Thursday, June 18, 2015

Made in America.

Image result for image dylann roof confederate flagOn September 15, 1963, the 16th Street Baptist Church was bombed, and four beautiful little girls lost their lives when a group of evil baleful and malevolent racists planted sticks of dynamite under the front steps of their church. Martin Luther King called the killings "one of the most vicious and tragic crimes ever perpetrated against humanity".

So what should we make of this latest terrorist attack and massacre on yet another house of worship  in Charleston, South Carolina? It is not 1963, and the Klan (or so they would have us believe) cannot boast about having thousands of members and influence.

It is 2015, and we are supposed to be living in a "post-racial" country. So how could this happen? How could a gunman walk into a house of worship and slaughter nine people because he doesn't like the color of their skin?

Over the next few days you will hear a lot of pundits and "experts" try to explain what took place in Charleston on Wednesday evening. Some, like the president, will blame a culture of guns and the ease with which people can get their hands on them. Still others, like GOP candidates and conservatives, will blame the actions of this racist lunatic on his hatred for Christians. They will then make the ludicrous claim that there is now some kind of war on Christians raging in this country. But I am sorry, he slaughtered those people in that church because their house of worship is where they were most vulnerable. He would have shot them all to death in a Chuck E Cheese restaurant if it would have been more convenient for him to do so.

What we need to be asking ourselves is this: How could a millennial--- in a country that is supposed to be the "shining city on a hill" for the rest of the world--- commit such a horrific act? What (or who) is influencing the minds of individuals like this who was not even a thought back in 1963? 

Many of us, of course,  saw this coming.  And I have personally written about it in the past. To be sure, there will be more to come. And I can only hope that those who are charged with keeping us safe will focus as much of their attention and resources on domestic terrorists as they do the people plotting to kill us from thousands of miles away under the banner of Isis.

"Michael, Rena, Nalin and I are praying for the victims and families touched by tonight's senseless tragedy at Emanuel AME Church. While we do not yet know all of the details, we do know that we'll never understand what motivates anyone to enter one of our places of worship and take the life of another. Please join us in lifting up the victims and their families with our love and prayers."

That was the governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, posting on her facebook page. Her statement offers a clue about what is currently wrong with America. "...we do know that we'll never understand what motivates anyone to enter one of our places of worship and take the life of another"
Ahhhm, hellooooo!! We do know what motivated this young man: His hatred for black people. For her to try and ignore that very glaring reality speaks volumes about the tenor of purposeful cluelessness that is so prevalent among a certain segment of our population.

Instead of posting messages on her facebook page, Nikki Haley should demand that the flag of hatred flying over her state's capitol be removed. That would be a profile in courage. That would go a long way towards letting the rest of America know that hatred and bigotry will not be tolerated, and that proudly flying an official symbol of hatred and bigotry is not how you stop the next massacre of innocent unsuspecting Americans in their house of worship.



  1. R.I.P. to the fallen victims of this shocking and vicious crime, and endless sympathy to their families, their friends, the Mother Emanuel AME Church, and their community.

    I don't have have room for anger today. Only sorrow. I do agree, and have always agreed, that the Confederate flag has no place in America. I completely respect your mention of it, and will understand the anger to come.

    But today, for me, there is only sadness from the West, looking to the East.


  2. The FieldNegro said...
    he slaughtered those people in that church because their house of worship is where they were most vulnerable

    Sounds like right-wingnuts talking about school shooters picking schools where kids are unprotected/vulnerable.

    The government's "war on drugs" has proven the government will not be able to ban guns from the hands of criminals.

    Isn't it about time to stop whining about guns and figure out a realistic solution?

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Much as I despise the Confederate flag and want it to be remove from the South Carolina statehouse, it didn't make Dylann shoot those people, Dylann's delusional racist reasoning and anger is what made him do it. There are states on the East, West, South and North that do not have confederate flags hanging on their poles,but the racism in those places can be sickening.

    My heart goes out to the nine people that died.

  4. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Good Brotha Field,
    You know this cowardly, monster, Thug, racist bastard will come up with a excuse!!.( BTW - have you noticed not ONE person in the media has calling him any of those names) All he has to say is that he was listening to Rap music while thinking about Obamacare. That made him go into the church and SLAUGHTER those church folks!! He will be out of jail in a year!!.. Now of course I'm being sarcastic but I BET they will not charge him with Murder 1 ( Death Penalty). Remember, Haley and the Mayor of Charleston cannot understand why such a terrible person would do such a thing!!

    I guess what the woman said who lived is not proof enough!!

    What a joke!!!


  5. Quote One-Trick-Pony-Bill

    "Isn't it about time to stop whining about guns and figure out a realistic solution?"

    Which would be what exactly, Bill?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous6:42 PM

    "The government's 'war on drugs' has proven the government will not be able to ban guns from the hands of criminals."

    Superficially, that might seem like a reasonable statement. But look at the issue in depth, and the "only the outlaws will have guns" argument falls apart.

    Guns and drugs are not comparable. The demand (and financial incentive) for guns is nowhere as strong as for drugs, and the ease of supply of guns is MUCH less than for drugs. You can grow recreational drugs in your backyard or brew them up in your kitchen sink; guns are a high-tech item that is not easy to manufacture in someone's home or a 3rd-world operation, and despite overblown media stories about 3D printing, that really hasn't changed much.

    The argument that guns can't be regulated is disastrously undermined by the experience of all the other countries that do regulate them far more than the U.S. -- which is most of the planet.

    The UK has an extremely strong, and effectively enforced, gun control regime. Long guns are restricted. Handguns are totally banned. The idea of a civilian getting access to an AR-15 is completely laughable. And this works to the extent that their regular beat cops do not carry firearms because they are really unlikely to ever encounter criminals who are carrying them. (In the event they ever do, a specially trained firearms unit is called in.)

    When I point these facts out to gun nuts in this country, about half the time I get an explicitly racist response: Well, our homicide rate wouldn't go down anyway, because America has lots of niggers. The dirty lowlives would find a way.

  9. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Instead of posting messages on her facebook page, Nikki Haley should demand that the flag of hatred flying over her state's capitol be removed.
    Good luck with that, she would lose the election on a landslide because whites in the south love that damned flag.

  10. Bullshit detector7:02 PM

    Did that asshole Ramos B.S. ever give an example of a mass killing of whites by blahs? Or did he pull it out of his ass like all conservatives?

  11. Anonymous7:32 PM

    At times like this, we South Carolinians sure thank God for soul food to carry us through.

  12. Anonymous7:34 PM


    Exactly what Panzer Division do you belong to? Also, I'll give you $20 for your skull ring.

  13. Limpbaugh8:19 PM

    The Media Matters website has good articles about Fox News saying it was a war on Christians, and conservatives saying that it shows we need more guns. The day before the shooting Donald Trump said Mexico sends rapists here. There was a time when Cuba did that, but I don't think Mexico picks out who to send here. They approve and deny visas, but they don't pick out who applies for them.

  14. Anonymous9:13 PM


    They have a pill for that.

  15. Anonymous9:14 PM

    In the midst of tragedy, the Field Negro remains silent.

  16. Wesley R11:14 PM

    I blame Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Drudge, and Uncle Tom Negroes who deflect and make excuses anytime a Black Person is hurt or killed. They helped create this monster. Tomorrow they will deflect again and spend most of their time screaming about President Obama wanting to take their guns.

  17. Anonymous12:11 AM

    There's an old Carolina saying for times like this... "There is a time for grief. There is a time for gravy. There is a time for feeling bad. There is a time for eating bread. There is a time for pain. There is a time for shredded pork. There is a time for calm. There is a time for collards. To every purpose under heaven, there is a food in the kitchen."

  18. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Field, ".... We do not what motivated this young man: His hatred for black people. For her to try and ignore that very glaring reality speaks volumes about the tenor of purposeful cluelessness that is so prevalent among a certain segment of our population."

    Brotha Field, is there a typo in your first sentence or not? It doesn't quite make any sense in context.

  19. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Wesley R, you are wrong about FOX News. Turn on the FACTOR tonight and you will hear O'Reilly firmly against what this racist did.

    I must admit that O'Reilly has a heart. He mourns just like the nation mourns the death of these 9 Blacks.

  20. PoopAvenger12:46 AM

    White people are the most worthless living things on this planet.

  21. Anonymous12:54 AM

    "Instead of posting messages on her facebook page, Nikki Haley should demand that the flag of hatred flying over her state's capitol be removed. That would be a profile in courage. That would go a long way towards letting the rest of America know that hatred and bigotry will not be tolerated, and that proudly flying an official symbol of hatred and bigotry is not how you stop the next massacre of innocent unsuspecting Americans in their house of worship."

    Mr Field I agree but why haven't the Blacks in SC done something about it? I mean, they have the population to change anything they want done democratically. Why are they so docile? Why do they take such insults?

    There could be only one reason which is the same reason for all Blacks: They are afraid.

  22. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Well, Poop, if Whites are so worthless, where does that put Blacks like you? Whites run this country and the planet. My advice to you is STFU.

  23. Go Pack Go1:09 AM

    Have blacks ever realized that if they take themselves off of the left's leash they might actually get somewhere? Then again, that would require using your brain, so I suppose its out of the question.

  24. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Go Pack, you just don't understand what it is to be Black. We can't afford to risk changing to GOP and losing what little support we have with the Dems. It's too scary to change over to a racist white party. Don't forget we come from an ancestry of slaves.


  25. The Lying Purple Cow said...
    Which would be what exactly, Bill?

    It's above your pay grade LyingPurpleCow.

    Thanks for asking

  26. "Isn't it about time to stop whining about guns and figure out a realistic solution?"

    Oh come on one-trick-pony Bill, you can do better than that. What's the answer? You're a member of the 'master-race' after all, surely you know the answer? Surely you can't expect us untermenschen to work it out?

  27. No Pack No3:39 AM

    Have blacks ever realized that if they take themselves off of the left's leash they might actually get somewhere? Then again, that would require using your brain, so I suppose its out of the question.
    Go Pack, have you ever realized you are a complete fucking idiot? Nah that would require using your brain but you are as dumb as the other white boy who posts here so we know for damn sure that's out of the question. Now take your racist ass back to whatever trailer park you and your mother live in and leave the grown folk alone.

  28. Wow, shocking Republican representative and former S.C. Governor is defending the flying of the confederate flag. I wonder if dumbocrats will be defending the flying of that symbol of white supremacy. My guess is no.

  29. Anonymous3:57 AM

    For anyone that's interested, WaPo put out a topical article on quantifying hate crime. There are a few takeaways, all of which only confirm what I already knew about this country, such as:

    *Black people are, by far, most likely to be targeted in a racial hate crime.

    *Despite perceptions that hate is getting worse, it probably isn't. Hate crimes have held steady over the last decade. The Obama presidency didn't necessarily create any more bigots -- it just caused the existing bigots to get a lot louder.

    *The South, and the Idaho/Montana area, are the most racist parts of the country, as measured by concentration of hate groups (extremely unsurprising).

    *Poor states have the most hate. (Again, poor redneck whites are generally a lot more bigoted than non-poor whites, in my experience. So no surprises there either.)

    Here's the link:

  30. Anonymous4:22 AM

    There's also a WaPo article quantifying gun violence in America.

    Check out the graph of shootings in the U.S. versus every other wealthy nation in the world. It's ridiculous. There's us, and then there's everyone else. We are the "winners," far and away. We have no competition. We're the Wayne Greztky, the Michael Jordan, the all-time champs of shooting each other.

    For all the gun nuts saying you can't reduce the violence through policy ... um, this graph??? All the other countries have done it!

    America is not a normal country.

  31. Anonymous4:37 AM

    "There was a time when Cuba did that, but I don't think Mexico picks out who to send here. They approve and deny visas, but they don't pick out who applies for them."

    At this point, most immigration to the U.S. from Latin America is illegal. No visas are involved. Neither the Mexican government, nor any other government, has a thing to say about whom the coyotes transport across the border.

    And no, the vast majority of them are not criminals, just people looking for a job that pays enough to actually afford to eat. In fact, statistics suggest the rate of economic crime among immigrants, including the illegal variety, is lower than among the native-born populace. (Maybe because, if you're willing to seek out an illegal source of income, you can find plenty of that sort of work right where you're already living. No need to make the effort to travel to Los Estados Unidos.)

  32. Anonymous4:40 AM

    "Mr Field I agree but why haven't the Blacks in SC done something about it? I mean, they have the population to change anything they want done democratically. Why are they so docile? Why do they take such insults?"

    Um, because:

    Black population of South Carolina: 27.9%

    White population of South Carolina: 68.3%

    You do understand how democracy works, no?

  33. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Oops. I have to make a correction on that last point.

    White population of South Carolina: 64.1% (not 68.3%)

    Doesn't change my point, though. The Confederate battle flag isn't going anywhere until a lot more white South Carolinians catch a clue about how offensive it is to black people to keep flying it at their state capital.

  34. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Silly Negroes.

    While the corrupt media focuses on 9 shot in South Carolina, 11 were shot 3 dead in Baltimore, Chicago and Philadelphia Guess who was doing the shooting?

    Boy, 15, among 2 killed, 4 wounded in Tuesday shootings

    6 shot in Chicago 2 dead

    3 shot in Baltimore 1 dead

    Three men shot, one fatally, in city shootings Tuesday

    Baltimore Sun‎ – 2 days ago

    2 shot in Philadelphia

    FOX 29 News Philadelphia – FOX 29 News Philadelphia | WTXF-TV‎ – 20 hours ago

    Philadelphia police are investigating a double shooting on the 600 block of W. Tioga Street …

  35. Silly Redneck, what exactly is your point? That somehow people committing crimes justify the slaughter of 9 people while they prayed in church?

    You are exhibit A for why this country will never get better.

    I guess inbreeding will do that to u.

    There are just too many dumb and ignorant people in this country.

  36. Dr. Ramos, PHD6:50 AM

    Speaking of "cluelessness that is so prevalent among a certain segment of our population"

    "Nikki Haley should demand that the flag of hatred flying over her state's capitol be removed."


    You should get your facts straight before you go on the attack. That will go a long way towards letting the rest of America know you know what you are talking about.


    Anonymous Bullshit detector said...

    Did that asshole Ramos B.S. ever give an example of a mass killing of whites by blahs? Or did he pull it out of his ass like all conservatives?

    7:02 PM

    Omar Thornton and Colin Ferguson are two examples. I got 7 more names if you like.

  37. Dr. Ramos, PHD7:03 AM

    "That was the governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, posting on her facebook page. Her statement offers a clue about what is currently wrong with America. "...we do know that we'll never understand what motivates anyone to enter one of our places of worship and take the life of another"
    Ahhhm, hellooooo!! We do know what motivated this young man: His hatred for black people. "

    I disagree with Gov. Haley. We do know the profile of a mass killer.

    Improving our mental health system and understanding what the root causes is the only proven way to stop mass killings like this.

    Instead, the media and Democrats will quickly lose focus and use this tragedy for political gain.

    They are already attacking gun owners, Fox News and Republicans.

    Never let a tragedy go to waste....

  38. Anonymous7:17 AM


    You should get your facts straight before you go on the attack. That will go a long way towards letting the rest of America know you know what you are talking about."

    It's true that the flag is no longer flying on the actual capital building. As a concession ... they moved it a few feet away. LOL, some improvement.

    It belongs in a museum, not on any official government property as representation of the current state of SC.

  39. Anonymous7:31 AM

    "I disagree with Gov. Haley. We do know the profile of a mass killer.

    Improving our mental health system and understanding what the root causes is the only proven way to stop mass killings like this."

    No, there is not one, but two major profiles of mass killers of random victims:

    1) The mentally ill, who kill for reasons comprehensible only to them

    2) Terrorists, who have a political goal they intend to accomplish through violence.

    So far, it does not look like this guy is mentally ill; he just has a terrible belief system. Of the above options, I'm gonna have to say that "shooting up a black church so you can start a race war which you hope will lead to the annihilation of all black U.S. citizens" qualifies for category number 2.

    If we want to stop racism-motivated killings, the solution is to eradicate the ideology of racism.

  40. from The Daily Show last night, Jon Stewart. Taken verbatim.

    "In South Carolina, the roads that black people drive on are named for Confederate generals, who fought to keep black people from driving freely on that road. That's insanity, that's racial wallpaper. You can't allow that, you know... The Confederate flag flies over South Carolina, and the roads are named for Confederate generals, and the WHITE GUY is the one who feels like his country is being taken away from him."

    How many white people saw that irony? Hands?

  41. Anonymous8:08 AM


    You cant call him the t-word, he is white, not muslim and his victims are black

  42. And yet people on Fox News, MSDNC and CNN are calling him a terrorist.

    Oops. There goes that narrative.

  43. Anonymous10:39 AM

    "Doesn't change my point, though. The Confederate battle flag isn't going anywhere until a lot more white South Carolinians catch a clue about how offensive it is to black people to keep flying it at their state capital."

    5:18 AM
    FYI, Whites don't care how offensive the Confederate flag is to Blacks. They love it. It stirs their hearts and remind them of what was and still can be. That flag is a very important symbol to them of the Civil War, slavery and superiority over Blacks.

    The killing of Blacks in church is a common symbolic theme along with the Confederate flag.

    I remember the discussion on FN some time ago where Field, PX and other FN Negroes actually said they didn't care about whether that flag flew or not. It was if they were unintentionally supporting Whites.

    As a Black from the South, the Confederate flag symbolizes lynchings, hangings, racism and domination over Blacks. The Confederate flag symbolizes the historic destruction of the humanity of Blacks.

    That is the nature of the character of the state of SC. It won't change. Whites are consumed with the disease of racism. Blacks are too because they live in fear and 'accept' their position in SC as 'less than' Whites.

    That's the truth. But Blacks in TX, OK, NC and other states in the deep South are very much the same. It doesn't look like much is going to change in the psyche of the Blacks are Whites. It's there to stay.

    It's a hideous place for Blacks with any sense of pride to live. It's unsafe.


  45. don't believe the hype...

    in some parts of the south Black people are strapped and they know who to shoot.

    if folk knew the Truth of history they would know this fact, too.

    it is not uncommon to see folk walk into a hole in the wall spot and put their pistols on the bar...

    before ordering a drink.

    Black and White.

    the fear and racial division is by design.

    may more wake up..


    IF folk told the Truth of history, rather than the pathetic, contrived, whitened version...

    more Black folk would stand a little taller.

    feel a lot stronger.

    but some of US know that the story is told- on purpose- to create helplessness, hopelessness, and a sense of powerlessness.

    spiritual warfare on ALL levels/realms.

    this fight is NOT about Black and White...

    though those walking in the flesh will not know this.

    i pray for the families affected and the poor soul with the bowl, three stooges Moe, hair cut.

    even that detail..

    is telling.

    what 20 something sports a bowl haircut? come on now. something is CLEARLY up. tail wagging the dog...

    that won't hunt.

    Blessings all!


    And no one (in government or media) will call out this White psychopathic asshole's virulent racism; It's really only about "gun control"; THE WHITEWASH HAS BEGUN!!! Nobody is pulling Roof's family forward to account like White Supremacists in Spokane (swastica central) did to Rachel Dolezal!

    Barack Obama is a disgrace to the black race! One of the most horrendous outrages inflicted on Blacks by a White Nazi and all BHO can find to mention is the gun he used?!?!? White people's tender feelings must ALWAYS be spared irreguardless of the circumstances. Obama can call the protesters in B'more "THUGS" for the amusement of every Archie Bunker on this continent but can't call out this homicidal Honky for his racism!?!

    Check it out Blacks! The Conservative Corporate Racist News Media has stopped using shooter Dylann STORM Roof's middle name in their reports; Because they don't want the public making any connections to his White Supremacist proclivities. White racists will always be coddled in Amerikkka! Right now the racist media is frantically searching for Black misconduct counterexample so they can deflect from this story.


  47. White Killer: “I’m a racist. This was a racially motivated mass murder.”

    Media: ”Woah there buddy!!!! We don’t know all the facts yet. Give us time.”

    (source: Captain Africa)

  48. Quote Die White Devils Die.

    "Check it out Blacks! "

    Umm, have you looked in the mirror lately, DWDD?

    I got some bad news for you.

    You're still white.

  49. The GOP12:57 PM

    It belongs in a museum, not on any official government property as representation of the current state of SC.
    Well in Republican states it's considered required viewing. Bill can tell us all about it.

  50. Anonymous12:58 PM

    i wonder if the confederate flag flying on state grounds in S.C. is flying at half mast for the state senator killed. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

  51. Nikki Haley, TEAR DOWN THAT FLAG


    Holy shit, Uncle Thomas voted against the confederate flag on state license plates. Of course the other four conservatives voted to allow it to be displayed. Good for you uncle Thomas.



    I got worse news for you, Goosesteppinfechit...You're still a self-righteous, White Supremacist trying to police a Black blog! Or you're some Black/White sanctimonious shit who's connected to Bro. Field

    YOU KNOW GODDAMN WELL WHAT I SAID BEFORE IS TRUE!!! Answer what I said, instead of trying to bait me into a phony pissing contest about my ethnicity, you bedsore! Why don't you mind your OWN business for a change and stop playing "BLOG PIG"!!! And YOU are still one tired-ass, troll-ass, triple trifling bitch!

    F U ALL THE WAY TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





  55. Looks like the nice white lady who followed the killer and made it possible for the police to catch him-watches Fox News.

    How could this be? The left tells me everyday anyone who watches Fox News is RACIST!.


  56. Here's more about that nice white lady.

    Field, she deserves FNOTD award.....

  57. Renaldo, for God's sake, stop it.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Does this act of racial terrorism cause anyone here to rethink their position on the death penalty?

  60. Kinky is a racist2:42 PM

    How could this be? The left tells me everyday anyone who watches Fox News is RACIST!.
    The left? Do you watch Fox Kinky? I bet you do and you're a racist. It's like Kinky and Bill share the same brain.

  61. Conservative dogma2:47 PM

    Hoo boy, conservatives are certainly dumb. check out what your boy Jesse lee said

    So according to the negro conservative white folks are so mad at being called racists they go all racist and start killing negroes. Conservatism is certainly a mental disorder.


  62. I am amazed that is it an accepted fact that innocent little children seeing someone smoke on tv or movies is going to influence them to smoke.

    Yet the media never mentions shoot-em up movies or violent video games when blaming the NRA for a mass killing.

    We all know the nra donates right.

    We all know hollywood donates left.

    So tv/movies don't get mentioned for teaching kids to be violent and desensitizing them to the real horrors of violence.

    Political donations before saving the lives of kids.

  63. Yeah I know Bill, those evil left wingers again . *yawn*

    Yep, JLP can be a whole lotta stupid.

  64. Bill is a F'n Idiot4:00 PM

    So tv/movies don't get mentioned for teaching kids to be violent and desensitizing them to the real horrors of violence.
    They get mentioned all the time but you're too dumb and too much of a hack to pay attention. You sure are dumb Bill.

  65. Anonymous4:04 PM

  66. Anonymous4:32 PM

    field negro said...
    Yep, JLP can be a whole lotta stupid.

    JLP may be on to something. White folks now killing niggas in church. Use to be white folks wouldn't kill a nigga in church or on Sunday.

    I think we Negros need to play it safe and pray for the white devil's soul. I hope the Obama presidency ends soon. Maybe thens whites will end they war on us.

    I had no idea having a nigga in they house would drive them to evil. I guess the only time the devil wants us in his house is when we are satisfying his woman while he looks on.

    Scared Negro.

  67. Anonymous4:42 PM

    "White Killer: “I’m a racist. This was a racially motivated mass murder.”

    Media: 'Woah there buddy!!!! We don’t know all the facts yet. Give us time.'”

    PC, I don't know which media you're referring to here. Most of the media here have accurately labeled this as a racist attack. The attack survivor(s) have given testimony of the shooter's racist statements; the shooter's friends and associates have given background on the his bigotry and desire to start a race war. There's not a lot of doubt about why he killed those people.

    It's really only white trolls on social media who are pretending there could be some other motive. (And really, are these people sincere in this belief? Or are they just, you know, trolling because it will piss off black people?)

  68. Go Pack Go4:56 PM

    If there is one thing blacks excel at, its whiny victimhood.

  69. Calling "The Fixer" for the comments above.

  70. GrannyStandingforTruth6:10 PM


    I'm hotter than fish grease. Nine innocent people murdered and people use it for a political agenda, Right vs Left. Sad that some folks make everything a political agenda. It wasn't a political assassination, it was a hate crime. Simple as that... That came straight from the horse’s mouth—Dylann Storm Roof. No guess work needed. Yep! Smiling like he was proud of what he did, Roof doesn’t show any remorse. He stated his purpose loud and clear. It had nothing to do with any power plays or who will sit in the leadership seat at the White House when President Obama’s term is over. He said it was because us “Black folks was raping whites’ women.” His logic is a little screwed up since most of his victims were women. Aren’t they a woman too?

    The victims’ families one by one told him they forgive him. I bet that wiped the mission accomplished smile off his face. Dylann’s so-called race war victory by murdering them was short-lived. He accomplished nothing! I’m sure they’ve got him under secure lock down, but it won’t save him. What he should do is pray that those black folks he murdered don’t have any family locked up in those prisons since white supremacy loves locking up our people. If so, I doubt if they'll be as forgiving as their family members who are in the church. Yep! Fresh meat!

    The media lost their credibility. No longer can they paint lies and expect people to fall for it. They painted that grown ass man as a quiet kid. Yet, they paint black children as grown men and scary Hulk figures. The media is just another racist tool used by white supremacist. All of their gatekeepers are a bunch of racist white men who want to save white supremacy, an ideology that is destroying our world.

    MLK must be turning over in his grave every time his niece opens her mouth cosigning for the most white supremacist so-called news station—Fox We Make It Up News in the whole wide world. She’s another example of a rent-a-nigger helping to reinforce racism to get a pat on the head from Massa. Yep! I guess she believes that she is inferior. Po silly, foolish woman.

  71. GrannyStandingforTruth6:16 PM

    Strange, an unarmed 12 yrs. old child playing with a toy gun, cops fear for their lives. Yet, an armed grown ass man who just murdered nine people with a real gun doesn’t cause them any fear. Heavily armed bikers who killed nine people doesn’t cause them any fear. Grown ass men who shoot up theaters or schools doesn’t cause them any fear.

    To put icing on the cake the cops blame the 12 yrs. old for his own death. A child who was being just that, a child playing in the park. However, the true blame lies with a psycho cop and out justice system. I watched the video. It was a straight up drive-by shooting. The cops didn’t even stop or get out the car. That cop like most of them needs deprogramming of his racist beliefs. He’s not fit to be any law enforcement occupation, not even a security guard. Cop unions need to be abolish or a changing of the guard to one who does not hate black and brown skin. Their Presidents are psycho, white supremacist, neo-Nazis.

    Our President cowers when it comes to speaking up for his people. His term is almost over. I stood in his corner from day one and backed him 100%. Still, he was a better choice than Hillary and Romney. Nevertheless, he failed in speaking up for his own people. He labeled us thugs. Smh! That saddens me. I'm disappointed.

    Nevertheless, I’ll be glad when these white folks get them another white President, so that they can calm down. We can go back to business as usual, stealing taxpayer’s money and pocketing it, let white politicians’ fleece taxpayers and transfer those funds in their family coffers, more wars; shove racism back under the rug, and we can go back to pretending we’re in post-racial America.

  72. Anonymous6:22 PM

    GOP candidate Rick Perry is now downplaying racism and emphasizing the shooter's drug use as the cause of this massacre.

    So smoking a little doob now makes you homicidal toward black people? Man, that is some very bad weed, right there. Dylann Roof should demand a refund from his dealer.

  73. Anonymous6:24 PM

    JLP. Field loves JLP. He has been on his show several times.

    Go figure.

  74. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Just saw the link with JLP's opinion and warning that there could be more acts against Blacks if Blacks don't stop calling Whites racists who are not racists.

    He makes it clear that Blacks need to stop calling Whites racists. He is right.

    Wow. this man has a lot of racial insight. America needs to listen to him.

  75. Anonymous6:47 PM

    In other news, Mexicans are now making Donald Trump piñatas, in response to Trump's "Mexican drug dealers and rapists" speech.

  76. GrannyStandingforTruth6:53 PM

    Anonymous 6:22, I agree Dylann should demand a refund from his dealer.

    Of course we know that his drug use had nothing to do with his massacre of those innocent black people. His murder reeks with the stank of a white supremacist ideology, not weed.

    While racist, white folks are trying to save their white supremacist image and downplay his behavior, he's making them look stupid. He's singing like a canary about his anti-black white supremacist beliefs. His comments are straight out of the white supremacist handbook. Oh yeah, he's unrepentant while confessing them too. He did say that the people he killed were nice to him, but that didn't stop him from killing them in cold blood. Roof said he wants a race war and wants the world to know. That's why he didn't kill one of the women, so they could tell what he did.

    He desires a race war. Roof should be careful what he ask for.

  77. Chickens always come home to roost6:56 PM

    Obama has to share the blame in this tragedy. His shameless fanning of racial animosity has consequences, one of which is pushing crazy people over the edge.

    Maybe now the Democrats will tone down the rhetoric and stop inciting racial violence as a get-out-the-vote strategy. However it's much more likely they will exploit it for further gain.

  78. GrannyStandingforTruth7:10 PM

    President Obama didn't kill those people, a white man did that has white supremacist views. President Obama didn't give him a gun nor back gun ownership either, scary ass white folks Republicans did.

    Again, let me repeat myself, their murders had nothing to do with politics. It had to do with a racist belief and hate of a group of people's skin color.

  79. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I see the stock market remained unaffected by the news of 9 dead Blacks killed in an historic AME Church. This is further proof that Black Lives DON'T MATTER.

    There will never be a race war simply because our peeps don't have the will to stand up for themselves. That is a fact.

    Further proof of black docility in the South is immediate forgiveness by the black families of evil deeds by Whites. Of course, Whites love it. It let's them know there are no consequences to their evil deeds on Blacks, whether it is a white citizen or white cops.

    My guess is they won't give the kid the death penalty. That is not how they roll in SC when it comes to Whites killing Blacks. Besides it would be like burning the Confederate flag which would be sacrilegious.

  80. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Granny, "He desires a race war. Roof should be careful what he ask for."

    Why should he be careful? Hell, he has killed 9 Blacks in an historic Blacks Church. How much more does he need to tell you what he wants?

    The thing is, Blacks run scared when those racist white supremists come for them. There's a lot of history about that kind of terrorism: cross-burning, lynching, bombings in black churches...nothing has changed.

    And let's be clear on this: there are no militant Blacks in SC, only docile ones. There are no riots in the deep South or even Texas. Negroes are too afraid for their lives.

  81. Anonymous7:53 PM

    "I see the stock market remained unaffected by the news of 9 dead Blacks killed in an historic AME Church. This is further proof that Black Lives DON'T MATTER."

    I'm confused. WTF does the stock market have to do with how much black people are valued?

    Unless you think Dylann Roof is actually going to get his race war, national business activity will not be interrupted by the deaths of 9 people. And business activity is the only thing the stock market indexes reflect.

  82. Chickens always come home to roost8:03 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "Again, let me repeat myself, their murders had nothing to do with politics. It had to do with a racist belief and hate of a group of people's skin color"

    Maybe if Obama had not expressed so much hate for white people, this disturbed young man wouldn't have had enough external stimulus to have actually gone through with this terrible act.

    President Obama has chosen throughout his presidency to heighten racial animus for his own political gain. He certainly needs to reflect on the consequences of his rhetoric.

  83. WH Negro8:18 PM

    Maybe if Obama had not expressed so much hate for white people, this disturbed young man wouldn't have had enough external stimulus to have actually gone through with this terrible act.
    So a grown ass 21 year old man has no control over his own actions? Really? Even if the prez shows hatred towards white people (laughable) but even if he did what did those 9 innocent people have to do with it? Oh, that's right when one negro does something just lynch the nearest one huh? The ignorant mind of a racist on display for the world to see.

  84. Anonymous8:18 PM

    "Silly Redneck, what exactly is your point?"

    -Quote from The Field Negro

    Now that's some racist hate speech if ever I saw it. This guy really hates.

  85. The Fixer8:20 PM

    If there is one thing white males excel at, its whiny victimhood.

    You got it.

  86. Delusional idiots are coming home to roost8:22 PM

    Obama has to share the blame in this tragedy.
    Only in the minds of delusional idiots. I guess that whole conservative notion of personal responsibility doesn't extent to paranoid white males.

  87. White male8:23 PM

    Now that's some racist hate speech if ever I saw it. This guy really hates.
    Why don't you find some racist rhetoric by white posters. Oh yeah, that's right only negroes can be racists.

  88. Hypocrisy Double standard!8:31 PM

    Now that's some racist hate speech if ever I saw it. This guy really hates.
    You're as hypocritical as Bill. White conservatives are the definition of hypocrisy.

  89. GrannyStandingforTruth8:33 PM


  90. Anonymous9:02 PM

    This just doesn't add up. It was a black neighborhood and the doors where unlocked.

  91. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Mr. Field,

    I noticed you called a commenter a "silly redneck" and referred to his "inbreeding". Isn't that stereotyping? Isn't that racist? Have you hated whites your entire life?

  92. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Why were Black people gathered to study a book written by White men? I don't get it.

  93. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Field negro should give us his legal analysis of the case. He defends people like this kid.

  94. "The Fixer said...
    If there is one thing white males excel at, its whiny victimhood.

    You got it."


  95. Again, let me repeat myself, their murders had nothing to do with politics. It had to do with a racist belief and hate of a group of people's skin color.

    Hello, Granny. Good to see you, but too bad it's under these circumstances. I agree with what you wrote.

    These are the times that try men's souls.

  96. One thing that confuses me about some of the comments are the ones that after President Obama of constantly bringing up race and increasing racial division.

    Are you people serious? Is the mere fact that he's black enough to convince white people that Pres. Obama is always bringing up race?

    I think what white people who think like this wanted is for the President to completely blame black people for imagined racism. The fact that he hasn't and concedes that racism is not imaginary is enough to tip some white people over the edge.

  97. The post is really interesting and impressive and thanks for telling about the America.

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