Saturday, July 18, 2015



I need a caption for this pic.

Play nice.

*Pic from


  1. Behold the Designated Hated.

  2. ...And it was called the twenty minute war...

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Mr Field, this is frightening for a bm like me. How many of those scary looking wm are their? I hope there's not enough to hang us all.

    Why do you post things like this, to let our folks know that we are second class citizens?

  4. Limpbaugh11:08 PM

    Hey Obama! Can't you see that we are the superior race?

  5. ctrl+halt+del11:52 PM

    "Southern Heritage"

  6. Our moms and dads are NOT sisters and brothers---they're cousins.

  7. Anonymous12:31 AM

    the kid in the left hand corner looks like he might be passing for White. He looks like he might have Negro in him. He waving the hell out of that Confederate flag.


  8. "Fried hot dogs, fried twinkies, fried butter, get em while they're hot"

  9. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Laugh at 'em all you want, but I bet every one of those crackers can build or repair something. Not like a bunch of useless niggers who only know how to whine and make excuses for their failures.

  10. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Why do you always preface these caption contests with "Play nice"? No one cares what you dumb apes say - your words literally can't hurt us!

    We're WHITE! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

  11. ctrl+halt+del4:55 AM

    "The Clapper family celebrates as Annabelle (3rd from lft) wins the South Carolina
    "Little Miss Delicate White Flower" contest.

  12. "Mr Field, this is frightening for a bm like me. How many of those scary looking wm are their? I hope there's not enough to hang us all. Why do you post things like this, to let our folks know that we are second class citizens?"


  13. "We're WHITE! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

    aaaaand stoooopid Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

    aaaaaaand ugly Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

    aaaaaand insanitary Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Members of the Committee to Elect Donald Trump show some support for their candidate.

  15. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Skinheads and Skynyrd fans discover that, due to a scheduling error, they have both arrived for a planned rally at the same place and date.


  16. Anonymous7:15 AM

    We are gathered here today to ceremonially fly the battle flag one last time before it is rightfully taken down forever, as it is a shameful and divisive symbol that has weighed heavy on our hearts for too long. (We likewise offer the one-finger salute, a humble gesture of respect and reverence in our part of the nation.)

    We have seen the healing light of racial empathy and justice. All hail Obama! Praise be his name!

    We shall go forth and be ignorant rednecks no more.

  17. Anonymous7:28 AM

    "The Clapper family celebrates as Annabelle (3rd from lft) wins the South Carolina
    'Little Miss Delicate White Flower' contest."

    Is that it, or are those man-boobs on Cletus?

    It is unclear.

  18. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Join us at the weekly meeting of the Tea Party chapter of Greenville, Mississippi!

    As Real Americans, we will be upholding our nation's values of Honor, Liberty, and Tradition. And also discussing ways to keep uppity negroes out of our neighborhoods.

    Refreshments will be served (Jack Daniels and Koolaid cocktail, and tater tot casserole).

  19. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "We're WHITE! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

    aaaaand stoooopid Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

    aaaaaaand ugly Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

    aaaaaand insanitary Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

    Holy Negrolicious. You are quite simpleminded. But you knew that, genetics and all. Are you unsanitary as well?

  20. ctrl+halt+del9:38 AM

    Snapper Clapper re-enacts the day his great, great, grand pappy " Old Thunder" Clapper lost his finger in the Battle of Bare Bottom Hollar.

  21. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Pardon me, is that woman the best example of Southern White femininity that you can find? Do you really think that she needs to be defended?

    When your entire philosophy and purpose in life can be summarized by an obsolete flag which everyone else sees as representing hatred, perhaps you have wasted your life.

  22. Ctrl+halt+del9:55 AM


    Looks like a white sports bra under the wife beater t-shirt

  23. ctrl+halt+del10:20 AM

    Handy,aka The Dapper,Clapper and his twin Lil' Booty Clapper raise their flags as they sing the confederate victory song.

  24. ctrl+halt+del10:36 AM

    The Columbia Toothless Choir singing their #1 hit..... Wait for it!...... I whiff, I whuff'nt Ditsy!

  25. Clever captions all.

    Amon@4:14, I am sorry to use your family portrait without your permission.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      For your next caption contest you should use that picture of all those Dindu ' s lined up to get a blowjob from that other black male with a gun to his head.

      You know what I'm talking about Field. It was all over Twitter after that she boon posted it. The caption said: look dey got a gun to he's head making dem suck dey dicks".

      Use that one please.

  26. ctrl+halt+del11:04 AM

    "Racial purity is our security," paid for by the law firm, Trapper, Slapper and Dunn.

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Pale Males cause cancer, hypertension, diabetes and other stress related disorders.


    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Notice: The pale male is responsible for 90% of everything you ungrateful nigs use in your everyday lives.

  27. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Purple Cow is a black heathen, a menace to the human race and a disgrace to the Black race. How he arrived on earth is a discombobulated mystery, a stain on the cosmos....wretched, ugly....

  28. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Let the flag wave for the sake of the multitudes frightened of a nutty phony scoundrel like PC for he is not Black.



  29. Gotta love those dumbocrat double standards...

    Dumbocrats insist that the words trump spoke were disrespectful of McCain.

    'He's Not a War Hero': Donald Trump Mocks John McCain's Service

    Defiant Trump refuses to apologize to McCain

    The dumbocrat double standard.

    Al Franken said the same thing and didn't face the backlash from the media.

    I have tremendous respect for McCain but I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I’m concerned he sat out the war.

    There must be a good reason that the dumbocrat party expects better from trump than their own elected dumbocrats.

  30. The Elite said...
    Behold the Designated Hated.

    10:40 PM

    The government media points its finger and commands "hate", and the people comply.

    A defeated people were allowed to keep their symbols for 150 years, but no more. The time for magnanimity has passed; today's leftists want obliteration.

    In the name of tolerance, the liberal elite direct the masses to hate the traditional cultural remnants of legacy America. Today the focus is white southerners, but it can also be Christians, veterans groups, or Constitutionalist political movements like the Tea Party. We know they are evil and must be destroyed because the elite tell us they are racist in their hearts, despite what they may say or do themselves. We must hate, hate, hate them because we are filled with love. We are the Good.

    By repressing if not outright banning the Confederate flag, liberals are not trying to destroy “racism”; they are trying to destroy what the flag actually represents: the South as a cultural entity.

    Terms for this include “ethnic cleansing” and “cultural genocide.” This is what the Confederate flag jihad is all about, not racism.

    One might think that a majority raised on the the idea that there are no greater rights than Civil Rights might step back and question what is going on before slavishly responding to the calls to hate a minority. But in truth, the whole enterprise was never about rights, but power. And as leftist power increases, this will become clearer and clearer.

    So get out there and hate. You want to be Good, right?

  31. Quote Dixie

    "So get out there and hate"

    We do already.

    We hate people like you for instance.

    Surprised you need to be told.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Nope we already knew that. All one has to do is look at the crime stats. You hate us, EVERY race on the planet hates the Nig. Asians, Whites, Hispanics, I mins and Arabs ALL detest the black man above anyone else.

      No other race wants you around. We all actively try to avoid you. But negros will always try to shoehorn their way in to places they aren't wanted because of their massive inferiority complex.

      Blacks. The race with, by far, the least contributions to the human race.

  32. The S.C. Republican convention gets underway early this year.

  33. Field's supposed "superior" anons pose for a group photo. Not a job or full set of teeth among them.

  34. A spontaneous southern gay pride celebration of gay marriage breaks out at the state house.

  35. The Purple Cow said...
    "Surprised you need to be told."

    I don't, but more people do.

  36. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Gonna take a boat-load of soup to wash down these crackers.

  37. Anonymous3:24 PM

    "A defeated people were allowed to keep their symbols for 150 years, but no more. The time for magnanimity has passed; today's leftists want obliteration."

    Magnanimity should never have been extended. The noxious, elitist ideology of the South's ruling class should have been rooted out when they unconditionally surrendered at the end of the Civil War.

    At least the Allies in WWII made half a go at de-Nazifying Germany after the war.

    The entire leadership class of the South -- Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and company -- should have been publicly executed by firing squad. Maybe if they had, our country wouldn't be re-fighting the same dumb battles over and over again as the South continually tries to recreate the medieval feudal system.

  38. Yisheng3:37 PM

    @3:24, if the entire leadership class of the South had been killed, I wouldn't be here.

    The best thing to come from these people are their Black descendants.

  39. Anonymous3:55 PM

    "Al Franken said the same thing and didn't face the backlash from the media."

    What Al Franken said was still not as bad as what Trump said. Trump managed to make it nastier yet. But Franken's statement was nonetheless rather an unfair thing to say.

    However, Franken was still a comedian when he said it. He wasn't running for office at that point and no one was really taking seriously much that he said. By time he ran for elected office, eight years later, no one gave a crap about his comedic utterances.

    By the way, as long as we're on the topic of ripping into war veterans' records, there's one that can never be topped:

    The entire Republican Party slandering John Kerry for all of 20004.

    The only reason the GOP was able to get away with that shameful bullshit was that many veterans already didn't like Kerry for his previous Vietnam War protest.

  40. Anonymous4:10 PM

    The only reason the Swift Boat vets were able to get away with it is that what they said was true.

  41. "Magnanimity should never have been extended. The noxious, elitist ideology of the South's ruling class should have been rooted out when they unconditionally surrendered at the end of the Civil War."

    Yeah, the Confederate flag sticker on the back of a rusty pick up truck represents an "elitist ideology".

    Face it, you are the noxious elitist, stamping on a marginalized people because you can.

  42. Anonymous5:02 PM

    "Yeah, the Confederate flag sticker on the back of a rusty pick up truck represents an 'elitist ideology'"

    No, the terrible, aristocratic economic policies promoted by their Southern conservative politicos, aimed at piling up all of the wealth in the bank accounts of the handful of ruthless tycoons they serve -- THAT is elitism.

    The opportunity to lord it over black people is the "consolation prize" offered to dumb white rednecks by those ruthless tycoons, in lieu of offering them an actual decent standard of living. They are suckers.

    By every measurable statistical standard -- health, education, economic development, crime -- the South is an utter failure to this very day. This is not an accident. It is what inevitably happens when a few greedy lords of the manor are allowed to impoverish everyone else.

    "Yay, I get to be poor -- but check out this here Confederate bumper sticker on muh truck. I is free! Yahoo!" -- mantra of the red state moron.

  43. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "The only reason the Swift Boat vets were able to get away with it is that what they said was true."

    The only reason the Swift Boat vets were able to get away with it is that the United States has weak libel laws.

    Fixed it for you.

  44. Anonymous5:53 PM

    If there had been any libel, Billionaire John Kerry would have had legal recourse.

    He ate it because it was true.

  45. Anonymous6:00 PM

    "No, the terrible, aristocratic economic policies promoted by their Southern conservative politicos, aimed at piling up all of the wealth in the bank accounts of the handful of ruthless tycoons they serve -- THAT is elitism."

    Ruthless tycoons like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, George Soros, Sergey Brin, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, or Eric Schmidt?

    Your ignorance is exceeded only by your malice.

  46. Anonymous6:14 PM

    "Ruthless tycoons like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, George Soros, Sergey Brin, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, or Eric Schmidt?"

    Most of those guys are amenable to policies that would expand everyone's wealth, even at their own expense. Their sole purpose in life isn't greed.

    Republican donors like the Walton Family or the Koch brothers -- well, they aren't about anything except what makes them, personally, richer. The entire world revolves around their needs.

    Your ignorance is exceeded by nothing. You're a giant black hole of dumb.

  47. Anonymous6:28 PM

    "Most of those guys are amenable to policies that would expand everyone's wealth, even at their own expense."

    LOL. The reason they want to import cheap foreign workers is to expand the wealth of unemployed Americans.

    Driving down the wages they have to pay - at their own expense!

    You are on an entirely elite level of dumbfuckery.

  48. White Brain Power! (ha!)

  49. What hillbillies do instead of working.

  50. "I don't, but more people do."

    ..and of course those people all read Field Negro's blog.

    You're such a liar...

    You can't help yourself can you? Lying is all you got.

  51. The Purple Cow said...
    "..and of course those people all read Field Negro's blog."

    Especially those people, the ones you lie to every day.

    You have no one else to blame but yourself for your shame.

  52. Wait, I'm not done explaining why this flag isn't racist.

  53. Angry Black12:37 PM


  54. Anonymous10:53 AM

    One of those dudes left his 36 DDD bra at home. Tits are about to drag the ground.

  55. ctrl+halt+del8:22 PM

    an*****us @11:09a

    You're not being truthful with yourself. Come back to the "fields" we want to help you.
