Saturday, August 22, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.

For example: It's called the Nae Nae. Those Americans are crazy.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    We try for years to destroy America, then they elect Obama to do it for us!! Idiots!!!


  2. "Watch how easy it is to make Obama cancel military exercises with South Korea. Boo!"

  3. Anonymous10:43 PM

    hahahahahaha! That's very funny that I look like a skinny Buddha! Wait til you see what you're going to look like Ahahaha!

  4. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Ahahaha! Hilarious how my wife's body dissolves in that acid! I think I peed my pants! I'm a widower now! Ahahaha!

  5. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Ahahaha whaddaya mean the hair clipper ran away from me??? Wait til you see what I'm gonna clip off you! Ahahahahahaaa!

  6. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Hahaha! That I'm going to give all of you lung cancer too with these cigarettes? *cough* *choke* *cough*

    Somebody get me a gun!I need to kill this general! ahahahaaaaa! I think I peed my pants! *cough cough* wheeze* *choke*

  7. Anonymous10:55 PM

    One of these should win me something...x(

    I think I never mind...

  8. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Kim Jong Un: My family have made our country into an international punch line. Isn't that hysterical?

    Soldiers: Yes, Dear Leader! SO FUNNY! Hahahahahaha!

    Kim Jong Un: Not good enough. Laugh harder!! Laugh harder!! Or else I will force you to play basketball with Dennis Rodman for my amusement, and then blast you with an anti-aircraft gun.

  9. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Kim Jong Un: I just played such a funny joke on Donald Trump. I informed him he is kicked out of our Politicians With Bad Haircuts Club. He believed me and got so angry!!

    Major burn!

  10. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Just as an aside, the guy at the extreme left that's partially cut out of the pic, with the dry look on his face. that's the guy that said the joke, and that's Kim's mentor and adviser.

  11. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Not a caption, but a very funny musical parody of the world's silliest evil tinpot dictator:

    Oppa Kim Jong Style!

  12. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Lilac, I don't see anybody at the extreme left of the photo. Some of you Negroes are blind.

  13. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Wait til you see what Obama is willing to pay us not to make a nuke! It's going to be much more than $150 bil......ha, that shit is going to be so funny...ha,ha, ha.

    1. You know that that $ is Iran's, not ours right? That it's frozen primarily in Russian & Chinese banks? That no matter what happens in the US with the Vienna Accords, they're going to release it? No? I didn't think so.

  14. Anonymous11:51 PM

    @11:42 fageddaboudit

  15. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Lilac, what does "fageddaboudit" mean? I am sorry but you are making no sense.

  16. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Lilac, what does "fageddaboudit" mean? I am sorry but you are making no sense.

    2:04 AM

    It's Saturday night! Who makes sense on a Saturday night? ;*D


  17. Anonymous2:18 AM

    I can't relax because I can't understand some of your posts. That means my Alzheimer's is getting worse real fast. Please tell me what you were talking about. It helps to keep me sane, hopefully.


  18. OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
    hahahahahaha! That's very funny that I look like a skinny Buddha! Wait til you see what you're going to look like Ahahaha!

    I swear this has to be one of the funniest captions I have ever seen on this blog.

    If TheFieldNegro doesn't agree he is either unable to read or taking bribes.


  19. lilacpr2000 said...

    Ahahaha! Hilarious how my wife's body dissolves in that acid! I think I peed my pants! I'm a widower now! Ahahaha!


    Just when I thought it couldn't get any funnier.

    Even TheFieldNegro has got to agree on this one!

  20. Anonymous3:19 AM

    "Our country may be fucked up, but at least we don't have niggers!"

  21. It's good to be king.

    1. And that's exactly how the North Korea dictator thinks of himself. In fact, he killed his uncle to be king.

  22. "Lil Kim Gets Jiggy Wid It"

  23. Lilicpr@10:48 is going to be hard to beat. :)

    Anon@3:19, when u posted that u must have been thinking to yourself how miserable your life is.

    Sorry, it can only go downhill from here.

    Hopefully u will have family members at your funeral. Maybe...

    We know that your cousin will be there, since she is also your wife. ;)

  24. Ha-Ha-Ha, Me like it: "Life's too short... Nuke the Americans..."

    1. In all fairness, per the Newsweek article that includes the photo of today's FN post, Kim Jong Un is mostly hostile to America's Washington leadership. According to Dennis Rodman, the NK supreme leader is actually "quite cool," well versed in sports and popular culture.

      Given Kim Jong is an avid fan of US basketball talent, nuking all of America could prove short-sighted at best. Reduce Washington to dust; spare the talent for the "Goodwill Games."

  25. Yes bowing to Queen Lila this morning. Must say my favorite is the "Skinny Buddha" caption :-)

  26. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Brother Field, I am going to quit this caption game because it is rigged. Lilac says she ought to win and then you say "Lilac won!"

    I say, "bullshit". This is totally unfair and you are treating me unfairly as a Negro. This wrong, very wrong. I bet Lilac knew what the caption was going to be weeks before it was posted.

    All this bowing down to Queen Lilac is an insult to Negroes because we don't bow down to nobody but the man.

    And yes, I am a brother who loves Rev Jesse Lee Peterson. I go to his church because he gives great sermons.

    You and Lilac and Faith could benefit from JLP's sermons.

  27. Anonymous11:16 AM

    You people are really messed up/


  28. How bad are things going for dumbocrats?

    Bad enough dumbocrat mayors have resorted to praying for streets to be repaired.

    Yes....I believe we can pray potholes away. Moses prayed and a sea opened up. #iseeya #itrustHim #prayerworks

    Dumbocrats used to do a better job of keeping their crazies hidden.

  29. Anonymous11:43 AM

    "And yes, I am a brother who loves Rev Jesse Lee Peterson."

    Those don't exist.

    Jesse Lee Peterson is the guy who thanked God and white people for slavery -- because slavery provided black people the opportunity to come to America. He also said that the trip over to America on slave traders' ships was like "being on a crowded airplane."

    Jesse Lee Peterson is Rupert Murdoch's way of trolling black Americans.

  30. Anon@11:14, u can't knock the hustle. She lobbied me and it worked. Besides, it's a good caption. :)

  31. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "And yes, I am a brother who loves Rev Jesse Lee Peterson."

    Those don't exist.

    Yes they do! Thousands of them just like JLP. I go to JLP's church so I know.

    anon, "Jesse Lee Peterson is the guy who thanked God and white people for slavery -- because slavery provided black people the opportunity to come to America. He also said that the trip over to America on slave traders' ships was like "being on a crowded airplane.""

    Well, can you refute the fact that Blacks are better off here than anywhere else? Even PC in the UK has to admit that. As far as the ships were like "being on a crowded airplane" what?

    anon, "Jesse Lee Peterson is Rupert Murdoch's way of trolling black Americans."

    JLP is NOBODY'S troll. And that's a fact.

  32. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Anon@11:14, u can't knock the hustle. She lobbied me and it worked. Besides, it's a good caption. :)

    12:06 PM
    This is pure discrimination. It's racism of the highest order! Why must you treat a brother like that? See, that's why we can't get ahead.

    Btw, Ursain lost that 100m race. The photo finish was rigged.

  33. Yea, Lilac wins!!! :)

  34. Limpbaugh1:22 PM

    Ha ha! Those Americans leave their borders open!

  35. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Dear Lilac, I have been playing this game of caption for years. Can you tell me how I might win? I mean, I don't even get an 'honorable' mention.

    It seems this game is run by a corrupt state.

  36. Anonymous1:54 PM

    anon, this is a job for Anon Inc. Write to them and Field will see the likes of anons he has never seen before. They will make that no-paying-cheapskate cry, "uncle".

  37. "Jesse Lee Peterson is the guy who thanked God and white people for slavery"

    Slavery was the best thing that ever happened to blacks.

    Would any of you be rather living in pre-European contact Africa?

  38. Donald Trump has injected a long-simmering issue into the presidential campaign that all the Establishment-candidates and their slick consultants and pundits have been paid not to think about since the 1960's. Immigration truly is the Last Question of Western politics. Taxes per se do not really matter: around half of us are net tax consumers. The Constitution does not matter; it's a piece of paper that means whatever the regime says it means. The Culture War does not matter; a Republican Congress cannot even bestir itself to cut off Planned Parenthoood funding or keep transvestites out of the military.

    All that really matters, in the end, is who gets to live where.

    Trump is probably the last gasp of White America, a term which encompasses Negro-American descendants of slaves and Native Americans by the way, whether they like it or not. The future Hispanic/Asian plurality does not carry the baggage of slavery and native conquest and cannot be expected to maintain the privileges of America's traditional ethnic minorities.

    We are today essentially displacing our native ethnic minority, Black Americans, with mestizos and indigenous. The black phenotype has largely disappeared from Central and South America, so such societies are clearly not good places for Africans. They are OK for European hidalgos, but you have to pay for a lot of security and put up with a lot of petty incompetence and corruption. And rivers of shit, as in Rio de Janiero.

    So, while it may be great fun to cheer the looming end of the white majority, if anyone should be interested in slowing down mass immigration, it should be American blacks.

    But who, at this point can stop this train? I don't expect Trump to be effective at all. We all know Trump has a lot of flaws, and truly, even if he didn't, his chances would still be slim to none. The forces arrayed against a frankly nativist America are powerful and deeply entrenched, and the demographic battle is probably lost. The only hope is that he destroys the Republican Party, a toxic institution which is actually an obstacle to conservative reform. After Trump, I expect White America to accelerate its process of withdrawal from the public sphere to its redoubts in the Pacific Northwest, Northern Midwest, New England and scattered rural areas. Black America will be left to fend its way through a New America, dominated by Chinese wealth and Central American fecundity.

    The future is a foreign country. Good luck and Godspeed to us all.

  39. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Lilacs acceptance speech:

    Thank you so much Mr.Field for not passing over my funny comments and giving me my due. Thank you! This confirms that I AM funny! And that lobbying works!!! YEAH!!!:D

    I want to extend my heart felt thanks to Bill, for so sweetly and kindly voting for me! (shhhh,I'll do the same for you next week!)

    Thanks to everyone for voting for me and putting me on top!!! and for your kind congratulatory phrases, they mean the world to me! I will not forget you!

    Thank you Faith and Yisheng,*hugs*

    Next week I might refrain from commenting so as to give someone else a chance to be funny. But...if I don't see very sufficiently funny comments, then I will chime in again! 'cos that's how I roll x*D hehehe

    *singing* me so happy,me so happy, lalalalaaa,lalalaaaaa!

  40. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Dear Lilac, I have been playing this game of caption for years. Can you tell me how I might win? I mean, I don't even get an 'honorable' mention.

    It seems this game is run by a corrupt state.

    1:49 PM

    No it's not a corrupt state!
    Even though there are many funny comments here, mine were the funniest! (face it:)

    And I lobbied! (and I also cried a bit hehehe)

    My advice to you is think of a few captions. Sort a like buying a lot of lottery tickets to increase your chances of winning! ;) Good luck!

  41. Dear AG Said,
    I'm curious. Why did you change this line?

    " The only hope is that he destroys the Republican Party, a toxic institution which is actually an obstacle to conservative reform."

    On the original post that you copied and pasted from the sentence began "My only hope..."

    Why did you feel it necessary to change, I wonder?

  42. PC wI'll nail a plagerist every time.:)

    Lilacpr, u are welcome . :)

  43. "will" . Damn auto correct.:(

  44. It's easy to spot far-Right plagiarists, any time they post something even halfway literate, you know they've copied it from somewhere...

  45. "Guess which one of you guys gets executed today!"
