Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Image result for GOP debate images   There is so much to take away from the GOP debate last night that I don't even know where to start.

First, let me say congrats to Jeb for finally growing a pair. Unfortunately for him, though, it might be too little too late. The orange colored one seems to have his number. Yes Jeb, if you are running as a right wing republican demagogue, you can "insult your way to the presidency".

Then there was Chris Christie. He actually said that he would shoot down Russian jets if they violated the no fly zone. What's another World War among friends?  Then, to top it off, he actually called Obama a "weakling".

"“My first phone call would be to Vladimir, and I’d say, ‘Listen, we’re enforcing this no-fly zone,'” Mr. Christie said on MSNBC. “And I mean we’re enforcing it against anyone, including you. So don’t try me. Don’t try me. Because I’ll do it.”
Mr. Christie went on to say that Mr. Putin was “punching above his weight” and called Mr. Obama “this weakling in the White House.”' [Source] 
I got news for you Chris, anyone who goes against you is "punching up above his weight". (Sorry I couldn't resist.) But you might want t ease up on all the bluster just a little bit. Leave all the crazy talk for trump. No one is buying your tough guy I'm from Jersey, act. That little bridge issue you had has pretty much doomed all chances  you ever had of becoming president.
Carly was ....well... Carly. As is always the case she told a story that wasn't quite connected to reality.
"Carly Fiorina today stood by her debate claim about a general she said was pushed out by President Obama, even though that general did not serve in this administration.
She railed against how the current president has ignored advice from top generals, saying she would “bring back the warrior class.”

Fiorina said, “Petraeus, McCrystal, Mattis, Keane, Flynn, every single one of these generals I know, every one was retired early because they told President Obama things that he didn’t want to hear.”
Now, General David Petraeus left for other reasons, but another issue in what she said was with the mention of Jack Keane, a former Army general and current Fox News analyst.
On Fox Business this morning, Keane told Stu Varney what Fiorina said was inaccurate since he served under George W. Bush, not Obama." [Source]

But I saved the best for last. My man Ted Cruz was in rare form as he went back and forth with Marco Rubio. (When my grandfather came to America) Unfortunately Ted forgot that he was talking to millions of Americans and some of the stuff he was saying was not for public consumption.

"Sen. Richard Burr (R-North Carolina), the chairman, told reporters on Wednesday that he had asked his staff to explore whether Cruz's comments about the National Security Agency's surveillance program constitute disclosing classified data, The Hill reported.

"I'm having my staff look at the transcripts of the debate right now," Burr told reporters, according to The Hill. "Any time you deal with numbers ... the question is, 'Is that classified or not?' Or is there an open source reference to it?"

Wait, I was wrong. What Ted Cruz did was not the best from the debate. The orange one saying that he is going to create a wall around the internet by closing it up to Isis was. "I don't want them using our Internet". He wants to "penetrate" the Internet and find out exactly where Isis is hiding in it. Ok then Donald.

"Donald Trump has said many things that make no sense. But at Tuesday night’s CNN debate, he outdid even himself.

For a man with such a remarkable social media presence, he appears to have literally no idea what the Internet is or how it works."

For his next trick Donald Trump will insult the Washington Post in 5..4..3..2..

*Pic from



  1. Good catch, I almost forgot about Carly's "inaccuracies". She learned from the last debate her target audience isn't big on fact checking and the insular world of conservative media will keep her safe. These guys want to stop ISIS and "radical Islamic terrorists" but bring back the cold war. ISIS can't destroy 'murica but Russian missiles can. This is Reagan's wet dream, spend billions on defense and let the poor to their own devices. 80's conservatism at its finest. I guess invading Central American countries to root out communism will be the focus of the next debate.

  2. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years

    10/29/2013 07:01 PM ET

    Read More At Investor's Business Daily:

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    "Nine senior commanding generals were fired by the Obama administration in 2013 for political purposes, leading to speculation by active and retired members of the military that a purge of its commanders is under way."

  4. The Ministry of Truth9:47 PM

    This debate was apparently just a "macho-off" in which the candidates competed to make "Obama wears mom jeans, the big pussy," playground-type insults, and to outdo each other in how fast they'd bomb the Middle East and how many bombs they'd drop.

    The Republicans now seem to want to just be the Superhero Party. All their policies boil down to:

    1) There is a terrifying Supervillain who's gonna getcha!!!
    2) But don't worry, I will put on my cape and go crush the Supervillain.

    That's literally the only thing they've got now.

    All the candidates are lying their asses off, but Carly wins special mention for offering up some of the most obvious lies. Like, lies easily debunked in 10 seconds on Google. She's really trying hard to take the crown from Trump, with his references to New Jersey Muslims cheering on 9/11 and Islamic no-go zones in Europe, both of which are totally fictional.

    Trump also wins the honorary Ted Stevens Technophobic Grandpa Politician award, so named (by me) for the late Republican Senator Ted Stevens -- who was widely mocked a few years back because he sat on a committee responsible for regulating the Internet, yet described the Internet in the ultimate tech-ignorant fashion as "a series of tubes." (Stevens was also responsible for pushing to build Alaska's famed Bridge to Nowhere, an especially hilarious example of idiotic government pork-belly wasted spending. If it had actually been erected, it would have cost around $400 million to serve a population of 50 people.)

  5. "U.S. special forces are working side by side with Iraqi forces in the fight against Islamic State militants and American military advisers and trainers are working with Iraqi troops in various locations. To be sure, Bush has called for an intensification of the military effort in a variety of ways, but debate viewers would not know from his comment that U.S. troops are already operating with Iraqi and Kurdish forces.

    His comment fits a pattern in the Republican race as a number of candidates criticize President Barack Obama’s course against IS while proposing largely the same steps that are already underway."

  6. "All the candidates are lying their asses off, but Carly wins special mention for offering up some of the most obvious lies. Like, lies easily debunked in 10 seconds on Google"

    Continuing her pattern from the last debate. She knows she is bullet proof because the party needs her to be the anti-Hillary so she can say anything she wants. Kind of the 2016 version of Palin. And the thing is her crowd doesn't care about facts, as long as they say hateful things about the negro in the WH it doesn't matter. Almost too easy to be a gop candidate, they really are the know nothing party. And remember, if you get called on any lies attack the media for being biased and liberal. With this formula no wonder they have kooks and idiots running.

  7. Ivan Biggen10:01 PM

    "Then there was Chris Christie. He actually said that he would shoot down Russian jets if they violated the no fly zone. What's another World War among friends?

    It's not really a "no fly zone" if you won't enforce it, is it?

    And Obama is the one who nearly started WWIII when he overthrew a democratically elected government in Ukraine and installed a puppet government. Putin called his bluff and took Crimea.

    Obama certainly is a dangerous weakling, starting shit he can't finish.

  8. Lance Cockstrong10:02 PM

    The recent atrocities that necessitated a debate focused entirely on war and immigration are a right wing wet dream, allowing them a cloak of legitimacy over the hatred, misery, and ignorance that unites them. No point in trying to parse out any specific meaning in any of the bloviating and pontificating but Cruz more than anyone else showed that he has the conscience of Sticky Dick Cheney. Butt Trumpet on the other hand was a clear loser, did not come out smoking as advertised, every confrontation, with Cruz, Bush, Fiorina, either backed down or was beat down, and was reduced to whining about how unfair the questions were.

  9. Anonymous10:03 PM

    "Trump also wins the honorary Ted Stevens Technophobic Grandpa Politician award"

    How about Hillary Clinton, who can't drive a car, use an ipad, or figure out how email works?

  10. Limpbaugh10:07 PM

    I really think Rand Paul is worth a primary vote. The liars all demonize ISIS which resulted from the Wahhabism of our Saudi Arabian terrorist ally and us arming and training McCain's "moderate rebels". Both parties are guilty. Trump is better than the neocons on non intervention, but he's a racist nut. Paul raised the issues of us supporting terrorism in the first Benghazi hearing and you haven't see him on the panels since. Paul is better than Trump on non intervention, and probably the best peace candidate from either party. And I do think Paul is for protecting people's right to be racist instead of him being a racist himself. He sure represents a much better direction for the GOP to go in than the others. Hillary is a warmonger, and while Sanders is much better, he is a Zionist who votes to fund wars. A Rand Paul vote seems like the most bang for your buck in the primaries to me.

  11. The ISIS rhetoric is way overblown, but there actually are people being shot, decapitated, blown up, crucified and burned alive.

    The Democrats believe instead that imaginary global warming is the biggest national security threat. Seriously. They are that fucking corrupt and/or stupid.

  12. The Ministry of Truth10:09 PM

    "His comment fits a pattern in the Republican race as a number of candidates criticize President Barack Obama’s course against IS while proposing largely the same steps that are already underway."

    Again, not a new tactic. This is the same stunt the Republicans have been pulling with the Syrian refugees:


    Except refugees already are subjected to extensive background checks, and have been for years. So, not a new idea, really. This is scaremongering, based on the ignorance of certain voters, by inquiring why-oh-why aren't we doing stuff that we're absolutely already doing.

  13. PilotX said...
    "Almost too easy to be a gop candidate, they really are the know nothing party."

    At least the repubs have a real primary process. Your party is about to anoint a life-long criminal with zero positive accomplishments as their nominee.

  14. The Ministry of Truth10:14 PM

    "And Obama is the one who nearly started WWIII when he overthrew a democratically elected government in Ukraine and installed a puppet government. Putin called his bluff and took Crimea."

    Oh Christ, this crap again? This conspiracy theory that the U.S. arranged the uprising in Ukraine is Putin-generated propaganda to justify controlling the governments of countries neighboring Russia, and grabbing their land when they have the gall to demand democracy.

    Avid Russia Today watcher, are you?

    WTF is wrong with wingnuts today that they seem to admire Vladimir Putin so much? He's not such a great guy, you know?

  15. We have always been at war with Eastasia10:15 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    Except refugees already are subjected to extensive background checks

    That's bullshit, and you know it.

    You have one of the most fitting handles on this site - your posts are truly Orwellian.

  16. We have always been at war with Eastasia10:17 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "This conspiracy theory that the U.S. arranged the uprising in Ukraine is Putin-generated propaganda"

    Jesus look at you, spending your time defending the Obama regime's false narratives like a yapping little lapdog.

    Grovel, boy, grovel.

  17. The Ministry of Truth10:26 PM

    "The Democrats believe instead that imaginary global warming is the biggest national security threat. Seriously. They are that fucking corrupt and/or stupid."

    Because it is a major security threat.

    It is not an immediate security threat, but it is a long-term security threat. Our military's top analysts have identified it as such, not just a bunch of tree-hugger eco-activists. How could it not be? If big swaths of arable land around the world become useless for growing food, due to increased drought or flooding, that will cause future wars, lots of them.

    But I can see how this might be unclear to you, if you're too dumb to believe in science.

  18. The Ministry of Truth10:28 PM

    "You have one of the most fitting handles on this site - your posts are truly Orwellian."

    Jeez, ever hear of irony?

    And you wingnuts are alwasy accusing us liberals of being humorless scolds.

  19. "At least the repubs have a real primary process. Your party is about to anoint a life-long criminal with zero positive accomplishments as their nominee."

    Sure, a nomination process in which the leader is a reality tv star. That's like building a top of the line football stadium that seats 100,000 for a high school team. The sad part about it is that there are a few serious people in the gop but their voices are drown out by the crazies. Didn't you guy s have the same nomination process in 2008 and the best you came up with was McCain/Palin? You may want to have a serious look at your nominating process.

  20. Yisheng10:49 PM

    Trump is the male Whooteemoo's supreme being, some who validates their white privilege/entitlement and racists/misogynist views.

  21. The GOP nominating process has been used by the Establishment to stifle the conservative base and is now being blown the fuck up by Donald J. Trump. This is a good thing for conservatism.

  22. White Man's Burden10:50 PM

    Yisheng said...
    Trump is the male Whooteemoo's supreme being, some who validates their white privilege/entitlement and racists/misogynist views

    Yeah, so?

  23. We have always been at war with Eastasia10:58 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "You have one of the most fitting handles on this site - your posts are truly Orwellian."

    Jeez, ever hear of irony?

    If you mocked the overboard positions you take, your handle would be ironic.

    Instead, you fervently support the ideology in power, parroting liberal tropes and defending the company line.

    I guess in an unironic way you indicate that everything you say is a lie.

    Keep trying.

  24. The Ministry of Truth11:11 PM

    As yet another example of rampant Islamophobia, professor Larycia Hawkins (who is a black woman, if it matters to the Field Negro blog) has been suspended from teaching at Wheaton College, which is a right-wing Christian school in suburban Chicago.

    Her offense? She wore a hijab to show solidarity with Muslims, who are facing a lot of hostility in this country right now, and she said that we should find a way to empathize with them because after all, they worship the same God.

    How dare she, the evil terrorist-loving monster?

  25. The Ministry of Truth11:15 PM

    "Instead, you fervently support the ideology in power, parroting liberal tropes and defending the company line."

    And you can keep pretending that conservatives are some sort of scrappy rebels, bravely fighting the establishment.

    The Republicans ARE the establishment.

  26. Anonymous11:43 PM

    " professor Larycia Hawkins (who is a black woman, if it matters to the Field Negro blog) has been suspended from teaching at Wheaton College"

    Man bites dog story.

  27. "As yet another example of rampant Islamophobia, professor Larycia Hawkins (who is a black woman, if it matters to the Field Negro blog) has been suspended from teaching at Wheaton College, which is a right-wing Christian school in suburban Chicago."

    I lived in Wheaton for a while, it's known for its churches and we're not talking the chicken restaurants. Pretty much a fundie hotbed. I would not recommend straying too far from the doctrine of one works there. That would be like a biology professor teaching evolution on that campus. You can do it but I wouldn't recommend it.

  28. "And you can keep pretending that conservatives are some sort of scrappy rebels, bravely fighting the establishment.

    The Republicans ARE the establishment."

    Irony alert, a conservative doesn't know the definition of conservative. Rich. Good observation MoT.


    Sweet! Can't wait for this.

  30. We have always been at war with Eastasia12:03 AM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    The Republicans ARE the establishment.

    Progressives own the White House and, more importantly, the permanent government - the bureaucracy that stays in power no matter who wins the latest election. They control almost the entire news media, the vast majority of the country never hears news critical of progressive politicians or policies. They control the entertainment media - movies, TV, and advertisements are used to push progressive propaganda 24/7. They control public education and the universities, where learning has been replaced with indoctrination.

    Progressivism is the ideology of the elite and no one in power does not bow before its Gods. The Republican establishment has shown over and over that it will defend progressive imperatives before it will accede to the demands of its conservative base.

    You are the boot stamping on the human face forever.

    America is a communist country.

  31. Anonymous12:14 AM

    "She wore a hijab to show solidarity with Muslims, who are facing a lot of hostility in this country right now, and she said that we should find a way to empathize with them because after all, they worship the same God."

    No, the God of the Koran is nothing like the God of the Christian bible. You obvously know nothing of either religion.

  32. The Ministry of Truth said...
    "The Democrats believe instead that imaginary global warming is the biggest national security threat. Seriously. They are that fucking corrupt and/or stupid."

    Because it is a major security threat.

    It is not an immediate security threat, but it is a long-term security threat. Our military's top analysts have identified it as such,

    Instead of working on new strategies to deal with asymmetric threats like ISIS, or worrying about China's nuclear missile arsenal built by stealing our technology, we have our 'top military men' keeping an eye on the weather for people whose grandparents haven't been born yet. Yeah, that's not idiotic.

  33. Anonymous12:34 AM

    In any case, it's 2015. We're at war in Afghanistan, war in Iraq, helped destabilize Libya and Syria, have seen the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11, have no ability to vet visitors and entrants to the country or otherwise protect our borders, and have no coherent strategy for dealing with ISIS. We have a president who actually claims that climate deals are a good way to fight ISIS, and a press that treats this as a reasonable claim to make.

    Must be nice to be a Democratic president.

    -- Mollie Hemingway

  34. We have always been at war with Eastasia said...
    They control almost the entire news media,
    As evidenced, apparently, by the morphing of MSNBC to right wing propaganda and elimination of liberal hosts except in the 4 hour prime time block.
    And the iron grip second-ugliest man on earth Rupert Murdoch has on print and electronic news media, especially the proliferation of Fox News on basic cable.
    And the recent purchase of a notable Nevada newspaper by the ugliest man on earth, Sheldon Adelson.
    Nevermind the circular firing squad a.k.a. conservative news blogs such as Breibart, Twitchy, World Net Daily, Daily Caller, Townhall, Human Events, Red State, Stormfront, InfoWars...

  35. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Average annual temperatures in Fahrenheit 1880-2015:

  36. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Kajo said...
    As evidenced, apparently, by the morphing of MSNBC to right wing propaganda

    Kajo thinks MSNBC is "right wing propaganda". You must have Pol Pot posters in your bedroom.

  37. The Ministry of Truth1:55 AM

    "Progressivism is the ideology of the elite and no one in power does not bow before its Gods. The Republican establishment has shown over and over that it will defend progressive imperatives before it will accede to the demands of its conservative base.

    You are the boot stamping on the human face forever."

    I see. Apparently Orwell was your hero. It must be for his valiant defense of the world from those dirty progressive left-wingers who want to oppress all hardworking, righteous wingnuts!

    Oh, wait, no, hang on a minute. Orwell was a socialist.

  38. Anonymous1:57 AM

    And the iron grip second-ugliest man on earth Rupert Murdoch has on print and electronic news media, especially the proliferation of Fox News on basic cable.

    Fox News is one cable channel; the rest are all left wing, as are all the broadcast networks, all the news services, all the major newspapers, and the biggest political sites on the internet.

  39. We have always been at war with Eastasia2:01 AM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "I see. Apparently Orwell was your hero. It must be for his valiant defense of the world from those dirty progressive left-wingers who want to oppress all hardworking, righteous wingnuts"

    You read Animal Farm and became a fanboy for the pigs.

    Self-awareness is not your strong point.

  40. The Ministry of Truth2:31 AM

    "You read Animal Farm and became a fanboy for the pigs."

    The pigs were Stalinists.

    Next comes the part where you pretend that Democrats are Stalinists. Or that there are any meaningful number of revolutionary communists in the U.S.

    And that's followed by the part where I laugh at you.

    I'm done here.

  41. "I also find it amusing, you Cow, that you don't disagrees when I call Hillary a self-serving, multi-millionaire, liar, old, woman who will say ANYTHING to get elected."

    Why do you find that amusing?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. PilotX said...
    This is Reagan's wet dream, spend billions on defense and let the poor to their own devices. 80's conservatism at its finest. I guess invading Central American countries to root out communism will be the focus of the next debate.

    Opposed to liberal's wet dream of cutting military budgets, using the military has a social experiment and creating new programs for the poor and spending hundreds of millions of dollars more on poverty than Reagan.

    End result? A weaken military. Moral at a all time low. No net growth in wages and incomes for the poor. Near historic poverty rates.

    Liberalism at its finest. And yet many on the left like Bernie Sanders are shocked,shocked, to see the results of their polices.

  44. "Ted forgot that he was talking to millions of Americans and some of the stuff he was saying was not for public consumption."

    Except he didn't. And Cruz was already cleared before field posted...When has facts every mattered to the left?

  45. PilotX said...

    "The school district defended the assignment.

    “The statement presented as an example of the calligraphy was not translated for students, nor were students asked to translate it, recite it or otherwise adopt or pronounce it as a personal belief,” the district stated. “They were simply asked to attempt to artistically render written Arabic in order to understand its artistic complexity.”

    Further, the district said the assignment was "consistent with the Virginia Department of Education Standards of Learning and the requirements for content instruction on world monotheistic religions."

    It was a calligraphy class and the Arabic language was used to let students practice. I guess in the mind of a wingnut it's indoctrination and a call for all Virginia students to jihad. Conservatives are weird people. Paranoid for no reason. Geez, no wonder they need assault weapons all over, they're afraid of damn near everything.

    “There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”

    No indoctrination there.

    And why was a student denied the use of a bible? And why did the teacher tell female students they should wear a hijab?

    Just another example of the hypocrisy we get from the left in this country. They use "separation of church and state" to hide their hatred and bigotry they feel towards Christians and Christianity.

    1. Ok, I guess writing something will indoctrinate them huh? And the teacher explained why she suggested the female students
      wear a hijab. Read the story. It wouldn't freak me out as a parent. Sorry man but one teacher trying to open the minds of a few kids isn't "goverment indoctrination". To some ANY mention of Islam will freak them out. I'm not that scared.

  46. We have always been at war with Eastasia9:44 AM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "Democrats are Stalinists."

    They are working on it.

  47. Uhleekh M'Baahles11:44 AM

    Support for halting Muslim immigration higher among non-whites than it is among whites. From MSNBC:

    When asked if Trump went too far when he called for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration, 87% of Latinos, 88% of “other,” and 96% of blacks answered “no.”

    Among white people, 69% answered “no.” Overall, 76% of Americans answered “no.”

    Yet the progressives tell us that only white people can be 'racist'.


  48. White folks are scared out of their gourd. Bullets are going to be flying at the drop of a hat. This country's no joke to live in now; it's getting worse by the second. Maybe if you'd taken "ownership" of the country legally instead of stealing it, and NEVER instituted a "Slave Trade", karma wouldn't be biting you in the butt now. Not only you, but all of us.


  49. MSNBC poll

    Has Donald Trump gone too far with his plan to ban muslims?

    Cacausian 69% no
    Hispanic 87% no
    African American 96% no
    Other 88% no

    Dumbocrat 83% no
    Independent 92% no
    Rethug 86% no

    The left-wingnut narrative is falling apart.

  50. Bill is an F'n Idiot12:58 PM

    The left-wingnut narrative is falling apart.

    And Bill's dumb ass believes this.

  51. The Fixer12:59 PM

    Yet the conservatives tell us that only blah people can be 'racist'.

    There, fixed it.

  52. Republicans should rot in hell1:05 PM

    Opposed to liberal's wet dream of cutting military budgets, using the military has a social experiment and creating new programs for the poor and spending hundreds of millions of dollars more on poverty than Reagan.

    End result? A weaken military.
    Military budgets should be cut. The U.S. spends more money on military than the rest of the world combined. There should be some closures of overseas bases or do conservatives not care about debt? Japan and Germany can defend themselves right? America first right? Even a slightly weakened American military is bigger than the rest of the planet. Who the fuck can invade America? Of course we should spend more on poverty than Reagan did. Star wars anyone?

  53. Anonymous1:10 PM

    "Progressives own the White House and, more importantly, the permanent government - the bureaucracy that stays in power no matter who wins the latest election. They control almost the entire news media, the vast majority of the country never hears news critical of progressive politicians or policies. They control the entertainment media - movies, TV, and advertisements are used to push progressive propaganda 24/7. They control public education and the universities, where learning has been replaced with indoctrination.

    Progressivism is the ideology of the elite and no one in power does not bow before its Gods. The Republican establishment has shown over and over that it will defend progressive imperatives before it will accede to the demands of its conservative base."

    So says someone indoctrinated in right wing propaganda. Yawn, so predictable.

  54. Anonymous1:12 PM


  55. Mr. We Have Always Been at War, what exactly are the demands of the conservative base?

  56. I doubt any Republican would actually win the presidency. I think you're devoting a little too much energy to it. But such is your right; it's your blog. Post whatsoever you wish. But you're coming across a bit on the Chicken Little tip, and it's probably unnecessary. The sky isn't falling; Trump could have an even larger lead in the primary, or Carson could surge to 88% or Cruz to 99%, and still that's only for Republicans. They still have to run against a Democrat, and that means wall-to-wall, nonstop negative coverage from MSNBC, CNN, PBS, ABC, CBS, the New York Times and a thousand other newspapers, People and Time and Rolling Stone magazine, half of the tabloids in the grocery store aisle, and more than half of talk radio. And then probably 99.5% of "black" outlets like BET and Vibe and Source and Ebony and the suchlike.

    You'll never convince the black community to vote Republican at this juncture. The millennials who truly believe that the freedom of speech should be denied in order to protect feelings -- well, needless to say they're not voting Republican. Most independents would probably never go with Republicans, no matter how awful Democratic policies are. Who are you left with? Old people and Christian literalists. lol

    Don't worry. Democrats will get another 8 years in the White House, and another 80 years at the locals, and no matter how many more communities fail, how many more schools fail, how many more people end up jobless, etc, it will all still somehow be the fault of Republicans. The goal on y'alls end isn't to make the nation any better; it's simply to assume the power position politically. You don't have a plan beyond that, and certainly not anything that would work to turn America around. So, congratulations.

    But once you vote Republicans into extinction in most areas save the south, what on Earth are you going to blame everything negative on? Oh, stupid question. My bad. There's still 60% white people here. lol You can't vote us away. We'll still be here to shoulder 100% of the blame for every single thing to go wrong in the entire world. Credited with nothing, blamed for everything.

  57. Lance Cockstrong8:58 PM

    Not easy being you is it Josh? Another 80 years at the locals? What on earth are you talking about? Republicans hold every card except for the presidency. 32 states have Republican governors. 23 of those states both houses are also Republican. And your state of VA could also be in that category except that Republicans decided that their gay bashing science denying DA Cooch would make a fine candidate for governor in 2014.

  58. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Dear Mr Field, this is to serve notice that Anon Inc will be closing its doors at the end of this yerar to certain blogs of certain persuasion. Our last board meeting was deadlocked between 'two' groups but certainly one has to be decidedly dropped.

    Hence, I'm writing to get your version about this matter because it could impact FN greatly. Please think instead of reacting to your Big R emotions. Don't let your racial mind lead you down the rabbit hole.

    As a bm let me wish you all Brothers, Black and White, "Happy Kwanzaa".

    PS what ever happened to Doug in Oakland?

  59. "What on earth are you talking about?"

    I'm talking about--as I thought was explicitly obvious from my comment, but maybe not--all these areas inhabited by Democrats, who have chased Republicans out a long, long time ago, yet still continue to blame Republicans. I'm not talking about America in general; I'm speaking about liberal precincts around the nation, which include some large cities and even entire states, where a Republican has been out of power (and I mean POWER, not the Governator beholden to a band of raving liberals) so long that it's like teaching kids about dinosaurs. But whenever something goes wrong in those states, like another 3 million bastards from baby mamas who can't even pick out a guy to fuck who has a job, or the public unions ruining another school or business, here come the cries about how Republicans are ruining their lives. And that's going to continue until which point Republicans are relegated to only the south, as I explicitly said in my comment, which I thought made the context clear, and still it's going to be the fault of Republicans that shit is failing.

    And seeing that the majority of millennials today honestly believe that your freedom of speech does not matter as much as their feelings and comfort, prepare your anus for the next big wave of nothing-but-Democrat elections when we're old men and they're in charge of (failing) shit. Republicans, by that juncture, will damn near be extinct; the indoctrination compounds that are American universities* are obviously succeeding. And America will become exponentially worse with these whiny-ass, see-racism-everywhere, can't-do-shit, won't-learn-shit, just-beg-for-shit good for nothings, and they'll never wise up and change their government because they'll just find those Mississippi and Georgia Republicans to blame.

    They weren't quite as bad even a decade ago, but still bad. My master's thesis was on "selfish" gene suppression in populations inhibiting the proliferation of cooperation (give or take), and I had half a dozen professors, assistant professors, adjunct professors, student assistants, the student body president, and "concerned" students reaming me out in a special meeting just for me, because these dumb motherfuckers read "populations" and inferred "race." "We feel our standards here at George Washington should promote fairness and inclusiveness, Joshua." "We just feel that a thesis on 'populations,' as you call them, is an area too sensitive to explore given the climate." "We would appreciate it if you reworked your thesis to make it more inclusive of the human race as a whole, rather than separating people into groups. We feel this would be a better approach." When I asked for a tuition refund, seeing as my money was just wasted if I was forced to do what they wanted, their whining subsided.

    I saw it coming back then. We FEEL! They FEEL! FEEL! FEELINGS! Fuck the truth. Fuck the facts. MUH FEEWINGS! But I digress...

  60. Poor old Josh. You've gotta feel sorry for the boy.

  61. I don't know. If I had some celebrity fetish or a way to HTML ads into my blog posts, I'd be doing fucking fantastic seeing as all you bunny-boiling motherfuckers literally cannot stop yourselves from blasting my name across your screens. You must check to see what I'm doing. "What did Josh say?" "What can I say to get a response from Josh?"

    Some even follow me to other sites just to see what I'm saying.

    Not sure how "sorry" you feel for someone you've stalked around this board for going on three years. Seems to me you envy me in every sense of the word. You need my attention; you need Josh in your life. You physically, literally cannot stop yourself from focusing on me. I'm a fucking stranger; you'll never meet me; I'll never have any influence or sway over your life unless you allow it. And you obviously, objectively allow it. It's axiomatic. Whatever "poor old Josh" is doing, he's got y'all on the line like celebrity stalkers, and you refuse to let go of the obsession.

    Number of times I've plucked a comment of yours off the forum to respond to you: 0.

    Number of times you've plucked a comment of mine off the forum to respond to me: I'm going to need a calculator.

    I've yet to respond to you unless you bring my name up. And, for fuck's sake, do you ever constantly bring my name up!

    Flattering, in a weird way. Very fucking creepy, but mildly flattering. Here am I, an average dude sat in Northern VA, an ocean away, and you're showing up here specifically to speak my name and to try to get a rise out of me.

  62. Eugene Nix6:30 AM

    @Josh 11:33 PM -

    So liberalism then is the result of a genetic mutation? Who knew? Fortunately for you genetically superior types who are resistant to selfish gene suppression, you will inherit the earth in a million years or so. Or sooner if James Bold decides to go on a rampage or something.

    But in the meantime, the Heritage Foundation is no doubt looking for a man of your talents.

  63. "So liberalism then is the result of a genetic mutation?"

    Dunno. Though it may be a genetic mutation to infer something so outlandishly different than the text implied. If they hand out the Drawing Y from X award at Field's, I'm sure you'd be considered for the category.

    And, actually, what you mean to say is that if we types are not resistant to selfish gene suppression (e.g. tribal-like selfish behaviors). To enable cooperation in tribes past, to come together as civilizations, a sweeping change, I hypothesize, had to happen within the phenotypic distribution among populations whereby the heritable traits that took over were less inclined to steal food and more inclined to share food; less inclined to rape women and more inclined to court women; less inclined to murder someone and more inclined to just banish them as a group. A lot changed in our evolution beyond our physical form and function. Some great, sweeping change came about that transformed homo sapiens from competing, warring tribes (some of which still exist today, and many of which still existed as of a few hundred years ago) into a far more cooperative species whose cooperation extended outside of one's direct tribe; e.g. tribe A and tribe B coming together to create a water supply rather than A just murdering B, drinking B's pond dry, and then having to move on. Chess, not checkers. This was only enabled once genetic markers predisposed to be more cooperative swept through and rendered extinct, or at least suppressed and pointless, strictly unsympathetic, uncooperative, fiercely territorial genes.

    The idea has nothing whatever to do with any sort of superiority. In the context of survival and civilization, it's simply more advantageous to be cooperative (to an extent; obviously not carrying worthless people who provide nothing to your social structure) than it is to hoard resources and continually war with everyone else.

    Just a suggestion, but maybe next time you could ask what something means instead of getting it so incredibly wrong. I don't mind, of course; but I know how my fan club enjoys being the ones who're right while I'm always wrong.

  64. Dear Anon Inc. please be advised that I will be contracting a civil rights attorney regarding this matter, as I believe that TFN blog has been discriminated against for racial reasons.

    I am current with my payments and I believe the only reason u are backing out of our contract is because of the racial makeup of this fine blog.


  65. Of course no liberal media bias...

    NY Times Stealth-Edits Article to Remove Embarrassing Obama Admission
    In his meeting with the columnists, Mr. Obama indicated that he did not see enough cable television to fully appreciate the anxiety after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino

    How out of touch is Obama that he needs cable teev to understand how people feel.



  66. Watergate?

    DNC penalizes Sanders campaign for improper access of Clinton voter data
    Officials with the Democratic National Committee have accused the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders of improperly accessing confidential voter information gathered by the rival campaign of Hillary Clinton, according to several party officials.

    If he is stealing from his own party, of course he would steal from others.



  67. Good for a laugh...

    Obama seems rather out of touch how to use a smartphone.


  68. Another chicago police shooting video to be released... 2.5 years after the teen was shot dead.

    Funny how often police shootings in chicago get covered up.

    Judge bars release of 2013 videos of fatal shooting by Chicago cops -- for now

    Imagine the outrage if the ruling class in waco texas kept covering up police shootings to keep the rehtug party in power.

  69. I've ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon.

    I will let you know.

  70. Yisheng3:36 PM

    "Obama seems rather out of touch how to use a smartphone".

    Maybe we should petition Columbia and Harvard to add smartphoneology to their list of college majors.

  71. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Most independents would probably never go with Republicans, no matter how awful Democratic policies are. Who are you left with? Old people and Christian literalists. lol
    You forgot your demographic Josh, racists. Republicans attract racists.

  72. Josh is a drama queen5:44 PM

    and you're showing up here specifically to speak my name and to try to get a rise out of me.

    Because it's so easy and funny. Anytime anyone mentions your name you respond like a 12 year old girl with emotional issues and it's fucking hilarious. Please, don't stop.

  73. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Most independents would probably never go with Republicans, no matter how awful Democratic policies are. Who are you left with? Old people and Christian literalists. lol
    You forgot your demographic Josh, racists. Republicans attract racists.

    5:42 PM

    How silly.

    Most of us, Republicans, have friends, family members, co-workers who are brown or black that we like and respect.

    Black skinned people in general are the least educated, desirable neighbors, coworkers. They demand special treatment in college, in hiring, on the job.

    When that special treatment goes away, black people will no longer be discriminated against because they will be equal. Until then, we know to tread lightly with the color their skin.

  74. the GOP6:22 PM

    Most of us, Republicans, have friends, family members, co-workers who are brown or black that we like and respect.

    Black skinned people in general are the least educated, desirable neighbors, coworkers. They demand special treatment in college, in hiring, on the job.

    Thanks for proving me right. Ha!

  75. The Fixer6:24 PM

    White people in general are the least educated, desirable neighbors, coworkers. They demand special treatment in college, in hiring, on the job.

    There, fixed it.

  76. teh stupid6:31 PM

    When that special treatment goes away, black people will no longer be discriminated against because they will be equal. Until then, we know to tread lightly with the color their skin.
    Wow, take a look at that last sentence. White racists certainly are stooooooooopid.

  77. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Thanks for proving me right. Ha!

    How so?

  78. teh stupid6:47 PM

    How so?

    Wow, teh stooopid is strong in this one.

  79. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, please issue an APB on Mia Love. No one has heard from her since her election. We are very concerned for her welfare.
    Also, we haven't heard anything about the knockout game recently. I am still afraid of roving bands of teens knocking me out and even Sean Hannity gave up on informing me of this menace. Thanks for your concern. I would really love to know when I can leave my house.

  80. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I repeat. As long as black and brown people demand special treatment for admissions to colleges and quotas based on skin color, with less than required by others, they will never be equal.

  81. The Fixer7:42 PM

    Black skinned people in general are the least educated, desirable neighbors, coworkers. They demand special treatment in college, in hiring, on the job.

    There. Fixed it for you.

  82. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Black skinned people in general are the least educated, desirable neighbors, coworkers. They demand special treatment in college, in hiring, on the job.

    That is my experience. You fixed nothing.

  83. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Edit: not bad neighbors. My black neighbors are good neighbors, in my experience of three years. I was too quick to copy your Bullshit.

  84. Yisheng9:04 PM

    White people GET special treatment in college, in hiring, on the job.

    NOW it's fixed.

  85. The Fixer9:04 PM

    White people in general are the least educated, desirable neighbors, coworkers. They demand special treatment in college, in hiring, on the job.

    There, fixed it.

  86. The Fixer9:05 PM

    I repeat. As long as white people demand special treatment for admissions to colleges and quotas based on skin color, with less than required by others, they will never be equal.

    There, fixed it.

  87. "Most of us, Republicans, have friends, family members, co-workers who are brown or black that we like and respect.

    Black skinned people in general are the least educated, desirable neighbors, coworkers. They demand special treatment in college, in hiring, on the job."

    Read your first line and thought: Might be hope for wingnuts yet.
    Read the second line and though to myself: What was I thinking?

    A racist can't change his spots.

  88. Yisheng9:09 PM

    I repeat. As long as white people continue to get special treatment for admissions to colleges and demand entitlement based on skin color, , they will never understand white privilege.

  89. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Field Negro said:

    A racist can't change his spots.

    I say:

    Do you deny blacks get preferential treatment in college admissions and jobs?

    When they don't they will be equal. That is all I was saying. As to neighbors, I live in a multi-cultural neighborhood with a couple of black middle class families. They are good neighbors. I would welcome more black families like them.

  90. Yisheng9:31 PM

    Do you deny blacks get preferential treatment in college admissions and jobs

    Do you deny White people have a history of denying Blacks jobs and admission to college based on race?

  91. Anonymous9:39 PM

    No, I don't deny that historically Blacks were treated very badly. So were women.

    Women are no longer a protected class in college admissions or jobs.

    Blacks continue to get preferential treatment in jobs and college admission. Why should they?

  92. Yisheng10:16 PM

    Women are no longer a protected class in college admissions or jobs.

    Think again sunshine.

    White women in STEM are THE most "protected group" in America.

  93. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Source, Yisheng?

    "White women in STEM are THE most "protected group" in America."

    1. Yisheng10:42 PM

      My source is 20 years of working in STEM, with the incompetent ones I've seen being primarily White women.

      Even White men can't get away with that nearly as often.

  94. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Then you are racist AND sexist, Yisheng. I wish I knew where you worked so I could report you. Shame on you for your honest assessment of people.

    Just kidding. Isn't that wrong and silly?

    Don't you want the best employees regardless of color of skin or sex or religion, etc? I sure do!

    As to your assertion, your anecdotal evidence doesn't support your previous argument.

    1. Yisheng11:04 PM

      @10:58, ask a White man, who in their life got away with being incompetent and White women will top the list EVERY time.

      Especially if she's blond.
