Friday, October 16, 2015

Night Off.

No post tonight field hands.

Be back tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Fuck the white man.

  2. Good read.

  3. Amazing passage from Ta-Nehisi Coates' autobiography

    "I am not a cynic. I love you, and I love the world, and I love it more with every new inch I discover. But you are a black boy, and you must be responsible for your body in a way that other boys cannot know. Indeed you must be responsible for the worst actions of other black bodies, which, somehow, will always be assigned to you. And you must be responsible for the bodies of the powerful—the policeman who cracks you with a nightstick will quickly find his excuse in your furtive movements. And this is not reducible to just you—the women around you must be responsible for their bodies in a way that you never will know."

    Slow clap.


  4. The Obama economy...

    Hawaii Governor Declares State of Emergency for Homelessness
    Hawaii saw a 23 percent increase in its unsheltered homeless population between 2014 and 2015, and a 46 percent increase in the number of unsheltered families, said Scott Morishige, state homelessness coordinator.

    Los Angeles declares 'state of emergency' on homelessness

    NYC's Record Homeless Population Seeks Shelter at LaGuardia

    Good thing the media is in the tank for Obama and isn't going to make a big deal out of record homelessness under his watch.

  5. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Let's face it, Obama is a loser and does not care for the poor or homeless. It is quite observable. However, the MSM won't go after Obama because the MSM doesn't care about the homeless much like they don't care about the poor.

    This country is in a state of moral crises and nobody seems to care. But that is what a moral crises is.

  6. Anonymous10:53 AM

    What about your spelling "crises"?

  7. Anonymous11:43 AM

    anon10:53am, did you understand the context of what anon10:46am said? That's the point. But here you are nitpicking like a jackass and missing an important message.

    People like you are part of the landscapes of moral "crises"....the word "crises" is plural for "crisis".

    There. You have learned the difference between crisis and crises, even though you missed the context.

    Have a nice day and don't forget to stay ignorant of what's happening in America.

  8. Media Matters11:54 AM

    Number of veterans in the U.S. as of 2014: approximately 22.5 million2
    Increasing numbers of returning military personnel: according to the Mass. Dept. of Veterans’ Services, approximately 31,000 service members have returned to the Commonwealth since Sept. 11, 2001.
    Between 529,000 and 840,000 veterans are homeless at some time during the year.2
    On any given night, more than 300,000 veterans are living on the streets or in shelters in the U.S.
    Approx. 33% of homeless males in the U.S. are veterans.2
    Veterans are twice as likely as other Americans to become chronically homeless.2
    Veterans represent 11% of the adult civilian population, but 26% of the homeless population, according to the Homeless Research Institute (2007).
    Veterans are more at risk of becoming homeless than non-veterans
    The number of homeless Vietnam-era veterans, male and female, is greater than the number of soldiers who died during the war.1
    Primary causes of homelessness among veterans are:

    Lack of income due to limited education and lack of transferable skills from military to civilian life (especially true of younger veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan)
    Combat-related physical health issues and disabilities
    Combat-related mental health issues and disabilities
    Substance abuse problems that interfere with job retention
    Weak social networks due to problems adjusting to civilian life
    Lack of services

    Could some of the homeless problem have been enhanced by wars created by the previous administration? Nah, the media would have informed us because they weren't in the tank for Bush.

  9. Anonymous12:14 PM

    anon10:53am, did you understand the context of what anon10:46am said? That's the point. But here you are nitpicking like a jackass and missing an important message.

    People like you are part of the landscapes of moral "crises"....the word "crises" is plural for "crisis".

    There. You have learned the difference between crisis and crises, even though you missed the context.

    No, dumbass, it just proves you are as dumb as your sock puppet.

    This country is in a state of moral crises and nobody seems to care. {But that is what a moral crises is.}

    Look at the part in brackets foolio, any person with working brain cells and a 3rd grade education can quickly spot the error. But then again, I'm asking you, so......

  10. An anon war. Interesting.

  11. "That's the point. But here you are nitpicking like a jackass and missing an important message."

    Nah, they didn't miss anything important. Just gibberish.

  12. Anonymous4:26 PM

    look at this! So boring today! We all love Field so much, and miss him so much that nobody even wants to comment!

    *sob* :( come back already Field! Puhleeeessseee!

    Alright, alright, pretty please? :)
