Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Debate night.

I am going to watch the republican presidential debate on CNN.

I am going to watch with an open mind, and I am going to pay real close attention to what the candidates have to say.

Jake Tapper is explaining the rules as I write this.

I hope that you all watch it with me, because this is a very important part of our democratic process.

I might have something to say after the debate is over.


I certainly hope that you do.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I can't watch it! x( I have no satellite TV! Sheeeett!


  2. Is CNN pushing for Trump? How else do you explain them making him the star of the show.

  3. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I'm glad to read you have an open mind.

  4. B.S. Detector9:12 PM

    Nigga pleezzzz.... Everyone and they grandmothers know you are going to vote Democrat, Hillary to be exact. And you are going to use whatever talking points massa gives you to attack Republicans next post.

    Least be honest for a hope and change.

  5. Shame I'm tied up with a special project. Unable to watch the CNN coverage of GOP Debate. So hope you can provide commentary afterward, Mr. Field. Also calling on the fields for fact-checking support as well. Enjoy!!

  6. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Aw, no Jim Gilmore (who is he, again?)

    And no Jimmy McMillan? That's unfortunate, because he's about the only thing that would've livened up this farcical parade of GOP drones and losers.

    If you remember, Jimmy is the black dude with the interesting facial hair who campaigned a couple years ago for mayor of New York because "The Rent Is Too Damn High!!" I'm still trying to figure out why a man who wants rent control has registered as a Republican presidential candidate. But whatever. He and slumlord Trump could've had an enlightening debate about real estate.

  7. Anonymous10:15 PM

    And no Rick Perry. His campaign has already crashed and burned. If you blinked, you missed it.


  8. Dr. Carson is the House negro of the century!!!

    BTW, I'm liking Ms. Fiorina more and more everyday!!

  9. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I just saw some video of some of the debate. Trump won! He won fair and square!

    One of the best parts was when he told Jeb Bush that he spent his own money,that he's turned down millions in donation,and that nobody buys him except the people of the country!

    Who knows, it may be a pack of lies. But it sure sounds good! x*D

  10. Anonymous11:02 PM

    "Dr. Carson is the House negro of the century!!!"

    Hey, Dr. Carson wants to bring a very important and serious issue to America's attention: bullying.

    No no, we're not talking middle school kids. He means those mean bullies over at Black Lives Matter. They need to stop giving police officers wedgies and swirlies and taking their lunch money. (Yes, Ben Carson did call BLM "bullies.")

    Meanwhile, Donald Trump can be replaced with his dumb pink hat and this gif:

    That's about how substantial he is as a candidate. (Don't believe me? His campaign website lists a grand total of one policy position: deport all the Mexicans. He'll start thinking about all that other boring junk once he has been elected emperor.)

  11. You Know Who11:49 PM

    Honky pleezzzz.... Everyone and they grandmothers know you are going to vote Rethug, Bush to be exact. And you are going to use whatever talking points massa gives you to attack Democrats next post.


  12. Anonymous12:14 AM

    "I am going to watch with an open mind"

    Are you sure you want to be that reckless with your mind?

  13. Anonymous12:20 AM

    He was just kidding - he hasn't entertained a fresh thought in 30 years.

  14. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...
    "Dr. Carson is the House negro of the century!!!"

    Carson is no HN, Dr Carson is a brave smart and sincere man of integrity. He makes me proud to be Black. But YOU make me ashamed because you buckwheat personified three times over.

    "BTW, I'm liking Ms. Fiorina more and more everyday!!"

    Get real. She's going nowhere. The country can't afford to have a woman in the WH with shit going on in the world today. We need TRUMP.

  15. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Trump's name says it all.

    T RUMP


  16. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Dear Mr Field, I am asking you for a favor. Please remove all comments degrading Trump's hair, his name and anything else disrespectful toward him.

    You removed comments about Yisheng, so I am asking for Trump.

  17. Dr. Carson won the debate. It was that Yale education that put him over the top. No one else came close. He's on a mission to keep the White House Black.

    Carson/Cain 16!

  18. The debates were quite entertaining. First and foremost- politicians will be politicians. Second- there is noting new under the sun.

    Gov. Bush had the look of grade school innocence. He was again painted in the corner defending his family that truly have been at the trough too long. Nothing fresh about his staff (his brothers) nor his aim to continue beating third world countries down.
    I don't think America will vote for another smart and thinking "BLACK" man. No Black issues were questioned and discussed because the Black race had their "bite" of the apple in President Obama. Dr. Carson had to express his willingness to "go to war" which he could not verbalize. All the other candidates were pro-hawkish...albeit the Senator that name escapes me.

    The hawkish candidate turned out to be the women. Ms. Fiorna had to be the toughest on the dais. She was foaming at the mouth, salivating spit flying when she was forming her "army-navy-air force-marines" against the world. She had to prove she was ready and able to play the white man's hold card- violence with a thorough beat-down of the world. She had to play .

    Evidently the same war merchants own our pols. The majority of the time was spent talking about pay back. Funny thing about it- I don't think there were no veterans in the debate. Well if they win, at least there will be jobs for the young people. Too bad they may have to kill or be killed working for the man. StillaPanther2

  19. Anonymous3:54 AM

    "Please remove all comments degrading Trump's hair, his name and anything else disrespectful toward him"

    Stop your whining. This one ought to please you:


    TRU MP


  20. Anonymous4:31 AM

    "I don't think America will vote for another smart and thinking "BLACK" man. No Black issues were questioned and discussed because the Black race had their "bite" of the apple in President Obama. Dr. Carson had to express his willingness to "go to war" which he could not verbalize."

    If Dr. Carson had discussed "black issues," for him, those would have amounted to listing the following things black people must do:

    1) Not be lazy
    2) Don't steal things
    3) Pull up pants
    4) Speak more respectfully to white folks, especially police officers
    5) Escape from the "Democrat plantation"

    "All the other candidates were pro-hawkish...albeit the Senator that name escapes me."

    Probably Rand Paul. He's the only candidate on Team Elephant who doesn't want to immediately bomb any country that contains more than five Muslims. (This lack of bloodthirstiness will destroy any chance of his being nominated by the rabid GOP base.) And of course, he compensates for his halfway sensible attitudes on foreign policy by being a complete froot loop on numerous other issues. So, six of one, half a dozen of the other.

    "The hawkish candidate turned out to be the women. Ms. Fiorna had to be the toughest on the dais. She was foaming at the mouth, salivating spit flying when she was forming her 'army-navy-air force-marines' against the world."

    Well, I guess she had to talk about something, and it couldn't really be her career, spent running perfectly healthy businesses into the ground. (She left Hewlett Packard under a black cloud. The shareholders and employees couldn't have been happier to be rid of her.)

    "Evidently the same war merchants own our pols. The majority of the time was spent talking about pay back. Funny thing about it- I don't think there were no veterans in the debate."

    Lindsey Graham is a vet. He was in the Air Force, and later became a colonel in the Air Force Reserves. He was not allowed to come to the popular kids' debate, though. He had to take part in the uncool freaks 'n' geeks debate held a couple hours earlier.

    And in any case, he is actually a bigger warmonger than all the rest of the candidates put together. I shudder to think how many countries we'd be unnecessarily at war with under a hypothetical President Graham.

  21. In the North of England and much of Wales, the word Trump means to fart. It's considered marginally politer than fart, for instance you're grandmother might say "Did the dog just trump again?"

    This is why we are all giggling childishly at the prospect of President Fart being sworn in.

  22. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I'll give "President Fart" this much: Between all the childish insults, he's at least good at accurately trashing his opponents with factual criticisms.

    Carly Fiorina did wreck Hewlett Packard during her tenure as CEO.

    Scott Walker is flushing Wisconsin's economy down the toilet with his ideological economic agenda.

    Jeb's brother's administration was a disaster from start to finish. (I can't believe Bush responded that Dubya "kept us safe." Except for the 3,000 or so people that got murdered on Sept. 11th, I guess?!!! Maybe this makes some kind of sense in Republican fantasyland.)

  23. Anonymous6:11 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    In the North of England and much of Wales, the word Trump means to fart. It's considered marginally politer than fart, for instance you're grandmother might say "Did the dog just trump again?"

    This is why we are all giggling childishly at the prospect of President Fart being sworn in.

    Look - a prepubescent Negro, giggling childishly and making fart jokes. Foreign fart jokes no less.

    You're a Negro.

  24. Anonymous6:53 AM

    If Dr. Carson had discussed "white issues," for him, those would have amounted to listing the following things white people must do:

    1) Not be lazy hypocrites
    2) Don't steal things, white-collar style, Bernie Madoff style, Wall Street theft of invested pension funds style
    3) Pull up pants, and stop raping women on college campus, and in the military
    4) Speak more respectfully to black folks, especially when there's no police officers around
    5) Escape from the "Republican plantation," as the slaver mentality fosters a false sense of white supremacy

  25. Anonymous7:07 AM

    "If Dr. Carson had discussed 'white issues,' for him, those would have amounted to listing the following things white people must do:"

    I'm confident that Dr. Ben would not have discussed any of those things.

    P.S. White people do not have higher rates of rape than black people. Or of mass shootings. Or of serial killing. These are all false beliefs that seem to be currently circulating around the black community as some sort of cheap (but invalid) comeback to claims about black street crime.

    P.P.S. My comment was meant as sarcasm about Ben Carson and his wacky political stances, not an endorsement of him or a criticism of black people. I am far from a Ben Carson fan.

  26. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Just on what he said about vaccines,bravo for him! smaller doses spread out over a longer period of time, he's got my vote!

  27. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Still laughing that Jeb! wants to put the face of a foreign political leader (Maggie Thatcher *barf* *hurl* *puke*) on American currency.

    WTF was that Hail Mary?

  28. Anonymous7:19 AM

    "Just on what he said about vaccines,bravo for him! smaller doses spread out over a longer period of time, he's got my vote!"

    Yeah, well, no one can fault Ben Carson on medical facts. That's a subject he actually knows something about.

    It's everything else he's got a problem with.

  29. The Fixer9:15 AM

    Nigga pleezzzz.... Everyone and they grandmothers know you are going to vote Democrat, Hillary to be exact. And you are going to use whatever talking points massa gives you to attack Republicans next post.


  30. Limpbaugh9:21 AM

    Fiorina's explanation of her firings wasn't very impressive. She pretty much said people were out to get her and the companies did well after she was gone. CNN's analysis after the debate seemed intended to build her up and tear Trump down. The media and RNC will probably get rid of him if they can. Last time Sheldon Adelson kept Gingrich in it to split the crazy vote competition for Romney. The applause for Bush saying that his brother kept us safe showed how ignorant Republicans are. Yeah, "safe" except for that worst attack on American soil in history.

  31. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Very few comments here on SUBSTANCE discussed in the debate, just name calling by posters of the candidates. No wonder the Dems maintain your votes. You are clueless to even form an opinion on issues facing this country. Children.

  32. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I am amazed that Field has remained silent about the Republican debate...the same goes for PilotX. I guess his black brother Ben Carson didn't 'shine' in the way PX thought he would.

    Just goes to prove bm can't be trusted to be Presidents. They just won't speak about Black/White issues because Whites won't stand for it. Therefore, they keep as far away from the subject as possible.

    Besides Ben cannot afford to be dragged down with a group with no political power that's at the bottom and going no where. Obama figured that out real quick.

  33. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Very few comments here on SUBSTANCE discussed in the debate, just name calling by posters of the candidates. No wonder the Dems maintain your votes. You are clueless to even form an opinion on issues facing this country. Children.

    9:31 AM
    What SUBSTANCE are you talking about? You haven't mentioned ONE of SUBSTANCE. All you do is criticize, judge and complain. Is that what you call SUBSTANCE?

  34. Damn, white people are boring and stupid.

  35. Manonymous10:52 AM

    "Fiorina's explanation of her firings wasn't very impressive. She pretty much said people were out to get her and the companies did well after she was gone"

    Women can't run important things.

  36. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Just on what he said about vaccines,bravo for him! smaller doses spread out over a longer period of time, he's got my vote!"

    Yeah, well, no one can fault Ben Carson on medical facts. That's a subject he actually knows something about.

    It's everything else he's got a problem with.

    7:19 AM

    Ben Carson DID NOT say that! Donald Trump did!!!

    Surprised the hell outta me! Didn't know Mr.Trump was so knowledgeable on the vaccine-autism relation!

    Good for him!


  37. Why Americans Still Think the Economy Is Terrible
    It is 7.2 percent below the number in 1999.

    A middle-income American family, in other words, makes substantially less money in inflation-adjusted terms than it did 15 years ago. And there is no evidence that is reversing.

    Maybe it's time for FieldNegro to do another post about how great the Obama recovery is.


  38. So far, $42 million has been spent to develop the $500 million program which began training in April.
    The first 54 graduates of the program were re-inserted into northern Syria
    When Austin was asked how many trained fighters remained in the fight he responded "it's a small number," before adding "the ones that are in the fight, we're talking four or five."


    It seems like the liberal media needs to distance the dumbocrat candidates from Obama.


  39. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Apropo of something else entirely, check this out! Had a house of horrors knives and machetes everywhere,altars with all sorts of macabre stuff!

    Tried to stab an officer with a machete!!!

    Guess what??? He shot her dead! NOTTT!

    She was white that's why...

  40. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Lilac, "Ben Carson DID NOT say that! Donald Trump did!!!"

    damn! a Negro just can't catch a break in America.

    In any case, Trump is an honest and smarter than Carson. Thank you Lilac for pointing that out.

  41. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Where is Field? must be in court, which means he is having trouble.

  42. Any thoughts on the Eddyville-via-Florissant-via-#BLM ambush?:

    Several years ago, Prof. David Klinger wrote a book called "Into the Kill Zone". One of his contentions was that young rookie or inexperienced cops who have the “I want to make a difference” attitude are far more likely to be murdered in the line of duty than old experienced badasses. I don’t remember Klinger really elaborating on any theories why, but the reason is obvious: The criminal class takes the former kind of cops for chumps and easy marks, but are much more leery around the latter kind of cops.

    Let’s bring this back around to Eddyville. The officer, Joseph Cameron Ponder, was a rookie, and was willing to give the suspect, Joseph Thomas Johnson-Shanks, a big break and help him instead of arresting him. And how did Shanks respond to Ponder’s courtesy? By speeding away and eventually murdering him.

    I'll take a few James Blakes getting thrown to the pavement over dead cops. How about you?

  43. You will take it until it's your sorry ass thrown to the pavement. Oh wait...u are white, correct? Well then no pavement for you.

  44. Saw the debate, it me or does the HP lady look like Fiona character from Sbrek? Not that that's a bad thing. I don't want to come off like Trump or anything.

    I thought the winner was Rubio. Brownie points for his Rosa Parks answer.

  45. Meant "Shrek".

    I am disappointed that Jeb couldn't think of one single American woman he would want on the 10 dollar bill. Thatcher? Are u serious?
    And how can you sit in California and deny that climate change is real?

  46. Anonymous4:09 PM

    "I am disappointed that Jeb couldn't think of one single American woman he would want on the 10 dollar bill."

    There are none.

    A spot on the money is supposed to be for founding fathers and dead Presidents.

    If there ever is a woman President, and she is an exceptionally good President, then it would be her.

    Until then, leave the money alone.

  47. So why not say that? Why choose a British lady?

    Did anyone hear anything about education?Poverty? Jobs?

    Oh yeah,just lies about Planned Parenthood and vaccines.

    And no, Planned Parenthood does not sell body parts. Autism is not caused by vaccinations. And 9/11 happened under George Bush.

  48. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Oh my Gad! The entire NYPD precinct turns out to gang up on a crying kid!

    Jesus, have they nothing better to do?

    Lord have mercy! Is he alive or have they killed him yet???

    Oops sorry,forgot. to them he's a wild, rabid savage animal! He's not a scared,crying kid!!!


  49. field negro said...
    And how can you sit in California and deny that climate change is real?

    California has the most stringent pollution laws in the country.

    And is suffering the most from climate change.

    Mother Nature sure does have a sense of humor.

  50. Remember that Planned Parenthood video Carly talked about?
    Well it doesn't exist.

    Lilac, I think that happend in Cali.

    But your point is taken. Thank god for cell phone cameras.


  51. field negro said...
    Remember that Planned Parenthood video Carly talked about?
    Well it doesn't exist.

    Around the 6 minute mark the baby makes an appearance.

    Of course there is no liberal bias in the media.

    How many millions of Americans are going to believe just like FieldNegro did that the video was a lie.

    At least the bias gets exposed here.


  52. field negro said...
    Did anyone hear anything about education?Poverty? Jobs?

    Poverty? What happened to the Obama Recovery?

    Jobs? What happened to the low unemployment rate?

    Education? Kids are being suspended for poptart guns and clocks.

    It seems like your party earned another 4 years in the white house.


  53. field negro said...
    Lilac, I think that happend in Cali.

    58% Obama
    39% Romney

    The pattern continues.

    FieldNegro, thanks for the all the easy ones today. :)

  54. Anonymous5:37 PM

    "I thought the winner was Rubio."

    Even when he's said to be a "winner," Rubio is still a loser. He's a Republican for goodness sake!

  55. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Thanks Field, Bill! I stand corrected!

    I swear I heard NYPD in there somewhere :)

    But doesn't really matter the state, they're all acting alike! x(

  56. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Lilac, that link you shared with us happened in Stockton CA. The teen should not have been jay walking. He should have known better.

    I swear, when will our peeps ever learn? They keep trying to do what Whites do. Jaywalking is ok as long as you are White. It is "illegal" if you are Black.

    FYI: Things are going to get much worse for us because of #BLM and Obama. This country doesn't like Blacks and really don't like Blacks when they get uppity.

    That cop operated within the law. I am sure Atty Field will attest to that. Again, the kid should not have been jaywalking.

  57. Anonymous6:00 PM

    lilacpr2000 said...

    "Just on what he said about vaccines,bravo for him! smaller doses spread out over a longer period of time, he's got my vote!"

    Okay, but what did Dr. Carson say about vaccinating blacks and other minorities against Republicans' oppressive efforts to suppress the voting franchise in this country, thereby rigging the system, the best autocratic move I've seen years.

    Given the Republicans' suppression of black and minority votes in this country, it's shocking that this black man would gravitate toward the one party that is disenfranchising blacks?

    From the looks of things, he's self-medicating, writing himself one too many prescriptions of


  58. Anonymous6:51 PM

    "Oh yeah,just lies about Planned Parenthood and vaccines."

    CNN chose the questions. They are an organization hostile to the GOP, and last nights debate was meant not to inform but to sabotage.

    CNN's job was to get the candidates to go after each other and bring up sacred Democrat issues in order to rile up Democrat voters and embarrass the Republicans. Almost every single question consisted of quoting something negative one candidate had said about another and then asking the targeted candidate to respond. Junior high level tactics, I know, but the Republicans dutifully played along all night.

    They wanted to gut Trump and inflate the lower echelon candidates in order to sow chaos and dissension in the Republican field.

    You would never see the Democrats allowing Fox News to moderate their debate. They have less honor, but more sense apparently.

  59. Anonymous8:31 PM

    They wanted to gut Trump and inflate the lower echelon candidates in order to sow chaos and dissension in the Republican field.

    When you have such willing dupes, each one out to destroy the other, you exploit their animosity, and in the process rack up your best ratings ever.

    Way to go, CNN!

  60. Man Bill will do anything to try and prop up his party.

    Sorry Bill, she lied.

    Just GOOGLE Carly lies about Planned Parenthood.

    You might want to grab some aspirins.

    The truth will hurt you.

  61. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Trump da maan! For 2016!

  62. On the real side, there are issues that could pertain to Blacks as well as whites. One such issue is the "safe" feelings of living in some of our communities. I can't believe that we have allowed children (gang members) to take control of many cities. The odds of Iran killing me/you in the near future (lets say 8 years) is few and far in between.

    Thanks for the pull up about Sen. Lindsey Graham. Military interest is isolated cause-to be pulled out when running for office.

    Majority of the majority race go thru daily living without seeing many Blacks. The TV and internet serve as a means to formulate opinions of Blacks- as well as the print media. I say this to dispel the Blacks are lazy. Historically my people worked in all the hard labor situation in building this nation. Having lived in that period of time, I pose that whites will NEVER catch up to the sum of Black labor. So please understand that when one has no job- she tends to develop these lazy habits. I am not saying that this is right, it may be a bad by-product of the ominus government.
