Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Debate night.

MORE DISCLAIMERSI just watched the GOP debate and I am speechless.

All I can do tonight by way of a post is ask you who you thought won it.


  1. I have to watch it with Mrs. X but what do you think of this?


    Funny, these guys want to take away student's First Amendment rights but expand the 2nd. Insane.

  2. The fact is, Trump’s idea is not preposterous; it is impractical. We can’t screen for Islam, but we can close up the migration programs bringing in people from Muslim countries. There’s no upside to bringing in Afghans or Somalis. If Americans want grace by helping these people, planes fly to these countries, not just from them. Let the grace seekers hop a plane to Marrakesh and help the Mohammedan in his native land.

    But then, saying that means casting doubt on the whole moral structure of the ruling class. If Mohamed is not going to workout as a potential citizen in a modern technological society, then that means not all men are the same after all. If that’s true then universal equality is false. At that point the whole rationale for the modern American ruling elite unravels. A ruling class without a raison d’ĂȘtre is going to have a short shelf life.

    After a Mohammedan went bonkers and shot up a military base, General Casey came forward and said, “Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.” Most thought he was just a pussy-whipped groveler, but he really meant it. They all mean it. They see regular Mohammedan mass murder as the price we pay so they can remain in charge.

  3. Spend anytime around an American politician and you are often confronted with what seems like a paradox. On the one hand, they are clever and socially agile enough to rise in politics, win office and get rich without going to jail. On the other hand, they are astoundingly clueless about the lives of their fellow citizens. It’s as if they have learned about America from a book on their way here from another planet.

    A story I often tell to illustrate this is the time I was helping set up for a party at a Congressman’s home. The landscaping guys failed to show up so someone was going to have cut the grass around the back patio. No one knew how a lawnmower worked. The staffers, the Congressman and his kids were baffled by a Toro push lawn mower. They spent an hour examining like it had fallen from the sky.

    Anyway, this all around otherness was on display when Bernie Sanders dropped in on the hood this week:

    Hoping to reach African-American voters nationally in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday toured the West Baltimore neighborhood where Freddie Gray was arrested — and likened the poverty he observed to that of the Third World.

    The independent senator, who describes himself as a democratic socialist, walked the streets of Sandtown-Winchester for about 20 minutes, joined by community leaders and a swarm of cameras that mostly blocked his view of boarded rowhomes and crumbling marble steps. A handful of residents joined the spectacle, and occasionally broke out in chants of Gray’s name.

    The scene provided dramatic visuals of the economic inequality Sanders has made the center of his campaign, offering a new backdrop from which to argue for a higher minimum wage, tuition-free public college and tougher federal regulations of the nation’s banking sector.

    “Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,” Sanders told reporters later at the Freddie Gray Empowerment Center in Bolton Hill. “You would think that you were in a Third World country.”

    I would imagine Bernie was thinking, “Holy crap! Look at all these…abandoned houses.” Sanders is from Vermont, but he spends little time there as he is the consummate Washington hack. Even so, his home state is one of the whitest places on earth. It has about 6,000 black people according to the last census. In other words, Bernie saw more brothers on Tuesday than there are in his entire state.

    The funnier part is Sanders was probably being honest in his astonishment at seeing the ghetto. The last time he had any proximity to the ghetto was over 50 years ago when he lived in Brooklyn. After that he was off to college and a world of socialist white people debating about how to help those brown people they saw through their telescopes. The ghetto was a place that existed in theory for a guy like Sanders.

  4. Even so, it’s amazing that a man could be on earth for 70 years and not have some idea of life in the black ghetto. It’s not like Vermont does not have television or newspapers. Yet, there was Bernie, flabbergasted at seeing blown out houses, broken streets and throngs of jobless blacks milling about with nothing to do other than mill about the neighborhood. Even a chump like Sanders had to sense he was way out of his league.

    As Sanders toured West Baltimore, the trial of the first of six police officers charged in Gray’s death entered its seventh day in a downtown courtroom.

    Before Sanders arrived in Bolton Hill, a campaign aide asked a group of about a dozen supporters not to cheer him.

    The group, which included a woman who held a large banner that read “Bernie Sanders for President,” obliged; as a result, his arrival was more somber than a typical campaign appearance.

    Sanders began the tour at the CVS at North and Pennsylvania avenues that burned during the riots. He walked to the corner of Presbury and North Mount streets, near where Gray was arrested, and looked up at a large mural of Gray.

    Sanders then met with prominent faith leaders in Bolton Hill.

    Residents yelled as Sanders passed by, and some joined the media throng. One shouted “He’s the only candidate without a super PAC!” — repeating a point Sanders has often made.

    “We don’t want Trump,” shouted another.

    Some held signs pointing to long-standing complaints with the city’s public housing: “We deserve safe and livable housing.”

    “I’m impressed,” said Michael Williams, a West Baltimore man who described himself as a Hillary Clinton fan. “There has never been a person running for president to come to our neighborhood.”

    The distance between the people and their rulers is never more obvious than when a guy like Sanders visits the ghetto for a photo-op. Baltimore has been governed by men like Sanders for half a century. The reason it is like a third world country is it has been ruled by third world men. Eventually, the only people left were third world too.Everything Bernie thinks is a great idea has been done in Baltimore and it is a third world shit-hole as a result.

    Sanders, however, can’t see that. Fanatics have no concept of the past. As far as he is concerned, he has been “fighting to fix the ghetto” his whole life. He really believes it. That’s the paradox. Sander is a smart guy, but he is consumed by a religious zeal that blinds him to that which is obvious to most people. Instead of sporting a black hat and beard, Bernie’s religion is Progressive politics. He’ll die before giving it up.

  5. Lance Cockstrong12:11 AM

    Cruz won by repeating "Reagan" and as the one with no conscience. Best one liner, Bush wanted to know did Butt Trumpet get his foreign policy from watching cartoons on Saturday or the political shows on Sunday. Also reminded him his original squishiness on Syria. Butt Trumpet big loser, forced to suck Cruz cock, forced to shut up by Bush, and forced to renounce any intention of running as an independent. The rest of them same shit different day. Fat Jesus reiterating his horseshit claim to fame being appointed US Attorney on September 10, 2001. Kasich as Mr. Nice Guy. Paul the isolationist. Fiorina babbling. Benny The Brain sleepwalking, his "no comment" response on immigration was a classic.

  6. Anonymous1:21 AM

    I hope no one played the drinking with the words "radical Islamic terrorism", you would be dead now. Not one question about the economy, climate change or police powers. I wish they would have gone further with Trump's comments about the three trillion dollars spent on regime change being used here to fix our infrastructure and economy. Too bad it was a one off comment.


  7. The Ministry of Truth1:26 AM

    "Butt Trumpet big loser, forced to suck Cruz cock, forced to shut up by Bush, and forced to renounce any intention of running as an independent."

    Forced to renounce any intention of running as an independent ... until a day or two from now, when he'll say he just might run as an independent. There's nothing Trump enjoys more than trolling the hell out of his opponents.

    And this, of course, costs him nothing. His fans don't care if Trump is consistent on anything -- except for racism. He has to be consistently hateful, and he's happy to be.

    "Fat Jesus reiterating his horseshit claim to fame being appointed US Attorney on September 10, 2001."

    I forget, is Fat Jesus Chris Christie, or are we talking about Mike Huckabee? There are so many Fat Jesuses in the Republican Party that it's hard to keep 'em straight.

  8. The Minstry of Truth1:38 AM

    "Not one question about the economy, climate change or police powers."

    Of course. Why ask when everyone already knows Republican positions on those?

    The economy:
    Improve it by not being an Angry Black Kenyan Muslim Terrorist Tyrant. And also by cutting taxes on poor, oppressed billionaires. Obviously.

    Climate change:
    Doesn't exist. It's a sneaky lefty conspiracy to install a communist economic system. Drill, baby, drill.

    Police Powers:
    The police are heroes and we should give them more powers. Ideally, they should be entitled to summarily execute suspicious-looking blacks and Muslims, amirite?

    Anyway, all that stuff is sooooo boring. It's much more fun to talk about imaginary left-wing conspiracies and nuking scary jihadis.

  9. If the Republicans win, I see eight more years of war. Do you think that they themselves know not when these wars in the Middle East started? I can't remember when there have been peace in that area of the globe. As a young man (my 20s) I was so busy with working and school. Having gone though RVN, I did not pay attention to world events. The only time I heard about rumors of war were during periods of gas shortages- we had to wait in lines (very long) to get gas every other day. Somehow we were never scared or fearful.

    Now decades later I am constantly reminded of somebody trying "to kill us". I wondered that if we are fearful in America, other people that was on the ground in these third world countries must be petrified. Think of 1200 bombing runs for 30 plus day in a row. Our elected speak so fervently of killing, killing, killing.

    Ending. Poor Dr. Ben Carson. He was forced to throw the babies out with the bath-water. He had to answer the question, would he be comfortable with ordering the killing of innocent civilian 9and especially children) if he was the Commander-In-Chief. I guess those oaths we as medical professionals mean nothing to him. Now I question exactly what kind of doctor was he. Just like everybody can't be doctors, some should not be president. I am glad he is just a prop for diversity. These situation has to be made up.

  10. Anonymous2:09 AM

    "The police are heroes and we should give them more powers. Ideally, they should be entitled to summarily execute suspicious-looking blacks and Muslims, "

    Except when they say guns shouldn't be sold to people on the no fly list then they're not heroes anymore.


  11. Didn't watch. Probably won't watch any of them. I'm 35, and my earliest recollection of presidential debates was Clinton going after Bush Sr, interrupting his 2nd term. And I noticed one thing that's always been true since: America is a two-party system, stacked completely against anyone but the horrid Republican-Democrat dichotomy, and also that politicians just fucking lie. There's no point in me watching this.

    However, over the past few weeks I have seen a few Trump interviews in their full context, and I can tell you why he's popular. Obviously you think it's because white people in America are just racists and bigots. You'll go to your grave with that, and such is your right. Ah salute. But people like Trump because he's not encumbered by the restraints of political--or party--correctness like the 99% of politicians who are career politicians and thus need to stay in their power positions to earn a living. Trump can tell the truth about the incompatibility of cultures and a need to, at very minimum, halt Muslims entering America until we figure out how to screen them. (Not ban them outright; just back the fucking line up until we get it straight! That's NOT a lot to ask.)

    Someone made an observation one time that seems to hold true, like one of those colloquial "laws." "Poe's Law," "Godwin's Law," "Sargon's Law," etc.

    If you say something that's truly racist and inflammatory people will either act in kind but very swiftly, or outright ignore it. However, if you touch on uncomfortable truths, people will rail against you with all their might, smearing you as racist and bigoted, without being able to cite why, just consistently attempting to socially pressure you into existing within their willfully blinded, delusional world. Act racist, get treated as an unimportant troll. Speak uncomfortable truths about races and cultures that they try to bury, and prepare yourself for a full-fledged campaign against you.

    Universally true, maybe not. But it certainly does model reality precisely 100% of the time around a place like this.

    If Trump were just a bad dude flaming people, a "fuck Trump" or whatever would suffice. But that's not exactly the case. He's speaking uncomfortable truths that the protect-our-feelings;fuck-your-freedom-of-speech neo-progressive collectivists don't want to hear, so here come the campaigns.

  12. z man, great observation about The Been. But, to his credit, he is trying.

    Can't believe I am saying this, but I think Jeb won the debate.

  13. Not one question about the economy, climate change or police powers.


    That's because the debate was about national security. That little detail wasn't in the kooksphere's morning attacks you eat up?

  14. "I just watched the GOP debate and I am speechless. "

    Republicans putting the safety of all Americans over political correctness leaves many on the left that way.

  15. Hillary is going to jail9:28 AM

    The Minstry of Truth said...
    "Not one question about the economy, climate change or police powers."

    It was a foreign policy debate. Everyone knows Obamanomics has failed, there's no point talking about the weather, and the good guys aren't on the side of the criminals.

  16. Scipio Africanus9:41 AM

    A Black Panther Forever said...
    "If the Republicans win, I see eight more years of war."

    Could be, the "security mom" vote is a key one, although Paul and to some extentTrump do not seem all that interested in keeping up the eternal war in the Middle East. Paul is the most anti-war candidate from either party in my lifetime.

    Remember, Obama and Hillary started regime change wars in Libya and Syria. They did this despite the recent example of Iraq, and the results have been disastrous for the region, for Europe, and now for us. So this isn't a Republican-Democrat thing, it's an elite priority versus the people's priority thing.

    Most Americans are completely done with military adventurism. Unfortunately, when you start having all these terrorist attacks, politicians have to start sounding tough. I'm fine with being tough on terrorists, but we need to get out of the nation building business.

  17. Z-man, i take it you're not feeling the Bern???

    You should give Bernie Sanders a break. Leftists are often shocked when they see up close the results of their policies and diversity programs.

  18. James Bold11:06 AM

    "The funnier part is Sanders was probably being honest in his astonishment at seeing the ghetto. The last time he had any proximity to the ghetto was over 50 years ago when he lived in Brooklyn."

    Are you really so ignorant about Washington DC that you don't know it is one of the most ghetto-fied cities in the USA, and that one of the biggest issues in "racial justice" there is that gentrification is pushing the Blacks out?

    "this, of course, costs him nothing. His fans don't care if Trump is consistent on anything -- except for racism. He has to be consistently hateful, and he's happy to be."

    "Hateful" = telling you your race card is declined.

  19. Anonymous11:31 AM

    James Bold: "...one of the biggest issues in "racial justice" there is that gentrification is pushing the Blacks out?"

    Liberals are the ones pushing the negro relocation program to the suburbs, through gentrification and ethnic cleansing using Mexicans. San Francisco is the model, where the black population is now under 10%. Liberals love blacks and conservatives so much they want both of them to live together.

    And wherever Sanders lives in DC, I'm sure it is not the ghetto, nor has he ever gone there. His ideas on everything, including inner city neighborhoods, haven't change since the 60's.


  20. Another example of the hard work government does...

    “Due to the tireless efforts of the ICE enforcement officers, more than three dozen convicted criminals were taken off the streets,”

    40 in a country of 320 million.

    Now I understand why FieldNegro is so scared of those 3 million foxnews viewers.

  21. "That little detail wasn't in the kooksphere's morning attacks you eat up?"

    And what did we learn? Every single gop candidate tells me I will be safe under their watch but two things stand out, 1. we have been pretty safe for the last 7 years and 2. it was under a Republican President's watch that the greatest terrorist attack took place. So if we wanted to be honest most killings of Americans happen by the hands of other Americans. Sandy Hook was more deadly than the recent attack in California but not a peep about gun control? This wasn't a serious debate about "national security" because all of us are more likely to be killed by a fellow American than a "radical Islamic terrorist." We also didn't need 2 hrs to hear what they would do about national security. I guess jobs and the economy are something only kooks worry about. Another reason to not vote Republican I guess.


  22. We all knew what the left has been wanting this for years.

    ISIS Gives Us No Choice but to Consider Limits on Speech

    Restricting free speech is exactly what terrorists want.

    And once again the left is only happy to oblige.

  23. We also learned that the gop contains psychos who want to shoot down Russian planes. Oh yeah, great idea GOP.


  24. PilotX said...
    recent attack in California but not a peep about gun control?

    All the left-wingnut rhetoric about gun control, none of the background check proposals offered by left-wingnuts would have prevented sandy hook.

    If the left-wingnuts are correct that the gop rhetoric is increasing terrorists, why haven't left-wingnuts realized that the Obama rhetoric is increasing gun sales.

    Just another dumbocrat double standard.

  25. Another favorite part of the debate was the anti-Hillary i.e. Carly Fiorina. Every knows she has no chance but they keep her around so the gop (possibly correctly) won't get tagged as sexist because of their attacks on Hill-dog. The whole "I won't talk to Putin" kind of comes across as a mean girls teen aged comment. Actually every time I hear her talk that's what it sounds like.
    But my very most favorite part was the look Marco Rubio gave Carly when she made the comment about a first term senator not having the executive experience to be President. I just know what he was thinking (are you kidding? When was the last time YOU were President of the United States lady? And didn't you get fired?)
    When Rand Paul is the most reasonable person on the stage and the leader in the polls is a reality tv star yo umay want to start really thinking your party isn't serious.

  26. Yisheng12:41 PM

    I agree with you Field, from what I did watch Jeb Bush won the debate.

  27. Anonymous12:49 PM

    The Devil won.

  28. "I agree with you Field, from what I did watch Jeb Bush won the debate."

    Even though Trump handed him his ass with the "next debate you'll be off the stage" comment. I guess in the war war war debate the guy who has the same pro-war PNAC advisors his brother had he should win. Now if the gop ever debates real issues such as Social Security, jobs, the economy, education and/or the environment I wonder who would shine.

  29. Yisheng12:51 PM

    Love to see a post about the comments on diversity made by the Sam's club CEO.

  30. "One thing is certain from Tuesday night’s Republican debate on CNN: Whatever polling data the Republicans are reading, it’s telling them that GOP primary voters are worried that ISIS is sneaking in through the air ducts and that the only thing that will save them now is thumping your chest really hard and repeating, “Radical Islamic terrorism, radical Islamic terrorism, radical Islamic terrorism” until the magical spell works and the baddies go away."


    pretty funny take on the debate.


  31. Bowe Bergdahl faces court-martial and possible life imprisonment

    Not long ago Obama was celebrating his release.

    Obama must have had a good reason to bypass congress.

  32. PilotX said...
    "it was under a Republican President's watch that the greatest terrorist attack took place"

    The 9/11 plot was developed over 8 years - 7 and half of which were during the Clinton administration. Clinton had several opportunities to get bin Laden, but got faint of heart. Later efforts to track suspicious activity by prohibitions on intelligence sharing instituted by the Clinton administration. The attack occurred 8 months after Bush took office, but it is all his fault.

    And Obama dindu nuffin wrong by banning the kind of background checks that would have kept the San Bernadino shooters out of the country, or the kind of common sense actions that would have prevented Nidal Hasan from being able to kill 19 soldiers at Fort Hood.

    You're a piece of work, X.

  33. PilotX said...

    We also learned that the gop contains psychos who want to shoot down Russian planes. Oh yeah, great idea GOP.

    Not much for context i see. What would you do Pilotx if you put in a no fly zone over Syria and you warned Russian not to violate. Russia tells you to go "f" yourself and launches attacks killing insurgent groups we support.

    What would you do PX?

  34. PilotX said...
    " 1. we have been pretty safe for the last 7 years"

    Thanks Bush era policies for that.

    2. it was under a Republican President's watch that the greatest terrorist attack took place.

    And we can thank Clinton and the liberal media for that. Like Obama, they too wanted to pretend like radical Islam didn't exist and white males who listen to Rush and watch Fox News are the biggest threat.



    And where is pilotx and the rest of the separation of church and state left???

    Public School Students Told to Practice Calligraphy by Writing 'There is No God but Allah'


  36. Welcome to the abattoir3:27 PM


    That is because the purpose of gun control is not to prevent mass shootings.

    The purpose of gun control is to control citizens.

  37. Stephen Pinker who wrote ‘The Better Angels of Our Nature’ In 2011 argued then that the world has never been a safer place than it is now. In medieval times you were 30 times more likely to be murdered or raped than you are now. Wars between industrialised nations have all but disappeared. Murder rates are falling all over the world, even Mexico is a safer place now than it was in 1940.

    This article updates the conclusions of the 2011 book, and shows that the drift towards a safer World has continued apace.

    Remember that next time some hysterical right-winger tries to tell you you should be terrified of the big bad world.


  38. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Bottom line. Rubio won, again. The rest of the Republican candidates are not electable.

    Hillary, the old, self-enriching, liar, multi-millionaire, presumptive Democrat nominee has so much baggage.

    Rubio is young, experienced, moderate, smart, and doesn't have baggage.

    Rubio will beat Hillary IF the Republicans nominate him because independents like me will vote for him.

  39. The Hysterical Left5:55 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Stephen Pinker who wrote ‘The Better Angels of Our Nature’ In 2011 argued then that the world has never been a safer place than it is now. In medieval times you were 30 times more likely to be murdered or raped than you are now. Wars between industrialised nations have all but disappeared. Murder rates are falling all over the world, even Mexico is a safer place now than it was in 1940.

    This article updates the conclusions of the 2011 book, and shows that the drift towards a safer World has continued apace.

    Remember that next time some hysterical left-winger tries to tell you you should support repealing the First and Second Amendments and be thankful to have your rights taken away.

  40. "Bottom line. Rubio won, again."

    Bottom line, no he didn't.


    "The rest of the Republican candidates are not electable. "

    True dat.


  41. Gotta love left-wingnuits...

    A story about the Freddie Gray protests. Check out the picture.

    Nice job cropping the picture.

    Here is another one from getty images.

    Which ever etreme left-wing socialist group that paid for the professionally produced signs should have cared enough for Freddie to respect the spelling of his name.

  42. The Purple Cow said...
    Remember that next time some hysterical right-winger tries to tell you you should be terrified of the big bad world.

    Two words: Global Warming.


  43. Anonymous7:33 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Bottom line. Rubio won, again."

    Purple Cow wrote:

    Bottom line, no he didn't.


    "The rest of the Republican candidates are not electable. "

    True dat.

    5:55 PM

    I could care less what Nate Silver says about the last debate. In MY opinion, Rubio won.

    I also find it amusing, you Cow, that you don't disagrees when I call Hillary a self-serving, multi-millionaire, liar, old, woman who will say ANYTHING to get elected.

  44. James Bold8:40 PM

    "Rubio is young, experienced, moderate, smart, and doesn't have baggage."

    Rubio is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chamber of Commerce.  He was one of the Gang of 8 which got the Republican base up in arms.  He's almost unelectable, but the CoC doesn't care because Hillary is also behind the CoC agenda.  The CoC worries about Trump, because Trump can win and has said he'll stop the CoC immivasion flood.  That's also why they hate Cruz.

    Black people should worry about the immivasion because the whole purpose is to replace the Black voting bloc with more productive and peaceful browns.  Black people hate Whitey too much to see the problem.  Ah, well... you'll get what you deserve.

  45. "And Obama dindu nuffin wrong by banning the kind of background checks that would have kept the San Bernadino shooters out of the country, or the kind of common sense actions that would have prevented Nidal Hasan from being able to kill 19 soldiers at Fort Hood."

    Wasn't one of the shooters born in Indiana? Oh that's right, facts don't matter on the right.

  46. "Not much for context i see. What would you do Pilotx if you put in a no fly zone over Syria and you warned Russian not to violate. Russia tells you to go "f" yourself and launches attacks killing insurgent groups we support.

    What would you do PX?"

    For a good answer listen to what Rand Paul said.


  47. "Black people should worry about the immivasion because the whole purpose is to replace the Black voting bloc with more productive and peaceful browns. Black people hate Whitey too much to see the problem. Ah, well... you'll get what you deserve."

    Any evidence of this? Of course not. There are several problems with these statement but the most glaring is blah people don't hate white people by and large. You would know this if you took the time to actually have a conversation with blah people and not rely on cheap stereotypes about a group of people with whom you have no contact or knowledge.

  48. "And where is pilotx and the rest of the separation of church and state left???"

    Still here not fighting the war on Christmas. Pjmedia? Is that a right wing wingnut site? I guess now I should be afraid Islam is taking over our public schools? The stuff you righties are afraid of is astonishing.

    "Two words: Global Warming."

    A few more words: you don't have a degree in Atmospheric Science.


  49. "The school district defended the assignment.

    “The statement presented as an example of the calligraphy was not translated for students, nor were students asked to translate it, recite it or otherwise adopt or pronounce it as a personal belief,” the district stated. “They were simply asked to attempt to artistically render written Arabic in order to understand its artistic complexity.”

    Further, the district said the assignment was "consistent with the Virginia Department of Education Standards of Learning and the requirements for content instruction on world monotheistic religions."

    It was a calligraphy class and the Arabic language was used to let students practice. I guess in the mind of a wingnut it's indoctrination and a call for all Virginia students to jihad. Conservatives are weird people. Paranoid for no reason. Geez, no wonder they need assault weapons all over, they're afraid of damn near everything.

  50. Anonymous9:50 PM

    James Bold said...
    "Rubio is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chamber of Commerce."

    Actually, Sheldon Adelson owns Rubio.

  51. Anonymous9:51 PM

    "A few more words: you don't have a degree in Atmospheric Science."

    PhD, Colorado State.

  52. Anonymous9:52 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Any evidence of this?"

    Yes, in every large city in America.

  53. "PhD, Colorado State."

    Really? I know a few people that got their PhD's there. Quick, who was your favorite professor?

  54. "Any evidence of this?"

    Yes, in every large city in America."

    Uh, what exactly is this evidence?

  55. Bullshit Detector12:00 AM

    PhD, Colorado State.


  56. Funny, Mr. PhD from Colorado St suddenly disappears. Funny that.
