Saturday, August 08, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Brother Field, this is a great photo. As a bm it does my heart good. It's all about love between Blacks and Whites. Just look at the smile of our little sister. She is beaming!

  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    The American dream has come true.

  3. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Megyn Kelley, eat your racist heart out.

  4. Anonymous10:05 PM

    George: "It's nice to be one of the 93,770,000 Americans out of the workforce today."

    Nice black lady: "You and me both, Mr. President."

  5. George Bush likes black

  6. George Bush likes black

  7. Wesley R10:41 PM

    Jobs created under Obama 13 Million. Jobs created under George W., 1.1 Million. You never heard of job participation rates or anything like that under President Obama took office. Also, 65 straight months of job creation under President Obama. The most in American History.

  8. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Wesley R, you forgot to mention that George W. had a lot to do with the job creations. Obama just happened to be the next President.

    So don't pretend like it was all the black guy. Behind every successful bm is wm.

  9. Her: I hope his hand doesn't leave a blood stain on my shirt...

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. ctrl+halt+del11:25 PM

    Bush tries to move ahead on technicality remains tied with Herbert Lehman @ 152.

  11. Anonymous11:36 PM

    I hope Doug in Oakland doesn't leave a bloodstain on the pavement at the BART station when some young black men decide it's his turn to learn about white privilege.

  12. Anonymous11:41 PM

    "You never heard of job participation rates or anything like that until President Obama took office."

    That's because no one ever gamed the unemployment numbers like Obama has.

    He has been the worst jobs President ever.

    And the most dishonest, corrupt President America has ever had.

  13. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Anon11:41pm, as a bm I resent your comment. And, it's not true for Whites and Latinos. The only group with the worst record for jobs are AAs. Obama has not done a damn thing for us.

    As a bm, I am heart sicken over this fact. There is no excuse for this. Cornel West and Tavis Smiley were right all along about Obama.

    And guess what? Obama ruined C. West for speaking out. As a bm I resent this.

  14. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Anon11:36pm, there are no black and white racial issues in Oakland, esp on the BART. You obviously don't know shit about the East Bay today.

  15. George W. Bush, you ARE the father!

  16. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Oakland is a clean congenial city with very few problems. The weather could be better, but it's still good.

  17. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Him: Well now, I have to say, this jurifyin' thing sure is fun, hehehehe. Wouldn't you agree?

    Her: Yes, I suppose so. When are they putting YOU on trial for all that torture and illegal detention business? I might volunteer to serve again.

  18. Anonymous12:05 AM

    G.W. "Ma'am, I'd like to apologize for the shit sandwich I left your first black president with..."
    B.L. "Don't beat yourself up, he was bound to get blamed regardless! "

  19. Anonymous3:03 AM

    GW: "Ma'am, I'd like you to apologize for the shit sandwich your people have turned this country into."

    BL: "Yo mama! Fuck yawl bitch azz muffuckin' cracka ass crackaz!"

  20. Anonymous3:12 AM

    BUSH: "Consuelo, if you keep stealing Laura's ceramic figurines, I'm going to fire your little Honduran ass and replace you with THIS!"

    CONSUELO: "Oh, Meester Boosh, doze Mayates steal even more dan US! Vaya con dios, pinche gringo! Ha ha ha ha ha!!"

  21. Anonymous3:13 AM

    "BL: 'Yo mama! Fuck yawl bitch azz muffuckin' cracka ass crackaz!'"

    And the award for Worst Ebonics Dialogue goes to ...

  22. Ebony and Ivory.

  23. Quote Anonymous

    "316ft is high enough to kill ya. Do YOU know what Big Ben is?"

    Yes, I know exactly what Big Ben is you numpty, you quite clearly do not.

    Big Ben is the name of the bell that sits under the clock on the north tower of the Palace of Westminster.

  24. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Poor Purple Cow. TNB...The entire world knows about Big Ben in London. Hell, kids learn about Big Ben in the 4th grade. What an ignorant purple black wimp you are!

  25. "George Bush likes black"

    "George W. Bush, you ARE the father!"

    "Her: I hope his hand doesn't leave a blood stain on my shirt..."

    Ladies and gentlemen, three early leaders. :)

  26. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Brother Field, I think I won @9:33pm. Why won't you give a bm credit where credit is due? Why must you be jealous of me?

  27. ".The entire world knows about Big Ben in London. "

    The entire world except you, it would seem.

    Big Ben is the bell inside the tower you dimwitted fucking moron.

  28. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Jobs created under Reagan. 16 millon.

    Growth under Obama? Weakest of any two term president since WWII.

  29. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Big Ben is the QB of the Steelers. That's really football you fucking morons.

  30. crrl+halt+del9:26 AM

    Bush tries to move ahead on technicality remains tied with Herbert Lehman @ 152 executions.

    Field you're a tough judge... fair, but tough.


  31. field negro said...
    "George Bush likes black"

    Keep up the propaganda.

    Is bush's friend Brownie still working at FEMA? I ask because FEMA turned down requests from Baltimore to cover disaster aid.
    It's like Katrina all over again except without blaming the president for not caring about Black people.
    Meanwhile, the people of Baltimore are left screwed because of the political party in the white house.

    George W. Bush's Legacy on Africa Wins Praise, Even From Foes

    Shadowed by Bush, Obama seeks Africa legacy makeover

    But across this continent, many Africans wish Obama was more like Bush in his social and health policies, particularly in the fight against HIV/AIDS — one of the former president’s signature foreign policy aid programs.

    Obama has a hard time measuring up to the accomplishments of Bush's development agenda when it comes to Africa.

  32. Anonymous11:06 AM

    From London, re: BIG BEN:

    "Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London,[and 'often extended to refer to the clock and the clock tower.']"

    I am really surprised that you don't know this. It's known throughout the world as such including the UK. Why is it Negroes like you don't know?

  33. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Anon11:06AM, I was about to post almost the same comment for Purple Cow but you beat me to it. It is amazing that he is so uninformed.

  34. Yisheng11:17 AM

    My lame husband isn't doing it for me anymore. Will one of you wooteemoos please pleasure me with your tiny, delicious dicks?


  35. Not the first time BlackLivesMatter targeted bernie sanders, anything to help hillary.

    Bernie Sanders event shut down by Black Lives Matter activists
    “We’re shutting this event down — now,” said an activist who suddenly leapt on stage. She approached the microphone where Sanders had just begun speaking, thanking attendees for welcoming him to “one of most progressive cities in the United States of America.” An event organizer attempted to stop the activist, and a heated exchange ensued as the crowd booed.

    No secret service protection for a presidential candidate?


  36. The Lying Purple Cow said...
    Yes, I know exactly what Big Ben is

    Is big ben a socialist like hitler?

  37. crrl+halt+del12:25 PM

    This is may be as close to white privilege as she'll ever get

  38. "Is big ben a socialist like hitler?"

    It's a bell Bill, made from copper and tin. It's 2.2 m tall and 2.2m wide.

    I'm gonna have to break it to you gently Bill, but lumps of metal do not have political opinions.

    This will come as a shock to you, I know.

  39. "I am really surprised that you don't know this. It's known throughout the world as such including the UK. Why is it Negroes like you don't know?"

    The tower is in fact correctly known as the 'Elizabeth Tower'. The bell is Big Ben.

  40. Hitler was a soucialist12:57 PM

    The Purple Couw is in fact correctly known as a "douchebag".

  41. @11:17

    If you were 7 inches taller, didn't have pale yellow skin, and were more educated with a decent job, maybe some woman would want your neonatal sized penis.

    But since that's impossible, you'll just have to keep giving yourself blow jobs.

  42. Bill said...
    Not the first time BlackLivesMatter targeted bernie sanders, anything to help hillary.

    Black Lives Matter is a Soros front group.

    Soros is all in on Hillary.

    Sanders is currently the chief rival of Hillary for the democratic nomination.

    Therefore Black Lives Matter will harass Sanders until someone else is designated as Hillary's chief rival, either in the primary process or the general election.

  43. @11:17

    And keep stalking me bitch because you'll NEVER BE me!!


  44. PX, the "winner" AGAIN!!!

  45. Yisheng, the "loser" AGAIN!!!

  46. Why is Michael Brown being remembered at all today? Were he gunned down by another black, not one person outside of his immediate family would know his name.

    But because Darren Wilson defended himself on August 9th, 2014 on Canfield Drive and didn't allow Michael Brown to take his life, Wilson is an outcast to society, and Michael Brown has a plaque in his honor installed by the city.

    Had Michael Brown killed Officer Wilson, would he be a bigger hero to the black community then he is in death?

    Why do blacks make heroes and martyrs out of the worst among them?

  47. @1:44 why do underachieving, frequent name changing racists, STALK Black blogs?

  48. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Okay, so the Christian Taylor story has gotten a bit more confusing.

    My theory that his presence at the car dealership might have been the result of a car accident is clearly blown. Security video shows him pulling up to the gate, entering and wandering around the lot for quite some time, jumping up and down on a car's windshield until he breaks it, and climbing into the car and then getting back out again.

    Only after doing all that for a good, solid 6 minutes on the video does he decide that crashing into the dealership's showroom would be a good idea.

    Here is the video clip:

    If Taylor was a car thief, he was certainly no criminal mastermind. His actions actually looked more like senseless vandalism. Unless he had the IQ of a gnat, he must have realized the cops were going to show up in short order and bust him.

    I think we need to consider the possibility that Taylor might have been a bit crazy. Either that, or he had some sort of vendetta against the dealership. His behavior on that video didn't make a whole lot of sense.

    None of this, of course, answers the question of whether the police needed to shoot him, since he was apparently unarmed and there were multiple cops on scene facing down only one intruder.

  49. Anonymous3:19 PM

    "'You never heard of job participation rates or anything like that until President Obama took office.'

    That's because no one ever gamed the unemployment numbers like Obama has.

    He has been the worst jobs President ever."


    Paul Krugman threw together a graph comparing unemployment rates during the Obama administration versus that of Saint Reagan.

    The results were not too different. Recession ended, unemployment fell, the end.

    Obviously, the sensible thing to do, if you're a wingnut, is to pretend none of this is happening.

    Obama has to be juking the stats! A black Democrat is in the White House -- the economy MUST be terrible! Obamacare CAN'T be working (even though all available evidence says it is: health insurance coverage has gone up and premiums have held steady or dropped).

    I know, I'll just take the completely grown-up approach and jam my fingers in my ears and say "La la la la, evil librul media, I can't hear you!!"

  50. "As your former President, I am proud of the minoritization of the jurification process and also comforted by the meaninglessnessory nature of your participatoryfication."

  51. better: "As your former President, I am proud of the minoritization of the jurification process and also comforted by the meaninglessnessory nature of your participatoriocity."

  52. Anonymous3:27 PM

    "Unless he had the IQ of a gnat"

    He did.

  53. franz3:38 PM

    "Paul Krugman threw together a graph"

    Paul Krugman is a hyper-partisan loon that has become a joke among the economically literate and non-insane.

    Obama has "juked" the unemployment numbers by not counting people that used to be counted.

    The declining labor participation rate proves the lie that Obama's unemployment figures are telling, therefore the democrat media ignores it.

    Despite an energy boom that happened against his wishes, Obama has given us the weakest recovery in history. It would have been so easy to ride the pent-up prosperity waiting to happen, but he killed it with job and growth killing initiatives. He has wasted $7 trillion and counting in stimulus money that has only added to our deficit.

    After the financial disaster of 2008, Obama started out on third base and got credited with a triple, but he just couldn't make it home.

    What a loser.


  54. The Lying Purple Cow said...
    "Is big ben a socialist like hitler?"
    It's a bell Bill, made from copper and tin. It's 2.2 m tall and 2.2m wide.
    I'm gonna have to break it to you gently Bill, but lumps of metal do not have political opinions.
    This will come as a shock to you, I know.

    The bigger shock is how easy it still is to goad you into replying. You never disappoint!

    I can only imagine how much fun the other kids at school had at your expense.

  55. Anonymous3:55 PM

    "Obama has 'juked' the unemployment numbers by not counting people that used to be counted."

    Nope again.

    Unemployment has been calculated the same way since 1994 (and that last change put into effect a law passed under Bush Senior).

    And even if today's unemployment were calculated "the old way," the numbers wouldn't be radically different.

    One can argue that the way we calculate unemployment isn't ideal, and has never been ideal, but the claim that economic metrics are giving Obama some kind of huge unfair boost versus what happened in previous administrations -- that's just bullshit.

  56. franz4:19 PM

    "Unemployment has been calculated the same way since 1994"

    This is an outright lie.

    Obama's Labor Department has changed how they calculate the unemployment numbers in two kep ways:

    1. Lowered the time for people who have stopped looking for work to dropped out of the equation to a mere four weeks (from 24 weeks). These people are no longer counted as "unemployed", but added to the 93.7 million people "out of the workforce".

    2. If you work one hour a week and are paid at least $20, “you’re not officially counted as unemployed” in the under 6 percent figure.

    This makes comparing Obama unemployment numbers to those of previous administrations invalid.

    Unlike the “official” jobless rate, the Labor Department’s so-called “U-6” unemployment rate includes those working part time but who want a full-time job and can’t find one. The U-6 rate stood at 10.7 percent in July, nearly double the official rate.

    Separately, Gallup reports its own measure of underemployment, which currently stands at 14.4 percent for January of 2015. Gallup calculates the underemployment rate by combining the percentage of adults in the workforce who are unemployed with those who are working part time but want full-time work.

  57. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Will Purple Cow and Bill just fuck each other already and get it over with?

  58. Anonymous6:02 PM

    One can argue that the way we calculate unemployment isn't ideal, and has never been ideal, but the claim that economic metrics are giving Obama some kind of huge unfair boost versus what happened in previous administrations -- that's just bullshit.

    1. Hi, Anon: Many thanks to you for posting "" :-) Will definitely post to favorite reading resources.

  59. "Former President George W. Bush discovers there's nothing like the love of a good black woman" :-)

  60. @Big 3:24 PM.....better: "As your former President, I am proud of the minoritization of the jurification process and also comforted by the meaninglessnessory nature of your participatoriocity."

    Major LOL!!! Reminds me of the Living Color comedy routine with Damon Wayons as a prisoner in jail displaying his newly acquired lexicon. Only the words are totally senseless.

  61. "@1:44 why do underachieving, frequent name changing racists, STALK Black blogs?"


  62. Anonymous11:57 PM

    " I got my own Olivia Pope on my arms"

  63. Anonymous2:45 AM

    "This is an outright lie.

    Obama's Labor Department has changed how they calculate the unemployment numbers in two kep ways:

    1. Lowered the time for people who have stopped looking for work to dropped out of the equation to a mere four weeks (from 24 weeks). These people are no longer counted as "unemployed", but added to the 93.7 million people "out of the workforce".

    2. If you work one hour a week and are paid at least $20, “you’re not officially counted as unemployed” in the under 6 percent figure."

    Yes. That is the way that the main metric of unemployment is calculated, for better or worse.

    No. Obama did not change it. It's been that way for a long time. Jim Clifton pulled this idea that Obama changed the methodology out of his ass. Jim Clifton is a liar.

    Also, Jim Clifton should probably spend more time fixing his screwed-up polling organization. According to Gallup, Romney won the 2012 election.

  64. Anonymous3:24 AM

    "These people are no longer counted as 'unemployed', but added to the 93.7 million people 'out of the workforce'."

    Also, this 93.7 million people figure is utter nonsense.

    Even the absolute broadest measure of unemployment, U-6, puts ALL unemployment and underemployment added together somewhere in the neighborhood of 16 million people.

    As always, unplug from the wingnut propaganda and return to reality.

  65. President Jobless11:06 AM

    You have unplugged your mind, moonbat.

    The 93.7 million is a real number, and it represents working age adults who don't have jobs.

    I am sure you are one on them.

    An improved economy is not a concern to you, as you are probably unemployable.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

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