tried to be civil to the Yisheng, formally known as Queen Nigger Slut, but...sometimes reasoning just doesn't work.

    Strange Fruit, does however, seem to work just fine, in the agricultural sense.

  43. @9:41, you fight like a little girl, MAN UP DUDE!!!!


  44. And make up your pea brained mind, do you want to be a fake military officer or assnon AKA $hitead?

  45. i am with Yah Almighty.

    i side with His Spirit and Truth.

    full stop.

    folk with His Spirit and Truth are alright by me, as it is written and should be.

    folk need to know that even as a small child i cared not for peer pressure of folk trying to tell me what i should think, believe and say.

    as per usual the same chicken clucks out projections/lies. i don't choose White nor Black sides. i Stand for Truth and BOTH sides struggle with telling it, frankly.

    the low brow bickering i am not in...

    CLEARLY keeping up non productive foolishness is an area of one of the many many many degrees...

    Blessings all!

  46. Amen FP. Don't travel the sewers with the hoodrats. The smell never leaves you..

  47. Lt. Commander Johnson3:38 PM

    Yeah. You, on the other hand, are an ignorant negress, full of white tax-paying degrees...which you never seem to bother to mention, just WHAT those great degrees are..or, pull your panties down, show us your ugly, hairy ass, and give us de proof.

    You won't do it. You'll make some half-assed negro excuse.

    You talk big, but I'll bet the biggest thing you know is the pecker from your "whatever" husband..(of course, it might also be a strap-on dildo from your white bitch)

  48. Guess you choose $hithead.


    BTW Olive Oyl, you have NO IDEA how easy it is to CONTINUIOUSLY ignore your blabbering.

    Especially when I need to research newly discovered biomarkers for pancreatic cancer for my newest project.


  49. Lt. Commander Johnson5:27 PM

    Well, once again, we do not see the "Yisheng", Queen Bitch as once known, to list her voluminous degrees.

    But, the crack whore can still BWWAHHAHA and BLOOP, with the rest of the yard apes.

  50. @5:27, proof that "gender reassignment" REALLY works!!!!



    BLOOP ta da BLOOP!!!

    Bloop tu dee BLOOP, BLOOP, BLOOP!!!




  51. Lt. Commander Johnson6:05 PM

    Uh huh...still no recognition...(use a dictionary, preferably not an African one, since I don't think such a book exists), You are truly ain't in it. The fact they let you wash the Petri dishes, does not mean you're shit. Well, I apologize. You are shit.

    Once again..and again...LIST YOUR QUALIFICATIONS & DEGREES.!!

  52. Anonymous6:16 PM

    FP, "there has ALWAYS been hell to pay for telling the Truth.

    THIS is why so many cowering Blacks AND Whites, refuse to do it."

    Dear FP, you are so right about Truth and Lies. It seems to me that people won't do right because they are afraid to and will be ostracized from mostly everybody.

    So, what is the point of telling the truth IF you are going to end up either being alone or shot dead like MalcolmX, MLK or Gandhi? Or worse, nailed to the Cross like Christ?

  53. Lt. Commander Johnson6:19 PM

    I tried you show you this, a thread or two ago.

    You dumbasses need to educate yourselves:

  54. @6:19,



    2) LIST YOUR "CAREER"!!!








    Answer key:
    3)Never married, single sex marriage not allowed in my state.
    4)$hithole, Mississippi.
    5) 25 meth addicted, one tooth hos.
    6)Zero, sperm + sperm = give me an HIV test.
    7)1982 Yugo.
    8)50 year old trailer on 2 wheels and 2 blocks.
    9)$100,000, hos make a LOT of money for me.


  55. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Yisheng is a 55 year old child who never finished school. She can't list her degrees that she brags so much about because she doesn't have any.

  56. 1619-20198:49 PM

    Probable cause is the handle for the faucet that controls the school to prison pipeline, halts the flow of meaningful opportunities and deletes any semblance of justice in impoverished communities.

    Real police do real police work, the rest are just thugs with badges.

  57. Happy Malcolm X day!

  58. Hey johnson, sis you ever tell us what you did for a living?

  59. @ PX, see #2 on my earlier post, ROTFL!!!

  60. 1619-20199:08 PM

    Thanks for holding me up. May I call you Captain?

    Happy 90th Birthday to Malcolm X

  61. PoopAvenger9:18 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson takes it up the ass from the neighborhood cat lady's strap-on dildo.

  62. "@ PX, see #2 on my earlier post, ROTFL!!!"

    Nah Doc, you give that goof way too much credit. Johnson doesn't come across as a guy who could finish a GED program nor afford a Yugo. I know it's sad but we need to have pity on the not so bright and unfortunate.

    1. Anonymous11:34 PM

      Ya that's kind of how whites view blacks. Pity for the not so bright and unfortunate and unevolved black. I think that what pisses of blacks the most about White people isn't that we hold them in low regard or are racist or whatever, it's that other than the NFL and NBA the vast majority of whites have NO regard for blacks.

      We just don't care about blacks at all. In any way. Most whites don't spare a thought in their day for the black population. And like every petulant child the world over when mom and daddy aren't paying enough attention they scream and yell and cause a scene.

      To the black community: Get your own damn house in order and lift yourselves up out of the muck. Maybe then the other races in this country might start giving a damn.

  63. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Dear Mr. Field,

    I regret to inform you that your claim pertaining to injuries caused by your Transvaginalmesh does not meet the criteria for inclusion in the ongoing class action litigation being pursued by my firm against Proctor and Anus, Inc. The reason for this denial is due to lack of sufficient medical evidence.

    Specifically, the comparative medical scans you provided showing your vagina before and after the procedure show no significant change. In fact, your vagina was quite large before the placement of the transvaginal device.

    If you feel this finding is in error, you may appeal in writing within seven business day. Please direct all calls to:



    Swifty the Bookkeeper

  64. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    @5:27, proof that "gender reassignment" REALLY works!!!!



    BLOOP ta da BLOOP!!!

    Bloop tu dee BLOOP, BLOOP, BLOOP!!!




    Here is all the evidence of black dysfunction that will ever be needed.

    The Bell Curve is real. Genetically this one has the mind of a White 11 year old.

  65. Teh stupid10:21 PM

    The Bell Curve is real. Genetically this one has the mind of a White 11 year old.
    The Bell Curve is bullshit. The ignorant white posters here prove this. Bill is the leading intellect of this group.

    1. Anonymous11:47 PM

      Come on guys! We all know that Bell Curve examples are only acceptable when talking about how Jews and Asians score higher than Whites. It be rayciss when used to show that Blacks are at the bottom in pretty much every way.

      Hands down the least intelligent race on the planet. Where is the black Taj Mahal? Coliseum? Great Wall? Machu Pichu? Where are the black Sun Tsu? Shakespeare? Aristotle?

      What are the historical black achievements? Where are they? Why are there no great black science fiction writers? Fantasy writers (Game of Thrones)? Are there black writers that write about something other than race. Where are the black comedians that have acts centered around something other than race?

      Other than to bitch and moan about slights and injustices and catch a football or bounce a ball what do Blacks contribute to the wider culture?

      Sports, whining and music is all black culture produce. I feel sorry for blacks to be honest. To have no interests outside of what black culture tells you what to like must be exhausting. And boring. Just a boring and unintelligent race all around.

  66. I think one of $hithead's hos urinated in the cornflakes of the Whuteemoos, there's NO Whuteemoo sense of humor in this thread!!!

    1. Anonymous11:54 PM

      How many clicks and whistles does it take to translate Whuteemoo into whatever form of communication your ancestors used?

      She boons like you make me laugh. I really only come here to observe you come unglued. I think you have stopped taking your meds recently, don't start taking them though I love the performance you are putting on.

      And for the record I'm pretty sure you are a big fat progressive white dyke masquerading as a black woman.

  67. @KC-

    hi! hope you are well!

    question: ever notice that it is only a problem for me not to hate you because you are white? or hold different views that i do,on some topics?

    when you and Lilac are civil, after you have royally plucked the resident chicken, there is not a cross word spoken/typed. right? lol.

    funny that.

    noted this before.

    some of US are not threatened to death of different views and are capable of being civil/civilized even in disagreement. it is a byproduct of being secure in who we are and what we were created to be.


    take a look at your list and please see it is not bad company in which to be.

    i would rather Stand solo, righteously, than be in the company of many cowards. never had a herd mentality. but that is just me. the narrow path is not a crowded one, as it is written. i am more than ok and Grateful for this fact.

    Blessings all!

  68. No one is threatened by different viewpoints just tired of racist whites contaminating any and all blah sites with racist/ignorant stereotypes. It gets old after a while.

  69. It's actually quite sad we're raising kids in a time when there's still so much anti-blah racism. Excuse me if I'm not very cordial or accepting of such.

    1. Anonymous11:56 PM

      Well whites/Hispanics and I would imagine all the asian business owners in Baltimore would say that we are not very cordial or accepting of the astronomical crime rates black males are responsible for.

      Sorry. Not sorry.

  70. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Field's daily routine...

    1. Wake up
    2. Kiss a picture of Al Sharpton
    3. Kneel and pray to Malcom X
    4. Jack it good
    5. Eat a fried breakfast
    6. Jack it good again
    7. Sponge bath
    8. Head out in his Mercedes for another day suffering under the unrelenting oppression of the White Man while lamenting his very guilt-ridden and profitable existence and blaming that on the original, long dead white men who brought his ancestors to South Carolina to boils peanuts and plow the fields and then free them and make them successful and then have the audacity to continue to be white and live in America which should rightfully belong to black people including the CVS's which they may burn at will with impunity.
    9. Blog
    10. Jack it, then cry.

  71. @PX-

    IF a white person made this statement:

    "... nappy a$$ mop on your head..."

    you would immediately recognize + cry "racism"..

    this same one will add watermelon derogatory references, like it is anything less than a miracle food + full lip hateful references, too.

    while feening for the Love of white folk, many Black folk ROUTINELY overlook white supremacy/racism perpetrated by other Black folk.

    white supremacy/racism= bottomline for Black on Black crime. white supremacy outsourced for free. but SSSSHHHH! let's focus on and talk about...

    white folk.

    it is the Love of hypocrisy/lies that finds Black folk (blah as you disrespectfully call US) routinely looking the other way.

    while demanding that white folk cop to their hypocrisy/lies.

    say what, now?

    as Malcolm X asked, WHO taught folk to hate the texture of their hair?

    we ALL know the answer.

    what i want to know is WHY so many of US- to this day, even on this thread- embrace this self loathing madness?

    that said, i am MOST Grateful that i Love the skin i am in and the hair texture that naturally grows from my head:)

    happy Malcolm X bday indeed.

    take it to the archives, that his words/legacy might be alive. listen as he addresses police brutality + some mo'. while folk make post after post acting all brand new.

    "educational series"...WHERE have folk been?

    THINK about it. + listen to 37:49 mark for possible clues...

    Blessings all!

  72. "8. Head out in his Mercedes..."

    Field is an Audi guy.

  73. Anonymous3:21 AM


    Do you have a minute? I'd like to speak to you about Jesus Christ. I wish you'd make him your personal Lord and Saviour. Yes, sir. He done paid the price. Your sins nailed him to the cross and he took them on himself because he loves you. Bow your head and pray this prayer with me... And you will be saved.

    Oh Jesus. I am a pussy-eating sinner. I knows it. But I want off of this sin train of orality. Come into my heart and forgive my pussifornicative ways. I believe you have forgiven me and the profanity of my tongue. I promise not to go down on anyone again. A-holy-men.

  74. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I have elected to read the shit on this page strictly for the hilarity of the words; there may be other blogs that are more fucked up, etc., but there is something utterly captivating―something transcendent―about how warped this one is. Also, I think it can be refreshing to put aside all other criteria and simply contemplate the shit most likely to be a joy to me as long as this shit is up and stupidity endures. It really is entertaining and reinforces all racial stereotypes of every kind.

  75. Making it plain is back in the house:)!!!

    And today I want to extend my apologies to anyone "ANYONE" whom I have offended in the past with my comments about the life they live, or want to live, OR /and about the race they may want to be or are.

    You know who you are. I am not naming anyone

    Now on to my thoughts:

    Field, it is a good thing to be residing back in DC/Md I am working in Balt lately trying to make sense of this dilemna YES! I love this place..And it even more of a blessing to still be able to fight the good fight. And to do it with integrity.

    Back to your question:

    No, my young brother Does being black give the police "probable cause" to stop you?
    The key word is "JUST" which is fair, even, unbiased and objective. So taking those words and examining them and noting that they all mean the same thing what then is the real agenda?

    IMO Field I ask are EGO FEAR, GUILT, HATE, and control some of the key reasons police stop Afrikan men on a daily basis?.
    Having asked that, these stops often end in the ultimate loss..So another question becomes "Is death the final plan? Suffice that, if it is, where do we as a people ALL* people go from here?

    The idea that stopping Afrikans or anyone at random is so odious and inane that it makes me wonder how some came to the leadership of PDpts?

    Now, it one wants to wrap my analysis up into one pkg and call it RACISM so be it However, there has to me more involved in such irrational thinking as it relates, to stops?

    Field, I feel good about this subject and would be willing to dialouge more, while offering another view

    Speak now or 4ever hold your peace



    Making it plain Field??

  77. "3:21 AM

    Do you have a minute?"

    no, i don't...

  78. Lt. Commander Johnson6:44 AM

    Whatever the fuck is a "Whuteemoo ", I still don't udderstand...(yes, I purposely misspelled that).

    You've been reading too much "Afrocentric Crap", I suppose you got the Jayne Mansfield crap from the same source.

    Hey....with all the time you spend upon this blog...when exactly do you WORK? know, the janitorial degrees must go on.

  79. Anonymous7:04 AM

    FP, "it is the Love of hypocrisy/lies that finds Black folk (blah as you disrespectfully call US) routinely looking the other way.

    while demanding that white folk cop to their hypocrisy/lies."

    It is refreshing to find another Black person who is offended by the word 'blah'. It follows the offensive word 'nigger' that was derogatory toward the black race.

    Even though both words were meant to demean and degrade and dehumanize, some of us join in sympathy with the Whites against us.

    PilotX is a "classic" example of a Stephen without any respect or love for his people. Since the vicious dehumanizing label of 'blah' by a racist politician, PX has adopted it and has done more damage with that word as the word 'nigger' has.

    Of course, it's probably just another term of endearment by him.

  80. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Yīshēng said...

    I think one of $hithead's hos urinated in the cornflakes of the Whuteemoos, there's NO Whuteemoo sense of humor in this thread!!!

    As if any more evidence was needed in highlighting the differences in black vs. white IQ

    he average African adult has about the same IQ as an average white 11-year-old and African Americans (who are partly white in ancestry) average out at a mental age of 14.

    The American Psychological Association is generally left-leaning but it is the world's most prestigious body of academic psychologists. And even they have had to concede that sort of gap (one SD) in black vs. white average IQ. 11-year olds can do a lot of things but they also have their limits and there are times when such limits need to be allowed for.

  81. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    "Whatever the fuck is a "Whuteemoo ", I still don't udderstand...(yes, I purposely misspelled that).

    You've been reading too much "Afrocentric Crap", I suppose you got the Jayne Mansfield crap from the same source."

    You're not alone. Between Yisheng and PX they should publish their Black and White dictionary of new racist terms. LOL

  82. Anonymous7:19 AM

    The American Psychological Association is generally left-leaning but it is the world's most prestigious body of academic psychologists. And even they have had to concede that sort of gap (one SD) in black vs. white average IQ. 11-year olds can do a lot of things but they also have their limits and there are times when such limits need to be allowed for.

    7:07 AM
    Yes, Yisheng made that comment obviously from reading the APA. Being in the health field she is aware of lower black IQs. That's WHY she made the comment.

    It's quite pathetic. She demonstrates the low IQ in her comment. How high of an IQ do you have to have before recognizing that you are degrading yourself? Clearly Yisheng is not there quite there yet.

  83. Go Pack Go11:55 AM

    Most black people I've encountered in life have been fairly racist.

  84. FP, there have been much worse verbage from the white racists. I notice the attacks on some blahs are reserved for those who cozy up with the racist whites here. Shrug. We need to get along and maybe if we don't enable and encourage the greyboy abuse they might one day go away.

  85. Lucifer wants you5:24 PM

    focusedpurpose said...


    when you and Lilac

    12:52 AM


    Why cant you forget about Lilac? Just do your own thing.

  86. Anon@11:47, just lost his black girlfriend. :(

  87. Anonymous7:23 PM

    A "policeman" is nothing but a white man in one of his zillion uniforms of authority. Nothing but White Power until one of those horrendous tornadoes hits town and makes human bird transformations sans the wings.

  88. "Hands down the least intelligent race on the planet. Where is the black Taj Mahal? Coliseum? Great Wall? Machu Pichu? Where are the black Sun Tsu? Shakespeare? Aristotle?"

    I think you may be confusing slightly the genetic capacity for intelligence versus the advantageous nature of climate per evolutionary circumstance.

    Sub-Saharan African evolution didn't need to take any path past a tribal nature. They didn't need to build walls against invading hordes. They didn't need to erect gigantic monuments to pay homage to invented deities. This isn't necessarily anything to do with intelligence; the correlation isn't linked to any causation necessarily. It's more to do with what was advantageous for a tribe.

    If you were a citizen in Greece, it may be advantageous to contribute to waterways and roads and joining the service and this and that. Whereas if you were a tribesman in Africa, it would be more advantageous to sharpen your spear for hunting and learning how to successfully take more from weaker tribes.

    I think there are disadvantages to this line of evolution in modern society. Genes for cooperation never had to proliferate. But that's far less to do with intelligence and more to do with living as the environment dictated.

    After all, we all hail from that same area. However, after venturing out, other things became advantageous for survival: Building cities, mastering agriculture, etc.

    Those who focus on only IQ are missing what we all are as apes and the different roads taken to arrive at the same destination. We are, by and large, what our nature dictates we are. But any intelligence gap would be so slight that a lower IQ--considering even the lowest is leaps and abounds above our ape cousins--wouldn't by itself stunt growth. No need in an environment to initiate such expansion is more likely the reason.

  89. Making it plain Thanks to all who sent an Email.. I c that I am still easy to find

    Back to getting away with murder, its as much as being in the DNA of some as in the perception and the fear some ladies in blue hold concerning their fear of the Afrikan man..Many euro pee ons still believe that they are supreme, and now that they are no the major society fear is rampart.. It has been said that the pee on will be a minority by 2044-2055 and that very thought is driving some insane..and even to the point of trying to CATCH UP? My people (Yup all of you) look at why and how the US was sent to 2-3 wars and the peoples whom the US terrorized ostracized lied to hoodwinked and bamboozled and ask yourselves WHY?

    Is it pent up anger, penis, envy fear, or just plain old HATE that allows for man to go from defending??? his country to murdering his countrymen without a second thought? The DSMO still has no exact reason What say you?

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it. -Malcolm X

    Show some respect to the MAN and wear proud his shirt in the name of justice and freedom.(click here) >> MALCOLM X SHIT
