Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Mississippi learning?

Image result for mississippi graduation arrest warrant images   I must confess that my family has never made a big deal about graduations. I don't even think my father attended my high school graduation---- he was running off on business somewhere. In my family, not graduating high school and college was not an option.

When my sister and I reached those particular milestones it was all pretty ho- hum and routine events in our household. It was expected, so there was  no celebrating when it actually happened.

Having said that,  I can understand how some people tend to get a little excited when their loved ones step up to get their sheepskin. In some families education was not a priority in earlier generations, so when one of their offspring achieve an educational  milestone, if they want to celebrate by cheering I say go for it.

Unfortunately, though, not everyone shares my view about this particular type of public display of adoration.

"Have you ever been to a graduation ceremony where you were asked to hold your applause to the very end?

Well, arrest warrants were issued for several proud black families in Senatobia, Mississippi, who couldn't hold their applause until the end.

No, they weren't violent.

No, they didn't have a confrontation with police.

They just cheered. See the video for yourself here.

Two weeks later, the superintendent of schools, Jay Foster, in conjunction with the local police, filed charges against the families.
“It’s crazy,” Henry Walker said. “The fact that I might have to bond out of jail, pay court costs, or a $500 fine for expressing my love, it’s ridiculous man. It’s ridiculous.” Superintendent Foster said the charges were far from ridiculous.  
While Foster declined an on-camera interview with WREG, he said he’s determined to have order at graduation ceremonies.
At a time where the nation is talking about problems in the United States with mass incarceration and the over-criminalization of society, rarely has such a clear example of African Americans being overcharged for everyday behaviors as this.

It's preposterous.

Please call and email Superintendent Jay Foster and let him know how you feel:
PH: 662-562-4897
 Email: "[Source]   

For the sake of the  people of Mississippi I hope that story was from The Onion. No way this really happened.

Seriously? An arrest warrant for cheering at a graduation? 

America you have to do better.



  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Yeah, that's crazy, and racist.

    My kids went to an integrated high school - about 80% white / 20% black. About 400 kids per graduating class.

    Every year at graduation, they ask the crowd to hold their applause so that everyone else can hear their kid's name called. But every time a black kid's name is called, there is about a 30 seconds of hooting and hollering where you can't hear anything. It adds up. Over and over though the whole ceremony, every year.

    It's just two different cultures.

    That's how black people behave, and you can't arrest them for it. You can't have separate ceremonies either. So you just have to deal with it.

    Bringing in the police and fining these people is just another example of how out of control we have become in crimminalizing everything. There are way too many laws.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      So just deal with it is your solution? How about having some god damn fucking respect for the kids coming up after the black kid. Maybe that family would like to hear their fucking kids name called also.

      Typical fucking blacks, cant/won't follow the instructions and have no fucking regard for anyone else and then claim racism instead of acknowledging that it was their own ridiculous behavior that caused the problem.

  2. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Brother Field, I believe these folks should be fined. Our people have GOT to learn some self-restraint and learn to abide by the requests of the school. It's a damn shame that people can't go to a civilized graduation without Negroes effing it up.

    They do the same thing at the movies too. No one can hear the movie because of ignorant-ass Negroes acting a fool.

    There is something really wrong with our race. It's out of control or rather, controlled by the devil.

    The idea that we are the chosen people is hogwash. We ain't nothing but trouble....disgusting.

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      If I notice that there is a group of blacks going to see the same movie as me I go and switch my tickets.

      Unruly, inconsiderate retards that find it impossible to sit still and be fucking quiet while the movie is one.

  3. Anonymous11:27 PM

    This is unbelievable. Negroes can't go to a graduation without disrupting it. They have no respect for anybody. No wonder nobody wants to be around them. They are assholes who think they should have special dispensation.

    If there were no Blacks in America, the country would be a lot more civil and respectful. And now they are crying about being fined? GTFOH. Hell, they should have thought of that when they were acting like maniacs at the graduation.

  4. The Fixer11:51 PM

    This is unbelievable. Hillbillies can't go to a monster truck rally without disrupting it. They have no respect for anybody. No wonder nobody wants to be around them. They are assholes who think they should have special dispensation.

    If there were no whites in America, the country would be a lot more civil and respectful. And now they are crying about being fined? GTFOH. Hell, they should have thought of that when they were acting like maniacs at the hoedown.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  5. The graduate11:54 PM

    If the DA prosecutes that they should be removed from office. I guess there's no crime or meth dealing going on in Mississippi huh? In fact to show unity every single person in the audience should cheer for every single student. Let's see these assholes arrest the entire audience but then again it's Mississippi and just like the racist whites here on your blog they have no interest of unity with blah people. Sad.

  6. Limpbaugh11:55 PM

    I thought the purpose was so kids who didn't get applause wouldn't feel bad. I can understand not wanting the graduation to turn in to a popularity contest, but it is sort of an everyone gets a trophy for participating type of mentality. Jailing people over it seems extreme, unless they shot off roman candles or something.

  7. Anonymous12:10 AM

    The Fixer said...
    This is unbelievable. Hillbillies can't go to a monster truck rally without disrupting it

    It's ok to cheer at a monster truck rally.

    You should have some respect for others at a graduation.

    As Limpbaugh pointed out, some kids will have a lot of family members in attendance, and some will be popular with other students. Other kids might be there almost alone. Everyone is celebrating the same accomplishment. Have some dignity and honor all the kids by holding your applause until the end as they have asked everyone to.


  8. The FieldNegro said...
    In my family, not graduating high school and college was not an option.

    No dreams of a chance at college, college graduation was expected.

    Sounds like White Privilege.

  9. Go Pack Go2:00 AM

    What can you say? Blacks are loud. Too bad they don't have volume control...or a mute button.


  10. Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby plans to seek a protective order that would block the release of Freddie Gray's autopsy report and other "sensitive" documents as she prosecutes the six police officers involved in his arrest.

    She must have found something that needs to be covered up.

    When the government needs to hide stuff we all know what that means.


  11. George W. Bush more popular than Obama: poll
    Former US President George W. Bush is now more popular than his successor Barack Obama, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Wednesday.

    CNN poll? Yahoo?

    It appears people (dumbocrats and independents) who voted for Obama no longer support him.

    I wonder if FieldNegro is going to blame the 3 million fox news viewers for turning the country against Obama?

  12. Bill, he beat up your guys twice.

    What does that say about your guys?

  13. I'm guilty of cheering for family and friends at graduations when I'm not supposed to. Hell, as I get older I'm going to more and more funerals for friend's parents, older relatives and even a few of my friends my age. My mom, who passed, loved graduations too so I guess I can blame her. Really I just get a kick out of happy events so if you invite me to your graduation and/or wedding I'm gonna get a little happy. I'll be quiet at your funeral though. Maybe I should stay away from Mississippi?


  14. The Purple Cow said...
    Bill, he beat up your guys twice.
    What does that say about your guys?

    After 6 years of Obama, according to left-leaning CNN the country likes bush better than Obama.

    What does that say about YOUR party?

    No one on the right could have rehabbed the bush image better than your party did.

  15. "After 6 years of Obama, according to left-leaning CNN the country likes bush better than Obama.

    What does that say about YOUR party?"

    My party?

    Left Unity?

    Errrrrrrrrrmmm, absolutely nothing that I can think of.


    "No one on the right could have rehabbed the bush image better than your party did."

    I'm sorry Genius, you are going to have to explain how L.U. improved George W. Bush's image. I'm at a loss to explain that one.

  16. Lord have mercy. Bill thinks that W's image has been restored. Ok then.

    Every poll I see say that he was one of the wors presidents ever.

    BTW, O has a 49% approval rating. I am sure the repubs in DC would take that.

  17. The Fixer's Fixer.7:29 AM

    This is unbelievable. Negroes can't go to a graduation without disrupting it. They have no respect for anybody. No wonder nobody wants to be around them. They are assholes who think they should have special dispensation.

    If there were no Blacks in America, the country would be a lot more civil and respectful. And now they are crying about being fined? GTFOH. Hell, they should have thought of that when they were acting like maniacs at the graduation.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it...

  18. Dr. Ramos, PHD7:33 AM

    Another example of black privilege. Blacks thinkerate their privilege excludes them from the human race. Blacks have been taught all their lives that they can't help themselves or be responsible for their actions. So blacks have no respect for their fellow humans.

  19. Anonymous8:23 AM

    in my family, not graduating from high school or college was mandatory. It was more like GTF out of here, now. Thankful for the persistence I somehow acquired. I just wish the damned job market were a lot more fair and reward work and people rather than Gucci and Maserati. Mississippi won't car a lot about that bs.

  20. Virginia10:03 AM

    Sheesh, parents /families do this all the time. Doesn't matter if it's kindergarden or college. Schools should have more reminders throughout the ceremony. But it's impossible to control everyone's excitement and emotions.

    Before I clicked on the video I already had images in my head of what it would look like. And once again I was wrong.

    These families did nothing wrong! And I do plan to be loud next May at my son's graduation! I even thought of purchasing those little horns that make a lot of noise:).

  21. "And I do plan to be loud next May at my son's graduation!"

    Stay classy, Virginia.


  22. field negro said...
    BTW, O has a 49% approval rating. I am sure the repubs in DC would take that

    And bush 52%

    I am sure Obama wishes he could poll better than bush on left-leaning CNN.

    Every poll I see say that he was one of the wors presidents ever.

    And according to that left-leaning CNN poll, those days are over.

  23. Polls show Reagan is one of the greatest everrrr. Even Obama loves him some Reagan.

    What does that say about you, field? It's all good.

    Not everyone likes Bush. Obama will be winning the American Idol vote. Nothing news here..

    Field, have you been checking up on Rand Paul? You two have lots in common. Rand supports legalized weed and criminal justice reforms. Rand Paul is also leading the charge against the Patriot Act and protecting our privacy.

    I know your instincts tell you to vote for that nice lady, but would you give a good white brutha a chance?

  24. For those of us who thing charging and/or fining/jailing this family is totally ridiculous and understand that this family can't afford the fines,

    It's possible the court will have the sense not to fine them, but a small monetary support won't hurt them either, no doubt. If you don't agree with me, that's your right, but if you do, give them a little love.

  25. PoopAvenger11:00 AM

    Bill think CNN is left-leaning. What a fucking retarded douche. But I guess its pretty typical for Bill.

  26. Anonymous11:10 AM

    CNN = Clinton News Network

    I don't watch CNN, but I travel a lot and unfortunately it is on all the time in airports.

    Every time I see it, they are only talking about the latest black criminal who got shot violently resisting arrest. They exist only to stroke the egos of white liberals and stoke the despair of blacks as a get-out-the-vote campaign for the Democrats.

    It is utter dreck.


  27. Left leaning CNN poll says...

    Overall, 44% say they blame Obama's policies for the problems in Iraq and 43% blame Bush; 11% say both are equally responsible.

    The next president gets to play the "blame Obama" card.


  28. I remember the old days when dumbocrats supported the middle class.

    Fed policy helping rich get richer
    Federal Reserve policy is creating "economic distortions" resulting in a transfer of wealth to the people who need it least, according to an analysis from a prominent Wall Street bond expert.

    Funny how often dumbocrat policies help rich people get richer at the expense of poor people.

  29. "Funny how often dumbocrat policies help rich people get richer at the expense of poor people."

    That's the entire point of capitalism you dumb shit.

    ALL politics are class warfare.

  30. No group of peoples have suffered more under the Obama regime than blahs. Yet, Obama's approval ratings among blahs is over 90%.

    Why do blahs continue to approve of their oppressors and drink the water of oppression?

  31. Because that haven't discovered Socialism yet. But come the glorious revolution Renaldo, I have arranged for you to be amongst the very first to be put up against that brick wall.

  32. Anonymous12:39 PM

    "Why do blahs continue to approve of their oppressors and drink the water of oppression?"

    Because blahness is more important than anything.


  33. Go Pack Go1:37 PM

    This incident in Mississippi just shows that blacks think they are above (or below) social norms and can get away with anything just because they are black and know the left will automatically suck their collective dicks. I think a previous poster said something like black privilege, which most blacks and leftists will vehemently deny exists. Its time to get your heads out of your asses and join the civilized world.


  34. The Purple Cow said...
    Because that haven't discovered Socialism yet.

    Ever hear of someone risking their lives to escape TO a socialist country?

    Neither have I.

    Ever hear about people risking their lives escaping FROM a socialist country?

    I have too.

  35. "Ever hear of someone risking their lives to escape TO a socialist country?"

    Yep, during the Viet Nam war thousands of young Americans escaped the draft by moving to Sweden.

  36. Keisha5:09 PM

    Bill said...

    The FieldNegro said...
    In my family, not graduating high school and college was not an option.

    No dreams of a chance at college, college graduation was expected.

    Sounds like White Privilege.
    Don't be an asshole there Bill... Some of us have expectations from our parents. My parents raised me to be the same way - the best I can possibly be. And in their eyes, that included a post-secondary education.

    And to the topic of the post, No one, regardless of race, religion or any of that overly regarded shit should stop a mother and father or mother and mother or father and father from cheering for their child at their graduation. Keep it the hell moving with that bullshit.

  37. Excuse Bill. He is a republican. Blacks are not supposed to value education. You know, that whole stereotype thingy.

  38. Anonymous6:23 PM

    His point was your success was due to family values that when exhibited by a white family get called "white privilege".

  39. SFNorCal7:40 PM

    Blacks should take inspiration and influence from Obama, a successful, well-spoken black man.


  40. field negro said...
    Excuse Bill. He is a republican. Blacks are not supposed to value education. You know, that whole stereotype thingy.

    I was stereotyping white people privilege.

  41. PoopAvenger10:53 PM

    White people are the most worthless living things on this planet.

  42. Why does everything have to be about black and white when at the end of the day we are all people. All this negro this, trailer park trash that. Sounds like a bunch of overgrown kids saying pick me I'm better. For every bad person, there is a good person, for every bad neighborhood there is a good neighborhood, for every negative there is a positive and this is regardless of a persons color. That is exactly why there are hoods and trailer parks, then we have the white picket fence houses and the Mansions. Just like we have small community churches then we have mega churches. There see how that works it's called life.

    We all experience heartache and tragedy, happy moments, sad moments etc. Those feelings are because we are all people. No one is exclusive when it comes to feelings unless you are medically mentally unstable and even then, one still has feelings their feelings just aren't normal due to whatever imbalance they have. It's just annoying reading the constant unnecessary disrespect of one another when none of us know each other personally and I doubt most of the people speaking so negatively on here don't walk down the street speaking this, maybe behind closed doors or to peers etc, but you aren't walking down the street spewing it to strangers so why and come do it here. If the world was supposed to be made with just one race, one complexion, one language, one gender etc, then that's exactly what would have happened. I'm 40 years old and just reading these comments sicken me because I don't even think people realize how jaded and full of hate some of you are. It's all hypocritical, it's almost like keeping the racism fire burning so that people can actually have something to do and live for. Like what is the point of being racist? What medal do you win? God forbid we all actually get along what would the world come to?

  43. Anonymous12:05 AM

    "God forbid we all actually get along what would the world come to?"

    The Democratic party would have no unifying theme if different races, genders and classes didn't hate each other.

    Therefore, the beatings will continue until morale improves.
