Thursday, May 21, 2015

Rewriting our history in Iraq .

Image result for war middle east images"Only the dead have seen the end of war.” ~Plato~ 

Be careful America, I believe that there will soon be a war coming to a television near you.

"For the last week, liberals and conservatives have been arguing over the Iraq war. They agree that it was a mistake. But where liberals see lies and misinformation—“America invaded Iraq because the Bush administration wanted a war,” writes Paul Krugman—conservatives see an honest error. “[C]learly there were mistakes as it related to faulty intelligence in the lead-up to the war and the lack of focus on security,” said Jeb Bush in one of his four follow-ups to a now-consequential question on the Iraq war last week. “The intelligence was clearly wrong,” said former CEO Carly Fiorina, “And so had we known that the intelligence was wrong, no, I would not have gone in.

Outside of the presidential race, conservative writers have tried to highlight the “honest” part of the mistake by emphasizing the national consensus around Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction. “Though certainly not unanimous,” writes Matt Lewis for the Daily Caller, “the truth is that there was a strong bipartisan consensus that Iraq had WMDs. This included President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and even Nancy Pelosi.” Lewis ends there, but the intended argument is clear: You can’t accuse Bush of misleading the public when everyone, independent of the administration, also believed that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Except that you can. As Jonathan Chait notes for New York, “misleading the public” into a war of choice isn’t mutually exclusive to having faulty intelligence, especially given the official conclusion that “the administration repeatedly presented intelligence as fact when in reality it was unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent.” As Chait writes, “The Bush administration was the victim of bad intelligence, but also the perpetrator. Its defense lies in pretending that those two things cannot both be the case.” And at Mother Jones, David Corn points to the long trail of evidence showing the extent to which Bush officials exaggerated existing evidence and actively deceived the public about Iraq’s threat to the United States. Not only did Vice President Dick Cheney insist there was “very clear evidence” Hussein was developing nuclear weapons (there wasn’t), but he—along with President Bush and other members of the administration—worked to link Hussein to the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. “In November 2002,” notes Corn, “Bush said Saddam ‘is a threat because he’s dealing with Al Qaeda.’ ”
But there’s more to this dispute than the details of the run-up to the Iraq war. Conservatives don’t just want to avoid the extent to which the invasion was an active decision and not the passive result of “faulty intelligence.” They also want to enshrine the underlying logic of the war. The argument that the Iraq war was an honest mistake from bad assessments is also an argument that the invasion was the proper response to the potential threat of a WMD-equipped Saddam. It’s an endorsement of the Bush-Cheney strategy of “preventive war.”

To that point, Sen. Marco Rubio flatly states that Iraq “was not a mistake” because “the president was presented with intelligence that said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, it was governed by a man who had committed atrocities in the past with weapons of mass destruction.” Hussein’s brutality, in other words, was justification enough for the invasion. Likewise, in an interview with Bloomberg, Elliott Abrams—a former foreign policy adviser in the Bush administration and adviser to Rubio—said that “the proximate cause of the invasion was the intel about WMDs.”

The intelligence, in other words, compelled the invasion. Anyone else would have made the same choice.

But they wouldn’t have. In his speech against the Iraq war authorization bill, then-Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold agreed that Saddam posed “a genuine threat, especially in the form of weapons of mass destruction,” but didn’t think this required a new war:
Mr. President, I believe it is dangerous for the world, and especially dangerous for us, to take the tragedy of 9–11 and the word “terrorism” and all their powerful emotion and then too easily apply them to many other situations—situations that surely need our serious attention but are not necessarily, Mr. President, the same as individuals and organizations who have shown a willingness to fly planes into the World Trade Center and into the Pentagon.
Other opponents, like Al Gore, made similar statements. “It is reasonable to conclude that we face a problem that is severe, chronic, and likely to become worse over time,” said the former vice president of international terrorism in a September 2002 speech, “But is a general doctrine of pre-emption necessary in order to deal with this problem? With respect to weapons of mass destruction, the answer is clearly not.” Millions of Americans—upward of 40 percent—agreed. And to this you can add the scores of analysts, journalists, and wonks who sharply disagreed that a war was needed to keep Iraq from distributing or using nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. Writing in National Review, for example, one Cato Institute scholar made the sensible point that Hussein had no incentive to give away the fruits of a nuclear program: “Baghdad would be the immediate suspect and likely target of retaliation should any terrorist deploy nuclear weapons, and Saddam knows this.” His conclusion? “There’s certainly no hurry to go to war. Nothing is different today from September 10, 2001, or any time since Iraq was ousted from Kuwait.”' [More here]

History will not be kind to the architects of the Iraq war. And it shouldn't be.

The sad thing is, though, that there are still politricksters out there trying to convince the rest of us that going after the madman that ruled over Iraq was the right thing to do. It was not.

By shaking up the hornet's nest that is the Middle East, George Bush and Dick Cheney thought that there were putting their "preventive" war strategy to good use.

Sadly for them, their "preventive" war has only prevented peace in the Middle East.



  1. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Field, "Sadly for them, their "preventive" war has only prevented peace in the Middle East."

    Field, this is a brilliant statement. It sums up everything.

    It also brought tears to my eyes. It's so sad.

  2. Limpbaugh10:07 PM

    If the Iraq War was a "mistake" why did Cheney have to keep sending people like Scooter Libby and John Bolton over to the CIA to get honest analysts reassigned? Like the analysts who said the aluminum tubes weren't for centrifuges. There was some honest reporting about what was going on if you looked hard enough. Knight Ridder newspapers were telling us the truth while the rest of the media lied. The country won't be right until they start prosecuting the war criminals who caused a million and a half deaths.

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Revolting lies from some especially revolting people. If there'd been any conclusive evidence Saddam Hussein had an active WMD program, Colin Powell wouldn't have been sent to humiliate himself at the UN with his damning evidence of ... aluminum tubes. We need to invade because aluminum tubes.

    At that point, I thought the jig might be up, that everyone would laugh off Bush's obscenely stupid war demands. Horribly enough, that's not what happened. Instead, Congress just let him go ahead with it.

    Republicans were afraid they might not be able to get in line when the federal pork got handed out, if they crossed Bush. Democrats were afraid they'd be smeared as "soft on terror" if they pointed out how unjustified this war was. So the lot of those cowards buckled and voted for a war most must have known was utterly pointless, in an outbreak of career-preservationist hysteria.

    Now Iraq is wrecked, and the world has to figure out how to get rid of ISIS. Good job, jackasses.

  4. Limpbaugh10:19 PM

    David Corn of Mother Jones won't tell you the half of it. He pretends to expose how badly we were lied to while he covers it up. MSNBC's Hubris special was based on David Corn's book with the same name. It was one lie after another. They said the UN pulled the inspectors out of Iraq and left out that Bush warned them to get out. They said Curveball was a chemical engineer, instead of a drunken taxi driver who Germany told us was a liar. They said bin Laden escaped at Tora Bora and left out that he was surrounded on three sides. Corn is a presstitute who downplays how bad it was to protect the elite.

  5. Limpbaugh10:35 PM

    The Iraqi general who oversaw the destruction of Iraq's WMDs after the Gulf War, defected when Bill Clinton was president. It is true that neither us or the UN knew if all of the weapons had been destroyed. But Bush did use other intelligence from what the same general said. The Clintons knew better than to support the war but political expediency is more important to them than whether or not your kids die. Nancy Pelosi was also in a position to know a lot, because of the committees she was on. She voted against authorizing the war.

  6. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "Nancy Pelosi was also in a position to know a lot, because of the committees she was on. She voted against authorizing the war."

    Alright, yes, there were some people with some sense and courage who did vote against the war. I was unfair above when I implied there weren't any. But not nearly enough. Congress didn't exactly cover itself in glory.

    39.2% of Democrats voted for the war. Too many spineless folks.

    96.4% of Republicans voted for the war. Almost no spines in the entire bunch.

  7. As Black Sabbath said: Politicians hide themselves away; they only started the war.

    Fuck war. And fuck presidents who initiate war.

    That being said, how in the hell would the Middle East be some bastion of peace otherwise?

    We have to eventually--if only occasionally--admit some horrible truths to ourselves as human beings. That's part of what humanity is, owning up to what's true, even if it's emotionally wrenching. One of these truths is that a very large percentage of individuals in that corner of the world are completely twisted and stuck in an age of morality that, by and large, the western world evolved past post Enlightenment. The religious kooks there are inherently violent; they're raised to wage war. America's war didn't "[prevent] peace in the Middle East." If anything, it only highlighted what a fool's errand it is to think that peace can be forcibly ushered onto that part of the world.

    They don't need Democracy; they need atheism.

    It's going to take the Muslim citizenry that isn't inhabited by lunacy to mount their own revolution against the radicalization of their religion. This is something that can only be done from within. And it will probably take another thousand years before that happens, if ever at all.

    The best the rest of us can hope for is to attempt to root it out of our countries and to offer aid where and how we can to those suffering the brutality of maniacal regimes in their dark, regressive corner of the globe.

    But I don't buy this liberal spiel about something sinister and preplanned in Bush's moronic decisions and in thinking that 2002 was 1942 and we could eventually wear an inferior opponent down. He should have had the foresight to foresee another 'Nam, not the wishful thinking of wanting to recreate the Greatest Generation.

  8. Flapjack Sam12:39 AM

    Hi I'm eating a cookie right now! :)


    your a faget

  9. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Dear Field,

    Remember this. When one creates phantoms of mistrust in his own mind, when one invites the possibility of such things into his world, then one must nourish them with his own energy and his own grip on sanity. In the end, such fear, anger and paranoia will only drain you completely of your health and vitality. I sincerely hope you stop seeing the world through lenses of hatred and mistrust. You are a man now running from the fantasies you have clearly created out of your own fertile imagination. Please consider that you may be wrong about me and others like me. It's the only right thing to do if you have any respect for yourself, others and all who must share this earth with you. As it stands, your conduct is divisive and sad. Your words are disheartening to all people of tolerance and peace.

    J. B.

  10. My rep is Barbara Lee, and she voted against the damn thing. The real failure of intelligence happened between the ears of the neocons who were so ruthlessly stupid that they thought they could get away with it. The fucked up part is that THEY mostly did. You can still find the god damned evil morons in the newspapers, on the TV, and in Jeb's foreign policy shop. It's the dead and maimed people that didn't get away with it, and the trillion dollars we could have used elsewhere. The question being posed boils down to were they evil or were they stupid, when it's always been obvious to anyone who paid any attention at all that they were (and are) both. And given the responsibility that comes with the power they craved, stupidity doesn't excuse evil anyway.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Have you or a loved one been the victim of a medical procedure resulting in a negligent, sudden sphincter release? If so, you may be entitles to compensation.


  12. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Mr. Fields--- Have you or any member of your family ever been diagnosed schizophrenic or mentally incompetent?

  13. "Just a perception held by myself and others and I did not specifically use any names. If that's not you then I won't pursue the matter further. But I still stand by the notion that there needs to be more unity among my folks."

    @10:29 AM last thread..


    @PX- IF you are in the throes of a senior moment...

    i will excuse you.

    with all due respect.

    outside of the that, you demonstrate a Real problem with speaking the Truth.

    the perceptions of one that think it makes perfect sense to refer to his people as "blah"...

    don't hold a lot of weight with me.



    you would not need to name names.

    especially when you came in like the amen choir for the residential projector of all that she clearly is + hates.

    as such..

    for the purposes of confronting the matter head on...

    let's address the mess.

    KC and i have had numerous run ins. anyone not brand new, in general, + new to the fields can attest to this Truth.

    in fact, i have even invited him to re-join the human circle. when the racist, fan the flames of the contrived race war bickering that is routine over here, has gotten heated.

    i have even told him that he is a funny crumbling cracka (as in whip cracka, a slave term used most appropriately.) on occasion.

    what those that accuse me, FALSELY, will NOT cop to is the fact that he possesses the ability to take a step back.

    maturity + intelligence.

    then when he steps to me next, it is with civility and respect.

    + he has had my back when i was under baseless attack, while those that wax poetic 'bout "Black unity" acted like the cat had their tongues.

    something that is ROUTINELY done over here in the let's chase racism fields.

    while i have been the one over here sounding the alarm about WHO we Blessed Blacks are in Scriptures + in the bigger picture.

    as such, i WILL say hi + how are you doing, when i haven't seen KC in the fields for awhile.

    no apology. no asking permission.

    'cozying up' is futilely designed to try to keep me in line with Black folk that won't confess Yah nor any Real Truth.

    these same ones, ONLY push "black" talking points that hold no Real water because they are NOT founded in Truth.

    unite over skin color when all Black skin does NOT = friend?

    how dum.


    to quote the resident heavily degree'd + hates me without reason one.


    she is "ignoring" me + my comments so let's just see if she can resist the urge to try to come for me.


    i hope that makes it plain for ya. may let it go since the record has been corrected with supported by the plenteous archives facts.

  14. as it relates to this post, i see only controlled opposition.

    what folk will NOT discuss is how Hussein was put into power by US.

    in that sentence, US= united states cia.

    peace in the middle east was not EVER the plan.

    there WILL be a h-ly war. did folk miss Soros indicating as much?

    make it about conservatives if folk just don't know nor care for the Truth.

    the politicians, in most instances, have been compromised + souled/sold out for quite the while.

    not only will there be a h-ly war, but a race war as well. folk over here do their daily best to fan those flames.

    which is why when i come to visit, i don't hesitate to spit it...

    folk would be wise to look to Yah Almighty and get Right with Him.

    in these last days it is as the times of Noah. folk doing what they do acting like the Word of Yah is not Truth. even as all that is written unfolds in Real time.

    my focus is NOT on white folk. they are the least of our concerns really. considering what is written.

    they are but mere human beings not some supernatural, almighty deities.

    they are in perspective in my mentals. so they play the babes of humanity role they have been written in Scriptures to play.

    despite Blacks being Ancients, we sure Love US some brand new...

    keep the Law and live.

    this is what is written.

    THIS is what time it is.

    so when i see Bill say that the 49 dead in chicago gets no mention, much less efforts for intervention. no rallies. no demonstrations. no headed for self destruction demonstrations...

    i am 'cozying' up to note that "Black lives matter" = a bad joke?


    IF folk would just make their externally handled talking points plain, by saying it in THIS way:

    Black lives matter when it is white folk taking 'em. outside of that, we will be hard pressed to ever address the Black agents of satan that roam freely among US.

    THEN i could get with it.

    i have said it before and i will say it again:

    i am with Yah. i am down with ANYONE that will speak the Truth and Stand for justice.

    those that Love + serve Him MUST do so in His Spirit and Truth.

    THESE/His folk come in ALL colors.

    and since ALL colors come from Black...

    i could be The Most Pro Black person on the thread on given day of the week.

    those seeking to control, manipulate and bully me...

    can just go right ahead and quit it.

    or not.

    free will +

    whatever is clever...


    IF folk want to write an explosive expose, deal with the freemason connection. then research Albert Pike and the top level white folk that KNOW who those in the racist to the core brotherhood REALLY serve.

    sorority? fraternity? if you in it, you down...

    you just don't know it.

    'cause the Truth doesn't resonate in the lower levels.

    top levels are REAL clear that they serve, worship + honor...

    the devil.

    @ a certain point, ALL righteous folk in all walks of life will have to tell the Truth.

    there is a price to pay and THIS is why folk will NOT do it.

    that which we are to lay down and follow Him...

    folk value more than eternal life itself.

    such is not my condition and i am Grateful + Blessed.

    i pray, in Messiah's Name, that ALL souls will awaken in this age of deception.

    deception so thick that even Yah's very elect might be fooled.

    glory! to the Most High Yah! He redeemed me.

    in case folk ever wondered why despite it all we move as a nation move backwards, not forward...

    i don't agree with all this man writes/says either. had some moments with him, too. but he tells enough of the Truth to link to.

    so then there is that.

    Blessings all!

    forgive any typos.

  15. correction:

    so when i see Bill say that the 49 dead in chicago gets no mention, much less efforts for intervention. no rallies. no demonstrations. no headed for self destruction wake the nation...

    before rap/music got demon hijacked, we used to address ourselves.

    now folk want to shout about white folk when it is Black folk, outsourced for a few pieces of silver in the big picture, taking the Black nation to hell.

    i am NOT down.

  16. Anonymous2:54 AM


    You sure sounds crazy!

    Got Prozac?

  17. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Dear Mr. Meadow,

    I find your remarks offensive in the extreme, but I will ignore it because of your traditional status as an outcast from society, the stress of which has caused you to develop an alternative and yet entirely valid worldview.

    SteamPunk Joe

  18. McFred3:55 AM

    Where that dumb bitch Yisheng at?

  19. The full Krugman article is worth reading.

    The Bush administration got the war they wanted, but it was not in any way a necessary war. The war fitted their world view, we now know just how catastrophically wrong their paradigm was. Just ask ISIS. More than a million people dead.

    You can't manufacture and exaggerate intel on one hand and then blame faulty intel for your errors on the other.

    Shortly after the Iraq war I was finishing my MBA with a group of students who included a serving British Army officer amongst their number. The British Army were aghast at the war they had been ordered to fight. The officer had attended a briefing from British Military Intelligence that made the case that only five people in the world were driving the Iraq war Bush, Cheney, Schultz, Baker and Blair..

    (Incidentally, M.I.6 estimated Bush's I.Q. to be 96.)

    Bush, Blair and Cheney are war criminals. It is they who should be cooling their heals in Guantanamo Bay.

  20. Anonymous4:22 AM

    JOSH--"We have to eventually--if only occasionally--admit some horrible truths to ourselves as human beings. That's part of what humanity is, owning up to what's true, even if it's emotionally wrenching."

    Being human is owning up to what's true? Really? Certain humans 'only' own up to truths when they are caught with their backs against the wall. Even then most will deny the truth. To be human is to seek power in order to bully and destroy other humans. Whites know this very well, as you have attested to in past threads. It's impossible to feel 'emotionally wrenching' when you have feelings or conscience.

    JOSH-"One of these truths is that a very large percentage of individuals in that corner of the world are completely twisted and stuck in an age of morality that, by and large, the western world evolved past post Enlightenment."

    This is the 'Pot calling the kettle black.' America, esp white Americans have no idea what is right and moral and just. Your idea is to try to shove others around for your 'own' selfish self-centered benefit. THAT's your idea of "evolved".

    JOSH-"The religious kooks there are inherently violent; they're raised to wage war. America's war didn't "[prevent] peace in the Middle East." If anything, it only highlighted what a fool's errand it is to think that peace can be forcibly ushered onto that part of the world."

    Well, Everybody worships something. Isn't that part of being human? Don't Whites worship their 'superiority' over other humans and therefore, separate themselves from the rest of humanity? Don't Whites like yourself consider themselves 'humans' and the rest of humanity 'kooks', and religious zealots? Don't Whites denigrate Islam, Allah, and the prophet Mohammed with cartoons, claiming it's their freedom of speech right to do so? (But you say nothing negative about Judaism, the 'chosen people', the liars and destroyers of the Palestinians?) Of course not. They are 'different', right?

    JOSH, "They don't need Democracy; they need atheism."

    Your self-righteousness is astonishing. You can only be classed as evil. But, I bet you consider your reasoning as pure and good. Now that's being a godless kook...twisted, perverted and immoral.

  21. Anonymous4:32 AM

    FP, "@PX- IF you are in the throes of a senior moment...

    i will excuse you.

    with all due respect.

    outside of the that, you demonstrate a Real problem with speaking the Truth.

    the perceptions of one that think it makes perfect sense to refer to his people as "blah"...

    don't hold a lot of weight with me."

    PX is a liar and a degrader of his own people. "blah" is a base description of Blacks. He might as well use the word "nigger". I spoke about this in a past thread.

    Of all the Blacks on this blog, PX is the most immorally despicable and destructive. He has no conscience of what it is to be proud and Black.

    He is a true STEPHEN.

  22. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Negroes are so delightfully low IQ.

    You quote an article that quotes Al Gore. The same Al Gore whose father voted against civil rights and who claims he invented the internet and has built a huge bank balance with his global warming scam...who also said...

    "Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." -- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

    "We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." -- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

    "Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." -- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

    Oh and It was all Bush you say?

    I like this one, by a nice KKK Democrat leader.

    "The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons..." -- Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002

    Oh look, before Bush.

    "One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

    "If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

    "[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." Letter to President Clinton, signed by: -- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

    "Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." -Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

    "I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." -- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

    "He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do" -- Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002

    "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." -- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

  23. You quote an article that quotes Al Gore. The same Al Gore whose father voted against civil rights..."

    So what?


    "...and who claims he invented the internet..."

    He claimed absolutely no such thing.


    " and has built a huge bank balance with his global warming scam..."

    Would you care to debate me - on this very forum on the veracity of global warming? I'm here all week.

    I dare you.

    In fact I double dare you.

    Are you man enough?


    "He also said...

    "Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." -- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

    "We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." -- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

    "Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." -- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002 "

    Some extremely disingenuous editing there little man. I'm sure you won't mind if I post a link to the entire speech that shows how you have attempted to twist Gore's words.



    Pay close attention little man.

    "The foreshortening of deliberation in the Congress robs the country of the time it needs for careful analysis of what may lie before it. Such consideration is all the more important because of the Administration’s failure thus far to lay out an assessment of how it thinks the course of a war will run – even while it has given free run to persons both within and close to the administration to suggest that this will be an easy conquest. Neither has the Administration said much to clarify its idea of what is to follow regime change or of the degree of engagement it is prepared to accept for the United States in Iraq in the months and years after a regime change has taken place."

    "Moreover, if we quickly succeed in a war against the weakened and depleted fourth rate military of Iraq and then quickly abandon that nation as President Bush has abandoned Afghanistan after quickly defeating a fifth rate military there, the resulting chaos could easily pose a far greater danger to the United States than we presently face from Saddam. We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country.

    We have no evidence, however, that he has shared any of those weapons with terrorist group. However, if Iraq came to resemble Afghanistan – with no central authority but instead local and regional warlords with porous borders and infiltrating members of Al Qaeda than these widely dispersed supplies of weapons of mass destruction might well come into the hands of terrorist groups."

  24. Anonymous5:46 AM

    "Some extremely disingenuous editing there little man. "

    LOL. As I said, Negroes like you are so delightfully low IQ.

    OK, now you listed additional parts of his speech, that do not contradict or change the theme of the quotes in the slightest, as you broadly and incorrectly state.

    Rather changes the points to what would happen if the nation were abandoned....willy unwittingly (no choice I am sure) moved onto trashing Obama.

    Even Gore described what would happen should Obama, declare victory in Iraq, pull out the troops and arm terrorists.

    You are right, Gore was dead on correct, look what Obama built in creating ISIS and doing exactly what Gore predicted.

    "Moreover, if we quickly succeed in a war against the weakened and depleted fourth rate military of Iraq and then quickly abandon that nation as President Bush has abandoned Afghanistan after quickly defeating a fifth rate military there, the resulting chaos could easily pose a far greater danger to the United States than we presently face from Saddam. We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country.

    We have no evidence, however, that he has shared any of those weapons with terrorist group. However, if Iraq came to resemble Afghanistan – with no central authority but instead local and regional warlords with porous borders and infiltrating members of Al Qaeda than these widely dispersed supplies of weapons of mass destruction might well come into the hands of terrorist groups."


    As for your global warming Libberish, with a capital L...LOL

  25. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    You quote an article that quotes Al Gore. The same Al Gore whose father voted against civil rights..."

    So what?

    Oh, I don't know. But if I weren't a low IQ Negro. I might not by the southern strategy lie invented by Democrats to whitewash away who they really are. And I might actually know a little history.....real history about the Democrat party, such as.

    Every single segregationist in the Senate was a Democrat. Not some, not a couple, every single one of them. Only one ever turned to a Republican - Strom Thurmond.

    All of the remainder not only continued on as Democrats, but very, very liberal Democrats. These included such liberal leaders as Harry Byrd, Robert Byrd, Allen Ellender, Albert Gore Sr., J. William Fulbright, Walter F. George, Russell Long and Richard Russell.

    Fulbright was Bill Clinton's mentor. Gore was "Al Jazeera" Gore's father. Sam Ervin headed Nixon's impeachment committee.

    The segregationists who were in the Senate in the '50s were rabid Joe McCarthy opponents. In the '60s, they opposed the Vietnam War and supported LBJ's Great Society programs. In the '90s, they got 100 percent ratings from NARAL Pro-Choice America.

    These "Southern oppressors" were liberal Democrats when they were racists, they stayed liberal Democrats after they finally stopped being racists (to low IQ Negroes) If the GOP had a racist "Southern strategy," it didn't work on the racists.

    Look at you.

  26. PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...

    Seeing that the vast vast vast majority of crimes committed against white people are committed by white people the negrophobia might be a bit misplaced but then again white male paranoia is a strong substance. Search "Jade Helm 15" for an example of the almost psychotic white paranoia.

    6:06 PM

    Seeing that the vast vast vast majority of interracial crime is black on white, not white on black,the racial paranoia might be a bit misplaced. Then again, racial paranoia is like crack to blacks.


    "Elect Bush and more black churches will burn"

    "Bush is going to take away the right blacks have to vote"

    "Republicans are going to bring back lynchings and the klan"

    "Snapple puts chemicals in their drinks that make black men sterile."

    for examples of the black psychotic racial paranoia.

  27. Oh lookie, lookie.

    Now that Obama has proven Cheney, Palin, Romney and many others right about his foreign polices, here comes the left with weak offerings to show they were some how right about the Iraq war.

    It's easier to talk about that instead of talking about how Obama has destabilized the middle east and it will take decades to fix Obama's mess.

    Hey Krugman, how's that UK election working for ya?

  28. @3:55, I think you've confused me with yourself,

    I'm at a hospital today, shadowing a surgeon who is attempting to stitch the anal sphincter of your lover back together.

    Interesting use of a cattle prod, if I do say so myself, if I do say so myself hold up, whatever floats your boat, ENJOY!!!

    Yuck, yuck, yuck!!!

  29. Every time I read about "faulty intelligence" leading us into the Iraq War I think of two things: that the day after Bush was inaugurated the first meeting was held in the White House of the "Iraq Committee" (to discuss what, exactly?), and that 50,000 of us marchers around the U.N. the days before the invasion all knew the rationale was ginned up, falsified, and stampeded into policy. Was our insight so remarkable? (Ans: we marchers had no profit motive or poltical motive for wanting to conquer Iraq) Some citizens are smarter than D.C. reporters.


  30. The FieldNegro
    History will not be kind to the architects of the Iraq war. And it shouldn't be.

    Wouldn't that be funny if the dumbocrats elect someone that supported the war like Hillary.

  31. This anon wants a go at it...

    @ Anon #72,520

    "Being human is owning up to what's true? Really?"

    Yeah, because apparently that's exactly what I said.

    "This is the 'Pot calling the kettle black.' America, esp white Americans have no idea what is right and moral and just."

    OH NOES! Another all-whites-are-racist social justice loon who holds today's whites accountable for slavery and Jim
    Crow, but would wail and moan at anyone holding black guy B responsible for anything done by black guy A.

    Go figure...

    Besides, the west is OB-FUCKING-JECTIVELY more moral than these cocksuckers. And you're going to continue
    on about indignation somewhere? Really? Projection much?

    "Don't Whites worship their 'superiority' over other humans and therefore, separate themselves from the rest of humanity? Don't Whites like yourself consider themselves 'humans' and the rest of humanity 'kooks', and religious zealots?"

    I suppose at this point that you simply wanted to spread your message more so than you wanted to debate anything I may have said. "All white people are evil and feel superior and are immortal," etc...does that about cover it?

    Why you fucking morons need to attempt to tow your horseshit in on my back confuses the piss outta me. Own your own motherfucking thoughts on a topic and speak on them; don't hide your shit against A or B cloaked in an attack against me. That's pussified -- which does make sense for cunts, while we're on it. But seriously. If you wanna go off on a rant about how much you hate white people, just do it! You pussies use me as your safe meal wagon on which to ride in, thinking everyone will ignore your blatant racism as long as it's mixed in with insults toward my person.

    "Your self-righteousness is astonishing. You can only be classed as evil."

    You had this picked out to say no fucking matter what you quoted. You just couldn't fit any whites-are-evil spiel onto this one because most whites are Christians.

    It's a valid observation. That area of the world, and so many others, would be far better off without religion. How in the fuck that's "evil" or "self-righteous" is something only you can grasp here.

    But, please, tell me more about how all white people are...


  32. The Purple Cow said...

    The full Krugman

    Paul Krugman the ex enron advisor?

    The same Paul Krugman that said in his book "Peddling Prosperity" that president Jimmy Carter started the deregulation of the oil, airline and trucking industries?

    And you are now citing him as a source?

  33. Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner, Bill.

    Remind us again. What are you?

  34. "Oh, I don't know. But if I weren't a low IQ Negro. I might not by the southern strategy lie invented by Democrats to whitewash away who they really are. And I might actually know a little history.....real history about the Democrat party, such as."

    Blah, blah fucking blah.

    I'm not a Democrat little man, I'm a Socialist, so I don;t care about your potted history of the Dixiecrats. Yes many white Democrats are racist too. Tell us something we don't already fucking know, why doncha?

    "OK, now you listed additional parts of his speech, that do not contradict or change the theme of the quotes in the slightest, as you broadly and incorrectly state."

    They change the context totally you fucking moron. It shows that though he was dumb enough to believe the WMD horseshit he was at least clever enough to be against the war. It shows that he understood that though the US government would no doubt win the war they had no plans to win the peace.


    "As for your global warming Libberish, with a capital L...LOL"

    As I suspected you are not man enough. You don;t have the intellectual hardware to defeat me in debate. You fascist types are all the same, all talk - no action.

    No wonder your wife left you.


  35. The Purple Cow said...

    Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner, Bill.

    So Paul is correct.

    Jimmy Carter started the deregulation of oil, airline and trucking industries.

    Dumbocrats started deregulation and PurpleCow goes crickets when faced with facts from the Nobel prize winner.

    Ding Ding PurpleCow.

  36. Quote: Billy-the-Fish

    ”The same Paul Krugman that said in his book "Peddling Prosperity" that president Jimmy Carter started the deregulation of the oil, airline and trucking industries?”

    The very same.

    Carter Deregulates the airline industry

    ”Today's airline industry is radically different from what it was prior to 1978. At that time, the industry resembled a public utility, with a government agency, the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), determining the routes each airline flew and overseeing the prices they charged. Today, it is a market-driven industry, with customer demand determining the levels of service and price.
    The turning point was the Airline Deregulation Act, approved by Congress on October 24, 1978 and signed into law four days later by President Jimmy Carter.”


    Carter Deregulates the Oil Industry

    ”However, during 1979 and 1980, Carter began a process of deregulation of the oil industry. Carter did this by phasing out government control of oil allocation.”


    Carter Deregulates the Trucking Industry

    ”The MCA was envisioned to be a sweeping de-regulation of the trucking industry. When President Carter signed the bill, he proclaimed:

    “This is historic legislation. It will remove 45 years of excessive and inflationary Government restrictions and redtape. It will have a powerful anti-inflationary effect, reducing consumer costs by as much as $8 billion each year. And by ending wasteful practices, it will conserve annually hundreds of millions of gallons of precious fuel. All the citizens of our Nation will benefit from this legislation. Consumers will benefit, because almost every product we purchase has been shipped by truck, and outmoded regulations have inflated the prices that each one of us must pay. The shippers who use trucking will benefit as new service and price options appear. Labor will benefit from increased job opportunities. And the trucking industry itself will benefit from greater flexibility and new opportunities for innovation.”


  37. The Purple Bull12:07 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner, Bill.

    Remind us again. What are you?

    11:21 AM

    Your father...

  38. Anonymous Bill said...

    The FieldNegro
    History will not be kind to the architects of the Iraq war. And it shouldn't be.

    Wouldn't that be funny if the dumbocrats elect someone that supported the war like Hillary.

    10:48 AM

    Of course all the leftwingers who continue to bitch about the Iraq war will line up and support Hillary.

    The left is only concerned with power. Morals and principles be damned...

  39. "Your father..."

    So you died three years ago?

  40. "History will not be kind to the architects of the Iraq war. And it shouldn't be."

    Bullshit. We are going to elect one of them President in 2016 (me!)

  41. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Purple Cow defends the indefensible Paul Krugman.


  42. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    I'm at a hospital today, shadowing a surgeon who is attempting to stitch the anal sphincter of your lover back together

    It's great to know that sleazebag racist ghetto trash morons like Yingyang are shadowing real doctors in our hospitals. Just another turd Obamacare has dropped into the American health care system.


  43. Car jacking. Black man with a gun. Cops show up and...

  44. Don't forget the mechanism that the Bush/Cheney cabal created to juke the data: the "Office of Special Plans", a "intelligence" agency set up in the Pentagon that took the raw data -- fuzzy pictures of trucks, basically -- and spun the interpretation before recruiting Colin Powell to shame himself on national TV.

  45. Anonymous2:01 PM


  46. Anonymous2:34 PM

    JOSH, "I suppose at this point that you simply wanted to spread your message more so than you wanted to debate anything I may have said. "All white people are evil and feel superior and are immortal," etc...does that about cover it?"

    Did I say, "ALL"? I don't remember. I am getting old, I have one foot in the grave. Anyway, I didn't mean "ALL", I meant "Most"...I know that from experience and observation from living in America. Most Blacks know this. So do most Whites, except you.

    JOSH, "Why you fucking morons need to attempt to tow your horseshit in on my back confuses the piss outta me. Own your own motherfucking thoughts on a topic and speak on them; don't hide your shit against A or B cloaked in an attack against me. That's pussified -- which does make sense for cunts, while we're on it. But seriously. If you wanna go off on a rant about how much you hate white people, just do it! You pussies use me as your safe meal wagon on which to ride in, thinking everyone will ignore your blatant racism as long as it's mixed in with insults toward my person."

    Like most Whites you cuss a lot, which makes you profane. YOU are the most profane poster on FN, and that is saying a lot. Yet you claim to be rational, logical and intelligent while giving your vile opinions about what POCs should do, and be like.

    BTW, I am not Black, but I am a POC. You see, most, if not all, regardless of race, have the same opinion about Whites like you. Blacks don't have a monopoly on their views about Whites. Just look at your discriminatory history against ALL people of color and you might get a clue.

    Anon, "Your self-righteousness is astonishing. You can only be classed as evil."

    JOSH, "You had this picked out to say no fucking matter what you quoted. You just couldn't fit any whites-are-evil spiel onto this one because most whites are Christians."

    Does that mean Christians have it together and other devotees of other religions don't?

    JOSH, "It's a valid observation. That area of the world, and so many others, would be far better off without religion. How in the fuck that's "evil" or "self-righteous" is something only you can grasp here."

    I understand. You, being an atheist cannot possibly 'see' God or Allah or Buddha. You are blind. May I suggest reading and studying the lyrics to "Amazing Grace"? It might stir your heart and change you effing life like the author of the lyrics.

    BTW, the author was White and a slave trader who "woke up" to his sins and wrongs..and turned to God. When he did, he walked away from the slave trade...he had 'no choice.' That is what happens when you become a servant of God. That's being a "true Christian", not a phony who dresses up on Sunday and goes to church.

    JOSH, "But, please, tell me more about how all white people are..."

    I've said enough about the nature of your heart and character. You will never get it anyway.

    As an atheist, aren't you against God?
    I will pray for you. Enjoy your holiday.

  47. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Dear Liberals,

    Please explain. Why did your president Obama leave the Iraqi people without security and open to the invasion and atrocities we see now? That's a simple question. Surely you can easily answer that one.

  48. Anonymous2:55 PM

    TO JOSH, re: the racism of Whites.

    Dear JOSH, ran across this article re: Obama's twitter account. I thought you might be interested in it:

    "President Obama's new Twitter account is drawing a slew of racist and sexist comments that include calls for his suicide or his lynching.

    Using the Twitter handle POTUS -- the acronym for President of the United States -- Obama's messages are pretty basic.

    "An honor to address the Coast Guard class of 2015," says his most his recent post. "Confident they'll help us meet big challenges like climate change."

    While some of the comments are rather tame -- "how about those gas prices?" -- many others are unprintable.

    The New York Times writes about the new Twitter account's debut earlier this week:

    "It took only a few minutes for Mr. Obama's account to attract racist, hate-filled posts and replies. They addressed him with racial slurs and called him a monkey. One had an image of the president with his neck in a noose.

    The posts reflected the racial hostility toward the nation's first black president that has long been expressed in stark terms on the Internet, where conspiracy theories thrive and prejudices find ready outlets.

    But the racist Twitter posts are different because now that Mr. Obama has his own account, the slurs are addressed directly to him, for all to see."

    JOSH, Do you not see 'why' POCs think of you the way they do? It's too bad Whites don't feel the same way. Because if they did, this racist dehumanization in America by Whites would be a thing of the past. Instead, it's flourishing.

    Albert Einstein: "Racism is the disease of the white man."

    Do you not agree?

  49. "Dear Liberals,

    Please explain. Why did your president Obama leave the Iraqi people without security and open to the invasion and atrocities we see now? That's a simple question. Surely you can easily answer that one."

    Because it was more important to score points against Bush's legacy than to do the right thing.

  50. Well, to score points and beat W's legacy all you would need is a score of 1. Sooooo.

    PC, why bother? Wingnuts will never change.


    Dear Wingnut: Why did W send over 4,000 of our young sooldiers to die in Iraq?

  51. It should be obvious to even the dimmest of the dim liberals that American invaded Iraq with plans of turning the country into a reasonably democratic, capitalist society that would become an oasis of prosperity and opportunity in the middle of the middle east.

    It was also chosen because it had the oil to finance its own modernization.

    As we know, developments were moving along in the right direction, though not without strife. As is well known, wherever Islam dominates, freedom is limited to non-existent.

    Nevertheless, the US attempted to change Iraq into a magnet for the true moderate muslims. Unfortunately, too many muslims become violent at the thought of people living on their own terms, beyond the dictates of Islam.

    Muslims never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

  52. Wingnut3:43 PM

    "Dear Wingnut: Why did W send over 4,000 of our young sooldiers to die in Iraq?"

    Why did Obama send thousands more to die in Afghanistan?

  53. "JOSH, Do you not see 'why' POCs think of you the way they do?"

    Oh, I've pointed it out numerous times on this blog. The liberal progressive Democratic black folks here, who call names anyone whose individuality allows them to stray from groupthink, are all up in arms over my comments. "Racist!" "Whites are all the same!" "Can you not see why we hate you!?" And on and on.

    This shit comes from the same people who don't consider Ben Carson "black" because he's not a liberal; the same people who feel they're able to differentiate between what "black" is and isn't and shamelessly malign certain blacks as house negros while inviting the like-minded, simpatico blacks onto an invented "field," on which they all hold hands and blame whitey for every fucking ill to ever befall blacks in history.

    Yeah. I'm fully aware of why folks around here take issue with my comments. Even though I've steadfastly defended black IQ, the idea that the entire race is a savage mistake, etc -- I know the score.

    But I also know that there are thousands upon thousands of blacks out there, right this very moment, with whom I get along brilliantly. They've never called me racist, or any other derogatory name for that matter. They're around Tommy Sotomayor's neck of the woods. But because he, and they, refuse to blame black problems on white people, he, and they, are considered to be the house negros. They're not "real." They're not "down." The drug dealers and motherfuckers who shoot kids for Jordans and burn down stores, etc? Oh, they're DIZZOWN wit da brown! They're keepin it "real." The motherfuckers who say, "Why don't these bastards have fathers?" well, we both know, they're the sellout Uncle Ruckus' of the blacks.

    Not a bit ironic, and notwithstanding the axiomatic face-smashing pie, is the fact that these black people are actually from the hood. They're from the ghettos and inner cities, and they see the despair and carnage, and they know what causes it. It's the middle-class blacks and European blacks around here who, by simple virtue of having a certain skin tone, and apparent airborne osmosis of shared experiences, like a fantasy novel, claim to speak for everything "black" while growing up with fathers in two-story homes on cul de sacs in good schools.

    So, yeah, I know exactly why a lot of black folks on this blog take issue with my opinions. Once you've seen how the other half live, it's not hard to figure out.

    "Albert Einstein: "Racism is the disease of the white man."

    Do you not agree?"

    1) That there are at least two races on the planet makes it logically inconsistent to pin such a broad, far-reaching thing to only one. It's fucking stupid, to be blunt.

    2) Did he have a mathematical formula for that? Or is this yet another Einstein quote misattributed to one of the most visionary minds in history?

    3) I highly, highly doubt you can keep up with even a rudimentary definition of relativity, much less the math, so why ride Einstein's jock? If you wanna say racism is white = all whites = racist, JUST FUCKING SAY IT! Why do you continue to mask your prejudices against whites by hitching to my wagon and hiding it behind folks long dead? If that's what you feel, and you feel you're justified in feeling, fucking be a man and own that shit.

  54. "Why did Obama send thousands more to die in Afghanistan?"

    Because that shit is funny!

  55. "Like most Whites you cuss a lot, which makes you profane..."

    Oh, did I offend your sensibilities, you fucking cunt?

    "Does that mean Christians have it together and other devotees of other religions don't?"

    We live in the year 2015. Such it was in the past that most organized religions, at one time or another, were a stain on humanity. Christianity in particular was used as a justification for slavery, among other horrific things. But, of course, this is 2015, not 1615. Today, Christianity is objectively more sedated than Islam.

    Of all the dozens upon dozens of countries which are infested with Sharia, women are the religion's number-one target, followed closely by infidels and homosexuals. To even pretend to bring your self-righteous indignation to the table over this point of fucking fact is so far beyond ridiculous that I can't even comprehend why you're
    arguing the point, except that it's my observation and you're content on being a contrarian cunt, regardless of what I say. I could say baby-back ribs are $3.99/LB this week at the grocery store, and you'd find a way to tell me how I'm wrong and you're right with whatever number you want to put in its place.

    "I understand. You, being an atheist cannot possibly 'see' God or Allah or Buddha. You are blind."

    I take it, as a person of faith, you haven't the faintest fucking idea about the ontological principle of the identity of indiscernibles [1]. To even attempt to explain how reversed from "blind" I actually am, compared to you, would just come
    across as if I were being condescending because you man-in-the-sky worshippers who think you have the secrets of the universe figured out are so completely brainwashed that a 5th-grade-level discussion goes completely over your fucking heads and leaves the other person looking like a patronizing prick juxtaposed against your
    closed-minded stupidity.

    "You will never get it anyway."

    For part of it, that's entirely accurate.

    I get why you morons leap to character judgments when only reading snippets from a person's entire fucking life, and then peacock strut around like you've got them figured out down to their bone marrow. The part I don't get is what people like you get out of it. You can read a comment of mine and be so incredibly cocksure that you know
    every single motherfucking thing there is to know about me and how I think -- well, that, you random fucking anon bitch,
    is quite the feat of hubris. I narvel at how utterly shameless a lot of you cocksuckers are.

    And if my language triggers you and makes you cry into your pillow, do the world a favor and sit down to a warm bath
    with a razor. In the long run, humanity is better off without the weak-willed bitchboys who can't take reading curse words on a screen without needing a Xanax. WTF would you do if a supervolcano erupted or a meteor hit? You'd be one of the first percnetage of folks to cash it out because dialing 1-800-GUBMENT doesn't work when the lines are down.

    You'd have to fend for yourself. And I'm willing to guess this is something you're wholly incapable of.

    [1] I can explain it in layman so you can grasp it, if you want to know why "blind" is actually more accurate for people who make up an invisible redundancy to account for natural phenomena.

  56. Jews invented racism. It's the basis of Judaism.

    Then they destroy their enemies by accusing them of racism.

    Such a deal!

  57. field negro said...

    Well, to score points and beat W's legacy all you would need is a score of 1. Sooooo.

    PC, why bother? Wingnuts will never change.


    Dear Wingnut: Why did W send over 4,000 of our young sooldiers to die in Iraq?

    3:30 PM

    Dear race hustler,

    Why didn't Obama stop 4000 of our young soldiers from dying in Iraq?

    Remember, more soldiers have died under Obama's watch.

    And speaking of dying young, why didn't Democrats stop the young from dying in Chiraq?

    More Americans have been killed in Chiraq than in Iraq during the same time period.

    But that doesn't stop field or any leftwinger from voting Democrat.

    Odd that....

  58. @Field: What's the big deal over all those dead soldiers? Over 90% of combat deaths were white males. Only #BlackLivesMatter.

  59. Dear Conservatives,

    Please explain. Why did your president Bush leave the Iraqi people without security and open to the invasion and atrocities we see now? That's a simple question. Surely you can easily answer that one.

  60. "It should be obvious to even the dimmest of the dim liberals that American invaded Iraq with plans of turning the country into a reasonably democratic, capitalist society that would become an oasis of prosperity and opportunity in the middle of the middle east."

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    Comedy gold there from No Slapzz.

    He remains the master of unintentional humour.

  61. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Is Purple Cow 12 years old, or just a douche?

  62. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I'm afraid the regular FN Blacks are getting their asses handed to them today.

    Even Field can only make a weak statement.

  63. Lt. Commander Johnson6:15 PM

    Arafat was total retard, terrorist, pedophile, as well. He "was" a Nobel PEACE prize winner, before he was killed, as well. Good damn riddance.

  64. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Dear JOSH, I noticed that you did not address the NY Times article re: all of the White racist remarks at the President of the USA.

    How do you 'feel' or 'think' when your American white citizens hurl racist invective and vile profane CURSE words, very much like you do, at YOUR President?

    JOSH, I've tried my best over the past year to bring you to mental health but alas you still ignore all the racism around America. And now, even the President and you say NOTHING.

    I am very disappointed in you. I also feel guilty because I couldn't help you because you showed so much promise. Although I must say that TPC thought otherwise. I hate it when he is right.

  65. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Please stop asking Josh questions. I can't take another 500 word whiny reply. He really needs to grow a pair.

  66. "@PX- IF you are in the throes of a senior moment...

    i will excuse you.

    with all due respect.

    outside of the that, you demonstrate a Real problem with speaking the Truth.

    the perceptions of one that think it makes perfect sense to refer to his people as "blah"...

    don't hold a lot of weight with me."

    I did not use your name as you are not the only person having been accused of cavorting with the enemy. Ha! I'll leave it alone from here on out. We have no need to communicate further as it does not seem productive. I do see merit in unity among my people and that won't change. The use of "blah" is ironic, if you don't get it then that's not really a big deal. Those that get it understand. Peace sista.

  67. . "blah" is a base description of Blacks. He might as well use the word "nigger". I spoke about this in a past thread."

    I wholeheartedly agree, which is why it's interesting a leading Republican who is running for President referred to us a "the blahs". Did he really just want to say nigger? I bet he did.

  68. Anonymous7:19 PM

    He probably wanted to black, you fucking idiot.

  69. Anonymous7:21 PM


  70. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Just watch the Purple Cow, dance, bob and weave and interject silly cuntism's

    You were owned boy. It's clear as day.

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Oh, I don't know. But if I weren't a low IQ Negro. I might not by the southern strategy lie invented by Democrats to whitewash away who they really are. And I might actually know a little history.....real history about the Democrat party, such as."

    Blah, blah fucking blah.

    I'm not a Democrat little man, I'm a Socialist, so I don;t care about your potted history of the Dixiecrats. Yes many white Democrats are racist too. Tell us something we don't already fucking know, why doncha?

    "OK, now you listed additional parts of his speech, that do not contradict or change the theme of the quotes in the slightest, as you broadly and incorrectly state."

    They change the context totally you fucking moron. It shows that though he was dumb enough to believe the WMD horseshit he was at least clever enough to be against the war. It shows that he understood that though the US government would no doubt win the war they had no plans to win the peace.


    "As for your global warming Libberish, with a capital L...LOL"

    As I suspected you are not man enough. You don;t have the intellectual hardware to defeat me in debate. You fascist types are all the same, all talk - no action.

    No wonder your wife left you.

    11:33 AM

  71. Lt. Commander Johnson9:19 PM

    This is just impurile stupidness. Calling black folks "blah", is probably, the first point. "Cavorting with the enemy" Now, that's logical.

    The Ugly Cow's usage of Ha, Ha ha...etc., is also retarded. But, of course, he has an African excuse.

    Then, a fucking anon says we're "hurling racist injective at his white whore mother & God only knows what father" who barely knew him.

    Yet. He claims to be black. Bo, to paraphrase the Yisheng, black, he marries himself to a Black, (with a big nose, skin like a turd from partying all night, & eating at a Mexican restaurant, and a big dammed-ass, and huge lips to make it complete)

    It could just go on & on.......................

  72. "Dear JOSH, I noticed that you did not address the NY Times article re: all of the White racist remarks at the President of the USA..."

    Dear anon,

    Since my silence cannot accurately convey my feelings on this matter at a level which suffices to alert you of said state, then perhaps another tact is worthy of a go-ahead.

    I don't give flying fuck-one about what some asshats on Twitter say, whether it's racism, sexism, or any other type of "ism." Do you think I'm a fucking Tumblrette SJW who gets triggered by meanies and must seek therapy? For fuck's sake, I've literally had my life threatened on YouTube about a dozen times, and about three times here, all from trolls who use the Internet solely to give people grief.

    It happens!

    So, sorry if I don't go a-reconnoitering around the finer points of your posts looking for racists to wag my finger at.

    Yes, racists exist. Yes, some morons say stupid fucking shit on Twitter and elsewhere. What the fuck do you expect I should do about it? Join hand-in-hand with you and Tim Wise and whine that all white people need to be eliminated so the colored man can have his day in the sun?

    I don't know why the fuck you're seeking out my approval to continue on your trajectory of thinking all white people are evil.


    "I am very disappointed in you."

    What on this blue and white marble floating around in a space orders of magnitude beyond our imagination is your connection with me, Anon?

    You speak as if you're simultaneously seeking my approval and looking for me to make you proud, as if you're some type of mentally arrested man who let one slip by the goalie and now doesn't know how to be an emotionally responsible father.

    This is creeping my out far more than PX or TPC ever have.

    Be disappointed if you must, but don't project on my negatively because you took it upon yourself to lay expectations on a complete fucking stranger via the Internet. That's your bad! WTF does it have to do with me?

    Grow the fuck up...

  73. "I can't take another 500 word whiny reply."

    Since someone is obviously there taping your eyelids open and forcing you to read everything I write, might I suggest you start bargaining for your life?

    Try offering a cock suck or whatever it is you cunts bargain with. Maybe offer to let your captor in through the rear puss.

    Or maybe do what normal people do if they don't wanna see something: Don't fucking look at it!



  74. Limpbaugh11:17 PM

    Al Gore did invent the internet. What he actually said was that he took the initiative in creating it. He wrote legislation that mandated use of fiber optics and that various systems be interfaced together. It led to the internet as we know it.

  75. Hey PX, Yyou flipped that like a Whooteemoo ho' cake, lol!!!

  76. Limpbaugh11:44 PM

    How the Southern Strategy came about is oversimplified. People point to things Truman, LBJ, or Nixon did, but when a lot of people switched parties was when Reagan beat the Southern Democrat Carter. Racism played a role but it wasn't the only reason for the switch. States rights and other things that appealed to Southern conservatives were factors. But the end result is true. The type of people who were in the KKK forty years ago, conservative southern Democrats, are now Republicans. The states Romney won, pretty well match up with the states which were in the Confederacy.

  77. Anonymous1:04 AM

    "No wonder your wife left you."

    PC's wife left him? Say it ain't so. It can't be true because "If they go Black, they never go back!"

    I can only assume that you are a liar. She would NEVER leave PC he is a man of power among men. Men shiver in his presence.

  78. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Since someone is obviously there taping your eyelids open and forcing you to read everything I write, might I suggest you start bargaining for your life?

    Try offering a cock suck or whatever it is you cunts bargain with. Maybe offer to let your captor in through the rear puss.

    Or maybe do what normal people do if they don't wanna see something: Don't fucking look at it!



    9:47 PM
    OMG! This is the most profane crap I have ever read. This beats AB by a long shot. Yet, Field allows it because the man is White!

  79. "He probably wanted to say black, you fucking idiot."

    A real winner we have here. A genius is you will. Thanks captain obvious.

  80. As is typical for conservatives they give us a bogus site run by a non-scientist who posts incorrect or out of context information to "disprove" global warming.

    This is not a scientific site nor is the author a climate scientist. They want so badly to be correct it's sad.

  81. Anonymous8:59 AM

    PilotX, "This is not a scientific site nor is the author a climate scientist. They want so badly to be correct it's sad."

    FN is not a scientific site either. But you spend your time on it. They may want to be 'correct', but you are known as wanting to be 'right'. And you LIE a lot to be right. Most folks have exposed you for the lying self-hating Black that you are.

    You really ought to look at yourself but you don't have the internal desire to do that. So you continue to be a phony on FN.

  82. @PX-

    "I did not use your name as you are not the only person having been accused of cavorting with the enemy. Ha! I'll leave it alone from here on out. We have no need to communicate further as it does not seem productive."


    PX you did in fact address me on calling a "truce"- it is for this reason, i suggested you turn your attention to the one you hi five on the regular for her on-going, divisive ghetto antics.

    furthermore, if you believe that calling your people what enemies call US = irony + acceptable...

    attempting to dialogue with you is indeed non-productive.

    we are in agreement.

    Shabbat Shalom!

  83. "Yet, Field allows it because the man is White!"

    I have a feeling Field allows it because he doesn't censor free speech as cunts would want typically to do. That, of course, if the message isn't clear, means Field isn't a cunt, whereas no mistake should be made that the feigned onerous dictatorial intentions of those who would censor speech are, themselves, cunts of the slipperiest fashion.

    Them ain't roses we smell as you waffle by...

  84. Don't be jealous Olive Oyl.

  85. Lucifer wants fp12:57 PM

    PX...i suggested you turn your attention to the one you hi five on the regular for her on-going, divisive ghetto antics.

    furthermore, if you believe that calling your people what enemies call US = irony + acceptable...


    Some people just looooove to tell others what to do!

    Set the example beatch,set the example xD

  86. @mpd-

    jealous of what?

    i don't flow with menfolk that won't Stand up for me nor have my back. that's how you get down + play the clown.

    KC, though we may not always agree, will have my back. you are hard pressed to ever get that with PX.

    pay attention!

    furthermore, envy does not afflict me. this is your clear condition which you project as always.

    hope you get that addressed/fixed...

    Real quick.

    @12:57pm- i AM setting the example.

    when you defeated demons get buck...

    i take the high road.

    scroll + see + weep.

    ps. defeated lucifer might want me...

    it appears he has got you.

    all the same, i will pray for you.

    more example for ya!


    enjoy your Sabbath today + be in peace as you slither on your defeated way...

    Blessings all!

  87. @mpd-

    btw weren't you supposed to be "ignoring" me?

    just the latest fixated lie...

    it's all Good.

    haters come with the territory...

  88. @lucifer's defeated imp @12:57pm-

    it occurred to me that Messiah is the One to follow.

    HE is the One whose example folk are to take a cue from.

    not me.

    defeated souls STAY down with idolatry.

    when i confess what is written, it is NOT to tell folk what to do. as per usual defeated demons STAY confused.

    now go ask your defeated devil master 'bout Yahushua Messiah...

    you know lucifer- the...

    Yah swag jacking wannabe

    seeks to be LIKE Most High- but can't

    wants me but i am the redeemed daughter of THE Most High

    then watch him tremble.

    'cause he knows, even if he can convince dum dums to follow his lie on + accuse Yah's people flow...

    i would urge you to believe NOTHING the devil says, however, because he IS a liar.

    you may want to get familiar with Messiah + His Word- 'cause He will not and cannot lie...

    then switch camps.

    Messiah provided a way out for ya.


    you cannot ever say no one told ya.

    + no blood on my hands. even gave you some Love in exchange for all your baseless accusations + hateration.



  89. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Every day we've all been living, in some segment of the world people have been dying needlessly because of some gang fight or another. Humanity's ruled by a variety of gangs with fancy names. No different than the Crips and Bloods, really. They all operate in the same manner.


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