Thursday, November 26, 2015


TWEET ME Would love to post. But wifey says, "Stay off that damn blog!"


I'll holla at y'all tomorrow. :(


  1. What's up with Philly teams? And I thought da Bears suck. Ha!

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Field is one hen-pecked Negro.

    1. @8:41, that's why you got a dry d***.

  3. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Wha??? Whaddayamean "that damn blog"???

    Well I just beg her pardon, si vou plait!!!

    Field...never mind. I gotta go out, but I shall return!

  4. Yisheng8:57 PM

    Happy wife, happy life........ and good loving on the regular!!!!

  5. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I can't wait to hear what O'Reilly has to say about the cop killing McDonald. I bet he defends the cop.

  6. Anonymous10:09 PM

    "Would love to post. But wifey says, "Stay off that damn blog!""

    Man, that hurts. I guess the wife doesn't think much of the folks on the blog. I don't blame her. I feel the same way.

  7. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Okay, I'm back! Well, I guess The Field needs a break also! A little break from our rowdy azzes! x(

  8. Anonymous11:03 PM

    On second thought though...awww Field she just wants you all to herself tonight! x*D

  9. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I can't take all this syrupy posting. I am out of here until this holiday is long gone. I'll try back next week. If this shit is still going on, I am leaving.

    There is too much killing of Blacks to be lovie dovie. If you support BLM, you will cut out this whimpy ass shit.

    You don't see your enemies like Kinky Con, Lt Commander, James Bold and JOSH being lovie dovie do you? No! they stay on your black asses and let you know just how inferior you are. In fact, James Bold has made it clear that NOBODY LIKES BLACKS.

    You had better wake up before it's too late because there are millions of people like the black hating "4" in America.

    No bm is safe in America. WTFU!

  10. Great idea, Anon @6:04am - NOT!! This is because the loss of your voice only ends up serving as victory for the more extreme rhetoric to prevail.

    Moreove quite difficult taking seriously ALL black men, in particular, are always unsafe in America.

    But hope you will reconsider the plan to stay away until the "lovey-dovey" holiday season is over.

    Guess paving the way for fringe elements to convey narratives devoid of balance is far more effective than conveying the real hope and promise of holiday greetings and blessings...

  11. @Lila: Yes, I agree Mrs. Field wanted hubby all to herself minus the distraction of "That Damn Blog" for a change - LOL :-)

    Happy and blessed marriages empower each of us, Mr. Field... Great you and Mrs are enjoying well deserved quality time.

  12. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I totally agree Faith!

    The "stay off that damn blog" might mean he's spending waay too much time on here! Might be a good time to cut back a little ;)
