Thursday, July 09, 2015

What Washington should learn from South Carolina.

I think it's amazing how some folks in America approach racism. (No, I am not talking about that new MTV doc where white folks talk about race. We will  talk more about that later.)

Take for instance the republicans in Washington. On a day when lawmakers in South Carolina decided that it was time for that symbol of racism to come off of their state grounds, the clowns in Washington are actually debating whether it is appropriate to remove that very same flag from National Park Service run cemeteries and federal lands.

We all witnessed the people of Charleston and the people of South Carolina come together in a respectful way to deal with, frankly, what was a very horrific crime and a difficult issue about the Confederate flag,” Boehner told reporters Thursday morning. “I actually think it’s time for some adults here in the Congress to actually sit down and have a conversation about how to address this issue.”
The Ohio Republican confirmed the cancelation of a planned vote that would’ve reversed amendments successfully added by House Democrats this week that would ban the use of federal funds for displaying the Confederate flag on federal land.
“That bill is going to sit in abeyance until we come to some resolution,” Boehner said."
"Difficult issue"? Just WTF is so difficult about it? If congressional republicans really want to act like "adults" they will stop playing political games to appease that part of their base that is stuck in the fifties and refuse to join the rest of us in the 21st Century.
“What exactly is the tradition of the Confederate battle flag that we’re supporting?” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, a Democrat from New York, asked shortly before Boehner’s announcement. “Is it slavery, rape, kidnap, treason, genocide, or all of the above?”
That would be all of the above.



  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    "'Difficult issue'? Just WTF is so difficult about it? If congressional republicans really want to act like "adults" they will stop playing political games to appease that part of their base that is stuck in the fifties and refuse to join the rest of us in the 21st Century."

    That's exactly what is "difficult" about it: the Republican Party has absolutely nothing of substance to offer certain blue-collar white voters, other than various forms of bigotry.

    Stop race-baiting, and some GOP politicians might find it "difficult" to get elected.

  2. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Race-baiting? What is race-baiting, anon? Is it keeping quiet about the racism you mofos keep going for centuries?

    You assholes don't want to look at your shit and when it's waved in your face for you to smell it, you call it race-baiting.

    You created and continue to spread this shit so live with it you evil wretched ghost. You don't want to do the right thing, you always want to do the wrong thing. You have no sense of decency or justice.

    You folks ARE EVIL.

  3. ctrl+halt+del12:25 AM

    “That bill is going to sit in abeyance until we come to some resolution,” Boehner said."

    Translation: We're not going to win the White House so we have to count seats to make sure we maintain our ability to remain obstructionists. (aka 21st century States Rights)

  4. Anonymous12:38 AM

    For every flag removed, a thousand more will rise.

  5. Anonymous12:49 AM

    The GOP is dying a slow miserable death. I really feel for Whites like Bill and KC. They are so attached to that flag and what it represents.

  6. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Did you know that Yisheng's great grandfather was a famous Confederate from S.C.? Yep, it's true.

    Bet you can't guess who he was? Hint: Helms

  7. Quote:OneTrickPonyBill.

    "Thank you AGAIN for reading what I wrote and replying to it."

    Bill, I want you to reflect for a moment on the astonishing, skull-cracking, mind-blowing stupidity of that last statement.

    Really? Is this the level to which you have sunk?


    (As an aside, I see what you are doing. You think you can prevent me from continuing to destroy your arguments in future by claiming every single reply I make as a victory to you. Well son, your circular logic isn't going to work this time. I will continue to expose and destroy fascist scum like you until the day I die.)

    Oh and I won't be dying anytime soon, I intend to make a point of pissing on your grave.

  8. Anonymous6:29 AM

    God-DAMN, Sadena Parks is ugly! She (?) looks like the bastard spawn of Oprah and that little pygmy dude from the Gods Must Be Crazy.

    No wonder you guys try to get that white pussy so much!

  9. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Poor, poor silly negroes ... You think that removing a SYMBOL will somehow make things better for you. In your childlike minds, the symbol (in other words, the bad ju-ju) is the cause of all your woes.

    But no, the problem lies inside your thick, burry heads. After the flags are banned and the dead old generals are all dug up, you guys will still blow the shit out of each other every hour of every day. And you'll still live in squalor, and you'll still lag behind every other race in every field of endeavor by a mile. (Except, you know, in basketball and stuff.) And you'll blame YT for all of it, of course.

    Put simply: Y'all stoopit.

  10. I see the nazi boys are out in force this morning.

    Must be a quiet morning at Stormfront.

  11. We can't be flying the Confederate flag on Federal Land because the Confederate flag would start shooting and killing people. Federal Land should be low crime, peaceful and stuff.

    Look at Chiraq this pass weekend. The Confederate flag killed 10 people and shot 50 more.

    I'm glad people like field negro are on the front lines keeping us safe from the Confederate flag. I pray one day i will wake up and there will be no Confederate flag flying in America. No Confederate flag shooting and killing blahs. One day.

    I know you have your hands full with the battle against the Confederate flag and stuff. You haven't had much time to focus on the racist Minnesota state flag.

    Another racist symbol that needs to be removed is in Whitesboro,New York. Their city seal shows a white man choking an indian.

    Field, these symbols of racism are from years passed and have no place in Obama's Amerikkka.

  12. The Purple Cow said...

    I see the nazi boys are out in force this morning.

    I wasn't aware socialists get up this early.

  13. Anonymous7:49 AM

    "Race-baiting? What is race-baiting, anon? Is it keeping quiet about the racism you mofos keep going for centuries?"

    Oh, I dunno, maybe the constant (and usually ridiculous) claims, both explicit and implicit, that white people are being oppressed by scary negroes and Mexicans and Muslims? This is generally done to distract them from how badly most white people (along with most people of any race) are getting totally and utterly financially raped by unfair and elitist conservative economic policy.

    Check out this graph of productivity versus average worker pay over the past seven or so decades. (It was released by the Clinton campaign in the midst of sparring between herself and Jeb Bush. Their war of words is dumb. The information in this graph is not.)

    Unless you're a Fortune 500 CEO or a hedge fund manager, chances are, you've gotten fucked in the wallet over and over again as a result of voting Republican. Worker pay has flatlined since the 1970s as a result of adopting Reaganite economic policy.

    But hey, why worry about important things when you can spend all your time bitching about lazy blacks and sneaky foreigners and dirty queers ruining everything? Meanwhile, (mostly white) rich people are taking you to the cleaners ...

    To adapt P.T. Barnum, "there's a sucker born every minute," and most of the suckers vote Republican.

    GOP: The Party of Chumps.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      More millionaire Democrat politicians than Republicans. But yeah its just Repubs that screw people over. Democrats would never do such a thing right? Oh no, they are saints that never hurt or screw over anybody. Get real, stop buying into the Left - Right nonsense. 2 sides of the same coin mate.

  14. Anonymous8:24 AM

    " Worker pay has flatlined since the 1970s as a result of adopting Reaganite economic policy.'

    Who knew Reagan was president in the 1970's?

    To adapt P.T. Barnum, "there's stupid born every minute," and most of the stupid vote Democrat.

  15. Anonymous8:30 AM

    "Who knew Reagan was president in the 1970's?"

    Right-wing policies have been adopted since before Reagan actually assumed power. His ascension to power was the culmination of a movement that started decades earlier.

    Corporate deregulation, tax revolts, and globalization were already well underway in the 1970s.

    The country has been going down the crapper ever since.

  16. The Stormfront boyz don''t need to get up early,PC. They have no jobs to go to.
    I am sure that they have been up all night planning those brilliant comments. *sarcasm off*

  17. Anonymous9:21 AM

    HA!! Lose an argument and scream "STORMFRONT!!!!".

    "Right-wing policies have been adopted since before Reagan actually assumed power. His ascension to power was the culmination of a movement that started decades earlier.

    Corporate deregulation, tax revolts, and globalization were already well underway in the 1970s.

    The country has been going down the crapper ever since."

    And why hasn't the left stopped the downward spiral?

    Powerless. Oppression. Persecution. Feelings of inferiority.

    It must really suck to be a leftist. Least you have your cheese and whine.


  18. The Lying Purple Cow said...
    "Thank you AGAIN for reading what I wrote and replying to it."

    You asked yesterday...

    who would want to listen to you droning on obsessively day after day, year after year?

    Why not ask yourself?

    You read me every day and then take your time out of your life to respond to me.

    You've got nothing better to do in life than write a bunch of lame insults to someone you hate.

    What does that say about your empty life LyingPurpleCow?

    I intend to make a point of pissing on your grave.

    I'm glad you have dreams and goals for your future LyingPurpleCow.


  19. The number of murders in 2015 jumped by 33% or more in Baltimore, New Orleans and St. Louis. Meanwhile, in Chicago,

    All cities controlled by dumbocrats.

    There must be a good reason there is more gun violence in cities controlled by dumbocrats than rethugs.


  20. More of that dumbocrat false narrative …

    Obama's words on grace especially -- a core biblical concept -- appeared to move him spontaneously to song.

    It was not the first time Obama had used spontaneous song to connect with a crowd

    Mr. Obama was on the Marine One helicopter leaving the White House …
    “When I get to the second part of referring to ‘Amazing Grace,’ I think I might sing,” he told them, by Ms. Jarrett’s account.

    The liberal media calls a planned singing as “spontaneous.”

    There must be a good reason the media didn’t want to be honest about Obama making plans on singing in advance.

  21. "You read me every day and then take your time out of your life to respond to me."

    Yes Billy Boi, the 15 seconds a day I take to respond to your hysterical diatribes is something I can cope with.

    My point was (as I'm sure you know) what kind of woman would want to spend their entire lives listening to someone as simultaneously dreary, pompous, whiny, repetitive and self-obsessed as you?

    What kind of woman would find anything in a sociopathic professional victim like you?

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Did you know that Yisheng's great grandfather was a famous Confederate from S.C.? Yep, it's true.

    Bet you can't guess who he was? Hint: Helms

    Well I guess this is an improvement from you wishing I would be beaten and raped death in a previous thread (I think Field should have left the comment in place).

    I thought about your comment about wishing I was beat and raped to death yesterday at tumor board when I patient with untreatable HPV16 positive metastatic cervical cancer, was now scheduled to have a pelvic exenteration next week. For this patient, that's removal of the the uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, urinary bladder, urethra, rectum, and anus.

    And the reason I thought about your comment was because when some people are raped, they also contract STDs like HPV 16. Now I don't know if that was the case with this patient or not, I just remembering thinking how sick of a muthafucker you must be to wish someone be raped. Adding in the beating to death just means that in due time, you'll be in the news for either killing yourself or a mass of other people.

    Then it occurred to me, in my real life, how often do I come into contact with sick, demented muthafuckers like you? The answer is NEVER.

    Karma has proven to be one hellava' bitch. So when someone you care about experiences what you wished on me, I hope it rots your sanity like a metastatic cervical cancer that even a pelvic exenteration can't treat/cure.

  23. Anonymous11:35 AM

    "What kind of woman would find anything in a sociopathic professional victim like you?"

    One could ask the same of your snowbunny.


  24. The Purple Cow said...
    "You read me every day and then take your time out of your life to respond to me."
    Yes Billy Boi,

    Here you go AGAIN reading and replying to me.

    My point was (as I'm sure you know) what kind of woman

    I'm married.

    You said No wonder you can't get a woman, which proves I caught you lying again.

    From the insults you routinely use I see you as a very hurt and damaged little boy that didn't get your needs met by your mother. You still don't feel loved and need to lash out (projection) with "no women care about you" shit that is based on your own feelings of not being worthy of being loved PurpleCow.

    I feel sorry for you PurpleCow.

  25. Anonymous12:36 PM


  26. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "Corporate deregulation, tax revolts, and globalization were already well underway in the 1970s.

    The country has been going down the crapper ever since.

    And why hasn't the left stopped the downward spiral?"

    I don't know, maybe because the Left hasn't really been in control of economic policy in this country for most of that time?

    Despite what the bigots on this blog seem to understand, the Left hasn't gotten its way on much of anything economic for decades. Even Bill Clinton, while a Democrat, was basically an ersatz Republican, and he was in office with a Republican Congress (which spent its entire time trying to impeach him over his tiny policy differences from theirs).

    The Obama presidency has been the first real, albeit minor, leftward shift in this country for decades. Obamacare is a policy actual economic left-wingers can actually sorta, kinda get behind -- which is why Republicans have been running around pulling their hair out and shitting their pants brown: this is what LOSING on economic policy feels like.

  27. Anonymous5:02 PM

    There's places like Baltimore and Detroit which has gotten everything the left wanted.

    1. There are nice areas in both those cities. I'd rather be there than in poor areas in Mississippi, Alabama or W. Virginia that have gotten everything the right ever wanted.

  28. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I'm impressed with the dignified response of the Southern Blacks in South Carolina to the recent tragedy. No riot, but prayer. No violence, but peaceful gatherings. Even as the Confederate Flag was respectfully lowered by Honor Guard, they were respectful even to those who came to wave their own flags in protest. This is in sharp contrast to the violent culture of the many Northern Blacks.

    1. I guess it's also a contrast to the ignorant response of southern whites.

  29. I guess the GOP really wants to fight hard for our votes by defending a flag 100% of us view as a symbol of hate. If 1,000 flags will rise in response to every one that is removed well good then, we can see who is an ignorant racist without even opening their mouths. That would be helpful.

  30. IgnorantNegroX said...
    I guess it's also a contrast to the ignorant response of southern whites.

    It is not "ignorant" to resist the campaign to destroy one's culture.

    The Confederate flag is not a symbol of racism for southern whites, rather it is an object of hatred for northeastern liberals because it represents a culture they despise and have been dominating for 200 years.

    It is ignorant to believe a hate campaign can result in anything but more hate.


    1. Fuck you and that flag. Both are worthless and prove white southerners celebrate losing. Ha!

  31. Red, Black and Green5:41 PM

    Asshole Anonymous Caucasoid @6:29 AM...

    Yeah, and that's why Washington and Jefferson were both serial slave-rapists...they say, in its heyday, Mount Vernon looked like a mulatto day-care center; over time, GW raped every young Black female there at least once; some as young as 12 years old.

    Or the slave "breeders"...miscreant drunkhonkies that slithered from plantation to plantation raping unwilling Black women and girls because "Massa" couldn't get it up.

    Or why Strom Thurmond raped and impregnated a 16 year-old "colored" girl in 1922; and got completely away with it...

    You White racist, rapist R-tards never in the history of this hemisphere could keep your syphilitic dicks away from non-white females!!

  32. Grade A Manbutter8:55 PM

    "over time, GW raped every young Black female there at least once;"

    That's why American blacks are so much smarter than Africans - you are 20% white. You should thank your lucky stars your ancestors were brought here and raped.

  33. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Game ain't over, boy.

  34. Isaac Woodward7:06 PM


    Yes it is, Peckerwood;

    And you lost...STFU!!

    Go back to your "Doublewide" with the broken door and hound-dog shit on the steps.


  35. Anonymous10:51 PM

    On my way back right now, to get some more rope.

  36. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I am not a bigot nor a racist, but a battle flag from a unit of an army that existed 250 years ago has nothing to do with anything today. The young man that killed those innocent people in God's house was deranged and delusional and acted out of hate. With that being said I don't understand what removing this flag or monuments raised to honor men and women whose contributions happened to be for the Confederate States of America have any merit at all. They haven't killed anyone today. They didn't lynch anyone today. It is a power grab at best to show that if you're offended and complain enough then you get your way, sort of like a child throwing a tantrum. This solves nothing but instead makes the entire role of society today to erase events or people's accomplishments from history to coincide with what makes people uncomfortable about the past. Those people that fought for the South should be honored as should the flags that represent them. As another post said earlier in a sarcastic way, the flag killed no one. Some have used that flag to oppress people but that's not an issue anymore. What is the issue is in today's America nobody can be offended. The worst thing you can be, according to liberals, is a racist. Not a rapist, murderer, pedophile, or thief. That's dumb and makes it seem as though somehow some little old lady down here in SC who happens to dislike people of color has any bearing on what blacks can or cannot accomplish. Childish behavior shouldn't be rewarded.
    I'll tell you what offends me. 8 grown black men sitting on their porch in the morning drinking beer while I'm on my way to work. Before anyone says "They can't find work" I'll say bullcrap to that. If they wanted to do something they would. Where does the money come from. What we need as a society is for blacks to quit the race-baiting and petty arguments about this inconsequential crap and say enough is enough. Call out your brothers and sisters on their faults and make them feel bad make them have an urge to be productive and not suck from the teets of every taxpayer. I know a lot of good hardworking black people are out there but where I live they aren't that prevalent. The fact that these issues, along with getting those big beers in the morning, are what's most important is sad and hard to watch as a proud American and Southerner.
