Saturday, September 26, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.

For example: Sorry John, there is no drinks on this menu. 

Pic courtesy of credit Charles Dharapak / AP


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    John, there is no cornbread and greens on here. This is an upper class menu for elites like us. Can't you go upscale just for once? You ARE the Minority Leader, you know.

  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Obama: Okay, so this is the final list of Tea Party congressmen we hate the most. Should I leave the flaming poop on their doorsteps, John, or do you want that honor?

    Boehner: Flaming poop? What happened to that plan where we have your Secret Service guys shoot them? I liked that one better.

  3. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Anon11:19pm, that was funny. You have my vote for the best caption. No one can beat it.

  4. Obama: This is the latest in high-tech gadgetry, I can see them but they can't see me.

    Boehner: The latest, Mr. President? You're looking through a hole in that thing.

  5. Obama: This is the latest in high-tech gadgetry, I can see them but they can't see me.

    Boehner: The latest, Mr. President? You're looking through a hole in that thing.

  6. The President: Well, John, for someone whose last name is so close to boner, you sure were a limp speaker. Still, you know we're going to miss you after they elect the kind of shoutycracker imbecile we know they're going to elect. So good luck!

    -Doug inOakland

  7. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Obama: I can't believe that Detroit Democratic fool lit his lighter at the gas pump.

    Boehner: I can.

  8. Well, he's a good dog
    I've had him for years
    He used to get up when I'd walk by
    Now he just lifts up his ears
    And he thumps his tail on the floor
    When I talk to him
    And when I talk too long he just ignores me
    And he goes to sleep again
    He's a good dog
    I got him as a pup
    I tried to teach him all the tricks
    But then I just gave up
    'Cause he's never acted very bright
    Though his eyes they've got this glow
    And I think he actually knows some things that
    Actually I don't
    And he never barks at strangers
    But then he never barks at cars
    And he howls at the coyotes
    While they're howling at the stars
    And he scratches at the back door
    'Till someone lets him in
    And then he scratches at the other side
    To get back out again
    He's a good dog
    One of these days
    I'm gonna have to drive him into town
    Have him put away
    'Cause he don't hear that good no more
    And he can't hardly walk
    But until then I look at him
    And I say
    He's a good dog

  9. Obama's Farewell to His Nemesis,
    John Boehner.

    You were always there,
    A sidekick more kick than side,
    Someone of whom to beware,
    Who showed more pluck that pride.

    You were always near,
    A speed-dial away on my Blackberry,
    More threatening than Rosey Grier,
    Though you told me not to worry.

    You were always smilin'
    Sure smiles to hide the tears
    Only moments away from cryin'
    Into mugs that held our beers.

    You were always singin'
    About a "Wonderful Day"
    Not that one was breakin',
    But to keep the pain away.

    Copyrighted 9-26-2015 by the author.
    All rights reserved.

  10. @Doug: I love "shoutycracker."

    Sums up the whole Tea Party constituency.

    Are you a poet?

  11. Anonymous11:58 AM

    anotherbozo said...

    @Doug: I love "shoutycracker."

    Sums up the whole Tea Party constituency.

    Are you a poet?

    How bout them, Smelly Coons in the CBC?

  12. No, I shamelessly stole that word from one of my favorite bloggers, Driftglass.

    -Doug in Oakland


  13. Am here to testify what this great spell caster done for me. i never believe in spell casting, until when i was was tempted to try it. i and my husband have been having a lot of problem living together, he will always not make me happy because he have fallen in love with another lady outside our relationship, i tried my best to make sure that my husband leave this woman but the more i talk to him the more he makes me fell sad, so my marriage is now leading to divorce because he no longer gives me attention. so with all this pain and agony, i decided to contact this spell caster to see if things can work out between me and my husband again. this spell caster who was a woman told me that my husband is really under a great spell that he have been charm by some magic, so she told me that she was going to make all things normal back. she did the spell on my husband and after 5 days my husband changed completely he even apologize with the way he treated me that he was not him self, i really thank this woman her name is Dr Aluta she have bring back my husband back to me i want you all to contact her who are having any problem related to marriage issue and relationship problem she will solve it for you. her email is she is a woman and she is great. wish you good time.
    He cast spells for different purposes


  14. Propaganda meets reality.

    Propaganda -
    Several environmental groups are planning a major climate rally that will draw hundreds of thousands to the National Mall on Sept. 24, the day Pope Francis speaks to Congress and is expected to address the public afterwards

    Reality -
    Pope’s Visit To D.C. Inspires Hundreds To Rally For Climate Justice

    Hundreds of thousands down to hundreds.


  15. "Obama: Okay, so this is the final list of Tea Party congressmen we hate the most. Should I leave the flaming poop on their doorsteps, John, or do you want that honor?

    Boehner: Flaming poop? What happened to that plan where we have your Secret Service guys shoot them? I liked that one better."

    Winner so far.

  16. Anonymous6:47 PM

    So I predicted a speech by Boehner, drunk and wearing only his tighty-whities, in which he rips the Tea Party a new one.

    He has now delivered. Well, not on the tight-whiteys part -- that was only wishful thinking on my part. And I don't know how intoxicated Boehner was; I leave that determination to those who actually witnessed his speech.

    But he definitely didn't mince words about his House colleagues:

    “The Bible says: ‘Beware of false prophets.’ There are people out there spreading noise about how much can get done.”

    He went on: “We have groups here in town, members of the House and Senate, who whip people into a frenzy believing they can accomplish things that they know – they know – can never happen.”

    He made a further swipe at the radical right when he gave his advice for future Republican members of Congress: “Have the courage to do what you can do – it’s easy to do what you can’t do.”

    “The whole idea that we were going to shut down the government to get rid of Obamacare in 2013, this plan never had a chance,” he said, adding that it was a “fool’s errand”.

    Asked whether he counted Ted Cruz, the senator for Texas who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, as one of his “false prophets”, the speaker replied: “You could pick a lot of names. I’ll leave you to choose them.”

    Having demurred, he then pointedly alluded to a speech at a recent fundraiser in which he had called Cruz a “jackass”.

    My only criticism is that he should've dropped more f-bombs.

  17. B:Wait, this is the secret Republican to reclaim the White House? Uhhhhhh, looks like the lyrics to Destiny Child's "No No No" to me.

    J: That's right. We all jump up like in Glee and start singing everytime you say anything.

    B: Good luck with that.

  18. A Plea To the Bench

    I protest!
    My entries were the best.
    Don't you wish to reconsider,
    And admit your choice was just in jest,
    'Cause my heart is growin' bitter,
    From this hopeless, empty quest.

  19. That's right. We all jump up like in Glee and start singing everytime you say anything

  20. "John, you should have kept your job as speaker...this is the poll and umm that is the closest your azz was gonna get to the white house. By the way, tears at your resignation...nice touch."

  21. See ya later Orange Man, Mr. Black Around the Gills.

  22. Well, he's a good dog
    I've had him for years
    He used to get up when I'd walk by
    Now he just lifts up his ears
    And he thumps his tail on the floor
    When I talk to him
    And when I talk too long he just ignores me
    And he goes to sleep again
    He's a good dog
    I got him as a pup
    I tried to teach him all the tricks
    But then I just gave up
    'Cause he's never acted very bright
    Though his eyes they've got this glow
    And I think he actually knows some things that
    Actually I don't
    And he never barks at strangers
    But then he never barks at cars
    And he howls at the coyotes
    While they're howling at the stars
    And he scratches at the back door
    'Till someone lets him in
    And then he scratches at the other side
    To get back out again
    He's a good dog
    One of these days
    I'm gonna have to drive him into town
    Have him put away
    'Cause he don't hear that good no more
    And he can't hardly walk
    But until then I look at him
    And I say
    He's a good dog
