Wednesday, November 04, 2015

The violence narrative.

Image result for five guys brawl image     How many of you  heard about the following story?

 "PLATTE, S.D. — Financial issues appear to have contributed to an educational cooperative business manager’s decision to kill his wife and four children with a shotgun before setting the family home ablaze and then shooting himself, South Dakota’s attorney general said Tuesday.

Attorney General Marty Jackley released the results of his office’s investigation of the September deaths at a news conference in Platte, a few miles north of the burned ruins of the home where the bodies of Scott and Nicole Westerhuis and their children Kailey, Jaeci, Connor and Michael were found.

Their deaths occurred just hours after the state Department of Education informed Mid-Central Educational Cooperative that it was losing a $4.3 million federal contract for GEAR UP, a program that seeks to improve Native Americans’ college readiness, because of financial problems and accounting failures." [Source]

So this animal is having financial problems and he goes out and kills his wife and four children.
And yet, the story barely registers in the news cycle.

Compare this to the following story:

"Representatives for Five Guys restaurant chain are speaking out after video surfaced of a huge fight at their Miami Beach location, calling the brawl "simply unacceptable."
The incident happened at the Five Guys location at 1500 Washington Avenue near 15th Street in Miami Beach.
It's unclear what sparked the fight, but the video shows a female patron and several employees involved. Dozens of customers were inside the store when it happened, many recording the incident with their cellphones.
According to a witness, the woman was being loud and drunk, but didn't get physical. The employees hit her with cups and then things started to escalate." [Story with video]
This story is all over the news, and it is a major water cooler conversation starter all over the country.
A bunch of young ladies brawling at a burger joint is bigger news than a father slaughtering his four children and his wife and torching their home.  
Think about that for a minute, and think about why this might be so. I think it fits into a narrative, and everyone, including the press, has to play into that narrative.


  1. The FieldNegro said...
    Think about that for a minute, and think about why this might be so.

    Because more people visit burger king than that guy's house?

    Because rich white liberals that dominate the media are more scared of Black girls than a psycho father?

    Because "psycho father" hits a little too close to home to report on?

    Liberal bias?

  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    The reason they gave all attention to the hamburger restaurant was because of the same reason that happened at Elmer's restaurant....racism. There can be no other reason for the disparity. I mean there was no racism in that man's home.

    Field, I am surprised that you didn't call it on this one. Also, if that Josh white fellow starts his little rant about "prove it was racism" I am requesting that you delete his comment.

    We don't need his white privileged bullshit.

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Brother Field, why are those employees beating up on that one sister? I mean, she didn't hit anybody. That's a damn shame that Blacks can't get along with each other.

    However, I understand. Hell, I've been called names by Blacks on FN. I've been called White, Black Digital Face, "u are not black"...and get this:

    Josh, the man I have stood up for against some of you racist Negroes has started calling me names. Life is truly messed up.

    I'm moving to CA where things make more sense.

  4. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Field, "A bunch of young ladies brawling at a burger joint is bigger news than a father slaughtering his four children and his wife and torching their home.

    Think about that for a minute, and think about why this might be so. I think it fits into a narrative, and everyone, including the press, has to play into that narrative."

    Well, there are two obvious answers to why one story went viral and the other was hardly mentioned:

    1. The killing of the white family by the white father was not mentioned because of White Privilege.

    2. The video that went viral happened because the folks were Black, plain and simple. Bottom Line: it was racism.

    You see, Blacks won't ever catch a break from Whites whether they are liberal or conservative. It is embedded in the national psyche that Blacks are violent and Whites are not...which is further evidence of White Privilege.

    A wm can murder his entire family and it will be viewed as a mental problem that needed some psychiatric care.

    But bw in a fight at a hamburger joint are seen as violent. That furthers the evidence of White Privilege. But some white folks vehemently deny that White Privilege exist...which furthers the evidence of White Privilege.

  5. Somebody slaughtering their family and torching their house? Yawn. How many of them this week?
    Somebody fighting at the burger joint? Wait, I go to burger joints, and besides, there's video!
    Yeah, I'd venture to say that something's wrong here.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous12:31 AM

    While it seems that crazy gun-toting whiteguyz are blowing people away on a daily basis (thanks, media!), it happens fairly rarely. Negroes, on the other hand, attack/rob/rape/kill hundreds of people each and every day.

    Face it: The odds of getting caught in a Newtown-style shooting spree are about the same as getting struck by lightning twice. The odds of being a victim of black violence, however, are extremely high.

  7. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Hey, Feeled: Why isn't the story of Tanya L. Chamberlain of Kansas City, Mo. making national headlines? She was brutally stabbed to death in her home by two (wait ... for ... it ...) BLACK MALES, that's why! And best - or is it 'worst'? - of all, the two "youths" are only 13 and 14 years old. Hm.

    Maybe if they'd had more "programs" in their "community" this might not have happened. Er, scratch that ... It would still have happened.

    It happens every day in this country. :(

  8. I seen the first story on my local NBC affiliate. I didn't see the second. However, full disclosure, I'm not big on watching news. I typically flip around before Price is Right, and sometimes I'll stop and wait on the weather. Like weeks ago or something I recall seeing a quick story about it.

    But I'm no stranger to these sorts of stories getting play. I usually catch them on Tommy Sotomayor's channel, where every single day he has multiple videos posted of black folk fighting in fast food restaurants and "youths" and "teens" shutting down shopping malls because of huge brawls.

    In Bing News, under the keywords "Scott Westerhuis" and "Five Guys Miami Fight" I'm looking at the various news stories. Field, I'm willing to believe that you personally may see this fight story everywhere and not the first one, but it looks like to me the first story has a lot of coverage that's legitimate news, while the latter has a lot of World-Star-type of coverage. Though, unfortunately, a lot of news networks and sites do seem to be devoting coverage to it. I'm not sure why. I mean, seriously, anyone who doubts it can go to YouTube and check it out: These fights are happening like 50 a week! And they typically don't get so much news play.

    I'm not sure what's so different about this one that it's getting play.

    Purely speculative here: The "Five Guys" franchise has been kinda a hot-topic since last year's "Five Guys, Burgers and Fries" story broke about Zoe Quinn cheating on her boyfriend with five different guys, three of whom were gaming journalists who were promoting her game and helping her out professionally. It's what gave rise to #GamerGate. "Five Guys" was all over the news after that. So maybe it started trending on Facebook and Twitter, and being the ratings whores that media are, they decided this story should get more airtime than what it warrants.

    Though I do agree it's stupid to give it such much play.

    But I ask you (legitimately sorry for the question; I know they are not welcome): If this is because of the race of the brawlers, why doesn't media go hog-wild like this every time one of these fights happen? I mean, seriously, like literally 50 of them a week! And it's not MSM reporting them, or over-reporting them, it's independent news sources like TJ Sotomayor and other black independent journalists on YouTube who are trying to effect change in their communities by calling out bad behavior. News doesn't typically waste too much time on these stories.

    These black people are particularly dark or something and cause more color arousal among whites? If there were a pattern here, where all of these incidents took precedence on news, I'd be inclined to agree. After all, I know that it is a fact that "young white girl goes missing" puts the entire national media in a state of shock, whereas replacing that with "black" has far less coverage. (Funny that no one gave me that one as an example of white privilege, however; that's one whose evidence is empirical of different treatment. Though I'd argue it's more about area and wealth than race; e.g. nobody would care were it a homeless white either. But anyway...)

  9. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Why did the brawl at the burger joint "go viral"?


    a) It's on video

    b) It's women fighting, which is usually seen as a novelty, rather than something serious

    c) It's yet another opportunity for people to confirm their pre-existing beliefs about the no-good, low-down nature of black women. And when I say "people," I don't just mean racist white folks. It is a certainty that there are also loads of black men watching and trading that video on the Internet, saying, "See, that's exactly why I don't fuck wit black females!"

    So, all in all, it's an opportunity for certain viewers to have a hearty laugh at the expense of the brawlers as they make fools of themselves over nothing important.

    On the other hand, some dude murdering his whole family -- no humor there. Not really a knee-slapper.

  10. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I saw the video - Epic Chimpout! You guys never fail to disappoint; when I see the words "black" and "brawl" together, I gets me some popcorn and I commence a-munchin'!

    Keep up the good work, black people. I'm sure the Chinese find it all just as funny as I do.

  11. Well spank my ass and call me charlie.....

    Field meets liberal bias. Liberal bias, meet field.

  12. Yīshēng said...

    Rethugs record wins in the House and Senate wouldn't be possible without Whooteemoos.


    You're welcome.

  13. Anonymous8:06 AM

    The story about the man who murdered his wife and kids was on the front page of the Daily Mail the other day. I didn't read it, however.

    I didn't read or hear about the other story at the burger joint at all.

    How many black men or children in their bedroom were shot or killed last weekend in Chicago by black men? I never read anything about the black on black violence in that city. Those murders are not even buried on pg 15 anymore because they are so common.

  14. Don't forget, Field, that our news needs visuals! And unless the multiple murder was caught on a cell phone, it isn't nearly as newsworthy as a brawl caught for 5 vivid seconds.

    Come to think of it, that explains a lot about the public's lack of understanding of the ACA, TPP. the Keystone Pipeline, Citizens United, dissolution of the Voting Rights Act, etc. etc. Where are the fun vids?

  15. Anonymous9:19 AM

    "How many black men or children in their bedroom were shot or killed last weekend in Chicago by black men? I never read anything about the black on black violence in that city. Those murders are not even buried on pg 15 anymore because they are so common."

    No one has stopped reporting on crime (committed by anyone of anyone of any race).

    You can take off your tin foil hat now.


  16. Josh said...
    But I ask you (legitimately sorry for the question; I know they are not welcome): If this is because of the race of the brawlers, why doesn't media go hog-wild like this every time one of these fights happen? I mean, seriously, like literally 50 of them a week!

    Good point.

    What is different about this fight than all the others.

    I wonder if FieldNegro will address the #gamergate angle.

  17. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Anonymous said:
    No one has stopped reporting on crime (committed by anyone of anyone of any race).
    Gosh. You are right after! The 28 shootings in Chicago last weekend, including the shooting of a 10 year old boy, and 2 murders made a small news story in the Chicago Sun Times, not the national news, which is why I missed it until now.


  18. Same old left-wingnut double standards...

    A Native American leader at the forefront of efforts to ban the “racist” Washington Redskins team name dressed up in blackface for Halloween, according to a report.
    “I had fun tonight at the Bylas Halloween Carnival,” he wrote of a picture of himself flashing a peace sign and wearing a dreadlocks wig with blackface makeup.

    Imagine the outrage if Terry was a right-wingnut.

  19. Ronnie11:19 AM

    Josh and bill are the only ones with brains on this website it seems. This is coming from a black man.

  20. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Gosh. You are right after! The 28 shootings in Chicago last weekend, including the shooting of a 10 year old boy, and 2 murders made a small news story in the Chicago Sun Times, not the national news, which is why I missed it until now.

    9 year old boy and the other was a newly signed fashion model. How do I know that? Because I saw it on CNN so you're wrong anon. What else is new?

  21. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Josh and bill are the only ones with brains on this website it seems. This is coming from a black man.

    DIGITAL BLACKFACE ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!! Please be advised, except for Josh because he believes everything he sees on the internet.

  22. "Please be advised, except for Josh because he believes everything he sees on the internet."


    Just say "Fuck you, Josh" or something. It has much more impact than saying something that is precisely the polar opposite of the truth. I obviously question EVERYTHING. Like, for instance, I question one's ability to read a single sentence of English and properly conclude the race of the person typing it. If I believed "everything [I see] on the internet," wouldn't I believe that you do have this ability and thus wouldn't question it?

    C'mon, man. This isn't school. You have to try here!

  23. How many of you heard about the following story?

    Two teenagers have been arrested in the brutal stabbing death of a 43-year-old Lee’s Summit woman.

    This comes after police released Hy-Vee surveillance video on Tuesday of the 13- and 14-year-old suspects. Officers received several tips as a result and arrested the two boys Wednesday morning.

    The victim has been identified as Tanya L. Chamberlain, 43. Police are saying that Chamberlain had no connection to the two teens.

    The discovery of the victim's body came after Lee's Summit police attempted to stop a vehicle about 1:15 a.m. Sunday. The officer believed the driver was intoxicated. The driver of the vehicle pulled into a parking lot of an apartment complex in the 500 block of Southeast Second Street.

    Two males then fled on foot from the vehicle. The officer engaged in a short foot pursuit before losing sight of both suspects.

    As the officer returned to the suspect vehicle, he discovered Chamberlain's body in the passenger seat. After working the case overnight, investigators determined Chamberlain had been murdered.

    Glover said authorities initially had thought the suspects were in their late teens after viewing the surveillance video.

    "To actually find out they were 13 and 14 was a shock," Glover said.

    Those who live in the area are traumatized by the crime.

  24. "The discovery of the victim's body came after Lee's Summit police attempted to stop a vehicle about 1:15 a.m. Sunday. The officer believed the driver was intoxicated."

    Sure he did. Another case of "driving while black" harassment by racist cops.

  25. Anonymous12:35 PM

    So Rupert Murdoch and now Jonah Goldberg (you know, that idiotic guy who wrote a laughable book trying to convince people that the Nazis were actually left-wingers) have been flogging this idea that Ben Carson is "a real black man" and Barack Obama is somehow not.

    Ben Carson himself seems to have embraced this "real black" narrative in the most appalling way possible.

    There's Carson's bizarre "tough-guy" story about how he used to deal with criminals in the ghetto (by telling a robber to point his gun at the restaurant cashier instead of him -- what a hero).

    There's also that time when, after Donald Trump mocked Carson for his sleepy, non-aggressive demeanor (Republicans like their candidates ANGRY!!!), Carson responded by bragging about how he used to be a vicious thug in his youth:

    "'As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone,' Carson said Sunday on NBC's 'Meet the Press.'"

    Now Carson is running rap-themed campaign ads. I'm not even joking about this. They are terrible.

    Carson is just a giant cringe-inducing facepalm for black people at this point. Remember back when the black Republican candidate was a pizza chain exec with no knowledge of public policy and a propensity for groping women against their will? Yeah, those were the good old days. Hermann, come back!

  26. Anonymous said...
    the Nazis were actually left-wingers

    You are correct.

    "We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions." -Adolf Hitler, Quoted in John Toland, "Adolf Hitler", p224.


  27. Another dumbocrat flip-flop

    Bernie Sanders Now Says There Are ‘Valid Questions’ About Hillary’s Damn Emails

    It seems like just a week ago Bernie was sick about hearing about it.

    I wonder what bernie has learned since the debate.

  28. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Bernie hasn't learned anything since 1963.

  29. " 'As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone,' Carson said Sunday on NBC's 'Meet the Press.' "

    TNB. Even the ones smart enough to become a brain surgeon. WTF is with y'all?

  30. "What is different about this fight than all the others.

    I wonder if FieldNegro will address the #gamergate angle."

    I don't want to put words in Field's mouth here, or thoughts in his head, but from what I'm able to glean reading his posts and comments, he has a very straightforward process by which to conclude something is or isn't racism:

    - Was is an injustice? (Exceedingly broad category, from prepaying at restaurants and being pulled over for speeding to jogging wrong and any microagression you can think of.)
    - Was the person who suffered the injustice black? (Any drop'll do, I suspect.)
    - Was the perpetrator of said injustice white? ("White" can also mean establishment, mainstream society, not just an individual(s).)
    - If yes, racism.

    The standard: Obvious racism is obvious. A black person being the "victim" makes it self-evident. No other factors matter because no other factors change that person's skin color. The person is still black, therefore racism.

    I'm guessing Field won't consider the #GamerGate angle, nor question why literally dozens of these fights, which are filmed daily, never make news if white people just want to play the "blacks are violent" narrative. After all, if they wanted to do that, then it's just objective fucking reality, piss on ideology, that they could play at least three "black people fight" stories every single evening on every single network. So why this one? I don't mind being wrong, as I am just guessing, but I don't think Field feels he needs to consider other possibilities. The brawlers are black. Media are considered "white." Therefore, obvious racism is obvious.

    The in-group and out-group dynamic.

  31. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Josh just sucks the air right out of a comment section, doesn't he?

  32. If you follow everything I do just to criticize what I do, here's some news: You're not a hater; bitch, you're a fan.

    Dumb-asses would probably follow me on Twitter just to say how much I suck, following-through on my ad referral links and everything. Clicking on every single thing I put in front of their faces, just so they can get their fix in saying something negative about me. And never, ever will it be a specific point held in contention. Always just an overall character smear.

    Y'all are my fan-base. I'd hate to disappoint you. Nowhere have I ever been in my life where complete random strangers devote so much time to trying to insult me and crawl under my skin. Not even the feminist collective does that! They just petition for me to be banned, when I tell them patriarchy isn't real and that there is objectively no rape culture on college campuses. Which, if we're honest, a few anons have begged Field before to ban me. But mostly you guys are just my hangers-on. You'd buy my album just to break it.

    Is Tommy Sotomayor right when he says that only black people devote so much of their time to tearing down people for having different opinions, and physically, literally, cannot bring themselves to stop for total lack of impulse control? I'm not sure. But the sampling I receive is hella interesting. I mean, if people called me out for specific points, provided specific examples, etc, that's one thing. But never that; just disagree with what I say, and go at me personally. Is that a "black thing"? (I think it's a stupid, ideologically brainwashed collectivist in-group thing, but I certainly don't know for sure.)

  33. Anonymous3:28 PM

    "you're a fan."

    Um, no.

    I assume most people here do not read more than 10% of any one of your tedious, long-winded posts. I don't.

  34. Why lie?

    I'll let you know when my next album drops.

  35. Limpbaugh6:44 PM

    I hadn't heard of either incident, but the media's priorities do seem strange.

  36. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I really don't understand!

    People PAY top dollar to watch fights on pay per view! To watch men and more and more women boxers pummel the shit out of themselves! Right?

    So who doesn't like to watch a girl fight???

    C'mon...get real here!

    As for a white koo koo that shoots up his family and sets the house on fire? Who gives a fuck?


  37. lilacpr2000 said...
    So who doesn't like to watch a girl fight???

    C'mon...get real here!

    As for a white koo koo that shoots up his family and sets the house on fire? Who gives a fuck?

    You make it sound so simple even I can understand it.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said.I assume most people here do not read more than 10% of any one of your tedious, long-winded posts. I don't.

    I read FAR less than that. In fact, my ONLY comment to him in recent memory was the other day and I can't recall the last time I responded to him when he posted as "Josh".

    When you read a LOT "for a living", reading garbage just won't do.

  39. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Mr Field, please ban Josh from this blog. He's a racist and a misogynist. I mean, this is almost 2016. This foool is so far behind the times he is barbaric.

  40. Anonymous8:12 PM

    "When you read a LOT "for a living", reading garbage just won't do."

    We know you just look at the pictures.

  41. James Bold8:21 PM

    "Mr Field, please ban Josh from this blog. He's a racist and a misogynist."

    Just keep insisting that you cannot be or do wrong.  Retreat ever further into your bubble of delusion, so that when White America finds its voice and deals with the problems Josh is telling you that you should be fixing, any hope of reconciliation will have been destroyed by your intransigence.  You could stop what's coming by correcting and atoning, but it's obvious that you won't.

  42. "Retreat ever further into your bubble of delusion, so that when White America finds its voice and deals with the problems Josh is telling you that you should be fixing, any hope of reconciliation will have been destroyed by your intransigence."

    What an idiot. "Reconciliation"? What type of "reconciliation"? I don't think that any of the black people reading this post believes that they have to reconcile with you or any other racist in this country.

    But carry on. You are quite amusing.

  43. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Bill said...

    You make it sound so simple even I can understand it.

    7:51 PM

    Ahahaha! It is simple Bill! lol! People pay to watch other people fight each other!

    But cares about a deranged American that kills his entire family?

    I sure as hell don't!!! Hahaha!

    I mean, maybe if I lived in the states, I might be a tad concerned! But... all the way over here? What the hell do I care?

    I have bigger things to worry about on this gottdammed economically devastated banana republic, belieeeeve me!

  44. Anonymous9:06 PM

    dear brother Field, James Bold scares me with his philosophy about Josh and white people. I mean, what if he's right and we end up as slaves like the 1700s? I wouldn't want to be Bold's or Josh's slave. Neither one of them think right let alone have a heart.

    Can you ban James Bold and Josh at the same time? It would be very uplifting for all FN folks.

  45. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Does anybody know if you need a passport to go to PR? I'd like to get away from Bold and Josh brothers.

  46. "I'd like to get away from Bold and Josh brothers."

    Because I assume you haven't figured out that you're an individual, fully capable of not reading the comments if you don't want to. I'm not sure who's in your head making you drink the Kool-Aid, but there are ways by which to assert your individuality and to get over the cult of collectivism.

    Be behind on bills. Whose debt is it? They won't pay it.
    They there to wipe that ass, or is that a solo effort?
    They chewing your food for you and helping you swallow?

    Be your own person, anon. For fuck's sake. We only get one life. Why waste it as part of a cult where you feel compelled to act, speak, vote, etc, just like everybody else?

    White people aren't a collectivist cult, and look at how supposedly powerful that's made us!

  47. "Does anybody know if you need a passport to go to PR? I'd like to get away from Bold and Josh brothers."

    Nope. Now is a good time to go if you live in a cold part of the country. United goes there so book now.

  48. "White people aren't a collectivist cult"

    I don't know about that, there are many that are. I've seen it.

  49. Kind of surprised James Bold has time to post, I figured he'd be busy burning a cross on somebody's lawn or going to a horrible skinhead concert or something.

  50. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Does anybody know if you need a passport to go to PR? I'd like to get away from Bold and Josh brothers.

    9:08 PM

    No you don't need a passport,I'll tell you why.

    Because the United States invaded PR in, whenever it was, and defeated Spain who had control of this island.

    So they won or conquered or whatever, the island and proceeded to put military bases on it. They also conquered Guam, and some other islands also,fall for strategic military bases.

    Anyway, they made the islanders citizens, so we can travel to the US freely and US citizens can travel here freely also without passports.

    So technically we are also 'Amurrkans" hehehe...

  51. "I don't know about that, there are many that are. I've seen it."

    I'll actually fully agree with you here. Those Marxists who are white are cultists. Those mostly-all-white, mostly-twenty-something, mostly-all-wealthy, mostly-all-living-with-their-parents female feminists are a collectivist cult.

    But they're an ideological cult. They're not a racial cult, like you and Field and all other black cultists who suppose to define what "black" must be while sending people to the field or the house depending on how in alignment their ideology is with your collective monolith of "black."

    So, yeah, many white people are collectivists. They're not, however, collectivists because they're white. They form the in-group around dogmatic ideologies like Marxism and feminism (which are very closely related), and other nonsense. The black collective is expressly about blackness and solidarity and being the right kind of black to aid in the struggle (white society) rather than the wrong kind of black helpin' massa make the biscuits out of the sun.

    I don't know it all. I can't land the Mars rover. But I's can gleans some tings by livin' in the world, hoss.

  52. James Bold1:15 AM

    "What an idiot. "Reconciliation"? What type of "reconciliation"?"

    For all the murders, rapes, robberies, riots, assaults and general parasitism and worthlessness that the "Black community" has given to Whites since 1965 in lieu of gratitude for very costly gestures of goodwill including affirmative action, "Fair Housing" law, and every other attempt to help you.

    "I don't think that any of the black people reading this post believes that they have to reconcile with you or any other racist in this country."

    Your entire litany of oppression is a lie, Field.  You realize that a half-truth is a whole lie, don't you?  You cut essential facts out of e.g. your re-telling of the Dorothy Bland police-stop tale to create a "racist" narrative out of thin air.  The real story is "entitled Black woman breaks the law, insists she's being oppressed in bid for ghetto lottery payoff—for being treated like anyone else".

    You are exhausting the last shreds of White patience and goodwill, which is itself dwindling along with the White fraction of the US population.  If the Dims and the Chamber of Commerce keep immigration going at its current rate, you're going to wind up with something like this Hispanics-deAfricanize-the-USA-just-like-Compton scenario.  As the poster writes, "we all know that blacks are too dumb to consider what might happen even a few moments or minutes later, let alone what might happen a fear [sic] years down the road... Something tells me that American blacks are about to find all this out in the worst way imaginable."

    You are bringing this on yourselves.  To correct, AT A MINIMUM you must make a serious effort on these things:
    1.  Get rid of the ideas of "oppression" and any adjective before the word "justice".  Justice applies to individuals, on the basis of merit.
    2.  Admit that you have a problem with stupid, violent members of your race.  You still hold Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin up as martyrs.  You must publicly denounce them as thugs who got what they deserved, and out-group anyone who doesn't go along.
    3.  Admit that the biggest threat to Blacks is from other Blacks.  Until you have locked up all your shooters and run every "No Snitching" thug out of town, you have no basis for complaint.
    4.  Stop whining about "discrimination" while your race is responsible for e.g. half of all the armed robberies in the USA.  Preach responsibility and obedience to the law, and back it up with actions.  I realize that you have 50 years of bad examples to reverse, but you have to start somewhere.
    5.  Also run out the fake academics pushing nonsense about an African golden age.  The biggest and most important Black-invented product is very likely the Super Soaker.  The Swiss had been making cuckoo clocks for centuries before George Washington Carver.  If it takes an exceptional Black to copy something Whites had been doing for ages, own up to it... but at least prize them as heroes to emulate, not gang-bangers and their athlete/rapper half-siblings.

    At this point you'll be right about on the message that that actor guy was pushing 30 years ago.  He played a doctor... oh, right, Bill Cosby!  Uh... serial rapist Bill Cosby.  I guess you're going to have a bit of a credibility problem no matter how hard you work at this.

  53. James Bold1:18 AM

    "dear brother Field, James Bold scares me with his philosophy about Josh and white people. I mean, what if he's right and we end up as slaves like the 1700s?"

    Nobody's going to want you for slaves.  Nobody's going to want you for anything.  They are going to want you gone, and be so sick and tired of your behavior they won't care about the particulars.

  54. Don't ban Josh from this blog. Josh is a dorky pencil neck Jew racist who gets his jollies taunting black folks on line. I've seen his type before. The best way to deal with him is take his weak arguments apart and remind him of the worthless flacid piece of garbage that he is.

  55. "Josh is a dorky pencil neck Jew racist who gets his jollies taunting black folks on line. I've seen his type before."


    My "type" ey?

    I weigh 220 pounds. A solid 20 more than I should weigh for my height + muscle mass. I've been called a whole lotta things, "pencil neck" has never been among them. Wanna change that out to "fat boy" maybe?

    According to 23andme, I have zero "Jew" in my DNA. I have roughly 3% Nigerian, however, so I reckon I'm a POC and you're taunting me. Way to treat your own, moron. And way to go full conspiracy 'tard bigot while crying someone's a racist. DA JEWS!

    "The best way to deal with him is to take his weak arguments apart..."

    Though, I notice something about your comment that's suspicious. Hmm...can anyone else figure it out? I'll wait...

    See it yet? You did not do that! You objectively plastered a bunch of ad hominems across the screen, not a single solitary refutation of any argument I put forth.

    People think James Bold and I are like-minded friends from the old country or something, but in truth I'm not a separatist nor do I view the entire black race as less capable of rational thought and logical arguments. However, I continue to receive a larger and larger sampling size which would suggest that if the commenter is black, I can expect certain things:

    - Ad hominems
    - Circular logic
    - Straw-men
    - Category errors
    - Appeals to authority
    - Appeals to emotion
    - Appeals to probability (which unironically are only "probable" because of blatant mischaraterizations in the first place)
    - Red herrings
    - Nonstarters
    - Arguments from ignorance

    What I never find:

    - Anyone attempting to take my "weak arguments apart"

    Here are you, uptownsteve, with a perfect opportunity to tear my argument(s) to shreds! And what do you do? Spam ad hominems, proving yourself logically incorrect--necessarily incorrect--before the first sentence was over.

    But, for some reason, in that weak, decidedly below average brain of yours, you think you just destroyed my "weak arguments" by spamming insults. Pop the Dom and smear shit on the walls! We won, son!

    I personally don't think it's due to your race. I think once you fucking idiots trade in your individualism for the collective, you stop striving for self improvement. You throw your arms up in the air, blame whitey for everything, and are never held to task to be intelligent, logical people. Your development becomes arrested. You could, as an individual, hit the books and get yourself a BS in a hard field en route to an MS and perhaps a PhD. You could start businesses and be extremely successful. You could create a better life for yourself and everyone around you by simply applying yourself. But you can't even string together a coherent argument in life that's not logically flawed literally from start to finish.

    Damn white people!

  56. James Bold2:52 PM

    Don't be so hard on them, Josh.  When the IQ-106 "smart fraction" cutoff is nearly 2 standard deviations above their mean, there is a hell of a lot they are literally not capable of learning no matter how much they try.  They are what they are.  Societies created by and essential for Europeans are foreign and hostile to them.  They really need to be in Liberia or Ghana or Sierra Leone; they'd be at home there.

  57. Josh,

    That must be your scripted "Tell Off The Angry Negro Speech", huh?

    Any black who stands up to your bitch racist ass is "blaming whitey" or "joining a collective".

    BTW racist, how do you know what any of us do for a living? Or maybe you just assume you do because of course, you are the all knowing white, black website trolling dork.

    I'll ask again, if us black folks are so pathetic according to you, why do you troll a black website???

    I think I know the answer because as I said, I've seen your type before.

    You're probably an unemployed loser who regards himself a "psuedo intellectual". Hanging out in your sparsely furnished, piss smelled apartment, dog-eared copy of the "Turner Diaries" by your side, blaming blacks and affirmative action for your failures, and talking shit online.

    I think the reason Field keeps you around is, being the compassionate counselor that he is, you'd probably kill yourself if he blocked you from this site.

  58. Odd that you do exactly what I say you're going to do, what you always do, and then complain that I don't know WTF I'm talking about.

    Let's see, in that reply alone, I count seven ad hominems, four instances of circular reasoning, three arguments from ignorance, and an admittance that you are in fact a collectivist.

    Protip: When trying to tear me down, you might want to consider not proving me correct.

    Just a suggestion.

  59. Josh,

    Believe me, you prove me right.

    You won't answer a direct question and when challenged, you resort to victimhood.

    I guess it's okay in your mind to insult and condescend to us but we can't return the fire?

    One last thing. Take your suggestions and stick 'em up your flat ass.

    And that was not a reference to homosexuality.

  60. "Believe me, you prove me right."

    Bare assertion.

    "You won't answer a direct question and when challenged, you resort to victimhood."

    It's not a "direct question." It's a blatant, demonstrable straw-man.

    "I guess it's okay in your mind to insult and condescend to us but we can't return the fire?"

    Straw-man with an appeal to emotion.

    "Take your suggestions and stick 'em up your flat ass."

    Ad hominem. (But funny. I legit LOL'd at "flat ass.")

    "Real" debate. Boy, I'm getting my ass stomped today. When will it stop? Oh, please, black man, ease up on lil ole whitey with so many illogical statements and conditions that I feel like I'm in the schizophrenic ward of the mental hospital.

    Oh, fuck! I said "boy." RACISM! RACISM! RACISM!

  61. Josh,

    You may get a big kick out of yourself but you don't fool ANYBODY.

  62. Vagueness, also "fuzzy logic," is yet another fallacy. A fallacy is necessarily a deficiency in your reasoning, which makes you axiomatically incorrect. Without exception or equivocation -- wrong.

    Learn to think more critically or don't. You're not trolling me into submission either way. I'm not impressed. You're too small mentally for me to even notice that you're "in my ass."

    Go ahead and insert a gay joke like a good little spam troll. You sure as shit don't have anything else to offer here.

  63. Anonymous8:03 PM

    dear brother JOSH, what is "ad hominem?" I mean, you are not making sense. Speak English. The simpler the better.

    And 'if' you and James Bold aren't brothers then tell him to STFU.

  64. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I am so glad that UTS is back! He is the only one who can shut up JOSH by tearing his arguments apart.

    I 'was' glad JOSH came back because he was capable of tearing PC's arguments apart. I mean, JOSH was so unmerciful on PC, no one knows where he went but he is no longer on FN.

    JOSH has been a 'destroyer' of Blacks non-stop. Not 'one' brother has been able to stand up to JOSH. We are helpless and powerless when JOSH shows up. Maybe James Bold has a point, regarding IQs?

    What I would like to see is Field do a post that requires some functioning racial IQ contest to see who would win. Whoa! it makes me nervous just thinking about it. And I bet James Bold is shaking in his boots.

  65. "what is "ad hominem?" I mean, you are not making sense."

    Anon, in no way do I mean this to be insulting, but I learned about ad hominems in middle school. Did they not teach this when you attended school? What's the deal here? And what's the impediment present to using Google?

    An ad hominem is a logical fallacy of irrelevance. It's when someone simply uses an insult in place of an argument. Rather than attacking the argument and trying to unpack and refute it, the person rather insults the character of the individual who made the argument, usually maligning their motive, their person, etc. It dismisses the argument to which it is supposedly countering and instead seeks to attack the person making the argument.

    E.g. Ben Carson gives his plan for tax reform. Guy says, "Ben Carson's a tomming-ass coon sellout!" Ad hominem. This person didn't rebut the tax reform; this person simply went after the individual. It's a logical fallacy because it is necessarily a flaw in reasoning for an individual to believe that his or her insulting of a person thus negates the argument made. It illustrates a gap in an individual's ability to reason well and to construct a logical, coherent argument.

    But, boy oh boy, if I had a dime for every person here who truly believes an insult means they won the argument, I'd have me a bunch o'dimes!

    "And 'if' you and James Bold aren't brothers then tell him to STFU."

    Yeah, because every single person who isn't my brother, which would be all of human kind -2, I need to tell to shut the fuck up.

    Makes perfect sense. lol
