Saturday, December 12, 2015


I need a caption for this pic.

Example: *I thought my dad said he had horns*

*Pic from


  1. The exact moment Girls Scout Troop 305 sales tanked and never recovered.


  2. Obama: I'll be glad to be out of the White House and no longer need to kiss white ass for political donations.
    I've got a library to build, can I take a picture with your daughter and her friends?

  3. When asked "Where da white wymmn at," President Obama instantly replied, "Here they be."

  4. Anonymous9:16 PM

    When asked "Where da racists at," President Obama instantly replied, "On the FN blog. Josh, Bill and James".

  5. ctrl+halt+del9:22 PM

    President Obama meets with the "Sasha in 2050" exploratory committee.

  6. Lance Cockstrong9:39 PM

    You are safe with Ted Cruz but if you see Bill Clinton out there run like hell!

  7. Wesley R9:43 PM

    He doesn't look like that Muslim, Communist, Socialist, Anti-White, Anti-Police, Uppity, N@gg#R that wants to destroy our country. I'm confused. I better turn on Fox News.

  8. Anonymous Dumbass10:05 PM

    Josh and Yisheng's love child

  9. O'Gurl10:07 PM

    "We want our future husband to be a black President like President Obama."

  10. ctrl+halt+del10:27 PM

    Girl Scouts of America discontinue Mango Crème cookies. Republicans blame President Obama.

  11. Anonymous10:41 PM

    white on the outside and black on the inside....a new kind of oreo.

  12. Yisheng10:42 PM

    "We're half fam-a-ly, yeah, yeah, yeah-eee-yeah, I got my half-sistahs with me".

  13. Anonymous10:44 PM

    When did Obama join the girl scouts? Man, that's strange.

  14. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Mr Field, I have been thinking about joining the UFC. The Truth is I need the money and haven't been able to get a job as a copy writer. That leaves me damn near broke. But if I win a few fights and rise to the top, I will make some dough....What do you think?

  15. "haven't been able to get a job as a copy writer"

    As a copywriter since '07, here are a few tips:

    1) For some reason, companies value English Lit experience over creative writing, general literature/language, etc. I don't know why.

    2) Take an online workshop. Not that this will help you become a better copywriter per se; it's just that it bodes well on any sort of resume. (Shit, you don't even have to actually take one. Just find an obscure one online and write down that you took it. lol)

    3) Fuck the normal channels of applying for a position. Go directly to the websites they operate, contact them directly, and send them a sample of your work. Illustrate an understanding of what they do, and feign as if you love their fucking network of sites.

    4) Try out a site like TextBroker. Find a client who pays well, and Google search the fuck out of what sort of work they're offering. This is how you find people who actually need the work completed.

    5) Understand that being bombastic and catchy and edgy in web copy is far superior to scoring a 98% on Grammarly. The vast majority of websites use content for conversions. They want click-bait and content that's going to drive people to take further action; i.e. visiting landing pages, buying products, etc. So really catch their attentions with great headlines and introduction paragraphs that are purple and fluffy and interesting, not just space filler.

    6) Understand the competitive marketplace. I used to participate on a job board with college snobs who claimed that they wouldn't work for less than $0.10/word. That's too fucking much to charge someone! With my copy-writing job, I get $0.03/word, and trust me it adds up. My 3-day invoice, this being my second of two that I turn in every week:

    12/09/15 1_LegalBO_Casino_Strategy 1358 $40.74
    12/09/15 2_LegalBO_Blackjack_Strategy 1458 $43.74
    12/09/15 3_LegalBO_Slot_Strategy 1369 $41.07
    12/09/15 4_LegalBO_Roulette_Strategy 1715 $51.45
    12/10/15 5_LegalBO_Poker_Strategy 1471 $44.13
    12/10/15 6_LegalBO_Baccarat_Strategy 1431 $42.93
    12/10/15 7_LegalBO_LetitRide_Strategy 1876 $56.28
    12/10/15 8_USAsbs_Bitcoin 1585 $47.55
    12/11/15 9_USAsbs_Basketball 3118 $93.54
    12/11/15 10_LegalBO_Keno 1509 $45.27
    12/11/15 11_LegalonB_Strategy 1528 $45.84
    12/11/15 12_RealMGA_MobileLotto 1370 $41.10
    12/11/15 13_MobileSBA_DSI_Review 1406 $42.18
    12/11/15 14_MobileSB_Bookmaker_Review 1047 $31.41

    I'm not rich by anyone's wildest dreams, but working 5/6 hours a day, writing 4 or 5 articles a day, I'm able to pull in on average $1,200/week for one client. I have four more steady clients for whom I turn in a weekly invoice. Like I said, that's not fantastic money; I'm certainly not rich or big-ballin' over here. But it adds up very quickly.

  16. The Ministry of Truth1:47 AM

    "President Obama puts into action his clever plan for destroying his critics, appearing in a tiara with Girl Scouts.

    The following day, while contemplating with glee their announcements on how this conclusively proves Pantywaist, Sissy, Girlyman President Is Too Weak To Defend America From Our Enemies!!! , the entire right-wing media has a collective orgasm of lethal proportions, strokes out, and dies."

  17. Lt. Commander Johnson2:45 AM

    I liked me dem whites girls in schools too. Den, I married an ape, to make me look like a real nigger, once I saw how Bill got away with it.

  18. Sasha & Malia's dad does Brownie duty.

  19. Lt. Commander Johnson7:21 AM

    The more I look at this pic, the sicker it makes me.

    This is total puke. I hope all you Negroes choke on it.

    I hope the parents suck the puke, as well.

    And, I can't wait till those little whores, Mahalia & Vidalia, start showing their "roots".

  20. ctrl+halt+del7:33 AM

    "The only President they've ever known."

  21. Liberalism Kills7:36 AM

    Obama-I want to hear a song liberal adults taught you to sing in praise of me.

    White kids- “Barack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm”

  22. ctrl+halt+del7:45 AM

    Say cheesy on 3! 1...2...3...Ted Cruz!

  23. "Folks like TPC seem to believe that we solve this problem by throwing more free shit at them.

    The shit isn't free, you twunt.

    Society pays for it because it's in society's best interests not to produce unwanted children.

    Most everywhere in the industrialised world accepts that because they are not still living in the 18th century.

  24. Ctrl-halt...@9:22 is the leader. Gotta give a second to Lance Cockstrong @9:39.

    Anon@11:14, just follow your dream.

    Lt.Commander, WTF is wrong with u? Your racism is now bordering on being cartoonish and delusional.

    If u are trying to make "normal" people see how stupid racism is, you are doing a good job.

  25. The 'Chocolate City' is Now Vanilla

  26. The 'Chocolate City' is Now Vanilla

  27. Yisheng11:46 AM

    What kind of insecure idiot asks a question, then pretends to answer it for the purpose of "bragging" about their "soft" career?

    An insecure idiot!!

  28. Josh is annoying3:26 PM

    Really, Josh actually answered an obviously farcical question. And he's supposed to be smart. Fuck, when will he go away?

  29. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I'm not rich by anyone's wildest dreams, but working 5/6 hours a day, writing 4 or 5 articles a day, I'm able to pull in on average $1,200/week for one client. I have four more steady clients for whom I turn in a weekly invoice. Like I said, that's not fantastic money; I'm certainly not rich or big-ballin' over here. But it adds up very quickly-
    Bullshit. Josh is here all day posting dumb shit no one reads so why the fuck would someone pay his dumbass to write shit no one will read? Field, are you paying Josh?

  30. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Lt.Commander, WTF is wrong with u? Your racism is now bordering on being cartoonish and delusional.

    If u are trying to make "normal" people see how stupid racism is, you are doing a good job.
    How is he any different than any of the other racists here? James not Bold, Josh, Kinky, ect. People with no lives have to find something to do.

  31. "The shit isn't free, you twunt.

    Society pays for it because it's in society's best interests not to produce unwanted children."

    Yeah, and McDonald's pays for the free Big Mac with their BOGO special.

    It's free for the individual. They won't fucking pay for it. They will provide nothing of value to society to ever recoup the costs.

    What's in our best interest, overall, is for people to act responsibly. This way we get to save money AND keep unwanted children from growing up to commit strong-armed robberies, homicides and the suchlike.

    But I know you freebies-for-all Marxists don't believe in individual agency. An individual acting responsibly? Pfft...what poppycock. The collective, the collective, the collective. Let people do whatever the fuck they want, while everyone else must pool their money together.

    I'm guessing here that Germany and the Netherlands aren't 17,000,000,000,000 in debt already. I'm guessing their governments aren't so exceedingly awful that they've already run their economies into the ground with debts and unfunded liabilities and uncontrolled entitlements already and an entire separate nation's worth of a population that contributes nothing at all to the nation while simultaneously sucking up its resources every single day of their lives. But I could well be wrong.

    Damn you, white people.

  32. Anonymous4:06 PM

    What's in our best interest, overall, is for people to act responsibly. This way we get to save money AND keep unwanted children from growing up to commit strong-armed robberies, homicides and the suchlike.
    You think? That's why the vast majority of people don't do these things and those that do are punished. You really are brain dead aren't you Josh? And you want us to believe people pay you for your drivel?

  33. "I'm guessing here that Germany and the Netherlands aren't 17,000,000,000,000 in debt already. I'm guessing their governments aren't so exceedingly awful that they've already run their economies into the ground with debts and unfunded liabilities and uncontrolled entitlements already and an entire separate nation's worth of a population that contributes nothing at all to the nation while simultaneously sucking up its resources every single day of their lives. But I could well be wrong."

    Wow. Your level of ignorance is stunning, Josh.

    Germany and the Netherlands have social spending programs and citizen's safeguards that the citizens of the USA can only dream of. Healthcare free at the point of delivery, generous unemployment benefits, mandated maternity and paternity leave, mandated worker representation on company boards, FREE university education, companies have to ask the government's permission to lay people off, full sickness pay and vacation pay (incidentally in N.L. employers have to pay the cost of the vacation as well paying vacation pay for all workers), guaranteed education and training for all citizens up to the game of 18.

    Nevertheless they are successful economies, whilst yours is fucked. You will not see the evidence that is put before you because you are so entrenched in your 18th century puritan mindset that you refuse to see what works and what does not.

    And as I said, it's precisely because there are so many American people who think exactly like you that America is so well-and-truly fucked.

  34. "Wow. Your level of ignorance is stunning, Josh."

    Oh, so you mean that Germany and the Netherlands are $17 trillion debt, have fucked-up governments that fail at everything they do, and massive entitlement spending already that's unsustainable?

    I mean, that was my point -- that America has that, while some European nations/regions do not have that. So if that's stunning ignorance on my part, that means necessarily that Germany and the Netherlands do have those problems America has, yet still spend anyway and are successful.


    But, wait, there's more...

    "Nevertheless they are successful economies, whilst yours is fucked."

    You call me ignorant, but your cognitive dissonance is fucking astounding. It's your ignorance that's fully on display.

    I said: America cannot do these things FOR FREE because our economy is fucked, whereas their economies are not.

    You say: Your ignorance is stunning, implying that I said something completely wrong.

    Then you say: They have successful economies, whilst yours is fucked.


    Jesus Christ, you buffoon. I know you have this incredibly creepy legitimate white-knuckled hatred for me, a stranger whom you will never meet, but you let this shit dictate random-ass trolling name-calling that doesn't logically pan out. How the fuck can I make the same point you're making but you're correct and I'm displaying stunning ignorance?


    At which point you decide to prove James Bold wrong, I'll be here waiting to read it...

    And by the way: I'm still waiting to hear the logical argument whereby my being pro-choice need dictate I'm also for free birth control lest I'm a moron.

    My guess: You don't have an argument for such. You said that if I'm against abortions, I need to be for free birth control. And then turned around and claimed that if I'm not against abortions, I need to be for free birth control. LMFAO! You cannot make this shit up. Catch-22.

    Yeah, but I'm the ignorant one.

    You may as well switch your fucking name to anonymous and join their Josh-bashing crew. You offer absolutely no more worth than they do in your commenting.

  35. Lt. Commander Johnson1:37 AM

    my apologies, field. Perhaps I have been too racially rude, for your eclectic tastes.

    Mebbe if you quit posting pictures of a Negro, who is known to consort with White women, but then marry a Blackiemoo, for political gains...well, just WTF knows?


  36. Lt. Commander Johnson2:28 AM

    BTW...I'am sure everyone has noticed, by now.

    I keep asking you what happened to you Killadephia Meter on your sidebar. You've deleted it.

    I always told you Philly was a city with Brutha'lly love, Gangsta's, and a crap-ass Iggles Football team.

    Why won't you answer, Brutha?
    I keep asking you what happened to you Killadephia Meter on your sidebar. You've deleted it.

    Hagfish. And you folks serve it as "Chilean Sea Bass"

    We have mudcats where I live, and I wouldn't serve that nasty bottom-dweller to my nasty cat.

  37. Lt. commander homo5:27 AM

    my apologies, field. Perhaps I have been too racially rude, for your eclectic tastes.

    No you're just stupid.

  38. Anonymous9:36 AM

    "Muslim grooming"

  39. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Obama fits right in. A little girl, princess.
