Friday, July 10, 2015

"I’ll break your f**king neck."

Image result for dallas police rossi imageWhy is this thug still a police officer?

"A Dallas police officer was suspended after an interaction caught on video showed him aggressively confronting a teenage boy, telling him he would break his “f**king neck” if he did not shut up.

The incident happened last fall on October 1st, 2014, but the cell phone video has only just surfaced, leading to an internal investigation and the suspension of Dallas police officer Terigi Rossi. The officer told investigators it was a verbal technique he used to solicit information.

According to police records, police officers Rossi and Stacy Ward were responding to a 911 hang-up call at an apartment complex in north Dallas. When they arrived, no one answered the door. When a woman finally did answer the door, she first told officers she had not called 911, but later admitted that she did make the call when trying to find out where her car had been towed.

Officer Ward, in her report, said Rossi entered the apartment because he suspected something more was going on than the woman and the 14-year-old were telling him.

As the teenager continued to deny that anything went wrong, the conversation between Rossi and the boy turned heated, with Rossi repeatedly using profanity. Rossi claimed the woman became combative and he arrested her.

The nearly four-minute video shows the officers escorting the woman to the squad car, with the teen following. The video was obtained by the Dallas-area station WFAA through an open records request.

In the footage, Rossi asks the teen if the woman is his mother. The teen initially says “yes,” but then explains his real mother is working. The teen’s tone is matter of fact. Rossi, however, threatens to take the teen downtown if he doesn’t talk to him.

Then you are going to a foster home,” Rossi says in the recording. “I need to know what happened here, because right now, she’s going to jail.”

The teen asks why. Rossi responds that it’s because she didn’t listen to him.

The teen says nothing happened, and Rossi asks the teen why the woman told him to shut up.
The teen says: “She’s telling you to shut up.
Raising his voice, Rossi then says: “No, she telling to you to shut up. I understand Spanish. OK. …look at me when you talk to me. Ok, be a man.”

The teen tells the officer to remove his sunglasses and look him in the eye.

That angered Rossi, who leans in to the teen and says: “If I were you, son, I’d shut the f**k up, ‘cause I’ll break your f**king neck. You understand me?”

Rossi then tells the teen he is under arrest.

The teen asks why, telling the officer not to touch him before breaking free.

I’m telling you right now, Get the f**k over here! Listen to me!” Rossi tells the teen. “You’re just like your mother. You’re a piece of f**king [expletive]. You little [expletive].

In the end, a supervisor was called to the scene and decided there was not enough evidence to arrest either one of them.

The teen alleged that Rossi grabbed him and hurt his arm and neck. In her report, Officer Ward did confirm that Rossi put his arm around the teen.
In Rossi’s police report about the incident, he said the boy started to cry and he placed his arm around him to “console” him, but failed to mention any of the insulting confrontation with the boy. He also said he was using “verbal judo” to try and get information from the teen. Rossi said threatening to break his neck was a verbal technique that I’ve used to try to calm down people or suspects in my career with no intention of ever meaning the words I say.

The investigation took a different turn when the stepmother contacted the supervisor and told him she had video of the incident.

In a later statement to internal investigators, Rossi said he did threaten to break the teen’s neck because he had been rude with him, and he was trying to regain control of the scene.

There was never any malice or intent on my part,” Rossi wrote. “All I want(ed) to do is find out what had occurred on this particular call. Could I (have) handled this particular situation differently, yes, but this is a job that if you don’t show your control at the scene things can get very ugly.”

Rossi was originally a member of the Dallas SWAT team and a regular fixture on the TV show of the same name, but prior to the October incident he lost the SWAT gig when he was caught sleeping on the job.

Rossi was suspended for three days for the incident with the teen, but is now back on patrol."  [WATCH VIDEO]
 I am so happy for cell phones.
Without them people like  Terigi Rossi would continue to do what they do unchecked. 
Let me correct that: Not unchecked. Three days vacation with pay.

We are also keeping an eye on this case in Mississippi.

Stay tuned.
*Pic from






  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Field, your post has an anti-cop tone to it.

    On another note, I am wondering why you aren't giving more text to the removal of the Confederate flag today? Seeing how you are a great racism chaser this should have been posted in neon lights.

    Today was historic, esp for AAs in America. Why didn't you give your brothers and sisters their due? You are such a action Field.

    Well, at least the Republicans believe in action on racist hate matters. God bless them and I'm voting Republican, provided they have a good candidate who is unafraid of Putin and Iran.

  2. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Most blacks don't understand anything but brute force; give 'em an inch, and they'll take a mile. Case in point: Eric Garner. One minute he was Mr. Bad Ass Nigger - ten seconds later, all he could do was whimper, "Uh cain't breeves ... Uh cain't breeves". All he had to do was comply. Take a few moments, shuck and jive, say "Yes, sir" a few times, and be done with it. Would have probably got off with a small ticket. But no, high on Trayvon-fumes and feeling especially niggerish, he decided to show his ass. "Fukk da punk po-leese!" And look what happened. Six little black kids who now have to rely solely on welfare to get by, and not their dad's illegal cigarette profits. A pity.

    Now call me an unemployed hillbilly from Stormfart. It's so much easier than trying to refute my points ...

  3. When I was 15, I was sitting in the shade on a bench in front of my town's bus station which doubled as an arcade/pool hall. A car with (then standard) 2 police officers pulled up and parked in front of us in the loading zone, they got out and without a word proceeded to toss me an the friend I was sitting with up against the wall about a dozen times, calling us punks, shitheads, fuckers, etc and saying that we should watch our mouths and be careful who we cussed out. About a minute into this assault, an older woman walked across the street from the senior center and told them (one of whom turned out to be her son) that the kids who had cussed at her had left before they got there. No apologies though, they just laughed, got a description of the other kids, and got back in their car and drove off. i was too afraid to tell my authority-respecting parents about it, so nothing was ever said or done.

    It's been over 40 years now, but my entire life, every interaction that I've ever had with the police, personal or professional, has been colored, haunted even by that experience. I never assume, have never assumed, that the police are there to protect me or my interests. I raised my children to understand that they could never assume competence or good will from the police, and my children are raising my grandchildren with the same caution.

    I have no doubt that this experience will follow that kid like mine did me. It might even echo through the generations. Cops shouldn't be bewildered by the less than cooperative, less than respectful attitudes that they encounter; often, they, their peers or their predecessors were the authors of their frustration.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      So one incident like that defines your worldview for 40 years? Wow, sack up Nancy.

  4. Anonymous7:29 AM

    When I was a kid, about 40 years ago, I was sitting in front of the ice cream shop when two police officers pulled up. They said "Hello, Jimmy" and proceeded to tousle my blond hair. The one of them bought me an ice cream cone.

    Being white is so cool.

  5. Anonymous11:13 AM

    asleep on the job, threatening children. police officer was a good career choice.

  6. The Black Avenger11:39 AM

    Stupid Racist Wop Honky Pig; he must be related to Donald Chump!

  7. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When I was a kid, about 40 years ago, I was sitting in front of the ice cream shop when two police officers pulled up. They said "Hello, Jimmy" and proceeded to tousle my blond hair. The one of them bought me an ice cream cone.

    Being white is so cool.

    7:29 AM

    ....Not when you look down your trousers!

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      What year is it? 1958? Who the fuck says trousers? You are obviously a white preppy clown. No self respecting black man would say trousers. Do you like pretending to be black?

  8. Yep, this attitude is common among cops. Must be some kind of control thing, most I have encountered are also all divorced. Wonder why that is.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Why don't you go be a cop for a couple of years and let us know. My guess that they stress from dealing with low life scumbags all day, every day puts a serious strain on a person which will in turn put undue stress on a marriage.

      The better question to ask is why 70% of black kids have never met and will never know who their fathers are. Fix that and the blah community would be much better off.

      Also, are blahs going to whine and piss and moan every time a cop uses strong or hurtful language?

      'Mammy, dat po - leeze offcer said mean words to me. Mammy call the NAACP and tell dem da cops said some swear words'.

    2. Poor whites will just cry about flags. White trash know who their daddies are because they're also their uncles.

  9. Anonymous12:21 PM

    In other news, Donald Trump continues to dig himself an ever-deeper hole with his "Mexico is sending bad people" comments.

    Republican leadership is alarmed. This isn't according to the standard playbook! Republican candidates aren't supposed to go "full racist." They're supposed to hinty-hint-hint around their racism, engage in some subtle dog-whistling. You can't just come right out with the Sieg Heil business -- that's just giving the game away. Everybody knows that.

    Not good for the party brand. Not good, people.

  10. "Today was historic, esp for AAs in America. Why didn't you give your brothers and sisters their due? You are such a action Field."

    Not excited. It should have happened long ago. It took 9 people being slaughtered in a church for the cowards in that state to act.

  11. Anonymous = coward. You A's are SO full of seething, sulfurous air and you can't even smell it. May all the mosquitoes of Alaska in summertime find your houses tomorrow. Happy PITA Day!

  12. Angry Black1:04 PM

    Magnificent Peckerwood @3:36 A.M....

    Oh, you're much more than just a unemployed, toothless Stormfuck Hillbilly, you are a White racist Confederate punkhonky sitting in your shack, taking lame-assed cheap shots at the Black race; sucking on a bottle of Jack Daniels, waiting for your next SSI check.

    Your "points" are like you..POINT-LESS! More of your silly peckerwood KKK, CCC fantasies, dream on, pigskin.

    It's just like an inbred Aryan fuck to assume that the Garner children are welfare cases, when most of the people on the dole look like you and the Duggar family!

    Bro. Garner was murdered in cold fucking blood---ON CAMERA!! by White Racist Wop-Cop Daniel Pantaload; that homicidal Honky even had the gall to wave to the camera like he was at Coney Island after he killed him!! And the Staten Island Nazi prosecutor that led the Grand Jury whitewash that allowed this murdering Wop-Cop to waltz out the front door, was awarded with a seat in congress??

    Don't you believe for a second that the world's Racist Honkies are not in full universal cahoots!!!

    When are all the golddigging cunts that are accusing Cosby of wrongdoing (30, 40 years after the fact) going to be "Trayvonized"?? Many of them have really shady backgrounds which should be exposed! Where's the shitslinging festival about these money-grubbing trollops? These bitches are totally believable, while all the Blacks in St.Louis and Baltimore are all liars.. GET OFF THIS BLACK BLOG, HONKY!!!!!!!!

    STFU you worthless Confederate shitbag, It's Saturday, go fuck your granddaughters!

  13. Let's Kill all Honky Racist Anon trolls2:05 PM

    Anon Honky Police Trash @12:13 PM.

    Is this McKinney,TX. Pig Eric "CARTMAN" Casebolt? "RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH!!!!"

    What's YOUR badge number Whiteshit?

    You White twatmunchers really need some new material. There are 3 White devilettes born for every 1 Black child born out of wedlock in this country, STFU!

    In Amerikkka only the White boy is allowed be angry and violent...and he gets pissed when Black people fight back! Jim Crow days are over Dylann Roof, so F U and the the pissy, piggy shitwagon you ride in.

    NWA got it right....
    (Especially the White and Hispanic ones!)

  14. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "It's been over 40 years now, but my entire life, every interaction that I've ever had with the police, personal or professional, has been colored, haunted even by that experience."

    What a pussy Whitey is.

  15. Anonymous4:38 PM

    field negro said...
    "Not excited. It should have happened long ago. It took 9 people being slaughtered in a church for the cowards in that state to act."

    That crime had absolutely nothing to do with the Confederate flag.

    What is long overdue is a reckoning for the cowards.

  16. No matter how you slice it, the fact remains that this Stalinesque push to remove any vestiges of those “evil” Confederates is bound to alienate a significant percentage of the people who will vote in the next election. So, when politicians add their voice to the commissars, those of us in Southern flyover country to whom that flag represents the honor of thousands of Americans who fought and died for their homeland, not slavery, bristle just a little. We care about a lot of things, including getting along with folks of all races, but we don’t give two hoots about what the “beltway” says is politically-correct.

  17. George Orwell5:16 PM

    You might wonder, what’s it to the liberal ruling class if a Christian photographer doesn’t want to take part in homosexual weddings, or if a proud Southerner wants to buy a Confederate flag on Amazon? We’re paying our taxes. Why can’t they leave us alone? The answer is: because liberals are totalitarians. Until they are convinced there is universal ideological conformity, they will never leave us alone.

    This is why winning isn’t enough for these bullies. An example is the rabidly homosexual George Takei, who rather than win graciously after the Supreme Court’s obscene marriage decree, viciously attacked Clarence Thomas for dissenting, calling him a “clown in blackface.”

    There can be no dissenters in utopia. So they will have to be hunted down and eradicated.

    When dissenters become hard to find, our rulers will turn on each other, accusing each other of ideological impurities. It would be fun to watch, but by then we’ll all be in camps, dead, or brainwashed to the point of incomprehension.


  18. Clarence Thomas IS a "clown in blackface."

    Takei was right.

  19. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The police departments can be re-named "The Black Men Murdering Department", nationwide. Seems that's all they do and their efficient at it.

  20. Shove a lit stick of dynamite up KKKinky's racist ass8:12 PM

    Uncle Thomas has to shine the other justices shoes and clean all the lavatories before he can leave for the day; It's in his contract!

    Clarence is an Ubercoon and Black buffoon! (Just like JLP and Baldy Barkley!).

    Yowsa, Massa Scalia! Pull your drawers down, over your delicious Guinea ass so I can stick my tongue ALL THE WAY up your rectum...and lick your nuts while I'm at it..YUMMY!!!!

  21. Anonymous8:51 PM

    The best of men shall be torn down by the worst.

    The Field Negro is not fit to shine Clarence Thomas' shoes.

  22. The Black Avenger9:17 PM

    Justice Yowsah (Uncle Thomas) is a total qdisgrace to the Black race...

    He is a dark-skinned handmaiden of, and warrior for, White Supremacists and Supremacy.

    Who needs to be "necklaced"

  23. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Who needs to be "necklaced"

    Blacks are violent monsters.


    @4:55 PM

    You ignorant Confederate screwhead, your inbred ancestors died to maintain the subjugation of the Black race and NOTHING else, you idiot! Just keep living a lie, Jethro; What's it been now, 154 years??

    HAHAHAHAHAHAA! What a bunch of stupid loser Antebellum assholes!!!/

  25. The Black Avenger9:58 PM

    Anon Asswhistle @9:35PM..

    And Whites are the cancer of planet Earth!

    F U 'til the end of time!

  26. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Who needs to be "necklaced"

    Blacks are violent monsters.

    9:35 PM
    Blacks have always tried to emulate Whites.....just trying to fit in with Whites like Roof. Unfortunately we are so inferior we can't come close to the level of irreligious violence of Whites like yourself and your brother Roof and your cops.

  27. Anonymous11:35 PM

    "So, when politicians add their voice to the commissars, those of us in Southern flyover country to whom that flag represents the honor of thousands of Americans who fought and died for their homeland, not slavery, bristle just a little. We care about a lot of things, including getting along with folks of all races, but we don’t give two hoots about what the 'beltway' says is politically-correct."

    Er, if you think flying the Confederate flag on government property (or anywhere, really, outside of a Civil War reenactment) is cool, then clearly you don't care all that much about getting along with folks of all races.

  28. "The Field Negro is not fit to shine Clarence Thomas' shoes."

    I would give it a shot, but those taps on the bottom might be a problem.

  29. Anonymous12:01 AM

    The biggest mistake the White man makes is to project his own values on to non-Whites. Corruption and morality are social constructs. Obeying the law: It's a white thing.

  30. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Some of you racist Whites are such an evil minded lot.

  31. The Black Avenger12:59 AM

    12:01 AM

    Obeying the law??? HAHAHA! Whitey only obeys the laws he chooses to. Don't kid yourself, stupid; White racism often finds its way into legislation..

    ...and subsequently becomes law.

    White racists and White racism overrun everything!

    That's why the whole world hates your evil White ass!

    Whites ARE the cancer of humanity!

  32. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Black's daddies could be their uncles, but nobody knows, not even they mammies.

    Parental responsibility: It's a white a thing.

  33. Nat Turner1:14 PM

    Racial bigotry, rape, violence, thievery and oppression...

    ...It's strictly a WHITE THING!!


  34. whiteboy12:46 AM

    Black's daddies could be their uncles, but nobody knows, not even they mammies.
    But we know for sure your poor white trash daddy is your uncle. We can tell by your forehead.

  35. PIGS SUCK!9:25 PM

    So Officer Wop gets a 3 day paid vacation for his malfeasance..

    ....FUCK THE PIGS!!!!!
