Saturday, October 17, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. These aren't crackers, they're donuts! What do you mean you were talking to the donuts?

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "Business as Usual"

  3. "And then I said----look I only used the taser on you and not the gun 'cause
    they were about to run out of the glazed at Dunkin Donut. No paperwork---get it?"

  4. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Hahaha! Angela! That def could be! xD

  5. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Older cop grabbing on to the females shoulder: The donut is good but this shoulder feels better!

    Female officer: This ole m***********r harraser better let go o' my shoulder fore I kick him!

  6. Anonymous8:07 PM

    It's true though. A lot of those older cops like to sexually harass the younger females in the force.

    Happens a lot. So when I see any male employee take advantage of a photo op by grabbing onto a female,in any way, I immediately get suspicious.

  7. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Hey can someone bring us some coffee for these donuts??? We're choking here!

  8. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Yeah! This how we celebrate after one of our famous "assisted suicide arrests"

    and no we're not going to explain!!! Yummy great donuts!

  9. Anonymous8:18 PM

    We are all good friends and love hanging out.

    Nothin' to do with black people, Negro.

  10. Anonymous8:20 PM

    It is great to be so young that we can still eat donuts.

  11. Anonymous8:48 PM

    We love to get a nice sugar high before going off to work. We like the high before shooting down in the ghetto.

  12. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Members of Cleveland PD celebrate in the traditional fashion after a grand jury rule that the killing of Tamir Rice by two of their fellow officers was completely justified.

    "I am glad to see justice done today. A lot of folks just don't understand how dangerous those middle-schoolers can be," said Officer Jones. "And pellet guns -- if you get hit by one, those suckers smart worse than a bee sting, you know?"

  13. Anonymous9:24 PM

    dear mr field, this saturday caption thing has pretty much run its course. can't you cancel it and put a controversial post in its place?

  14. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Dayum, these are all good! xD (aside from mine which are the best of course), but they're good,good! I like 'em!

    and Anon 9:24pm, you shut up okay! x(
    We don't need any controversial post on Saturday! Don't be giving field ideas!!!

  15. ctrl+halt+del10:26 PM

    Fairfax County police break up donut ring

  16. They called us about people stealing donuts so we figured we needed evidence.

  17. Wesley R10:31 PM

    I"m looking for the watermelon in the photo as well. They look like they are about to go hunting.

  18. A mobile phone, a razor, and flashlight.

    A wallet with $3 dollars in it.

    These items are what three black "teens" procured from Larry Eugene Brown when they assaulted him on July 29 in Greensboro, North Carolina, killing the 74 year-old grandfather when they struck him with a fire extinguisher.

    Have you heard of this horrific story?


    Wonder why?

    Well, Larry Eugene Brown was a white man.

    Have another donut.

  19. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Thats actually funny! I know it's horrific and all, but that "have another donut" at the end...hahahahaha!

  20. Anonymous12:11 AM

    It's snowing in Pennsylvania!!! Field must be in bed snuggled up under the covers!

  21. In the "Kill a Black Man, Get a Donut" promotion, Officer O'Leary (pictured left) clearly has some catching up to do.

  22. ctrl+halt+del6:49 AM

    "White Owned Va. Farm Boycotted By Police For Supporting #BlackLivesMatter"

    Officers Jim Crow, Gerry Mander, Bill King, Andy Nile along with Jane Crow shown here responding to an emergency call at Cox's farms.

    Photo by Al "Red" Lining

  23. Ctrl-halt....@10:26, is in the lead.
    Pilot@10:26, and Amgela right behind.

    No, Anon 9:24, I still like it. Field hands are pretty creative people.

  24. Wait Sarge, we ate all the evidence. I'd better go get more.

  25. Saw an interesting documentary on BBC about glazed sugar donuts a couple of years ago. Take a choice of donuts to a crowd anywhere on Earth and the will choose the glazed donuts over all others. That's because it has a unique 50/50 fat/sugar combination that people find irresistible the world over. It's a combination that occurs nowhere in nature, this has caused some speculate that it is this particular hunger we have for the combination of fat/sugar foods that is the cause of the global obesity epidemic.

  26. To clarify (I didn't explain that very well) obviously it's no secret that fat and sugary foods cause obesity, the issue lies in this particular craving for combined fatty and sweet foods that's the issue.

  27. ctrl+halt+del11:15 AM

    New and Improved, take 2!

    "White Owned Va. Farm Boycotted By Police For Supporting #BlackLivesMatter"

    By Cher Cropping

    Officer Jane Crow points to her watch as Jim Crow,Gerry Meandering and D. Nile prepare to answer an emergency call at Cox's farms. Cpl. Punishment (seen left) was overheard saying "that'll teach her!"

    Photo by Al "Red" Lining

    "The story is true. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental."

  28. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I beg to differ. Barring endocrine disease, the root cause of fat and obesity is a sedentary lifestyle.

    The craving for fat and sugar is caused by same sedentary lifestyle and lack of proper exercise.

  29. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Field, "No, Anon 9:24, I still like it. Field hands are pretty creative people."

    8:38 AM
    No, your field hands are NOT creative people, esp PX and Lilac. But they are always in the running because you discriminate. I should have won captions many times. It was self-evident to me that I was by far the most creative. You are a biased person who supports certain kinds of Blacks and Whites and ignore others.

    And you have the nerve to talk about the bias of FOX NEWS? GTFOH. I am reporting you to the NAACP and Jesse Lee Peterson.


  30. lilacpr2000 said...
    I beg to differ. Barring endocrine disease, the root cause of fat and obesity is a sedentary lifestyle.

    That's the same point pro-gun people say.

    It's not the gun, it's the person holding the gun, or the doughnut.

  31. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Bill said...

    That's the same point pro-gun people say.

    It's not the gun, it's the person holding the gun, or the doughnut.

    2:34 PM

    and I agree with that!

    What I do think is needed though is a safety check. Here in PR you can own a gun and especially if you have a business and such, but, you have to undergo a safety check first that shows you are not a felon, have a record, etc.

  32. Anonymous4:20 PM

    "The craving for fat and sugar is caused by same sedentary lifestyle and lack of proper exercise."

    I don't know about that one, Lilac. It seems that almost everyone likes fat and sugar. From what I can tell, folks that have jobs involving quite a bit of physical exertion are as prone to eating greasy, sugary stuff as the rest of us.

    They tend not to have as many obesity problems, since their lifestyles mean they're burning off those calories, but I've yet to meet a vegan farmer. Just saying.

  33. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Anon 4:20pm
    I understand everyone "likes" fat and sugar. But I'm talking about "craving" fat and sugar.

    When you have a sedentary lifestyle the body does not metabolize properly and so it 'craves' fat and sugar as a necessary source of quick energy. Which in turn has other bad consequences such as a sudden rise in insulin levels to digest this sugar, which will be digested quickly because it is refined, leaving an excess amount of the insulin still in the blood stream, looking for more sugar to digest, which in turn will cause a hunger for more sugar and on and on it goes. This is also why refined foods are bad for you.

    When the body is exercised properly the need for these quick sources of energy is eliminated as the metabolism is energizing properly. While you may eat some necessary fat and sugar you will not "crave" it. and fall into that cycle.

    Exercise is the key. Of course proper nutrition goes along with that.

  34. "The craving for fat and sugar is caused by same sedentary lifestyle and lack of proper exercise."

    Well, the BBC disagrees. It's the precise ratio of fat and sugar that does not occur in nature that is so attractibve.

  35. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Aah Purple, I've found over the years that I can't believe everything the media says/writes. Or much of anything anyway.

    All the scares, remember the egg thing? First they were bad for you, now they're good. It's like that with everything.

    Just to get the consumer to do what they want at the moment.

    Nah, I go with the science that I've learned and seen to be true.

  36. Anonymous8:54 PM

    The Diabetes Association says Lilac is wrong.

  37. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Save your breath anon8:54p, cause right or wrong Lilac will prove that she be right.


  38. lilacpr2000 said...
    All the scares, remember the egg thing? First they were bad for you, now they're good. It's like that with everything.

    That's science.

    The science is settled until they learn more.

    I'm sure 97% of scientists also thought the earth was flat at one time.

  39. Anonymous2:55 AM

    lilacpr2000 said...
    I beg to differ. Barring endocrine disease, the root cause of fat and obesity is a sedentary lifestyle.

    That's the same point pro-gun people say.

    It's not the gun, it's the person holding the gun, or the doughnut.

    Eat less, move more, you'll be less fat. You sound like a resentful chubby.

  40. Anonymous2:56 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "The craving for fat and sugar is caused by same sedentary lifestyle and lack of proper exercise."

    Well, the BBC disagrees. It's the precise ratio of fat and sugar that does not occur in nature that is so attractibve.

    Well ,that Big Black Cow (BBC) sure knows what she craves.

  41. Food that tastes good is desirable.

    Who knew?

    Living organisms that require fats and sugars to properly function would crave ingesting such.

    Who knew?

    "Egg thing...The science is settled until they learn more."

    This has nothing to do with science and everything to do with morons in media who don't know a scientific study from a stranger's a-hole.

    They're starving for headlines, so that little assistant who's never on camera hears about a very small starter study done on the effects of eggs in a controlled situation (X). Media gets a hold of it, their headline: Eggs are Bad For You -- What Doctors Aren't Saying! More at 11.

    Meanwhile, the people who do these studies are like, "WTF is wrong with these people? We're speaking about specifically the potential effects eggs can have on nursing mothers' milk protein coagulants if they are not cooked properly. And now it's a nationwide media campaign that says eggs are bad?"

    These things change so much because primarily they're small-scale studies that deal only in small situations, and happen so frequently, yet media forces them to fit a narrative of panic and doom. It's not first eggs were good, then bad, then good. It's eggs have always just been eggs; we know what's in them and what those substances do typically in a body. Media just misinterprets every damn thing and seeks headlines.
