Saturday, November 21, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.

Example: I changed my mind; I don't want to come to America anymore.

*Pic from by Ben Rhodes/ @rhodes44


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    POTUS: Hehehe, I've never seen a boy wearing a hijab before...

    Young man: We must be modest, because girls here in America are too aggressive.

  2. Wesley R8:05 PM

    Fox News: Just look at our Terrorist President.

  3. Obama's meeting with the new president of CAIR seems to have gone well.


    Now, for your imaginary pleasures, I present to you the one and only king of rock-n-roll, Elvis Presley, singing his song to the touchy-feely anons...

    You won't submit to me, anymore it seems, when I cry
    Either do what I say, or I swear that I'll suicide
    I've tried so hard not to break down lately
    But, dammit; I just cannot take it!

    You need to guard my feelings
    Oh, my precious feelings
    Please, JOSH, respect my feelings
    'Cause they're strong, strong, strong
    Whoa, oh, oh...

    Now no deference from you, I feel for my feels, when I plead
    You just say, "Man up. Own your shit," but that's not what I need
    So mean not to baby a grown-up
    I can't even... I just want to throw up

    You need to guard my feelings
    Oh, my precious feelings
    Please, JOSH, respect my feelings
    'Cause they're strong, strong, strong
    I just can't go on
    Whoa, oh, oh...

  4. KINKYCON9:05 PM

    POTUS to little kid-

    I am Muslm too. I was born in Kenya.

    Little kid to POTUS-

    When i grow up i want to be president just like you. Only i don't want my wife to be chubby and have a big ass.

  5. Anonymous9:30 PM

    President Barack Hussein Obama: I really hate America.

    Lil' Terrorist: So do I. The service is terrible.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: I'm so glad you are here.

    Lil' Terrorist: I am going to kill many, many Americans when I grow up.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Inshallah.

    Lil' Terrorist: Motherfuckers.

  6. Lance Cockstrong10:13 PM

    Don't go in the bathroom dressed like that if Ted Cruz is in there.

  7. Anonymous10:15 PM

    POTUS: So what are you painting?

    Young boy: It's black and rectangular, I'll let you guess!

  8. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I know, that's terrible! But hey, all's fair in love and war! And this is Saturday caption this picture WAR!!!!

  9. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Boy: When are you going to leave America and come here to teach?

    POTUS: Soon, little fellow, soon.

  10. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I've had it with JOSH. He is a bonafide ass. The man is writing poems to anons. That is some weird shit.

    Something has to done about him.

  11. B: Ha, our plan is working brilliantly! Soon they will all praise the one Almighty Allah and we'll rule the world. Good thing they didn't figure out I am a secret Kenyan Muslim.

    Kid: Great boss. One day I hope to be like you and have a wife with a big ol booty!

  12. NihilistX11:32 PM

    PilotX: Not really anti-religion, just anti-Christian.

  13. Anonymous11:35 PM

    WOW! That Josh is really good. I like the poem. This guy doesn't have a racist bone in his body.

  14. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I am sick of some of you Negroes messing with loving Christians. What's with you mean-spirited nuts?

  15. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Kid: I used to take science class, but one time, I tried to build a clock and everyone freaked out and the police came. Now I am only permitted to take art class. I draw lots of planes going into buildings, just to piss them off.

  16. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Kid: Yes, this scarf is made from a special racism-blocking material. I can only hear about 50% of the words that come out of Republicans' mouths. Donald Trump is completely silent to me.

  17. Anonymous12:07 AM

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Gotta say that babushka kind of makes you look like a bitch.

    Lil' Terrorist: Some day, I'm gonna bend your daughter over like a bitch

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Do I need to call the Secret Service over here?

    Lil' Terrorist: Right, I'm a Muslim, you can't touch me.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Touche.

    Lil' Terrorist: I was just kidding about your daughter, I'd rather fuck a goat than a black chick.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Me too.

    Lil' Terrorist: Like all the women in Fundamentally Changed America, your daughters will have to wear a burka and have a clitorectomy. They will expected to have at least 10 Muslim babies.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Inshallah.

    Lil' Terrorist: Motherfuckers.

  18. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Obama: I agree with you. Some of those mutated animals in the Hunger Games movies are pretty scary!

    But in my country, those creatures are not what people fear the most. I personally know 31 governors who, if you say words like "mosque" or "halal," will wet themselves and run away in terror.

  19. Anonymous12:48 AM

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Did you hear what Hillary said yesterday?

    Lil' Terrorist: Of course the fuck not.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: She said "Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism".

    Lil' Terrorist: Ha Ha Ha Ha!

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Hee Hee Hee Hee!

    Lil' Terrorist: Ha Ha Ha Ha!

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Hee Hee Hee Hee!

    Lil' Terrorist: Ha Ha Ha Ha!

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Hee Hee Hee Hee!

    Lil' Terrorist: Ha Ha Ha Ha!

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Whew. I think I wet my pants just a little.

    Lil' Terrorist: That bitch sure is something. An old, senile, piano-legged lesbian under investigation by the FBI. And she is going to be President!

    President Barack Hussein Obama: It's not that difficult, really. Once the media picks you, you're in.

    Lil' Terrorist: We could never conquer the West without people like her. And you, you twisted cocksucker. You progressive degenerates are priceless!

    President Barack Hussein Obama: We do our part.

    Lil' Terrorist: You're almost done.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Inshallah.

    Lil' Terrorist: Motherfuckers.

  20. "Yes, about 47% of Americans are bigots, but the rest are pretty good people."

  21. @ Whitey: So you are saying we only need to kill about 150 million Americans?

  22. Anonymous1:26 AM

    The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim. If a Muslim is not murdering innocents and raping children, he does not take his religion seriously.

  23. Anonymous3:48 AM

    NihilistX: not fully retarded, just a little slow.

  24. Anon, relax. I can't peek into Field's mind, but I have a sneaking suspicion he realizes who the daddy troll is and who the baby trolls are. ;)

  25. Anonymous4:17 AM

  26. This should be good4:23 AM

  27. Lt. Commander Johnson4:43 AM

    "Example: I changed my mind; I don't want to come to America anymore. "

    Fine. Take you and your faggot, goat humping relatives back home, where it's more conducive to your loving way of life. Don't waste your time here.

  28. Lt. Commander Johnson5:16 AM

    BTW...all these "immigrants" , who are so poor & helpless...where do they seem to get the money to find their way here? How much does a plane ticket cost from the Middle East to the US?

    you answer that, field.

    How about those "immigrants from Minneapolis?

    Are US taxpayers paying for their fares to get to our shores

  29. Anonymous6:26 AM

    "My people used to put your people in chains. Now you are president. Is crazy world, no?"

  30. Anonymous6:35 AM

    BONGO LIPS: "I did everything I could to ensure you primitive, scum-sucking, camel-raping barbarian throwbacks would be welcome in the USA. So please try not to blow anything up in the next 12 months, OK? It would reflect on poorly on my boss, Hillary."

    ISIS CUBSCOUT: "You will lick my boots someday, Kaffir!"

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Wow! America really is great. And you're so cool, Mr. President :-)

  33. Anon@11:45, is th e leader so far. Lance Cockstrong @10:13 a very close second.
    HM to lilac @10:15. :)

  34. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Obama-Have you ever meet a leader of a country?

    KID-No sir, only on tv.

    Obama-Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

  35. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Anon@11:45, is th e leader so far. Lance Cockstrong @10:13 a very close second.
    HM to lilac @10:15. :)

    7:58 AM
    Mr Field, I'm wondering if you meant to say Anon@11:35 and not 11:45? did you make a mistake?

  36. ctrl+halt+del10:35 AM

    "Anna, what a pretty name!" "It used to be Anah before it was whitewashed."

  37. ctrl+halt+del11:03 AM

    President Obama: One day you too can be President.
    Anna: Screw that. I want to be the NFL Commissioner.

  38. Lance Cockstrong11:32 AM

    My job? I pardon turkeys on Thanksgiving. That's all the Republicans will let me do.

  39. Anonymous3:49 PM

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Black women in America are raped from childhood, almost exclusively by men from their own homes and neighborhoods.

    Lil' Terrorist: Women are raped because they are free.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Explain.

    Lil' Terrorist: There is no such thing as rape in Islam. A woman is the property of her father or husband. Her violation by another is theft, a crime against the owner.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: The problem in the black community is not rape, but fatherlessness, and fatherlessness is a recent phenomenon caused by female emancipation.

    Lil' Terrorist: Which is the absolute opposite of my system.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Children in the black community are not fatherless by rape, but by hypergamy, not fatherless by male lust but by female lust.

    Lil' Terrorist: The problem is not that the wise decisions of black females are being overruled by male rapists, but that the unwise decisions of black females are permitted.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Hmmm. Single women living alone are in effect a commons. The solution to the tragedy of the commons is to privatize it.

    Lil' Terrorist: Own them bitches and you own the future.

    President Barack Hussein Obama: Inshallah.

    Lil' Terrorist: Motherfuckers.

  40. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Black Lives Matter protester at Trump rally gets knocked down, kicked by Trump supporters in Alabama.

    Personally, as a bm, this Negro was interfering with Trump's free speech and therefore needed his fat ass kicked. Btw, I'm not sure but two of those white folks beating the brother might have been J&J.

  41. "Black Lives Matter protester at Trump rally gets knocked down, kicked by Trump supporters in Alabama"

    About time somebody starting giving these Black Lies Matter thugs what they've been asking for.

  42. "What I'd really like is to move to Canada, Mr President".

    "Me too, little brother, me too".

  43. Anonymous7:16 PM

    "Let me buy you both a ticket"

  44. Anonymous1:51 AM

    "Black Lives Matter protester at Trump rally gets knocked down, kicked by Trump supporters in Alabama."

    This is about the most predictable outcome ever.

    That must be one brave brother to decide to attend one of those hillbilly hoedowns known as a Trump rally.

  45. Lt. Commander Johnson10:53 PM

    Uh, I will be there with my peeps, as soon as I see if they've donated a new suit and Rolex to me.

  46. Lt. Commander Johnson10:56 PM

    Said Mr. Al Sharpshit Sharpton
