Wednesday, May 20, 2015

When aberrations get violent.

Image result for waco bike  imagesHmmm, so they found more than a few weapons where these thugs good red blooded Americans were just blowing off some steam in Waco, Texas, the other day.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along. This is not like when you Negroes loot and burn your neighborhoods and take all the good stuff that "the man" put there for you to buy.

Some of you Negroes are upset because of the way the media chose to cover this little misunderstanding between those road hogs down in Texas. You think that they treated this like just another fight between a bunch of guys who had a little too much to drink.

Who knows?

I do know one thing: If nine people had been murdered during those "riots" in Baltimore, the Special Forces would have been in that bad boy kicking ass and taking names.

"One of the most distinct characteristics of white privilege is the privilege to be unique. When white people commit violent acts, they are treated as aberrations, slips described with adjectives that show they are unusual and in no way representative of the broader racial group to which they belong. 
In fact, in much of the coverage of the Waco shootings, the race of the gang members isn't even mentioned, although pictures of the aftermath show groups of white bikers being held by police. By comparison, the day after Freddie Gray died in the custody of police officers in Baltimore, not only did most coverage mention that Gray was black, but also included a quote from the deputy police commissioner noting Gray was arrested in "a high-crime area known to have high narcotic incidents," implicitly smearing Gray and the entire community."
Those bikers are not white, sir; they are aberrations. Remember that.


  1. I'm sure they'll soon spin thus to blame EVERYTHING on the Mexican bikers who were also there.

  2. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Awww Field , those are just young (and not so young...actually pretty damn old xD)whooteemoos sowing their wild oats!

    Fer crying out loud can some whooteemoos have a little fun???

    and did y'all see how how ever so gently the officers were leading them away? Awwww!

    Why, nobody even got tazed, choke held, beaten, punched in the stomach, nothing!!! Wow!

    And these gently held whooteemoos had just been involved in a gun battle where nine got killed???

    Nah! I don beeleef eet! Nevel!

    The cops would have definitely been more cautious where actual MURDERS are concerned! No???...No??????

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Actually the nine that were killed were killed by cops. The rest surrendered. They didn't pick a fight with the cops or try to run. They surrendered to the cops. Black criminals scum should take note instead of trying to win the ghetto lottery.

      Hey did you hear about how those nice peaceful protesters in Baltimore looted then burned down a liquor store? Those innocent little dindu nuffins started a fire that jumped onto the building next door and burnt it down. Unfortunately said house contained all the life saving equipment and medications that kept a little BLACK child alive.

      Now this mother(Gee I wonder where the father is) and her child have lost everything because some peaceful protesters needed to loot and burn down a local business (probably asian owned). Highly unlikely that business will ever reopen.

      Of course by not opening back up all the local groids will be able to whine and cry about how rayciss it is that businesses won't open back up in da hood.

      # onlysomeblacklivesmatter.
      # fuckthedisabledkidweneedbooze.
      # allboozematters.
      # canwegetsome40 'supinhere?.

  3. Go Pack Go11:45 PM

    Do blacks ever not complain?

  4. Anonymous11:54 PM

    "I do know one thing: If nine people had been murdered during those 'riots' in Baltimore, the Special Forces would have been in that bad boy kicking ass and taking names."

    Er, I'm not sure why the Special Forces would need to be called in. The local police seem to have gotten things under control. Hopefully, the biker battles won't escalate to the point we need to summon the military. (Although, you never know. This incident was pretty crazy.)

    And it seems kind of pointless to compare these guys to rioters. Outlaw bikers aren't just a disorganized mob of random people committing impulsive destruction of people and property. The motive for their violence is different.

    This is a gang war. These guys are gangbangers trying to eliminate their criminal business competitors. The media should refer to them as such.

  5. Anonymous12:02 AM

    My brothers and sisters, please stop comparing how the cops treat Whites vs Blacks. Why? Because there is NO comparison.

    Whites and Blacks are considered to be very different in American society. You should know that by now. I mean, everybody else does. Why can't you 'get it?' What are you, stupid? Wake up!

    Cops treat you differently because you ARE different. You come from a lineage of slaves and Jim Crow people. Whites don't.

    You have no power and you are poor and you are just not considered as human as white people.Now do you get it? More importantly, do you and can you accept the truth, the hard reality of it?

    If you can truly accept your position in America which is all around you, you can begin to do something about it.

    Until you accept the the truth you can't change anything.

    Those bikers were NOT Black and therefore would NOT be disrespected or brutalized or killed by the cops. THAT happens only to Blacks. WHY? Because we are considered animals, not human.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Oh blow it out your fucking ass. Fucking whining little bitch. Between 2009 and 2012, 61% of the people shot by cops were WHITE.


      That comes straight from Eric Holders department of justice.

      Oh and another thing you whining little tit, white people have been subjected to slavery many, many time throughout history. Try studying history a little bit you fucking twat. Stop acting like Blacks were subjected to slavery and no other race ever was.

  6. Anonymous12:17 AM

    This is the wm's country. He holds the power and can do whatever he wants without the media calling him a thug. Thugs are people who are powerless and look Negroes.

  7. WacoLivesMatterMaybe12:26 AM

    Not so fast. How many black people were killed by cops during the Ferguson and Baltimore riots combined?

    Why is there no video of bikers shooting each other in Waco? - titled "The Waco Police Massacre" - "The scuffle became a knife fight and several men were stabbed. When one of the combatants produced a gun the Swat team opened fire with automatic weapons. Multiple sources have told The Aging Rebel that all of the dead were killed by police." - "CNN has reported that four of the deaths — not all nine — were from law enforcement:

    'Of the nine deaths, a law enforcement source says preliminary information indicates that four of the bikers were killed by police gunfire.'"

    So it looks like the bikers got into a simple knife / fist fight, then were ambushed by at least 22 cops (incl. 10 SWAT members) who knew this event would be taking place at this location at this specific time. It looks like between 4 and 9 (all) of the deaths were caused by... police. There goes your entire argument.
    This whole thing was probably manufactured by the feds to make white people look bad, just like the "Sandy Hook massacre," which was a complete hoax created in order to tighten gun laws. But you black-power hucksters always jump to conclusions, just as you did with the Mike Brown case. (Turns out your side's hero got high on weed, robbed a store, tried to murder a cop, and never had his #HandsUp. Oops...) So why don't we wait until all the facts come out before writing articles on what happened?

    Face it, police shoot white people with much more ease than they shoot black people. It's been proven in study after study. They know a dead white person will never lead to a riot.

  8. And didn't the biker gangs declare open season on the cops? Maybe they teamed up with the Bloods and Crips.

  9. Anonymous12:51 AM

    How dumb can you get.

    You mean when you wrote this article you didn't know about the Mexicans and Black ex cops in the Banditos?


  10. The Field Negro said...
    I do know one thing: If nine people had been murdered during those "riots" in Baltimore, the Special Forces would have been in that bad boy kicking ass and taking names.

    49 people shot in Chicago last weekend. No ass kicking by SWAT.

    How many cops were shot/injured in Waco?

    How many innocent bystanders were shot/injured in Waco?

    How many business were looted/burned in Waco?

    the race of the gang members isn't even mentioned

    Biker gangs in texas... Isn't calling them white redundant?

  11. 12:51 AM- my first thought.

    though it should be noted folk did not auto default to "thug" when the behavior is the same- down to the white on white crime meme.

    @PX- you may pretend that i cozy up to folk if you like. this is a lie, though. how many times have i addressed folk on a funny crumble? even referencing appropriate slave terms while i did it?

    the difference is the maturity/intelligence levels.

    do you.

    most folk ignore the Truth, when it is inconvenient. the spanish kissy face was never done by me. AFTER folk were served mercilessly.

    + folk are supposed to be friends. lol. THAT'S all i am saying...

    some of the venom lobbied at me is self hatred. plain+ simply. folk just project a LOT.

    for those that clearly missed the memo-defeated lucifer is on a soul snatch in general.

    i am Real clear on who i am with. Yah knows His, too;) and THAT is ALL that really matters.

    it is for this reason that time won't find me fanning the flames of a contrived race war...

    when it is about repentance and getting Right with Him. as soon as Black folk focus less on white folk and more on that Truth...

    all that is written indicates THAT is what time it is + when some of this madness will give.

    Blessings all!

  12. The Slayer2:13 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    @PX- you may pretend that i cozy up to folk if you like. this is a lie, though. how many times have i addressed folk on a funny crumble? even referencing appropriate slave terms while i did it?

    the difference is the maturity/intelligence levels.


    C'moooon!!! When you 'cozy up to KC you are sickeningly submissive:"How are you?" "Hope you're doing well" "Glad to see you're fine" and the rest of it! xD Face it, disgusting is what you are with the white folk around here! All you do is kiss they azz!

    So as for this here little gem: "the difference is the maturity/intelligence levels."
    1:30 AM

    Gimmeabreakwillya! Ahahaha! difference is in the cloying, mooching, submissive, way you express yourself.Ugh! disgusting! That's what the difference is!

    You afraid of white people or sumthing? xD

  13. Quote:Go Pack Go

    "Do blacks ever not complain?"

    Do fascists ever not whine, whinge and complain like the sound of somebody strangling a cat while playing the fucking bagpipes?

  14. Quote: Bill-oh

    "How many cops were shot/injured in Waco?

    How many innocent bystanders were shot/injured in Waco?

    How many business were looted/burned in Waco?"

    So to be clear, Bill as saying as long as cops don;t get shot, and a couple hifi shops don't get looted it's OK for nine people die.

    I mean these guys just like died, right? It's not like anybody got hurt, and more importantly, no supermarkets were robbed of their baby milk powder or cat litter.

  15. Yes PC, that seems to be EXACTLY what he is saying. Interesting. Oh the mind of a republican.

  16. PR thank you so much for correcting me." Whooteemoo" is a MUCH better and more appropriate spelling of the word added to the American lexicon, to represent FN's resident racists.

    Bill you lost common sense with the phrase "White redundant".

  17. "Nothing to see here folks. Move along. This is not like when you Negroes loot and burn your neighborhoods and take all the good stuff that "the man" put there for you to buy."

    Non-stop cable news coverage isn't enough?

    Calling these bikers "thugs" isn't enough?

    Talking about how violent these biker gangs are isn't enough?

    How could the media have covered this violence without causing blacks and white liberals major butt hurt?


    "I do know one thing: If nine people had been murdered during those "riots" in Baltimore, the Special Forces would have been in that bad boy kicking ass and taking names.'

    Cept the most violent places in this country are places like Baltimore. The places with the highest murder rates are places like Baltimore.

    Yet, there's no Special forces....

    Maybe the mayor of Waco was giving the bikers room to destroy-like the mayor of Baltimore gave rioters room to destroy......


    "One of the most distinct characteristics of white privilege is the privilege to be unique. When white people commit violent acts, they are treated as aberrations, slips described with adjectives that show they are unusual and in no way representative of the broader racial group to which they belong."

    Except spree killers,serial killers and hate crimes.

    The bringing up of the mythical white privilege is funny since the media goes out they way to cover up black crime...


    "In fact, in much of the coverage of the Waco shootings, the race of the gang members isn't even mentioned,"

    And how is race relevant to the story?

    Blacks and white libs get their collective panties in a bunch when the race of a suspect is mention on tv...

    Blacks and white libs get their collective panties in a bunch when race is mention when it's a minority on white crime.

    Blacks and white libs get their collective panties in a bunch when race isn't mention when it's a white on minority crime.

    Now blacks and white libs are getting their collective panties in a bunch when race isn't mention in white on white crime...

    Must cause major irritation to have your panties bunched up all the time. Huh blacks and white libs?


    Did anyone notice 4 bikers were killed by the police?

    Whites didn't take to the streets screaming "HANDS UP! DON'T SHOOT!!!" :WHITE LIVES MATTER!!!!"

    Whites didn't rape, rob, loot non-white businesses or non-whites.

    Whites didn't burn dis mutha fucka down.....

    Whites didn't defend these thugs or call them gentle giants.

    Most whites be thinking they gots what they deserved and the rest of them should be locked up...

    Remember that........

  18. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Lawdy dem negros beez upidity agin. Give dem all jobs in da fields of cotton or as Mississippi Wind Chimes. It's all good.


  19. The Purple Cow said...
    So to be clear, Bill as saying as long as cops don;t get shot, and a couple hifi shops don't get looted it's OK for nine people die.

    I noticed neither you or Field Negro mentioned the 49 people that got shot in Chicago over the weekend.

    Not many dumbocrats like to talk about that.

    Using your logic, it's okay 49 Black people get shot as long as it's not a white person doing the shooting.

    Black live matter only when the dead body can be used politically.


  20. Yīshēng said...
    Bill you lost common sense with the phrase "White redundant".

    You believe when someone says biker gang people think Black people and not fat bearded white guys in leather?

    Who doesnt think white when the gang being talked about are bikers?

  21. Go Pack Go10:29 AM

    Bwahaha! Blacks are a joke. Maybe you people should try behaving like humans and less like savages, and then maybe the civilized world will actually care about what you say and do. I'm so happy I don't live around many blacks.

  22. "@PX- you may pretend that i cozy up to folk if you like. this is a lie, though. how many times have i addressed folk on a funny crumble? even referencing appropriate slave terms while i did it?"

    Just a perception held by myself and others and I did not specifically use any names. If that's not you then I won't pursue the matter further. But I still stand by the notion that there needs to be more unity among my folks.

  23. The GOP11:47 AM

    Pretty interesting. 85% are run by Republican governors. All but one is dominated by the GOP in the state legislature. Why are Republicans so violent?


  24. 40 percent of unemployed have quit looking for jobs
    comes as the labor force participation rate remains mired near 37-year lows.

    Less people working today than 37 years ago.

    Sadly, every person that gives up looking for work helps Obama lower the unemployment rate.

  25. Obama supporters are the ones who have been most hurt by the Obama recovery....

    Yet they still love him...

    Odd that....

  26. Who doesnt think white when the gang being talked about are bikers?

    People whose relatives ride Ducatis and Harleys, and think in "people" terms NOT racial terms.

    Geez, no wonder this country is mentally screwed beyond repair!!

  27. The ONLY clues I had that they were White were: 1) Waco Texas, 2) the press never mentioned race, 3) the cops didn't shoot first then ask questions later, 4) the national guard wasn't called in, and 5) they weren't called thugs despite being more heavily armed than the local swat team.


  28. I sure hope waco doesn't turn out to be another one of those leftwing manufactured stories.

    The bar released security videos. So the cop spokesman had to deny seeing the video and decline talking about it.

    Waco police spokesman Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said police have the video, but he had not seen it and would not discuss its contents.

    Sounds exactly like what the police say when a citizen videos cops shooting a Black man.

    Yet dumbocrats are treating this police shooting differently than other police shootings.


  29. Yīshēng said...
    People whose relatives ride Ducatis and Harleys, and think in "people" terms NOT racial terms.

    You have relatives in biker gangs?

  30. " I'm so happy I don't live around many blacks."

    We're as happy as you are.

    1. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Really? Whites rarely move to black areas. Blacks are consistently trying to shoehorn themselves into white neighborhoods. It seems that Blacks don't even like living around other blacks. And really who can blame them?

      Nobody likes living around Blacks. Not one race would prefer to live in a black neighborhood town/city/country over a white one. And all you blacks know it, and that's part of the reason ya'll are so salty.

  31. Yes, some folks from the lighter side of the color spectrum got a taste of mass incarceration (170 plus arrested) in a single day.

    The media sort of glossed over that fact. Then there is those weapons (more than a hundred) that the police found all over the place where the shoot out occurred. One hundred - seventy folks arrested, over a hundred weapons confiscated and not one thug in the mix.

    Wait wait wait - they found a thug - you know that one that's just the worst of the worst. The one that had to be manufactured by the devil himself. The one that makes whoever actually shot somebody in that "misunderstanding" look like a saint. You know THE BLACK GUY.

    It took three days for them to find a dark spot and wouldn't you know (according to media) he's the worst of the worst.

    Martin Lewis, an ex vice cop was among the 170 or so folks locked up behind the shooting shennagigans that left nine people dead. DID YOU SAY EX-COP? That must be a mistake because cops don't do stuff like unlawfully shoot people - not even ex-cops. He looks like a Kneegrow. Now we knows those kneegrows are famous for shooting looting and pooting. Dis here dude is dark enough to be guilty of something"

    Mr Lewis might want to tread lightly. History shows us that when all else fails in criminal investigations - THE KNEEGROW has been left holding the bag.

  32. Anonymous2:12 PM

    If you have a photo of the perps then an description of race is not needed.

  33. TPC still holding true to form. Nothing like predictability. Gotta love consistency.

    But as far as being smug about the word "thug," don't get the panties too bunched up over it being a "black" slur. Capone and Gotti were thugs. The word is typically reserved for harsher criminals, granted, but in what way would you have them described? Or, that should read, in what way would you have them accurately described? Because we know things like "justified protesters" and "disenfranchised youths" are what's preferred but not exactly close enough to the mark. As the guy on BBT said, paraphrased, "It's a little wrong to call a tomato a vegetable; it's a lot wrong to call it a suspension bridge."

    As far as "race" not being mentioned -- bikers in Texas. Seriously. Does it need to be said? If the news were about a flash mob in Compton, would anyone need to point out the race of the folks? What's next? Corn farmers in Iowa stage a coup, and nobody points out that they're white? lol

    "One of the most distinct characteristics of white privilege is the privilege to be unique. When white people commit violent acts, they are treated as aberrations..."

    This couldn't be more wrong if the words were misspelled. We're talking about Waco fucking Texas. Everyone knows there's nothing aberrative about it.

    Or what about those dumb-ass white kids who go on shooting sprees? They're not treated as abberative. They're treated as if they happen every 3 days (save Fox and its televangelism acting like it's the fault of video games or the Clintons or Obamas. Moral decay, as if morality was so superior previous).

    Seriously. If folks want to pick through the bones here to cry woe-is-me on "white privilege" and America holding down blacks when a black person wasn't within a hundred miles of this, fine. But at least speak sense on it. Don't just pull from the anal cavity nonsense that's axiomatically bullshit.

  34. Dr. Ramos, PHD2:50 PM

    Speaking of getting violent, has anyone seen this negreo serial killa?

    Have You Seen This Man? Suspect in Woodley Park Slayings ID'd by DNA on Pizza

    DNA found on a piece of a pizza led police to the man they believe brutally murdered a Washington, D.C., family and their housekeeper last week in the exclusive Woodley Park neighborhood in northwest D.C.
    Daron Dylon Wint, 34, is wanted for first-degree murder while armed, police said late Wednesday. Just before midnight Wednesday, police were seen questioning people at Wint's last known address in Prince George's County, Maryland.

    Daron Dylon Wint, 34, is wanted for first-degree murder while armed
    The break in the case came when investigators found DNA on a piece of Domino's pizza that was delivered the night of May 13, sources close to the investigation told News4.

    You don't have to live around blacks to be victimized by blacks.

  35. Anonymous2:54 PM


  36. PC@1:05, that was classic.:)

  37. Seeing that the vast vast vast majority of crimes committed against white people are committed by white people the negrophobia might be a bit misplaced but then again white male paranoia is a strong substance. Search "Jade Helm 15" for an example of the almost psychotic white paranoia.

  38. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Black people should have never been forced to live with white people, plain and simple. There hasn't been a day of peace since Africans left The Jesus to be at the white man's beck and call.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      I agree. All Blacks should go back to Africa so they don't have to live around the evil white man. Do us all a favor and leave. All the Whites, Asians, Hispanics, Indians and assorted races in America won't miss ya.

      In fact if blacks left the US the crime rates would be almost non existent.

  39. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Have you or a loved one been the victim of vaginal odor?

    CALL 1-888-PU55YLAW!

  40. Or FN for psychotic white paranoia.

  41. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Fifty years later, black America still fares badly on many of the predictors of success and signals of distress that concerned Moynihan. If it were a separate country, it would have a worse life expectancy than Mexico, a worse homicide rate than Ivory Coast and a higher proportion of its citizens behind bars than anywhere on earth (see interactive). This is despite the fact that, overall, America is home to the richest, most successful population of black African descent that the world has ever seen.

    Think about what that means: even with affirmative action, massive welfare and EBT/Food Stamp usage (not to mention free public school school breakfast and lunches), government/public sector jobs built to create an artificial black middle class, professional sports and the entertainment industry, were blacks in America to create a separate country it would be one of the least desirable places on earth to live.

  42. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I agree. All Blacks should go back to Africa so they don't have to live around the evil white man. Do us all a favor and leave. All the Whites, Asians, Hispanics, Indians and assorted races in America won't miss ya.

    In fact if blacks left the US the crime rates would be almost non existent.

    7:51 PM
    This hurts Blacks who have been trying so hard to be accepted by Whites. Why won't you accept us.

    There are Blacks who will sell-out their own race, even their own mother for your approval.

    I am sure you know some. So, do you want to ship them to another country too?

    Personally I don't want to go back to Africa. I would prefer to fight for my rights here in America. Why can't Whites let Blacks fight for their rights like everybody else?

  43. SFNorCal8:55 PM

    We in the Bay Area are superior in everything we do, including how blacks are treated. Why don't you people just move out here and then maybe you'll quit whining so much?

  44. Anonymous9:06 PM

    What's the worst thing you can call a black man, starting with N and ending with R?

  45. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Anonymous SFNorCal said...
    We in the Bay Area are superior in everything we do, including how blacks are treated. Why don't you people just move out here and then maybe you'll quit whining so much?

    8:55 PM
    Yeah, been reading about those SF cops and how nicely and respectfully they treat those uncle toms in SF.

  46. We do, in the Bay Area, on the other hand, have the East Bay Dragons, a black motorcycle club. And from what I understand, they seem to get along with the dominant local club (the Hell's Angels), or at least if there are hostilities between them, I have never heard about them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. Anonymous3:02 PM

    "Those bikers are not white, sir; they are aberrations. Remember that."

    Actually, they were about 70% white, just like the rest of the country, so this was one crime scene that "looked like America".

  48. Jakealope11:32 AM

    Because this was a gang shot out, not a riot. So all this contrived outrage about the difference in media coverage is plain trash that blacks and liberals use to take the heat off the usual inner city vermin.
    And of course, your race leads in that crime category too, just like every other category of crime and dysfunction
    So it is a sign of your mental imbalance that you have the gall to blame everyone but yourselves when your type mess up.
