Sunday, June 28, 2015

"Burn notice."

Image result for black church fires imagesWhile America is busy patting herself on the back for recognizing that the flag of the traitors who fought for the confederacy is an abomination to people of conscience, I would like to remind everyone that at least six African American churches have been burned since that horrific tragedy in Charleston, South Carolina.

Maybe our enemies are putting us on some kind of notice: This war is just beginning.

'“What's the church doing on fire?'

Jeanette Dudley, the associate pastor of God's Power Church of Christ in Macon, Georgia, got a call a little after 5 a.m. on Wednesday, she told a local TV news station. Her tiny church of about a dozen members had been burned, probably beyond repair. The Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, and Tobacco got called in, which has been the standard procedure for church fires since the late 1960s. Investigators say they’ve ruled out possible causes like an electrical malfunction; most likely, this was arson.

The very same night, many miles away in North Carolina, another church burned: Briar Creek Road Baptist Church, which was set on fire some time around 1 a.m. Investigators have ruled it an act of arson, the AP reports; according to The Charlotte Observer, they haven’t yet determined whether it might be a hate crime.

Two other predominantly black churches have been the target of possible arson this week:  Glover Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Warrenville, South Carolina, which caught fire on Friday, and College Hill Seventh Day Adventist, which burned on Monday in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Investigators in Knoxville told a local news station they believed it was an act of vandalism, although they aren’t investigating the incident as a hate crime. (There have also been at least three other cases of fires at churches this week. At Fruitland Presbyterian Church in Gibson County, Tennessee, and the Greater Miracle Temple Apostolic Holiness Church in Tallahassee, Florida. Officials suspect the blazes were caused by lightning and electrical wires, respectively, but investigations are still ongoing. A church that is not predominantly black—College Heights Baptist Church in Elyria, Ohio—was burned on Saturday morning. The fire appears to have been started in the sanctuary, and WKYC reports that the cause is still under investigation. The town’s fire and police departments did not immediately return calls for confirmation on Sunday.*)

These fires join the murder of nine people at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church as major acts of violence perpetrated against predominantly black churches in the last fortnight. Churches are burning again in the United States, and the symbolism of that is powerful. Even though many instances of arson have happened at white churches, the crime is often association with racial violence: a highly visible attack on a core institution of the black community, often done at night, and often motivated by hate.'' [Source]

OK, so maybe these churches are all burning by accident and this is all purely coincidental.
Just one of those freaky things that go down in bunches.

Sure, and Lauren London keeps blowing up my phone to sneak off with her to Paris, but I have to pass on her invitation  because I am happily married.  Riiight.

Anyway, racists in America will not go down without a fight. All this talk about the confederate flag coming down but as I write this; there it flies, bolder and brighter than ever on the capitol grounds of South Carolina. And, depending on what the state's lawmakers do, it might never come down. In fact, had it not been for the actions of one brave soul and her accomplice, that racist symbol of tyranny would continue to fly uninterrupted in spite of all the hue and cry from different voices in the country.

"The hate filled murderer who massacred our brothers and sisters in Charleston has a sick and twisted view of the flag. In no way does he reflect the people in our state who respect and, in many ways, revere it. Those South Carolinians view the flag as a symbol of respect, integrity, and duty. They also see it as a memorial, a way to honor ancestors who came to the service of their state during time of conflict. That is not hate, nor is it racism.

At the same time, for many others in South Carolina, the flag is a deeply offensive symbol of a brutally oppressive past. As a state we can survive, as we have done, while still being home to both of those viewpoints. We do not need to declare a winner and a loser here. We respect freedom of expression, and that for those who wish to show their respect for the flag on their private property, no one will stand in your way.

But the statehouse is different and the events of this past week call upon us to look at this in a different way. Fifteen years ago, after much contentious debate, South Carolina came together in a bipartisan way to move the flag from atop the Capitol dome. Today, we are here in a moment of unity in our state without ill will, to say it’s time to move the flag from the Capitol grounds."

We will believe it when we see it.

*Pic courtesy of




  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    There are tens of thousands of churches in America - sometimes they burn down.

    Sometimes it is done to get insurance money.

    The last time we went through this hysteria, it turned out that none of the black church burnings were the fault of white racists - all were simply accidental or done by church personnel themselves.

    None of theses latest fires shows any evidence of being done by some evil white person. At this point, any theories are complete speculation.

    There are enough real problems in the world, why are you always trying to stir up fear and anger between white and black people?

  2. When Nidal Hasan killed nine people while shouting "Allah Akbar", there were no calls to ban the Islamic crescent.

    So why when Dylan Roof kills nine people do we need to ban the Confederate flag?

    1. Well Skeeter to answer your question we have to look at the act in context. First, no one is trying to ban the confederate flag, just trying to remove it from state grounds. Secondly, the confederate flag has a loooooooooooooooong history of being viewed as offensive by many people and to be honest many have been trying to remove this symbol of oppression for years. You mention one act of terror by one individual but we can name thousands of acts of terror committed by those who revere the confederate flag. Finally, there are no islamic Cresents on any public building I am aware of. So to sum it up Skeeter the word ban is not totally accurate as you as an individual are free to fly any flag you wish on your private property while people of good conscious are ok with state buildings only flying the american and state flags. Wouldn't you be ok with that? Why the need for confederate flags on public grounds?

    2. Excellent commentary, Pilot..... Would say some of the perception regarding the Confederate flag banning could be due to those retailers that have moved to discontinue stocking the flags on the shelf for sale. I'm in the camp of believing that making the flag harder to buy in popular store chains is misguided. We, as a community, should navigate this journey to common ground.

    3. No one Is making the flag harder to buy. These businesses made business decisions based on their bottom lines and their public image. Nothing more nothing less.

  3. And let the false equivalences begin.

  4. As my dad used to always say, "the more things change...." Recall how Goodwin, Schwerner and Cheney were killed, investigating a church burning. Recall Medger Evers was killed returning from investigating a church burning. Interesting times.

  5. YT IS OUT TO BE GET US!!!!!

    Racial paranoia is strong in the fields today.

    Just remember, most racial violence in this country is committed by blahs.

    Of course, field doesn't want to talk about those inconvenient truths.


    How dare that black police officer do his job and not recognize her black privilege!

  7. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Where are the "facts"? Seems you would want to wait for those. Oops, forgot this is a fact free zone. Facts are the refuge of a racist.

  8. Anonymous10:16 AM

    PilotX said...
    You mention one act of terror by one individual but we can name thousands of acts of terror committed by those who revere the confederate flag.

    This sort of blindness - whether willful or just myopic - is what makes liberal thought so destructive.

    You have only ever heard of one terror act by one individual done in the name of Islam? You are completely unaware of Islamic history since its founding over 1,400 years ago?

    More specific to the reality of our lifetimes, the Confederate flag has been a harmless cultural identifier to millions of Americans, while there have been thousands of Americans murdered in the name of Islam.

    Dylan Roof did not commit his crime in the name of the Confederacy - he had one photo of himself with the flag among hundreds of photos on his Facebook page. Had he posed with an ISIS flag, you would not be calling for banning ISIS flags (which, unlike Confederate flags you can still buy on ebay), because this has nothing to do with Dylan Roof but rather is simply the Left using a tragedy to advance its cultural war on the group it hates most - white Southern Christians.

  9. "Dylan Roof did not commit his crime in the name of the Confederacy - he had one photo of himself with the flag among hundreds of photos on his Facebook page."

    He has several photos of himself with confederate flags, apartheid era Zuid Afrika flags, and a Rhodesian flag.

    He also had a confederate flag on the number plates of his car.

  10. The defense of the confederate flag flying on public grounds is similar to the "war on x-mas" conservative freak out. Conservatives love to force their ideas and beliefs on others and can't stand the idea that their beliefs and ideas are no more important than anyone else's. You are free to use Christian symbols and confederate symbols as much as your heart desires on your own property but it's not a war on anything when the rest of us don't want the state to recognize your beliefs. Your ideas and beliefs are no more or less important than anyone else's. Stop the persecution rhetoric please.

  11. Anonymous11:31 AM

    LOL@PILOTX. Sure they did. Pressure from democrat groups like the NAACP made no difference.

  12. The Fixer11:42 AM

    The defense of the confederate flag flying on public grounds is similar to the #blacklivesmatter black freak out. Blacks love to force their ideas and beliefs on others and can't stand the idea that their beliefs and ideas are no more important than anyone else's. Blacks are free to be stupid for the cause as much as their heart desires but it's not a war on black men when the rest of us don't want the state to recognize your racism. Your ideas and beliefs are no more or less important than anyone else's. Black people, stop the persecution rhetoric please.

    You're welcome.


  13. The FieldNegro said...
    OK, so maybe these churches are all burning by accident and this is all purely coincidental.

    Or maybe it is more of those fake hate crimes dumbocrats use to push their agenda.

    I remember you writing about the NAACP office in Colorado where the fire bomb went off. Strange you never followed up on the story. Translated - no white right-wing nra tea party members could be blamed so under the bus goes the story.

    I remember you writing about the Duke noose incident. You never followed up did you? Translated - No right-wing white nra tea party members to be blamed. Under the bus.

    Even Rachel Dolezal filed fake hate crimes.

  14. McFred12:11 PM

    Anyone with half a brain can see that Yisheng is just a dumbass, worthless, bigoted cunt.

  15. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Well in that case FnF, let them stock the Nazi flag also. We can navigate that journey as a community too I guess.

  16. Go Pack Go12:20 PM

    Regarding the Confederate flag, I'm not a southerner, but if I was, I would definitely be defending my right to keep what is rightfully mine, and not letting a bunch of whiny, asshole blacks and libtards tell me what I can and cannot do.

  17. PilotX said...

    The defense of the confederate flag flying on public grounds is similar to the "war on x-mas" conservative freak out. Conservatives love to force their ideas and beliefs on others and can't stand the idea that their beliefs and ideas are no more important than anyone else's. You are free to use Christian symbols and confederate symbols as much as your heart desires on your own property but it's not a war on anything when the rest of us don't want the state to recognize your beliefs. Your ideas and beliefs are no more or less important than anyone else's. Stop the persecution rhetoric please.

    11:29 AM

    This is some kind of funnie coming from pilotx.

    Since it is white liberals and blacks pissing and moaning about the Confederate flag, demanding businesses stop selling it, and calling anyone who disagrees with them racist.

    And there's black activist with a white girls name Brittany.

    Who's forcing their beliefs down people's throats?

    Who can't stand the idea that their beliefs and ideas are no more important than anyone "else's"?

    " You are free to use Christian symbols and confederate symbols as much as your heart desires on your own property"

    I'm thankful pilotx and and the rest of his ilk are giving us permission to make our decisions about our property. Of course in some liberal cities flying the American flag on your property is banned. Liberals find the American flag offensive.

    Who's forcing their beliefs down people's throats?

    Who can't stand the idea that their beliefs and ideas are no more important than anyone "else's"?

    "war on x-mas"

    Is this where the left bans words like God, Christmas from carols and plays about God and Christmas, yet have no problems with Jewish or Muslim holiday symbols? or taking field trips to mosques where children are taught to pray like good Muslims?

    That war on x-mas?

    Who's forcing their beliefs down people's throats?

    Who can't stand the idea that their beliefs and ideas are no more important than anyone "else's"?

    "Stop the persecution rhetoric please.'

    By all means, please do, pilotx. That is all that comes from blacks and white liberals. Gets old after a few hundred years.

  18. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Unarmed Man Shot in Back by Police:

    "The shooting occurred about 3:20 p.m. after Sgt. Jay Cook saw a suspicious man walking down a roadway in the Town of Constable, according to the state police. The sergeant ordered Mr. Sweat to stop, but he broke into a run and the sergeant, a firearms instructor, opened fire, according to the authorities. Mr. Sweat was not armed at the time."

    Amazingly, Sweat had a close associate who was shot to death by police just last Friday.

  19. @ Anon 12:13 PM..... EXACTLY!! Even as Pilot X cites earlier, dsplaying the Confederate, Nazi or other similar symbols on private property is at the discretion of the individual citizen. Maybe not tomorrow or even this year, but very hopeful a common ground can be reached amongst diverse viewpoints.

  20. The Confederate battle flag is not so much a symbol of hatred as it is an object of hatred, a target of hatred. It evokes a hatred of the visceral sort that we see manifest in those like PilotX who cynically exploit any tragedy they can to further their attacks on those they hate.


  21. Kinky_Con said...
    Liberals find the American flag offensive.

    wasn't the racist Charleston church shooter also a hater of the American flag? Proudly posting pics of him burning the flag?

  22. Yes, most lovers of the confederate flag hate the flag of the damn yankees.
    What's your point?

  23. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    @ Anon 12:13 PM..... EXACTLY!! Even as Pilot X cites earlier, dsplaying the Confederate, Nazi or other similar symbols on private property is at the discretion of the individual citizen. Maybe not tomorrow or even this year, but very hopeful a common ground can be reached amongst diverse viewpoints.

    12:31 PM

    Diverse viewpoints ???

    Sounds harmless enough I guess...

  24. field negro said...
    Yes, most lovers of the confederate flag hate the flag of the damn yankees.

    Just like you.

    Is not the enemy of your enemy your friend?

  25. Kudos to Bree Newsome! The only one with enough guts (so far) to do what needed to be done to that perverted symbol of white pathology. Too bad she didn't blow her nose on it, spit on it, or bring a huge pair of shears and cut it to shreds while she was up there. As for the white racists who are setting fire to churches, there are ways to deal with that problem, too.

  26. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    Even as Pilot X cites earlier, dsplaying the Confederate, Nazi or other similar symbols on private property is at the discretion of the individual citizen.

    12:31 PM

    Pilot never mentioned the Nazi flag. Those are your words.

  27. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Pam said...
    Kudos to Bree Newsome! The only one with enough guts (so far) to do what needed to be done to that perverted symbol of white pathology. Too bad she didn't blow her nose on it, spit on it, or bring a huge pair of shears and cut it to shreds while she was up there. As for the white racists who are setting fire to churches, there are ways to deal with that problem, too.

    What white racists? That is a complete fabrication from the Field Negro, yet you are ready to join a lynch mob.

  28. Anonymous Bill said...

    Kinky_Con said...
    Liberals find the American flag offensive.

    wasn't the racist Charleston church shooter also a hater of the American flag? Proudly posting pics of him burning the flag?

    1:36 PM

    Roof proudly burned the American flag just like any white liberal or black person would be.

    Funny what racists, black folks and white liberals have in common.

    Their hatred of America.

  29. Anonymous4:14 PM

    It's not hatred of America, it's constructive critism in order to better America.

  30. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Roof was only trying to make America a better place.

  31. America is moving left faster and faster. All my life, we have been moving left, and the rate of movement left has been accelerating.

    1. Baltimore, Ferguson, and the supreme court case on disparate impact in housing amount to a resumption of the 1950s Warren Court program of ethnically cleansing whites out of what they have built. Difference is that due to the mass importation of illegal immigrants to live on crime, welfare, affirmative action jobs and government jobs, they now have the votes to sustain that policy all the way to its logical conclusion. Baltimore was our Kristallnacht.

    2. Finishing off marriage, not that there was enough left to be worth preserving.

    3. Obamacare case sets the important precedent that the bureaucracy can budget and legislate, rendering the house of representatives and the senate obsolete ritual survivals, like Buckingham palace.

    4. Lowering the Confederate battleflag, and raising the butthole sex flag. Not only is what is left of marriage to be destroyed, but all must enthusiastically applaud its destruction, and you don’t want to be the first one to stop applauding.

  32. "America is moving left faster and faster."

    You should be so lucky.

  33. Anonymous9:36 PM

    "Lowering the Confederate battleflag, and raising the butthole sex flag. Not only is what is left of marriage to be destroyed, but all must enthusiastically applaud its destruction, and you don’t want to be the first one to stop applauding."

    Jim and a lot of these crazy right wingers hate BOTH blacks and gays.

  34. A "butthole sex flag"? Really? Is that a promise? How soon?

    I find it fascinating how some men are soooooo obsessed with other men's sex lives. It almost sounds like they have a fixation on anal sex between guys. But that couldn't be, could it, because if that's true it means that a certain amount of-- 'visualization'--goes on. But of course that never, ever happens, right Field?

  35. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Pam said...

    It almost sounds like they have a fixation on anal sex between guys. But that couldn't be, could it, because if that's true it means that a certain amount of-- 'visualization'--goes on. But of course that never, ever happens, right Field?

    10:09 PM

    Why u think Field would know that???

  36. Anonymous1:06 AM

    "I find it fascinating how some men are soooooo obsessed with other men's sex lives. It almost sounds like they have a fixation on anal sex between guys. But that couldn't be, could it, because if that's true it means that a certain amount of-- 'visualization'--goes on. But of course that never, ever happens, right Field?"

    Girrrrrrl, you better preach!

  37. Anonymous1:15 AM

    "I find it fascinating how some men are soooooo obsessed with other men's sex lives. It almost sounds like they have a fixation on anal sex between guys. But that couldn't be, could it, because if that's true it means that a certain amount of-- 'visualization'--goes on. But of course that never, ever happens, right Field?"

    The homophobes' heads are spinning right about now. Many are in a tizzy because same sex marriage is now the law of the land.
