Friday, November 20, 2015

Muslims on a plane.

Image result for southwest  plane images     It's looking more and more like Muslim is the new black.

"PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A Philadelphia man says he is humiliated and upset after he was briefly stopped from boarding a flight from Chicago when another passenger overheard him speak Arabic, making him uncomfortable.

Pizza shop owner Maher Khalil emigrated from Palestine 15 years ago. He says he had never experienced discrimination before the incident Wednesday at Midway International Airport.

"We came to America to have a better life," Khalil explained on Friday. "Everybody in America is from different countries. I'm one of them. I'm an American citizen."

Khalil said he was chatting with a friend while waiting to board a Southwest Airlines flight. When he approached the gate, he said, they were told they couldn't board because another passenger felt uncomfortable.
"We were just chatting, like everybody else," Khalil said in a telephone interview. "I'm
'Are you kidding me? Are you serious? Is this a prank or something?'"

Khalil called the police for help, but when they arrived, some passengers assumed it was because the officers were responding to a terrorist threat.

The two men were later allowed to board.

As Khalil walked to his seat at the back of the plane, some were suspicious of a white box he was carrying and asked to see what was inside, he said. To ease the tension, Khalil opened it and shared the baklava he'd bought with a few passengers."When we walked onto the airplane, I told my friend to smile so (other passengers) can think there's nothing wrong," Khalil said. "Everybody started giving us that look."

Southwest Airlines Co. said the flight departed 10 minutes late after a disagreement with two customers. The Dallas-based airline says its employees are trained to address "passenger situations" to ensure the safety of flights.

"I swear, I never had that feeling before," Khalil said. "I felt like we're not safe no more in this country. Because I'm Arab, I cannot ride the airplane? The person who complained is the one who should be kicked out, not me." [Source]

Get used to it Khalil, you are going to be feeling that way for some time.

This of course would not have happened if Donald Trump had his way. If it was up to the Donald there would be no need to profile Khalil on that plane, because he would have his own little Muslim chip implanted somewhere in his body.

The airline would have been able to determine that Khalil is one of the "good Muslims" right away. And after announcing that fact to the rest of the passengers, they would  all have been able to breathe just a little easier.  

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Only in Obama's Amerikkka......

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    This Trump guy has such new and exciting ideas!

    Why, we could force Muslims wear some kind of badge on the outside of their clothing, like a yellow moon and star or something, just so we can know who they are.

    And imagine, we could put them into special camps, to concentrate them, so we know where they are. We could put a sign with a cheery slogan on it. Like "Work Makes You Free" or something. Just spitballing.

    Trump should read that 1936 book, "It Can't Happen Here." He has quite a few things in common with the main character, Buzz Windrip, first fascist dictator of the United States.

  3. Maybe if Muslims weren't constantly killing people all across the world on a daily basis, maybe if their holy book didn't sanctify the murder of non-Muslims, maybe if many of their religious leaders didn't call for the killing of infidels, maybe if they weren't responsible for nearly every terrorist incident on airplanes, the occasional passenger wouldn't freak out over someone speaking Arabic on a plane.

    And this poor motherfucker had to be delayed 10 minutes before he could get on the plane, after which got on just like everyone else. Horrors!

    If I were part of some group who were known to be responsible for some particular type of threatening activity, I would, out of respect to those around, expect a higher level of scrutiny. I wouldn't bitch and cry and blame others for a perfectly rational response.

    Fuck Khalil if he can't accept his religion comes with some baggage. He can pack that baggage and get the fuck out.

  4. World Ends, Black People Most Affected

    In tragic news today, a meteor about the size of Texas crashed into the middle of the North American land mass, which not only annihilated instantly the entire United States, but would also quickly engulf the entire planet in a fiery blanket of death. Writing from the International Space Station, there appear to be no human survivors of the horrific crash. This is truly the most unthinkable disaster in the history of mankind, if mankind will still even exist. But let's not forget that black people were once slaves in America and suffered through Jim Crow. Because though over seven billion people lie dead on the planet, black people were most affected.

  5. Jefferson9:57 PM

    White on Black “hate crimes” in America have become faker than The Ghost Hunters show on the Syfy channel.

  6. Harold10:02 PM

    I don’t know what that show is like but someone needs to make a Hate Hunters show where some people go around campus investigating for signs of hate and KKK activity with shaky camerawork and dramatic music. They could play up random obviously innocent things as signs of hate and possible KKK activity and if they do find something dramatic the show should somehow make it obvious they did it themselves.

    It would be cool for a while, but eventually like with Finding Bigfoot, the fact they never found anything real would make the Hate Hunters look just like those foolish losers with infrared cameras in the woods who never find a Sasquatch. And then maybe the kids could go to class again.

  7. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "It's looking more and more like Muslim is the new black."

    No, that will never be. That position is reserved strictly for us no matter what the circumstances are. Remember, Muslims/Arabs discriminate based on color.

    Btw, it's clear that no matter who or what Field's post is about, JOSH can only see and think about disparaging black people. He is one sick motherfucker.

  8. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Muslims hate blacks.

  9. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Muslims hate blacks.

    10:18 PM
    That's well known, just like it's well known that Israelis hate Blacks. Nevertheless, Field stands up for both....Go figure.

  10. Josh says: World ends, black people most affected.

    Anon says: World ends, black people most affected.

    JOSH is wrong and racist and ONLY sees color when he says it! Anon is just pointing out the everyday struggle of black folks being the biggest victims in the history of history.

    JOSH wrong. JOSH cold. JOSH mean. JOSH wacist. ANON smart. ANON kind. ANON important.

  11. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Wow! I think Josh is finally getting it. So let's get back to what the post is about. I bet Josh can't do it without talking about Blacks.

  12. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Muslims are indeed the New Black. Here is a round-up of some of the moments of hate from just the last few days:

    "Muslim-American groups fear rhetoric will translate into acts of hatred. In the wake of the Paris attacks, there have been isolated incidents of apparent hate violence across the US. Incidents have been reported outside a mosque in Connecticut; at a mosque in St Petersburg, Florida and a Muslim family home in Orlando; and in several other states.

    Hostility was also reported in Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit that is home to 96,000 people, a third of whom are Arab Americans. Last Saturday, a navy veteran from Michigan stoked fears across town when she took aim at Dearborn on social media.

    'Dearborn, MI, has the highest Muslim population in the United [States],' wrote 28-year-old Sarah Beebe, on Twitter. 'Let’s fuck that place up and send a message to Isis. We’re coming.'

    Dearborn police launched an investigation and said the case would be forwarded to federal law enforcement officials for review.

    Beebe apologized in an interview with a local TV station, saying the 'off-the-cuff post will haunt me for the rest of my life'.

    Just days later, it emerged that a Muslim woman living in neighboring Dearborn Heights had received threats from a neighbour who sent her a letter in which he called her a 'sand nigger' and warned her to 'stop the madness before something bad happens to your house or you'.

    The woman, who wears the hijab, then received a second letter that said: 'Go back to your Middle Eastern country. We HATE you more than niggers.'”

  13. Anon at 10:58 is a fucking idiot11:07 PM

    Muslims murder hundreds of people daily, but the the most important thing to worry about is the potential backlash that never comes.

    Someone gets called a sand nigger on Facebook, and that's supposed to mean we can't stop importing thousands of unvetted people from populations prone to terrorism.

    Do you really believe this shit, or are you just so vested in defending your team's narrative you don't care how incoherent you sound?

  14. Anonymous11:15 PM

    The woman, who wears the hijab, then received a second letter that said: 'Go back to your Middle Eastern country. We HATE you more than niggers.'”

    10:58 PM
    The second letter was misleading. Whites don't hate Muslims more than Blacks. and there is over 400 years of hate to prove it.

  15. The Field Negro: "If it was up to the Donald there would be no need to profile Khalil on that plane, because he would have his own little Muslim chip implanted somewhere in his body."

    Actually, Trump didn't say there should be a registry for Muslims, a reporter did. But you know that.

    While you and the liberal horde denounce Donald Trump for his (supposedly, and not really) calling for a “Muslim database”, you yourselves want all firearm owners put in a registry.

    Liberals are not big on self-awareness.

  16. "Muslims hate blacks."

    Most blacks don't don’t like Arab and Middle Eastern ghetto quickie mart owners, because they think, probably correctly, that they sexually exploit black women, “bending the sister over behind the counter for a pound of chip chop ham.

  17. Anonymous11:32 PM

    "While you and the liberal horde denounce Donald Trump for his (supposedly, and not really) calling for a 'Muslim database', you yourselves want all firearm owners put in a registry."

    Yes, because weapons are dangerous. It's not an argument about the character of the weapon owner.

    The implication of a Muslim database is that Muslim people are dangerous. How would you react if you received a letter from the government demanding you register as an Official Dangerous Person?

  18. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Muslims are dangerous. It's not an argument about the character of the Muslim, the ideology he ascribes to compels him to commit acts of violence.

    If you let scorpions in your house, you'll get stung if you don't keep your eye on them..

  19. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Scorpians will sting you in your house, but if you remove their stingers they won't. That's the point about being safe in your own house.

    Trumph is talking about removing stingers. Get it?

  20. Yisheng11:54 PM

    Whooteemoos with guns need locator chips.

    1. Yisheng11:59 PM

      Whooteemoos are dangerous. It IS a statement about the character of the Radical Christian, the ideology he ascribes to compels him to commit acts of violence aagainst Blacks.

  21. As a partial antidote to this hysteria, I recommend going back and listening to Molly Ivins tell the story of John Henry Faulk and the chicken snake: "Some times you'll get so scared that you hurt yourself."

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. "I bet Josh can't do it without talking about Blacks."

    I bet you're right. Just like I bet you can't stop capitalizing adjectives because you only made it to middle school before pursuing your life's dream of playing Madden on a girl's couch for a living, eating her toddler's chicken nuggets. You betta call Tyrone (call him)! And tell him, "c'mon" help you get your shit...

    Well, the race is on, and it looks like whites in the backstretch
    Muslims are going to the inside
    Black tears are welling up, and they're trying not to fall
    The white man's out of the running
    His strife don't count much like pain
    Now, the race is on and it's a fucking landslide
    With the black man suff'rin all

  23. I remember it was like this right after 9-11. Many folks were calling for profiling but that just leads to more problems. We might figure this out one day.

  24. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Yeah, not profiling is working out so well.

  25. Check this out. We need to roll.

  26. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Yisheng said...
    Whooteemoos are dangerous. It IS a statement about the character of the Radical Christian, the ideology he ascribes to compels him to commit acts of violence aagainst Blacks.

    Name one Christian act of violence against a black person.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Dylan roof and of those Christian terrorists known as the kkk didn't burn popularized Roman execution devices to mark where they buried treasure. But where they left the bodies of their black victims that would be buried by a traumatized black communities

  27. "We might figure this out one day."

    Despite what a lot of folks may think about me (because for some reason they don't think that trolling works both ways lol), I'm not exactly for profiling. And I agree with you entirely, PX, that profiling does lead to more problems. Or at least has that potential.

    But any other suggestions?

    Observable reality tells us that the current type of Islamic radical terrorist fits a certain bill: X, Y, Z. To the extent anyone else has better ideas, I'm sure folks can make enough noise to gain some attention on it. Maybe see if UoM will add it to their CS1950 demands and prove that they're not just competing for their own selfish gold medals at the Oppression Olympics.

    IMO, the best way to deal with any refugees flooding in is to send them to Haiti with a clear mission and an Xmas pressie of some cash. As for Muslims already here, I don't know. How does one avoid profiling when there exists a profile?

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Just be honest and share with everyone exactly how you tied your racist obsession with black people to your homoerotic lifestyle

  28. "Yeah, not profiling is working out so well."

    Um, so far it is. No problems on U.S. air carriers. Truth is in the pudding.

  29. "Name one Christian act of violence against a black person."

    The ku klux klan was a Christian organization.

  30. porky said...
    Most blacks don't don’t like Arab and Middle Eastern ghetto quickie mart owners, because they think, probably correctly, that they sexually exploit black women, “bending the sister over behind the counter for a pound of chip chop ham.

    Yisheng only got a Slim Jim.

  31. "But any other suggestions?"

    Besides the obvious? Not allowing anyone with weapons on the plane? Just a guess.

  32. Anonymous12:56 AM

    "The ku klux klan was a Christian organization."

    No it wasn't. No Christian denominations supported the KKK.

  33. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Obama said he would stand with the Muslims against us.

    That is the only promise he has ever kept.

  34. James Bold1:35 AM

    "Why, we could force Muslims wear some kind of badge on the outside of their clothing, like a yellow moon and star or something, just so we can know who they are."

    In other words, like the distinctive clothing Mudslimes required dhimmis to wear.  If Mudslime culture says it's good to distinguish Mudslimes from others on sight, how can we possibly disagree?  It's multi-culturally approved!

    "And imagine, we could put them into special camps, to concentrate them, so we know where they are."

    They already exist.  They're called Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Pakistan... you know, all the places they find so abhorrent that they would rather live under the rule of racist White people?  If we want to oppress them, all we have to do is send them back to live with their co-ethnics and co-religionists.  That appears to be true hell.

    Kind of like living with and being ruled by Black people.  But yes, we should spare all of them the trials and tribulations of sharing space with White people.  When all the Africans are back in Africa, they will finally be free of White oppression.  Let's make this happen ASAP!

    Honestly, you stupid fucks are beyond satire.

    "Do you really believe this shit, or are you just so vested in defending your team's narrative you don't care how incoherent you sound?"

    Yes, it's the narrative.  Field doesn't care about Western civilization regardless of what it's done for him.  He hates Whitey, and has his bolt-hole prepared in his homeland of Jamaica.  Whatever damage his activities do to Africans-in-America is irrelevant if he can hurt Whitey and escape to laugh about it.

    "The implication of a Muslim database is that Muslim people are dangerous."

    All jihadists are Mudslimes, and Pisslam calls for all Mudslimes to engage in jihad.

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Your true audience is at stormfront

  35. I meant in general about the objective problem of Muslim radicals in the world, not just planes, PX. But for me.

  36. Anonymous1:52 AM

    "No it wasn't. No Christian denominations supported the KKK."

    Oh, now I see your argument.

    The KKK called themselves Christian, and burned crosses at their events and when they wanted to threaten people, but mainstream Christianity didn't recognize them as properly following the teachings of Christianity, so they don't count.


    This is interesting, though, because it is exactly what mainstream Muslims say about ISIS (and al-Qaeda, and all jihadis, really): Those guys may claim to be a part of our religion, but they're not following the Koran, they're practicing our faith wrong, and they don't represent what the rest of us believe.

    Just saying.

  37. Mainstream Muslims say that? Where was this? I've heard like two say it. Ever. And they didn't say that they weren't real Muslims per se, but rather than they were politically and not religiously motivated.

    If there's this outpouring of mainstream Muslims denouncing radical terrorists, that's a great thing!

    But are you sure this wasn't a fever dream?

    (Full disclosure: I don't count a "Muslim" nation claiming to be part of a coalition against ISIS but then practically supporting them to be standing against them. I see them as playing both sides of the issue. I can't fault them for that. They're the ones over there in the thick of the shit.)

  38. James Bold still smells like his mom's rotten cootch2:43 AM

    Oh great, ultra dumb ass James Bold is back. Shouldn't you be burning a cross or something asshole?

  39. Anonymous2:49 AM

    "Additionally, the cross was henceforth a representation of the Klan's Christian message. Thus, its lighting during meetings was often accompanied by prayer, the singing of hymns, and other overtly religious symbolism."

  40. I think I'll have to be with anon on this one. Look, there are over 40,000 Christian denominations. There is not one ultimate authority, one objective gauge for what is/isn't "Christian." Even to the extent a Christan wants to argue their Bible is the objective way, even they have to admit (or should STFU while people tell the truth) that every version of the Bible is simply an amalgam of edited stories compiled to fit the populous' beliefs and/or the church's/state's agenda. King James, anyone?

    So, let's say Timmy and Tammy have 25 kids. 10 are theirs, and they adopt the rest. They live into their 80s, 20 of their kids have kids, for a total of 47 kids, and 40 of those kids grow up and have kids, for a total of 153 kids. When they have a family reunion to celebrate Tim and Tam-Tam's 60th anniversary, they have 227 members of immediate family in attendance. Now, let's say, in their twilight years, the elder couple decide to start their own religion. They give extra to charity. They do good works. Etc. They'd be considered Christians. Their denomination might be laughed at as a cult by some, but all your denominations started as cults! Through state enforcement, fear, extortion, intimidation and indoctrination, these small sects grew.

    The end result: over 40,000 of them are "Christian" today. Why wouldn't Tim and Tam-Tams Elder Redeemer of Our Lady Mary be Christian? On whose authority can anyone claim they're not? And if the Klan wants to call themselves Christian, on whose authority can you say they're not? If you want to say they're not, you need necessarily to show an objective gauge for what is/isn't "Christian." So long as they accept Christ, who has the authority to say they're not Christian?

    Was a time when no Christian denominations accepted Mormons either.

  41. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Too bad Muzzies aren't all shit-colored like Field and his ilk. It'd make it a whole lot easier to identify (and avoid) them ...

  42. With Adolf Trump & Mullah Carson soaking up a majority of Republiklan votes, it's going to get much worse before it gets better.

  43. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "The ku klux klan was a Christian organization."

    No it wasn't. No Christian denominations supported the KKK.

    12:56 AM
    They were Christians and burned huge crosses during their meetings and on the lawns of Negroes to show their love for them.

    Would it surprise anyone if Josh came from that lineage? Let me answer that for you: "NO".

  44. Anonymous6:32 AM

    James Bold still smells like his mom's rotten cootch said...
    Oh great, ultra dumb ass James Bold is back. Shouldn't you be burning a cross or something asshole?

    2:43 AM
    You forgot to include Josh.

  45. RIP Brad Delp, sorry to hijack your song:

    Anon work up this morning, and his JOSH was gone
    He came to the Negro's to start his day
    He thought he'd sing that familiar song
    He pressed his KEYS and then he spammed away!

    Please, JOSH, love my feelings (JOSH love my feelings)
    My feelings grow stronger every day
    No logic or reason (logic or reason)
    Just letting my feelings lead the way...
    I'm letting my feelings here lead me away...

  46. Anon@12:40, was that a trick question. You have heard of the klan, right? Well they are Christians.

    Did someone above compare putting all Muslims in a registry to registering firearms? My lord wing-nuts are stupid!

    Dear president of Anon Inc., please tell me what I have to do to get a better quality of wingnut trolls. I give up. I will pay the higher rate now.:(

  47. Anonymous6:54 AM

    POOR JOSH. What he calls logic and reason is loaded with emotions.

  48. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Dear president of Anon Inc., please tell me what I have to do to get a better quality of wingnut trolls. I give up. I will pay the higher rate now.:(

    6:53 AM
    Now you're talking! Over the holidays you should see upgrades in anons trickle in, one by one. I think you will be pleased for the first time with wingnuts.

    Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!

  49. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I have to tell you from my own personal experience, several times with these guys, stay the hell away from Southwest Airlines. That will solve a lot of problems. They like to cause problems and then claim that Southwest Airlines does not have customer relations problems. You get what you pay for on the airline of choice for aging strippers and drug dealers. As for the new Muslim in America thinking, that isn't so new either. Remember? "I AIN'T VOTIN' FOR NO DAMN MUSLIM !!!" (heard coming out of the mouth of a redneck)

  50. In America, no one's an American citizen but white folks. Who made them so, is beyond me. All the people here of an ounce of color or more are just barefootin'. Makes no difference what Constitution Amendments state. Someone had some ideas to write on a document. Means nothing at all!

  51. Anonymous10:28 AM

    The need to hate is hard-wired in humans. Most of the time it lies buried or only shown to family members in the form of abuse. But when the hard-wired hater perceives a shift in society, a public targeting of a scared and less-protected group of people, the weaker haters are emboldened and burst forth in all their putrid glory. It doesn't matter what the group is, the important thing is the haters feel they have a free pass to let their built-in hatred show. Probably similar in nature to the type of people who expose their privates to schoolchildren.

  52. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Hate is a legitimate emotion and has its appropriate targets.

  53. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Ohmigosh, in reality and practicality, you may be right. Even on a blog like FN, some Whites consider themselves 'privileged and superior' Americans.

    We know who those folks are: J&J. This is a blog and one J&J is very critical and condescending of the way anons write. This is a blog, not an English class! Most people write like they talk on blogs, except JOSH of course.

    Someone needs to tell JOSH he is SHIT! Never in my life have I seen such vitriol, profanity and racist abuse from a white person like JOSH.

    Why Mr Field lets an abusive insensitive racist from hell like JOSH post here is beyond me.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Because ultimately their ignorance and racist emotional outbursts to garner the the attention of their parents is so entertaining. Give them a bone to chew on and enjoy. Like reminding them Thomas Jefferson was a worst pedophile rapists than Jared fogle

  54. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Hate may be a legitimate emotion, but it is very destructive to the hater and the ones hated. No good comes from it.

  55. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Khalil said...When he approached the gate, he said, they were told they couldn't board because another passenger felt uncomfortable.
    "Are you kidding me? Are you serious? Is this a prank or something?"

    I would ask is he kidding us?

    I would think he would be little bit more understanding, given the past and present circumstances unfolding across the world.

    And to all those poo-poohing this as un-american and discriminatory, I bet you'd all feel exactly the same in that situation.

    Arab (because Muslim is their religion, NOT their reason for fighting. Their reason for fighting is political) is not the new black. Because black people aren't going around bombing the World Trade center,Bombing the Boston races, bombing airplanes out of the sky etc. So the analogy is unfair and untrue.

    Blacks are Americans, and while we may have wrongs to right among ourselves, and to settle, we stand together against these attacks, because we love this country.

    I can't blame the people that were scared, because I would be too! In this we stand united.

    Granted this is a different kind of war,not the shoot 'em up kind that we are used to seeing in the past. In jungles, in mountains, in trenches. It's a new kind of war, where the other side has to use guile,lies and subterfuge to strike. Which is what makes it terrifying and is another powerful tool in their arsenal. We must be careful,what other choice is there?

    BTW, there are plenty Arabs that are Christian.

  56. Anonymous10:54 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon@12:40, was that a trick question. You have heard of the klan, right? Well they are Christians.

    So you believe in collective guilt? Are all blacks guilty for the crimes of black murderers and rapists?

    The Klan may have appropriated Christian symbols, but at no time where they sanctioned by any mainstream Christian denomination. There is nothing in the Christian bible that commands followers to terrorize people.

    Our Christian society destroyed the klan.

    In contrast (you know this, I'm explaining it to the people you lie to) Muslims kill because their holy book explicitly tells them to. They receive the sanction of high ranked mullahs and the tacit support of a majority of Muslims.

    The West cannot mount an effective response to Islamic terror because progressives hate Christianity too much to not ally themselves with any and all enemies of Christianity.

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Or maybe since white people created isis to ultimately control other white people because their evil agenda demands complete eradication of all human rights

  57. I wanted to come up with a song too! Decided on a play!

    Here's just a snidbit...

    Josh's Wife: Honey, it's late and I don't feel safe driving to Target to get more beer so you can sit here listening to Badu editing minority blog replies all night. You know most reply from 4" iPhones, right?

    Josh: Really, you don't "feel" safe? Threatened by what, an imaginary boogie man? Calm your tits! And it keeps me busy. Makes me feel important.

    Josh's Wife: It's over, Josh. You're odd, boring, and I can't handle 17 page text messages. I've always suspected you have Aspergers too.

    Josh: You women are all bitches, up there with fucktards capitalizing adjectives!!

    Josh's Wife: Enough! WTF are you talking about? I've been sleeping with an aspie!

    Still needs work. More to come though.

  58. field negro said...
    Did someone above compare putting all Muslims in a registry to registering firearms? My lord wing-nuts are stupid!

    Actually, I compared putting all Muslims in a registry to registering firearm owners.

    Nice bit of deception.

    Firearms owners are people too.

    And registering the names of firearms owners is something you and your gun control fascist friends have been advocating for years. While Donald Trump has never advocated for registering Muslims. A reporter asked him what he thought about a hypothetical Muslim database. Trump didn’t explicitly comment on the idea or rule it out, which is a bit different from your saying he wants to implant chips in every Muslim. You know that no politician is actually going to call for registering all Muslims in a national database.

    Why do progressives have to lie so much?

    Fun fact: Of all shooting deaths in America, less than 1 percent are shootings by legal firearm owners committing a crime.

    There are over 120 million legal firearms owners in America. You want to create a registry covering 40% of the population. This despite the fact this will do nothing to curb the 99% of shooting deaths that are done with unregistered weapons.

    Legal firearms owners are statistically less likely to commit violent crimes than the rest of the population, yet you want to create a government registry to keep track of them.

    In contrast, although the Muslim population is expanding rapidly, it remains only 1-2% of the US population. Despite this tiny number, Muslims have accounted for at least 75 fatal terrorist attacks on US soil done explicitly in the name of Islam, accounting for over 3,100 deaths. 22 of these fatal attacks have occurred during the Obama years alone. In addition, there have been hundreds of other attacks that either were foiled or did not result in a fatality. When it comes to per capita acts of terrorism, Muslims are off the charts.

    It is clear there is something of an issue with Islam. How we address this problem is up for debate.

    I do not support a registry of all Muslims in America. I also believe Islam to be incompatible with a Western secular democracy that believes in individual freedoms and natural rights, and therefore oppose any immigration of Muslims to the US.

    In truth, Islam is incompatible with any other culture, and any non-Muslim society who allows mass Muslim immigration is inviting mass conflict and bloodshed. If you look around the globe, anywhere Islam brushes up against other cultures (in Europe, Asia, and Africa) there are rivers of blood flowing in the streets.

    You know this true, yet you go to the mat denying it is true. Why do progressive wish mass conflict and bloodshed on America?

  59. A for effort, Virginia. Writing isn't your strong suit, and thinking is probably even farther down on the list. But keep trying. Hey, I'll read volume 2.

    Remember: Don't try to make it rhyme. Don't try to make it catchy. Don't actually try to put any creativity into it. Just insult, insult, insult, use memes stolen from your betters (which, when put that way, is just scary), and see if you can appeal to the anon triplets to give you some bro-dap love for it.

    "...seen such vitriol, profanity and racist abuse from a white person like JOSH..."

    1) 10:1 you had to spellcheck "profanity" and "vitriol."

    2) Those I agree with. I'm profane. I can be vitriolic. Problem? This "racist" shit, however, just makes y'all look racist! A white person can't disagree with a black person without being racist. A white person can't point out that a black woman was wearing weave. A white person can't call the UoM protesters big babies who are proven liars. A white person can't call anon a fucking retard because if anon's black, therefore JOSH is speaking about ALL BLACK PEOPLE, ever, in the history of humanity, past, present and future!

    You crybabies sully what racism actually is. You cry wolf on it. You throw it around as a rebuttal to a stance you disagree with. It is the very epitome of the phrase "the race card." When black folks come on networks like CNN and MSNBC and ask white America a question like, "Why do you say things like we pull the race card?" Well, here's why. A dozen peons in here shouting the smear to the heavens, and not a single shred of evidence to be found.

    Witch hunters, all. It's "racism" because it makes you feel a certain way. Own your feelings. You're grown people. Think of the pure privilege you have where in your life you're not in chains, you're not segregated, you're not kidnapped and lynched and beaten just for being a black person; you're not suffering. From a house that's heated in the winter, from a plush chair, on a computer, in the first world, you're screaming your heads off about "racism" that you literally cannot even point to to claim it objectively racism.

    Lives of extreme privilege, an infinity of imaginary suffering. It's like watching the entire audience at a hypnosis show in Vegas share in the delusion; the weak link breaks the chain (which in the collectivist case is the independent thinker with a thick skin).

    World Ends, Black People Most Affected

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      It's your average racist closet homosexual white male you should address all your comments to Josh and I am certain you will finally get that itch scratched and proper attention


  60. Gotta love how NOW the liberal media is asking if Obama is muslim.

    Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
    Pay attention to when he uses the word "we"...

    Stephanopoulos was forced to correct Obama when Obama said "my muslim faith."

    I'm seeing a pattern.

    CSPAN is also seeing it.

  61. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Please, JOSH, love my feelings (JOSH love my feelings)

    The ego on this guy. Jeez.


  62. Peter Rondon, protester arrested at Donald Trump's rally, once left bomb at military facility in Worcester

    It appears trump has lost the support of those that hate America and want to blow it up.

  63. Bill said...
    Gotta love how NOW the liberal media is asking if Obama is muslim.

    Obama is not a practicing Muslim. He is an atheist progressive. But he was raised a Muslim as boy and a communist as a teen and self-identifies with Muslim culture in a way that he does not with American culture:

    "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

    Obama looks at 9/11 and identifies with the perpetrators over the victims.

    As President he has used American lives and treasure to install Islamist governments across the Middle East. He refuses to oppose ISIS despite their unparalleled record of brutality. He has green-lighted Iran's nuclear bomb program. He has fast tracked Muslim immigration while refusing entry to Middle Eastern Christian communities facing genocide.

    During a first year in office full of symbolic actions, he sent back the Oval Office bust of Winston Churchill to England, reneged on defense agreements with three European allies, and visited Saudi Arabia where he bowed to the King. BTW, his education had been paid for by the Saudis, who also assisted his entry into Harvard:

    A country whose most recent enemies were named Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden elected a man named Barack Hussein Obama as its President seven years after 9/11. It is like we had elected a man of uncertain background named Tojo Hitler as President in 1952, and President Hitler had worked tirelessly to install fascist governments all over Europe and imported a million Nazis into the US.

    According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, a majority of Americans now feel like strangers in their own country.

    No shit.


  64. The dumbocrats in lala land use taxpayer money to keep the poor away.

    Airport commission approves a private LAX lounge for the rich and famous


    13,000 fall into homelessness every month in L.A. County, report says

    Gotta love the priorities of dumbocrats.

  65. The Fixer2:42 PM

    Blacks are dangerous. It IS a statement about the character of the Black person. The ideology he ascribes to compels him to commit acts of violence aagainst Whites.


  66. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Pilotx said...

    The ku klux klan was a Christian organization.

    The ku klux klan was a progressive organization. Look at their political platform from the 1920'S and 1930'S. Compare that to the progressive platform of today.

    And Pioltx, i notice you haven't ranted about the school that forced it's students to sing songs praising islam.

    Why the double standards?

  67. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Progressivism is built on double standards.


  68. PilotX said...
    The ku klux klan was a Christian organization.

    Also a dumbocrat organization.

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Been republicans for years now after they updated the southern strategy after all not all republicans are racist but all racists are republicans

  69. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Donald Hump said...

    In truth, Islam is incompatible with any other culture, and any non-Muslim society who allows mass Muslim immigration is inviting mass conflict and bloodshed. If you look around the globe, anywhere Islam brushes up against other cultures (in Europe, Asia, and Africa) there are rivers of blood flowing in the streets.

    11:48 AM

    Well...not really. There have been Middle Easterners and Muslims living here as far back as anybody remembers.

    There are Palestinian clothing and dry goods stores in every town here. They are peaceful, respectful, decent citizens, who pay their taxes and contribute to society. Many have married P.Rcans, and there are beautiful mosques in several towns.

    The children of these marriages, if one of the parties is Christian and does not want to convert, very often learn about both religions and attend both church and mosque.
    There are no "rivers of blood flowing in the streets". :) and I pray there never will be.

    Still that does not mean that the potential for terror does not exist, because clearly it does from any influx of Syrian immigrants where there may be posing as refugees to gain entry.

  70. If only there were more secular progressives in the world (less religion/Muslims & Christians )the world would be a better place.
    Just guessing.

  71. Lilac, don't fall for the okey doke. There are lots of terrorists in this country, just as there has always been. And guess what, they are not Syrian refugees.

  72. Anonymous4:21 PM

    lilacpr2000 said...
    "Well...not really. There have been Middle Easterners and Muslims living here as far back as anybody remembers."

    But not very many. In 2007, there were over 5,000 Muslims residing in Puerto Rico, representing about 0.10% of the population. Once the Muslim population reaches 10% of a country, things change dramatically. Ask the French.

  73. James Bold4:22 PM

    "Hate may be a legitimate emotion, but it is very destructive to the hater and the ones hated. No good comes from it."

    Then tell Black people to stop hating Whites.  Apologize and atone for the vicious hate crimes like the shooting of baby Antonio Angel Santiago in his stroller and the rape-murders of Brittney Watts, Amanda Blackburn and Anne Pressley (to list just a handful).

    We know you won't.  You are hate machines; the only thing you find "unjust" is when your behavior gets you a full measure of hate in return.  Despite every other race on earth having learned to hate you for your behavior, you cry "racism!" and "why me?"  What this says is that you're also stupid.

    H.P. Lovecraft had your number back in 1912.

    "There are lots of terrorists in this country, just as there has always been."

    You mean, like the Times Square bomber?  Muslim immigrant.

    "And guess what, they are not Syrian refugees."

    That's because there haven't BEEN any significant number of Syrian refugees here until recently, and most of those were Christians fleeing Islam.  We know about Muslim immigrants, and Americans don't want any more—refugees or not.

    I notice that Wayne hasn't left the "terrorist-ridden" USA for Jamaica.  Maybe it's because Jamaica is substantially ruled by drug gangs which make the occasional American terrorist look like a little old White lady by comparison.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      White people criticizing black people about morals and racism is so stupid. You don't see Jews allowing Nazis to teach their children Or dictate their history or claim the higher ground on racist behavior they invented

  74. field negro said...
    Lilac, don't fall for the okey doke

    In other words, don't trust your own eyes and pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

    Progressive lies are the sweetest.

  75. "That's because there haven't BEEN any significant number of Syrian refugees here until recently, and most of those were Christians fleeing Islam. We know about Muslim immigrants, and Americans don't want any more—refugees or not."

    Hate Fact!

  76. James Bold has significant problems brought on by his own insecurities due to emotional issues.

    I notice James didn't talk about the Boston Marathon bombers who looked like he does.

    For the record, Wayne had a very nice life in Jamaica. :)

    And all the "drug gangs" don't seem to discourage the hundreds of thousands of tourists from America who has flocked to that drug gang infested country over the years.

  77. Pssst, memo to Bill, those dems are now republicans. They switched after the "Southern Strategy", remember? Or does being a right wing-nut prevent u from being able to use your brain?

  78. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Please, JOSH, love my feelings (JOSH love my feelings)

    The ego on this guy. Jeez.

    1:32 PM

    JOSH has a big ego: narcissistic, satanic, and racist to the core in nature. He, like Lucifer, will never change.

  79. field negro said...
    I notice James didn't talk about the Boston Marathon bombers who looked like he does.

    You do the Boston Marathon bombers were Muslim refugees, right?

  80. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Mr Field, "And all the "drug gangs" don't seem to discourage the hundreds of thousands of tourists from America who has flocked to that drug gang infested country over the years."

    Mr Field, the more I reflect on your comment, the more I realize the depth and truth of your statement. I have been to Jamaica several times for vacation, enjoyment and good weed. There is no finer place for an American like me to go to.

    BTW, I am White. One time I got so high I was trying to weave my straight hair into dreadlocks. It didn't turn out so well. Oh why am I trying to turned out totally fucked up. But man, that weed was the best I have ever had.

    James Bold, you really should travel and broaden your horizons. It might diminish your "color arousal", if that's possible.

  81. field negro said...
    "Pssst, memo to Bill, those dems are now republicans."

    But when they were in Klan, they were democrats.

  82. It's not possible. James is too deep into his color arousal issues.


  83. field negro said...
    Pssst, memo to Bill, those dems are now republicans. They switched after the "Southern Strategy", remember? Or does being a right wing-nut prevent u from being able to use your brain?

    A couple questions...

    Of all the dumbocrats that voted against the civil rights bill, how many switched parties?
    Why didn't the most hateful and vocal (byrd/gore) ever switch parties? Did a lifetime of hate for Blacks disappear overnight?

    Why were Blacks voting overwhelmingly dumbocrat before the parties switched?

    I look forward to you educating me on this.

  84. ctrl+halt+del5:15 PM

    "Pizza shop owner Maher Khalil emigrated from Palestine 15 years ago."

    Poor Maher. He has obviously been whitewashed. He's lucky all he had to give up was some baklava.

  85. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    It's not possible. James is too deep into his color arousal issues.

    5:11 PM
    My goodness, it sounds hopeless for poor James. Well, when it's hopeless some people start thinking about the unthinkable. However, I have never heard of a racist redneck offing himself over being a racist.

    This would be some interesting research for someone to check out: How many rednecks committed suicide after learning they were racists?

    Or did they just go out and buy a brand new kkk outfit and celebrate?

    Mr Field, this is the kind of information we need to 'understand' the mind of a racist like James Bold. This could be the missing link in abolishing racism in America.

    I wonder how much the research would cost? Do you think it would be too prohibitive in tax payer money to find out?

  86. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Donald Hump said...
    field negro said...
    Lilac, don't fall for the okey doke

    In other words, don't trust your own eyes and pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

    Progressive lies are the sweetest.

    4:23 PM

    And I disagree with him :) I'm entitled. Wait till I tell you what I saw yesterday!

    Donald that avatar! AHAHAHAAA! Poor duck! Got a good laugh outta that one!

  87. James Bold12:20 AM

    "I notice James didn't talk about the Boston Marathon bombers who looked like he does."

    Funny, they don't look like Americans to me.  Do all White people look the same to you, Wayne?  Are we just one objectivized mass from your vantage point of Blackness?  That would explain a lot.

    "And all the "drug gangs" don't seem to discourage the hundreds of thousands of tourists from America who has flocked to that drug gang infested country over the years."

    Well, Wayne my friend, the fact that Jamaica has a special Tourism Courtesy Corps which keeps un-vetted locals (including crooks) away from tourists might have a little something to do with that.  As the article says, "it’s probably safer for visitors than for residents."

    It continues, "Over the years, visitors have been targets of robberies, some have been killed.... it’s the stranglehold of violent crime, one that successive governments seem powerless to break, that has prompted several countries to issue travel advisories cautioning their citizens to be on the alert in Jamaica."  Where's all this violent crime in Jamaica coming from?  I'll bet your answer has "White privilege" in it somewhere.

    "James is too deep into his color arousal issues."

    Perhaps (White) Suzanne Hogan and (White) Kristy Lynn Mitchell would not have been killed by (Black) Zebulum Lael James had they been more "color aroused" and taken action to hide from his murderous hate.  But you can bury their names along with them, because a Black man murdering random White women does not make the national news and is never, ever considered cause for riots, protests or even marches.

    A "White Lives Matter" hashtag campaign for Hogan and Mitchell would be instantly branded "racist" and any identifiable posters fired from their jobs.

    "This could be the missing link in abolishing racism in America."

    You could end the hate, stop blaming Whitey for your failures and start working on self-improvement.  Here Whitey goes and gives Mr. James a slot in a civil engineering program (a practice invented by Whites and given to the world for free) and Whitey is repaid with multiple murders.  Until Blacks stop the murders and rapes and condemn all calls to violence and demands for "equality" without merit, you'll justly be condemned as racists.  Civilization isn't a natural resource; you have to build it and maintain it carefully.  So long as you condemn everyone who tries to stop you from tearing it down as "racist", you'll earn every eye-roll, every snort of disgust, and every "I've got somewhere to be" dismissal you get.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      You have no life and really assume people read your long winded racist i am really lonely tirades

  88. The Fixer3:50 AM

    Whites are dangerous. It IS a statement about the character of the white person. The ideology he ascribes to compels him to commit acts of violence aagainst Blacks.

    There, fixed it.

  89. James Bold still smells like his mom's rotten cootch3:52 AM

    because a Black man murdering random White women does not make the national news and is never, ever considered cause for riots, protests or even marches.

    Doesn't happen. Most rapes of white women are perpetrated by white men. Look into a mirror once in a while asshole.

  90. The Fixer3:53 AM

    Until whites stop the murders and rapes and condemn all calls to violence and demands for "equality" without merit, you'll justly be condemned as racists.

    There, fixed it.

  91. James Bold smells like his mom's rotten cootch4:05 AM

    because a Black man murdering random White women does not make the national news and is never, ever considered cause for riots, protests or even marches.

    Doesn't happen. Most rapes and murders of white women are perpetrated by white men. Look into a mirror once in a while asshole.

  92. James Bold still smells like his mom's rotten cootch4:08 AM

    civil engineering program (a practice invented by Whites and given to the world for free)

    Bullshit. Civilizations older than your cave dwelling inbred ancestors were building shit while your type was still smelling each others' assholes. You are one dumb mother fucker.

  93. James Bold still smells like his mom's rotten cootch4:26 AM

    "Civil Engineering has been an aspect of life since the beginnings of human existence. The earliest practices of Civil engg may have commenced between 4000 and 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (Ancient Iraq) when humans started to abandon a nomadic existence, thus causing a need for the construction of shelter. During this time, transportation became increasingly important leading to the development of the wheel and sailing.

    Until modern times there was no clear distinction between civil engg and architecture, and the term engineer and architect were mainly geographical variations referring to the same person, often used interchangeably. The construction of Pyramids in Egypt (circa 2700-2500 BC) might be considered the first instances of large structure constructions."

  94. Lt. Commander Johnson5:29 AM

    Queen, please enlighten me as to the definition of your sobriquet of the day, "Whooteemoos"

    Google doesn't have it.


  95. Lt. Commander Johnson6:22 AM

    Webster's doesn't have it either.

  96. Lt., it's probably her attempt to use some sort of biology terminology. She cannot, of course. She gets it woefully wrong and then pulls the AAVE card. "Sometime I be use plural 'n sheeet, foo. Dun b waciss."

  97. Lt. Commander Johnson1:02 PM

    Maybe it's some secret ghetto code word.

  98. Lt. Commander Retard3:23 PM

    Or maybe dumb assed white racists like Johnson only know basic three letter words. If you go beyond cat and dog he gets confused.

  99. Lt. Commander Johnson5:15 PM

    Wow, That was a good answer to my question, you fucking ape.

  100. James Bold7:05 PM

    The stupidity of you people never ceases to make me laugh.

    "Doesn't happen. Most rapes of white women are perpetrated by white men."

    In 2005, 33.6% of the rapists of White women were Black... and 0.0% of the rapists of Black women were White.  This data has been deleted from the FBI website along with much more, in order to bury the evidence against your "community".

    Not even rapists want your women.  Truth hurts, doesn't it?

    "Until whites stop the murders and rapes and condemn all calls to violence and demands for "equality" without merit, you'll justly be condemned as racists."

    Fine.  Give us an all-White country so you won't be "oppressed" any more.  You can go to all-Black countries where you won't have to put up with Arabs, Indians or Chinese looking at you funny.

    "Civilizations older than your cave dwelling inbred ancestors were building shit while your type was still smelling each others' assholes."

    And those civilizations, from Sumer and Minos on up, were created by people you'd call White.  Meanwhile, and despite examples and know-how from both Arab and European cultures, vast numbers of Africans in Africa still live in mud huts.

    You are so dumb you're hilarious.

  101. "White people criticizing black people about morals and racism is so stupid. You don't see Jews allowing Nazis to teach their children..."

    Ah, so a white person is the equivalent of Nazi? You don't have to pledge your allegiance to National Socialism? You don't have to join up with the SS? You don't have to participate in the murder of 6 million Jews and an estimated 5 million other ethnic minorities? To be just like a Nazi, all you have to be is white!

    Keep being the fair-minded, non-judgmental people who are just sick of being victims and wanting equal treatment.

    "Why they hate me? 'Cause I black? I dindu nuffin!"

    Yeah, there's no reason white folks may be sick of the shit. None at all!

    Born white = Nazi

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Since when has logic dictated any wisdom in allowing your open enemy teach your history to you or your children. And the only non white Nazi was a figment of Dave chappelle's imagination. And please put up the whole quote in its proper context. Cause this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine

  102. Yeah. Because the full context of your quote doesn't change the fact that you're comparing all white people to Nazis; you feel it just justifies your doing so. And you wouldn't want anyone to think that you believe all white people all equivalent to Nazis just because they were born white, unless you have the justification to believe such -- like painting all white people as the enemy of black people.

    The last sentence is telling. The most horrid bigots in the history of humanity have always seemed to be religious. That "good book" is very actionable.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      As I said based on the deeds of white people they have no credibility or right teaching black people especially children white supremacy or spew any advice on racist behavior they invented

  103. Yep. Because no white people ever stood against slavery, fought against it, fought for black rights and against Jim Crow, and no white people in America today are for black rights or equality. None. At all. Zero.

    ALL white people are white supremacists who are literal Nazis and hate blacks. White people invented racism because without whites we don't have science, and without science we don't have "races," and without races we don't have racism.

    Every single evil that has ever happened in the world, is happening in the world, and will happen in the world, is the fault of white people.

    Blacks: DINFU NUFFIN!

    Whites: Hitler, all

  104. James Bold6:30 PM

    Sarcasm and satire are lost on them, Josh.

    This is part of what makes them funny, in a sad "how could anyone this dumb manage to get through a normal day?" kind of way.
