Wednesday, November 25, 2015




  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Dear Brother Field,

    Enjoy Thanksgiving. I am sure you have much to be grateful for.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, all.

    Cowboys suck
    Roar Lions
    Let's Pac-smack somebody

    And hold on to your asses for Saturday, folks. Iron Bowl. Roll TIDE! Then on to GA to play FLA, then off to the playoff, bitches, for the second year! Saban Dynasty. Bow down! Alabama privilege!

  4. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Is KFC open on Thanksgiving?

  5. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Just heard the news ... Bodymore, Murderland has just reached a very special milestone: the highest per capita murder rate in its entire history! And they owe all of that to good old Freddie "I Sell Heroin To School Kids" Gray.

    Black Lives Matter, right? Ha ha ha ha.

  6. Lt. Commander Johnson4:44 AM

    I hope you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving, field.

    A whitemoo blessing to you all.

  7. Lt. Commander Johnson5:38 AM

    Unfucking goddamn unbelievable. You sorry negroes never bring this up...much less the Knoxville Horror.

    Do you?

  8. Lt. Commander Johnson6:17 AM

    Personally, I wouldn't either if I had fell out of some tree.

    But. You are slime, considered the most animalistic race by all humanity. NO ONE likes the negroid race. Please tell us how accomplished your race has been. I understand stacking some rocks in Zimbabwe, but not much damn else. Got ships? Got wheels? Got provenance to written language? (huh huh...I always like that one)

    And, please...don't try to claim Northern Africa. The Arabs sure as hell won't. Your ancestors were from mostly Sub-Saharan Africa, especially from the West coast.

    Your "Nubian Kings & Queens makes me want to puke. That was East Africa, and the Arabs, your muslin friends and dressing advisors, lived there.

    Please feel free to the language we taught you to reply at your leisure.

    1. That's what you get, Lt., for chowing down on the turkey before the guests arrive, possibly choking on a wish bone in the process.

      Word to the wise: Thankful, happy & blessed will go a long way - even appreciating the contributions, gifts and talents of Nubian Kings & Queens...

  9. Flaws & All - America still offers much to be thankful for, especially, the Field Negro forum where our gracious host somewhat mirrors the Statue of Liberty: "Bring me your thought-provoking perspectives, no matter how contrived or outlandish..."

    Wishing Mr. Field, fellow posters and loved ones a safe, healthy, blessed and joyous Thanksgiving :-)

  10. Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson8:25 AM

    Faith and Fairness,

    I hope you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving as well.

    BUT. I notice you ignore my questions.

    Why oh why, could that be?

    (I wasn't even sure a turkey had a wish bone...I only eat breast meat)

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson8:43 AM

    But, you know, Faith and Fairness, we all give thanks, even for the simplest of things. I honestly didn't know turkeys had wish bones. We always had a couple of chickens, and a ham on thanksgiving..(my father died when I was 4, and my mother worked, and cooked to support five kids).

    1. @the dear Lt.: Never ceases to amaze me the interesting stories that abound in this forum. Very sad losing a parent at such a young age, for which I'm sure you treasure what memories you have.

      And for a ha-ha moment... How radical we both enjoy the breast meat!! Guess the paths of progressives and conservatives can venture into shared preferences after all :-)

      As for a reply to your question of the moment, must say doing so amounts to time better spent enjoying the holiday, especially as you've pretty much determined the historical facts supporting your understanding of Black/African contributions.

      In fact, if lucky enough to break off the bigger half of the wish bone, I will wish for Enlightenment :-)

      Enjoy the day!!

  14. Lt. Commander Johnson9:33 AM

    Yes F & F.,

    I have very few memories of my father, and the ones that I do seem stupid or imagined. I was only 4.

    I agree. God bless you and yours.

    We can argue later:)

  15. Are you guys on vacation again???

    No wonder you people don't run the world anymore, too busy putting your feet up, trying to eat an inedible bird, and drinking vapid, tasteless beer.

  16. Anonymous11:04 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Are you guys on vacation again???

    No wonder you people don't run the world anymore, too busy putting your feet up, trying to eat an inedible bird, and drinking vapid, tasteless beer.

    10:24 AM

    I agree! Specially the inedible bird ugh!
    The vapid tasteless beer,not so much ;)

  17. Lt. Commander Johnson11:48 AM

    You faggots can have a taste of my inedible dick....I know how to shove it down into your gullet. I hope some of your muslim bastard assholes stick a bomb up your ass.


  18. Gotta love dumbocrats...

    President Obama Compares Syrian Refugees to Mayflower Pilgrims

    It seems like just last year dumbocrats were talking about how the pilgrims slaughtered the Indians and stole their land.

    Funny how Indian killers are now something to emulate.

  19. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Instead of wishbones, do you guys break KFC drumsticks on Thanksgiving? And instead of stuffing and gravy, do you guys have chitlins and cone-bread? And what kind of pie do you have for dessert? Pumpkin ... or watermelon?

    (Sigh.) I wish I was black. It sounds so ... vibrant.

  20. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Ahahahaa! Gotta laugh! that's why I love this site!

    Turkey,dicks,bombs,refugees,Indians,beer and blessings, all on the same page!

    A little something for everyone! xD

    Nobody's mentioned pumpkin pie though? How come?

  21. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Ooops! ya beat me too t! Just saw the pumpkin pie reference


    You guys make my day, I swear!!!

  22. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Now all we need is for Field to chime in with his dry humour!

    But I bet he's too busy drinking some o' that "stale beer" ahahahaha!

    No, I bet he's helping out in the kitchen with the fixins, 'cos i know he likes to do that, put his two cents in to get everything just right!


  23. Anonymous12:49 PM

    "But. You are slime, considered the most animalistic race by all humanity. NO ONE likes the negroid race. Please tell us how accomplished your race has been."

    Lord have mercy. This ragged good for nothing murdering chicago cop albino has the nerve to call somebody "animalistic". How messed up is that?


  24. The NRA thanks Obama for his signature...

    On Wednesday, November 25, the President signed S. 1356, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 into law. Included in the bill were some very important pro-gun provisions that represent the culmination of long-term efforts by your NRA to advance Second Amendment right at the federal level.

    Eliminates the threat of the EPA banning lead ammo because of the environment.
    Reauthorizes the government to sell military pistols.
    Allows the military to carry on military bases.

    Does Obama read what he signs?

  25. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Chicago is an evil town, and even more demonic on the south side. Anyone who lives Chicago without the means to move elsewhere knows exactly what I'm talking about.

    1. Chicago's a great town if you know your way around. Give a ring if you come here and I'll show you all the happenings.

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson1:51 PM

    My goodness, anon. Suddenly now, I'm the cop that busted 16 rounds of 9MM into that PCP freaked out negro? And I'm Albino? (I have to have a talk with my mother, who resides in Parchman Prison)

    Look up the Wichita Massacre, or the Knoxville Horror, and get back to me.

    You'll find all the damn ANIMALISTIC you need.

    Will you comment on these sadistic killings?

    I don't damn think so. The media surely didn't want to.

    So...go the fuck away.

  27. Anonymous2:04 PM

    you shouldn't talk to anon that way on thanksgiving you piece of shit.

  28. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Field, i hope you will consider banning some these racist to the core assholes like Lt Commander, JOSH, and James Bold. People like them have got to go.

    Any consideration on this matter will be greatly appreciated.

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson2:15 PM

    I'll try to be more polite, you anonymous piece of shit. How about you show
    your ass, and quit being a Anon.

    Never mind. Stay in your closet, you Down-Low Bro.

  30. Lt. Commander Johnson2:22 PM

    BTW, Anon...what have I opined on this thread as being "racist"?

    Besides being crap you don't like or understand?

  31. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Boys! Boys! Now,now,now! pleease, let's try to be at least civil on this day, before a gunfight breaks out!!! x*D

    Maan I just love this site! Oh yeah! it takes the place of those family gatherings with all the f______ drama that always happens, and the snide comments from 'supposedly' loving relatives!

    Hahahaa! Oh yeah, I'll be tuning in aaalll the live long day! 'cos here, I can just walk away from the computer without having to actually slap somebody down! Oh yeah, I prefer this anytime!

    Carry on...but no gunfire pleeese!

  32. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I meant without 'wanting' to slap somebody the hell down! Hehehe

    'cos I'm too refined and ladylike to actually engage in physical violence :)

    But don't push me though...

  33. Lt. Commander Johnson2:46 PM

    Lilac, sweetheart...I tried to be nice.

    I have to try and defend myself, once attacked.

  34. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Awww, I know sweetie! It's happened to me too!

    Once during a heated discussion, I just lost it and I grabbed that never mind,it's not important. Just don't worry, believe me I understand.

    Have some food and, no but no drinks, 'cos,um, just no...

  35. :Field, i hope you will consider banning some these racist to the core assholes like Lt Commander, JOSH..."

    The level of moron here grows on a daily basis. We're now past level 9000. Field, I apologize profusely for my racist comments before about the Alabama Crimson Tide. I should realize that, somewhere in America, there's a black 20-something who, because of the cruel irony of hive mind, believes that he was literally a slave in Alabama and that he can feel 400 years of oppression as he sits in a comfortable chair, inside a heated home, using the fucking Internet in a first-world nation. It's this type of sophistry and mysticism I never take into account when I just flippantly shout "ROLL TIDE," not realizing the oppression I'm imposing upon the poor black victims.

    I need to understand their FEELINGS and that my being born wrong and daring to live in the world is causing them extreme emotional stress for which I'm obviously to blame.

  36. Anonymous3:17 PM

    lt. commander johnson is a pale, inbred little dick white piece of shit with penis envy. Probably short too. Go figure.

  37. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Shut the fuck up pale josh, no one gives a fuck what you think. Choke on a dick you honky.

  38. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Pilot dear, um...let's not open up that can of beans shall we? ;)

    Why don't we just talk about..oh..Hawaii for instance,um on second thought no, not Hawaii! um...oh...*rack my brain,rack my brain*...the moon! Yes let's talk about how lovely the moon is, I think it's full tonight also!

    and what are everybody's thoughts on the moon? :)

  39. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Chicago is a town where the police will shoot you at least 10 times and then 9 more times after you are on the ground bleeding to death.

    FYI, headlines across America and the world labels Chicago as the most dangerous city on earth for Blacks, Latinos and Muslims.

    But I understand you live there and you live on the South Side which is even more dangerous to Blacks. You must hate your peeps considering you can't even dignify them with their proper name. Don't you call them what the GOP labels them? "blahs"

    I used to live in Chicago. It's not a good place to live for Blacks.

    1. Like I said, give a call if you come here. You'll have a good time anon 3:57.
      The gop calls us blahs? I did not know that. Interesting.

  40. Anonymous3:59 PM

    "and what are everybody's thoughts on the moon? :)"

    3:54 PM
    F--- the moon.

  41. Happy Thanksgiving! Keep lambasting those turkeys and knock the stuffing out of them.

  42. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Anon, for the first time I am ashamed to be an anon, thanks to you. There has got to be a change of policy at Anon, Inc since Mr Field sees no problem with Anons.

    Of course, Lt Commander, James Bold and JOSH are even worse!

    I'm changing my name from anon to desert fox, if Lilac will give approval.:)

  43. Anonymous4:07 PM

    My God, what kind of blog is this? It's almost unreal but I must assume that humans are posting this shit.

    Wow, Field needs to do a post on the nature of human beings. It's eff'd up.

  44. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Oh my! This is escalating!

    *worriedly wringing hands*

    'Knock the stuffing out of the turkey'? That just doesn't sound quite Thanksgivinny somehow...oh dear...

    and yes Anon 4:04 go right ahead, as I am Lilac now.

  45. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Thank you Lilac, you are a most gracious person. You are not like those animals and idiots like Josh and Lt Commander.....JOSH

  46. Anonymous4:47 PM

    this blog is outrageous. can someone tell me why it gets so many hits?

  47. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Thank you Lilac, you are a most gracious person. You are not like those animals and idiots like Josh and Lt Commander.....JOSH

    4:38 PM

    Awwww shucks! :) I know right? xD you're so sweet, have another piece of pie, your flavor of choice ;)

  48. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Is anybody going to the Thanksgiving sales?

    People here have been lining up since early afternoon!!!

    So in the nearby mall, made a barrier so the press can't get pics of the stampede that ensues when the doors open at 12 midnight! They've put up pallets and other things to block all view of all the entrances! 'cos it gets pretty rough here!

    And the Department of Social Services is checking to see if they've brought any infants,toddlers or children to the waiting lines, to make sure none get trampled as happens every year. Woe to any parent that brought their children.

    So who's going, and whatcha gonna get? X*D

  49. Lt. Commander Johnson7:15 PM

    I prefer Pussy pie, myself. No matter the topping.

    After all, it's all pink on the inside,,,,,amirite?

  50. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Hahaha! Oh dear, oh dear,dear,dear,dear,dear! No,no,no Lt. we don't have that kind of pie,no...Just no.

    There's the regular kinds, you know pumpkin, coconut custard, cherry, and apple!

    Oy, incorrigible!

  51. Lance Cockstrong8:11 PM

    @Faith and Fairness 7:30AM -

    Well said my friend! Unlike right wing "forums" where their idea of a debate is if they shut you up they win the debate. And if a shit shower of abuse won't shut you up then they just censorshit you.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Peace On Earth!
    Hapenis Is Cuming!

  52. Miles Pecker8:15 PM

    Wishing everyone a White Thanksgiving, where your family gets together (even daddy), enjoys some good home cooking, and nobody gets shot.

  53. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Wishing everyone a White Thanksgiving, where your family gets together (even daddy), enjoys some good home cooking, and nobody gets shot.

    8:15 PM
    They say that the family is the most dangerous place to be on Thanksgiving.

  54. You Know Who9:40 PM

    Wishing everyone a White Thanksgiving, where your family gets together (even daddy), enjoys some good home cooking, and nobody gets shot but dies of fucking boredom wishing someone would shoot them.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  55. Anonymous9:59 PM

    ROFLMAO! @ You Know Who

  56. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Smack my head!!! Lawd ha' mercy! x)
