Monday, June 22, 2015

Stars and scars.

Image result for confederate flag imagesMan these right-wingnuts needed this confederate flag flap like they needed a hole in their heads.

It's been interesting to see all the twisting and "pretzel-logic" going on as they try to avoid calling that despicable symbol of hatred for fear of turning off their base. I mean Mitt, bless his Wonder Bread heart, came out against the flag. But then he is no longer running for president. The others...well, not so much. Although Nikki Haley played the good party soldier by finally coming out against the flag and giving the republican candidates for president some cover.

And before we start treating what Haley did as if it was some profile in courage, let's not forget where she stood on this subject not too long ago. I guess there is nothing like a little pressure from the business community to make some of these governors all of a sudden find moral clarity.

"Today we are here in a moment of unity in our state without ill will to say it is time to remove the flag from our capitol grounds," Haley, the state's first non-white governor, said. "This flag, while an integral part of our past, does not represent the future of our great state."'
Why just a little over a year ago the governor said this:
"What I can tell you is over the last three and a half years, I spent a lot of my days on the phones with CEOs and recruiting jobs to this state,” Haley said. “I can honestly say I have not had one conversation with a single CEO about the Confederate flag.”
Maybe it took a conversation with a CEO or two to help her see the light.   
This is all very interesting. It's not only governor Haley. Republican politicians have been all trying to prove to the rest of us that many their supporters are not racist. (Good luck with that.)
We learned today that Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Rick Santorum gave back money that was given to them by the same racist organization that inspired Roof to kill those nine innocent people last Wednesday night.  
"The campaigns of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Rick Santorum said they would donate the money received from Holt to a fund set up by Charleston's mayor to assist the victims' families.
"I abhor the sentiments Mr. Holt has expressed," Santorum said in a statement. "These statements and sentiments are unacceptable. Period. End of sentence"
Let me translate that for you: Now that the rest of America knows what I  have suspected all along, that this man and his organization are racists, I cannot take this money from him without being exposed as a possible racist myself.
It's been funny to see George Will and the folks over at FOX VIEWS throw themselves into a tizzy over the president saying Nigger (whoops, sorry, I meant n-word) in a candid moment while doing a popular podcast.
You have to wonder why some folks get  upset when folks who have a license to use that word do just that. It's almost as if they are angry that they can't say it  themselves.

"George Will was troubled by Obama’s comment about how the legacy of slavery and racism is “still part of our DNA that’s passed on; we’re not cured of it.”  

Will said race relations can’t possibly be getting better if that’s the case, calling it a “most unfortunate rhetorical reach” by Obama.

And if his point is, Will concluded, that America is “by nature racist,” “'it’s an unfortunate indictment of the nation and he should take it back.'”

What the president really said:

"I always tell young people, in particular, do not say that nothing has changed when it comes to race in America, unless you've lived through being a black man in the 1950s or '60s or '70s. It is incontrovertible that race relations have improved significantly during my lifetime and yours," Obama said."

You know what's worse than being a racist? Being a liar and a racist.

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    "You know what's worse than being a racist? Being a liar and a racist."

    Mr Field, you have just indicted the entire white race in America. Donald Trump just might use his billions to come after your black ass as a liar and a black racist against Whites.

    I pity the fool who upsets DT.

  2. Nikki Haley was supporting the flag just a few days ago. Megan Kelly and I forget his name from the American Standard were roasting Alan Colmes for stating that the flag is part of a culture than creates Roofs. Mike Huckabee is another who can't bring himself to get behind taking down that flag, and he's supposed to be a Jesus freak. The GOP is done yet again with people of color because of their obvious non interference in white racism. Maybe next time. Hmmm, maybe if they allowed Mike Steele to remain in charge of the RNC they would have done a better job at damage control.

  3. Anonymous9:19 PM

    PX, what you don't realize is that the Confederate flag is very much a part of White Christianity. In other words, the flag is very much a part of Huckabee's religion.

    1. True. He is a Southern Baptist, a denomination founded on the "eternal truth" (it's words) of the "biblical blessing of slavery "

  4. Good observation anon, wonder what Timmy Scott thinks about the issue.

  5. On his blog, Driftglass has a picture of John McCain saying something into Lindsey Graham's ear, with the caption:
    Shelly says, if you ever want to see another nickle of his money again...'ll dump the shit-kickers and their stupid flag right now!

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. And before we start treating what Haley did as if it was some profile in courage, let's not forget where she stood on this subject not too long ago. I guess there is nothing like a little pressure from the business community to make some of these governors all of a sudden find moral clarity.

    I have to say, Field Negro, that you remind me a bit of what I feel about the Middle East. To the extent that I trust a single fucking thing that's "reported" out of there, it might be this: There are a whole lot of people and groups who would be completely lost if peace broke out.

  7. Funny, in 24 hours Nikki Haley and the entire GOP do a 180 on their view of the confederate battle flag. I bet they and your posters here act like they were against it all along and somehow the dumbocrats prevented them from removoing it. Now we have to see if the SC state senate will pass the measure and if Mississippi removes it from their state flag. This would not have happened if this wasn't a year preceeding a Presidential election.

  8. Bill O'Reilly is an idiot. He believes that there are just as many blah supremacist websites as white. SMDH Fox is a joke.

  9. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Run, Forrest, run! (away from the racist voters you've been courting since Barry Goldwater's campaign).

    Don't expect the running to continue too far past the next few news cycles, though. The GOP aren't turning over a new leaf. They won't be abandoning those bigoted Confederate battle flag aficionados for good, because they're a key demo in what that party likes to refer to as "their base."

    In a couple weeks' time, the Charleston shootings will be totally forgotten and it'll be back to regularly scheduled Republican race-baiting: bitching about how ignorant black baby mamas are bankrupting the nation and endless hordes of Mexican degenerates are streaming northward to rape us and transmit their nasty 3rd-world diseases.

  10. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Black people are the best thing that every happened to America. Pull out a history book and look at the benefits.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Hahaha haha haha! Thanks I needed that! Probably the funniest thing I'll read all day. Lol.

  11. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I've been on vacation for over a week and been paying closer attention to current events. I'm watching Al Jazeera of an interview with Jared Taylor from the Council of Conservative Citizen with a racial realism ideology or a sophisticated bigot as I like to call him. A southerner, Yale graduate, journalist. "A courtly presenter of ideas that most would describe as a crudely white supremacist -- a kind of modern-day version of the refined but racist colonialist of old" as described by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    You can imagine that this polished southern gentleman is none too happy that Nikki Hailey called for the removal of the Confederate Flag from the State Capitol. I have to mention that Dylan Roof received his bigoted education from Council of Conservative Citizens CoFCC. The website espouses that black men rape white women because you know the US is a European Country or at least that's in the statement of principles of the site.

    The South refuses to accept the fact that it lost the Civil War. They refuse to call it the Civil War. Perhaps is a defense mechanism to deny that just about all of the southern states seceded from the Union, which is treason. Oh, who has to time for such details. Yes, the flag is symbolic with different meanings over time. Presently, it represents hate and violence that no longer serves us the present. The past is never over.

    We also have to remember that is the Confederate Flag isn't coming down tomorrow as it's up for debate over the summer and needs 2/3 of the state Senate vote for the removal. I think it's interesting that flag as a padlock preventing anyone from taking it down.

    I found the interview of President Obama WTF enlightening and engaging.

    1. Wellllll..... Actually you're misinformed. In a special session, that statute can be replaced by a statute that doesn't require a supermajority for repeal by simple majority and then that statute repealed by simple majority. It requires 2 steps, but a simple majority could do so.

  12. Anonymous12:05 AM

    "I have to say, Field Negro, that you remind me a bit of what I feel about the Middle East. To the extent that I trust a single fucking thing that's "reported" out of there, it might be this: There are a whole lot of people and groups who would be completely lost if peace broke out."

    Peace? On Earth? That would be heaven on earth. There is no such thing here on earth so we don't have to worry about anybody getting lost. This planet is owned and operated by Lucifer and he is not having any peace on earth....He has other plans for people.

  13. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    Bill O'Reilly is an idiot. He believes that there are just as many blah supremacist websites as white. SMDH Fox is a joke.

    11:19 PM
    Nope, Bill knows better. He is no idiot. He just wants to minimize white racism and white hatred of Blacks by making Blacks bigots and haters equal to Whites. It's not plausible and he knows that. However, the Roofs of America will always buy into his bullshit.

    I hate to say it, but O'Reilly is the biggest Irish racist on TV.

    1. He may be taller, but Hannity has 50-60 lbs on him.

  14. Rmoney actually opposed the flying of that flag as far back as 2007 when he was first asked about it. It arguably stalled his '08 and slowed his '12 campaigns. I'm sure that he ended up regretting his knee-jerk correct response after he made it but there's no do overs in politics. The rest of the conservative establishment have been trying to split the babyore or less saying that they "defer to the states" or "its a state issue" but that safe ground was pulled right out from under them when a couple of white conservative republican state legislators came out against it. Overnight, you were suddenly for it if not against it. That's the danger when you cede your opinion to someone else; they call you on it.

  15. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Dear 12:05,

    The King James Version of the Bible was a fantastic hoax perpetrated by the Engish. So, your theology may be a bit off.


    Mr. Whisky Haze

  16. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Did you see TV lately? Black and Whites are holding hands, singing song and marching together. Looks like FN is out of business.

  17. Limpbaugh12:54 AM

    The flag controversy is a reminder to me of how our history is stolen. There is a good argument that the Civil War didn't start over slavery. It definitely wasn't started to free or keep slaves. Lincoln didn't announce that he would free the slaves until a year after the war started, and Jefferson Davis said the south would free the slaves if the south won, a year before the war ended. Both concessions were likely out of desperation. Each side decided to free the slaves when they were losing the war. It worked for Lincoln. England stopped supporting the south after Lincoln said he'd free the slaves and the tide of the war switched. Jefferson Davis' announcement came too late for the south. All contact and supplies traveled by ship.

    When the war started, the rules for determining whether new states would be free or slave was an issue. I think there were complaints that the projected future free states were bigger and things things like that. But the excise tax on cotton that economically forced the south to sell cotton to factories in the north, instead of to England, was an issue that they try to hide. Five slave states that grew little or no cotton stayed with Lincoln and the north. Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri allowed slavery and fought for the north. West Virgina split from Virgina to side with the north and they allowed slavery too. The Confederate states were all further south (where cotton was an important crop) than the slave states that sided with the north. Winners write history and covering up true history has caused really big problems in more recent cases, like Iran/Contra and 9/11.

    1. Sure, why listen to the secession ordinances, starting with South Carolinas, that say explicitly that they're seceding to protect slavery from future federal action.

  18. Anonymous1:16 AM

    In 1865, many black monkeys were still living at plantations. The main desire of the black monkeys was to become a white monkey, giving up collecting bananas, avoiding living at a plantation and stoping talking to the other black monkeys. The fewer bananas were collected by the black monkey the more proud it became, demonstrating to the other black monkeys: “Look, how white am I now!” Many black monkeys started to believe in that and tried to collect fewer bananas too. This went on for 150 years. When the situation came to a point of threatening the overall banana harvest, leaving all in debt to the far away yellow money's, then there came the need for a Super Monkey. His name was Barry. He invited the black monkeys to participate in a meeting in order to discuss banana collection issues in the language of the white monkeys and under their supervision. Following the rules of monkey congress, the black monkeys had to convince each other that it was important to collect ever more bananas in a friendly team spirit. The black monkeys kept going in circles for quite a time. As the black monkeys finally started throwing shit at each other and could never reach agreement, each of them pretending to be the white monkey, the true Super Monkey had to say: “Stop fighting, the meeting is over. And now go back and start to collect bananas! You fucked this thing up for all of us!” All of a sudden everything came to its place, the black monkeys returned back to the plantation even more hating each other, while the Super Monkey left for Vegas to find some blondes to ride as he was quite tired of his usual black bush.

  19. I've lived long enough now to see black p
    Americans denied public accommodations and the vote, then protected by the CRA & VRA; attacked by the police for peacefully petitioning their government for redress, fought tooth & nail at the schoolhouse door and when they moved into majority white neighborhoods; then protected by the federal government against the recalcitrance of the states, to a retrenchment on all of these fronts especially after the election of the first black president. I've also seen the southern strategy realign the segregationists to the Republican Party from the Democrats, the wholesale Criminalization and incarceration of black men in the war on drugs, despite far more whites using and selling drugs than blacks, under racially disparate mandatory minimums, redlining replace restrictive covenants and gated communities replace redlining, and ultimately, the desegregation of schools and housing and suppression of black voting. Two steps forward, one step back. If you were born in 1950, things are on balance far better; if you were born in 1985 though, that's just not true.

    1. That should be "resegregation of schools & housing"

  20. Anonymous2:18 AM

    A Confederate Ghost Ship was spotted this morning off the South Carolina coast. This is really bad mojo.

  21. Did it have an elephant on the side?

  22. I just speak truths, that's all. I would love to hold hands and sing kumbaya with my white brothers and sisters without having to keep one eye open.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Well considering the overwhelming majority of interracial crimes are black on white, I would say that the whites should keep one eye on you.

  23. Anonymous7:51 AM

    "Did you see TV lately? Black and Whites are holding hands, singing song and marching together. Looks like FN is out of business.'
    We also saw a white guy shoot 9 blah people. I think he'll be around for a bit.

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Omar Thornton shot and killed 7 white coworkers in 2010. # onlyblacklivesmatter though right?

  24. field negro said...

    I just speak truths, that's all. I would love to hold hands and sing kumbaya with my white brothers and sisters without having to keep one eye open.

    Considering most interracial crime is committed by blahs, it's your white brothers and sisters that should be keeping their eyes open.

    Field doesn't mention it was the Democrat party who raised the confederate flag all over the south. Bill and Hillary Clinton celebrated Confederate day for 16 years in Arkansas. Or Howard dean and Jimmy Carter openly courting guys with confederate flags on the back of their trucks.

    Years later, America is still trying to undo the damage caused by Democrats. Sad that.

  25. "Field doesn't mention it was the Democrat party who raised the confederate flag all over the south."

    Kinky, what century are we living in now?

    Do you even know?


  26. The Lying Purple Cow said...
    Kinky, what century are we living in now?

    Do you even know?

    Clinton/Gore was centuries ago?

    Dumbocrats filibustering the civil rights bill was centuries ago?

    The LyingPurpleCow is on a roll today.


  27. PilotX said...
    Bill O'Reilly is an idiot. He believes that there are just as many blah supremacist websites as white. SMDH Fox is a joke.

    On the other side politically, MSNBC tries to deny Black hate groups even exist.

    MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur Doesn’t Read Chart That Says ‘Black Separatists’ Are A Hate Group

  28. The science is settled.

    Conservatives have better self control than Liberals.

    Conservatives have better word comprehension.

    Evidence from three studies reveals a critical difference in self-control as a function of political ideology. Specifically, greater endorsement of political conservatism (versus liberalism) was associated with greater attention regulation and task persistence. Moreover, this relationship is shown to stem from varying beliefs in freewill; specifically, the association between political ideology and self-control is mediated by differences in the extent to which belief in freewill is endorsed, is independent of task performance or motivation, and is reversed when freewill is perceived to impede (rather than enhance) self-control. Collectively, these findings offer insight into the self-control consequences of political ideology by detailing conditions under which conservatives and liberals are better suited to engage in self-control and outlining the role of freewill beliefs in determining these conditions.

  29. The Lying Purple Cow said...
    Kinky, what century are we living in now?

    Do you even know?

    The left hates it when they history is thrown back in they face.

    Speaking of political donations, i don't remember you (field) bring up how much money Obama and Democrats have had to return to terrorist organizations/supporters in 2008 or 2012.

    Field Negro wouldn't be a leftist without hypocrisy.

  30. Emmitt Louis Till12:51 PM

    Anon Asshole-Troll @1:16 A.M.

    The nurse is here with your medication, take it and shaddup, White racist pig!

  31. Kinky is an idiot3:41 PM

    The left hates it when they history is thrown back in they face.
    When "they" history? Great word comprehension there buddy. So conservatives are not only totally unaware of historical context but illiterate to boot. First of all the dixiecrats were CONSERVATIVE so they are the farthest thing from the left so no one with a working brain doesn't know southern white dixeicrats were racists because conservatives usually are. We also know this happened in 1961 but who are the assholes fighting to keep the confederate flag flying today? You guessed it southern white conservatives who switched parties to become Republicans. The left ha! Only an idiot or a disingenuous lying asshole would conflate the modern Democratic party to that of the Democratic Party 0f 1961. And only a fool would consider the Democrats of the 60's the party of the left. Teh stupid is strong in Kinky.

  32. Teh stupid3:42 PM

    Field Negro wouldn't be a leftist without hypocrisy.
    Kinky wouldn't be a conservative without stupidity.

  33. The GOP3:46 PM

    Wow, I'm shocked every one of the people fighting to keep the confederate battle flag flying are Republicans. Shocked I say shocked. Maybe we can read conservative prattle on about how it was the Democrats that put it up back in 1961. Republicans are some sick racists. Wanna bet they all identify as conservative? 2015 and these assholes are still fighting the war of northen aggression. Yeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww!

  34. Teh Stupid3:52 PM

    Anonymous Teh stupid said...

    Field Negro wouldn't be a leftist without hypocrisy.
    Kinky wouldn't be a conservative without stupidity.

    3:42 PM

    Teh stupid wouldn't be stupid without the stupid.

  35. "We also know this happened in 1961 but who are the assholes fighting to keep the confederate flag flying today? You guessed it southern white conservatives who switched parties to become Republicans.'

    Democrats kept winning the racist south until 1980....Because most of those white conservative Democrats, stayed Democrat.

    Anonymous The GOP said...

    Wow, I'm shocked every one of the people fighting to keep the confederate battle flag flying are Republicans. Shocked I say shocked. Maybe we can read conservative prattle on about how it was the Democrats that put it up back in 1961. Republicans are some sick racists. Wanna bet they all identify as conservative? 2015 and these assholes are still fighting the war of northen aggression. Yeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww!

    3:46 PM

    And yet it is asshole liberals who are the most obsessed with the flag. Image if the left put the same energy they put into obsessing over symbols into jobs, the economy and lowering crime that plague over 95% of the cites they control.

  36. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Looks like you were right Field.

  37. Hypocrisy Double standard!4:03 PM

    And yet it is asshole liberals who are the most obsessed with the flag. Image if the left put the same energy they put into obsessing over symbols into jobs, the economy and lowering crime that plague over 95% of the cites they control.
    And what are conservatives obsessed with? Putting Jesus in the school? Maybe if conservatives put the same energy they put into putting laws into womens vaginas into jobs and the economy the poorest states in the country maybe wouldn't be so bad off ya think?
    We can do this all day asshole.

  38. Kinky is a racist4:05 PM

    And yet it is asshole liberals who are the most obsessed with the flag. Image if the left put the same energy they put into obsessing over symbols into jobs, the economy and lowering crime that plague over 95% of the cites they control.
    If racist asshole conservatives would just take the damned thing down we can move on. Then again conservatives can only focus on one thing at a time so they think no one else can do more than one thing at a time.

    What are your feelings about the confederate flag Kinky?

  39. The GOP4:44 PM

    We agree with Kinky, what's the big deal? You I mean African Americans are way too sensitive. We don't see the confederate battle flag as a symbol of hate and slavery we see it as a symbol of honor and pride as do many of our racist friends in the klan and our neo nazi friends in Germany who use it because their flag of choice is banned. Why should we care what you I mean African Americans think, you need to just get over it and by the way vote for us because the Democrats run a plantation even though we honor the very symbol that wanted all of you on a plantation but ignore that fact. Now come on I mean African Americans, give us a chance and we'll make sure to put a confederate on your state's flag! Yee haw!

  40. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Dear KC, where is your black friend? did she desert you?

  41. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I understand the importance of heritage and the idea of having pride in where you come from. There's this thing about heritage, one inherits the good with the bad. If one believes in having honor, then one also have to believe when he or she isn't honorable. The majority of people who fought in the Civil War didn't own slaves. The irony is that this majority fought to keep in tact an economic system that benefited a minority (wealthy planation owners). A system that with great probability that these people couldn't be a part of. Also, a system that happened to enslaved people, treated them like cattel, and performed horrific acts of physcial and psychological abuse. Yes, and we are suppose to have a sense of pride about that.

    I say someone sold you a bill of goods because all that's left is some symbolic sense of pride. Without the pride, there's nothing because who wants to hear that they fought a war for nothing. It seems to me that all was heritaged was a story and no inheritance. That's right, what happened to the silverware? I forgot, there's a Confederate Flag with a promise that never came to fruition. Pride is fleeting and an illusion. In other words, you have been conned. We human beings are something else. We are either living in the past or the future. One has passed and the other yet to come, but rarely are living in the here and now. So the question becomes how to long to we hold on to something that never no longer us in order to live now?

  42. Anonymous7:26 PM

    None of this: removing the Confederate flag, or giving Roof the death penalty will change the minds and hearts of Whites and uncle toms. Racism is the foundation of America, not freedom. As a matter of fact, this country has never been open to freedom for Blacks. It has, however, been a place of terror, incarceration and injustice for Blacks.

    I remember the 50's and the 60's where water fountains and bathrooms were segregated. One fountain said "Whites Only" and the other simply said, "Colored".

    Blacks couldn't go in a restaurant and be served. He/she had to go to the back door of the restaurant to order and receive food to go. I remember that Blacks could not stay in hotels. So if you were driving across country, you had better find out where you could stop. If there was no place, you had to drive straight through, no rest, no nothing. You made sure you packed enough food so you wouldn't starve. The Jim Crow era wasn't a change of safety for Blacks because the police and the White justice system was built to incarcerate Blacks, not to protect them and give fair trials.

    I am much older today and I can honestly say that I don't see much of a difference in the American psyche today than Jim Crow. Psychologically, emotionally and spiritually it is virtually the 'same' for Blacks...maybe even a little worse. Materially, well, take a look at the ghettos...who's living in them?

    Obama has been a 'terrible' disappointment to me and I don't have much hope for the black race not only because of the misery we have suffered under his Administration, but because racism has more strength and power and evil than ever in the history of America.

    Southern Negroes are the same fearful Negroes they have always have been. It is understandable. The fear gene has been passed down generation after generation going all the way back to slavery. How can a group of people filled with fear and even terror feel good about themselves? They can't.

    Hence, they join Whites against themselves because they are afraid. Loss of love ones due to white violence and terrorism is quietly accepted by Blacks. They are used to feeling powerless. For centuries, the only weapon of solace Blacks had for relief was "try to forgive."

    That never works. It just suppresses and represses anger and rage inside, driving up one's blood pressure and occasional inappropriate outbursts of emotions and loudness.

    I have a heavy heart for the future of so many Blacks teetering on the line between hope and hopelessness. I don't expect any help from Whites, which is where the power is. Unfortunately, where the power is, is where the evil is also. It's been that way since America was born.

    Sigmund Freud said it best when he visited our country and saw what he saw:

    "America is a giant mistake."

    What surprises me is there seem to be very few, if any Blacks on FN who really know our history.

  43. Anonymous8:07 PM

    The link below is further proof 'why' nothing will change in the minds and hearts of Whites. The cops took time to buy Roof a burger at Burger King because he was hungry after his black massacre at a church in Charleston.

    Just think. If Roof had been Black, he would have been in a choke hold gasping, "I can't breathe". And the cops would pay him no mind.

  44. Limpbaugh8:14 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy, there was a lot of racism on both sides and as far as I know the slavery related complaints in the succession letters were about some free states not returning escaped slaves. There were complaints about things like not getting federal protection from Indian attacks, but Even when the Emancipation Declaration did come out, Lincoln only declared slaves in the rebel states free. He excluded freeing slaves in the slave states that were on the north's side and in a few areas in the south.Neither side was for freeing the slaves when the war started.


    "A lot of racism on both sides??? This is the revisionist smoke that Amerikkkan Caucasoids daily blow up their own asses....

    Blithe racial ignorance is total bliss!

  46. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Very interesting Limpbaugh, I did not know that!
