Saturday, July 11, 2015


Image result for bush brothers images

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. I can out crazy this wild and crazy guy.

  2. Guess which one of us has been sober since age 40?

  3. ctrl+halt+del12:28 AM

    American royalty: a royal pain in the ass and his brother royal pain in the butt.

  4. Shrubbery.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Shemp2:10 AM

    Tweedle Dip and Tweedle Doof

  6. Anonymous3:00 AM

    "Don't let our blue-blood WASP pedigree fool ya - we're still gonna flood this country with African niggers and Swamis and Aztecs! Ha ha ha ha!!!"

  7. Anonymous3:05 AM

    "Ha ha! When this country turns into Afro-Mexistan, we'll be safe in our fortified compound down in Paraguay!"

  8. Anonymous3:06 AM

    "Bwahahaha! These dumb niggers think there's actually a difference between us and the Democrats!"

  9. StillaPanther23:48 AM

    That only shows that America is run by an unknown crew; because if this is the best you have as president. AND you call President Obama an ape. Well these two guys are surely monkeying it up.

  10. Gore may have invented the Internet, but we'll do him one better and invent the Selfie.

  11. Hey, I'm the smart one right?

  12. Holy crap, we just landed at Barack Obama International Airport! Sweet!

  13. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Dumb and Dumber: The True Story Behind the Hollywood Legend

  14. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Dubya: See this magnificent country, Jeb? One day, this will be all yours to vandalize and destroy, just like I did.

    Because we both come from a proud bloodline of wealthy, arrogant simpletons.

  15. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Jeb: George, the peasants are revolting!

    Dubya: You said it. They stink on ice.

    (My apologies to Mel Brooks.)

  16. "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother"

  17. ctrl+halt+del9:37 AM

    A turd in the hand is worth two Bush's.

  18. Quote:Stars and Bars

    ”No matter how you slice it, the fact remains that this Stalinesque push to remove any vestiges of those “evil” Confederates is bound to alienate a significant percentage of the people who will vote in the next election.”

    So what are they gonna do different?

    They would have voted Republican, and now….?

    It’s not like the south has been a hotbed of leftist political support in recent decades.


    Quote: George Orwell

    ”You might wonder, what’s it to the liberal ruling class if a Christian photographer doesn’t want to take part in homosexual weddings, or if a proud Southerner wants to buy a Confederate flag on Amazon?”

    Or to put it another way, what’s it like to be a proud Nazi who wants to fly a Swastika over Auschwitz?

    Rights come with responsibilities.


    Quote: George Orwell

    ”This is why winning isn’t enough for these bullies. An example is the rabidly homosexual George Takei…”

    Rabidly homosexual???

    Rabidly? Sweet Jeezus….

    Are you ‘rabidly’ heterosexual?

    Quote: George Orwell

    ”When dissenters become hard to find, our rulers will turn on each other, accusing each other of ideological impurities. It would be fun to watch, but by then we’ll all be in camps, dead, or brainwashed to the point of incomprehension.”

    Mate, you are at the point of incomprehension right now, brainwashing the likes of you would be wasted effort.

  19. Anonymous10:40 AM

    "So what are they gonna do different?

    They would have voted Republican, and now….?"

    They would have voted Republican ... but now the good ol' GOP has caved to the mean liberal bullies and disappointed them by taking down the flag. So they'll have to resort to voting for the Nazi Party instead.

    Oh wait, you say the Nazi Party isn't a real, viable political party? I guess they'll have to go fuck themselves, then.

  20. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Hmmmm. Is morality for the South ever going to arise? Even with the demise of the Confederate flag, some Whites choose the path of darkness and inhumanity?

    But what about the Left? Do they want to do the right thing or is it all 'political?'

    I think the human race is in big trouble if George Orwell's novel is speaking the truth about human nature.

    Many thanks to PC for telling it like it is....this human dance of death is damn near over! Thank God. There is only so much misery and suffering humans can take.

  21. Angry Black11:21 AM

    Two White racist overprivleged, undeserving Amerikkkan Honkies...

    Vote Repunklikklan...

  22. Anonymous11:30 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Rights come with responsibilities."

    Only for whites.

  23. George Orwell11:33 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Rabidly homosexual???

    Rabidly? Sweet Jeezus….

    Are you ‘rabidly’ heterosexual?

    No. Unlike homosexual activists. I do not define myself solely by what I do with my genitals.

  24. Red, Black and Green11:48 AM

    Anon White Racist(s) 3:05 & 3:06...

    Up yours! You filthy, smelly racist Punkhonkie(s).

    Confederate Caucasoid Scum.

    Go back to Stormschmuck.

  25. The Purple Cow said...They would have voted Republican, and now….?

    Now they won't vote at all, or cast their vote in some quixotic third-party quest that will only further consolidate Leftist control. There is no other path.

    Neither party represents the interests of working class white people. The corporate elite owns both parties now, and will pursue the interests of those in control - central control, demographic replacement, Jewish security, and wealth distribution out of the middle class.

    The Republicans have become a subsidiary of the Democratic Party, a show opposition. Ballots are now now meaningless as the last real election happened some time ago. Democracy has reached its endpoint, and fundamental change will have to be pursued by other means.

    Let it burn.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. How's that hope and change workin' fo you negros?

  28. "Now they won't vote at all, or cast their vote in some quixotic third-party quest that will only further consolidate Leftist control. "

    So you are saying that banning the confederate flag is a Win-Win for the Left.


  29. The Black Avenger12:02 PM

    @3:06 A.M....

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And all these inbred, brain-dead, racist, fascistic, authoritarian, drunk-ass Honkies actually believe that everyone loves them!

    Self righteous, Self Important, stupid assholes HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

  30. Source: George Orwell

    "No. Unlike homosexual activists. I do not define myself solely by what I do with my genitals."

    So to some up, you are saying that love is only about what you do with your genitals.

  31. George Orwell12:11 PM

    No, you are a moron.

    What I am saying is that sane people have other interests besides sex.

    Homosexuality is not "love", it is a practice.

  32. E. Zapata12:12 PM

    Hey KKKinky!

    How's that lobotomy working out for you?

    Tio Taco...
    Pendejo Puto..
    Jorge Zimmerman!

  33. The Purple Cow said...
    So you are saying that banning the confederate flag is a Win-Win for the Left.


    And we all know how win-wins for the Left work out.

  34. Burn books, ban music, hate blacks, murder gays.

    Become a symbol of hope and freedom.

    Leftism is death, and I love death.

  35. Rodney USMC12:26 PM

    Oh, look Ma! an election thief and a military deserter!

  36. teh stupid12:33 PM

    What I am saying is that sane people have other interests besides sex.

    Homosexuality is not "love", it is a practice.
    So homosexuals are insane and are only interested in sex? Oh teh stupid is quite strong in this one.

  37. The southern avenger12:36 PM

    Whah whah whah, we can't fly our wittle fwag over goberment property!!!!!!!! Oh all is lost!!!!!!! I'm just gonna curl up into a wittle ball and cry.
    Southern whites are such drama queens just like their leader Lindsey Grahm.

  38. The southern avenger12:40 PM

    our dear leader speaks.

  39. Anonymous12:41 PM

    teh stupid said...
    "So homosexuals are insane and are only interested in sex?"

    Homosexual activists are.

  40. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "And we all know how win-wins for the Left work out."

    Yeah right. Pol Pot, coming to an American shopping mall near you. We'll be communist any day now. The United Soviet Socialist States of America.


    Maybe you want to consider reducing your meth consumption. You're starting to hallucinate.

  41. Quote:George Orwell

    "Homosexuality is not "love", it is a practice."

    Wow! And this drongo calls ME a moron.

    In my experience anti-gay bigots such as this guy who never miss an opportunity to vocally insult gays are attempting to compensate for something.

    If you know what I mean...

  42. George Orwell2:21 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    If you know what I mean...

    You mean that love, an emotion, is sodomy.

    You believe this because you thoughts are mandated by a debased ideology and because you are not smart enough to know the meaning of the words you parrot.

  43. The Future is Unwritten3:12 PM

    "History is written by those with the power."

    But never forget an even greater power remains: Nature.

    And though blacks now politically control Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New Orleans, Baltimore, and many other cities throughout the nation (and white people promote the interests of blacks as a way to garner power in what is known as Black-Run America), nature is still in control.

    This is why you routinely see black people shuffling down streets they (or their ancestors) had no part in building, as they participate in marches to STOP THE VIOLENCE.

    Nature will always win, regardless of whatever "power" is being utilized by those elected to positions of authority.

    Even though the ultimate goal of Black-Run America (BRA) is a pogrom against white people, the reality is whites still remain.

    And as long as we remain, there is hope.

    Our buildings, our highways, our railroads, our airports, and our history may be wrecked, but we can and will rebuild.

    Because we remain.

    And there is no power in the world greater than when individual white people unite to collectively fight for their future.

    Pick your side carefully.

  44. Quote:George Orwell

    "You mean that love, an emotion, is sodomy."

    I mean that love, an emotion, is open to all.

    People who love each other have sex, people who don't love each other have sex.

    What form that sex takes, the mechanics of the act, are entirely irrelevant.

    (Unless of course you are a closet homosexual desperately trying to convince anyone who will listen that you are not gay.)


    "You believe this because you thoughts are mandated by a debased ideology and because you are not smart enough to know the meaning of the words you parrot."

    What ever you say, sweet cheeks.

  45. George Orwell4:09 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "What form that sex takes, the mechanics of the act, are entirely irrelevant.."

    That's what I said - a sexual act is not "love". Perhaps you actually are capable of learning something.

    Love between people does not depend on the sanctification of the state. It is the essence of humanity, and stands apart from physical gratification.

    To define yourself primarily by what kind of sexual act you prefer is just weird. It is a debasement of one's humanity.

    Someone whose life is centered on hedonistic sensualism can be a dangerous person to be around, and is someone who has little interest in the world he leaves behind.

    For some reason, the powers that be have decided that such a debased existence must not only be tolerated, not just be celebrated, but worshiped.

    Why might that be?

  46. The Black Avenger5:11 PM

    @3:12 PM..

    Listen, Crushednuts:

    This is not a stupid White Supremacist blog; so stop transposing all these goofy Klan speeches and other silly bullshit that you scrape out of American Nazi shitholes like Stormfuck, ALEC, Soverign Citizens and RNC-KKK-NSWPP onto this Black Blog. We're trying to keep it free of Caucasoid poisoning!

    Who has to "look" for White racism, when we are literally surrounded by it 24-7-365!

    White dicketry and puffery are ubiquitous!

  47. Throw Josh 's whole Klan in a vat of Sulphuric Acid5:28 PM

    Q: You ask, where is Jerky, Juvenile, Jive-ass, Jack-boot Josh?

    A: Hiding in the very high Anonymous Aryan Asshole weeds; With the rest of the Snakes!

    Come back out into the light you slimy bastard!

  48. Quote:George Orwell

    "To define yourself primarily by what kind of sexual act you prefer is just weird. It is a debasement of one's humanity."


    So why do you do it?

  49. George Orwell5:46 PM

    I do not. I am many things other than heterosexual. I understand that my gratification does not take primacy over the needs of others. I do not feel compelled to force homosexuals to applaud what I do with my genitals. I do not take 'pride' in deviancy.

  50. Kill all White racist trolls6:26 PM

    George Orwell=Jerk-Ass Josh

  51. Obama says not to judge all Muslims by the action of a few, but the entire South and every symbol has been judged by the action of one nutcase. Clinton and Carter both had campaign posters with the Confederate flag image.

    There will be blood.

  52. Quote George Orwell:

    "I do not."

    Oh I think you do.


    "I am many things other than heterosexual."

    Methinks you doth protest too much.

    Are you ready to tell us about your dark fantasies yet? You know you want to. You can tell us everything, you are amongst friends...

    Incidentally, is that why you come here?

    Does the thought of being abused by big strong black men turn you on?


    " I do not feel compelled to force homosexuals to applaud what I do with my genitals."

    You seem to be obsessed with genitalia.

    Do you know of any homosexuals who force heterosexuals to applaud what they do with their genitals???

    Or is that another of your dark fantasies?


    "I do not take 'pride' in deviancy."

    Obviously not, you seem to be quite ashamed of it.


    But here's a final question for you sweet-cheeks:

    Who gets to decide what is 'deviancy' and what isn't?

  53. Quote: Life in the Brassiere

    "There will be blood."

    Oh indeed.


  54. George Orwell6:47 PM

    "Who gets to decide what is 'deviancy' and what isn't?"



  55. The Lying Purple Cow said...
    In my experience anti-gay bigots such as this guy who never miss an opportunity to vocally insult gays are attempting to compensate for something.

    If you know what I mean...

    I know what you are talking about.

    And I've been pointing that out about you for a while regarding all your comments about white penis.

  56. Black Panther Party6:53 PM

    @6:35 P.M....

    Oh, there will be blood alright.....YOURS!!!

    And the pigs won't be there to save you, like usual.

    Watch your ass, you Confederate Pussy! no one's running from you...anymore!

    Bring it, PLEASE!!! We can't wait to beat the living shit out of all of you!

  57. "And the pigs won't be there to save you, like usual."

    Who do you thing the 'pigs' have been protecting for the last half century?

    You are right about this situation ending. You are wrong about who is going to be running.

  58. Paranoid white guy7:21 PM

    And there is no power in the world greater than when individual white people unite to collectively fight for their future.
    Blah blah blah blah white power!!!!! Your dumb ass couldn't unite peanut butter and jelly. Now take your dumbass back to your trailer park with the rest of the inbred trailer trash and read a fucking book or something.

  59. Life in the Trailer Park7:22 PM

    Obama says not to judge all Muslims by the action of a few, but the entire South and every symbol has been judged by the action of one nutcase. Clinton and Carter both had campaign posters with the Confederate flag image.
    Not the entire south, just racist dickheads like you. Asshole. You are the epitome of ignorant white racists. Which is lower, your IQ or the number of teeth in your mouth. My bet is IQ.


  60. Gotta love the dumbocrat hypocrisy.

    DICKERSON: Joining us now from Martha's Vineyard is Vermont Senator and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.
    Number one, I have spent my political life taking on the big money interests.

    The socialist takes on big money interests at a $37,000 a plate fundraiser in the 1% Marthas Vineyard.


    Less than half the country lives on $37000 a year.

  61. Black Panther Party7:25 PM

    Think again fucknuts! The Pigs WON'T be there to save you!!!

    Keep jacking yourself off, keyboard warrior; Bluster all over this blog, 'cause you know damn well you're not gonna do shit!

    Except maybe, a cowardly sneak atttack, which you sniveling pussies are known for!

    "The pigs and the Klan are two sides of the same coin; but we've known that since Reconstruction."....Malcolm X


  62. Anonymous7:45 PM

    "Obama says not to judge all Muslims by the action of a few, but the entire South and every symbol has been judged by the action of one nutcase. Clinton and Carter both had campaign posters with the Confederate flag image."

    One nutcase?????

    The entire opposition to the Civil Rights movement in the '50s and '60s flew the Confederate flag and re-popularized it for a new generation as the symbol that black people should have no rights.

    Before that, there was that whole war about slavery that happened? Perhaps you've heard of it? The pro-slavery side carried that flag.

    You're what happens when the educational system fails miserably ...

  63. ctrl+halt+del9:41 PM

    George tells Jeb he packed GHW Bush's parachute.

  64. ctrl+halt+del9:46 PM

    George: I packed Dad's backpack, he said he was going parrot shooting

  65. The GOP9:53 PM

    Gotta love the rethuglican racism.

  66. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Gotta love the dumbocrat hypocrisy.
    Because if there's ANYBODY who knows hypocrisy it's dumbass Bill.

  67. Hypocrisy Double standard!9:58 PM

    Bill will NEVER mention rethuglican hypocrisy such as when in 2012 Romney, he of the car elevator, said income inequality talk is envy but now wants to blast the current occupant of the WH for it. What do you say Bill? Wanna stop being such a huge hypocrite? Of course you do.

  68. Anonymous10:12 PM

    This is for Bill

  69. Anonymous10:13 PM

    "You're what happens when the educational system fails miserably ..."

    And you are what happens when it succeeds spectacularly at indoctrination.

  70. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Dumb and Dumber!!!
