Saturday, May 23, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.


  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    At least we are still allowed to choke white criminals!

  2. "What do you think you're doing? Can't you see that I'm white?"

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Make it look good so those N-word won't complain about cops treating Whites better than them.

  4. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Hey, guys, calm down! I'm not a racist-nationalist thug, just a football hooligan! There's a difference!

    (Okay, there really isn't. I should probably find a better hobby than beating up people of other ethnic backgrounds.)

  5. Don't they have a shower in your trailer park?

  6. OT attended the Memorial Day fly-in at Tuskegee Saturday. Real good time, the museum is awesome and several kids got to punch holes in the sky.

  7. Paxton2:25 AM

    I wonder what the J-O-S-H thinks. Haha, I'm just kidding. I don't give a fuck what that douche thinks.

  8. "Where'd the black guy go?"

  9. Anonymous3:52 AM

    dinthebeast said...
    "What do you think you're doing? Can't you see that I'm white?"

    -Doug in Oakland

    Doug isn't white.

  10. 1619-20197:47 AM

    "Thug arrested for selling loose brats"

  11. Hey, I don't even know this dance and already he's trying to cut in.

  12. These just keep getting better. :)

  13. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Officer one:
    Take it easy on the kid, they're just having a little fun and 'sowing their wild oats'

    Officer two:
    What with stones, knives, bottles and chair throwing??

    Officer one: A course! That's how white's 'sow their wild oats'

    1. Hat's off to Lila: That's quite a knee-slapper :-)

  14. Manifest Density 1619-201912:58 PM

    From the Police Brutality collection here's Kent Breef modeling the classic "choke hold"

  15. Manifest Density 1619-20191:09 PM

    Hans Offenmee detained by riot police after soccer match.

  16. Manifest Density1:14 PM

    Storm troopers are forced to use force and "the Force" (Pictured right)to subdue Herr Hans Offamee during riot.

  17. Cor blimey, mate!! Shoulda been a Texas "biker..."

  18. "Zum letzten Mal Fritz , es ist nicht die Schuld Angela Merkel , dass Griechenland sich nicht leisten können , um Sie aus dem Rücken wieder geben dem Hemd.!"

  19. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    Hat's off to Lila: That's quite a knee-slapper :-)

    "Special" humor, I guess.

  20. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Retardo Montalban said...

    "Special" humor, I guess.

    2:51 PM


    Let me explain it to you "Retardo"!

    At a ball park in white land,the occurrence of riot fighting,knifing, bat slinging, cranium bashing, drunken chair smashing et al., is considered by the law as just white people "having a good ole time" and the younger ones just "sowing their wild oats"
    Officers just show up and more or less tell them to "break it up Bubba, and go to go on home and sleep it off!" He,he, these young kids hehehe! Sumthing else aren't they hehehe!

    In Black land with these same happenings, these same officers would show up again,and more or less, mace, tazer, shoot to kill, as many people as they could.

    That's the difference. But you are right Retardo, it is a special kind of humor! and actually not very funny, actually, kind of sad actually, in the grander scheme of things on God's good earth!

  21. Yep, that's really how it is, Lilac. White sporting events are characterized by riotous knife fighting and baseball bat bashing that is condoned by local authorities as 'normal' white behavior.

    Really, it is.

    Blacks however are held to a much higher standard of behavior, and events attended by black crowds are well-mannered and polite, lest law enforcement be given an excuse to abuse those engaged in some good-old fashioned tomfoolery.

    You really do have a "special" take on things. Bravo.

  22. Anonymous4:46 PM

    No doubt Field really is descended from field workers. But if he ever invites you to his bedroom window to see his "south 40," run!

  23. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Rickey Retardo said...

    You really do have a "special" take on things. Bravo.

    4:26 PM

    Well, thank you! and how 'special'of you to recognize it ;D and while I would like to take full credit for that "special take on things"

    I can't because actually it's what happens all the time, and more and more with each passing day! As I'm sure you'll agree! :)

    But while white ballparks are torn apart with attendees heads bashed in and noses bloodied, and even players sometimes getting a bottle to the head! It's just some "good old fashioned tomfoolery fun" as you so aptly put it!

    While any Black people maybe even, oh let's say drag racing for example, will be shot and killed and deemed as "running from the police" Hehehe! Who really just wanted to ask them some "questions" Special right?

    Reeeal special!

  24. md1619-20194:54 PM

    Officer Johan B. Hinderbach cautions his partner about illegal choke technique


  25. "Another English sports fan feels the choking pain of his fav team."

  26. Manifest Density 1619-20198:49 PM

    Euro's don't just abuse "POC," when no one else is around, they abuse each other, too!

  27. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Who's the dumb ass on here who can only speak German?

  28. Black culture = rioting and looting:

  29. The gestalt has completed its 180-degree shift from the Bad Old Days before the civil rights movement legitimized political violence. Now the standard lament is that violence is ineffective and, yeah, unfortunate. A blatant lie--it's effectiveness is counted on--as well as a moral obscenity. The thought of violent authority still repulses the average citizen, but no one is turning fire hoses on peaceful protesters anymore. That's why the civil rights movement has turned to crime, so to speak, adapting such as Freddy Grey to the role of martyred freedom rider.

    Once the movement had to provoke violence from authorities. The violent response of authorities, it seemed at the time, exposed them for what the movement said they were. But now the violence of black rioters exposes them, for what the old segregationists said they were. What goes around actually does sometimes come around. If only we were allowed to pay attention, maybe we could do something about it.

    Another relic of the Sixties works against us: the assumption black rioting and anger, no matter how far out of hand it might get, originates in legitimate grievance. But what if there is no legitimate grievance, just the anger and frustration of ill-informed, intolerant people worked into a lather by demagogues?

    The subject of civil rights is infantilized, and so is our thinking about it. We've romanticized the righteousness of black anger for so long we've come to take their anger as proof of their righteousness. The angrier the more righteous. Black people sense this and provide the tears and hollering. Black and white America are locked in an anger-condescension death spiral. I almost wish I was Chinese right now.

  30. Anonymous5:44 AM

    I wish u were chinese too, and in China.

  31. Quote Dale

    "The gestalt has completed its 180-degree shift from the Bad Old Days before the civil rights movement legitimized political violence."

    As a matter of interest, are you actually Dennis Dale or are you stealing his work without attribution?

    Oh and if you are Dennis Dale, you sir are a complete idiot. Political violence has always been legitimate. There can be no greater justification for violence than political change.

  32. What does it mean to be an American?

    I have been thinking about this a lot lately as the effects of a half century of "fundamental transformation" manifest themselves. Today seems like an appropriate day to ask you what you think is the most American value

    For me it is exemplified in the following:

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

    - From Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, August 28, 1963

    This is the most fundamental of American values: that each of us is created equal and that, through hard work and determination, we can rise above the circumstances of our birth.

    America is - or should be - a meritocracy, not an oligarchy. I think that's why so many of us chafe at the "ruling classes" in our government, media, business, and other segments of society. And it is, of course, why most of us rebel against the trend to "protected classes" who are demanding, not "protection" from discrimination, but special treatment.

    The social justice ideology teaches resentment and grows on the resulting hate. This system does not bring people together, rather we see things falling apart ever more rapidly. Divide and conquer has always been the most effective strategy for asserting control.

    Today remember all those who gave their lives in service of a country that valued liberty and equality before the law.

    Happy Memorial Day.

  33. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Dale said...
    "We've romanticized the righteousness of black anger for so long we've come to take their anger as proof of their righteousness. The angrier the more righteous. Black people sense this and provide the tears and hollering. Black and white America are locked in an anger-condescension death spiral."


  34. Lt. Commander Johnson1:10 AM

    Yes, PC, you are a big piece of cow shit.

    Now, before field has to bow his head Which reminds me of Kunta Kinte/ this REALLY a recent picture, or just one field dredges up from his Favorites?

    It would be much simpler if field would date these pic, wouldn't it? You agree?
