Saturday, June 27, 2015

Caption Saturday.


I need a caption for this pic.

Play nice.

*Pic from


  1. Lilacpr9:09 PM

    (Lawd have mercy! Near jumped outta my chair at this sight!!!)
    'Now that's taking Southern pride in the right direction! '

  2. Uh say bruh, your shoe is untied but for the love of god don't bend over and tie it!

  3. Lilacpr9:36 PM

    Oh my gawd! It's true! The laces, I just noticed!!! Lolol! These crackas are cray-cray!!! And is that a wife husband combo? Or daughter- daddy? Or what the hey is that??? omaigaah! Yeezus!!!

  4. Lilacpr9:37 PM

    Oh my gawd! It's true! The laces, I just noticed!!! Lolol! These crackas are cray-cray!!! And is that a wife husband combo? Or daughter- daddy? Or what the hey is that??? omaigaah! Yeezus!!!

  5. leota29:43 PM

    Just another day at Wal-Mart.

  6. What progress looks like, gay pride meets southern pride.

  7. "We should have just paid the extra 3 dollars and gone to Target," thought Maggie as she snapped a frightening pic of the competition's customers.

  8. Lilacpr11:00 PM

    I'm just wondering though...that can't be a real photo right? I mean things can't be that bad over there right? Right???

    Uuyyyy! x( hahaha! Nekkid crackas! Never a good thing! Evah!

  9. CLOSE DOWN THE CONTEST! Pilot X should win hands down!! :)

  10. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Lilacpr said...
    Oh my gawd! It's true! The laces, I just noticed!!! Lolol! These crackas are cray-cray!!! And is that a wife husband combo? Or daughter- daddy? Or what the hey is that??? omaigaah! Yeezus!!!

    Wow, so many racist and bigoted stereotypes packed into such a short comment. You win the Liberal Tolerance Award!

  11. In the Soviet Union, you could tell you were in a totalitarian country because everywhere you looked there was a huge red and white billboard shouting some vacuous communist slogan. Here, everywhere you look it is either sacred homosexuals, sacred blacks, or the global warming hoax. The ruling oligarchy’s ideology is every bit as inescapable as under Stalin. For example:

    Americans trust their doctors, so the White House wants these medical professionals to be a mouthpiece for President Obama’s global warming agenda.

    “We also need doctors, nurses and citizens, like all of you” President Obama said in a taped speech presented to medical professionals gathered at the White House, “to get to work to raise awareness and organize folks for real change.”

    The Obama administration has been hard at work trying to draw a link between global warming and public health issues. The summit included the U.S. Surgeon General, top administration officials, and public health experts from around the country telling doctors, nurses and other conference goers how to talk about global warming with their patients.

    It gets even crazier:

    “We need to engage medical students themselves,” said Vice Admiral Vivek Murthy, the U.S. Surgeon General, “to demand the curriculum change” to prepare them for a warmer future."

    Ultimately this isn’t about the weather:

    Speakers at the White House summit didn’t just tell doctors to go out and raise awareness about global warming, but to also promote the Obama administration’s regulatory agenda aimed at cutting carbon dioxide emissions.

    Jesus Christ, this country is fucked.

  12. On Wednesday, June 17, Reuters reported tersely that the White House “continues to have confidence” in the beleaguered Office of Personnel Management (OPM) chief Katherine Archuleta. This came on the heels of new information that, among other things, the devastating OPM hack may have had something to do with OPM running high-end systems coded in a semi-obsolete programming language without built-in support for modern security practices. Or that OPM gave root system access (for those that don’t speak UNIX, root is privileged system access authority) to foreign contractors in China. No matter, the White House has “confidence” in the woman that ignored a direct warning from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) cataloging key vulnerabilities in OPM systems, and who also happens to have worked as the national political director for President Obama’s re-election campaign.

  13. If religion does not matter in regard to homosexuality, then why must we restrict our behaviors in deference to Islam?

  14. Amerika1:23 AM

    What surprises people most about liberalism is that it is entirely different than its advertising. On the surface, it advertises goodwill and equality for all; underneath the surface, that means a vast faceless mass of useless people chanting the same slogans while a few arch-cynical manipulators take all the wealth and power for themselves. Liberalism is a ripoff, the ultimate theft of a civilization from its people, and it brings with it misery but only long after the good vibes have faded.

    The worst aspect of liberalism appears in its war on intelligence. As part of its jihad against social standards, so that the individual faces no oversight and evolutionary pressures, it replaces realistic assessments with ideological dogma. That is, “We must gather food for the winter” becomes replaced by “We must make sure the food that we already have is equally distributed.” Liberalism functions through distraction from the real issue by the creation of crash dummy issues which, being more emotionally polarized, deflect from the actual issues and make it such that to oppose them is to invoke the wrath of the gathered onlookers. Nothing makes greater destruction than a mob, because — without accountability — it passes judgment and demands immediate gratification in impossible ways, guaranteeing that only lies will be believed and all truths will be denied.

    As a result, the left sees intelligence — real intelligence, not “education” — as an enemy. Intelligence sees reality as it is and sees the Crowd for what it is, which is a group of unhappy people determined that no one may be happier than they. Intelligence must be destroyed because it makes people greater than equal, and that makes them not only a threat but a resource to be exploited, just as we cut down the forests and killed off the whales. Those who are lower than equal are always protected and assumed to be innocent victims in a conflict, with whatever criminal or stupid behavior they exhibited being explained away as a consequence (and not cause) of their inequality. The spiral goes forever downward, never rising above.

    As a Nietzschean, I look at society as a question of human survival. Ultimately however I agree with the Christians that our problem is evil, although I do not see its origin as “Satan” but the poor choices — prioritizing short-term personal gain over long-term stable harmony working toward the good, the beautiful and the true — of individual humans, who without the intervention of self-discipline are merely talking Bonobos with the same licentious and repetitious urges that that tribe of monkeys exhibits. Evil is solipsism, or the creation of an ego that eclipses all else, and its opposite are those who are intelligent and by that nature, disciplined and prone to notice reality instead of living in a closed-circuit feedback loop of their own desires, judgments and feelings. Most of history is deflection, displacement and distraction of reality by those closed-circuit people, so that their venality and corruption remains unnoticed. They are the destroyers of civilization and they thrive in a time bigoted against intelligence, which tells us exactly what we must do to defeat them.

  15. Lilacpr1:58 AM

    "Licentious and repititious urges" mmm, sounds like a plan to me! A good plan x*D

  16. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Everywhere and anywhere now is banning the Confederate Battle Flag because some jackass shot up a church and it was pretty-clearly a racist attack?

    Did we ban the Queeran -- or prayer mats -- after Hasan shot up a military facility?



    Is there a race problem in America? Oh hell yeah. But just as we don't ban Queerans because some Islamic nutjob tries to shoot up a cartoon contest, or another Islamic nutjob tries and succeeds in shooting up a military base exactly what sort of horsecrap is it to call not only for banning pieces of cloth with particular markings on them but also to demand the removal of statutes and other historical artifacts of a war that both didn't have to be fought and damn well ought to be remembered not just for its causes but for the atrocities committed during that time?

    How far from Nazi Germany (or Saddam's Iraq!) are we when we ban pieces of cloth and tear down statutes?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Dear Amerika,

    Re the post you copied and pasted above. Are you actually Brett Stevens or did you steal his writing without permission or attribution?

  19. Thanks PC, I thought I saw that goblbily gook somewhere else.

    "real intelligence-not education"? Stop right there.

    Yep, Pilot is the leader in the club house so far with the caption contest. :)

  20. The "Heritage-Not-Hate" Fashion Swimwear Collection...

  21. First time I've ever seen a pancake wear a confederate flag.

    Yep, PX wins....again!

  22. His and hers Whooteemoo underoos.

  23. Anonymous12:25 PM

    field negro said...
    >Thanks PC, I thought I saw that goblbily gook somewhere else.<

    Where might that have been?

    >"real intelligence-not education"? Stop right there.<

    Do you not know the difference between the two?

  24. "Hey, I'm new here. Where can I get some good fried chicken?"

    Yes - I was once almost physically attacked for asking that question to the only other people on a job site when I had a craving for fried chicken.

    Luckily for everyone, the old man in the group grabbed some arms and told me where KFC was.

    This was years ago. I presume today I'd be arrested at the end of the melee.

  25. "Do you know the difference between the two?"

    Based on your postings I know that you posess neither.

    Doc and F&F(@9:55am)those were pretty good captions as well.

  26. Thanks PC, I thought I saw that goblbily gook somewhere else.<

    "Where might that have been?"


    They don't have Google where you live?

  27. Anonymous6:29 PM

    @PC: Field was being called out for the bullshit idea that he had read the material previously.

    Reaching out beyond his ideological bubble is beyond him.

    If it isn't sent to him by Think Progress or Media Matters, he hasn't read it.

  28. You are right , Field is allergic to stupid.

  29. Oh hell no.

    -Doug in Oakland


  30. I wonder if QLB would post a pic of 2 Black people like FieldNegro does white people?

  31. Anonymous11:59 AM

    "Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eating"

    Directed by Washington lobbyists

    Produced by GMO's

    Starring Chris Christie and Sarah Pale-end

  32. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Trashy as these rednecks are, they still look better than 99.99% of the hood rats and sheboons I see running around.
