Friday, May 22, 2015

I wish James Brown was around so that I could thank him for his service.

Image result for james brown el paso imagesAs we draw close to Memorial Day, I would like to share a story about a veteran with you.

"Twenty-six-year-old James Brown served two tours in Iraq. He didn't make it two days in a Texas jail.

In 2012, Brown was arrested in El Paso, Texas, where he was living with his family while on active duty, and sentenced to two days in the El Paso County Detention Facility for a DWI.
According to KFOX14, when Brown self-reported to the jail, he told the intake officer that he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Once in custody, he called his mom.

He said, 'They're trying to make me stay seven days instead of two days, so I just want to pay the court fine and get out of here,'" Dinette Robinson-Scott said. Brown asked his mother if she would pay the fine to get him released. She paid the money the next day and learned that overnight, her son had died.

"When a 26-year-old man checks into jail for a court-imposed sentence on a Friday, and he leaves Sunday in a casket, something went horribly wrong there," one of the Brown family attorneys, B.J. Crow, told the news station.
After a hard-fought battle to have video footage released of the incident that Brown's family believes led to his death, KFOX14 learned that during Brown's stay, several guards detained him and did not order medical attention even though Brown can be heard throughout the recording saying that he can't breathe. At one point, Brown can be heard yelling, "I'm choking on my blood."

According to KFOX14, at some point during his incarceration, Brown had an "episode in his cell that caused him to bleed." The footage does not show how Brown began bleeding or how the blood got onto the walls of his one-person cell, but officers can be seen asking Brown questions. Brown refuses to answer, and guards in riot gear enter the cell and force Brown to the ground. As many as five guards can be seen on top of Brown, who appears to be flat on the ground. At no point during the footage does Brown appear to be resisting the officers, but he can be heard yelling, "I can't breathe."Throughout the recording, Brown appears to be losing consciousness. At one point, he begs guards to remove the spit guard they have placed over his mouth. At another point, he begs officers for water. He is given half a Dixie cup.

KFOX14 notes that, "By the end of the clip, Brown's physical condition appears to deteriorate, showing shallow breathing and no longer blinking or being responsive. Brown appears to no longer be capable of pleading for anything. Attorneys say at no time was an ambulance or 911 called for help."

After Brown is completely unresponsive, KFOX14 reports that Brown is taken to University Medical Center, where he is pronounced dead.

The official autopsy report lists "natural causes by sickle cell crisis," the news station notes.
"Mr. Brown's death was an unfortunate tragedy," El Paso County Sheriff Richard Wiles said in a statement viewed by KFOX14. "The sheriff's office has conducted a thorough review of the facts surrounding Mr. Brown's death and, based upon all the evidence obtained, determined that his death was caused by a pre-existing medical condition. The specific evidence cannot be discussed because of pending litigation."
Thee news station noted that Brown did not have a known history of sickle cell crisis and had never suffered an incident before, but added that sickle cell can stay dormant and be triggered by stress and dehydration". [Story and video here]

Hmmm, two tours in Iraq, and it took this incident to trigger a "sickle cell crisis".

Ok then.

Anyway, it should be interesting to see where this investigation takes us. I have my own thoughts on how this will go down. I mean El Paso is in Texas, right?


  1. El Paso

    The congressman is dumbocrat

    The mayor is a dumbocrat

    City council is full of dumbocrats.

    I'm seeing a pattern in all these examples FieldNegro keeps picking.

  2. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Name one thing Obama has done for blacks.

  3. Manifest Density12:05 AM

    When will America stop employing low status Europeons to serve in law enforcement positions where basic socialization skills and facial cognitive abilities are required? There is no room for this type of ineptitude any longer as we now know they are prone to be resistant to common sense and unable to process empathetic inputs.

  4. Anonymous12:39 AM

    "When will America stop employing low status Europeons to serve in law enforcement positions where basic socialization skills and facial cognitive abilities are required?"

    You might need to pay a bit better than a typical corrections officer earns if you want guards who are substantially smarter than pond scum.

    Police work pays a bit better, but is also really damn boring (unless you make detective), and that also sometimes deters smart people from applying.

    And as a matter of fact, I remember a story a while back about a guy who was actually turned away from a police job for being too bright. He sued, but the Supreme Court ruled this sort of discrimination was fine.

    Here's a quote from an article about it:

    Although it’s not widely known, federal courts have ruled since 2000 that police departments can legally opt to not hire someone simply because he or she scores too high on an intelligence test. The millenium ruling followed a lawsuit filed in 1999 by Connecticut resident Robert Jordan, who was told by the New London Police Department that they only interview candidates who score 20 to 27 points on an intelligence test.

    Jordan, a 48-year-old college graduate with a degree in literature, had scored 33 points when he took the Wonderlic Personnel Test in 1996, giving him an IQ of around 125.

  5. Anonymous12:43 AM

    This was tragic. The video from the jail is disturbing to watch.

    The guy complains about his deteriorating health about a million times but is ignored, presumably because the guards decided he was faking.

    He wasn't faking.

  6. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Also, not that it matters now to the poor dude who died, but how did he end up sentenced to only two days (!) in jail for a DWI?

    Texas' laws make no sense. They go over-punitive when it comes to murder, executing people right and left, but then a slap on the wrist for getting behind the wheel completely blotto?

    Shoot someone? Hang 'em high!

    Turn your car into a deadly weapon? Meh.

  7. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Well, I wonder what JOSH thinks of this besides saying "let the justice system" in El Paso do its job in a fair manner without 'prejudice'.

    And you wonder why Blacks in Baltimore riot?

    don't worry, Blacks in TX don't riot. In fact, they have no voice in racist to the core Texas.

  8. Lt. Commander Johnson1:46 AM

    As we were instructed, from a previous thread, the pictures and videos might NOT be from the actual event...(even field *bows his head* to this FACT)

    I'm sure the bastard had a rap sheet since he was 13 yrs. old

  9. Lt. Commander Johnson2:02 AM


    Manifest Density said...
    When will America stop employing low status Europeons to serve in law enforcement positions where basic socialization skills and facial cognitive abilities are required? There is no room for this type of ineptitude any longer as we now know they are prone to be resistant to common sense and unable to process empathetic inputs.

    12:05 AM

    "Low status Europeans"

    Now, that's a new one on me. What's a Low Status African called....President?

    If you think I need "facial skills," and you rush me with a knife, gun, or just your fists, you would be a dead man. Best eat your Skittles & Robitussin.

  10. El Paso is Mexican. This has nothing to do with America.

  11. "Name one thing Obama has done for blacks."

    He has irritated racists like you.

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson5:13 AM

    I think field, with his prestigious law skills, and money-gathering capabilities, should employ an independent Coroner to investigate this.

    As I've said before...I don't like or trust cops either.

  13. It may turn out differently because he was a veteran. Maybe.

  14. "Name one thing Obama has done for blacks."

    He has irritated racists like you.

    Ha! Spot on mate.

  15. Field, you know better than to throw in that snark about Texas. This kind of s*** happens in every state of the USA. "Othering" it just encourages residents of (name a state) to feel smug about themselves and pretend that the death of (name the most recent unarmed Black person to die in custody in that state) was an aberration, rather than the routine occurrence it is in Texas (Florida, Mississippi, whatever state someone feels like looking down on today).

  16. Manifest Density8:20 AM


    Let's not confuse low status with intelligence.

  17. Susan, u are right. It's just that Texas.....well, you know, it's Texas.

  18. PC@4:43. Dude keeps coming up with one classic line after another. :)

  19. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Thank you Susan for keeping it real in ALL of America. There is so much killing of bm by law enforcement across America that TX is late to the killing party.

    There won't be any consequences to those Texas cops. As is very common, it's always the bm's fault that he is dead.

    You see, Whites are always right because they don't make mistakes when it comes to killing Blacks. It's always justified, whether it's in NYC, Florida, Milwaukee, Minnesota, PA, or LA. The cops have a legal way out for murder.

  20. Manifest Density11:00 AM


    If it doesn't apply it shouldn't bother you.

  21. Viva Cruz1:28 PM

    field negro said...
    Susan, u are right. It's just that Texas.....well, you know, it's Texas

    Another place smug liberal Field has never been to and knows nothing about, but casually tars as racist because that's what smug liberals do.

  22. Ace Freely4:27 PM

    The case of James Brown is another sad but questionable story being used to advance the progressive false narrative of rampant, systematic police brutality against blacks in America. The truth doesn't matter in these tales. The only thing that does is that progressives can force the Fundamental Change they want.

    Societies change over time, I get that, and theoretically at least I have no problem with it. However that change should be an evolution, and not a devolution. That's what bothers me the most. None of these ideas trumpeted by the Left are new. They have all been tried before, and we know the result. Socialism does not lead to an egalitarian society, it produces a stratified one, with a little pocket of wealth and a whole lot of serfs. Jettisoning the rule of law for the rule of man doesn't result in prosperity, it results in poverty. Silencing freedom of speech creates intellectual stagnation. Forcing people to deny reality in favor of mandated, government approved “facts” gives a dysfunctional, paranoid population incapable of functioning as a greater whole. I can point to history, I can show where in the world today these policies are being implemented and the results. This isn't speculation, this isn't hypothesis, it is fact: cold, hard, demonstrable fact.

    Nobody cares. The fact that we live in an incredibly free and prosperous society, one unmatched by any in human history, why, of course it's the natural order of things. Things have been like this for their entire lives, there's no way life could be any different. Freedom and prosperity weren't created, they aren't the result of generations, no, millennia of human trial, effort, thought and debate, they just are.

    Thinking people know that that's not the case, and the inability of many on the left to recognize this is one of the things that is so frustrating when interacting with Progs. Their flat out denial that it's true is one of the few things that fill me with a full-blown rage. The really sad thing is that by the historical evolution of current society, if they are successful they will find themselves in a world antithetical to their own best interests.

  23. "Another place smug liberal Field has never been to and knows nothing about, but casually tars as racist because that's what smug liberals do."

    Actually wingnut, I spent a summer in Houston, Tx. as a 2L law student while clerking for Shell oil.

    Plus, I used to date a young lady from Dallas. I traveled there quite a lot.

    So there is that.

  24. "Thinking people know that that's not the case, and the inability of many on the left to recognize this is one of the things that is so frustrating when interacting with Progs"

    The term "thinking people" when referring to those on the right is an oxymoron.

  25. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Things are always the same here. Someone will post something like...

    "Does anyone here like to eat pussy?"

    Someone else will respond...

    "FP does." Or "Yinsheng is one."

    Then Field will quickly put up a picture he needs a caption for to change the subject.

    Nothing ever changes. It's the same old pattern, same old lines, over and over again.

  26. Anonymous6:30 PM

    "Another place smug liberal Field has never been to and knows nothing about, but casually tars as racist because that's what smug liberals do."

    I've lived in Texas and can relate from personal experience that it IS more racist than up North. I've never heard so many educated white people comfortable with saying the word "nigger" as I did down there.

    But you don't have to rely on anecdotal evidence. There is plenty of hard statistical evidence to corroborate that the South is still more racist than other parts of the country today. Surveys of white people have been done all over the country and the answers of Southerners are reliably more racist than those everywhere else.

    Here's just one graph of responses, asking questions like "Are interracial relationships okay?" or "Should black people push to go where they're not wanted?":

    There have been entire research studies done on the subject. (Old Times There Are Not Forgotten: Race and Partisan Realignment in the Contemporary South:

    Does this mean that there's no racism outside the South? No. The numbers don't show that and no one should believe that. There's still significant ongoing prejudice in the North and West of the country. And there's also the economic legacy of disastrous past urban policies of ghettoization to address, which would be an ongoing problem, even if racial prejudice no longer existed.

    I've dropped a link to Randy Newman in past comment sections, but here's another one. He wrote a song about this, about how liberals in other parts of the country shouldn't get too smug about bashing the South, because their part of the country still has its own problems.

    But all that said ... pointing out that racism exists elsewhere doesn't change the fact that the South is still worse.

  27. Anonymous7:54 PM

    "Should black people push to go where they're not wanted?"


    Should white people push to go where they're not wanted?


  28. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Actually wingnut, I spent a summer in Houston, Tx. as a 2L law student while clerking for Shell oil.

    Plus, I used to date a young lady from Dallas. I traveled there quite a lot.

    So there is that.

    Then you should know better.

  29. field negro said...
    Actually wingnut, I spent a summer in Houston, Tx. as a 2L law student while clerking for Shell oil.

    ONLY a dumba$$ would A$$ume you were talking badly about a state you'd never been to.

    But then your Whooteemoo trolls aren't even down's syndrome bright.

  30. "Well, I wonder what JOSH thinks of this..."

    WHY?!?!?!?! Holy fucking shit, dude; you're starting to seriously give me the creeps; like, legitimate, I-better-check-my-firewall creeps.

    This anon, #7,000-whatever, I'll assume is the same anon with whom I've been conversing for the last few posts, due his usage of all-caps "JOSH" to address me.

    With that, I ask: What the fuck is going on in your brain, young man? Do you want dick pics? Do you want I should write you a name-specific lullaby?

    Please, if I'm delivering offense here and the fact is that you're not looking to tea-bag my sack, by all means, set me straight. The thing is, I have no fucking idea why you run around this blog seeking my approval for your opinions.

    Enlighten me.

    I'm 35, and had you been born to me as a younger man, and you were a teenage boy attempting to make your way in the world, then I could see a little codependency forming and a reliance upon my say-so, gratitude, or at least acknowledgement to help you through the common rigors of life. That's what fathers are for, at least in small part. But being as that isn't the case, and you are no fruit of my loins, I'm left in a state of honest bewilderment as to your reasons for pursuing my opinion to join alongside your opinion like a flock of geese going through Field's cloudy skies.

    Do I need acknowledge people on Twitter are assholes for you to sleep well or perhaps even make a bowel movement absent distress?

    You don't need my approval, you twit; nor do you need to read what I write, and certainly you don't need to wonder what I'm thinking on an issue. When you show up at Field's, as all of us here obviously do, does all that manages to worm its way through your skull entail thoughts of my person and what I might think about issues? Are you not a free-born individual whose own agency should dictate what you feel and think about a myriad of life's situations, sticky, tricky or otherwise?

    Help me understand why in the fuck it is you follow me around this blog, tacking your disapproval on after my posts, seeking my approval and opinion on others, and just bringing out of the blue my name into a discussion which I've yet to even read fully.

    Even my buddy Purple Marxist isn't that fucking deranged to bellow and moan for my approval while simultaneously attempting to chastise me. Even he knows they're mutually exclusive.

    You're a special sort of stupid.

    But if you need to habitually seek my feelings on your opinions in order to voice them with your big-boy voice, so be it. Some guys like chicks to stomp on their junk. It takes all kinds...

  31. Anonymous10:32 PM

    STFU Josh. Grow a pair.

  32. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    field negro said...
    Actually wingnut, I spent a summer in Houston, Tx. as a 2L law student while clerking for Shell oil.

    ONLY a dumba$$ would A$$ume you were talking badly about a state you'd never been to.

    Not knowing anything about a topic never slows you down, except of course when it comes to progress on your hilarious attempt to become a doctor.

  33. Anonymous11:06 PM

    JOSH--"Please, if I'm delivering offense here and the fact is that you're not looking to tea-bag my sack, by all means, set me straight. The thing is, I have no fucking idea why you run around this blog seeking my approval for your opinions.

    Enlighten me."

    I'm just trying to make conversation with a man I thoroughly admire. You write and think better than anyone on this blog. I am taken by the fact that you are Italian, or at least partially Italian. That makes you unique and very knowledgeable.

    Here's the thing: I feel very good about you. I think you can help us grow and fit in with White America IF you are willing to help us?

    You have the words the writing skills and the courage of a lion. Will you help us? IF you agree, I promise I will convince Field to allow you to write a post for some of us who don't have a clue.

    How about it? What do you say, brother?

  34. Anonymous11:11 PM

    anon, "Not knowing anything about a topic never slows you down, except of course when it comes to progress on your hilarious attempt to become a doctor."

    10:36 PM
    I am surprised that you cannot recognize the brilliance of Yisheng. I mean, she has the high intelligence to be anyone she wants. I mean, she could have been a lawyer but chose the Medical field because LAW just wasn't challenging enough. Are you 'jealous' of Yisheng at an unconscious level?

  35. "How about it? What do you say, brother?"

    Anon, if I'm honest, I haven't the faintest idea what any of that actually means.

    Help you what, exactly? Pushing the premise that whites are evil and racism is a whites-only character trait?

    In terms of any unique prospective I may have, I'm not sure about that. I'm a white dude who grew up in abject poverty alongside black folks and a few other Asians and Latinos who, by and large, minded their own business and stuck together as if it were unconsciously a side effect of evolution and not anything to do with malice.

    I'm just an average dude. As to any courage one may perceive, I learned as a kid that, in 99% of all instances, the worst that's going to happen if you offend someone is that they're going to shout and play the tough guy card, never actually doing anything about it. So, I made it a decision when still a teenager to never live my life kowtowing to that 1% chance somebody'd be butthurt enough to actually go old west due to a difference of opinion. And that I hold people of all races in such esteem is far more than I can say for many black people here, who seem to have so little esteem for blacks that they dare me to say to a black person's face my opinions in the expectation that blacks are such animals that they cannot abide differing opinions and will murder dissenters. But that's another topic.

    As for anything Field may need convincing on, I'd urge him to start by stopping his insistence on creating a dichotomy amidst "black" with those sharing melanin X either being put on the field or kept indoors. I have no further opinion to offer Field save that, thus no need for a post. From what I can tell, he's not a totalitarian type progressive; he's not a crybaby Tumblrette who need create safe-space echo chambers and hug boxes for his opinions. So I got nothing much to say in a post really that can't be said in the above paragraph.

  36. @10:35, NOTHING is more hilarious than the idea that you'll EVER have a life without thoughts of ME, ROTFL!!!!

    I bet you think about me more than your own Mammy.

  37. Usually you get a day of credit for wen you are arrested 2 if you're held past midnight.
