Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Donald's America.

Image result for laquan mcdonald image    I just watched  a video of yet another African American man being shot to death by someone who is supposed to be in a position of authority. This is becoming an all too familiar theme in our country. I bet you wouldn't have to tell the officer who executed Laquan McDonald that white lives matter.

Anyway, he is being charged with first degree murder, so it seems that we are making some progress, although it took over a year for us to be able to view the video tape. (TY Craig Futterman)

 This is the climate in which Donald Trump (and his handlers) have chosen to turn up his racist rhetoric and  let his minions loose on all those who disagree with him. So while some folks in the majority population continue to worry about Syrian refugees committing acts of terror, I will worry about the men and women who are sworn to protect us----- men and women who wear uniforms and bulletproof vests, catching a sudden case of "color arousal" at the wrong time.

Speaking of the aforementioned Mr. Trump, here is another cut and paste worthy article about his antics of late:

"We’re now on day two of the latest media controversy to engulf Donald Trump, namely his insistence that he personally saw footage that featured “thousands” of American Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11. For a time, Dr. Ben Carson even backed up Trump’s delusion by claiming that he had also seen the footage, a claim that was subsequently retracted by his campaign. For two days now, the media has been parsing Trump’s claim, which he now supports with an unsourced paragraph in an old Washington Post article that describes “law enforcement authorities” questioning people who were “allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops.”

The controversy is obviously a big deal to the media, and even has some predicting that this could be the thing that finally puts a dent in Trump’s poll numbers. On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski predicted that this could really hurt Trump:

'This is what could really hurt Trump. I mean if — he’s got to be smart and strong and correct, and if he’s not correct, when push comes to shove people will coalesce around a different candidate.'
This is hilarious on so many levels, starting with the notion that being “correct” means anything to Republican voters, who lap up GOP candidates’ weird fantasies like kittens with a saucer of milk. In this case, though, the media is blinding itself to the fact that Trump’s claim has more then enough truthiness to give him the cover he needs.

That old WaPo report, it has to be said, is pure bullshit. The reporters who wrote it have since said that they were unable to verify the allegation, but no one has questioned them on where it came from in the first place. Based on the lack of attribution, the only possibilities are that it was from some law enforcement source who insisted on deep background attribution (not likely given the broad nature of the claim), or it was from residents and/or local political figures who claimed knowledge of the incidents.
In any case, in the weeks following the attacks, literally everyone I ran into in New Jersey had a story about how they had personally seen the FBI or the cops raid their local convenience store/gas station/other business that happened to be owned by brown people, and that they knew for a fact the people scooped up in the raid had been plotting against America. People were scared shitless, and talking out of their asses.

For some reason, though, none of the coverage of Trump’s remarks has included the footage that Trump was probably talking about, footage that every American either saw or heard about that day and was deeply traumatized by. While still reeling from the tragedy, Fox News viewers got to see this footage of Palestinians allegedly celebrating the attacks:

Appearing when it did, this footage gave many Americans a distorted view of Muslim reaction to the attacks, which was, in fact, widespread condemnation. It is perhaps out of concern for this sort of distorted impression that media outlets are now reluctant to replay that footage, but it bears direct relevance to the political price Trump will pay for his current campaign of lies. To the Americans who matter to Trump, the resentful Republican base and low-information independents, Trump’s conflation of this footage with that unsourced WaPo report will be seen as a forgivable transgression at worst, and at best, something that feels true.

What I find even more bizarre about this current controversy is the immense gulf between coverage of Trump’s bogus 9/11 memories and the balls-out anti-black racism he displayed almost simultaneously. There may or may not have been people celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers on 9/11, but the racist tweet Trump sent out this weekend was definitively a lie, definitively racist, and yet became a one-day footnote to the 9/11 story.
Some have correctly expressed concern that Trump’s 9/11 story could lead to violence against Muslims, but his supporters’ anti-black sentiments have already led to violence against at least one black man. Tweeting that black people are doing all of the murdering would seem to be at least as problematic, and orders of magnitude more racist, yet it has been treated as a sideline. Only Bill O’Reilly has managed to press Trump about it, and even then, it was only to warn him that it might give people an excuse to falsely believe that racism is even a thing.

To her credit, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow became one of the very few media figures who has even been willing to use the word “racist” to describe Trump’s tweet on Monday night’s show, but even that was a small part of an 18-minute segment on the 9/11 story. The rest of the media is apparently allergic to calling Trump’s tweet “racist” and a “lie” in equal measure, instead often referring to the completely fabricated statistics from a made-up source “questionable.” No, people, “slugging percentage” and “QB rating” are questionable statistics, these are lies.

As outrageous as Trump’s lies are, I find the media’s treatment of them even more of an outrage, because Trump has no duty to serve the public. Apparently, the media doesn’t think it does, either, or at least not that segment of the public." [Article]

*Pic from chicagotribune.com taken by Zbigniew Bzdak



  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    There is also the amusing lie Trump told about personally -- not on TV -- seeing people jumping out of the World Trade Center on 9/11 ... from his home several miles away from the site.

    This is in "I can see Russia from my house!" territory. Only that was the Tina Fey satire version of Sarah Palin, whereas this is the real Trump. The Donald requires no satirist; he is a living, breathing self-parody.

    It's not really reasonable to expect journalists to keep up with him. At this point, he's just spewing a constant stream of bullshit. The media can't address one bigoted lie before he's on to the next.


  2. The FieldNegro said...
    This is becoming an all too familiar theme in our country.


    The pattern continues.

  3. Wesley R10:02 PM

    Trump is lying. How could he see anything when he was hiding out with Dick Cheney in a bunker?

    In Chicago, Rahm Emanuel was trying to block the release of the tape of the police officer shooting and Black Folks still support him. How crazy is that?

  4. Anonymous10:07 PM

    "In Chicago, Rahm Emanuel was trying to block the release of the tape of the police officer shooting and Black Folks still support him. How crazy is that?"

    it's no crazier than Black Folks supporting Obama. This Prez has done nothing for Blacks. In fact, he has made our lives even worse.

  5. Ray Ciss10:25 PM

    Some black criminal gets shot by a cop last summer, and it's Donald Trump's fault?

    Dafuq Field? You have gone off the deep end.

  6. Lance Cockstrong11:06 PM

    Not even noted Fuck Snoooze right wing apologists Hannity and Dietl can defend what is crystal clear on this police video. But no sooner having mouthed the obligatory platitudes, they waste no time reverting to their standard deception and trivialization with irrelevant numbers (818 murders, 4224 shootings) and phony outrage over why only this incident committed by a thug in uniform is worthy of protest.

  7. Anonymous11:28 PM

    This officer is a hero. The last thing this country needs are more "Laquans" running around raping and looting.

    Trump '16!!!

  8. Anonymous11:37 PM

    @ Wesley R -

    It's not crazy at all. Blacks are primitive, childlike retards. Whoever promises them the most gibsmedats is who they will vote for. Democunts need blacks to pull that lever for them, so they promise Laquan and Shaneequa that they will hook them up with lots of free goodies - goodies paid for, of course, by the productive, mostly white, members of society. It's a vicious cycle, and one that is hopefully going to be broken soon.

    P.S. - TRUMP '16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Man if a cracker ever comeup to me talking trup 16 I kick his pail white ass. Fuckin punk ass white coward's. This ARE county now! WE in the Whithouse! Fuk white surpremistry!

    OBAMA '16, bitch!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous12:21 AM




  11. I am still convinced that Trump is on Hillary's payroll. Every other day he probably calls her and they laugh about his latest ploy to make sure the Republicans tank as many senate seats and the presidency in 2016. Then again, it's not like Ben Droopy Eyes Carson or Ted Rubber Facemask Cruz is any less insane-sounding.

  12. Anonymous12:38 AM

    A 91-year-old man was beaten, then doused with gasoline before he and his home in northwest Detroit were set afire by a burglar, police said.

    Paul Monchnik, a retired TV repairman, was found dead in his burning home in the 20500 block of Bentler Court around 3 a.m. Monday.

    “He lived by himself; he was nearly deaf, so he lived in his own little world and got along in his own little world very comfortably,” said son Scott Monchnik, 56, who learned Monday morning of his father’s brutal death.


  13. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Man Black Peope ben gittin killed by white people since 4000 years. We was Egytian's and then white man came and stole are technolie and made us slave's. Malcom X taugt me all this. I become a Muslim in Prison and now im up to the white mans trick's. U know what im sayin.

  14. Anonymous2:44 AM




  15. Limpbaugh3:18 AM

    I personally saw a guy driving around flying a large Palestinian flag from his car on the morning of 9/12/2001. Israelis had reasons to celebrate also. Look up "dancing Israelis" on Youtube. And Benjamin Netanyahu said that 9/11 was good for Israel. By contrast, a million people went out with candles to protest the 9/11 attack in Iran. Strange how 17 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis and people like Bob Graham of Florida have told us that the still classified 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report are about Saudi involvement.

    If it weren't for the protests in Ferguson, etc., and by Black Lives Matter, I seriously doubt the Chicago police officer would have been charged. Rahm Emanuel fears the riots that could ensue. We saw how the DA in Ferguson acted as a defense attorney for officer Darren Wilson. And this is the first time a police officer in Chicago has been charged with murder in 35 years.

  16. Anonymous4:17 AM

    "In Chicago, Rahm Emanuel was trying to block the release of the tape of the police officer shooting and Black Folks still support him. How crazy is that?"

    He was delayed the release of the tape until the investigation completed and the officer got charged. He wasn't trying to block it forever. He had to figure there was less chance of a riot if people watched that video knowing the officer on trial had already been indicted.

    I don't like Mayor Rahmbo much. He's one of those corporate-type Blue Dog Democrats that are barely distinguishable from Republicans on economic issues. And black Chicagoans have even less reason to like him after the massive number of public schools he closed in their neighborhoods. But this issue with delaying the release of the shooting video doesn't really seem like all that big a deal.

  17. Anonymous4:21 AM

    "Some black criminal gets shot by a cop last summer, and it's Donald Trump's fault?"

    Where did Field blame Trump for this trigger-happy cop? I missed that.

    This Laquan McDonald shooting and Trump being his usual lying-ass, hatemongering self: two different stories.

  18. Anonymous4:28 AM

    @ Limbaugh

    Enough already with the 9/11 "inside job" conspiracy theories.

    Jet fuel CAN melt steel beams. And the Israeli government are major douchebags, but they're not dumb enough to send Mossad to murder 3,000 Americans.

  19. Rafael Cruz is coming on strong. He triangulated right in the middle of Carson's bible-crazy and Trump's Nazi crazy so that he would pick up their followers if/when either or both of them flame out. Now that Dr Giggles is fading like a fart in a fire, he is tied with Trump in cornland. He is much more likely to take the nomination than either of his co-crazy cohorts, but there is no more despised an elected Republican among other elected Republican than Rafael. His fellow Tbag senators won't even risk being seen talking to him, much less publicly support him. Look for establishment types to damn him with public faint praise ("given a choice between Cruz or a bucket of fermented dioreah, I suppose I'd vote for Cruz") and wholesale backstabbing in private as W Bush has already. All of this adds of to Clinton being an odds on 5/4 favorite in the Vegas & London betting lines, and no Republican breaking 1/8.

  20. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Urkel did 9/11.

  21. Those "USA CRIME STATISTICS - 2015" make no sense, you notice. Take the first line: 2% of WHAT? Or the last: "BLACKS KILLED BY BLACKS 97%." Does this mean that 97% of blacks have been killed? Only 3% have been left alive? Or that 97% of black deaths are the result of black-on-black homicide? Moreover, shouldn't the total percentages on the right-hand column total 100%?

    Ridiculous, these "statistics."

  22. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Don't we all know by now…if there is a choice between going after high ratings or going after the truth, the media will *always* go for the ratings numbers --

  23. Wesley R said...
    In Chicago, Rahm Emanuel was trying to block the release of the tape of the police officer shooting and Black Folks still support him. How crazy is that?


    Not crazy. It's the norm for blah voters. Blahs live on the Democrat plantation. They will vote for whoever has a"D" beside they name. It doesn't matter who the candidate is or what he/she stands for.

    Yet, it's Republicans who are kittens with a saucer of milk.

  24. KC

    "Yet, it's Republicans who are kittens with a saucer of milk."

    Sure are. Remember, Obama is tryin to take your guns, Gays are trying to mess up your marriage, the gubmit is trying to stop you from praying, and blacks want your STUFF.

  25. Field is letting us know who massa and his old trusted field negro, fears will beat Hillary-Teh Don. So field takes his orders from massa and goes on a dishonest rampage against Trump.

    Of course field negro will never fact check Hillary or call her on her lies, even though he is going to vote for her. Odd that.

    William Safire writing in the New York Times about Hillary-

    “Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our first lady — a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation – is a congenital liar.”

    Sad field won't hold the person he is going to vote for to the same standards he holds Republicans.

  26. Anonymous10:28 AM

    @ Downlow Steve -

    Blacks wanted Amanda Blackburn's stuff. That's why they broke into her house, raped her and killer her and her unborn baby.

  27. uptownsteve said...

    Sure are. Remember, Obama is tryin to take your guns, Gays are trying to mess up your marriage, the gubmit is trying to stop you from praying, and blacks want your STUFF.

    All that has happened.....What's your point?

  28. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Justice for Amanda Blackburn!

  29. Charles Pierce, the savviest political writer on the internet, weighs in on the delusion of white victimhood, and surveys the scene historically:


    Field, you gotta read this. He's white but he's good.

  30. One Trick Whitey10:36 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Rafael Cruz is coming on strong

    Time to start calling Cruz racist.


  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    @ Downlow Steve -

    Blacks wanted Amanda Blackburn's stuff. That's why they broke into her house, raped her and killer her and her unborn baby.

    That's color arousal field negro won't talk about....

    Anonymous Limpbaugh said...

    I personally saw a guy driving around flying a large Palestinian flag from his car on the morning of 9/12/2001. Israelis had reasons to celebrate also. Look up "dancing Israelis" on Youtube. And Benjamin Netanyahu said that 9/11 was good for Israel. By contrast, a million people went out with candles to protest the 9/11 attack in Iran. Strange how 17 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis and people like Bob Graham of Florida have told us that the still classified 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report are about Saudi involvement.

    While Limpbaugh wants everyone to focus on 5 dancing jews and a million muslims lighting candles, he doesn't want to spend any time on the millions of muslims and leftwingers who cheered and danced on 9/11. The ones that said American's chickens have came home to roost...

  32. Kinky Con,

    I'd asked you to elaborate on your assertion but you would just grunt and pick your nose as usual.

    BTW, did you hear about the racists who shot 5 peaceful protesters in Minneapolis.

    Demonstrating against the senseless murder of another innocent black man by cops?

  33. anotherbozo said...

    Charles Pierce, the savviest political writer on the internet, weighs in on the delusion of white victimhood, and surveys the scene historically:


    Funny Charles doesn't talk about blahs killing twice as many whites as whites kill blacks. Almost a thousand times more white women are raped and assault by blahs than blah women are raped by white males. In fact, most interracial crime is black on non-blacks.

    Charles doesn't mention cops shoot and kill more whites.

  34. "Not crazy. It's the norm for blah voters. Blahs live on the Democrat plantation. They will vote for whoever has a"D" beside they name. It doesn't matter who the candidate is or what he/she stands for."

    Well Republicans trot out overt racists, i.e. Trump, and inferior candidates time after time so who else is there to vote for? The Illinois Republican party ran insane Alan Keyes against Barack for the senate seat. I guess Republicans thought us negroes would just ignore his crazy and vote for him because he was blah? Sorry Kinky but your team needs better candidates for anyone sane to even consider voting for. But hey, keep up the stupid plantation narrative, I'm sure it may work one day.

  35. "Funny Charles doesn't talk about blahs killing twice as many whites as whites kill blacks. Almost a thousand times more white women are raped and assault by blahs than blah women are raped by white males. In fact, most interracial crime is black on non-blacks."

    Funny, Kinky never mentions more white women are raped by white men. Most crime committed against whites is by fellow whites but not a peep from Kinky. Why is that? Oh that's right, Republicans only mention blah on white crime to stir up their racist base. And they wonder why we don't vote with them.


  36. PilotX said...
    The Illinois Republican party ran insane Alan Keyes against Barack for the senate seat.

    Was that the election that Obama obtained closed divorce records about his opponent and released them to the media in order to trash his reputation?

    I wonder how the Obama campaign got their hands on a sealed divorce case.


  37. PilotX said...
    Funny, Kinky never mentions more white women are raped by white men. Most crime committed against whites is by fellow whites but not a peep from Kinky. Why is that? Oh that's right, Republicans only mention blah on white crime to stir up their racist base.

    Hasn't Kinky been pointing out the same thing... That dumbocrats protest about white police violence yet never protest about Black on Black crime?

    Like you asked, why is that?

    Double standard

  38. Bill

    The cops are agents of the state who are paid by taxpayers to protect citizens. Not gun them down.

    You won't see any protests against black on black crime just like there won't be any white on white crime protests.

    The criminals don't listen and don't care.

    Did I go too fast for you.


  39. Quote: Bill the Numbskull

    "Was that the election that Obama obtained closed divorce records about his opponent and released them to the media in order to trash his reputation?"


    "I wonder how the Obama campaign got their hands on a sealed divorce case."

    The Chicago Tribune applied to have them released in the public interest. Judge Schnider agreed.

    ""They were aware they were in a public court system and protection from embarrassment cannot be a basis for keeping from the public what's put in public courts," said Schnider, referring to Ryan and his ex-wife, actress Jeri Lynn Ryan. Additionally, Schnider said, "the openness of court files must be maintained, so that the public ... can be assured that there is no favoritism shown to the rich and the powerful."

    Source: Chicago Tribune

  40. Was Bill talking about Ryan or Hull? Does lighting always strike twice in Chicago?

    In the case of Hull, Obama had the sealed records before the media did. Obama also paid a women's group to protest and demand his withdrawal..


  41. The Purple Cow said...
    The Chicago Tribune applied to have them released in the public interest. Judge Schnider agreed.

    Meanwhile in the same city, the ruling class hid a police shooting video and even deleted video from a local burger king.

    To dumbocrats, public interest only apply to sealed divorce records.


  42. uptownsteve said...
    The cops are agents of the state who are paid by taxpayers to protect citizens. Not gun them down.

    The police work for the ruling class to enforce their laws and policies.

    If you believe there is a problem with the police, the best solution would be to for you to keep voting for the same ruling class that control the police.

  43. Bill,

    I'm trying to follow you here but I know it's a path to nowhere.

    Just who is the "ruling class" according to you?

    And who you think represents the "people"?

    Please answer.

  44. PilotX said...
    Funny, Kinky never mentions more white women are raped by white men. Most crime committed against whites is by fellow whites but not a peep from Kinky. Why is that? Oh that's right, Republicans only mention blah on white crime to stir up their racist base.


    Blah and white libs love playing the race card and promoting blah victimization.

    Because of all that, we get-





    and many other false narratives.

    So it's up to Republicans to bring the facts and do some narrative busting.

    The FBI crime data shows whites are committing less crimes against blacks than at anytime in our history. The FBI data also shows whites are committing fewer hate crimes against blacks than at anytime in our history.

    The FBI crime data shows blacks are committing more crimes against whites than every before. Blacks are committing more hate crimes than ever before.

    While field pushes false narratives like "cops are out to get blahs", we point out cops shoot and kill more whites in this country.

    That is why Republicans want blah,white,hispanic and asians to come together and say all lives matter. Let's all look at the way cops enforce the laws in our country.

    But noooooo, blahs and white liberals will have none of that. They only want blahs to be victims....Unfortunately, facts tell a different story. Facts tell us who the real racists and low-information voters really are.

  45. But that walfare queen was just a racist Reagan myth...

    Some Families Living in Philly Public Housing Earn Over $100K

    Read more: http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Philadelphia-Housing-Authority-Over-Income-Families--353277881.html#ixzz3sWlBceC8
    Follow us: @nbcphiladelphia on Twitter | nbcphiladelphia on Facebook

  46. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Kinky @10:45, thanks for the link. And I DO agree with the article. As a country we are in danger of imploding from within at any given moment. It's damn scary what racism can do.

    It blinds 'everyone' to the truth with anger and rage. And it corrupts the police departments all across America. I am surprised that no cops will stand up against this corruption.

    I mean, how many people must be killed be someone on the inside say, "enough! I can't do this anymore. It's too wrong."?

    KC, I still don't understand why you keep using that onerous degrading term "blahs". Do you hate Blacks so much you refuse to dignify them by proper name?

  47. Kinky Con

    "The FBI crime data shows whites are committing less crimes against blacks than at anytime in our history. The FBI data also shows whites are committing fewer hate crimes against blacks than at anytime in our history.

    The FBI crime data shows blacks are committing more crimes against whites than every before. Blacks are committing more hate crimes than ever before."

    That's an outright lie and I challenge you to prove your assertion with data on this page.

    Don't fuckin tell me to "Google it"

    YOU prove it.


  48. Emails Show Politico’s Mike Allen Promised Positive Coverage of Chelsea Clinton

    No surprise that the liberal media protects protects dumbocrats.


  49. uptownsteve said...
    Just who is the "ruling class" according to you?

    In Chicago, that would be the very rich Rahm Emanuel and his dumbocrat pals

    And who you think represents the "people"?

    When the ruling class is filled with poor people instead of very rich white people the government will represent the people.

    One only has to look at who has profited the most from the Obama agenda to realize poor and middle class are not a concern to the ruling class.

    Remember, under Obama the gap between the rich and poor is bigger than ever before in the history of mankind.

    Who do you think the Obama and the ruling class represents?

  50. So Bill,

    You think a GOP candidate will represent "the people"?

    BTW which Obama policy caused this increased gap between rich and poor?

    I thought he was a socialist according to people like you.


  51. uptownsteve said...
    Just who is the "ruling class" according to you?"

    The ruling class is the top 1%.

    When the ruling class starts putting their privileged kids into government schools they force upon poor people the ruling class will represent "we the people."

    When the ruling class gives up their armed security they will represent "we the people."

    When the ruling class is no longer allowed to live in gated communities safe from crime they will represent "we the people."

    When the ruling class is held to the same standard as regular citizens they will represent "we the people."

    When the rich ruling class doesn't become even richer while working as public servants they will represent "we the people."

    Tell me, why do you believe very rich white ruling class represents you? Like the 1%, has your net worth gone up under Obama?


  52. uptownsteve said...
    You think a GOP candidate will represent "the people"?

    No. They have the same rea$on$ as dumbocrats to keep the system as is.

    I thought he was a socialist according to people like you.

    Obama told joe the plumber he wanted to spread the wealth around, no one assumed he meant spreading it around to his rich friends.

  53. You didn't answer my question.

    Which Obama policy caused this increased gap between rich and poor?

    The gap between rich and poor has steadily been expanding for 40 years now.


  54. uptownsteve said...
    BTW which Obama policy caused this increased gap between rich and poor?

    The bush administration put ken lay in jail.

    How many wall street bankers has the Obama administration put in jail?


  55. uptownsteve said...
    The gap between rich and poor has steadily been expanding for 40 years now.

    If the country wanted to keep things as is, why didn't the country vote for McSame.

    Obama promised better.

    He also campaigned on Change.

    Shouldn't you hold Obama to a higher standard than the politicians you hate? SMH


  56. Why did it take a year to indict a CPD officer who shot a kid 16 times? Would it have happened today if judge hadn't ordered video release?

    David Axelrod doesn't know his pal Rahm Emanuel (and Obama's former Chief of Staff) is mayor?

    If you want an answer, why not just call up your friend and ask.

    My guess, Axelrod knows Rahm covered up the video because of the April2015 election. Black protests means less chance of being reelected so bye bye video.

    Imagine the different reaction if this was a right-wingnut mayor in texas.

    Sadly, racism is acceptable if the politically correct political party is behind it for the gain of the party.

  57. Anonymous3:35 PM

    PilotX said...
    Well Republicans trot out overt racists

    Bullshit, you reflexively call anyone on the other side racist.

  58. Lance Cockstrong4:45 PM

    @Ernesto De La Serna 12:38AM -

    Butt Trumpet on Hillary's payroll? Perhaps. Another possibility is when he and Benny The Brain drop out the rest of the Insane Clown Posse will look relative normal in comparison.

  59. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Well well well. The reporter responsible for the release of the police video that showed the murder of Mcdonald in Chicago was barred by the Mayor and the Police Superintendent at a press conference.

    Can you believe it? the reporter responsible for exposing all of the damn lies the police and the city of Chicago told was barred from a press conference!



  60. Anonymous5:00 PM

    "David Axelrod doesn't know his pal Rahm Emanuel (and Obama's former Chief of Staff) is mayor?"

    Axelrod is simply wrong. Or else he doesn't like Emanuel. I wouldn't blame him for that -- Emanuel is an asshole, and an economic right-winger as well. You should understand that all of the people in the Obama camp don't believe exactly the same things.

    It took a year to investigate the cop because district attorneys always take extra-special care to get their ducks in a row before they prosecute the police, if they bother prosecuting them at all. It does not behoove DAs to piss off the police, whom they have to work with to their everyday job of going after civilian criminals. There is a conflict of interest there. If you want to fix that problem, you need to take the duty for prosecuting the cops away from DAs and give it to some kind of independent authority.

    Emanuel delayed the video's release until the indictment could be handed down because he was trying to reduce the odds of rioting. Everyone looking for some kind of sinister motive on the mayor's part is barking up the wrong tree.

  61. Uh no anon 3:35 pm, there's nothing "reflexive" about spotting overt racism. It even comes from the front runner. Shame if you don't see the obvious racism but then again ignoring racism in the gop is sort of a given nowadays. The funny part is then you guys wonder why you don't get our support, honestly I think you know why but you have to pretend right? Stay classy gop.

  62. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Today in yet more racism, a hate group in Texas (where else?) has published a list of the names and addresses of local Muslims:

    "An anti-Islam group which staged an armed protest outside a Dallas Islamic centre has posted names and addresses of Muslims and 'Muslim sympathisers' on its Facebook page, adding to growing tensions in north Texas following the Paris terror attacks.

    The group, which calls itself the Bureau of American Islamic Relations, staged an armed protest outside an Islamic centre in the Dallas suburb of Irving last Saturday. 'We’re here protesting Syrian refugees coming to America, protesting the Islamisation of America,' David Wright, a spokesman, told local FOX4 News.

    The list of more than 50 names is taken from a record of people who spoke or signed up to express an opinion at an Irving city council meeting in March where the council voted to endorse a planned state bill emphasising the already enshrined primacy of domestic laws above foreign laws."

    Hey, Donald Trump says he's in favor of a Muslim registry, so it must be a good idea, right?

  63. Lance Cockstrong8:40 PM

    Justice delayed is justice denied, and there are legitimate questions around that. But let's not lose sight that it is better than no justice at all, as in NYC and Cleveland, where justice consists of scam grand juries with the prosecutor acting as judge and defense attorney, with the sole discretion to empanel jurors who would not indict a ham sandwich if said sandwich was wearing a police uniform, and to knowingly present witnesses who did not in fact witness anything as in Ferguson.

  64. Lance chokes on dicks8:50 PM

    If it is ok to publish the names of kkk members, it should be ok to publish the names of muslims and their sympathizerers.

  65. Huh? So publishing the names of the members of a hate group is the same as the members of a religion? Conservative thought process at work. Pretty scary.

  66. Anonymous9:27 PM

    dear brother Field, this might be a little off topic but I have noticed that every time uptownsteve shows up here, JOSH hauls ass.

    Is he afraid of uts? I mean, what's up with that coward?

  67. Anonymous10:28 PM

    "If it is ok to publish the names of kkk members, it should be ok to publish the names of muslims and their sympathizerers."

    I'm not sure it is "ok" to publish the names of KKK members. Anonymous is an Internet vigilante group, and the things they do are often some combination of not ethical, not legal, or not smart.

    Hell, even people who couldn't care less about the welfare of KKK members might not want to cheer on Anonymous. How can anyone be certain that the people they've outed as KKK members actually are KKK members? Innocent people could be defamed, and they aren't accountable to anyone for that.

    But in any event, the issues surrounding these two events aren't remotely the same.

    KKK members want to keep their identities secret because most respectable people find that kind of virulent racism disgusting.

    Muslims aren't trying to keep their identities secret. The objection isn't that they've had their beliefs "exposed." Muslims aren't ashamed of being Muslim. The objection is that putting together a list of Muslims on the website of a hate group carries an implied threat that bigoted goons should go harass them or assault them.

  68. Anonymous12:31 AM

    PilotX is a faggot.

  69. Anonymous2:08 AM

    "I'm not sure it is "ok" to publish the names of KKK members. Anonymous is an Internet vigilante group, and the things they do are often some combination of not ethical, not legal, or not smart.

    Hell, even people who couldn't care less about the welfare of KKK members might not want to cheer on Anonymous. How can anyone be certain that the people they've outed as KKK members actually are KKK members? Innocent people could be defamed, and they aren't accountable to anyone for that."

    Wow, that was a good slam on Anons. Clearly you think anons are a vigilante group hurting everyone including members of the KKK. My God, man can't you see the righteousness of anons correcting racist behavior of those who have, for years hurt Blacks?

  70. "I have noticed that every time uptownsteve shows up here, JOSH hauls ass..."

    You have the perception of an asshole then, Anon. And you're probably Steve yourself! That's your MO. lol

    Just scroll through a few older posts and see which one of us is making sound arguments and which one of us is just trolling the other with spam. See which one conveniently disappears after "RACIST" smears don't have their desired effect.

    Wise the fuck up, idiot.

  71. Anonymous3:57 AM

    "Wow, that was a good slam on Anons. Clearly you think anons are a vigilante group hurting everyone including members of the KKK. My God, man can't you see the righteousness of anons correcting racist behavior of those who have, for years hurt Blacks?"

    I can see that racism is bad.

    I can also see that tossing important civil liberties in the trash can -- things like, say, the right to privacy, or freedom of speech, or legal due process -- is likewise pretty bad.

    That, in a nutshell, is what is wrong with radical crusader types like Anonymous. They think they can put on their capes and fight injustice, and if they create other injustices along the way, hey, no biggie. They're the good guys! Who cares about the costs to society? What could possibly go wrong????

    There is a reason we don't leave justice up to angry mobs.

  72. Lt. Commander Johnson5:20 AM

    Uh huh. Some nigger full of PCP and waiving a knife, gets shot 16 times by a white cop. Personally, I'm impressed by his shooting.

    Now. He never has before, tho I've asked him to several times before, what will field say to this:


    These negroes deserve the Death Penalty. It's long overdue.

    Pieces of shit have been walking all this time.

  73. Lt. Commander Johnson12:21 PM

    Whoops! Once again, it closes down a thread.

    Having to use that dyke Maddow is desperation.

  74. Whoot, whoot, whooooooooooteeeeeeemooooooooooooooooo!!!
