Saturday, November 14, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.

Example: All that overtime during the Pope's visit is finally taking its toll on Philly's finest.

*Pic from twitter.


  1. What? I thought for sure you would use yesterday's photo of dead French people for you hilarious photo caption contest!

    Allah Akbar!

  2. The difficulties of policing white neighborhoods.

  3. Sleeping cops = 1 Black person's life saved.

  4. Well, I guess they can't be shooting or sexually assaulting anyone if they're not awake...

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Poster for the new movement, #BlackLivesSpared !!

  6. What police academy affirmative action looks like.

  7. When Dunkin Donuts isn't open 24 hours.

  8. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Yisheng yours are great, and Pilot's and Doug's!

  9. Psst, Allah person, those cops aren't dead.

    Josh@7:12 and Pilot@8:38 are leaders so far.

  10. Blogger field negro said...
    Psst, Allah person, those cops aren't dead.
    Josh@7:12 and Pilot@8:38 are leaders so far.

    Of course the only problem with Josh's post is that: 1) That doesn't apply WORTH A DAMN to Whooteemoo neighborhoods and he damn well KNOWS it. Those cops would be chasing down heroin and meth addicts the ENTIRE shift.

    2) The statement CONFIRMS he's a racist motherf*cker.

    3) That he's a racist CRACKER mutherf*cker to the nth degree.

    4) That he's a racist CRACKER mutherf*cker to the nth degree allowed to post racist bull$hit on Black blogs DAILY.

    5) That he's a racist CRACKER mutherf*cker to the nth degree allowed to post racist bull$hit on Black blogs DAILY, and that he's too much of a racist cracker mutherf*cker to realize that the MAJORITY of Black neighborhoods are safe.

    Glad I got that off my chest, WOOOSAAAAAA!!!!!!!

  11. Thanks PR, I like my 8:09 comment the best! ;)


  12. The lows after the sugar high.

  13. Lance Cockstrong9:37 PM


  14. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Yisheng, you clearly won by a long shot, esp @8:08pm. I liked that one the best.

    How in the hell Field listed JOSH THE RACIST as a potential winner is beyond me. Maybe JOSH got to Field with his degrading comments about those Mizzou black students.

    Just wait until James Bold post his racist comments. He'll probably win it.

  15. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Man, that was some good Jamaican weed we took of that Negro.

  16. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Blogger Josh said...
    The difficulties of policing white neighborhoods.

    7:12 PM

    Piss poor English. Where did you get your degree in English from, Wal-Mart?

  17. Limpbaugh11:01 PM

    I was going to cast a vote for Yīshēng 8:06 PM. But Anonymous 10:07 PM is good too.

  18. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    What police academy affirmative action looks like.

    No, this is what police academy affirmative action looks like:

  19. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    Glad I got that off my chest, WOOOSAAAAAA!!!!!!!

    9:27 PM

    Hahaha! xD

  20. Laughting @anon@10:07. Could end up being the winner. :)

  21. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Wow, they're all good tonight! 'Cept me, I got nuttin for this one :)

  22. Don't be hard on yourself lilac, u are already in the Sat Caption Hall of Fame. :)

  23. Lance Cockstrong12:35 AM

    @PilotX 8:38PM -

    Hey this is Philly bro! Should be Federal Donut!

  24. Anonymous12:43 AM

    field negro said...

    Don't be hard on yourself lilac, u are already in the Sat Caption Hall of Fame. :)

    12:19 AM

    Awww thank you Field! You're too kind! But I love it!

  25. Field, please give the nod to Yisheng. She obviously tried so hard for it, and she's obviously very angry, concerned and paranoid. She also seems to be missing what you seemed to get, in that the point was police don't care about policing white neighborhoods. They'll get some Zs.

    Yisheng, don't worry. A participation trophy is on its way.

    (Maybe it's Field who's the "STEM MASTER"?)

  26. "4) That he's a racist CRACKER mutherf*cker to the nth degree allowed to post racist bull$hit on Black blogs DAILY."

    Just say "motherfucker," dumb ass. This isn't pre-K. Own it.

    Other than Field, and in rare cases Pilot, finding an intelligent person on the neo-progressive "black as an ideology" end on this blog is a tall task. However, I go out of my way to treat the black people here to the same skeptical standards I treat the people at Ancient Aliens, socialist blogs, Cryptozoology blogs, and other places where it's primarily white folks saying crazy shit.

    (You think I give anon a hard time; you should see me and this stupid motherfucker Nessy4eva as he tries to tell me habitually that by saying I don't believe in Loch Ness, I'm really supporting his argument. lol You're not the center of the world, people. Calm your tits.)

    If someone makes a claim I think is a bit outlandish, I ask for evidence. This standard shouldn't apply to black people?

    If someone tries to assert mysticism as an accurate model of reality, I call it bullshit. I suppose I need to have affirmative action for black mysticism?

    If someone says something stupid, I call them stupid. I should only apply this to whites?

    I thought that was the number-one request from black people since slavery? "Just treat us like equal people because we are equal people."

    Though that's not what I find here.

    Black people: "Treat me like you treat everyone else."
    Black people: "Treat me differently than you treat everyone else."

    1) If you cannot handle being criticized on the open marketplace of ideas, stay out of it.
    2) If criticizing a black person equates to racism, then know that racism is only going to get worse as more blacks achieve equal opportunity to hold positions whereby they become open to criticism.

    At which point you can make the incredibly simple change and stop insisting that the world need run on your feelings, that whole "STEM MASTER" bit might seem more reasonable.

  27. Yisheng7:05 AM

    @12:00 PR, your captions usually beat everyone else's, so it's okay to sit this one out!!

  28. "Maybe JOSH got to Field with his degrading comments about those Mizzou black students."

    I'd just like to know what's so degrading about not believing privileged kids are experiencing this brutal racism, literally likening themselves to the first black student of Mizzou.

    Egg on my face, but I honestly believed that Field would be suggesting these kids get a thicker skin. When I first heard this story, one of my first thoughts was, "Field will probably be telling these brats to wise up!"

    Let's not forget the full context here. We're not talking about a group of black students who simply say that a couple of white people have went around throwing out racial slurs.These students literally claim to be the victims of "systems of oppression." These kids, some of whom are from families worth millions of dollars, are literally claiming to be the victims of white privilege. These kids are in college and accuse their white professors and presidents of having "educational privilege," as they're in college getting an education!

    Anon, I have a challenge for you: If you can name me one proven "system of oppression" or instance of "white privilege" that is holding these black students back, I will write out a very lengthy, heartfelt apology, email it to Field, allow him to post it, and you can all rub my nose in shit as a dumb-ass who just cannot see the reality of being "black" in college.

    - These kids were openly embraced at school.
    - The student body president, a gay black male, was elected and cheered and celebrated. They wanted that dude specifically to be their representation over the entire campus!
    - These kids have been allowed to literally scream in the president's face, insulting him, attacking him, and no punishment has been levied against anyone.
    - These kids were allowed to shut down a homecoming parade. It wasn't a "protest"; they intentionally sought to disrupt the parade for everyone and were allowed to do so, and even celebrated for exercising their right to assembly!
    - The poor FNB victim, Jonathan Butler, was caught on camera jumping in front of a moving vehicle, and then was allowed to go around LYING that white racists tried to run him over because he's black. No punishment found him.
    - The school has dozens upon dozens of softball "African-American" courses in which these kids can enroll and participate.
    - The only incident rooted in reality where a white person shouted a racial slur, the perpetrator was immediately apprehended and thrown off campus.
    - These kids were literally allowed to hijack public property, bully and physically abuse media, and even had white professors helping them, and not a single one of them got in any sort of trouble.
    - The police have INVENTED NEW LAWS just for these black students, telling them to report "hurtful speech" and they'll take care of it. The police force is literally shattering the First Amendment of the Constitution to back these kids.

    But they're victims of white privilege? They're held back by systems of oppression? They're victims of a culture of racism on campus?

    These kids have literal run of the entire campus, do whatever the hell they want and not get in trouble, bully authority, get police to create new laws just for them, while they simultaneously whine that they're victims of oppression.

    Just pretend they're Ben Carson if it helps. You say I'm giving them a hard time is because I'm racist. That's projection! You're giving them a free pass because they're BLACK, and you're only able to view them as BLACK, so you project onto me that that's the only way I can view them.

    Accept my challenge. Show me how wrong I am to "[degrade]" these students.

  29. Yisheng8:01 AM

    Please replace "Cracker" with disenfranchised underachieving homosexual Southeast Asian in my 8:27 comment.

    Thanks! ;)

  30. "Piss poor English. Where did you get your degree in English from, Wal-Mart?"

    I get the standard. Anons can say the dumbest shit imaginable, making themselves look like they quit on school after 4th grade. Just plum ignorance that truly beggars belief. But the moment I call them on it, I'm evil and racist and am trying to degrade black people.

    Here's the "English" you're thinking of, anon:

    As opposed to this, which you have been told about five times now:

    Perhaps you never got past that first one, so that's why you fail to grasp incredibly simplistic, axiomatic distinctions. Or it could be that James is actually right about your brain playing the word association game with the way things sound.

    Either way, I highly doubt anyone could understand me if I spoke per the standards of my English Literature degree. Hell, I couldn't even understand myself to write it out. Twas an era toferan secgan niew ie Anglian naught daeg. For fuck's sake, close enough.

    Not that I'd expect morons to understand simple things, of course. At this point, I do realize I'm being completely unfair, and that I'm just unnecessarily piling onto a person criticisms when said person truly cannot help it.

  31. *Waits patiently for, "I cannot understand what you said, therefore stupid!" lol

  32. "Hey this is Philly bro! Should be Federal Donut!"

    My bad, DD already conquered Chicago. I guess you guys are holding out.

  33. Stemy Hoyer10:48 AM

    Josh said...
    *Waits patiently for, "I cannot understand what you said, therefore stupid!" lol

    Think about what the people forced to work with Yisheng have to deal with! It would like trying to teach algebra to your dog, and you getting the blame when the dog can't solve binomial equations. And the dog smells bad, snaps at people, and craps on the rug. And this goes on for 40 years.


  34. lol

    Someone start a GoFundMe for Yisgheng's coworkers. They need social justice.

  35. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Yisheng said...

    7:05 AM

    Aw thanks a mil Yisheng! I appreciate it!

    Just so much violence around the world it kinda gets me down ya know ;) I need to not care but I can't help it...

    Going to my happy place now though, to repot some baby orchids and forget about the world :)or try anyway!

  36. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Officer Snoozy Sobran: Not much to do anymore now that we aren't permitted to confront black criminals. Might as well settle in for a nap.

    Officer Bull Dozer: The noise of all that gun fire in the distance makes it hard to get to sleep.

    Officer Snoozy Sobran: It's only going to get worse. These people don't want our help because the media have taught them that we are their true problem.

    Officer Bull Dozer: And the media will destroy any cop who sticks his neck out. Why do the people who shape opinion work so hard to tear down the country, impugn police officers, hold up mentally disturbed and depraved individuals like Miley Cyrus and Bruce Jenner as cultural ideals, and lionize both destructive and outright criminal behavior?

    Officer Snoozy Sobran: It's part of an agenda, a narrative that infuses all stories no matter what the subject.

    Officer Bull Dozer: Why would they want to destroy their own culture? Do they hate themselves?

    Officer Snoozy Sobran: No, they hate us. They don't see us part of them, they are destroying our culture, not theirs. And if you notice who is doing it, you had better not admit it. Just ask Rick Sanchez.

    Officer Bull Dozer: Sanchez got fired from CNN for dismissing the idea that Jews were an oppressed, powerless minority in America.

    Officer Snoozy Sobran: Yep. An oppressed tiny minority of 2% of the population that controls over 90% of mass media. And over 40% of the wealth of the nation.

    Officer Bull Dozer: Maybe it wan't such a good idea to let a tiny minority with its own, discreet interests obtain a nearly complete monopoly of the control of information to the masses. Not to mention they also have complete control of Hollywood and most other entertainment production centers. Why can't this even be discussed?

    Officer Snoozy Sobran: Jewish control of the major media in the media age makes the enforced silence both paradoxical and paralyzing. Survival in public life requires that you know all about it, but never refer to it. A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you. It’s a phenomenal display not of wickedness, really, but of fierce ethnocentrism, a sort of furtive racial superpatriotism.

    Officer Bull Dozer: Motherfuckers.

    Officer Snoozy Sobran: Your mother, not theirs.

  37. Yisheng12:52 PM

    @PR, I absolutely LOVE flowers, enjoy your happy place today!!!

  38. Lance Cockstrong12:55 PM

    Officer Daniel PantaleoNot much to do now that we aren't permitted to murder innocent unarmed civilians snymore

    Officer Timothy LoehmannA human sacrifice every now and then. Not asking too much is it?

    Officer Daniel PantaleoOughta be a law against those goddam cellphone videos

    Officer Timothy LoehmannFucking eh!

    Officer Daniel PantaleoFuck 'em all! Let's just sit here and jerk off and collect a paycheck! Nice racket eh!

    Officer Timothy LoehmannIs that a pistol in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

    Officer Daniel Pantaleo♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ THE END ♥♥♥♥♥♥

  39. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Let the negroes shoot each other, stopping them would be racist.

  40. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Let the whooteemoos shoot each other, stopping them would be illogical.


  41. chief whooteemoo6:04 PM

    HA!!!! Yishiting knows illogical. If only she knew how to finish ahead of smart ASIANS in both her field.

  42. Lt. Commander Johnson6:49 PM

    Of course it's not PC to ask....but, why do so many commercials feature black men with white women? Probably a 25-1 ratio.....if not more. Now, they are including the white children, as well.

    Do you people not see that?

  43. Commercials tell the Black race their limitations. They(commercials) also push an agenda that will lessen the numbers of people they see as undesirable in the society. Rarely will children that have features that mimic the majority will identify as Black. These Black males are producing a new acceptable group. Anything except Black. What killing, burning, lynching and other forms of extermination falls short- the Black man will be the one pushing for his extinction. StillaPanther

  44. Lt. Commander Johnson10:08 PM

    You didn't answer my fucking question, Panther.

  45. What did you want me to say? I am only answering the question as I understood it. I really can't be exact because I am not in the rooms when the producers produce this propaganda. I can only tell you the results that I see. Tell me what do you think the reason is. I will be more than open to your response.

  46. Lt. Commander Johnson3:19 AM

    "Of course it's not PC to ask....but, why do so many commercials feature black men with white women? Probably a 25-1 ratio.....if not more. Now, they are including the white children, as well.

    Do you people not see that?

    Is that not a question??????

    I know what it is. You know what it is.

  47. "Commercials tell the Black race their limitations. They(commercials) also push an agenda that will lessen the numbers of people they see as undesirable in the society. Rarely will children that have features that mimic the majority will identify as Black. These Black males are producing a new acceptable group. Anything except Black. What killing, burning, lynching and other forms of extermination falls short- the Black man will be the one pushing for his extinction."

    Do you see how they do? White devils. Go through the grocery store, any grocery store, and look at the shelves. Those pale-green olives, those white olives, are in a jar. You can see them! You can inspect them! They look so appetizing; the price is so high. Imported straight from Italy. Hello...Mussolini! Where are the black olives? The man keeps the black olives in a can!

    Fight the power. Black fist. Solidarity.

  48. Lt. Commander Johnson3:31 AM

    Ah, the stooped bastard still won't answer the original question. Just deflect.

    Why do black guys who get rich want to screw white wimmens?

  49. Lt. Commander Johnson12:18 PM

    Another one they won't answer.

  50. Lt. Commander Johnson12:33 PM


  51. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Fell into a deep sleep listening to Melissa Harris Perry Lacewell Perry.
