Sunday, December 20, 2015

"A bigot and a racist"?

Image result for trump image          Tonight I will leave you with a cut and paste worthy post from Dana Milbank.

"Let’s not mince words: Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist.

Some will think this an outrageous label to apply to the frontrunner for a major party’s presidential nomination. Ordinarily, I would agree that name-calling is part of what’s wrong with our politics.

But there is a greater imperative not to be silent in the face of demagoguery. Trump in this campaign has gone after African Americans, immigrants, Latinos, Asians, women, Muslims and now the disabled. His pattern brings to mind the famous words of Martin Neimoller, the pastor and concentration camp survivor (“First they came for the socialists…”) that Ohio Gov. John Kasich adroitly used in a video last week attacking Trump’s hateful broadsides.

It might be possible to explain away any one of Trump’s outrages as a mistake or a misunderstanding. But at some point you’re not merely saying things that could be construed as bigoted: You are a bigot.

It has been more than a quarter century since Trump took out ads in New York newspapers calling for the death penalty for “criminals of every age” after five black and Latino teens were implicated in the Central Park jogger case. The young men, convicted and imprisoned, were later cleared by DNA evidence and the confession of a serial rapist – and Trump called their wrongful-conviction settlement a “disgrace.”

Since then, Trump led the “birther” movement challenging President Obama’s standing as a natural-born American; used various vulgar expressions to refer to women; spoke of Mexico sending rapists and other criminals across the border; called for rounding up and deporting 11 million illegal immigrants; had high-profile spats with prominent Latino journalists and news outlets; mocked Asian accents; let stand a charge made in his presence that Obama is a Muslim and that Muslims are a “problem” in America; embraced the notion of forcing Muslims to register in a database; falsely claimed thousands of Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks in New Jersey; tweeted bogus statistics asserting that most killings of whites are done by blacks; approved of the roughing up of a black demonstrator at one of his events; and publicly mocked the movements of New York Times (and former Washington Post) journalist Serge Kovaleski, who has a chronic condition limiting mobility.

He hasn’t gone after Jews recently, but his backers have, and Trump was uncharacteristically silent when prominent booster Ann Coulter, responding to Republican candidates’ support for Israel in a debate, tweeted: “How many f---ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”

Though all Trump supporters surely aren’t racists or bigots, even a cursory examination of social media reveals that many are.  Those supporting Trump tend to be white, less-educated and middle-aged and older – those who are anxious and angry because they are losing ground as the American economy changes. An analysis of the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll by my colleague Scott Clement found that Trump, who has the support of 14 percent of registered voters overall, does particularly well among white men who aren’t college-educated (24 percent) and white, non-evangelical Protestants (27 percent), but gets only 3 percent of non-whites and 5 percent of those under 30 years old." [More]
I had almost forgotten about trump calling for the death penalty for those young men in the Central Park  jogger case. Young men, I might add, who have since been vindicated.
It's sad that it took a journalist who writes for the Washington Post to do what the republican establishment and candidates should have been doing this election cycle: Call out Donald trump for the racist and bigot that he is.    
One of the sad things about the trump phenomenon is that people are always willing to make excuses for him. 
"..he defended the treatment of the black man at Trump’s rally (“he was obviously being disruptive and he was a big burly guy”), Trump’s tweet falsely blaming African Americans for most killings of white people (“he just fell for some bad data”) and Trump’s embrace of a Muslim database (“that was brought up by a reporter”)."
Whether Donald trump wins the election or not, his rise to prominence has been bad for America. Even if his supporters don't realize it yet.
*Pic from


  1. This candidacy was inevitable, if it wasn't Trump it would have been someone else. Check out Rubio's tv ads in which he like Trump wants to make America strong and proud again. This is nothing but what Larry Wilmore calls the unblackening or the blacklash. You saw this coming when a negro was chosen to live in the WH. But little do they know it's going to stay blah.

    Carson/Cain '16.

  2. Anonymous9:23 PM

    pilotless x the coon, shut the fuck up already with the carson/cain shtick. The both of them are stupid, tap dancing sambos just like YOU. It's willfully obtuse lawn jockey robots like you that are dangerous to our race. You serve no good purpose to the Black cause. We'd be better off without the likes of you.

  3. "It's willfully obtuse lawn jockey robots like you that are dangerous to our race. You serve no good purpose to the Black cause. We'd be better off without the likes of you."

    Uh yeah sure Malcolm.

  4. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Call me "Malcolm" all you want coon, it still doesn't change the fact that you are a coon.

  5. "Call me "Malcolm" all you want coon, it still doesn't change the fact that you are a coon."

    You're the one voting for a white person so...............

    Carson/Cain '16.

  6. Lance Cockstrong10:19 PM

    Living in Brooklyn in 1989 I recall the Central Park Jogger rape case as it was splashed all over the tabloids, introducing the term "wilding" as a household word. Whether or not the "Central Park 5" perpetrated that atrocity, it was not that they were arrested for, but rather for assaults on other cyclists and joggers, one of whom was hospitalized. Their conviction was vacated on the basis of DNA and they received $40M in settlement, and that is all well and good. And the recent well documented murders committed by thugs in uniform casts doubt on all police actions. Nevertheless by all accounts, these were no angels, so let's not sing any arias in praise of them. You are better than that Field.

  7. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Anon, I agree with you re: PX being a coon. Hell, everything he says degrades our race. He even calls us "blahs" which was a demeaning term Santorum called us.

    This Negro is beyond coon. But what do you expect from a Negro from the South Side of Chicago where they kill each other everyday and think nothing of it?

  8. Anonymous10:44 PM

    "It's sad that it took a journalist who writes for the Washington Post to do what the republican establishment and candidates should have been doing this election cycle: Call out Donald trump for the racist and bigot that he is."

    Donald Trump is no bigot nor is he a racist. But Field is both. I remember Hillary's campaign against Obama for the WH in 2008. Things got pretty racist with Bill at Hillary's helm. Of course, you won't read anything about that racist ugliness from Field.

    The fact is, Donald Trump is the best the GOP has to offer. At least, that's what the voters say.

    Field, if you must blame someone for Trump, blame the voters. We should also blame the voters for Obama and Bush, also. As a matter of fact, we have the dumbest uncaring voters on the planet.

    So maybe you ought to start criticizing the America voter who is apathetic and uninformed 'if' they go to the polls....that's where the problem is: "The American voter".

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 'Anon, I agree with you re: PX being a coon. Hell, everything he says degrades our race. He even calls us "blahs" which was a demeaning term Santorum called us."

    Great, now we have digital blackface trolls joining up to form a Voltron of stupid.

  11. "Nevertheless by all accounts, these were no angels, so let's not sing any arias in praise of them. You are better than that Field."

    That doesn't matter. the biggest problem was the person who really committed the crime was running free. None of us are angels. Another problem was the inept defense of these young men. I don't believe Field was praising the young men just using them as an example of the justice system gone wrong and Trump basically acting like a member of a crowd that used to watch lynchings.

  12. James Bold10:59 PM

    "I had almost forgotten about trump calling for the death penalty for those young men in the Central Park jogger case."

    You had them in mind from beginning to end of this cherry-picked perversion of reality.

    "Young men, I might add, who have since been vindicated."

    No they weren't.  Matias Reyes admitted to rape afterward—which does NOT mean that the "young men" did not perform the initial A&B and leave CPJ in grave condition.  Those "young men" gave videotaped confessions; it was their release and the settlement, not their convictions, which are a miscarriage of justice.  None of them should have breathed American air as free people ever again.



  14. "Those "young men" gave videotaped confessions; it was their release and the settlement, not their convictions, which are a miscarriage of justice. None of them should have breathed American air as free people ever again."

    The "confessions" were coerced and they were not given their Miranda rights. Miscarriage of justice is a understatement.

  15. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Poor PX, this coon is calling trolls stupid. If trolls are stupid, then coons are idiots.

    Keep your head down coon. In Chicago they love to shoot coons and Blacks.

    I see you coons still love your Mayor who hid the video of the murder of the 16 yr old Black. Well, at least the Mayor threw y'all a bone with firing of the Police Chief.

    What a messed up town for Blacks to live in. But I guess it's fine for "blahs" and "coons".

  16. Would you check the "source" James uses to try to convince us that the young men were guilty. "The blacks" are how the author refers to the men. Can you say biased? I thought you could. This is almost as bad as when he used a tenth grader's term paper to prove something else. Just wow.

  17. "I see you coons still love your Mayor who hid the video of the murder of the 16 yr old Black. Well, at least the Mayor threw y'all a bone with firing of the Police Chief."

    Nope, most folks I know didn't vote for Rahm. That was no bone, that was survival mode. Sure, I guess most coons did vote for him.

  18. Jared Taylor is the editor of American Renaissance and the author of White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century.

    Great sources James. Is this guy in your klan scout troop?

  19. "About Jared Taylor

    In his personal bearing and tone, Jared Taylor projects himself as a courtly presenter of ideas that most would describe as crudely white supremacist — a kind of modern-day version of the refined but racist colonialist of old. He is the founder of the New Century Foundation and edits its American Renaissance magazine, which, despite its pseudo-academic polish, regularly publishes proponents of eugenics and blatant anti-black and anti-Latino racists. Taylor also hosts a conference every other year where racist intellectuals rub shoulders with Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other white supremacists.

    In His Own Words
    "Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears."
    — American Renaissance, 2005"

  20. "Extremism in America: Jared Taylor/American Renaissance
    January 11, 2011

    This document is an archived copy of an older ADL report and may not reflect the most current facts or developments related to its subject matter.

    Jared Taylor founded The New Centrury Foundation, a self-styled white supremacist think tank known primarily for American Renaissance, its online journal. The journal promotes pseudo-scientific studies that attempt to demonstrate the intellectual and cultural superiority of whites and publishes articles on the supposed decline of American society because of integrationist social policies. American Renaissance also hosts regular conferences that feature American and European intellectual speakers from the extreme right.

    Taylor often makes trips abroad to speak about his views to European audiences. He presents himself as a "race realist," one who believes that racial differences are real and that it is natural and healthy for groups to segregate along racial lines.

    Read the full report: Extremism in America: Jared Taylor/American Renaissance."

  21. Anonymous11:41 PM

    PX, "Nope, most folks I know didn't vote for Rahm. That was no bone, that was survival mode. Sure, I guess most coons did vote for him."

    If most coons in Chicago voted for Rahm, then YOU voted for Rahm. That is obvious.

    Anyway, how you can you claim to know anybody in Chicago other than other coons who offend their race like you?

  22. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Apropos of nothing to do with the topic tonight, but, there's gonna be a lot of angry folks in Columbia tonight! xD and Steve Harvey's prolly looking for somewhere to hide! Whooooeee! What a blooper! Holy cow! I don't watch that crap, but it was all over my Facebook feed.

  23. All trump supporters might not be bigots, racists, anti Semites, homophobes, and/or misogynists, but all bigots, racists, anti Semites, homophobes & misogynists are trump supporters.

  24. The Ministry of Truth1:20 AM

    So ... one of Delaware's not-so-finest is now back on the force, after having been acquitted of assault for needlessly kicking a suspect in the face and breaking his jaw (the suspect was clearly cooperating, so force was completely unnecessary).

    This case is not really murky or ambiguous at all, so I can't make any excuses for the jury on this one. They must either have limitless reverence for police officers, limitless contempt for black people, or they're just morons. Take your pick as to what drove their decision.

    Revolting. I fully expect that officer to be back in court soon enough, after he abuses someone else, as he inevitably will.

  25. The Ministry of Truth1:45 AM

    "Apropos of nothing to do with the topic tonight, but, there's gonna be a lot of angry folks in Columbia tonight! xD and Steve Harvey's prolly looking for somewhere to hide!"

    That IS a pretty awkward moment when you give the wrong beauty contestant the crown and then have to snatch it back. Oops.

    It's even funnier than that time Travolta gave an award to Broadway performer Idina Menzel and somehow managed to pronounce her name as "Adele Dazeem." (Dyslexia? Forgot his reading glasses?)

  26. "That IS a pretty awkward moment when you give the wrong beauty contestant the crown and then have to snatch it back. Oops."

    Like when we were kids, psych!

  27. "If most coons in Chicago voted for Rahm, then YOU voted for Rahm. That is obvious.

    Anyway, how you can you claim to know anybody in Chicago other than other coons who offend their race like you?"

    Nope, everybody I know voted for Chuy. Where do you live anon? Among white folks? Too scared to live among "your" people? Ha! Digital blackface in effect. I guess that's why you're too scared to even pick a name on a blog. Shame. You would like the southside, just got back from a good time at the movies with "our" peeps.

  28. "...joining up to form a Voltron of stupid."

    That's cultural appropriation! Stealing my lines. lol If you're gonna sample me, at least put me in the credits.

  29. Anonymous8:44 AM

    "Nope, everybody I know voted for Chuy. Where do you live anon? Among white folks? Too scared to live among "your" people? Ha! Digital blackface in effect."

    "Digital Blackface" is your only comeback/ad hominem? Unlike you I have respect for myself, and others who look like me. I don't have to broadcast to the world that I am 'really Black', however, you broadcast to the world every day how stupid you are, and how much of a detriment to our race you really are.

    "I guess that's why you're too scared to even pick a name on a blog. Shame. You would like the southside, just got back from a good time at the movies with "our" peeps. "

    I don't need to pick a name to get my point across as, unlike you, I don't live on this blog.

    Josh said...

    "...joining up to form a Voltron of stupid."

    That's cultural appropriation! Stealing my lines. lol If you're gonna sample me, at least put me in the credits.

    joshy boy, the only thing you should be put in is a straight jacket, sociopath.

  30. Anonymous8:52 AM

    And btw pilotless x, only an uneducated fool would vote for someone based solely on their skin color. You really are dumber than I initially thought. We don't need the likes of you representative of our race. Coons like you are Black in skin color ONLY.

  31. A big, pink, ugly mofo with money is what he is including a bully that would get him thrown in jail if he were in high school. He's insane like all the rest of his "race", German and otherwise.

  32. You can tell the left is getting scared when they play the race card.

    Funny we didn't get a "Postmortem" of the Democrat debate. No pointing out "Political lies" told by Hillary, Bernie and Marty. No jokes about Hillary having trouble with her depends...

    (Dog bites man. Nothing to see here folks; move along.)


  33. Mr. White10:38 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears."

    This is demonstrably true.

    Haiti, Rhodesia, South Africa, Detroit...

    When the truth gets labelled as "extremism", you know we live in twisted world.

  34. PilotX said...

    This candidacy was inevitable, if it wasn't Trump it would have been someone else. Check out Rubio's tv ads in which he like Trump wants to make America strong and proud again

    What is wrong with wanting to make America strong and proud again?

    What is wrong with wanting to rebuild the middle class and put policies in place that help everyone instead of having Obama's polices which have only helped the top 10%?

  35. Anonymous10:45 AM

    "What is wrong with wanting to make America strong and proud again?"

    Everything, if you are a resentful, jealous negro.

  36. Trump actually did go after Jews recently, albiet in a left-handed way.

    In his speech before the Jewish Republican Conference in November, Trump practically called them a bunch of shylocks.

  37. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Donald Trump:

    There is no proof Putin killed journalists.

    There is no proof President Obama was born in the United States of America.

  38. Shylock Holmes11:27 AM

    "Trump practically called them a bunch of shylocks."

    They practically are a bunch of shylocks.

  39. President Donald Motherfucker Trump11:29 AM

    Barack Hussein Obama:

    "The Islamic State is not Islamic."

    Hillary Rodham Clinton:

    "Muslim terrorism has nothing whatsoever to do with Muslims."

  40. Thank you, thank you, Field. This is the ONLY place I've read or heard of how Trump stands with the electorate generally:

    "An analysis of the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll by my colleague Scott Clement found that Trump, who has the support of 14 percent of registered voters overall..."

    14% ain't gonna win no elections!!

    We can revert to laughing and mocking without fear for the future... well, too much fear, anyway.

  41. The Ministry of Truth11:32 AM

    Lindsey Graham has officially dropped out of the GOP presidential race.

    I am just amazed that Jim Gilmore hasn't quit. No one even knows who that guy is! Except maybe the residents of Virginia (and even some of them might have trouble remembering him). He's polling so low, he doesn't even show up in the rankings.

    It's stunning how many people there are running for the Republican nomination who have absolutely no chance.

  42. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Not to defend Trump, but let's look at Hillary's record, shall we?

    "By contrast, examine Hillary Clinton’s comments defending welfare reform, assembled by Buzzfeed, in the late 1990s and early 2000s:

    Clinton wrote that “too many of those on welfare had known nothing but dependency all their lives.” She suggested that women recipients were “sitting around the house doing nothing.” She described the “move from welfare to work” as “the transition from dependency to dignity.” Or a “substitute dignity for dependence.” Put more simply, she stated, “these people are no longer deadbeats—they’re actually out there being productive.”"

    Sourced from Fox news? No. This quote is from a story in Salon.

    I could go on and on about racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted statements Hillary Clinton has made over the numerous years, but any interested party could look them up. She is just as bad as Trump if not worse as she has a long, long record of disgusting statements against virtually everyone from Jews to homosexuals to attacking other women.

  43. anotherbozo said...
    "14% ain't gonna win no elections!!"

    You can believe those lies if it makes you feel better, but Trump is going to be the next President.

  44. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I remember when she stood by her husband as he signed the Defense of Marriage Act, a piece of legislation that codified gay America’s second-class status. So it’s fair to say that Hillary Clinton had a longstanding opposition to gay marriage......until she didn't.

  45. Because if sodomy isn't celbrated, no one is really free.

  46. The Ministry of Truth11:58 AM

    "I could go on and on about racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted statements Hillary Clinton has made over the numerous years, but any interested party could look them up. She is just as bad as Trump if not worse as she has a long, long record of disgusting statements against virtually everyone from Jews to homosexuals to attacking other women."

    Nice try.

    Hillary Clinton isn't a perfect candidate if you're left of center. She, along with her husband, has a history of being "Republican lite," back in the '90s when that appeared to be necessary for a Democrat to get elected. She claims to have put all that behind her now. (Bill signed on to many awful Republican-generated ideas, like so-called "tough on crime" policies, NAFTA, welfare reform, and deregulating Wall Street - which led directly to the subprime mortgage crisis and a giant recession.) She's also pretty hawkish on foreign policy.

    These are pretty much the reasons for the challenge from the campaign of Bernie Sanders, a dyed-in-the-wool liberal (who bizarrely calls himself a socialist).

    But if you're suggesting that she's in the same league as Trump, that's a barrel of laughs right there. Given a hypothetical match-up between her and Trump, anyone who isn't an actual Nazi should hold their nose and vote for Hillary.

  47. Clueless Repeater of Lies said...
    "But if you're suggesting that she's in the same league as Trump, that's a barrel of laughs right there"

    You are right. Hillary is by far the biggest criminal ever to be a major party candidate for the office of the President of the United States:

  48. Minister Of Truth, u are on to something. I am not sure who in their right mind would vote for that hustler,trump.

    At least I hope his bigotry is all an act, if not, he is one scary dude.

  49. Anonymous12:56 PM

    The only thing keeping Shrillary out of federal prison is Obama’s failure to order a Justice Department investigation into the various laws she violated by using a home email server for classified correspondence, then lying about it and tampering with evidence. A thorough investigation into why she found it so essential to keep her email secret would likely lead to influence peddling charges, relating for example to her helping Putin to control American uranium production in exchange for a payoff to her infamous Clinton Foundation money laundering operation. If Obama were to allow justice to prevail, she would likely spend the rest of her life behind bars. So she had better play nice.

  50. Fake Negro12:58 PM

    field negro said...
    At least I hope his bigotry is all an act, if not, he is one scary dude.

    What's "bigotry", Field? If you spoke out against allowing the Klan into your town, would you be a bigot?

  51. Obama spends $350 million of American taxpayer money to push homo agenda on Africa, causes more harm than good:

    Africans apparently have more sense than Americans.


  52. New ISIS recruiting video.

    No images of Trump.

    Images of Bill Clinton and Obama.

    Another left-wingnut talking point debunked by reality.

  53. "New ISIS recruiting video.

    No images of Trump"

    Sweet Jesus, you couldn't make it up.

  54. Anonymous2:37 PM

    COPS: Man Punches, Robs Victim Just Involved In Car Accident

    Does anyone remember the last time there was brotherly love in Philly?

  55. The Purple Cow said...

    "New ISIS recruiting video.

    No images of Trump"

    Sweet Jesus, you couldn't make it up.

    Give Hillary and the left sometime. They are good at making shit up.

  56. Obama's eternal political algorithm runs like this: He ruthlessly exploits the fears and paranoias that animate his own voters -- Muslim "backlash," cop shootings which occur something like one in one thousand arrests, global warming that hasn't been happening for 17 years, mass shootings in an age when gun violence and murder is down substantially.

    But when someone else talks about issues -- terrorism, Iran, declining wages, society becoming more hostile to conventional religion, the uncontrolled border and the implications of that for our economy, security, and political equilibrium -- those are just some phantasmal "fears" which are being cynically "exploited" by crafty politicians who know how to stoke the lizard brain bigotries of dumb people.

    He is ghastly. He is also stupid and unselfreflecting, because I bet you what I've said has never even occurred to him as something he needs to justify to himself:

    President Obama said in a radio interview airing on Monday that Donald J. Trump, a leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, is exploiting the resentment and anxieties of working-class men to boost his campaign. Mr. Obama also argued that some of the scorn directed at him personally stems from the fact that he is the first African-American to hold the White House.
    Demographic changes and economic stresses, including "flatlining" wages and incomes, have meant that"“particularly blue-collar men have had a lot of trouble in this new economy, where they are no longer getting the same bargain that they got when they were going to a factory and able to support their families on a single paycheck," Mr. Obama said in the interview with National Public Radio.

    "You combine those things, and it means that there is going to be potential anger, frustration, fear -- some of it justified, but just misdirected," the president added. "I think somebody like Mr. Trump is taking advantage of that. That's what he’s exploiting during the course of his campaign."

    What a piece of shit Obama is. No one is ever going to be this bad of a President again, he will hold the record for all time.

  57. If the "Central Park 5" were truly innocent there would have been a retrial and all the facts laid out for the jury and all to see. Instead there was backroom dealing, witnesses threaten, some not interviewed and evidence ignored.

    The same leftwingers who claim the "Central Park 5" are innocent without a retrial are the same people who refuse to believe the Duke lacrosse 3 are innocent because there was no trial.

  58. "society becoming more hostile to conventional religion..."

    Or to pur it another way - society growing up and acting rationally.

  59. Hide the decline3:39 PM

    "Or to pur it another way - society growing up and acting rationally"

    Yes, worshiping "the Earth", believing in the Global Warming apocalypse, and considering humanity to be a scourge on the planet that should be eliminated is much more grown up, rational, and healthy than Christianity.

  60. Ace, u are an idiot,and what u wrote makes no sense.

    I am just helping u out because I am sure that when u wrote down what u did it all made perfect sense to u. That wingnut echo- chamber will do that to u.

  61. PC, are Christians being rounded up in Europe yet?

  62. "Yes, worshiping "the Earth", believing in the Global Warming apocalypse, and considering humanity to be a scourge on the planet that should be eliminated is much more grown up, rational, and healthy than Christianity."

    ..and can you name one rational human being on the planet that holds that particular set of views?

    I'll wait....

    "PC, are Christians being rounded up in Europe yet?"

    Nope, no Christians left Field.

  63. Hide the decline4:37 PM

    "..and can you name one rational human being on the planet that holds that particular set of views?"

    No, dumbass, because a rational person wouldn't hold those views.

    Followers of the Progressive religion aren't rational.

  64. "Followers of the Progressive religion aren't rational."

    So in other words there is no one who holds those views, and you were making shit up as you go along as usual.

  65. Anonymous5:46 PM

    White and black people live together well in my middle class neighborhood and my friends' families.

    I don't claim any low class, ignorant, law breaking, meth dealing, white trash as my people. Why do you?

  66. Hide the decline5:49 PM

    "So in other words there is no one who holds those views,"

    No, dumbass, there are millions of "progressives" who mindlessly follow their own religion, you being a prime example. Just because you won't admit your collection of irrational beliefs is a religion, doesn't mean it isn't.

  67. "I don't claim any low class, ignorant, law breaking, meth dealing, white trash as my people. Why do you?"

    Racial solidarity is the most important thing to blacks, which is why they lionize the worst among them and make heroes out of murderers and lowlifes.

  68. The Fixer7:34 PM

    Racial solidarity is the most important thing to whites, which is why they lionize the worst among them and make heroes out of murderers and lowlifes.

    There, fixed it.

  69. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Instead there was backroom dealing, witnesses threaten, some not interviewed and evidence ignored.

    Which is what happened the first time which is why they were wrongly convicted.

  70. the GOP7:39 PM

    What is wrong with wanting to make America strong and proud again?

    What is wrong with wanting to rebuild the middle class and put policies in place that help everyone instead of having Obama's polices which have only helped the top 10%?

    When exactly was America proud and strong? Are you ashamed of being an American? So you're only patriotic when exactly? And what exact policy is Rubio offering to achieve this great middle class awakening? Please be as specific as possible.


  71. the GOP7:43 PM

    It's stunning how many people there are running for the Republican nomination who have absolutely no chance.

    You mean all of them?

  72. O'Gurl7:54 PM

    #TheyDontWantUs to be educated. A black contestant was fired off of Celebrity Apprentice because he was too smart.

    Keep doin' you Field.

  73. The Fixer7:58 PM

    Racial solidarity is the most important thing to blahs, which is why they lionize the worst among them and make heroes out of murderers and lowlifes.

    Nothing wrong with that statement.

  74. The Fixer8:00 PM

    Racial solidarity is the most important thing to whites, which is why they lionize the worst among them and make heroes out of murderers and lowlifes.

    There, fixed it.

  75. Voltron8:02 PM

    That's cultural appropriation! Stealing my lines. lol If you're gonna sample me, at least put me in the credits.

    That line was used long before you joined us Josh. You don't get any credit.

  76. Keep the White House Black8:03 PM

    And btw pilotless x, only an uneducated fool would vote for someone based solely on their skin color. You really are dumber than I initially thought. We don't need the likes of you representative of our race. Coons like you are Black in skin color ONLY.

    And whom do you vote for? White people? I should have known. Sell out ass digital blackface. Take your ass to the house.

  77. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Racial solidarity is the most important thing to blahs, which is why they lionize the worst among them and make heroes out of murderers and lowlifes.

    There. Fixed it.

  78. Special Ed8:26 PM

    "There, fixed it."

    That Fixer sure is clever.

  79. Anonymous8:29 PM

    God damn. If I was black or Hispanic or Asian the last person I would vote for is Hillary Clinton. She represents every excuse employers and coworkers resented me at first because I might have been an AA hire. Enough. Make it or break it on our own! Fuck Hillary and her racist, sexist politics.

  80. George Washington Cardboard8:30 PM

    O'Gurl said...
    "A black contestant was fired off of Celebrity Apprentice because he was too smart."

    Doubly impossible because:
    1. You can't fire black people
    2. Well, y'all knows why.

  81. Limpbaugh9:15 PM

    There is one good thing Trump did. He crushed Jeb Bush.

  82. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Does anyone remember the last time there was brotherly love in Philly?

    2:37 PM

  83. The Fixer11:41 PM

    Racial solidarity is the most important thing to whites, which is why they lionize the worst among them and make heroes out of murderers and lowlifes.

    There, fixed it.

  84. James Bold12:33 AM

    "Racial solidarity is the most important thing to whites, which is why they lionize the worst among them and make heroes out of murderers and lowlifes."

    ... which is why they throw them in jail for long terms and sometimes don't even speak about them if they are family members.

    Damn, Black people are sofa king stew pit.

  85. Anonymous7:20 AM

    "And whom do you vote for? White people? I should have known. Sell out ass digital blackface. Take your ass to the house."

    Yes, I would vote for someone white if the Black option ain't worth shit, dumbass coon. Try leaving the house for a change lawn jockey. Fuck outta here.
