Friday, December 11, 2015


So I am watching this cable news show this morning (the one with the host who allegedly lost an intern under very Chappaquiddick like circumstances) and they were going on and on about
how America has become afraid of Isis and terrorism.

 Make no mistake, the press has been complicit in spreading this narrative, because nothing says money like ratings, and nothing says ratings like sensationalized news stories that make us fearful.  
Of course the aforementioned host was blaming the president. "He is too cool. Americans want action, they want true leadership." Harold Ford, still upset that he didn't become Obama before Obama came along, actually said that we should bring back the NSA surveillance program that spied on American citizens. And the beat goes on. Some folks want to bring back torture, some want boots on the ground, and some, like a certain presidential candidate, would ban those of the Muslim faith from our country all together.

This fear, of course, is reflected in all the latest polls, and in the behavior of Americans who are rushing to gun shops in droves.  Donald trump would like to thank you all, because without your fear and panic he would not be leading the field of republican presidential candidates. I mean just look at him, if anyone can stare down those evil Isis dudes in black, it's Donald.

All of this fear and angst is nothing new to black folks in certain parts of America. I guarantee you that the last thing some poor mother in the hood is thinking about is Isis blowing up her neighborhood while she is waiting in line at the grocery store. Real terror for these poor folks is not having enough money to buy food, or getting put out on the street with their child because they can't afford to pay the rent. At that moment their landlord is Isis.

Sadly, terror is nothing new to us; we live  with terror every day. We worry about getting shot by the police, getting shot by some young buck who thinks that life is a rap video, and just being beaten down every day by the terror that is institutional racism.

"Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom."

~Bertrand Russell~

Well then there are a lot of folks running around who are just not very wise.

*Pic from


  1. Lance Cockstrong11:15 PM

    So that's what James Bold looks like?!

  2. Conservatives have peddled in fear tactics for ages to scare the not so bright. The front runner in their party is a damned reality tv show host. What, Simon Cowell wasn't available? It'd be funny if it wasn't true. Worst part is the Donald is one of their better candidates.

  3. James Bold is a pussy12:26 AM

    So that's what James Bold looks like?!

    Nah, his sheet is more pointed at the top and has shit and piss stains.

  4. Speaking of a poor mother standing in line at the supermarket, I hope it is in Ferguson, Missouri. This is where the local police is handing out one hundred dollars to the African Americans. As a Black man, I am sorry to see my people gladly taking this minute gesture to cover-up for all the years of abuse. As a man I only want police to do their job- serve and protect. Nothing more nor nothing less.

    Historically the majority race always determines what the minority race needs. Yes, it is Christmas and some families can surely use the cash. BUT... at what cost. Forgive and FORGET. This formula has been used on us for centuries. After I abuse you..... I give you chump change to bring us even.

    Now before I get some pushback I will challenge anyone that thinks I am wrong to follow my lead. I will send $100.00 to someone in Ferguson if my complainers will do the same. Maybe someone in Ferguson could provide me with a organization that helps the needy. This will show them that not all their blessings come from the police.

  5. Yeah, don't be fearful of motherfuckers that will blow you the hell up because they believe it their religious duty.

    If you're going to be scared, be scared that mothers who cannot afford kids keep having kids, and that somehow ends up being the fault of white America.

    Without all this institutionalized racism, single mothers with no education and nothing at all to offer to the society in which they live would be doing fantastically!

    Do you know what would have happened to these mothers 150,000 years ago as we were all vying for shelter and migrating to better climates? Yeah, I don't have to tell anyone what we would have done with them. They wouldn't have been making the trip if they had nothing to offer; enough said. But we do our damnedest in America to take care of them!

    Field, if there's a story about a black mother being put out on the streets and unable to find any sort of assistance to help, I'd personally like to read about it. I mean, I hear about these stories, but they seem like memes more than truth. The number-one story I hear about is how another welfare program started in X state specifically to help women. Now, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, that a woman would be put out on the streets. It's a damn shame; I'm not being sarcastic either. It is. But 500,000:1, what America does is offer them even more assistance, on top of assistance, to prevent that from happening. And what do we get in return as a society for this investment?

    Women are an extremely minuscule percentage of our homeless. To the extent they're put out of house A, they're put right back up in house B.

    I'm not bringing any of this up to say that we should cut them off or anything. I'm just trying to frame some context here. You're bitching about that like that's terrorism, that we don't somehow do EVEN MORE for people who cannot do a single fucking thing for any of us. Seriously? Folks don't realize how good they have it in America, even if they are piss poor and can't get a bite to eat every time they're hungry. And trust me, I know what that's like. I grew up on the underside of poverty, with the water on only 2 weeks a month, dinner 2 nights a week, not knowing WTF a birthday or Christmas even was until I got to school and seen that other kids with money had them. So I'm not trying to put anyone on blast here per se. But terrorism?

    Man, I can't blame those spoiled-ass kids for their #FuckParis, we're-suffering-terrorism-too-because-of-poop-swastikas nonsense. Dudes old enough to be their father are leading the charge on this shit.


  6. "If you're going to be scared, be scared that mothers who cannot afford kids keep having kids, and that somehow ends up being the fault of white America."

    Umm, Josh, you do know that IS the fault of white America don't you?

  7. Yeah. I guess white people are spiking McDonald's with fertility drugs and forcing poor people to have unprotected sex.

    I do know, fully and without equivocation, that if there exists a problem in the black community, no matter how minor or major, and no matter what the problem consists of, it is 100% the fault of white people. I've been told that enough in 35 years for 35 lifetimes.

    White folks: Blamed for everything, credited with nothing. Said to be privileged, suffering under poverty every bit as much as anyone else. Expected to simultaneously be the whipping posts and the saviors of everyone else. But I'm not crying victim here. At least America hasn't started taking SAT points and weighting specifically against our skin color yet like they do those poor Asians. For fuck's sake. Be a little bit of successful in this world, suddenly you're Satan.

  8. "I do know, fully and without equivocation, that if there exists a problem in the black community, no matter how minor or major, and no matter what the problem consists of, it is 100% the fault of white people."

    So there you go, now quit yer yammerin'.

    ...and when you've finally finished your seemingly endless whining and complaining, research the USA's appalling record in sex education and providing free contraception. It's the worst in the industrialised world.

  9. James Bold9:14 AM

    Lance Cockstrong (Josh is right about the Black obsession with cock) writes:

    "So that's what James Bold looks like?!"

    Yes, I am your worst nightmare.  I haunt you.  I live rent-free in your mind, so that you keep my little nom de guerre in front of people's eyes even when I am happily occupied elsewhere.

    "you do know that IS the fault of white America don't you?"

    Yes, it was the fault of White America that Buck v. Bell was reversed in Skinner v. State of Oklahoma, and the unemployable criminal population of the Black coonmunity was allowed to degenerate through dysgenic selection and rampant inbreeding.  But you did all the dirty work yourselves.

    You moon crickets are funny.

  10. Lance Cockstrong10:31 AM

    @Josh 2:20AM -

    You don't need to read about it Josh. Just go out on the streets and see for yourself. Women are an extremely minuscule percentage of our homeless? Put out of house A they go right back to house B? Memes more than truth? Coming from Brooklyn, I have seen countless homeless women on the streets of NYC. What orifice did you pull all this out of? You who are always screaming for EVIDENCE?


  11. PilotX said...
    Conservatives have peddled in fear tactics for ages to scare the not so bright.

    Why shouldn't both parties be allowed to scare their voters?

    "They're Going to Put Y'all Back in Chains"


  12. Global warming in perspective...

    The fact is that even if every single American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes – if we each planted a dozen trees – if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions – guess what? That still wouldn’t be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world.

    Science and facts.

    Doing everything still wouldn't be enough.


  13. The FieldNegro said...
    Sadly, terror is nothing new to us; we live with terror every day. We worry about getting shot by the police, getting shot by some young buck who thinks that life is a rap video, and just being beaten down every day by the terror that is institutional racism.

    Strange that your party is working so hard to help refugees and Muslims while Black Americans are going without.

    Good thing there is a dumbocrat in the white house or this would be in the 24/7 news.

    Have you watched the news about President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton loudly demanding justice in the Laquan McDonald case in Chicago?


    Me neither.
    Were Emanuel a Republican they'd be all over this town. But since he's theirs, a Democrat who was Obama's chief of staff and served President Bill Clinton as an aide, they've decided not to engage.

    If only he was a republican your party would be calling for justice.

    No rethugs, no justice.

  14. Have white folks ever had any peace of any kind since they fled Europe? They've been slaughtering people the whole time they've been here. Whites just want an entire white world, and no one's going to succeed until they KILL all people of color world-wide. Good luck with that!!!!! You're sure as hell TRYING HARD!!! Mother Nature will take care of you before your accomplishment is met. White people with NOTHING but murder and money on the brain.

  15. "I have seen countless homeless women on the streets of NYC."

    1) Why didn't you try counting? Would make it much more believable.

    2) And some eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord, or so I hear.

    But like I said: I'm sure it happens; I'm just really shocked. I mean, seriously -- just do 2 minutes of digging. There are over a fucking dozen assistance programs for single mothers, all sorts of special benefits, tax breaks and rebates out the ass, etc. How the ever-lovin' fuck are mothers SO bad off that, on top of all the help they're able to receive, they still cannot make it?

    WTF else can we do? Straight-up put a gun in Bill Gates' face and make him pay entirely for a lucky 10,000 peoples' lives? (That's about as far as his money would go.)

    And just a case study in which I'd be personally interested: How many of them were poor and struggling before the first baby, yet continued on to have babies two, three, etc?


    LMAO @ TPC. FREE contraception!

    Hey, individual who just so happened to be born into the first world, don't worry about ever having to exercise personal responsibility as an individual. No matter how you fuck up, it's always someone else's fault. You have a handful of babies you can't care for? White people shoulda given you more and better free birth control. Oh, you don't use it because the neighborhood deacon claims it's a sin? Still white people's fault. They need to offer you more entitlements. You, a person who is never going to contribute a single positive thing to the society from which you're sucking the life's blood, you should be provided more things for free!

    Absolutely nothing could ever go wrong with that model.

  16. Limpbaugh2:05 PM

    We are bombing the wrong countries. Syria outlawed terrorism and the planning of terrorism against the west more than 20 years ago. Libya has been peaceful and less militarized ever since Reagan bombed Gaddafi's kids. Terrorism comes from Saudi Arabia and the extremist Wahhabi religion they try to spread to other countries. Bin Laden and 17 of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Bush had Saudis flown out of the country while nobody else was allowed to fly. Former Senator and Governor of Florida, Bob Graham, tells us the 28 redacted pages of the 9/11 Commission Report are about Saudi Arabia financing of the attack, but neither Bush or Obama will declassify it. Terrorism comes from the extremist Wahhabi Islamic religion in Saudi Arabia, and where they are successful in spreading it to other countries.

    The bombing of Syria is a proxy war against Iran for Saudi Arabia. A million people in Tehran went out with candles to protest the 9/11 attack and Iran had two brigades fighting ISIS in Iraq the last I knew. Thousands of Christians live peaceably in Iran, and Christians have always lived there. You can drink in Iran if you aren't Muslim. In Saudi Arabia you could get 100 lashes for it. Even when Iran held American hostages hostages, Reagan made a deal with Khomeini to not release them while Carter was president. They couldn't wait to let them go. Somewhere around 96% of the Iranian voters for presidential candidates who wanted them released. The guy who won, Bani Sadr, talked about it in an interview with the Christian Science Monitor a few years ago, but the rest of our media wouldn't even cover it as something the ex president of Iran said. By the way, the guy who covered up Reagan and Bush Sr,'s treason as chairman of the Iran/Contra investigation, Lee Hamilton, an Indiana Democrat, was later pulled out of retirement to co-chair the 9/11 investigation. They even had the nerve to appoint someone, John Lehman, to the 9/11 investigation from the PNAC Committee that had been calling for an attack on Iraq for years and said it would be a slow process without a new Pearl Harbor. Saudi Arabia has beheaded nearly twice as many people as ISIS did this year. And some people are sentenced to have their beheaded body crucified in public for crimes such as protesting for democracy.

    ISIS grew in geometric proportions while we were supposedly fighting them. Russia did more damage to ISIS in one week than we did in over a year. Our government and media tell us that we spent five hundred million to arm and train five good terrorists. They are what John McCain called moderate rebels. Vladamir Putin says we trained mercenaries who joined ISIS because ISIS paid them more money, and we knew that was what was happening. That's what Benghazi was about. Moving weapons from Libya, after they were overthrown, to Syria, Only Rand Paul called them out about it, and he's no longer on the Benghazi "investigation" panels. We supported ISIS to overthrow the moderate country of Syria. Now it looks like ISIS sells oil to Turkey and we guard the deliveries. I voted for Obama but he turned out to be worse than Bush. Obama holds a lot of the blame for the refugee problem, and the ISIS killings, rapes, and child sex slavery.

  17. Liberalism Kills2:10 PM

    PilotX said...
    Conservatives have peddled in fear tactics for ages to scare the not so bright

    Just like the left has peddled in fear tactics for ages to scare the not so bright blahs.....

  18. Lance Cockstrong2:19 PM

    @Bold ... James Bold ...

    Happily occupied playing with your little nom de guerre (aka)Little James Bold no doubt. Fuck you if you can't take a joke you bloviating blowhard hillbilly racist jerkoff.

  19. James Bold still smells like his mom's rotten cootch3:02 PM

    Yes, I am your worst nightmare. I haunt you. I live rent-free in your mind, so that you keep my little nom de guerre in front of people's eyes even when I am happily occupied elsewhere.

    No, you are our biggest joke. We mock you and laugh at your dumbass. I know you think you can intimidate people but we know who you are, just another pathetic white racist keyboard warrior.

    rampant inbreeding.
    Says the guy who regularly has sex with his mother.

  20. Lance Cockstrong3:04 PM

    @Josh 1:20PM -

    I didn't tell you to believe me Josh, I said go out on the streets and see for yourself, even in Boogalooville VA. You on the other hand are making what you frequently label as bare assertions. But you are a bright guy Josh, so no doubt you will find no shortage of such case studies that would interest you, especially at this time of year. In particular the NY Times publishes their 'neediest cases' daily.

  21. Bill is an F'n Idiot3:05 PM

    Science and facts.

    Doing everything still wouldn't be enough.

    Dumb ass Bill. That's why it's a GLOBAL climate summit. Bill, you wouldn't know science or a fact if it bit your stupid ass. STFU and go back to doing whatever it is your window licking ass does all day. Master race my ass.

  22. Josh has no penis3:08 PM

    Yeah. I guess white people are spiking McDonald's with fertility drugs and forcing poor people to have unprotected sex.

    Here we go with Josh's obsession with sex. Just because he's not getting any it's the root of all evil. Sad. Somebody get this girl laid.

  23. The Fixer3:20 PM

    Just like the right has peddled in fear tactics for ages to scare the not so bright whites.....

    There, fixed it.

  24. James Bold3:27 PM

    Nancy Mindweak's butthurt has given me my best laugh of the day.  PWNED!

  25. James Bold is a pussy3:33 PM

    Nancy Mindweak's butthurt has given me my best laugh of the day. PWNED!

    James Been buttfucked Bold is a simpleminded pussy. As if everyone didn't know this.

  26. Lance Cockstrong3:39 PM

    @James Bald -

    Better than your sister/mama tickling your balls?

  27. James Bold is a motherfucker3:52 PM

    Better than your sister/mama tickling your balls?
    I think he tickles their balls.

  28. The Fixer4:08 PM

    Just like the left has peddled in fear tactics for ages to scare the not so bright blahs....

    There. Fixed it for ya.

  29. The Fixer4:12 PM

    Just like the right has peddled in fear tactics for ages to scare the not so bright whites.....

    There, fixed it.

  30. "I didn't tell you to believe me Josh, I said go out on the streets and see for yourself, even in Boogalooville VA. You on the other hand are making what you frequently label as bare assertions."

    Is that some racist smear against Virginia or something?

    Also, what is a bare assertion that I'm making? What assertion did I make? That men are the vast majority of the homeless?

    Well, you have to break these things down into categories and add some context. It is true that women--mothers--comprise a hefty percentage of the homeless. And it's a crying fucking shame that they do. Truly. However, these numbers are compiled taking into account that many women are part of the family. They also factor into their "homeless" numbers women who are being housed and fed yet do not have a permanent residence. Men are just out on the fucking streets, so how about some further context? Men sleep under the bridge; women get a bed and dinner and a shower. Okay, wanna say they're both "homeless"? I won't argue. But damn...

    I'm not a social scientist, and frankly I think social science is more than likely to be completely fucking partial bullshit in the first place. So it's hard to dig up stats on this broken down into strict binary demographics, and I'm assuming here that's because more emphasis is placed on family tracking and race-based tracking (you know, because Murica MUST BE wacist!) than individual M-F tracking. Plus you do have to factor in the sheltered vs. non-sheltered thing, and who the fuck wants to admit that homeless men don't have the same level of care provided? We live in a feminist society. Men's issues are archaic, barbaric, and outright evil.

    That's from '96. Old, yes; I couldn't find a recent one with a binary designation.

    This one's more recent and it paints a picture of resources being available to homeless women that aren't available for homeless men. E.g. the women may be "homeless" but they're at least sheltered. There are programs that keep a roof over their heads and keep their bellies full. Men, on the other hand, are ass-fucking-out and living as unsheltered homeless, eating out of trashcans and the suchlike.

    I found a link about the stats in LA, but upon reading the actual study, it's completely fucking skewed by immigrants here illegally. Way to go, border-jumpers! Don't be homeless in Mehico or Guadalajara; be homeless here where you're less likely to be homeless for an extended period and more likely to receive free shit! Not that I blame them, mind you. It's about survival. And so long as America has a freer flowing tap, one can expect such.


  31. Here's an infographic (they're typically rooted in solid research--as solid as one could expect the social sciences lol--so make of it what you will: -- this, of course, paints a different picture than Field's America-just-isn't-doing-enough-for-poor-people yarn. Mental disorders, anxiety, mood, trauma, etc, far and away above just poverty, account for homelessness. This poor-mama-can't-make-it is more of a meme in comparison.

    Again, that's not saying it does not happen. We live in a nation of 320-million people. Of course it fucking happens! But to the level you can call it terrorism!? Lance, dude -- give me some context here, buddy. That's the thing I was arguing against; not that women have it easy or something, but Field's comparison to fucking terrorism.

    I thought this picture was interesting. A single mother with 12--fucking TWELVE!--children. At which point did she think, "You know, I cannot afford to keep having these kids."? Answer: NEVER! But, yeah, I know -- The Pinko Cunt told me: Iz white folk fault! We didn't give her enough free contraception, because fuck knows you cannot expect a human being to act responsibly.

    Or is it a bare assertion that single mothers have welfare programs available to them?

    I thought this was quite interesting. I was taken aback, seriously, when I typed "single mother assistance programs" into Google. There were orders of magnitude more results there than I thought I'd find. State-based, feds, private, public, churches, and on and on.

  32. Anonymous4:30 PM

    A single mother with 12--fucking TWELVE!--children.
    Very rare. People do astounding things all the time but we can't use the exception as the rule. What's next, stories about welfare queens and poor people buying lobster and vacationing in the Bahamas? You are one special girl Josh. We've heard all the stories before so save us all your next dissertation.

  33. "LMAO @ TPC. FREE contraception!"

    Yep, healthcare free at the point of delivery. As practiced everywhere in the civilised world. The fact that you find the concept strange demonstrates just how fucked up the American psyche is*.

    If you are genuinely opposed to abortions you would be in favour of free contraception. Nothing in the world prevents abortions like women not getting pregnant. In Germany or The Netherlands abortion is free and on demand in the first trimester. Yet the actual abortion rate in the USA is more than three times higher.

    *That's the reason I don't comment here as often as I used to. Talking to you people is like trying to communicate with aliens, living in an alternative universe where any laws of logic and reason that we in Europe understand does not apply. America is descending into a global freak show. The rest of the world can only stand by and watch in astonishment.

  34. "If you are genuinely opposed to abortions..."

    This is why conversations between us fail miserably and devolve into name-calling, which I'm probably 70% responsible for, no doubt. But fuck you, Pinko Cunt, for continually attributing to me stances that I objectively do not hold. Because I'm white and don't agree that the shooter of Mike Brown committed murder, you have created this imaginary straw-man version of me in your heard whereby I exist on a right-wing compound, pound my Bible, and hold conservative stances.

    Whatever you have against America is your business. I don't give a fuck. But I will give you credit and assume here that you're too intelligent a person to exist within this false dichotomy you have created; e.g. either a person agrees with you, or they're in this right-wing regressive Republican religious box you have crafted, probably with bow on it for the holiday season. Get the fuck over yourself.

    - I'm not religious, at all; I'm a skeptic
    - I'm socially liberal and am pro-choice, pro-SSM, etc
    - I actually want socialized healthcare in America; I just don't want this government being in charge of it because they're fucking useless morons who cannot get shit right. Evidence? Umm...dumb-ass, pointless, losing wars; failing public education; unsustainable debt; existing entitlements (Medicare/aid) already fucking failing; and on and on it goes. Our government S-U-C-K-S.
    - I'm all for better sex education and better access to contraceptives -- I just don't fucking understand why you sophist Marxist cunts insist on removing individual agency and treating human beings as wards of state who, without free shit shoveled into their laps from the cradle to the grave, cannot fucking make it in life. It's astonishing how you treat people like retarded children and then lash out at the people who want to treat individuals as if they need be responsible for themselves.

    Fucking free shit. I just don't understand it.

    Hey, person, you were born into this world just like every other animal; though instead of existing like 99.999% of all other animals, throughout 99.999% of history, you're born entitled to free shit! You can contribute absolutely nothing to society, existing as a leech who sucks up resources, and we will carry you from the cradle to the grave! Work is hard. Individualism is for white racists, apparently. Be part of our human collective, lose any sense of your self as an individual, and let's make humanity better, one completely failed, bankrupt nation at a time.

  35. Josh, what you say and what you argue are two very different things. How can anyone claim to be pro-choice and against free contraception???

    That makes no sense on any level that I can work out. Which is why debating you makes no sense, you're just too fucking weird for me.

  36. Anonymous6:27 PM

    FYI, Donald named his favorite Supreme Court Justice today and his worst Justice. FN Negroes, esp Field, and PC, this proves the Donald is not prejudiced against Blacks:

  37. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Blogger A Black Panther Forever said...
    Speaking of a poor mother standing in line at the supermarket, I hope it is in Ferguson, Missouri. This is where the local police is handing out one hundred dollars to the African Americans.

    "As a Black man," I am sorry to see my people gladly taking this minute gesture to cover-up for all the years of abuse. As a man I only want police to do their job- serve and protect. Nothing more nor nothing less.


  38. Explain to me how "free" is part of pro-choice?


    You say it makes no sense to you, and I don't blame you at all for that. That you think being pro-choice would necessarily require free items to be given to people is a stance that I cannot fathom at all.

    But, yeah, man. I know the score here. It's 100% always only me. Never, ever, a single time, you. The Purple Cow: Not even once. I get these things. Trust me, as a skeptic on the Internet who has taken on creationists, cryptozoologists, ancient alien theorists, Bigfoot enthusiasts, miracle workers and snake-oil salesmen, and on and on, I know the drill fully. The other person is always correct, 100% of the time; and not only am I wrong, but there's something that's wrong with me on a deep, inherent level. I've heard that I'm weird--and a hell of a lot worse--when arguing that Noah's flood didn't cause the Grand Canyon. I'm going directly to hell. I hear it when I tell people that make-believe DNA results from a random lab in Russia does not count as DNA evidence of Gitantopithecus. I'm just brain-dead every time I tell those raeliens that our genome can be traced as having evolved due to mutation and basic phenotypic distributions of natural selection and wasn't implanted by an alien species. And fuck forbid I stand in the way of even more entitlements--MOAR!--lest I become the most Hitlerest motherfucker since Hitler. I know the drill.

    My stance: People should be treated as responsible individuals, not having free shit shoveled into their laps.

    What that makes me: Too fucking weird a person with whom to speak.

    I get it; I've been got it, for a long damn time now. It's the rest of you who are correct: The Marxists and creationists and feminists and other cultists and race deniers and on and on. As stupid as I am, apparently, I'm surprised I can figure out how to even leave a post.

    Josh: 0-infinity.
    TPC: Infinity-0.

    Notwithstanding that you're personally going to judge these things, that's just whatever. Consequence of taking my time to participate in these exchanges. I understand fully.

  39. James Bold7:38 PM

    "Yep, healthcare free at the point of delivery. As practiced everywhere in the civilised world."

    This "civilized world"... it happens to be more or less the same as the European-populated [until recently] countries freed of the burden of military self-defense by the Pax Americana, right?  Perhaps with Japan and S. Korea thrown in?

    "The fact that you find the concept strange demonstrates just how fucked up the American psyche is*."

    The fact that you find "civilization" in your terms where you find European peoples with a substantial economic surplus, and not where you find e.g. multi-ethnic and especially substantial African minorities, surprises me not at all.

    "If you are genuinely opposed to abortions you would be in favour of free contraception."

    I am genuinely opposed to reproduction for the criminal and otherwise unemployable.  I think we should be offering those on a track to prison or ghetto-mamahood a nice bonus to get fixed, or require it as a condition of parole.  This is a one-time solution cutting that problem off at the root.

    Had the ghettos been child-free zones since 1965, there would be no ghettoes today; the thug/criminal class which made them ghettoes would have died off with no upcoming generation to replace it.

  40. "I think we should be offering those on a track to prison or ghetto-mamahood a nice bonus to get fixed, or require it as a condition of parole. This is a one-time solution cutting that problem off at the root."

    I feel the same way about those heroin addicts from the poor white working class.

  41. ctrl+halt+del8:27 PM

    Neanderpeons feign fear and foment violence.

    Caption Saturday warm-up

    "Judge Scalia at the Halloween party"

    "Citadel cadet bombarded with radiation in science class."

  42. Lance Cockstrong8:29 PM

    @Josh 4:17PM -

    Well yeah the assertions you made were bare assertions, but now you have provided some documentation, so fair enough, statistically you may be correct. I found several links as to why more men are homeless, here are a couple:

    A few common themes, while women are more likely to be with children, men value freedom more, are more likely to be drug addicts or mental illness, don't want to be tested for drugs or be forced to pray, and "survival sex" as an option largely not available to men, which may also explain why moms who cannot afford kids keep having kids which is how you introduced this topic in the first place. Look I get it, life is all about competition so compete or drop dead. That is one way of looking at it. And with that line of reasoning you could very well tell the single mom with TWELVE FUCKING CHILDREN to go jump in the lake. But what then of the 12 children, fuck them too? Fortunately for them there is another way of looking at things, which explains the abundance of "single mother assistance programs"

  43. "That's the thing I was arguing against; not that women have it easy or something, but Field's comparison to fucking terrorism."

    Field wasn't comparing single motherhood to terrorism but your comment brilliantly illustrates the need for alternative blah media. His point is that the mainstream media which is by and large consumed by the majority population often operates on things that scare that population. Now the things the majority are afraid of aren't even on the radar of blah people. To wit, recall Muhammad Ali's quote about why he wouldn't fight in Vietnam. There has always been an historic need for alternative blah media and probably always will be because we live in two entirely different worlds when compared to the majority community. Thus BET, The Chicago Defender, The Field Negro, WVON, TV1, ect. ect. continue to be needed in our communities. You grew up in a majority blah neighborhood so it's interesting you miss a lot of historical and cultural norms that you seem to need explained to you. No problem with that because we have to do it all the time but as someone who prides himself on growing up around us I would have thought your insight would be better than the average white person's. Oh well, you did seem to spark an interesting conversation.

  44. "I feel the same way about those heroin addicts from the poor white working class."

    I'm sure James includes white people in his rants about criminals. That just goes without saying.

  45. TPC, you near Manchester or Birmingham?

  46. "which may also explain why moms who cannot afford kids keep having kids which is how you introduced this topic in the first place."

    Or the fact that most single moms have children at a young age. Study after study shows that before age 25 or so the brain is still developing and one of the most under developed parts of the brain are the areas which influence gratification and control risky behavior. Josh is 35 and I am older, not much (cough cough), so I am at the age when I look at the youngstas and lecture them about shit I know damn well I did when I was their age but as an adult I appreciate what older folks were telling me. By the grace of Allah I didn't have kids in my teens or early twenties because like everyone here I took unnecessary risk, oh I ran out of condoms and it's a holiday and all the stores are closed so I'll go raw just this once or oh shit it broke but no way I'm stopping. How many bullets have all of us dodged? Anyhoo, young people make bad decisions all the time and depending on their environment that can have serious consequences. Typically the wealthier the family the bad decisions young folks make have smaller consequences i.e. money for abortions, rehab and/or good lawyers. The poorer one is the greater the chance of continuing the bad behavior because some folks have the attitude of "fuck it, I screwed up so now it doesn't matter what I do from here on out". I think mentoring can help a great deal in teaching young folks that one or two mistakes means it's a wrap.

  47. Anonymous Asshole9:22 PM

    Fuck this shit.


  48. Fact: Yisheng, Josh, and Bill are all retarded and pieces of shit.

    Fiction: They are all worthwhile humans who deserve good.

  49. Lance: Actually, the fallacy of a bare assertion is committed when one presents an argument as true based on simply saying it's true. E.g. remember Field with his "res ipsa Loquitur"? The thing speaking for itself is more aligned with a bare assertion, i.e. if I presented the argument as true because I simply said it was true. Failing to initially provide the evidence does not make it a bare assertion. It just makes it unfounded.

    But that's unimportant. As to the 12 kids: Dude, I really don't know. I'm no moral authority, nor will I pretend to be. Do we just let the kids starve? Probably not. Pretty fucking shitty. However, at which point do we cut off the fucking taps so that grossly irresponsible human beings stop being supported for their irresponsibility?

    I mean, 12 kids might be an outlier. But even take something like 4 kids, which is very, very common. At what point did the mother think, "Damn, I better stop having kids I cannot afford!"? What do we do to instill a sense of personal responsibility in people?

    Folks like TPC seem to believe that we solve this problem by throwing more free shit at them. Hey, here's some birth control, because apparently you can't find a guy with whom to couple who has a fucking condom. Hey, here's some free abortions, because your personal irresponsibility is society's problem. But does that not make it worse?

    I remember about 8 years ago there was a story, mighta been on 20/20, so I'm in no way claiming it's entirely factual. But the gist was that ever since America started supplying some African nations with AIDS medications and birth control (condoms), the instances of AIDS spiked dramatically!

    As to homelessness: I'm not necessarily disagreeing; as I pointed out in my comments, there's more to it typically than just being poor. Obviously in a nation of over 320-million, we're going to have many people who are homeless because they're flat-out poor, and housing costs a lot*, but for most people there's more to it than that. And as to men seeking help. A few reasons they might not, of course. One being, of course, that there's a stigma to it and they'd just rather go their own way. Another being that men have scant resources in these areas compared to women. Men in society are expected to man the fuck up and deal with their shit. Ray Rice jabs a bitch and the entire nation is ready to hang him by his heels while pelting him with batteries. Hope Solo beats a teenage boy and we're all like, "Ah, well, that's her business." Men being abused or broke or needing shelter or help is considered a joke in society. Women and children, though - watch the fuck out!

    Biologically speaking, this makes sense. Don't get me wrong. Women = eggs. Eggs are far more precious than the fertilizing sperm. We've known since becoming bipedal apes, probably even well before that, that women are to be protected. Women have worth. Men must do exponentially more to prove their worth.

    Anyway, as I stated; The point of my comment wasn't to get into a big thing about homelessness and the differences between living under a bridge and in a shelter, etc. It was that Field was comparing the shit to terrorism. ISIS is literally cutting the heads off of little boys for watching sports, yet baby factories who aren't carried high enough by everyone else in society, because they certainly don't pull their own fucking weight, equate to terrorism? Hardly.

    *We've tried the affordable housing thing. Recession of '08, anyone?

  50. James Bold8:29 AM

    "I feel the same way about those heroin addicts from the poor white working class."

    Heroin addicts are often so skinny they don't ovulate, but I don't have a problem with that.  Shall we generalize that to crack and meth as well?  Anything which helps keep babies from being born to people who can't care for them, or who would damage them before birth?

    "I'm sure James includes white people in his rants about criminals."

    The problem is the reaction of the criminals' "communities".  "He wuz a good boy, he dindu nuffins" said no White friends and neighbors of an armed robber shot dead in self-defense, EVER.

    "But even take something like 4 kids, which is very, very common. At what point did the mother think, "Damn, I better stop having kids I cannot afford!"?"

    That's why it's best to stop them at zero.  Two grade levels behind?  Your EBT and housing assistance depends on long-term contraception, and both you and your guardian get bonuses if you get "fixed" when you turn 18.  Charged with a felony (juvenile or otherwise)?  Unless you beat it (no plea bargains), you go on something to keep you from reproducing until you're (a) of legal age, and (b) self-supporting.  Two felonies at any age?  You aren't eligible for parole or time off for good behavior without being "fixed".  Chlorinate that gene pool.

  51. Lance Cockstrong1:00 PM

    I wouldn't presume to speak for Field Josh, but I don't know that he was making a value judgment in his observation. The economist Keynes famously quoted that "in the long term we are all dead". It is human nature to focus on the short term, and short term is relative. For some of us who are preoccupied with the considerations that Field described, terrorism becomes more of a long-term proposition. I am reminded of 9/11/2001 walking all day in search of an operating train station, being struck by people in the streets of NYC going about their routines making deliveries and such, seemingly oblivious to the devastation happening downtown.

    As for the housing crisis and the 2008 recession, don't believe the right wing hype that banks were forced to provide home loans to deadbeats by bleeding heart liberals. The banks were only too happy to provide such loans because they were immediately bought up by the investment conglomerates who sliced, diced, and packaged them into C.D.O's, coerced the rating agencies into AAA-rating them, selling them to sucker investors, and ultimately being stuck with the quantity that they had yet to securitize and sell off when the house of cards collapsed.

  52. James Not Bold is a fucking idiot3:29 PM

    You're right James, whites always talk about how "normal" the latest mass shooter was. You're a real dumbfuck.

  53. Sure the banks were happy to do it. It's not the fault of any one thing or any one type. But when you give just anyone a mortgage, prepare your anus.

  54. "That's why it's best to stop them at zero."

    I have long said that, at the least, a single mother already on welfare with one child should be charged with felony child abuse for having another. Fuck this noise about giving people free shit and that's somehow going to solve the issue. The fact is that men can already get condoms for free. I live about 10 miles out of the city, and I have half a dozen places I can stop between here and there to get free condoms. The 3 clinics give them out, the hospital gives them out, and there are even 2 bars in town (that I know of; may be more) that give them away for free.

    As we can see with our culture, unlike Germany and the Netherlands, we're a bit different, to put it mildly. We have millions upon millions in our population who not only refuse to act responsibly but even exceedingly more irresponsibly every single time there's another program that enables their irresponsibility. In this perfect Marxist dream about people being controlled like puppets by giving them free shit, they never factor in that fact that America is unique in its cultural makeup.

    And I'm not saying this is a strict race-based thing either. It's flat-out popular in our culture for teenagers to fuck and have babies. 1) It's a way for a girl to become "independent," as often is the case they're given free housing, free food, free medical, etc, for having bastards; plus, on the back end, they get to siphon child support and control a man's life, literally, based on her say-so. 2) Pop culture glorifies kids having kids; MTV has sacrificed entirely its identity as a music network to show teenage girls a template of how they can be bastard-bearing whores. 3) We almost universally celebrate the "plight" of single mothers, rewarding them at every turn; when it's not money we're shoveling on them, it's praise, even from the President, abut how hard they have it, how brave they are, how maligned they are, how big of a hero they are. But never, ever about how irresponsible they are.

    I'm fairly certain Germany and the Netherlands don't have these same issues. Not to mention $17 trillion in debt, hordes of unfunded liabilities, and the majority of existing welfare programs already failing.

    Yeah, at the very least, a single mother on welfare should be charged with felony child abuse if she cannot keep herself from becoming pregnant again. Barring rape, WTF excuse does she have? Women have 100% of the power here. They could do many things to improve their situations:

    - Pick men who are responsible
    - Only fuck dudes who have condoms
    - Make the guy use birth control!
    - Get and use birth control yourself
    - CHANGE YOUR MO if you've already had a kid you can't afford
    - And on and on it can go

  55. James Bold6:19 PM

    "You're right James, whites always talk about how "normal" the latest mass shooter was."

    But they never, ever excuse their conduct or blame the victims.

    "You're a real dumbfuck."

    What I love about the Black commenters here is how funny they are because they don't get irony.  Every day, it's the intellectual Special Olympics.
