Tuesday, July 21, 2015

When black votes can no longer be taken for granted.

Image result for black lives matter netroots images     Given the "Black Lives Matter'' protest that jumped off at the Netroots Nation convention, recently, I believe that the following article is apropos.

"We are now in the midst of the 2016 presidential election, which means both parties are pandering to their bases as well as to unlikely voters who may be swayed to their respective sides. Although it’s early, this election cycle has already been dominated by questions of which candidate will garner “the black vote,” as if black people are monolithic. Given that thousands of black people are currently leading a social justice movement across the nation that the media has dubbed the “Black Lives Matter" movement,  the black electorate appears to be at the forefront of politicians’ minds.
There is a history of black communities voting Democrat — that is, when we are actually allowed to vote, as we were historically targeted for explicitly racist disenfranchisement in the 20th century and felon disenfranchisement in the 21st century. During the 20th century, the Democratic Party was well known for instituting anti-black policies in the South such as Jim Crow, poll taxes and literacy tests. Since then, the Democratic Party has shifted its image to racial indifference, while the Republican Party picked up its racially hostile characteristics.

Today black communities continue to be betrayed by both sides of the aisle in this toxic political system, which prioritizes exuberant campaign spending over protecting human rights. Both Ferguson and Baltimore saw uprisings in the face of police terror in the last year. And each city watched Democratic city and state politicians lead violent militarized occupation in response to protests, including the National Guard, tear gas, rubber bullets and riot police. The fact is that neither political party is “for black people,” but white liberal and moderate voters continually impose upon black communities the candidates they feel are most sympathetic to black experiences.

A bizarre phenomenon has developed out of this — Bernie Sanders supporters lurking in the dark trolling shadows of Twitter to condescendingly tell black people what’s best for us inside a system designed to crush us.  One person even went to so far as to call Sanders “one of the first Black Lives Matter Activists.” Others juxtapose his image with captions of Martin Luther King Jr. quotes, and thrust such egregious depictions at black Twitter users. Sanders supporters list his involvement with the civil rights movement as though they have now come to collect on his debt — black people must repay Sanders for his service by voting him into office.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton supporters practice the “it’s time we’ve had a woman president” method with black women, as if Hillary’s supposed feminism has ever been intersectional or inclusive between supporting her husband Bill Clinton’s mass incarceration policies and spewing the blasphemous “All Lives Matter” phrase in Ferguson, Missouri.

White supporters of both candidates appear to share one common fear: losing the black vote. Above all, these supporters seem to be most concerned about black voters not supporting whoever ends up the Democratic nominee, thus ceding the White House to a Republican candidate. Bernie’s and Hillary’s rabid bases shake in their boots at the idea that black people could vote Republican, or for a third party — or simply not vote at all. “Do you really want the clown car in the White House?” they warn of the Republican candidates, as if they are unable to view life outside of the liberal-vs.-conservative political dichotomy. Black people don’t have such a privilege — we have been fighting simply to be treated as humans for centuries.
This entire culture of white people feeling as though they know what’s best for blacks is rooted in paternalism. It is pervasive throughout history and founded in slave-master ideologies, it ignores the autonomy of black people and continuously disrespects our intelligence. When blacks were organizing around the 15th Amendment, some white peers believed black people weren’t educated enough for enfranchisement and feared they would potentially offset liberal power. The truth is that the left has always used black communities to fuel their political power, without ever truly prioritizing black issues. The right remains blatantly racist, but while the left has chosen not to ascribe to outright racial hostility, it still continues to practice racial indifference while stepping on the backs of blacks to protect its privilege and political influence.
White liberals generally do not want to be racist, although not many truly understand systemic racism, but they fear how they will protect their white and class privilege in the event that the blatantly racist political party takes power. How will they sustain policies that benefit the white middle class without the black voting base? Will they need to shift their racial attitudes to align with the repugnant right in an attempt to infiltrate the Republican Party? Either way, they are surely not concerned with the opinions or experiences of black people, as they chastise and attempt to bully us into supporting their candidates. Black people are lambasted for daring to vocalize our disillusionment with the political system — and it doesn’t take long for the white liberal who once posed as an ally to employ the “black people don’t vote” negative stereotype to back us into the corner of choosing to either refute the trope or investing time into invalidating it." {More}

For the record, I welcome the idea of making progressives accountable when it comes to their positions as it relates to black issues. I despise the paternalistic politics of some of those on the left as much as I despise the racist and exclusionary politics of those on the right. I blogged about this years ago, and my position has not changed.

There is nothing wrong with making liberal politicians accountable for their positions on certain issues as it relates to black folks. They have long been able to rely on our votes, it is long past time that we make them stop taking it for granted.    



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    "There is nothing wrong with making liberal politicians accountable for their positions on certain issues as it relates to black folks. They have long been able to rely on our votes, it is long past time that we make them stop taking it for granted."

    Field, you are full of it. You have been kissing liberal politicians asses for years as if they are gods. You have done this by finding fault constantly with the 'right' while ignoring anything wrong with the 'left'. You have used your posts to influence Blacks to vote 'Democrat' without questions, and to ignore the huge downfalls of cities run by liberal politicians.

    Now you are posting more bullshit. As a bm you cannot be trusted. You are soooo depressing.

  3. We white progressives are as attatched to our privilege as the reactionaries Field. just not deliberately invoking it is hard; recognizing & avoiding it when it attaches on its own is near impossible. This country socializes is to it.

  4. Limpbaugh10:59 PM

    I'm watching dash cam video of the Sandra Bland arrest on the Lawrence O'Donnell show right now. The cop was out of control. He probably killed her to try to cover up his misconduct. She stood up for her rights while he was arresting her. She sure didn't seem like someone who would kill herself.

    Jesse Ventura has talked about prosecuting cops the same way other people are prosecuted, etc. He would have answered the questions a lot better than Bernie Sanders and O'Malley. It is a problem that so far very overwhelmingly effects black people. It isn't an "all lives matter" issue. Holding cops accountable would help a lot, but Democrats/Republicans won't even hold people like Dick Cheney, who caused a million and a half deaths, accountable. That is an "all lives matter" issue. Unfortunately, Jesse Ventura is supporting Sanders and he will only think about running if Sanders isn't nominated.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous11:12 PM

    93% of blax voted for 0bama; I'd say that is pretty "monolithic".

    Most blax talk the same, dress the same, act the same and listen to the exact same shitty "music" - why shouldn't they all vote the same, too?

    1. White folks love our music so maybe it's not so shitty. Oh yeah, they also vote the same too. 93% of us voted for the clearly superior candidate, we can't help the fact McCain chose the dumbest person on the planet as his running mate and Romney was just as awful. Now the Donald is leading the polls. Voting Republican would be like cheering for the Washington Generals.

  7. That cop turned a fixit ticket into a felony arrest. Suicide my ass. They were giving her an attitude adjustment for resisting arrest & it went too far. The post mortum will bear me out on this. I'd bet my new RV.

  8. Anonymous11:19 PM

    You guys have pretty much outlived your usefulness by now; it's no surprise politicians use your votes then throw you under the bus.

    Of course, you actually BELIEVE the crap you hear in the media - "Black Lives Matter", "Justice For Trayvon/Mike/Mumia/Sandra", et al - so it fries your puny brains when whites do the opposite of what they say. You're like children that way. You think because someone said something to you, they're going to come through on their promises.

    But, as Earth, Wind & Fire once sang, "That's the way-hay, of the world ..."

    1. You mean like the white conservatives who keep voting to end Roe v wade which is as old as I am? There are just as many whites who are mislead by politicians so don't paint blah folks as the only naïve folks.

  9. Anonymous11:22 PM

    A Whitey's Conspiracy -

    New RV? LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Not unless RV stands for 'Repossessed van".

    Or Rape Vehicle.

    1. 2014 Minnie Winnie. 20 ft so that my wife can drive it & it fits in the driveway. Tired of paying storage and doing all the driving.

  10. Anonymous11:36 PM

    I'm as liberal as they come and I don't have a real grip on prejudice past and current...never had to being white. I hate prejudice but think I know it when I see it in others but I know I have been preconditioned to it after 60+ years of life. I'll never understand totally but I take each recognition of my own prejudice it as a small victory. That said, I think before anyone worries about the vote of any segment of the population being taking for granted, our efforts should be applied to making it easier for all to vote and getting folks to do it.

  11. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Remember this is Texas. Blacks don't have rights. Laws exist in Texas to give Whites rights but not Blacks. For the life of me, I don't understand why Blacks live in Texas. Sooner or later they will be pulled over by the cops and beaten.

    Sandra Bland did not hang herself, the cops hung her. Unfortunately, nothing will be done except maybe giving the cop administrative leave WITH PAY.

  12. Great article. The paternalistic attitude is on full display here with many of your trolls. Centuries of dehamization will take some time to overcome. It'll happen but maybe not in our lifetime.

    1. Yisheng8:50 AM

      PX, fathers usually love and care for their children, so what we see in display here everyday hardly qualifies as paternslistic.

      In fact what we see with Field's trolls is a virtual version of what happened to Sandra Bland: Whooteemoos have a historically demonstrated problem with mouthy Blacks AKA niggers. And in times past, they kill us and call it suicide.

  13. Anonymous12:26 AM

    If Sandra Bland had just lived in Africa, she wouldn't have had this happen to her.

    I think it's time to come home, black people. Mother Africa awaits you!

  14. Anonymous12:31 AM

    @ Liberal shithead 11:36 -

    Prejudice means to pre-judge. I am not pre-judging blacks, I am JUDGING them. I have had a lifetime of experience with them, and 19 out of 20 are no good. I could care less about the remaining 5%. They are merely mediocre.

    But you probably live in some Whitopia, safe from Trayvon and La'Queesha. You can just love them from afar, like the rest of the progressive scum.

    1. Yeah right anon, like any blah person would want to have any interaction with your racist ass. I mean besides you taking my order and cooking my fries. Sad when PWT's look down on anyone.

  15. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Anon11:36pm, thanks for your insightful honest comment. It helps to further racial understanding.

  16. Your trolls exemplify the concepts of white privilege and white male affirmative action. The election of Barack was a good example. Barack was an Ivy League grad with a law degree from one of the top law schools. His opponent graduated from the bottom of his class and was only admitted to the naval academy because of affirmative action, crashed a plane in training and was a mediocre student and pilot but kept getting advanced. Let's not even discuss his running mate who couldn't even tell us what she reads and would have embarrassed the country with her pregnant teen daughter (hmmmm, Barack doesn't seem to have that problem with his girls does he?). A horrible student/pilot and trailer trash vs a smart and classy blah man and they wonder why folks voted for him? Well except 90% of white southern voters who voted for the inferior white guy because just like the trolls here they are racists and didn't want a ni@@er in the WH. Thing is the majority saw reality and he was elected twice. Funny that. Looks like we were right afterall.

  17. Breaking news: analysis shows dash am video was edited to match arresting officers statement.


  18. PilotX said...

    Your trolls exemplify the concepts of white privilege and white male affirmative action. The election of Barack was a good example. Barack was an Ivy League grad with a law degree from one of the top law schools.

    Let's not even discuss his running mate who couldn't even tell us what she reads

    a smart and classy blah man


    Barack is so smart he couldn't tell us the name of one player on his favorite baseball team. Barack also told us his favorite blog to read was Yahoo.

    Barack is soooooo smart and classy he cracks jokes about special needs kids.

    Let's not talk about Barack's running mate who thinks there was cable news in the 1920's and mocks people in wheelchairs.

    Blahs like pilotx exemplify the concepts of black privilege and affirmative action.

    His hypocrisy knows no limits and he thinks whites are stupid for the cause like he is.

  19. HA!I wondered if field was going to talk about the Nutroots convention.

    Only to racist white libprogs and bahs is the inclusive phase 'ALL LIVES MATTER" considered blasphemous and gets you HNOTD honors.

    Remember, the next time white libprogs and blahs talk about inclusion and everyone coming together they only believe black lives matter.

  20. Kinky, I would try to explain it to u but it would take too long. And frankly, u are just not that smart.

  21. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Dear Kinky_Con, why do you use the word 'blah'? That is a racist term used by Santorum. Quite frankly, I am tired of you Whites making up more degrading labels for African Americans. Haven't you do enough to us over the centuries? Must you continue this evil?

  22. "as if black people are monolithic"

    Blahs are monolithic in the way they vote. Look at they voting patterns. To pretend other wise is dishonest.

    A few examples-

    Alvin Michael Greene-A blah Democrat who didn't debate or hold any meetings with voters. Yet, he got most of the blah vote and the dem nomination because of the way his last name was spelled.

    Dave Wilson- A white Republican who blah voters never saw got elected with the majority of blah votes by pretending to be black.

    When a town in South Carolina wanted to use non-partisan ballots for the 2010 election, the Obama Administration argued by removing the 'D' from a candidates name, blacks wouldn't know who to vote for.

    Let's look at what a Obama DOJ expert witness said about black voters when testifying against changes in North Carolina law.

    It's also the case that -- well, yes, so it would, empirically more likely affect African Americans. Also, understanding within political science, that people who register to vote the closer and closer one gets to Election Day tend to be less sophisticated voters, tend to be less educated voters, tend to be voters who are less attuned to public affairs. That also tells me from the literature of political science that there are likely to be people who will end up not registering and not voting. People who correspond to those factors tend to be African Americans, and, therefore, that's another vehicle through which African Americans would be disproportionately affected by this law. -Charles Stewart

    So blacks tend to be less sophisticated, less educated, and lower information voters.

    "When black votes can no longer be taken for granted."

    That day will only come when blacks rise up and leave the Democrat plantation. Until then? Blahs will get what they deserve.

    "For the record, I welcome the idea of making progressives accountable when it comes to their positions"

    Yeah, field welcomes the idea but never practices what he preaches. That might upset massa and cause field to lose his sit at massa's table.

  23. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Anonymous Yisheng said...

    PX, fathers usually love and care for their children,

    Not black fathers. That is why father's day is so confusing for blacks.

  24. Yisheng9:08 AM

    So the traffic stop video of Sandra Bland was tampered with, NO SHIT!!

  25. The Surgeon10:58 AM

    Poop nuggets


  26. The FieldNegro said...
    will garner “the black vote,” as if black people are monolithic

    Black votes are monolithic, not Black people.



  27. The FieldNegro said...
    will garner “the black vote,” as if black people are monolithic

    If dumbocrats are correct and the racists switched parties in the 60's (except for the most racist Byrd/Gore), why were Black people voting for the racist party before that?

    If the racists changed parties, shouldn't the monolithic Black vote reflect that change?

    1936 - 71%
    1948 - 77%
    1852 - 66%
    1964 - 82% (82% dumbocrat vote as dumbocrats were fillerbusting the civil rights bill)


  28. Typical white boy11:27 AM

    wah wah wah!!! whine whine whine!!! My dick is tiny and now I'm going to go home and beat my wife and fuck my sister

  29. And yet ANOTHER field of horrible candidates from the Republicans. Only someone insane or just moronic would vote for any of these asshats. Scott (Koch) walker, who dropped out of college, said he would start a war with Iran on day one of his presidency. Um yeah, that's something I want.........uhhhhhhh. the donald is the male Sarah Palin. Bobby Jindal, well. And the rest of the circus show. If they want blah votes run a decent candidate for fuckssake. And no, telling me I'm on some kind of plantation or reminding me the Dems were racist 50 years ago doesn't change the fact their candidates suck.

  30. http://www.msnbc.com/politicsnation/texas-cops-fired-after-being-caught-tape

    More white cops going WWE on a blah woman. Hmm, seems white boys have some serious issues with anger towards women. Maybe Typical White Boy is onto something.

  31. typical black boy11:59 AM

    wah wah wah!!! whine whine whine!!! I'm on the down low so i love white dick and now I'm going to go home and smack my ho and fuck my sista.

  32. PilotX said...

    And yet ANOTHER field of horrible candidates from the Republicans. Only someone insane or just moronic would vote for any of these asshats.


    Because Obamanomics and liberal policies are working so well for America...

    More children living in poverty now than during recession

    "A higher percentage of children live in poverty now than did during the Great Recession, according to a new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation released Tuesday.

    About 22% of children in the U.S. lived below the poverty line in 2013, compared with 18% in 2008, the foundation’s 2015 Kids Count Data Book reported. In 2013, the U.S. Department of Human and Health Service’s official poverty line was $23,624 for a family with two adults and two children.

    “The fact that it’s happening is disturbing on lots of levels,” said Laura Speer, the associate director for policy reform and advocacy at the Casey Foundation, a non-profit based in Baltimore. “Those kids often don’t have the access to the things they need to thrive.” The foundation says its mission is to help low-income children in the U.S. by providing grants and advocating for policies that promote economic opportunity."


    BUT!!!!!BUT!!!! Barack was an Ivy League grad with a law degree from one of the top law schools and stuff.

  33. Looks like white cops ain't the only ones going WWE on blah women.

    African American Attitudes toward
    Domestic Violence and DV Assistance

    Current data indicate that despite a more than two-decade decline, African American women continue to experience a higher rate of intimate partner homicide compared to women of other races. In addition, African American women's rates of intimate partner violence are higher than every other group's, except American Indian women


    Black women at greater risk of becoming victims of homicidal domestic violence


    Hmm, seems blah boys have some serious issues with anger towards black women. Maybe typical blah boy is onto something.

  34. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Kinky, I agree that Blacks(not blahs as that black snake PX calls us), have never had it so bad as a race than under the WH Administration of Barack Obama.

    Of course, PX does not see it that way because PX is a blah, a mongrel like Obama.


  35. Kinky_Con said...
    Because Obamanomics and liberal policies are working so well for America...

    When people voted for change, they should have asked what was Obama going to change.

    NYC's Record Homeless Population Seeks Shelter at LaGuardia

    The Wealth Gap Between Rich And Poor Is The Widest Ever Recorded

    The astonishing state-by-state rise in food stamp reliance

    Local food pantry sees increase in number of people needing food

    Good thing Obama doesn't have to deal with the media calling him out except for foxnews. Hhmmm, I don't remember fox calling bush out much either.

  36. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Thanks for the link below that depicts the unbelievable vicious racist attitudes of cops in Jasper, TX.

    In truth, Jasper TX is no different from the rest of the country. Although I will say that TX and OK are the two most violent racist states against Blacks. It is very difficult to find a police officer without profound prejudice against Blacks.

    After 80+ years being Black in America I don't have much hope for any kind of change for the suffering bm. It's been this way since slavery and will continue to be unchanging in the future.

    The assumption that the new generation is less biased is not true. Those cops in that video, and other videos are part of the upcoming generation. Take it from me, nothing has changed in the hearts and minds of Americans.



  37. "Today black communities continue to be betrayed by both sides of the aisle..."

    Person needs to expand his/her horizon. ALL COMMUNITIES continue to be betrayed by both sides--except corporate "communities" and billionaires. No need to parse it further; WHITE votes, as well as others, are being managed by million-dollar ad campaigns, the people are being tricked into voting against their own best interests (see Kansas, Wisconsin, etc.)--when they aren't gerrymandered into irrelevant slivers and when they can survive the obstacle course of I.D. voter registration, shorter polling place hours, etc.

    Only one color matters any more, and it ain't white, it's GREEN. That color trumps (pardon the expression) all others.

  38. "Of course, PX does not see it that way because PX is a blah, a mongrel like Obama."

    My hope is one day blahs like PX will see the light and the world outside of the democrat plantation.

    Balhs will become black, less monolithic and see they are victims only in they minds.

    One day. If the good Lord willing and the creeks don't rise...

  39. oI just noticed that Robert Reich says it better than I do:


  40. Leave it up to the left to tell the rest of us what is in our best interest.

    After the failure of Obamanomics to lower poverty rates, lift the poor into middle class status and help the middle class, they would learn their failed polices are not in anyone's best interests.

    But no.


  41. anotherbozo said...
    oI just noticed that Robert Reich says it better than I do:

    From your link "Why Progressives Must Stay United"...

    A new report finds more U.S. children living in poverty...
    Poverty rates are nearly double among African-Americans and American Indians...
    poor communities marked by poor schools and a lack of a safe place to play...
    It's impossible to overcome widening economic inequality in America...

    Dumbocrat logic...

    If you want change, "stay united" and keep voting for the same people.

    "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

  42. Quote:Kinky.com

    "Leave it up to the left to tell the rest of us what is in our best interest."

    Ladies and Gentlemen, pray silence for the most astonishing little piece of hypocrisy in the history of the Internet.

    Kinky, who has come here every day for what seems like the last 1000 years telling us what's in black folks interest, is now criticising leftists for allegedly doing the same.

    He really is an irony-free zone.

  43. Anonymous1:12 PM

    "My hope is one day blahs like PX will see the light and the world outside of the democrat plantation."

    don't hold your breath on that. the word 'blah' is a plantation term of endearment by the white master whom PX takes as gospel.

    1. Anyone who uses the term "democrat plantation" is either white or a professional black republican apologist.

  44. Anonymous1:17 PM

    what's with this Purple Cow character? Is he lost or what? No substance at all.

    Makes me ashamed to be Black.

  45. Anonymous1:23 PM

    To: Anon @ 12:31
    Fr: Anon @ 11:36

    Reviewed my comment to see what drove your attack.....guess you're just spring loaded to the "ass-hole" position. Regardless, suggest you run a school bus off the road every now and then just to improve your outlook on things.

  46. A little intellectual honesty, Bill, please:

    you quote Robert Reich: "It's impossible to overcome widening economic inequality in America -"

    but the full quote is:

    "It's impossible to overcome widening economic inequality in America without also dealing with the legacy of racial inequality."

    Wonder why you left out the last part of the sentence.

    If Reich thought it were "impossible," period, he'd give up writing. And maybe citizenship.

  47. Yisheng3:28 PM

    "Racially motivated murders are the original domestic terrorism".

    Loretta Lynch, July 2015

  48. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    To: Anon @ 12:31
    Fr: Anon @ 11:36

    Reviewed my comment to see what drove your attack.....guess you're just spring loaded to the "ass-hole" position. Regardless, suggest you run a school bus off the road every now and then just to improve your outlook on things.

    1:23 PM
    ROFL. Great comment.


  49. anotherbozo said...
    "It's impossible to overcome widening economic inequality in America without also dealing with the legacy of racial inequality."

    What about the gap between rich whites and poor whites?

    How does race factor into that?


  50. anotherbozo said...

    A little intellectual honesty, Bill, please:

    you quote Robert Reich: "It's impossible to overcome widening economic inequality in America -"

    but the full quote is:

    "It's impossible to overcome widening economic inequality in America without also dealing with the legacy of racial inequality."

    Wonder why you left out the last part of the sentence.

    Because we both know it didn't matter to my point.

    My point was your link said to keep voting for the same party despite-

    1. A new report finds more U.S. children living in poverty.

    2. Poverty rates are nearly double among African-Americans and American Indians.

    3. poor communities marked by poor schools and a lack of a safe place to play.

    4. The widening economic inequality in America.

    "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

  51. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Kinky and Bill both use the term "democrat plantation" and "dumbocrats".

    However, I am not sure Kinky is exactly White....he is Jewish.

    But we all know the history of Jews here in the states is they stood up for Blacks and Civil Rights.

    I am still trying to figure out at what point did they cross over to the gentile side?

    Hmmmm. I wonder IF Field is still trying to play tennis with his Jewish friends or has that ended in disappointment too?

    Me thinks Field should try making friends with Doug in Oakland and WC. Those CA Whites in the bay area are a 'little' bit, and I mean 'only a little bit' safer than the Kinky crowd. In either case, they all will abandon his black ass. lol

  52. ctrl+halt+del10:15 PM

    "What about the gap between rich whites and poor whites?

    How does race factor into that?"

    That's easy, poor whites accept and find comfort in their low status. Everybody knows that europeon people don't like each other or anyone else for that matter. If you don't believe me then why do they say, a dog is a man's best friend.(I would think a woman but... that's just what I think.)

    Poor whites are just less likely to object because for whatever reason they are more complacent or accepting of their relegation to second class citizenship. They just want to separate, isolate and be left alone.

    Just sayin'

  53. "My hope is one day blahs like PX will see the light and the world outside of the democrat plantation."

    Already have, been voting Green Party for years unless I have to go Dem to prevent a repub from winning. Don't worry about me and mine, we're doing ok. Haven't had to move into a trailer yet.

  54. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Wonder why you left out the last part of the sentence.
    You know why Bill did that man.

    A little intellectual honesty, Bill, please:

    Good luck with that.

  55. Anonymous12:37 PM

    CoPilotX said...
    "Already have, been voting Green Party for years unless I have to go Dem to prevent a repub from winning"

    If you vote solely to prevent Republicans from winning, you are on the Democrat plantation.
