Thursday, November 05, 2015

When hero worhip goes wrong.

Image result for gi joe suicide imageBe careful how you choose your heroes, because sometimes you just never know.

Remember when the folks in the right-wingnut media were blaming the president for the death of Fox Lake, Illinois, Lt. Charles "GI Joe" GliniewiczFox Views bombarded us with news clips, editorials, and sound bites from pundits about cops lives mattering, too. They screeched and squealed that the president and the black lives matter movement created a climate in this country that put a target on the backs of police officers.

Let's forget, for a minute, that police officer shootings are actually down this year, and that their hero, "GI Joe", was actually a fraud, and, quite possibly, a very bad person.

"More information is coming out about Joseph Gliniewicz, the Fox Lake officer who killed himself while everyone believed it was murder. And in addition to the criminal acts the local police have already revealed, Gliniewicz apparently wanted to put a hit on the village administrator.

A Lake County Sheriff’s Office spokesman revealed today that Gliniewicz was worried village administrator Anne Marrin would find out about his embezzling, and so he sent a text trying to set up a meeting with a “high-ranking gang member” to put a hit on her.

There was also a text about potentially planting something on her, possibly related to the cocaine investigators found in Gliniewicz’s desk." [Source]

He was a real Boy Scout that one.

Anyway, speaking of heroes to the people on the right, it might be time for someone to tell Dr. Ben to quit before he embarrasses himself  more than he already has. I mean, seriously? Corn stored in the pyramids by Joseph? Rapping commercials to appeal to African America constituents? (Why don't you just give out free fried chicken while you are at it?) Throw in the story of knifing his classmate ("The violent episodes he has detailed in his book, in public statements and in interviews, include punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock, leaving a bloody three-inch gash in the boy's forehead; attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes; hurling a large rock at a boy, which broke the youth's glasses and smashed his nose; and, finally, thrusting a knife at the belly of his friend with such force that the blade snapped when it luckily struck a belt buckle covered by the boy's clothes.
"I was trying to kill somebody," ) and we have the makings of a real psycho on our hands.
And to think, this man is leading in the GOP primary. If that isn't enough to scare you about the people you share a county with I don't know what will.
"Obamacare is the worse thing to happen to this nation since slavery". 
Help us all!!


  1. Anonymous8:57 PM

    "And to think, this man is leading in the GOP primary. If that isn't enough to scare you about the people you share a county with I don't know what will."

    What scares me are emails that Hillary Clinton lied about. What scares me is the Benghazi incident. What scares me is Hillary who hasn't accomplished a damn thing in her life and now she's running for President.

    Dr Ben Carson is a spiritual man, and he is smart to boot. He comforts me, not scare me.

  2. The GI Joe story is pretty big here in Chicago but I'm betting crickets over at Fox. Now our buddies have to backtrack and admit Barack didn't personally kill him.

    On another note I am officially a B-757/767 pilot. Off to do some Europe, Hawaii and South America trips. The wife already informed me she WILL be going with me on the Brasil trips. You and Mrs. Field should roll with us so we can both pretend to be looking at the waves and sand.

  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    AHAHAHAAA! Oh my God! I hadn't heard all of that crazy stuff about Carson! Either he's crazy or the biggest liar yet!

    I mean, come on! What a nut! and to think he's a neurosurgeon??? omaigah! What is America coming to??? I was thinking 'bout going over, but nah, I'll take my chances with this ovah heah! Ahahahahaaa!

    Amurrka the cray cray! Ahahahaha!

  4. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Congratulations Pilot! I'll go witchu! xD I know, you don't want me, nobody wants me :(

    I'd prolly get into fights with the cray-cray Amurrkans ahahaha!

  5. My mother worked for criminal attorneys for most of 30 years, and she used to say that the surest way to get convicted of murder is to try and hire someone to do it for you. And from my own observations I would add that it is also one of the least likely approaches to succeed. This guy doesn't seem too bright.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. StillaPanther210:10 PM

    Way to go Brother Pilot. Lead by example. Thank you for doing the hard jobs of America. God knows we have many-more than enough ball catchers and entertainers. By the way one of my bucket list is to fly an ultra-light. I only had one moment of actually sitting inthe co-pilot chair.... during an auto rotation of a helicopter, we did a lot of crazy things in the war.

    Again this is about a real hero.... You.

  7. Anonymous10:17 PM

    SAP2 "Again this is about a real hero.... You."

    10:10 PM
    What about JOSH? Isn't he your hero too? He has put in hard work too.

  8. Blogger PilotX said...
    The wife already informed me she WILL be going with me on the Brasil trips.

    Congrats PX, woot woot!!!


    IMHO, male "bonding trips" trips to SA or South Asia = DIVORCE!!!!

  9. Anonymous10:45 PM

    PX, virtually everyone spells Brazil with a "Z" not an 's'. You really ought to get out more.

    FYI: The women in Brazil aren't that good looking. Try Europe. There are some real knockouts there. I suggest Sweden or Denmark.

  10. Field Negro Reader10:47 PM

    "Anyway, speaking of heroes to the people on the right, it might be time for someone to tell Dr. Ben to quit before he embarrasses himself more than he already has. I mean, seriously? Corn stored in the pyramids by Joseph?"

    Actually, black people built the Pyramids but it wasn't to store grain. It was to store cotton, which the black people were forced to pick for the Pharoahs, who were white and spoke with Southern accents. The Pharoahs then used the cotton to make hoods and cloaks that they wore when they burned crosses (then known as "ankhs") on the front lawns of the black slaves' houses.

    I learnt this in publick skool.

    Our word "Kleagle" actually comes from the Egyptian word for "Esteemed Senior Senator from West Virginia."

    I read this on the internetz.

  11. "The women in Brazil aren't that good looking."

    Uh, no comment. Dessert, Doc and Brotha Panther you're invited. We just have to figure out who's gonna be the one to bail everybody else out when the party get out of hand. I say Field, he is a lawyer afterall.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    FYI: The women in Brazil aren't that good looking. Try Europe. There are some real knockouts there. I suggest Sweden or Denmark.

    My mother vacations in Sweden during the summers. And she mentioned two things about the people there. One, they are real looking White folks compared to White people in America. And in part because of 1, the women there have the flattest a$$e$ on the planet, ROTFL!!!!

  13. Damiano11:01 PM

    That's because it is not and never has been about someone being black, white, woman, man, straight or gay. It's not about glass ceilings or historic firsts.

    Field despises Carson because Field is all about grievance mongering. Carson doesn't allow that. The fact that he's lived the life and over come all the things people whine about is irrelevant.

    Contrast to half-black Obama who was raised and spent his whole life in white, upperclass environments. Who never went without anything, never really accomplished anything of value (and still hasn't), never even held a full time job in his entire life, and never held a part time job for any purpose other than padding his resume for the next job. This difference is that the ONLY thing Obama has ever done and the only thing he is good at is perpetuating a victim mentality for his own profit.

    It is not an never had been about overcoming a situation. It's about perpetuating it.

  14. Everyone with eyes knows that SA has the most beautiful women in the world. And not just because they dominate the Miss Universe pageants either, something about those African genes..........................

  15. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    "The women in Brazil aren't that good looking."

    Uh, no comment. Dessert, Doc and Brotha Panther you're invited. We just have to figure out who's gonna be the one to bail everybody else out when the party get out of hand. I say Field, he is a lawyer afterall.

    10:54 PM
    I see you did not invite any white folks from FN, you black-ass racist.

  16. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Everyone with eyes knows that SA has the most beautiful women in the world. And not just because they dominate the Miss Universe pageants either, something about those African genes..........................

    Sad, just sad.

  17. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Blogger Yīshēng said...
    Everyone with eyes knows that SA has the most beautiful women in the world. And not just because they dominate the Miss Universe pageants either, something about those African genes..........................

    11:03 PM
    NO, Everyone does not know that SA has the most beautiful women in the world. That's because they don't. And you can stop trying to tout African genes because they don't want any part of Africa or Africans. As a matter of fact, all the darkies in Brazil are discriminated has been that way since the beginning.

    One thing for sure, the most beautiful women on the planet are NOT in America. They are in Europe. That's a fact.

  18. @11:13, maybe it's because ya'll ain't really "White", LOL!!!

    Maybe if you were from Sweden, you coulda' got an invite!


  19. BTW, peroxide blond and blue contacts don't count!

  20. So, Ben Carson believes God taught the Egyptians to make the pyramids to store grain 4,000 years ago, while Hillary Clinton believes the world will end in a 'climate change' apocalypse unless I give her all of my money and absolute control over my life.

    That seems like an easy choice to make.

  21. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I think Ben Carson is on to something re: the Pyramids! All those rooms were sealed for a reason and it makes good sense that during those times crops for the nation was most important.

    Ben Carson is a great thinker.

  22. Anonymous11:38 PM

    "AHAHAHAAA! Oh my God! I hadn't heard all of that crazy stuff about Carson! Either he's crazy or the biggest liar yet!"

    My thoughts exactly.

    Which is worse, if he lied about doing psycho violent things in his youth because he thought this would somehow impress people? Or if he actually did those psycho violent things?

    Either way, it's not good.

  23. "I see you did not invite any white folks from FN, you black-ass racist."

    I wish ya'll would make up your minds. Am I an uncle tom or a racist? Geez


  24. The FieldNegro said...
    Fox Views bombarded us

    Us? All 3 million of you?

    Lt. Charles "GI Joe" Gliniewicz

    Government employee?

    I'm seeing a pattern.

  25. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Clinton and Sanders believe in global warming, and that's a nuttier -- and far more destructive -- idea than Carson's pyramid theory.

  26. Anonymous12:37 AM

    I actually hadn't heard about Fox lionizing this GI Joe fellow, but it's right in line with that network's long series of tall tales about proud patriots wronged and persecuted by mean liberals. These almost always have something seriously wrong with them, but sometimes Fox's interpretation of the facts is so offensively stupid that I am amazed they can't foresee at the outset how badly one of these bogus stories will blow up in their faces.

    Sean Hannity in particular is famous for weeping oceans of tears for some of the most obviously worthless and awful people.

    There was Kim Davis, who is most famous for bravely refusing to do her fucking job, because she was too busy hating gay people for Jesus.

    There was Cliven Bundy the racist welfare rancher and his redneck militia maniac friends, who valiantly cheated the government and whined when they came to make him pay.

    There was that Byron Smith character, an old man who went to prison after unnecessarily killing two teenagers who had repeatedly burglarized his house. He lay in wait for them, shot them, and then after they were incapacitated and no longer in any way a danger to him, executed them with head shots instead of calling the cops.

    And of course, there was George Zimmerman, who appointed himself the neighborhood watchman, a job which (in Zimmerman's mind) entails "heroically" stalking and slaying black people who have the audacity to walk through his neighborhood.

    Those are just a few of the degenerates Hannity's championed, right off the top of my head. There are probably way more of them.

  27. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I actually hadn't heard about Fox lionizing this GI Joe fellow, but it's right in line with that network's long series of tall tales about proud patriots wronged and persecuted by mean liberals.

    You have never watched Fox.

  28. Black lives only matter to White people1:14 AM

    Saw some BLM signs posted in front of a Unitarian church the other day; not a lot of blacks there. Much of this hoopla is geared to a white audience. Concern over the preciousness of black lives is being used as a vehicle for other things such as increased government control over guns and their eventual confiscation. White SJW types can get that good noble feeling from patting the nearest black person on the head like some helpless but cute pet. It’s up to whites to ‘do something’ to affect black behavior albeit with kid gloves; just wave a magic wand.

    Meanwhile in Chicago in the past few days a nine year old was deliberately targeted and shot to death; a 20 year old female who just won a modeling contest was killed in a drive-by; two brothers charged in a homicide stemming from an argument over some children’s clothes; and on and on. These blacks are mean and care nothing about anything.

  29. "The GI Joe story is pretty big here in Chicago but I'm betting crickets over at Fox."

    Five seconds of your time seems too much to spend.

    Literally five seconds (though I do type 92wpm):

    I count four stories this week, six in September, only on the first page. Two this week about his death being a staged suicide.

    Now, obviously, I'm not sure what relative, arbitrary number you'd want to call "crickets." And obviously I'm not sure if any Fox coverage meets your standards of coverage, which are likely to change depending on presupposition of the network.

    Did that standard suffice in college? "Ah, I'll just guess here rather than doing any research and seeing if I can actually find facts. My guess is as good as golden."

  30. "Be careful how you choose your heroes, because sometimes you just never know."

    After Obama, you would think people would have learned.

    "Let's forget, for a minute, that police officer shootings are actually down this year,"

    Let's also forget, for a minute, that police shootings and killing of blahs are down. And more whites are shot and killed by the police.

    ""GI Joe", was actually a fraud, and, quite possibly, a very bad person."

    Sounds like Michael Brown. But he was really a gentle giant

    "Remember when the folks in the right-wingnut media were blaming the president for the death of Fox Lake, Illinois, Lt. Charles "GI Joe" Gliniewicz ? Fox Views bombarded us with news clips, editorials, and sound bites from pundits about cops lives mattering, too. They screeched and squealed that the president and the black lives matter movement created a climate in this country that put a target on the backs of police officers. "

    Just like we remember when the folks in the left wingnut media and leftwing kooksphere (which field negreo is a member of) was telling us that there was a war on blahs caused by Fox Views. They screeched about "hands up!!! don't shoot!".

    And when we learned that "hands up!!! don't shoot!" never happened and the some blah lives matter movement was based on a lie? Field does what field does when facts don't support his agenda and the agenda of his fellow kooks-go crickets.

    ""I was trying to kill somebody," ) and we have the makings of a real psycho on our hands."

    In other words, Dr. Ben is a typical blah male. Violent. Angry. Insecure.Coward. And lacking impulse control.

  31. Pilot, I would love to join u in Brazil. I hear they have great food there......yeah thats the ticket. :)

    I mean seriously be heading down for the next summer Olympic games. Take notes for me.

    BTW, I am riding with the Caribbean for the most beautiful women on earth. Followed closely by East Africa and good old USA. (Especially Louisiana ) :)

  32. "Might be". DAMN SPELL CHECK.

    Chief, isn't it a bit early for the moonshine?

  33. Cheif Whooteemoo6:58 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    My mother vacations in Sweden during the summers. And she mentioned two things about the people there. One, they are real looking White folks compared to White people in America. And in part because of 1, the women there have the flattest a$$e$ on the planet, ROTFL!!!!

    So your mother "studies" the asses of white women? Does she study white va-jay-jay or is she an white ass woman?

    Yīshēng said...

    Everyone with eyes knows that SA has the most beautiful women in the world.

    SA women also has some of the highest rates of aids and stds in the world. SA women also like to fart and sh*t on each other.

    But hey, whatever PX likes.

  34. @Pilot... Warmest congratulations!! And wishing you and the Mrs. safe travels, of which I'm sure the Europe and South America trips will be absolutely amazing :-)

  35. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Ah yeah, whatever. Sounds like I don't want to go offshore anyway

    as for the lt. in Fox Lake - real close to where my gal Deb lives - well, ya know what we white negroes always say. WTF is wrong with these people?

    He does not sound like someone I want to encounter no matter what damn color my skin happens to be that day.

    Fkng. idiots, lol. What a world. Hey wayne man. Keep up the great blog man, I get most of my morning education for the day here, and have for years. Steve-oh in Indy.

  36. Top Gun9:43 AM

    PilotX said...
    "On another note I am officially a B-757/767 pilot"

    Did you have to pass all the same tests as the white pilots, or did they grade you on a bell curve?

  37. I wonder if all the rightwing yahoos like O'Reilly, Dobbs and others who tried to politicize this corrupt cop's death by attacking the BLM movement and President Obama will man up and apologize.

    Somehow I doubt it.

  38. I'll tell you, being a black conservative is the biggest hustle in the world.

    In what other group could one be as politically clueless and utter the totally bizarre remarks that Carson has and still be considered a serious Presidential candidate?

    Joe Biden had to bow out of the 1988 race because he plagiarized a couple of sentences from a British politicians speech.

    Carson can say that the pyramids were built for storing grain AND lie about stabbing somebody when he was a teenager and he's leading in the polls.

    Where the hell are my tapshoes?

  39. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Larry Wilmore has a go at Carson's rapping campaign ads.

    Is Carson for real? He thinks if he puts some (abysmally low-quality) rapping in the background of his ads, all the black folks will show up and vote for him?

  40. Anon

    That's a black conservative for you. Really in some ways more racist than white conservatives.

    Remember RNC Chairman Michael Steele's recommendation for "Minority Outreach?

    Free fried chicken and potato salad.

  41. Who doesn't like Brazilian fart girls?

    Just sayin'.......

    uptownsteve said...

    I wonder if all the rightwing yahoos like O'Reilly, Dobbs and others who tried to politicize this corrupt cop's death by attacking the BLM movement and President Obama will man up and apologize.

    Why should "rightwing yahoos" have to apologize for playing the game that was invited by you "leftwing yahoos"? Should we go down the list of things that you on the left have linked to Fox news, the Tea Party and Republicans? See Amy Bishop,Jared Lee Loughner and Bill Sparkman for examples....


    uptownsteve said...

    I'll tell you, being a black conservative is the biggest hustle in the world.

    In what other group could one be as politically clueless and utter the totally bizarre remarks that Carson has and still be considered a serious Presidential candidate?

    Joe Biden had to bow out of the 1988 race because he plagiarized a couple of sentences from a British politicians speech.

    Carson can say that the pyramids were built for storing grain AND lie about stabbing somebody when he was a teenager and he's leading in the polls.

    Where the hell are my tapshoes?

    Obama told many a lie in his book(s) and got elected.

    Corey Booker had imaginary drug dealing friends who would threaten to kill him. Corey Booker got elected.

    Seems like the only ones needing tapshoes are you and your ilk who feel the need to attack Dr. Ben while remaining silent while the people you support do the same.....

  42. Pot calls the kettle blah11:45 AM

    Blogger uptownsteve said...


    That's a black conservative for you. Really in some ways more racist than white conservatives.

    Remember RNC Chairman Michael Steele's recommendation for "Minority Outreach?

    Free fried chicken and potato salad.

    And what are Democrat ideas for minority outreach?

    In Houston, it's crack.

    In Detroit, it's pork rinds.

  43. Blogger field negro said...
    BTW, I am riding with the Caribbean for the most beautiful women on earth. Followed closely by East Africa and good old USA. (Especially Louisiana ) :)

    Ok Field, I'll cosign of the women from the Caribbean but only because I have roots there too. ;)

    And I've also heard that Black women from Louisiana are the most beautiful in the US, but I think that's a tie with those of us from Cali!

  44. uptownsteve said...
    I wonder if all the rightwing yahoos like O'Reilly, Dobbs and others who tried to politicize this corrupt cop's death by attacking the BLM movement and President Obama will man up and apologize.

    I wonder when all the leftwing yahoos including President Obama who actually did politicize the justified shooting of Michael Brown with the "hands up, don't shoot" lie will man up and apologize.

  45. uptownsteve said...
    Joe Biden had to bow out of the 1988 race because he plagiarized a couple of sentences from a British politicians speech.

    Carson can say that the pyramids were built for storing grain AND lie about stabbing somebody when he was a teenager and he's leading in the polls.

    It's called black privilege, a.k.a. lowered expectations.

  46. Anonymous12:36 PM

    "Remember RNC Chairman Michael Steele's recommendation for 'Minority Outreach'?

    Free fried chicken and potato salad."

    True. But hey, at least fried chicken and potato salad are tasty.

    Ben Carson's new ads are just annoying.

  47. "Seems like the only ones needing tapshoes are you and your ilk who feel the need to attack Dr. Ben while remaining silent while the people you support do the same....."

    Oh Uptownsteve is jigging Remus of the highest order. Negroes like him and Field are threatened to the core by a black man who has succeeded at the highest levels of achievement while rejecting the crutch of victimology. That kind of negro has to be exiled to the wilderness lest the rest of black America gets the idea to check out what's on the other side of the plantation fence.

    Jig Uptown, jig!

  48. Which would scare you more, having as President a man who

    _____ tried to knife someone in his youth, attacked his mother with a hammer, and

    actually punched a boy and left a three-inch gash, OR

    _____ made up those stories?

    Time's up. Please hand in your papers as you leave the room.

  49. Anonymous1:06 PM

    You are right, Bozo: No more black Presidents. Ever.


  50. The FieldNegro said...
    When hero worhip goes wrong.

    Right wingnuts took pleasure in proving "hands up don;t shoot" was a manufactured lie.

    Left wingnuts took pleasure in proving Lt. Charles "GI Joe" Gliniewicz was a lie.

    The two parties aren't that much different.

  51. Kinky Con

    "Obama told many a lie in his book(s) and got elected."

    Name 'em.

  52. Too many chiefs, not enough whooteemoos1:39 PM

    Bill, don't tell field that. He has a hard enough time serving one massa as is.

    Yīshēng said...
    And I've also heard that Black women from Louisiana are the most beautiful in the US, but I think that's a tie with those of us from Cali!

    You could ask your mum. But she only studies white women's asses.


    Pasarow declined to identify the student
    but at this point it’s unclear whether he’ll face criminal charges.

    Another fake hate crime?

  54. Bill

    "Left wingnuts took pleasure in proving Lt. Charles "GI Joe" Gliniewicz was a lie."

    You're wrong once again. I for one bought into the narrative that this was a cop courageously doing his job and got killed in the line of duty a month before his retirement.

    I was saddened by it.

    Then we started to wonder why the 3 "suspects" were never found. The black population in Lake County, IL is about 5% yet Gliniewicz claimed one of the suspects was black.

    So one of his last acts was to dial 900-Blame-A-Ni**A.

  55. Dindu Nuffin

    "it's called black privilege, a.k.a. lowered expectations."

    That's a laugh. Tell my Donald Trump is still in the race.

    Or Jeb Bush for that matter.

    If his name was Jeb Brown, with his level of talent, he'd be pumping gas in Hialeah.

  56. And if Obama were white, he'd be renting surfboards to tourists and selling dope on the side in Honolulu.

  57. uptownsteve said...
    "Obama told many a lie in his book(s) and got elected."

    The main one was that he even wrote the book, which was actually written by Bill Ayers.

  58. The Truth2:02 PM

    My Christmas wish list is:

    -Bill and Josh get castrated with rusty butter knives.
    -Bill and Josh get sodomized with crowbars that have been sitting in hot coals

  59. Anonymous2:15 PM

    PX, "I wish ya'll would make up your minds. Am I an uncle tom or a racist? Geez"

    11:48 PM
    Just took at poll at Anon, Inc. It turns out 50% think you are an uncle tom and 50% think you are a racist. As you know, or you might not know, but Field knows--Anon Inc's membership is 50% Black and 50% White.

    The Blacks think you are a sorry-ass uncle tom. The Whites think you are a sorry-ass racist.

    So there you have it: "You are both." Congratulations.

  60. Plantation Pete,

    "Oh Uptownsteve is jigging Remus of the highest order. Negroes like him and Field are threatened to the core by a black man who has succeeded at the highest levels of achievement while rejecting the crutch of victimology."

    Victim???? Beeacth, I will come over to you house and whup yo ass right in front of your woman and then boink her right in front of you.

  61. Why do so many of you trolls have an obsession with male genitalia and homosexual sex acts?

    Unlike a lot of people here, I don't think being gay is insulting. It is what it is. But never have I ever been to a place in my life, outside of elementary school, where people are so obsessed with man bits and man sex. And at least kids just want to be insulting and funny. These are grown-ass people!

    Arguments refuted on merits: 0
    Dumb-ass insults and hateful rhetoric spammed: 1,000 minimum and still counting.

    And why do so many of you take the opinions and arguments of complete strangers so incredibly personally? You'd think I called your wife a fat, hair-hatted bitch or something, or cursed one of your kids, or stole your weedeater. Motherfucking simpletons, I'm a stranger. I have 0 net effect in your real life. Men, if you can be called that: Let it the fuck go. "Fuck you, Josh" or refute what I'm saying, all gravy. But this taking it personally shit, like my words will cause you to seek therapy -- it's the saddest shit I've seen. I'm embarrassed that a grown man can live in the world and be that fragile. I can't even insult it. It's truly that pathetic.

    Fucking dude I have never seen before in my life until this very moment, literally hoping that extreme harm and pain comes to me...because my opinions differ from his.

    How correct can your stance be when you want to literally torture those whose ideology is different? People bust my balls here like they're not collectivists. LOOK! Fucking Mao Zedong up there. How right can you actually be in your worldview? Correctness speaks on his own merits. Mao needs to kill dissenters to be right.

    It's objective which end you're on.

    This is how you carry yourself as an adult in public? In the open marketplace of ideas, you feel so unable to compete on equal footing that you resort to that?

    I'll let PX tell me your race. I have a hunch, but can't know for sure. He's the psychic. I'm just your average Joe.

  62. Josh,

    I'd just like to know why an obvious racist like you trolls a black web site?

  63. Josh,

    Why do you hate blacks and women so much?

  64. Go Pack Go2:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. "I'd just like to know why an obvious racist like you trolls a black web site*

    Why do you hate blacks and women so much"


    Bare assertion is circle jerk fodder here, where the average IQ of troll seems to be around 80. But let's see some evidence.

    *Define sadness: Realizing that some people are so trapped in their collective mindset that having someone their same race create something thus entitles them to share in it and consider it their own.

    I fear for the future of this planet if individualism doesn't make a comeback. As it stands now, Field creates something through his own hard work and diligence and vision, and suddenly it's every black person's by virtue of skin color. And folks literally cannot see themselves acting this way, claiming ownership of another individual's property because that individual shares their skin color.

    And yet I'm wrong in saying y'all are collectivist cultists. You fucking prove it more with every response.

  66. Josh,

    Awww stop with the diversions and bloviations. You obviously have gross disdain for blacks and the posters on this websites.

    So why the fuck are you HERE? Simple question.

    As far as your mewling about "collectivism" I can't tell you how many times I've encountered some ignorant trailer park goober who brags about the "inventions and discoveries of the white man." So because this fool belonged to the same race as Thomas Edison and Jonah Salk, that made his stupid ass an inventor.

    One last question Josh. Just when was this golden age in individualism?

    During Jim Crow?

  67. Josh,

    Do you even have a job (or life), or do you just spend all your time whining on this blog and possibly playing cards with your fellow white men?

    (btw, what is it and Irish guys ranting about black people?)

  68. 1) Evidence. Really simple concept. Make a claim? Support it. I claim you're a collectivist, I support it. (see #2)

    2) I'm here because I want to be. Why are you you? Because you think being black means you share partial ownership of the blog? Classic collectivist mindset. "I's black, he black, we black, is MINE! GIBSMEE!"

    3) I don't know shit about your anecdotal experiences with all these white people claiming white people successes are their successes. But I do know this: Pointing to white people doing it to excuse you yourself doing it isn't a winning angle to take. I thought those whites were evil and racist and holding the black man down. Your aim is to be just like them?

    4) I don't agree with JB that all black folks are this incapable, but you certainly are. Ending on a straw-man. Strong-ass response you have there, Steve! That's some real uptown, highbrow thinking.

  69. "Do you even have a job (or life)"

    Dunning-Kruger is so incredibly strong that it dismantles completely any self-awareness a person may have.

    PB, I don't know how to break this to you, but you're here too. Unless you can magically read responses and respond, you physically came here, taking your time, scrolled to the comments, opened them up, read them, left your own, and possibly even had to spend more time solving a Captcha.

    But only I do that, right...because I have no life or no job and must be pirating Internet on a stolen PC or something. Who the fuck knows. Y'all just wanna spam insults in hopes people with dissenting opinions go away. Classic in-group/out-group dichotomy of collectivists.

  70. Josh,

    " I thought those whites were evil and racist and holding the black man down."

    I never said that. There you go talking out of your ass again.

    I have competed against white people all my life and have won far more battles than I've lost, which is one reason why I'm gonna stay dead in your ass.

    Because I know what you're about and I will enjoy second of exposing you.

    You have no dissenting opinions or nothing constructive to contribute.

    You and that idiot JB are just here to vent your hate and racism online where you don't have to deal with any direct consequences.

    We can start a real debate by you answering a direct question.

    Why do you, who obviously hates black people, WANT to be here WITH black people?

  71. You gonna stay "dead in my ass" huh? By spamming ad hominems?

    Yeah, you and about a dozen trolls who have done everything from wishing me raped and tortured to threatening to murder me. Really pays off, I suspect.

    "your hate and racism"

    EVIDENCE! Holy fuck, what is it with you people who keep saying this shit yet refuse to provide the evidence of it?

    "Why do you, who obviously hates black people, WANT to be here WITH black people?"

    That's a straw-man, an argument from ignorance, and a bare assertion in one fucking sentence! Yet you're speaking about a "real debate?" Dude, please. You couldn't engage in a real debate if your life depended on it. You have managed to illustrate numerous logical fallacies in every single one of your replies to me, yet insist you gon' stay up in my ass and take me out with a real debate! lol

    Yeah, you knocking them whites down like Whack-a-Mole! Just like a lady who used to live up the street and claimed she was the wife of an alien overlord who abducted her. In her mind, she was being real. In reality, however, she failed.

    You want a real debate? I'm game. Two exceedingly simple conditions:

    1) Back up your claims with evidence.
    2) Stop asking malformed questions held together by logical fallacies.

    Wanna ask me a real question, or make a claim you can back up? I'm game. Wanna troll me with ad hominem insults, bare assertion, circular reasoning, etc? You're making yourself look fucking moronic. Though one advantage of this "black blog": Nobody's really going to call you out on it, save those people you have preemptively poisoned the well against, so there's no consequence.

  72. Josh,

    Okay let me try this then.

    What is it about this blog that is so attractive to you that you spend hours and days on end here?

  73. uptownsteve said...
    Just when was this golden age in individualism?

    During Jim Crow?

    No, that was the golden age of Dindu Nuffins really dinduing nuffin.

  74. Josh sez,

    "Though one advantage of this "black blog": Nobody's really going to call you out on it"

    Is this some form of white victimhood being expressed???


  75. I don't know about "hours and days on end." Seems like guesswork.

    As I've said here numerous times, but for some reason you ad hominem spam trolls only focus if I'm saying something negative, I like Field. I like Field's blog. I like Field's format. It's exceedingly rare to find a progressive blog that doesn't police opinion. I respect Field and his blog and enjoy reading his posts. I think he writes well (I'd give it a B-) and does deal with important topics.* I have come here now for two or so years. Many, many times, I have agreed entirely with Field's posts and called out racism, said that police need to be fired or imprisoned for their murderous ways, claimed that stop-and-risk is a blatant violation of civil rights. I come here because sometimes Field posts something that I find interesting and feel like offering my opinion on.

    I'm lucky that I have a job that allows me to cruise the Internet while working. As lead copywriter for a mid-sized gambling service here in the US, I can open up Field's blog (or Bernie Goldberg's blog, or FreeThoughtBlogs, or a dozen other blogs I frequent) and see what's what with the world.

    Why can everyone else who agrees have free reign to post here as much as they want without anything having to be necessarily wrong with them professionally or personally, yet a person who sometimes disagrees must be a racist troll with no life? To be fair, it's been more often than not I've disagreed lately, as Field seems to be stuck on an everything's-racism trend.

    I mean, can you assknots literally not see that James and I do not agree on the assumption of black people being necessarily less intelligent? Why the fuck does everyone ignore my comment when I say a policeman should be in prison as a murder, but will jump down my throat as a racist if I say Mr. Eason at Elmer's didn't experience racism but rather a fucked-up policy?

    Like everyone else, I leave my opinion. No more, no less.

    Strange concept, I know. But that's how blogging became popular! Everyday people of the world, average folks with jobs and bereft a platform, visit a location and offer their opinions on things.

    Though since my opinions don't always fit in, I'm necessarily thrown into the out-group. I'm a racist. I'm a sexist. I'm an unemployed trailer trash troll who has no life and spends every waking moment trying to insult and belittle black people for no other reason than they're black.

    *As a white person (according to PX, this means I'm not white), I have been told by numerous people on numerous occasions, going back to grade school, that black history is American history; that black matters are American matters; that black issues affect all Americans. However, the very moment I comment on a "black" issue with an opinion that dissents from the collective, I'm a racist troll who just wants to spam black people and has no business on a "black blog."

    The cognitive dissonance is sometimes too overwhelming for me, and I freely admit that sometimes I might go a little too far in calling people dumb fuckers for being so blatantly hypocritical and stupid in their double-think.

  76. "Is this some form of white victimhood being expressed???"

    A demonstrably true observation.

    See Yisheng, PX and PC for proof positive that blacks are supposed to stick together against whites on this "black blog."

    Stop projecting, Steve.

  77. James Bold4:21 PM

    The LULZ are good here today.

    <eats popcorn>

  78. Josh, Josh,

    Your diversions and evasions are becoming humorous.

    First off, I couldn't give two shits about what you or James think about the intelligence capabilities of blacks. As I, Field and millions of other blacks have always done, we will continue succeed, live well, and tip goobers like you when you deliver pizzas to our homes.

    "I have been told by numerous people on numerous occasions, going back to grade school, that black history is American history; that black matters are American matters; that black issues affect all Americans. However, the very moment I comment on a "black" issue with an opinion that dissents from the collective, I'm a racist troll who just wants to spam black people and has no business on a "black blog."

    You know that you contradicted yourself here blatantly while trying to be so clever. Black history is American history. Black matters are American matters.

    So what, in your mind, is a "black issue"?

  79. "First off, I couldn't give two shits about what you or James think about."

    An objective lie. The demonstrable proof that you do in fact literally care is on record here, and you lambasted me precisely for what James and I think, conflating us as the same people. You objectively demonstrated that you cared.

    Who the fuck are these people that you're beating down? Are you like Kramer and Charlie Murphy, taking Karate with the little kids?

    "You know that you contradicted yourself here blatantly while trying to be so clever."

    You don't seem clever enough to even keep up in this exchange. Seriously. Did I contradict myself? POINT IT OUT! For fuck's sake, why do you morons swear that bare assertion and circular reasoning proves you correct?

    "so a black issue?"

    This question is just stupid and utterly fucking pointless. It's another logical fallacy, your attempts to shift to goal posts.

    1) I'm told that this is a black blog.
    2) I'm reprimanded and threatened and called a racist for being white on a black blog with a different opinion (were I black, I'd just be called a tomming-ass coon sellout)
    3) Therefore it logically follows that an issue presented by Field is a "black" issue. If the blog must be black, the issues presented here are obviously "black issues."

    It's axiomatic. You, you simple-minded motherfucker, have said this is a "black web site" to me THREE TIMES today. Yet you ask a question. lol

    It's not a question. It's a rhetorical start to some tact you're going to take in your next reply, in order to assert that I'm a racist without having to actually provide evidence for such.

    The problem with stupid people is that they're incapable of realizing not everyone shares their stupidity. They think they're really on to something, while it's like wheelchair basketball vs. the NBA.

  80. Meadowlark Paraplegic5:10 PM

    I think the people playing basketball in wheelchairs know they can't hang with Lebron James, Josh.

    Why do you think so little of disabled people?

  81. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Gi joe is the typical white American full of b.s. and willing to kill for greed. Do any of the racist trolls want to comment on him forcing a fellow cop to give him oral sex or having his son marry his mistress to defraud the army. Come on trolls bring the a material after all this crazy Casper was a hero

  82. Josh,

    Did a black man steal your white girlfriend?

  83. Anonymous6:20 PM


    Great Question.


    You're ranting and cursing because you know you've been cornered. And I know it just burns your racist ass to cornered by a black person whom you obviously feel intellectually superior to.

    You are not lambasted for being white on this blog. There are and have always been white posters here. You are lambasted for being a snarky self-absorbed racist who trolls this blog only to vent your sick resentment and hatred of blacks.

    I assert that so-called "black issues" ARE American issues. YOU said " However, the very moment I comment on a "black" issue with an opinion that dissents from the collective, I'm a racist troll who just wants to spam black people and has no business on a "black blog."

    I said before you have every right to be here. I just want to know why.

    And PLEASE give me an example of what you consider a "black issue".

    Just answer the question.

  84. McNutt6:21 PM

    "Do any of the racist trolls want to comment on him forcing a fellow cop to give him oral sex or having his son marry his mistress to defraud the army?"

    Who among us hasn't forced sodomy on a co-worker or engaged in some good-natured expropriation from a government entity using your children? It's a good thing to assert yourself at work, and the family that schemes together stays together.

    Come on man, stop being so judgmental. It's time to move on.

  85. Limpbaugh6:36 PM

    There are no good Democrat or Republican presidential candidates. If they aren't already mass murderers, they want to be one. Our lying media will prevent good people from being elected.

  86. Anonymous Too many chiefs, not enough whooteemoos
    You could ask your mum. But she only studies white women's asses.

    Which means that after a couple of namometers, Mom's DONE!!!!! And given that YOU are Asian, you're rocking that concave nanometer booty!


    PS - For clarity, the namometers refer's to the depth of the average White woman's ass (that isn't overweight) not the length of your picometer phalus.

    PSS- Why can't you appreciate the beauty of Asian women? Or are you so whitewashed that you've grown to hate your yellow skin?

    PSSS- Your name is chinkymoo, NOT whuteemoo!!!

  87. "Why do you think so little of disabled people?"

    What is your impediment to rational thought?

    "I said before you have every right to be here. I just want to know why."

    After you phrased the question as a straw-man five times, and noticed I refused to answer your bullshit, to your credit you actually did rephrase the question and phrased it well enough that it wasn't so completely malformed. Out of respect, I took my time and gave you a thorough, thoughtful answer. I told you that I thought highly of Field and this blog. I told you a lot of the issues here interest me. I told you I stop here as I'm just in the habit of visiting a lot of blogs, as many people do. I even admitted that, sure, sometimes I do go over the top in insulting people.

    (Are you that same dense-ass, moronic, troll, multi-name Steve that used to post at Bernie's? Seem awfully similar, so just wondering. I remember that guy would ask a question, get an answer, insult rather than reading it, ask the same question, get an answer, insult again, repeat.)

    And what was the first fucking sentence of your reply?

    Your diversions and evasions are becoming humorous.

    You don't want me to answer your questions. You want me to reply so that you can pull shit from my reply, turn it into a stick, and beat me over the head with it. If you were able to do this successfully, I might feel a bit cornered. But you're undoubtedly the weakest to try. Even your insults are grade-school. PBJ is more a nuisance on that front. It's laughable how you "stay in my ass," spamming weak insults and crafting new logical fallacies and pretending to ask questions just so you can ream me out for any answer I give.

    I wanna know who these people were you've competed against and won in your life! Were you at the public pool and had yourself a swimming contest with children? Did you win a carnival game one time and the white person before you didn't? Who are these people?

    "And PLEASE give me an example of what you consider a "black issue".

    Just answer the question."

    Holy shit, I really didn't think a person could be this woefully stupid yet still think themselves capable. I'm not holding your hand through this twice. Once was enough. Seriously. Figure it out or don't. You obviously know how to fucking read. My answer is already on the fucking record. Is there something keeping you from referencing the point at which I answered this exact question previously?

    I suppose we can have some fun with it, though.

    Hint 1: ""
    Hint 2: Community ownership
    Hint 3: OEM Ford parts

    You can do better. Right? I'd certainly hope so.

  88. Man Gravy8:03 PM

    Smell my musk, Josh

  89. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    PSSS- Your name is chinkymoo, NOT whuteemoo!!!

    Asians are smartest people. In 100 years, we will be majority USA. China will colonize Africa and blacks will be our slaves. You here will be our slaves too!

  90. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Asians are smartest people. In 100 years, we will be majority USA. China will colonize Africa and blacks will be our slaves. You here will be our slaves too!

    In 100 years, Hispanics (my people too BTW) will run shit in America and by then, they will have LONG since realized that Asians don't "know" jack shit they just memorize da' hell out of EVERYTHING!!!!
    So you may wanna' trade in that rat lo mein, for a burrito and some salsa! And learn some damn Spanish!!!

    BTW, ya'll won't last 50 years in Africa because everyone there is 5 feet taller than most of you. You may make good Rhino bait for the nature preserves, though.

    PS- If you didn't have the smallest phalus of ALL human males, you might have a chance in Africa.

  91. Oh, shit, Steve; it is you!

    What's up, Carlos? Long time, no see, mate!

    Last time we locked horns, you were telling me all about how, being a white person, I was literally scared shitless to come to The Field Negro and speak to black people, as they would intellectually dominate and intimidate me. Then, I corrected you by proving to you that I had actually been coming here for a year at the time you made that "you be skeered" claim. You mysteriously disappeared for a few weeks, then came back with Carlos to insist I was a right-wing racist.

    Your evidence? I was posting at lol The self-awareness on you is in the negative, homes. Though I'm glad to see you've finally came back.

    Used to be you had the smart-guy, "I'm more educated than you all" routine. Now I see you've switched your game up a bit and now have the "I'll come to your house and whip your ass and rape your wife" routine. Little tougher and meaner without a moderator, I see.

    And the double-think is incredible. You, an obvious racist who hates white people, go to that white blog daily, hours a day spent there, just to berate white people. Why? Why, Carlos?

    Answer the question!

    I just said answer the question! Why?

    Since you obviously hate white people, why do you spend all day, using multiple screen names (proven by moderators who traced your IP) to spam the board and run them down?

    And why does being a hypocrite seem to come so easily to stupid people?

  92. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Brother JOSH, I didn't know all that stuff about Steve until you told it. Man, brother Steve really has some issues. Well, you have certainly shut him up. You have peeped his game.

    BTW, I didn't know you were married, had a wife and house. I am thinking that Steve IS a bad ass to be threatening people like you said.

    I mean, how does one protect one's house and wife from bad ass Steve?

  93. Anonymous12:21 AM

    I will take that as a no for comments in regards to the actual post about another psycho Casper from other racist Casper trolls. If you can't entertain us or at least comment on topic please define your lives through an obsession with black people with your fellow Nazis somewhere else

  94. "BTW, I didn't know you were married, had a wife and house. I am thinking that Steve IS a bad ass to be threatening people like you said."

    It wasn't me he threatened with that. It was some other dude.

    "I didn't know all that stuff about Steve until you told it."

    Oh, that's not the half. Listen to this!

    Steve used to post on Bernard Goldberg's forum, claiming that white folks are racists there, everybody's anti-Obama because they're anti-black, and all the white people were making racist statements. So, a few people, myself included, challenged Steve to produce evidence.

    Here's where the story gets fun! Seriously.

    So, then Steve starts speaking with this guy who appears to be a random troll, but with a member's name, so maybe not. The guy is making racist-ass comments, belittling black people, coming down on all blacks, etc. So, Steve appears to have been right, right? After all, he said people were racists, and lo and behold he's dealing with a racist and smacking this racist around. The racist white guy doesn't have shit on Steve. Steve is intellectually dominating this racist!

    But something's suspicious about it. 1) It's too convenient. 2) In Steve's months-long crusade at Bernie's, he had never made a logical, coherent or factual argument until now. What's so different? Turns out, after the moderators ran the IP addresses of both parties, they were the same person! LMFAO! You CAN'T make this stuff up! Steve, because he wanted to show how racist whites were at Bernie's, created a sock-puppet account to debate!

    And it just gets BETTER!

    After being called out on it, in comes this guy named Carlos, and he's got Steve's back! He's taking everyone to task, calling everyone racist conspiracy theorists, smearing the whites as racists. Steve found him some back-up; he and Steve began talking about the black struggle and how as black men they--remember that word: THEY--have to deal with racist whites on the daily.

    Obviously the moderators again ran the IP addresses, and wouldn't you believe it -- it was Steve AGAIN!

    Not only did he try it once and get caught, but he tried it twice in the midst of being caught!

    Utterly disgraced and hopefully ashamed, "Steve" disappeared and no one had seem him for about a year. Until recently. Now he's back again with two more names, at the least: DarkStar and uptownsteve. Those are the two known names he's using now, in there talking to his damn self. lol

    This guy is a legitimate fucking loony tune! People here can obviously do what they want, but I urge the good men and women at Field's, even if you hate my guts, to avoid this charlatan like the plague. I mean, by PX's standards, it's highly doubtful the dude's even black. He's a sock-puppet troll who gets his jollies creating different user names and causing forum drama, then blames it on everyone else.

    He used to be Steve, a well-educated college man in upper-class Maryland. Now he's ghetto 4eva wife rapist Steve from the PJs. lol

    You can't make this shit up. I'm serious. Dude is disturbed on a level I cannot comprehend. I don't have a word for it. I truly don't.

  95. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Hero worship gone wrong?? That criticism is rich coming from people like you who support an entire movement of "hands up don't shoot" based on lies when the facts were a thug strong armed a store clerk and tried to murder a police officer, for example.

    This officer was clearly a bad guy and people won't denying he is a bad guy when the facts are known unlike Black Lives Matter criminals and their supporters.
