Saturday, December 19, 2015


Our new post-Obama "Star Wars": Race, the Force and the dark side in modern America

*Pic courtesy of Lucas Films.

I need a caption for this pic.

For example: Come back, I was just kidding; I do think O.J. did it.


  1. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Come back, baby. Please don't leave.

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Hey, we can watch the Democratic debate over there!

  3. Still chasing white women?!

  4. ctrl+halt+del10:08 PM

    Officer fires laser cannon said, "They had a stick, I feared for my life!"

  5. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Once again, Black chases White. Will it ever stop?

  6. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Lilac, stop running baby. Don't you know you can trust me?

  7. Anonymous10:47 PM

    No no no, I didn't say MY balls are trying to get into you but THESE balls. No that doesn't sound right either. Damn, just run!


  8. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Wait, this movie will make how much? And we're filming in a junk yard and you're paying me what?


  9. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Baby pleeeze, pleeeze don't go.

  10. Wesley R11:25 PM

    2 billion dollar movie. I saw it. I loved it.

  11. Dude: "Holy shit, Cheryl. There's a ship shooting at me and a soccer ball wearing a soccer ball chasing me!"

    Chick: "I told you my dad hated black guys! But, no, you didn't listen. 'It's 3018,' you said. 'He'll be cool,' you said."

  12. Good thing we can outrun explosions.

  13. The Ministry of Truth6:10 AM

    Incoming! Run for your lives!

    It's Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and her minions coming to destroy the Bernie Sanders campaign with her Death Database!!

  14. PX@10:50 in the lead, Josh @12:20 in second.
    WC@4:30 a close third. :)

  15. A little off topic, if I may: Can anyone explain to me why people are saying that this installment of Star Wars is just another racist parade of nothing but white people in cinema? I'm not trolling here; I've honestly heard people bitching that this Star Wars is fucking racist.

    I've never seen a full Star Wars film. If I see this one, it will be the first. So I have zero real context, other than pop culture references: Kettle run in whatever parsecs, Luke, I am your father, incest, some fat Java guy, etc.

    Do we need 70% of the Wiz reboot before something's considered "fair" in Hollywood? I don't get this shit. White people aren't bitching about Tyler Perry movies, assholes.

  16. Yisheng9:52 AM

    Good call on PX and WC.

    Why folks STILL read Josh's crap is and will be forever lost on me.

    But hey as the primary target of his bullshit rants, my perspective is a hellva lot different than most.



  17. #CRACKSTEMMASTER, can't stop reading my shit while claiming for 2 years she doesn't read my shit. lol Cocaine's a hell of a drug.

  18. Lance Cockstrong12:49 PM

    These white women - always playing hard to get

  19. Anonymous1:46 PM

    White woman: I better slow down so he can catch me! Hehehe, I didn't think I could actually outrun him!

  20. Yisheng2:53 PM


  21. Under the Spanish general election rules, a vote cast by a citizen in the countryside counts for more than a vote cast by a citizen in a city.

    How fucked up is that?

  22. Lance Cockstrong4:19 PM

    @ Purple Cow 3:53 PM -

    Fucked up yeah but no more so than the electoral college here in the Land Of The Free Home Of The Brave, that according to my daughter who lives in Spain.


  23. Reuters poll

    In your opinion, which Democratic Presidential candidate is best suited to address the issue of terrorism?
    None 43%
    Hillary 36%
    Bernie 17%
    Martin 3%


  24. Of course CNN goes on and on about trump and his imaginary video yet they will "leave it aside" when it comes to Hillary and her imaginary video.

    “The fact-checkers at this time say there is no proof that ISIS used Trump in their videos… But, We’ll leave that aside.”

    Gotta love the media's double standard.

  25. Lance Cockstrong5:31 PM

    @Bill 4:57 PM -

    Bill, is there any doubt that ISIS would use Butt Trumpet in their videos? Why don't you track Bag Daddy down and ask him. When he cuts off your empty head it will be no great loss, you obviously don't use it anyway.

  26. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Yisheng said...


    2:53 PM

    Hey Yisheng! Enjoy your vacation! :)

  27. Poor Bill.

    The only hope for his party is Donald trump and Ted Cruz. :(

    Not sure I would want to ride with those two.

  28. "Can anyone explain to me why people are saying that this installment of Star Wars is just another racist parade of nothing but white people in cinema?"

    I haven't heard that. I have to go see it to make a judgement.

    "White people aren't bitching about Tyler Perry movies, assholes."

    Why would they? That would be like the Yankees bitching about the Mets winning too many World Series. Wouldn't make sense to anyone so why even bring that up?

  29. "Can anyone explain to me why people are saying that this installment of Star Wars is just another racist parade of nothing but white people in cinema?"

    now that I remember there was a racist outcry when it was announced a brotha was one of the lead characters. Maybe that's what you're talking about.


  31. "Why would they? That would be like the Yankees bitching about the Mets winning too many World Series. Wouldn't make sense to anyone so why even bring that up?"

    I don't know. I really don't. I really don't know why some people bitch that white people, who are writing, directing, casting and producing the movies don't put more non-white people in them. My point about Tyler Perry: Here's a guy making the movies HE wants to make, casting the people he wants to cast, and white folks aren't bitching (apart from maybe edgelords). It's no secret where I stand on such issues, of course. I'm of the mind that if you want more black characters in Game of Thrones, for instance, stop trying to appropriate and make demands on George R.R. Martin's intellectual property and write your own fucking story. It shouldn't be surprising that, for most white folks, white people are their frame of reference when they write and that they write primarily white characters because that's what they know. But, no...dat's wacist! It's the job of white people, and only white people, to be diverse.

    The video I watched was DMCA'd, probably because they showed too many fucking Star Wars scenes, but it was full of folks--black, Latino, and a few Asians--bitching that George Lucas was racist and that Star Wars should include more minority characters.

    It's just a personal pet peeve of mine.

    Unless there is some law of which I'm unaware that keeps minorities from writing, directing and producing their own material, I don't see what's stopping them--the whiners, obviously, not people in general--from creating material that satisfies their tastes.

    Yeah, I'm long past the level of rant here. But I am just genuinely stumped at why so many people refuse to create their own shit yet demand everyone else cater specifically to them.

    I don't expect the Field collective to agree and, in fact, I'm probably a horrible racist for even expecting one to meet the unfair burden of creating their own material if they're unhappy with white people.


    Pilot, I legitimately tried to get through that link and see what you were talking about, but I can tell you with exacting certainty that whoever wrote that article is a fucking idiot. They, like the typical SJW, describe "Gamergate" as harassment against women. That is so fucking far removed from the truth that Bigfoot enthusiasts start to make sense. It would be the equivalent of me linking you an article written by your buddy Jared Taylor. How well would that go over? lol

  32. "It would be the equivalent of me linking you an article written by your buddy Jared Taylor. How well would that go over? lol"

    I wasn't using the link to supply any information but to see if that was what you were referring to as far as Star Wars racism because honestly I haven't heard anything about it.

    "It's just a personal pet peeve of mine."

    I can tell because you seem to be seeking out things to be peeved about.

    "The video I watched was DMCA'd, probably because they showed too many fucking Star Wars scenes, but it was full of folks--black, Latino, and a few Asians--bitching that George Lucas was racist and that Star Wars should include more minority characters."

    Maybe you shouldn't watch such things if they cause you distress. There is a movement by POC to create our own media and many of us support such endeavors. Therefore there should be no questions about why there is a need for BET and such because we both know the answer to such queries. Glad we can agree on something.

  33. Seeking out? PX, I won't accuse you of being stupid here, and obviously you're not so blind that you can't see the screen in front of you. But is it just white-knuckled hatred for me on a personal level that you do not even realize that I brought up Star Wars because--wait for it--the pic was about Star Wars!

    I didn't seek it out, Einstein. It was there right in front of my face, so I asked a simple fucking question about it.

    I mean, at times I can see why initialism like "lol" was created. Sometimes there's really nothing else to fucking say.

    "if they cause you distress."

    Oh, I see. Everyone else can air out their fucking grievances, but not me. I'm always just crying or in emotional distress when I bring up things that irk me. And don't let the context slip. Unlike the folks who are calling for bans and forced diversity and all the suchlike, all I'm doing is that that their stupidity irks me; I'm not calling for them to disappear from the planet or anything.

    And I don't care fuck-one about BET. I used to watch it religiously as a teenager: Rap City, Big Tigger in the basement, can't freestyle for shit. And if there are white people out there crying over BET, I'll tell them to STFU and create a WET if that's what they want. It's not the responsibility of black people to insert white people for "diversity." Want diversity? Make your own shit.

  34. JOEL54547:35 AM


  35. Yisheng10:32 AM

    I can tell because you seem to be seeking out things to be peeved about.
    Like he always does, but ya'll keep reading anyway.

  36. "but ya'll keep reading anyway."

    Bitch, you're fan numero uno. You constantly read my shit and respond here just to say you don't read my shit.

    What kind of dumb-ass...

    You're like that Family Guy skit of that woman leaving the guy: "Okay, I'm going now. Now I'm going. Bye! I said bye. I'm leaving now. You're gonna miss me. This time I'm serious. I'm really leaving. Okay... this is me going."

    Bitch leave!

    WTF kind of brain damage you working with CRACKSTEMMASSA? Why do you need everyone to know, 7 times a day, that you don't read my shit (by reading my shit)? lol

    Self-awareness: 0.

  37. "I didn't seek it out, Einstein. It was there right in front of my face, so I asked a simple fucking question about it."

    Jeez, calm down Josh. I was just saying that I haven't heard anything about Star Wars not being diverse. Wow, decaf maybe?

  38. "But is it just white-knuckled hatred for me on a personal level that you do not even realize that I brought up Star Wars because--wait for it--the pic was about Star Wars!"

    No hatred at all but a kinda weird transition is all. Take the emotion out of it. Just trying to see what was up with your post. I know, my mistake.

  39. "I was just saying..."

    My bad, PX, if that's really what you meant. If I inferred poorly, I'll own it.

    However, I judged you by your words on the screen. I mean, in a medium such as this, I'm not sure of another way by which I should judge another person's meaning and intent beyond what they literally put in print.

    "I can tell because you seem to be seeking out things to be peeved about." < That's what I read and to what I was basing my rebuttal. If by that you meant, "I haven't heard anything about it," then fine. But to the extent the things you write aren't the things you mean, I'm betting we'll be having some deja vu shortly...

  40. "But to the extent the things you write aren't the things you mean, I'm betting we'll be having some deja vu shortly..."

    Nope, focused exclusively on the topic at hand. I am curious at where you are seeing examples of Star Wars being called racist.

  41. Well, the most recent I seen was Mellisa Harris-Perry claiming Star Wars, the originals, were racist because Darth Vader was supposedly a "black man" the entire time, until which point he took off his mask to reveal a white man. She says that black = bad (although she apparently forgot the Storm Troopers; I've never seen the fucking movie and know those bad guys are all dressed in white) and that Hollywood had to bury Darth Vader's "blackness" and the like. But she's fucking crazy anyway. She don't know what words mean. She doesn't allow people to say "hard work" because, in her batshit crazy mind, believing she's really a black person*, she thinks only slaves can do "hard work." Never mind that "work" implies a reward; "work" implies voluntary, and what slaves did was slave. She's a fucking idiot.

    The video I seen, like I said, got DMCA'd. And I've also seen idiots threatening to boycott the film because it supports "white genocide," but seeing as this was strictly a social media campaign, from what I can tell, it seems to be edgelords and not people who are citing a legitimate racial beef. I mean, there are quite a few discernible differences between edgelords and social-justice warriors.

    The video I seen was minorities bitching about bringing back Harrison Ford and Mark Hamil rather than allowing younger minority actors to have a shot.

    And, like I said: 1) I just brought it up because the picture here is Star Wars. 2) It's just a pet peeve of mine when folks call Hollywood "racist" for any sort of diversity beef. 3) I just asked a question. Folks can answer it or not answer it.

    *Harris-Perry makes Rashida Jones look like she's from the heart of Sub-Saharan Africa, worse than Soledad O'Brien and her bitching years past about shit that's "racist." For fuck's sake, Donald Trump has a darker complexion than these people. Black as an ideology is another pet peeve of mine, but we'll leave it at that.

  42. "The video I seen was minorities bitching about bringing back Harrison Ford and Mark Hamil rather than allowing younger minority actors to have a shot."

    Never heard of this video and have no clue what a DMCA is. Pretty sure MHP was joking about Darth Vader. I suggest you stop watching Run-Dmc videos if they cause you this much distress. Interesting. Do you get these feelings everytime you see a Star Wars picture or trailer? I hope you don't start ranting during the movie. Take what MHP said with a grain of salt and don't watch anymore videos. There, solved.

    *Harris-Perry makes Rashida Jones look like she's from the heart of Sub-Saharan Africa, worse than Soledad O'Brien and her bitching years past about shit that's "racist." For fuck's sake, Donald Trump has a darker complexion than these people. Black as an ideology is another pet peeve of mine, but we'll leave it at that."

    You always have to close with a semi-racist rant huh? Just can't leave well enough alone.

  43. "I suggest you stop watching Run-Dmc videos if they cause you this much distress."

    Again, dude, seriously, go fuck yourself. I'm not in here bitching and cussing about it. I brought it up in one fly-by comment, asking if anyone call tell me what's racist about Star Wars. The rest is just me trying to have a conversation with you. But I know that's impossible. I can be sat here having a conversation, while you're just looking for spots to insert snark and condescension and combing through every single word looking for something you can call racism. You make TPC look like not so much of a cunt.

    DMCA means that YouTube takes the video down because of copyright infringement.

    "You always have to close with a semi-racist rant huh?"

    What in the fuck is your dumb ass talking about? 1) Learn the meaning of words. 2) Stop being a baby. You talk about me being distressed and then yank the race card out your pocket like the police have a gun on you.

    Donald Trump is darker than Harris-Perry! lol This is just an observable fact. I'm about 5 shades darker than she is. I mean, I know "white" isn't considered a color, and sure as fuck not a culture to y'all collectivists, but seriously, homes. She's putting herself in with slaves. I'm not being the least bit hyperbolic to say that she coulda walked her white ass off the plantation and avoided slave catchers with ease back in the day. They woulda kept her fair-skinned ass indoors to begin with.

    WTF is racist about this? I'm not supposed to have eyes that work? Well, I am at Field's, after all, where it's "racism" to hold a different opinion than black people.

    I get what I deserve at this point. It's not like this shit is sneaking up on me.
