Monday, December 07, 2015

Fear mongering in America.

Image result for trump images   "A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational."

I just heard Donald trump's latest speech where he doubled down on his ludicrous and preposterous plan to ban all Muslims from entering the United States until we "can figure out just what the hell is going on." If  it wasn't for all the rabid fans of the turmpster cheering as if they were at a Saturday night lynching in Starkville, Mississippi, circa 1892, I would  have thought that I was watching a bad SNL skit. 

Of course the other republican candidates are now condemning trump with what the press is calling a "quick response".  The general consensus is that he has gone too far, and that what he is doing is not good for the country because it only serves to divide us. 

The irony is, of course, that it was these same republican candidates who took us down this slope in the first place. The most conservative of the bunch, Jeb Bush, was actually calling for some kind of religious test for folks coming into the country. That's a very trump like position.

This plan of Trump's opens up all kinds of doors. I am a Muslim American and I decide to take a vacay down to the beautiful town of Port Antonio, Jamaica. After my wonderful vacation I try to return to my stateside home only to be told that I cannot enter the country because of an edict from President trump. I have a job, a mortgage, an American wife, children.....Sorry kids, daddy is going to be at camp trump down in Cuba for awhile.  Anyway, you get the picture, this is not only inimical to our Constitution, it is just flat out stupid and unworkable on a practical level.

But hey, the snake oil salesman is selling a gullible and easily fooled American public something they are yearning for: safety, packaged in a nice little box of bigotry.  

"But if you doubt the marketability of bloodlust in a panicked America, look no further than Donald Trump, who leads the GOP field by a mile, and who literally wants to do unspeakable things to combat terrorism. That’s saying a lot, because there is very little that Donald Trump is unwilling to say. On several occasions recently, the things that Donald Trump has planned for fighting terrorism at home have been too awful for even him to say, and he’s on record supporting waterboarding.

On Friday, at a rally that was fraught with interruptions from protesters, Trump told an audience member who asked him how he would respond to the San Bernadino shooting that he couldn’t tell her, because he’d get into trouble with the press:" [Source]
I doubt it Donald, the press loves you. You have them eating out of your hand. 
The American people love you as well , at least the ones who are too scared to know better.

*Pic from




  1. They shouldn't be concerned about terrorists killing Americans until the address the problem of Americans killing Americans.


  2. svejk9:37 PM

    PilotX (9:28 PM) That is the cleverest damned comment I've seen on the intertubes in a long time. Thanks

  3. RetardX10:07 PM

    They shouldn't be concerned about terrorists killing Americans until the address the problem of terrorists killing terrorists.


  4. Anonymous10:09 PM

    "Fear mongering in America."

    Isn't that the motto of the Field Negro blog?

  5. The Ministry of Truth10:13 PM

    This song goes out to all those who are not angry and ignorant Trump followers.

    This song, too. It was the anti-fascist anthem of the Italian partisans who fought Mussolini. When the partisans eventually caught up to him, they did this to Mussolini and his chums. Perhaps Trump should take that as a warning about the bad road he's traveling down.

  6. Hang the traitors10:20 PM

    "When the partisans eventually caught up to him, they did this to Mussolini and his chums."

    If there is any justice, that is how Obama will go down.

  7. Anonymous10:21 PM

    The Democratic party's dramatic slide into naked authoritarianism - voting in the Senate to repeal the First Amendment, trying to lock up governors for vetoing legislation, and seeking to jail political opponents for holding unpopular views on global warming, etc. - has been both worrisome and dramatic. The Democrats even have a new position on the ancient civil-rights issue of due process, and that position is: "F- you."

    -- Kevin D. Williamson

  8. As predicted, Barack Obama attempted to misdirect the American people during his prime-time Oval Office address last night.

    The absentee President’s relatively brief addressed seemed more concerned with protecting his view of the nature of Islam than the lives of American citizens, and he quickly pivoted towards asserting that American gun owners were the real threat.

    Toward this end, Obama pushed his call to weaponize his enemies list. He wants to be able to arbitrarily put American citizens that he doesn’t like on one of several list, and then strip them of their constitutional rights by executive fiat.

    There is a word for that, spelled T-Y-R-A-N-N-Y.

    Obama spoke of using the “no fly” list as a jumping off point for stripping Americans of due process under the law, even though more than half of the names on that list were wrongly included.

    To date, precisely one person placed on the “no-fly” list has been responsible for the death of an American citizen, and that person is dearly departed Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy (who should have been in a “no drive” list instead).

    Of course, astute observers will note that while Obama talked about the horribly-flawed “no fly” list in his address, that isn’t the list that Democrat lawmakers have been pushing to use against American citizens in recent weeks.

    They have instead been attempting to use a much larger and even more arbitrary database numbering nearly one million souls, the “terror watch list.” This database has even lower standards, and you can be placed upon it for merely working with someone that said something controversial on Facebook, has a name similar to yours, who attempted to make a purchase with an expired credit card, or my own personal story, had the temerity to write an article that Obama Administration loyalists did not like.

    Sadly, I’m hardly the only journalist to have ended up on a watch list that doubles as a corrupt President’s enemies list. There are nearly 300,000 people who have now ended up on this list for having the wrong opinions, or for no credible reason at all.

    Barack Obama and his enablers in the media are attempting to use this most recent terrorist attack as an excuse to name anyone a “terrorist” by using whatever definition they see fit at any given moment, and then strip American citizens who have committed no crimes of their rights without them having been suspected of committing a crime.

    It’s a deplorable and frankly un-American demand from a failed President, who is representing a failing and increasingly marginalized political party.

  9. Anonymous10:42 PM

    News Flash for Barack Obama: Americans are not afraid of terrorism. We're afraid of you.

    Your chronic diffidence, dismissal and downplaying terrorism -- especially from radical jihadi extremists, in both word and deed -- is scaring the hell out of your countrymen.

    Get over it! It's not cool. Nor is it presidentially-composed to disregard the palpable fear that permeates America today. Even if we're all so ignorant, naive and unworldly as to elect you twice.

  10. Anon above, if u are scared get a dog.

    Anon@10:27, relax, that's probably a news helicopter flying above your house. *shhesh*

  11. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Field, "A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.""

    Field, this fits Obama to a t. I mean, really! He is so delusional that we would be better off without a President at this juncture because he is making us weaker and more afraid. He acts like this is not real.

    There is something wrong with Obama and I seriously mean that.

  12. Anonymous11:14 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon above, if u are scared get a dog.

    What if you are black? Dogs don't like black people.

  13. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Field, "But hey, the snake oil salesman is selling a gullible and easily fooled American public something they are yearning for: safety, packaged in a nice little box of bigotry."

    First of all, Trump is not a snake-oil salesman. Please show some respect instead of being some ignoramus. Thus far, Trump has far more to offer America than Obama ever had.

    And yes, "safety" is what the American people want. Don't you? Well Trump will do that. And please spare me the "Obama rationale" on how to fight a war. He doesn't know shit except how to 'lose' one.

    He makes me ashamed to be Black. Oh spare me the bs of "DIGITAL BLACK FACE ALERT!" Only stupid Negroes buy into that bullshit.

    1. Digital black face anon 11:27 whiteness is in your words therefore your dream has come true you are offically white. Enjoy.

  14. Mr. Anon11:29 PM

    Field Negro: I just heard Donald trump's latest speech where he doubled down on his ludicrous and preposterous plan to ban all Muslims from entering the United States until we "can figure out just what the hell is going on."

    It’s like this Trump guy thinks that politicians should actually carry out the wishes of their constituents, rather than hectoring them about what ignorant retrograde racists they all are.

    That’s not how politics is done anymore. Is he mad?

  15. There are no liberals in Islamic countries11:35 PM

    If conservatives were serious about stopping this Moslem jihad, the method is right there in front of them. Simply endorse, publicly and loudly, the “social conservatism” of Islam. The American and European elites, Episcopalian and Jewish, media and corporate, would flip inside 24 hours.

    “We have studied the dictates of sharia and find them completely in line with our goals of rolling back the homo agenda, the divorce epidemic, the pornography of Hollywood, acceptance of crime, vulgarity of rap ‘music’ and …”

    The leftists would have to either argue that Islam supports gay marriage, porn, crime, etc, or they’d have to oppose the Moslems. The reason conservatives keep losing is that they insist on following the rules of a game the leftists created where there are no rules for them. Of course if conservatives continue to sit back and do nothing (or continue being the puppet of Zionists), eventually the Moslems will solve the leftist problem on their own.

  16. "'Leftists…would have to oppose the Moslems."

    They still don’t see them as a threat.

    The real enemy to people like Field still remains “the Right” (or “the Red Team”). They still, even at this late date, don’t get it. History books are full of stories like this, of course. A civilization, faced with a crisis, fails to unite, irrelevant squabbles are carried on, and….

  17. James Bold11:59 PM

    "Anon above, if u are scared get a dog."

    Dogs are useless against stormtroopers with automatic weapons.  They make sport of killing people's dogs, even when they're chained.  I get the feeling that you'd love to see someone else's "unclean" animal shot down.

    Knowing that you are a follower of the cult of Mahound... that explains so much.

  18. He is at 25% of the Republicans if you go by the live polls, 35% if you go by the automated ones. Either way, that's a minuscule portion of the electorate.

  19. I don't agree with shutting people out of the nation necessarily. But why has this issue become so exceedingly political? Why do folks on the other side seem to want free, open borders that just start funneling in as many second and third-world Muslims as we can fit into the nation?

    There is a fantastically sound argument to be made that our cultures are necessarily incompatible. But so long as it scores some anti-Republican points, some folks want to pretend that we're talking about dying women and children who have nowhere else to turn save America and we're cruel and heartless for not accepting them into the nation, putting them directly on welfare, and allowing them to create subcultures in random areas.

    Balance, anyone?

  20. As I said last week Trump's support is at around 7% of the electorate. Or put it another way, about the same number of people who think the moon landings were faked.

    538 say he has about a 22% chance of becoming the Republican candidate, and I think that's optimistic. (Or pessimistic depending on your point of view.)

  21. Anon @11:41, here is something u with want to keep in mind:history has a way of repeating itself. I will never unite with people who want me dead,or worse, relegated to second class status while I am still alive.That would be Muslim AND right-wing extremist.

  22. Meant u will. Not "u with".

  23. DBA at 11:27.DBA at 11:27. DBA at 11:27.

  24. "He makes me ashamed to be Black. Oh spare me the bs of "DIGITAL BLACK FACE ALERT!" Only stupid Negroes buy into that bullshit."


    CODE 1 Violation. Beginning text with the phrase "As a bm..."

    ***This is an automatically generated digital blackface alert triggered when a white man attempts to pass himself off as a brother (or indeed, sister). Like Field-Negro, you too can install this award-winning software on your blog for a knock down price of just $99 per month.***

    [Please read the Terms and Conditions, payment in cash (small denominations, no sequential numbers), NO REFUNDS.]

  25. HA! So rich of the ole trusted field negro (who deals in racial paranoia) to speak on phobias and anyone playing to them.

    Coincidentally, field, i notice you haven't mention the arrest made in the church burnings a while back.

    I wonder why?

  26. Speaking of "phobia", why is there so much transracial phobia on this site?

    field negro said...
    I will never unite with people who want me dead,or worse, relegated to second class status while I am still alive

    Yet you unite with and carry the water for the Democrat party who treats you like a second class citizen.

  27. Anonymous9:35 AM

    What is wrong with erring on the side of caution and temporarily barring entry to all citizens from Muslim majority countries?

    I am not referring to Muslims who are American citizens.

  28. Anonymous9:37 AM

    There ain't no downside to right-wing extremism in this country.

  29. The Enemy Within9:41 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon @11:41, here is something u with want to keep in mind:history has a way of repeating itself. I will never unite with people who want me dead,or worse, relegated to second class status while I am still alive.That would be Muslim AND right-wing extremist.

    It is unfounded paranoia to think the right wants to kill blacks or make them second class citizens.

    However it is a religious requirement for Muslims to kill infidels who refuse to accept their second class status once Sharia is imposed, as it must be.

    Yet you and the bulk of the left defend Islam as a weapon against those in your own society you disagree with. This is how the West will fall, as the left would rather make common cause with external enemies, no matter how retrograde, than give an inch to their neighbors who don't vote just like them.

  30. Fact for the Field Negro:

    Over the 20 year period from 1993 to 2013, the number of privately owned firearms in the US increased by 56%. Over the same period, the gun homicide rate decreased by 49%.

    More legal guns = less crime.

  31. Anonymous10:41 AM

    There sure is a lot of racial mud slinging from both commenters and the blog host. I thought this site was supposed to be issue based, but see it is no different than any random equally stupid RW site.

  32. Josh

    "There is a fantastically sound argument to be made that our cultures are necessarily incompatible."

    Does that include the 3 million Muslims that are U.S. citizens, who serve in the armed forces, run businesses, teach public school...etc...?

    Huh Josh?

    You know guys like you are big on this "cultural compatibility" bullshit.

    Do you consider yourself to be of the same culture as, let's say, myself or Field?

    If not, why not?

  33. Anonymous10:53 AM

    No one is compatible with uptownsteve, not even other assholes.

  34. Trump knows his audience well. Every single time a poll comes out showing his support slipping we got a statement like this. Yesterday a poll was released showing him trailing to Cruz in Iowa for the first time, two hours later - boom!

    Trump has a particular problem in Iowa. Among Republican supporters in that state there are a very high proportion of voters who self - identify as ‘evangelicals’, or 'born agains'. Those two groupings really don't like Trump.

    Now just this afternoon Trump has just retweeted a claim from Christian Broadcasting Network correspondent David Brody that the plan could “give Trump a boost with evangelicals.” So that is what this was about.

  35. Anonymous11:31 AM

    You liberal bubble-dwellers are delusional. Trump will be the next President, get used to it.

  36. President of what? Seychelles? It damn sure won't be the President of the U.S. The GOP honchos are plotting against him right now. They know this blathering demagogue will sink the GOP for a generation at least. He has the idiot vote locked but doesn't have a chance with the majority of the electorate. The media gives him lots of airtime because he's good for ratings. It's like a car wreck. People slow down and gawk just to view the carnage.

  37. Two white men doused in gasoline and set on fire by black man:

    Six year old white boy stabbed to death in his home by a black burglar:

    White man moonlighting as a cab driver to help pay medical bills for his disabled wife murdered by two blacks:


  38. field negro said...
    Anon @11:41, here is something u with want to keep in mind:history has a way of repeating itself. I will never unite with people who want me dead,or worse, relegated to second class status while I am still alive.That would be Muslim AND right-wing extremist.

    Huh? You are expecting your party to embrace their history?

    I'm still waiting for your link to the leftwing-nut myth that racist dumbocrats switched parties in the 60s.

  39. Right here Bill,

    And if that's not enough, try this:

    And here some more straight from the mouth of RNC Chairman Lee Atwater:

    "You start out in 1954, by saying nigger nigger, nigger. By 1968, you can’t say nigger, that hurts you, back-fires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states rights, and all that stuff and you’re getting so abstract. Now you’re talking about cutting taxes. We want to cut this is much more abstract than even the busing thing and a hell of a lot more abstract than nigger, nigger."

    Lesson over.


  40. This week in Black on White Race Murder said...
    Two white men doused in gasoline and set

    This is the change under obama.

    Not that some f'up person does f'up things to others, that's been happening since the beginning of humans.

    It's no one is trying to help.

    Everyone stands back watching and recording.

    The decline of America values.

  41. countenance12:14 PM

    The reason Rahm Emanuel is suddenly is happy with the DOJ investigation into the CPD is because he knows in advance what it will say. A deal has been struck. The DOJ may well issue a report slandering the entire city of Ferguson and its police department. But, Chicago is an important city for important people, including Rahm, Obama, and all the filthy rich white/Jewish liberals who incubated Obama’s political career. The DOJ won’t do to Chicago what it did to Ferguson, and Rahm knows it. What this report probably will claim is that the “problems” of Chicago’s black people are related to their supposed inability to move to and live comfortably in suburbs, and therefore the solution will be more “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” (21st century Negro removal), more Section 8 apartment farms in Chicago suburbs, which will conveniently open up a lot of gentrification opportunities in Chicago proper for white libs. Just don’t notice that, because noticing is racism, or something like that.


  42. uptownsteve said...
    Right here Bill,

    I am waiting for a list of the racist dumbocrat politicians that switched parties to repugs.

    Do you have that list or not?

  43. Bill,

    Are you stupid?

    The fact that I produced evidence that since 1964 the GOP has appealled directly to white racism and has demonized and stereotyped black Americans to accomplish that goal isn't enough???

    If it would please you, I can produce a short list of racist and anti-Civil rights Democrats who became Republicans.

    Strom Thurmond
    Ronald Reagan
    Trent Lott
    Mills Godwin
    Richard Shelby
    Frank Rizzo
    Phil Gramm
    Billy Tauzin

  44. countenance12:24 PM

    Hillary met with Obama in the Oval Office yesterday. Probably to finalize the negotiations started by Bill on the golf course a few months ago.

    I wonder what Obama's price was to make the FBI email investigation go nowhere?

    My guess: Hillary will have to nominate a black VP of Obama's choosing. I'm thinking Corey Booker or Deval Patrick.

    We shall see.

  45. Anonymous12:26 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "The fact that I produced evidence that since 1964 the GOP has appealled directly to white racism"

    Link please.

  46. This is absolute insanity.

    If Obama had control over the FBI investigation, why would he have let it commence in the first place. HUH?

    And NO dummy. Hillary ain't picking a black running mate. Just like Ben Carson isn't winning no primaries.

    This country, even Democrats, has "Negro Fatigue", so Obama is a "one and done" black President for at least 2 election cycles.

    Hillary has to pick a liberal and possibly a hispanic.

    Look for her running mate to be O'Malley or Javier Castro.

  47. countenance12:49 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    If Obama had control over the FBI investigation, why would he have let it commence in the first place. HUH?

    Because the public was made aware that a crime has been committed.

    Hillary used a private email system in violation of government policy. She received classified information that she had been entrusted with on an unsecured server. She forwarded some of this information to people without security clearances for her own personal gain. She failed to provide this information to the State Department when she left office, refused a subpoena for the server, then wiped the server in violation of the law. She ultimately provided printed copies of selected emails to the State department, saying the rest were private and had been deleted.

    She broke a very serious law, lied about it, and destroyed evidence. The government cannot admit the rule of law doesn't apply to everyone equally, therefore these crimes will require a lengthy and complex investigation that ultimately clears Hillary of any wrongdoing.

    Obama is not going to let an opportunity to continue to influence things and to have something valuable on the next President just walk away for nothing.

    Just watch, uptown. Obama will get something for covering for Hillary, and I'll bet one part of that will be the choice of who her VP will be.

  48. "Does that include the 3 million Muslims that are U.S. citizens, who serve in the armed forces, run businesses, teach public school...etc...?"

    You do realize that Muslims already here are already living in AMERICAN CULTURE, right, Carlos? They're American Muslims and aren't by and large trying to transform the west into the Middle East. I mean, even you can see that, correct?

    I mean, just think, man. Squint your eyes, get a cup of coffee, turn off the lights, shut off the TV, and really just try to focus one time. ONE TIME! It's not an unfair request. Think shit through before you type, just one time.

    Your typical reaction: "Hmm...Josh said 'culture.' Oh, RACISM! That's it! He's saying MUSLIMS CANNOT LIVE HERE! HAHA, got his racist ass!"

    Potential reaction if you were a thinking man: "Hmm...Josh said 'culture.' Maybe he doesn't mean their fucking religion or skin tone but rather the actual culture of the Middle East that doesn't respect women or homosexuals or non-Muslims or the freedom of speech, and how that's incompatible with liberal western values."

    I haven't lost faith in you, Carlos. I know that if only you'd apply yourself, you can think just like everyone else.

  49. Josh,

    "You do realize that Muslims already here are already living in AMERICAN CULTURE, right, Carlos?"

    But they are still Muslims, you slimy piece of shit, so is it a religion or a culture?

    Would a Muslim from Saudi Arabia and another from Uzbekistan share the same religion or culture?

    I know why I upset you so much Josh.

    You swear that you are smarter than any mere negro, and I repeatedly make you look stupid in public. Every time I debate you.

  50. One more point Einstein, I mean Josh.

    Muslims can be found in all corners of the globe. Not just the Middle East.

    Just trying to help.

  51. "But they are still Muslims, you slimy piece of shit, so is it a religion or a culture?"

    You are legitimately asking the dumbest question I have ever seen someone at Field's ask, yet manage to fit in there that I'm the one with the issue. lol Delusional.

    Your ignorance is limitless. I can barely think of anything to say; I have facepalmed myself dizzy.

    Religion is an ideology, not a damn culture. So, of course, it would be a religion. A person born anywhere, at any age (practically speaking) living any sort of life can be a Muslim. Being a Muslim no more creates a culture than my next door neighbor being a Buddhist creates a culture of Buddhism.

    Why can you not seriously bring yourself to think these things through? Honest question, Carlos. Even though you hate a complete stranger online and have your little Dexter fantasies and the like, that should in no way impede your ability to think something through rationally.

    Yes, Muslims can exist anywhere. Hence Islam being an ideology. It's a religion.

    What I said is that the CULTURES are incompatible.

    If you're too stupid a man to figure that out and separate them, I cannot help you.

    Ironically enough, you manage to reach the conclusion that they are separate things. But it's done so in another illogical sweeping piece of nonsense on your end, creating the straw-man that I'm apparently the one conflating them when I'm actually the one trying to hold your hand and walk you through this like the retarded child you are.

    "You swear that you are smarter than any mere negro, and I repeatedly make you look stupid in public. Every time I debate you."

    1) I know for a fact I'm smarter than you, and you are not "any mere negro." You are one dense, delusional fuckwit.
    2) You make yourself look retarded, but you're among the folks here, so there's no negative consequence of being simple.
    3) There is no "debate." You continually scream "racist" and "piece of shit" across the screen, no matter what we're speaking about. Even times I have fully agreed with you, your reactionary, race-card-pulling ass still shouts "racist" and the like. That's not a debate; that's Carlos trying to show off in front of a crowd and get the last word.

    Do you need the last word here? Dude, you can have it. Obviously this isn't a topic you're intellectually capable of handling, so you resort solely to shitting on the board and flapping your wings wildly. If it means that much for your life, Carlos, have at it...

  52. "What I said is that the CULTURES are incompatible."

    What "cultures" are specifically referring to?

    Middle Eastern?

    So a Muslim from let's say Indonesia or Chechnya would be alright with you?

  53. Anonymous2:27 PM

    uptownsteve, my God, man.....won't you show a little mercy for JOSH? I mean, the man hates Blacks but must you beat him unmercifully?

    See, you are the cause of why JOSH left FN before. As a bm left me vouch for JOSH that he is no racist when it comes to Blacks. He just wants to be recognized and accepted. Can't you tell?

    Here's an important question for UTS, PC and brother Field to consider: What if I told you that JOSH has had relationships with sisters?

    Yeah, just what I thought. It stops you right in your tracks, doesn't it? See, you don't know as much about JOSH as you might think....the man is a 'lover' of Blacks, not a 'hater'.

    This new knowledge screws up your mind doesn't it? Why do 'we' always get it wrong? Why not just listen to the wm and be 'right' all the time?

  54. puh-leeze.

    What self-respecting sister would go out with somebody like Josh?

  55. Anonymous2:56 PM

    uts is unmerciful. The man needs Jesus.

  56. Anonymous3:06 PM

    "Trump has a particular problem in Iowa. Among Republican supporters in that state there are a very high proportion of voters who self - identify as ‘evangelicals’, or 'born agains'. Those two groupings really don't like Trump."

    PC, I don't think he will have all that big a problem there.

    He isn't as unpopular with the evangelical crowd as you'd expect from their stated beliefs, given that Trump is not one of them (he's a mainline Protestant and a history of embracing socially liberal positions on sex), has a career based on building casinos, and his personal life is one of boning and serially marrying an endless string of bimbos.

    This just goes to prove that a lot of evangelicals are not what they say they are. For many of them, covert racism has always been one of their key moral values. One of the factors that caused the evangelical movement to coalesce in this country in the first place was a drive in the South to provide white-only religious schools, in order to undermine public school desegregation orders.

    Racism has often hidden behind Jesus in American history. (See also: KKK and cross-burning.)

  57. I am a recovering Catholic and an agnostic.

  58. Anonymous3:13 PM


    Are you stupid?

    You really have to ask?

  59. Anonymous3:15 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I am a recovering Catholic and an agnostic.

    So anti-Christian sentiment drives uptown's Islamophilia....hmmm.

  60. "his personal life is one of boning and serially marrying an endless string of bimbos."

    What's not to like?

  61. This week in white on white murder........3:19 PM

    Anonymous This week in Black on White Race Murder said...

    What about white on white crime? Any data? I'm sure it's easier to find because there is so much more. Thanks.

  62. Get Real3:22 PM

    "to provide white-only religious schools, in order to undermine public school desegregation orders."

    What white parent in their right mind would want to send their children to school with black children? Subjecting their kids to black violence amounts to negligence bordering on criminal.

    Come on, man.

  63. "What about white on white crime? Any data? I'm sure it's easier to find because there is so much more. Thanks."

    Sorry, but there are zero cases of a white man setting strangers on fire with gasoline, a white burglar stabbing a six year old boy to death in his own home, or white men killing a cab driver for $50 to cite here.

    Almost every single case in America involving the horrific, gratuitous murder of an innocent victim is perpetrated by blacks against whites.

  64. Not even going into a church a slaughtering 9 people who were praying?

  65. What Dylan Roof did was abominable, but just shooting someone is not as horrific as setting them on fire, or stabbing a 6 year old to death because you wanted to rob his home.

    Or for a matter fact, as horrific as a black woman kidnapping and murdering a 12 year old white boy with a blow torch:

  66. Donald Trump wants to keep Americans safe. Democrats and president obama support illegal criminals and terrorist groups.

    Donald Trump is for a common sense approach while the left wants to take away rights of all Americans.

    "Russia poses an existential threat."

    Just like Mitt Romney said..

  67. How many dead Americans are you willing to pay in order to permit Muslims to live in the West?

    I propose that instead of calling fellow citizens racists or idiots we do a deeper dive into the risks and put a price tag on our preference for religious intolerance. If the risk of future terror attacks is tiny, most of us would prefer maintaining our respect for religious differences.

    But if the risk is more than tiny, can you put a price on your love of religious tolerance? In other words, how many dead Americans are you willing to accept? I’ll go first.

    Personally, I would accept up to 1,000 dead Americans, over a ten-year period, to allow Muslim non-citizens to enter this country. My calculation assumes we are better off accepting some degree of tragedy in the name of freedom. That is often the case with freedom.

    What level of American deaths do you consider an acceptable tradeoff?

  68. sillybill4:08 PM

    totally off topic but i keep seeing references by Josh and Uptownsteve about a blog by some righty named goldberg. It's been refered to as '' but of course it's not. is a law firm.

    i'm curious what kind of rw site would give Josh the boot.

    thanx in advance

    PS - Field, I'm a little confused about why you put up with so much abuse (not necessarily by Josh) my best guess is it's a public education project about the nature of the racist mind.

  69. This Week

    Not only did these 2 rednecks burn this black man, they decapitated him as well.

  70. Anon@4:08,no "abuse" being felt here. But u nailed it. I personally find racists to be pathetic and delusional beyond belief. But we can still give them a forum to express themselves. I mean how else would "normal" folks know that they are out there?

  71. uptownsteve:


    The three black on white citations were all from last week.

    Also, the defendant's name was Louis Ceparano - he's Hispanic.

  72. Believe it4:35 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@4:08,no "abuse" being felt here. But u nailed it. I personally find racists to be pathetic and delusional beyond belief.

    It takes one to know one, I guess.

  73. This week

    Your last link was from 2013, so stop lying.

    And Louis Ceperano was Italian-American.

  74. uptownsteve said...
    This week

    Your last link was from 2013, so stop lying.

    "The three black on white citations were all from last week."

    The three links I gave in the first comment were from last week alone.

    Learn to read.

    The additional citation was actually was committed in 2010.

    I could send a hundred.

  75. "
    He isn't as unpopular with the evangelical crowd as you'd expect from their stated beliefs."

    Well he is.

    He's averaging 16% support among evangelicals/born-agains, and 24% among all other Republicans

  76. James Bold5:28 PM

    Clue time, Josh.

    "You do realize that Muslims already here are already living in AMERICAN CULTURE, right, Carlos?"

    Syed Farooq had lived in AMERICAN CULTURE all his life, which is not to say he lived it.  Want to explain to his surviving co-workers how great he was?

    "They're American Muslims"

    They're Muslims and national allegiances are haram; only the caliph and fiq councils hold authority over them.

    "and aren't by and large trying to transform the west into the Middle East."

    Let's see, we've got beheading attacks, a rising rate of clitorectomy in little girls, terrorist incidents... this means "by and large" we already have too many of them.

    Swearing allegiance to a foreign potentate or power cancels one's US citizenship.  Every Muslim is sworn to allegiance to the caliph, who is a foreign potentate, on pain of apostasy.  Therefore, Muslims should not be considered US citizens or eligible for citizenship.

  77. James Bold5:31 PM

    "What about white on white crime? Any data? I'm sure it's easier to find because there is so much more."

    Blacks commit a plurality of all robberies and an absolute majority of all robberies with injuries in the USA.  Of multiple-offender rapes, almost 75% are committed by those either Black or mixed race.

    The kinds of crimes that destroy cities and send people packing... they're a non-White thing.  All because NAMs (non-asian minorities) can't behave.

  78. James Bold5:43 PM

    "Not only did these 2 rednecks burn this black man, they decapitated him as well."

    You had to go back to 1997 (1998 article) to find that, while we had a Muslim beheading a woman in Oklahoma just last year (he apparently had just converted and took the Koran's commandments to kill unbelievers seriously).

    TWiBOWRM nailed it.

  79. Trump Vader:

    Actually pretty funny.

  80. They, as individuals, may have been incompatible, but they brought about no sort of culture that was. They didn't form some little commune somewhere where it was regular practice to dress their women in Halloween costumes before throwing acid in their faces, right after revoking their drivers' licenses. They weren't operating some clinics that were mutilating female genitalia. They didn't create an environment wherein their local town started lashing homosexuals or executing non-Muslims. They were bad seeds who existed within American culture, which is just an unfortunate side effect of having a nation of over 320,000,000 human beings. Some are going to be bad eggs. But they were not a culture.

    I live right down the street (well, probably three blocks away) from a good sized community of Ahmadiyya Muslims. I have never felt unsafe around these people. These particular Muslims practice a completely different interpretation of the Quran than do Sunni Muslims. They were ran out of Pakistan years ago. They own a couple of gas stations, a Subway franchise they run out of Walmart, and they don't even have a mosque here. They worship in their homes.

    They, being Muslims, are in no way incompatible with American western liberal values. They have assimilated into the culture. And to any extent any of them are secretly rooting for ISIS to come behead infidels, they do a good job of not allowing it to show. The girls wear skirts and flirt with boys. The boys hang out and smoke and drink at the bars. They don't practice arranged marriages even.

    I am far, far from any sort of expert or authority on their branch of Islam, but from what I've gleaned in conversations with them, they believe that their particular "prophet," Ahmad, called for an end to religious wars, not a caliphate. "Jihad" doesn't even mean the same to these people. It's something like their personal faith struggles, not a religious war.

    Though an Ahmadi in that fucked-up culture, I don't know. Could be an ISIS imir or amir or whatever-the-fuck they're called.

  81. Anonymous8:11 PM

    This week in Black on White Race Murder said...
    "What about white on white crime? Any data? I'm sure it's easier to find because there is so much more. Thanks."

    Sorry, but there are zero cases of a white man setting strangers on fire with gasoline, a white burglar stabbing a six year old boy to death in his own home, or white men killing a cab driver for $50 to cite here.


    Zero cases? America has a number of photos of Whites who joyously lynched, castrated, and burned Blacks. They all were vying for a photo of the events for "entertainment for the entire white families" as they called it.

    Now You need to STFU you racist white evil prick.

  82. Those were black criminals who deserved to be lynched.

    And more whites are killed by blacks every 18 months than were ever lynched in America.

    Let's stick to the current century, or at least to our own lifetimes.

  83. James Bold11:49 PM

    "I live right down the street (well, probably three blocks away) from a good sized community of Ahmadiyya Muslims. I have never felt unsafe around these people. These particular Muslims practice a completely different interpretation of the Quran than do Sunni Muslims."

    And both Sunni and Shi'a consider them apostates, which means they merit death... and Sunni and Shi'a do things like bombing each other's mosques in Pakistan.  The Ahmadiyya constitute perhaps 1% of Muslims worldwide.

    "They were ran out of Pakistan years ago."

    And they are still not us, not like founding-stock Americans.  I bear them no ill will, but we should help them carve out their own bit of south Asia and move them there.  Otherwise, sooner or later we will once again have to learn the hard way that Diversity + Proximity = War.

    "They, being Muslims, are in no way incompatible with American western liberal values. They have assimilated into the culture."

    What's the rate of out-marriage?  How fast is the "community" shrinking as they fully assimilate and become generic Americans?  If that isn't high, trouble WILL ensue.

  84. James Bold11:51 PM

    "Zero cases? America has a number of photos of Whites who joyously lynched, castrated, and burned Blacks."

    And we should have more.  The killers of Angel Antonio Santiago and Autumn Pasquale should have been hanged long since.  The rapist-murderers of Anne Pressley and Brittney Watts should have been publicly burned at the stake, along with the "anti-racist" teachers who inculcated anti-White hate into the latter.  There should be enough FEAR in the Black coonmunity that they cease doing such things.  Since Blacks have no internal concept of right and wrong, only FEAR will stop them from doing the latter.

    Birth records are public; we know who all the other children of a murderer's mama are.  You'll really know it's on when whites start going after the sisters, nieces and nephews of your killers.  I doubt that will change behavior fast enough to stop the target list from growing to everyone with visible African ancestry.  This is what you get for your contempt of civilized norms.  You have enjoyed 50 years of forebearance.  Your time is almost up.

  85. You Know Who1:00 AM

    Those were white criminals who deserved to be lynched.

    How you like me now?

  86. You Know Who1:01 AM

    There should be enough FEAR in the white coonmunity that they cease doing such things. Since whites have no internal concept of right and wrong, only FEAR will stop them from doing the latter.


  87. James Bold is a pussy1:04 AM

    Birth records are public; we know who all the other children of a murderer's mama are. You'll really know it's on when whites start going after the sisters, nieces and nephews of your killers. I doubt that will change behavior fast enough to stop the target list from growing to everyone with visible African ancestry. This is what you get for your contempt of civilized norms. You have enjoyed 50 years of forebearance. Your time is almost up.

    STFU you inbred coward. You couldn't even keep from getting robbed by a ten year old. We'll just wait fro your dumbass to shoot yourself by accident because that's what your type does. Typical cowardly assed white keyboard tough guy. You won't do a goddamned thing pussy.

  88. You Know Who1:04 AM

    I'm a retard who changes words in other people comments to invert the meaning and thinks it's clever.


  89. James Bold still smells like his mom's rotten cootch1:06 AM

    You'll really know it's on when whites start going after the sisters, nieces and nephews of your killers.
    What whites? You? I doubt it, you would get beat up by one sister or niece. Tough talk pussy, going after little girls. White cowards have always been pussies just like James "Smelly" Bold.

  90. James Bold is a pussy1:15 AM

    James, you are so full of shit. The vast majority of whites are killed by fellow whites but not a peep about that huh? Are you going to kill their families too? Or is this just limited to the rare instance of whites being killed by a negro? You don't give a shit about white people you only hold a grudge against some brother who took your girlfriend or something. You are a piece of work, or more accurately shit.

  91. "What's the rate of out-marriage?"

    Kiren, one of Manuch's (sp) daughters, married a redheaded boy of Irish heritage with whom I attended senior year of high-school. Other than that, I don't know.

  92. James Bold6:56 AM

    "Those were white criminals who deserved to be lynched."

    And of all recorded lynchings, 1297 were of White people.  Yes, almost all of them deserved it.

    "How you like me now?"

    You keep finding new ways to be stupid.

    "What whites? You? I doubt it, you would get beat up by one sister or niece."

    Blacks attack single victims with a mob of twenty.  Whites use sniper guns.  Whites are far more efficient and deadly when they want to be... and you are crushing their reluctance.

  93. The Fixer2:51 PM

    Whites use sniper guns. Whites are far more cowardly and pussified all the time... and you are crushing their fake bravery.

    There, fixed it for ya.

  94. Anonymous2:51 PM

    And of all recorded lynchings, 1297 were of White people. Yes, almost all of them deserved it.

    More white on white crime that Bold never speaks of. Why is that?

  95. James Bold is a pussy3:00 PM

    Yep, just like a fucking coward hide behind a wall and shoot someone in the back. You even have to use the name Bold to try to pretend you're not a pussy. I'll bet little girls scare you because you are such a fucking bitch.

  96. James Bold is a pussy3:02 PM

    Blacks attack single victims with a mob of twenty.

    Just like a lynch mob huh? That's white boy coward shit. Gang up on a single WOMAN or guy or shoot them in the back. You "tough" white guys are the biggest cowards in history.

  97. James Bold still smells like his mom's rotten cootch3:07 PM

    From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched. These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded. Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched. That is only 27.3%. Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.

    MANY OF TEH WHITES WERE LYNCHED FOR HELPING THE BLACK. You did read that didn't ya James? Also, you used a paper written by a fucking student as a historical reference? And you have the nerve to say someone else is stupid? You are the dumbest mother fucker here, well you may be an iota smarter than Bill who is also a dumb white guy. Carry on and keep showing us how fucking stupid the "superior" race is. Bwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa!

  98. James Bold is a pussy3:29 PM

    Whites are far more efficient and deadly when they want to be

    We know, you psychopaths shoot rooms full of kids, churches and movie theaters. Cowardly killers, we know. You fucking bitches like to shoot women and children. That why you have a gun Bold? You gonna shoot some kids? Fucking bitch.

  99. James Bold12:46 AM

    "Whites use sniper guns. Whites are far more cowardly and pussified all the time..."

    And when they do it they win, which is what scares the living shit out of you.  You have been winning for 50 years because Whitey has respected the law and you haven't.  You'll soon find out what happens when Whitey says "the law is only enforced against US, fuck it".

    "More white on white crime that Bold never speaks of."

    The last one was almost 50 years ago.  That's two, often THREE generations in the 'hood.  If Whitey didn't write this stuff down you would never know it had ever happened.

    And how can you say I never speak of it, when I brought it up out of the blue and even gave you a citation?

    "just like a fucking coward hide behind a wall and shoot someone in the back."

    And take a chance on them surviving?  I'd recommend shooters aim for the head, much less likely to survive that way.  17 hit at Bunny Friend Park in NOLA, none seriously.  That's how badly you shoot.

    "Just like a lynch mob huh?"

    No, not like the Jena 6.  Not like the mob that nearly stomped Steve Utash to death after a "yoot" hurt his leg in the act of kicking his truck.  Those were lynch mobs.  Making the coonmunity feel the pain it causes is justice.  Deterrence is a worthy and proper goal.


    Anyone who aids, abets or encourages your criminality is a criminal also.

    "you psychopaths shoot rooms full of kids, churches and movie theaters."

    Those are either the mentally deranged (Adam Lanza), the psychotropically drugged (James Holmes), or false-flag operators (Dylan Roof).  You clowns can't even do a second-line parade without shootings.  Hell, you can't even argue about food without it threatening to be fatal.

    I think what bothers you is that you wish you could do something like Adam Lanza, but you're too lazy, stupid and un-coordinated to actually pull it off.  You'd hold your gun sideways, hit one out of three and score only non-fatal wounds on 80% of those.  Even when Whitey is fucking up monumentally, he's STILL head and shoulders above what you can do!

  100. James Not Bold is a Biach2:11 AM

    What in the fuck would make you imagine I would be afraid of your punk ass? You don't have the balls or skill to kill a fucking gerbil. If you're so bad stop posting and try something or are you all talk coward? Well, we all know the answer to that. Bitch ass keyboard tough guy just like the rest of you dumb assed white boys. And for the record only a seriously fucked up white boy like yourself wishes they could shoot up a theater of unarmed people which is why that's a white boy hobby.

    Try it bitch, you bad try it bitch. I fucking dare you Bold, try it bitch!

    Ha, we know your scary ass won't. Bitch ass.

  101. James Bold is a pussybiach2:31 AM

    James Not Bold would shoot his own dumb ass in the foot.

  102. James Bold10:58 AM

    "What in the fuck would make you imagine I would be afraid of your punk ass? You don't have the balls or skill to kill a fucking gerbil."

    I go rodent hunting almost daily.  They're a huge nuisance around here.  I've taken some larger ones that weren't killed by my rat traps and broken their necks by hand.  I've got everything I need to kill Bambi, I just haven't gotten a good shot yet.

    I have also pointed a loaded firearm at a man's head and dared him to come any closer to me than he already was.  He decided discretion was the better part of valor and retreated.  Given your belligerent attitude I would probably have had to shoot you if you'd been in his place.  I'm quite prepared to do this.

    "only a seriously fucked up white boy like yourself wishes they could shoot up a theater of unarmed people which is why that's a white boy hobby."

    Shooting up a playground-full of unarmed people is a Black hobby... boy.

    "Try it bitch, you bad try it bitch."

    If I was trying to kill a theater-full of people there are much better ways to do it, like firebombing all the doors.  Between smoke and people trampled in the rush I'd probably get at least half of them.  Going in with multiple guns and failing to score a single kill... that's the sort of incompetence we expect of Blacks.  Even Pakistani Muslims are ten times more effective than you are.

    The only thing that protects you from the race war you're fighting is the White cops who prevent Whites from fighting back.  Thing is, someday soon they're going to stop.  When you're suddenly up against guys who are used to dropping Bambi with one shot at 200 yards, you won't have time to be scared.  You won't even know what hit you.

  103. James not Bold is a Pussybiatch!12:47 PM

    Just like I thought James, you are a biatch. Can't fight so you have to pull a gun. You won't ever do a gotdamned thing because you are a biatch. Keep on doing what tough guy white boys do, typing on a keyboard. The only thing protecting YOU from getting your ass kicked on a daily basis is the fact you probabbly run fast and scream like a little girl and make everyone feel sorry for your sorry ass. Sad little man with a gun he can't use dreaming of a race war. Pathetic just like the rest of you stormfront biatches.

    Try it biatch! Scared? Try it biatch! Stop typing and do something if you're not a biatch, but you are!

  104. James Bold3:21 PM

    "Just like I thought James, you are a biatch. Can't fight so you have to pull a gun."

    You can't behave decently, nor can you win fairly so you either attack women, children and old people or you attack with a mob.  Biatches, all of you.  The implicit admission has me chuckling; you don't even realize what you just did.

    "You won't ever do a gotdamned thing because you are a biatch."

    You're so afraid of my gun you can't do anything except type nasty words.  Well, Mr. All-Powerful Keyboard Warrior, weren't you just calling people like that "biatches"?  I'm out in public every day, almost nobody can tell I'm carrying.  You don't know me from Adam; if you pulled TNB in my presence you'd have a high probability of getting ventilated.  That is what scares you.

    It must hurt you deep in whatever you use in lieu of a soul that Albert Schweizer was right.

  105. James Bold is a pussy3:51 PM

    You can't behave decently, nor can you win fairly so you either attack women, children and old people or you attack with a mob. Biatches, all of you. The implicit admission has me chuckling; you don't even realize what you just did.

    Really asshole? Last I checked it was cowardly white assholes like you killing women and children. You are one dumb mother fucker but that's par for the course.

  106. James Bold is a pussy3:54 PM

    You're so afraid of my gun you can't do anything except type nasty words. Well, Mr. All-Powerful Keyboard Warrior, weren't you just calling people like that "biatches"? I'm out in public every day, almost nobody can tell I'm carrying. You don't know me from Adam; if you pulled TNB in my presence you'd have a high probability of getting ventilated. That is what scares you.

    It must hurt you deep in whatever you use in lieu of a soul that Albert Schweizer was right.

    Nobody gives a fuck about Albert Budweiser or your dumb ass either. Of course you carry a gun because you are a biatch who would get his ass whopped if he didn't. I would beat you with your own gun if you ever stepped to me punk! I wouldn't even suggest you fight like a man because you are a biatch!

  107. James (not) Bold has no penis3:57 PM

    I'm out in public every day, almost nobody can tell I'm carrying.

    Yep, women know you have no dick. Cowardly white boys like you usually have small penises. No surprise there.

  108. Tommy Sotomayor said something in the past that was highly disputed, and didn't make much sense biologically. He claimed that a much larger percentage of black males are homosexual due to growing up with only women: mothers, aunties, grandmothers, and these women's female friends. So the males basically learn how to act like women and more of them end up gay. And even the ones who don't end up gay are insanely overly emotional, completely effeminate, and have no idea what it means to be a man. They act like women. It's all they know how to do.

    I tried to have a conversation with him on a scientific level, stating that biology and epigen disputes his observation. But he wasn't trying to engage.

    Though it's easy to see why he would make that observation. As is so often the case here, black males are seriously obsessed with male genitalia. They're forever speaking about penises and cocks and dongs and schlongs and other men's manhood. I count at least a dozen people here*, all of whom are male, whose posts by and large speak about dicks. If this isn't gay or at the least overly effeminate, I don't know WTF is. So while I disagree with his observation, as it doesn't model reality on the scientific level, I can see why he would make such an observation colloquially. So many black males are strolling around in their lives with cock constantly on their brains. Like their single mothers who strive for DNA (dick and attention), all they seem to be able to think about is cock. Disagree with me? COCK! Oh, you said something racist? COCK! You point out that I love the cock? COCK!

    *To be fair, some of these anon trolls may be the same person, and the number of cock-obsessed males on this blog may not be that high. But that's speculation to a level of conspiracy, and why do that?


  109. Josh=Caitlin7:15 PM

    And even the ones who don't end up gay are insanely overly emotional, completely effeminate, and have no idea what it means to be a man. They act like women. It's all they know how to do.

    Says the most emotional effeminate poster in the history of the internet. All she does is cry and whine about being "followed". What a fucking joke with her cross dressing ass.

  110. Josh is a she?7:19 PM

    So many black males are strolling around in their lives with cock constantly on their brains.

    Interesting observation Caitlin er I mean Josh. Too bad you don't have the time to psychoanalyze your fellow white male who seems obsessed with shooting people, nah you'll just make some random dumbassed observation about negroes. Fuck you Josh, you are fucking worthless and racist. Go buy yourself some tampons.

  111. James Bold6:21 AM

    "Last I checked it was cowardly white assholes like you killing women and children."

    It's really funny for an Anonymous Coward to accuse anyone else of being cowardly.  And specifically, how many women and children would that be?  The count for 2014 was 417 Black-on-White murders.  The count for White-on-Black was... 4, and I doubt any were either women OR children.  That's more than 100 to 1 in absolute numbers, or about 2500 to 1 in per-capita rates.

    Dylann Roof may help push the 2015 White-on-Black totals to perhaps 15, reducing the per-capita disparity to something less than 1000 to 1.  You will excuse me if I refuse to consider this a huge tragedy.

    "Of course you carry a gun because you are a biatch who would get his ass whopped if he didn't. I would beat you with your own gun if you ever stepped to me punk!"

    Tell the savage that you want nothing to do with him, and he goes out of his way to show exactly what makes him repulsive and why everyplace he lives descends toward savagery.  And he doesn't get it.

    "Nobody gives a fuck about Albert Budweiser or your dumb ass either."

    Here's what Albert Schweizer had to say about the African (that's you):

    "I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all White men who have lived here like I must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with White men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work. Let White men from anywhere in the world, who come to Africa remember that you must continually retain that status: you the master and they the inferior like children that you help or teach. Never fraternise with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you."

    The feces species has been allowed free rein in America for 50 years.  That will not last much longer.  You'll soon be held to civilized standards and imprisoned or exiled if you don't measure up.  Pack your bags, Anonymous Coward.

  112. James Not Bold is a punk bitch3:38 PM

    I'm not going anywhere and you're not going to do a gotdamned thing about it you stringy headed piece of trash. It's also funny that the guy who can't even go to the bathroom without a gun and has to carry it around 24/7 has the unmitigated gall to call anyone a coward. Let's see, how many kids died in Sandyhook? That was a white guy right? Just asking. That's white boy shit but your dumbass can't think outside of white and black and see its your own type, cowardly white males, killing your people.
    And like I said, if you have such a problem with us do something biatch, but you won't will you? Nope, you'll just post stupid shit all day with your unemployed ass.
    Do something bitch! I dare you!

  113. James Bold2:25 AM

    "I'm not going anywhere and you're not going to do a gotdamned thing about it you stringy headed piece of trash."

    America is a country and culture built on the capabilities of White people, and you think you're not going anywhere... yeah, right.  The real irony is that anywhere you stay long enough that White people leave turns into Mogadishu.  In a very real sense, Black people went there without moving.

    "It's also funny that the guy who can't even go to the bathroom without a gun and has to carry it around 24/7 has the unmitigated gall to call anyone a coward."

    I'm no coward.  I will not be cowed.  If you get your Black ass up in my face you're likely to get hurt, possibly die.  If you get your Black ass on my property, ditto.  We'll see how well you're able to comprehend "KEEP OUT—NO TRESPASSING".

    "Let's see, how many kids died in Sandyhook? That was a white guy right?"

    Adam Lanza accounted for 26 fatalities and his own suicide.  Meanwhile, Baltimore is up to 325 homicides for 2015, almost all Black-on-Black, and the year isn't even over yet.

    "That's white boy shit but your dumbass can't think outside of white and black and see its your own type, cowardly white males, killing your people."

    Sandy Hook was 3 years ago today and hasn't had anything like it since.  Baltimore alone has accounted for a Sandy Hook's worth every month in 2015.  Of course, most of those are Blacks killing Blacks, so I shrug and say "NHI—no humans involved."

    "And like I said, if you have such a problem with us do something biatch, but you won't will you? Nope, you'll just post stupid shit all day with your unemployed ass."

    The evidence shows I'm doing a good job of getting under your skin.  A bunch of you post my nom de guerre in threads where I've neither posted nor even looked.  That proves I'm having an impact on you.  I live rent-free in your head.  My words haunt you no matter where I am.

    Sleep lightly, Pseudonymous Coward.  I might be coming for you.

  114. James Bold is a pussy3:31 AM

    America is a country and culture built on the capabilities of White people, and you think you're not going anywhere... yeah, right.
    That's absolutely right. America was/is a country created by man cultures and ethnicities including my own so I ain't going nowhere. Hell, my folks have been here longer than yours so your claims are downright laughable.

  115. James not Bold is a Pussybiatch!3:33 AM

    That proves I'm having an impact on you. I live rent-free in your head. My words haunt you no matter where I am.
    And yet your dumbass always replies to me. Who's living in who's mind? You certainly are fucking stupid.

  116. James Bold is a pussy3:34 AM

    Sleep lightly, Pseudonymous Coward. I might be coming for you.
    Yawn. You're too dumb to find the front door. Hell, I'll leave the porch light on for you.
