Monday, January 11, 2016


Image result for PAUL LEPAGE IMAGES      I saw Chris Christie making excuses for the racist knuckle -dragging governor from the state of Maine on television.

Christie actually had the audacity to declare that Governor Paul LePage is a "good man" who just said a bad thing. I am paraphrasing now, but basically he said that the governor apologized for it, and now it's time for us to all move on. 

Christie excused the man's racism and doltish behavior by saying that he was born poor and a had a very hard upbringing, as if that's an excuse. He wanted to know if we didn't all make statements like this from time to time.  

Sorry Chris, we can't move on; not just yet. The man is a governor and you are running to be president of the United States. Insulting an entire community with asinine stereotypes is not something you just apologize for (sort of) and  move on. (BTW, the real D-Money is white.) Sadly, if you are a bi-racial person living in the state of Maine, you are probably calling U-Haul as you read this. Your governor has just put a scarlet letter on you.

Chris Christie in his capacity as a presidential candidate, cannot just declare that it's alright to make such comments and that we should all move on from them. At some point Chris Christie has to cut his racist friend loose. He might not want to, but politics demands it. (I see you Rev. Wright.) 

I have to give it to the governor, though, he hit the holy racist grail with his comments: Black drug dealers sexually assaulting innocent white girls. Just wow!

Again, one of the sad aspects of this story, is that Chris Christie, a man who is trying to become the leader of the free world, found it necessary to defend this cretin. 

But we get it, Chris is trying hard to catch a man in the presidential primary who actually has white supremacist making robocalls for him.  Hey, it's tough keeping up with the racists these days. The bar has been set very high low.

But hey,  I am not alone with my outrage. 

"For anyone who truly loves Maine, it’s no longer just embarrassing to see this state’s once proud name reduced to so many national punch lines. It’s agonizing.

It’s also beyond counterproductive: The longer LePage portrays his state as a backwater of ignorance and intolerance, the less attractive Maine appears to the newcomers – of every age, religion and ethnicity – we so desperately need.

Instead, we get this endorsement from the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer, described by the Southern Poverty Law center as one of the leading hate websites on the Internet: “Maine Governor Calls Out Black Drug-Dealers for Impregnating ‘Young White Girls’ … Excellent. Hail LePage!” [Source]

"Hail Christie, and Hail Trump.

*Pic from


  1. The bi-racial people? What about those white girls, and how he tried to brand them?

    Maybe they just need to be teaching better sex ed in Maine schools!

  2. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Apropos of the Field Negro Of The Day sidebar, that is one hell of a discovery and breakthrough in the repair of spinal injuries that Dr.Patrice Smith has made! Wow!

    Kudos to her!

  3. James Bold9:16 PM

    Smith looks high yella, octoroon-ish.  She's mostly White anyway.

    Of course, you're going to claim her 100% for Afreaka.  That's how you roll.

    I just wonder how much more capable she might be without the African contribution.  After all, we know how much better Detroit was without it.

  4. Lance Cockstrong9:52 PM

    James Bold you should donate your Aryan brain to science, if you haven't already.

  5. R.I.P. David Bowie

  6. Reality is Racist10:34 PM

    LePage didn't say anything racist, he merely spoke the truth.

  7. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Dr. Patrice Smith is what Yisheng wishes she could be, a real scientamabist.

  8. The Ministry of Truth10:51 PM

    "'I heard Paul's remarks, and frankly he's apologized for them,' Christie said on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe,' in a clip that aired Monday morning. 'We can't judge people by one set of remarks they make, especially when they apologize and genuinely apologize afterwards.'"

    Unfair to judge a person by one set of remarks? Bwahaha. How about after that person makes 147,531 dumb, offensive remarks? Can we judge him then?

    I wouldn't be surprised if LePage promotes a bill (call it the "D-Money and Shifty Act") to demand that all biracial residents of Maine henceforth be referred to as "problem residents." That's how LePage sees it, so he might as well make it official.

  9. The Boss Speaketh10:52 PM

    Yisheng is only a doctor in her demented little head.

  10. Lance Cockstrong10:54 PM

    Yisheng is a crazy niggerette. Absolutely worthless piece of stale chocolate.

    1. Yisheng is a crazy niggerette. Absolutely worthless piece of stale chocolate.

      And you would rather suck syphilis infected, herpes laden, racist troll penis than demonstrate ANYTHING that resembles Black unity!

      Yet you wonder why you can't keep a Black man?

  11. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Nobody can stand niggers; no matter how many laws you pass, that won't change the fact. Maine is blessed to have so few of the beasts. I'm sure they'd be glad to buy Uhaul trucks to get rid of the few they have.

    P.S. - David Bowie stole one of your women. xD

  12. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Dr. Patrice Smith working with colleagues at Harvard University have discovered a way to repair damaged nerves by allowing the adult brain to respond to repair signals that are blocked after injury.

    Dr. Smith and her colleagues discovered the blocking mechanism is a molecule called SOCS3.

    Call me cynical, but I'll bet the "colleagues" had a lot to do with this discovery.

    But in BRA, we know who is going to trumpeted in the media. Dr. Smith could be a genius, but we've been lied to so many times, one has to take this story with a grain of salt. AA casts aspersions on the true achievements of blacks and women. So does even a passing acquaintance with the commenter known as "Yisheng".

    When the real paper is published, we'll see who those colleagues are.

    1. Yisheng11:52 PM

      Call me cynical, but I'll bet the "colleagues" had a lot to do with this discovery.

      We actually prefer to call you a hater that was too dumb to study STEM himself.

    2. AA casts aspersions on the true achievements of blacks and women.

      And yet THOUSANDS of women and minorities have earned STEM.degrees that you could NEVER earn even with 5 brains and 3 ft more in height, LOL!!!

      To the world, you'll ALWAYS be a half Gook better suited for a career as a Munchkin.

  13. Yisheng11:49 PM

    Christie excused the man's racism and doltish behavior by saying that he was born poor and a had a very hard upbringing, as if that's an excuse

    In other words, he's a cracka in a Governor's suit..

  14. Spinal Tap12:13 AM

    Why couldn't Yisheng been the one to make that discovery? It's not fair!

    1. Yisheng12:39 AM


      Is that the best your NON STEM degree having ass can do? And how many years had this obsession with me gone on now, 8 years?

  15. What exactly did LePage say that was so offensive?

  16. David Bowie was married to a black women.

  17. Jared Taylor isn't a racist, just ask James who regularly links to his site. I think they prefer the term "race realist".

  18. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Field said, "(BTW, the real D-Money is white.)"

    You sir, are a liar. No wm would have such a name. No Mr Field, D-Money is definitely Black.

  19. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Dear Yisheng, I find it interesting at all the jealous Whites on this blog. They wish they could be you. In fact, I bet they would give up their white status and white privileges to be you.

    Well, honkies, you can't be Yisheng and you never will.

  20. James Bold smells like his mom's rotten cootch12:54 AM

    After all, we know how much better Detroit was without it.

    No jokes about Detroit until you trailer park dwellers fix West Virginia white fucking paradise that it is.

    Also James, pull your mother's dildo out of your ass every once in a while. How much you wanna bet it's black cause we know what you and she fantasize about.

  21. Child of Rape12:54 AM

    Niggers gonna nigger

  22. O.J. Stemson1:10 AM

    DQAE said...
    To the world, you'll ALWAYS be a half Gook better suited for a career as a Munchkin

    Hey PilotX, is Yisheng a "race realist" or just a racist?

  23. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Field, I read in a recent article that Jamaicans are no longer Black and are being embraced as Jamaican Whites by the Whites.

    Is this true?

  24. James Bold1:36 AM

    "you should donate your Aryan brain to science"

    It's been devoted to STEM for more than 40 years, thankyouverymuch.

    "LePage didn't say anything racist, he merely spoke the truth."

    LePage didn't give 'em hell.  He gave 'em the truth and they thought it was hell.

    "I wouldn't be surprised if LePage promotes a bill (call it the "D-Money and Shifty Act") to demand that all biracial residents of Maine henceforth be referred to as "problem residents.""

    That would have to wait until all the Somalis were safely returned to Somalia.  Which they won't do except at gunpoint.  Which may happen sooner than you think.

    "Lance Cockstrong said...

    Yisheng is a crazy niggerette."

    Damn, is that our regular Mr. Muh Dik?  Either serious bout of insight or damn funny troll, depending.

    "I'll bet the "colleagues" had a lot to do with this discovery."

    If you've ever looked at the published papers of Niel DeGrasse Tyson, you'll see a whole lot of co-authors.  Exactly what he contributed is difficult to determine, but he's Black so he gets a pass.

    "We actually prefer to call you a hater that was too dumb to study STEM himself."

    I did study STEM, you cow.  My performance in chem class probably knocked some marginal pre-med student off the track to an MD... though not one receiving AA privilege.  What's YOUR claim to fame?  Oh, right... AA privilege.

    "Well, honkies, you can't be Yisheng and you never will."

    And proud of it.  My family would disown me if I sank so low.

    "No jokes about Detroit until you trailer park dwellers fix West Virginia white fucking paradise that it is."

    My time in W. Va. amounts to a few trips between Ohio and N. Carolina.  I find it terribly amusing that you demand I take responsibility for an entire US state, while you say you aren't responsible for your own neighbors.  You won't even try to hold yourselves to White standards, because you know you have no hope of meeting them.  Show me the Black "community" that has as low a murder rate as W. Virginia.  Show me.

    You can't.  It doesn't exist.

  25. Limpbaugh4:39 AM

    Fox News has dumbed down the GOP voters. Politicians like Christie cater to their ignorance. LePage seems like he is genuinely stupid. He is a beneficiary of stupid people voting. What a great system we have. Let the stupidest segment of society nominate half of the candidates. Or as Winston Churchill said, "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter".

  26. Yisheng10:18 AM

    It's been devoted to STEM for more than 40 years, thankyouverymuch.

    Notice the language here. WTF does "devoted to STEM" even mean?

    Folks with EARNED STEM.degress specifically state that and often discuss what area if STEM they're in.

    They don't speak on it as if it's some type of religion.

  27. Yisheng10:26 AM

    I did study STEM.... though not one receiving AA privilege.  What's YOUR claim to fame?  Oh, right... AA privilege.

    Sure you did and thanks for outing yourself as an assnon.Again.

    The ACS doesn't make affirmative action exams and as a part time Adjunct Chemistry Professor and 20+ year ACS member, I should know. But that's the dumb ass White man's answer to why so many women and minorities have masterd STEM fields and left people like you in the dust.

    But thanks for playing, keep reading those chemistry textbooks Sport!

  28. James Bold still smells like his mom's rotten cootch10:49 AM

    "Which they won't do except at gunpoint. Which may happen sooner than you think."

    More fantasies from James not so Bold. Wow, these goofy "militia" types really love playing soldier huh? Probably just an excuse for "guys" like James to do some "bonding" with his fellow white guys. We know James, we know.

    "If you've ever looked at the published papers of Niel DeGrasse Tyson, you'll see a whole lot of co-authors."

    Interpreted as James is jealous of a negro who actually has several college degrees while he didn't finish the 6th grade. We know James, we know.

    "And proud of it. My family would disown me if I sank so low."

    Your family would never disown you James, how would any of you guys have sex then. Well, I guess you have your fellow "soldiers" but your moms couldn't even sell her smelly cootch.

    "I find it terribly amusing that you demand I take responsibility for an entire US state, while you say you aren't responsible for your own neighbors."

    Nobody is demanding anything dumbass, you just happen to overlook the most prominent state that leads the nation in overdoses, toothlessness (it's true, look it up), heroine addiction and a host of other maladies and shocking it's over 90% white. Just like in Maine, the dumbass governor overlooks the fact that there is a heroine epidemic in his lily white state but he's more concerned about why his little innocent white girls crave the BBC. This just goes to show how ignorant white racists really are and how they can look past their own faults and somehow blame the niggers. Sad. Clean up your own room James before telling others to do so. What did Heyzeus say about logs in eyes? So now not only are our racist friends ignorant, uneducated and ill informed they're also hypocrites. Shocking.

  29. All hail James Bitch10:53 AM

    Also, since he is only a keyboard warrior who prances around with other "soldiers" and not a man of action I now declare a new name for our friend. Will will now refer to him as James Bitch. Though he is not yet worthy of even being called a bitch I am sure he will one day do something worthy to live up to this title because in 20 lifetimes he will never do anything bold. On this day I decree to all!

  30. All hail James Bitch10:57 AM

    "United Health Foundation's "America's Health Rankings" for 2013 found that Americans are making considerable progress in key health measures. West Virginia, however, ranked either last or second-to-last in 20 categories, including cancer, child immunization, diabetes, disabilities, drug deaths, teeth loss, low birth weight, missed work days due to health, prescription drug overdose, preventable hospitalizations, and senior clinical care.[108] Wisconsin Population Health Institute annual "Health Rankings" for 2012 showed West Virginia spends $9,671 per capita on health care annually. El Salvador spends just $467, yet both have the same life expectancy.[109] In 2012, according to the Census Bureau, West Virginia was the only state where death rates exceeds birth rates. During 2010–2013, about 21,000 babies per year were born in West Virginia, but there were 24,000 deaths.[102] In demographics, this is called a "net mortality society."[110]"

    This is James Bitch's white utopia. You and the rest of your Aryan sisterhood can keep your all white paradise because I kind of like having teeth, a job and I'm good without a heroine addiction. Sounds just like your family James.

  31. All hail James Bitch11:00 AM

    "In 2013, West Virginia ranked last in the nation with an employment-to-population ratio of only 50%, compared to the national average of 59%."

    Lazy, unemployed whites just like James and his family. Who knew, one of the whitest states in the union has the least employed. Let's see how James somehow blames negroes for this.

  32. The Myth of White Privilege11:02 AM

    "West Virginia, however, ranked either last or second-to-last in 20 categories, including cancer, child immunization, diabetes, disabilities, drug deaths, teeth loss, low birth weight, missed work days due to health, prescription drug overdose, preventable hospitalizations, and senior clinical care"

    It must be because our government is racist against whites.

  33. War on Whites11:11 AM

    "In 2013, West Virginia ranked last in the nation with an employment-to-population ratio of only 50%, compared to the national average of 59%."

    It must have something to do with Obama's war on coal, which has devastated the livelihood of millions of people in coal country.

    Barack Obama in 2008: So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it will bankrupt them, because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.

    Eight years later, his dream has been accomplished and the living standards of millions of working class Americans have been destroyed. They are now experiencing poor health and lower life expectancies.

    Leftist ideology kills.

  34. White logic11:52 AM

    "It must have something to do with Obama's war on coal, which has devastated the livelihood of millions of people in coal country."

    Maybe if they got educated they wouldn't have to depend on dirty and dangerous jobs. Dumbass.

  35. White logic11:55 AM

    "It must be because our government is racist against whites."

    or it could be many are just stupid, dirty and inbred like James Bitch? That is more likely. And if a government that is 70% white is racist against whites you guys have more problems than we thought. A tip, stop using drugs, brush your teeth occasionally and go to school. There, no more free advice.

  36. "Well, honkies, you can't be Yisheng and you never will."

    And proud of it. My family would disown me if I sank so low.

    You know you REALLY need to stop talking to yourself.

    Don't think you have ANYONE here fooled into thinking you didn't post the comment at 12:45 when we ALL know you did.

    "Honkies" is circa 1970's language and your 40 year "devotion to STEM", is a dead giveaway that you're an envious, demented F**K that has too much time on his hands.

    So which coal factory did you retire from, because you're CLEARLY a crusty OLD blue-collar fart, ROTFL!!!!

  37. KKKarma12:39 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    "So which coal factory did you retire from, because you're CLEARLY a crusty OLD blue-collar fart, ROTFL!!!!"

    Such blatant disrespect for working people is bad enough when it comes from upper class snobs, but when it comes from an Affirmative Action recipient who has achieved nothing in her half century quest to be a doctor, a quest that has been funded on the backs of those crusty OLD blue-collar farts who have worked in places like coal mines and paid their taxes to fund this disaster, it makes one want to vomit.

    You represent the worst of everyone.

    Those will be very big chickens coming home to roost for you some day.


  38. 10 days into new year, more than 100 people shot in Chicago

    I wonder how many police shootings will be covered up by the mayor this year.

    It appears all the left-wingnut outrage over the mayor and his cover up has gone away.

    Imagine if a right-wingnut mayor covered up a police shooting what Obama and FieldNegro would say.

    Good thing Obama and FieldNegro hold their party to a much much lower standard.


  39. Out of touch?

    And this is the second best option the dumbocrats can find to represent their party?

    In a lightning round of lighter questions, Sanders said he was not familiar with musician David Bowie, who died this week.

  40. Child of Rape1:28 PM

    I know why Yisheng is always so angry and bitter. Her cooch hasn't been touched in years. It probably has cobwebs.

  41. The Ministry of Truth1:29 PM

    "Or as Winston Churchill said, 'The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter'."

    I prefer this one:

    "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." - H. L. Mencken

    Liberals have no perfect answer as to what to do about the deliberate disinformation of voters by shameless propaganda outfits like Fox News. However, notwithstanding the warped wingnut media, and despite the cynical Churchill and Mencken quotes, the alternatives to democracy are still worse.

  42. Anonymous1:32 PM

    "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." - H. L. Mencken

    Which is why universal suffrage has brought this country so low.

    The Dems won't stop until foreign babies and pets can vote.

  43. We have always been at war with Eastasia1:38 PM

    The Ministry of Idiocy said...
    "Liberals have no perfect answer as to what to do about the deliberate disinformation of voters by shameless propaganda outfits like Fox News."

    You have lived your whole life in a bubble of propaganda, which is why you seriously believe the one news outlet that doesn't strictly adhere to the Liberal Narrative on everything is somehow controlling the minds of American voters.

    90% of Americans never hear a word of what is said on Fox News.

  44. The Ministry of Truth1:48 PM

    "It must have something to do with Obama's war on coal, which has devastated the livelihood of millions of people in coal country."

    Ugh. The "War on Coal." More propagandistic wingnut rubbish.

    To begin with, that old Obama quote you dropped has been taken out of context by you and a million right-wing media outlets. It came as part of a much larger discussion about energy, in which he was talking about the possibilities of so-called "clean coal," and only that "dirty coal" operators would be put out of business by regulation. You can read about that here.

    More to the point, though, coal is really doomed. Not by the government, but by good old capitalism. Even without environmental penalties being assessed against filthy coal-burning, other sources of power are now just cheaper.

    Fracking has unleashed huge quantities of natural gas, so electrical power plants are switching over to that. Wind and solar have improved to the point that they are cost-competitive with coal, even without government subsidies. (Those subsidies are still needed, though, to make sure renewables are phased in faster than the market would otherwise dictate, in order to stave off global warming.)

    On top of that, most of the easy-to-get coal has already been mined, which means the remaining coal is increasingly costly -- and economically uncompetitive -- to dig out.

    So, Obama or no Obama, coal miners are utterly screwed. They are modern-day buggy-whip salesman. Nobody wants what they're selling. Politicians in Kentucky and West Virginia can demagogue on this and pretend they have some magical plan to save the industry, but they don't. It's pure bullshit.

  45. The Ministry of Truth1:53 PM

    "90% of Americans never hear a word of what is said on Fox News."

    Fox has a fairly wide viewership, and it's only the largest, best-funded offender in a vast bullshitscape of right-wing disinformation media.

    Plenty of Americans are listening to these fantastical, fact-free explanations of how the world works, unfortunately.

  46. White Nation2:22 PM

    "It must have something to do with Obama's war on coal, which has devastated the livelihood of millions of people in coal country."

    Always blaming the man. Maybe if you white people get off your lazy asses, got jobs and stooped using drugs you wouldn't have these problems. Take some personal responsibility and stop blaming others.

  47. The Ministry of Truth2:45 PM

    "Always blaming the man. Maybe if you white people get off your lazy asses, got jobs and stooped using drugs you wouldn't have these problems. Take some personal responsibility and stop blaming others."

    Yeah, the irony, right?

    People put out of work by ruthless market forces are now seeking help from a-holes like Mitch McConnell -- the people whose mantra is that the free market is perfectly fair and meritocratic: don't be a loser blah blah develop some work ethic blah blah pull yourself up by your bootstraps blah blah blah ...

    What a laugh, broke ex-miners seeking aid and compassion from the villains at the Heartless Bastard Party. Good luck with that, ex-miners.

  48. White logic3:10 PM

    "What a laugh, broke ex-miners seeking aid and compassion from the villains at the Heartless Bastard Party. Good luck with that, ex-miners."

    Yep, I'll vote for the party that gives tax credits for outsourcing jobs, are anti-union and hate working people because beengauzee. Oh, and I'm afraid of ISIS coming to Charleston fucking West Virginia! Oh yeah, at least they say radical Islamic terrorism so it's ok.

  49. If Lepage had made those comments in Britain, he would be forced to resign. I'm not saying that Britain is free from racism - it isn't - but compared to some of the racist shit I've read here, Britain is a paradise of equality.

    The struggle for equal rights in this country has produced results, but there's a long way to go. I live in Maine, and it is a racist State. All Mainers who are disgusted by racism should not let one racist word go unchallenged.

  50. Anonymous KKKarma said...
    Those will be very big chickens coming home to roost for you some day.

    Those must be male whooteemoo chickens because they're dropping like files these days. But don't worry, Orange Crush AKA Trump will save you ALL!!!

    Cluck, Cluck, muthaf**ka!!

  51. Field, thanks for the link to the story about Dr. Smith and equally important, the link to the Caribbean culture website!

  52. James Bold3:54 PM

    Coal is nasty crap, full of poisons like arsenic and lead.  When you burn it you're basically running an ore-roasting operation on the side, putting everything in it that can burn or evaporate into the air.  There's a reason that the London fogs were so deadly; they were made of coal smoke.  West Virginia and E. Kentucky definitely need to find a new line of business.

    This is going to be hard for them, because all the smart people have been leaving those areas for decades.  When you have dumber people breeding only with dumber people, the population gets dumber.  Setting up on the bleeding edge of new fields and being successful takes brains that they increasingly don't have.  Korea has them, Japan has them, San Francisco has them, most university towns have them.  West Virginia largely does not any more.

    Of course, West Virginians look like geniuses compared to your average hood rat, who's been selected for thuggery over intelligence for several generations now.  Well over half of the Blacks in Detroit are functionally illiterate and can't do anything legal that's worth even minimum wage.  When you're unemployable all that's left is crime.  Nobody starts serious businesses in Detroit because the choices are to be robbed or work behind lots of expensive bullet-proof windows to avoid it.  That leaves weave stores, hair and nail shops, rim rentals, gas stations and payday loans.

    The funny part of you coons bringing up West Virginia is that for all the ills of people who have lost their employers and their purpose in life, they maintain their civility.  Baltimore had 344 homicides in 2015 out of a population of 622,000; in 2014, the entire 1.85 million people of West Virginia had 74.  A third the number of people, almost 5 times the killings.

    West Virginians build and maintain their own houses, cultivate land, hunt game, and otherwise keep themselves up.  Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, Newark... everywhere Blacks go, everything falls down.  West Virginia is the retarded cousin of the USA, but you can't even measure up to their standard.

    It would be instructive to pit the 40 million Blacks in America against the 1.8 million West Virginians.  Country boys can shoot; hood rats can't.  I have no doubt about the outcome.


  53. The Ministry of Truth said...
    "90% of Americans never hear a word of what is said on Fox News."
    Fox has a fairly wide viewership, and it's only the largest, best-funded offender in a vast bullshitscape of right-wing disinformation media.

    FieldNegro has mocked those 3 million foxnews viewers many times.

    3 million in a country of 320 million doesn't sound so scary does it.

  54. Lance Cockstrong5:00 PM

    After much thought, I have come to the conclusion that Yisheng is a worthless member of our race and must be eradicated.

    1. Yisheng5:39 PM

      @5:00PM I'd sincerely welcome the opportunity to be eradicated by you.

      I haven't been to the gun range since August, and could use more practice.

  55. Anonymous6:00 PM

    The video interview of Charlie Rangel re: Obama has not changed one damn thing re: racial divide in America. It's a damn shame but it's true. Of course, Field and other FN Negroes remain silent about it....WHY are you silent about the Truth?

  56. Anonymous6:01 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "People put out of work by ruthless market forces"

    Punitive regulations and ideologically driven taxes are not market forces.

    Cheap gas has changed the equation, but coal can be burned cleanly and still can provide very cheap electricity.

    I work in the energy industry, and your opinions on this matter are complete bullshit.

  57. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Field, thanks for the link to the story about Dr. Smith and equally important, the link to the Caribbean culture website

    At least not all Caribbeans are dumbasses like Yisheng.

  58. Maine Coon6:07 PM

    Emma Picara said...
    If Lepage had made those comments in Britain, he would be forced to resign.

    Thank God we live in a country where free speech is still considered a right.

    Progressives want to repeal the first amendment and bring criminal penalties for saying things they don't like, just like they have in Europe. If they try pushing that much further, we are going to have to start killing them.

  59. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Emma Picara is the kind of silly white woman who has never seen a black person except on TV. She lives surrounded by other silly white people who constantly signal to each other how much more tolerant they are than the unwashed. She likes to cluck her tongue and prove how righteous she is by decrying the sins of others, others whose life she knows nothing about.

    Wanting to preserve the peace and well-being of your community for your posterity is not 'racism', it is a basic human right. I would love for Emma to prove her holiness by moving to Baltimore and learning what true racism really is.

    You have no idea.

  60. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Good post, anon 6:16.

    I have some progressive acquaintances who at every opportunity espouse their love of diversity and piously condemn racism, yet they chose to live in the whitest neighborhood in our town and I have never once seen them with a black person, including parties at their home, in the decade I've known them.

  61. celia8:33 PM

    "At least not all Caribbeans are dumbasses like Yisheng."

    It must really burn Yisheng when people like Dr. Smith prove that there is no racism holding them back.

    Talent always shines through.

  62. James Bitch9:11 PM

    Funny, James Bitch didn't tell us that out of the population of 1.8 million there are about 15 teeth among the hillbilly inhabitants of WV. Notice he's always talking race war shit when we all know his cowardly ass would get whooped by a 6 year old. Tough talk keyboard warrior. James likes the fact his mom has no teeth but I can't figure out why that is. Maybe he can enlighten us.

    Now it's time to watch the Afro-American president speak while white guys like James Bitch collect welfare and blame the man for their squalor and brag about shooting squirrels or some dumb shit.

  63. Coal miner's daughter9:19 PM

    Coal is nasty crap, full of poisons like arsenic and lead. When you burn it you're basically running an ore-roasting operation on the side, putting everything in it that can burn or evaporate into the air. There's a reason that the London fogs were so deadly; they were made of coal smoke. West Virginia and E. Kentucky definitely need to find a new line of business.
    Which is why dumbasses like anon still cry about their doomed industry that employed his inbred family. Even a fucking moron like James Bitch realizes this.

  64. Anonymous celia said...
    Talent always shines through.

    Yes dear, I know!!

    # 3 STEM degrees and counting

  65. Anonymous10:29 PM

    3 associate degrees and counting, but no job.

    funny, dat.

  66. Yisheng11:06 PM

    Rectum lips said....3 associate degrees and counting, but no job.

    Poor baby!!!Maybe if you were smart enough to earn a Bachelor's degree, you could get a job.

    Good luck!!

  67. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Wait a minute, Yisheng has been in college for 40 years and has never earned a Bachelor's degree?


    Give it up already girl!

    1. Yisheng12:03 AM

      @11:43, that was a nice try linguini lips, but I know you know better than that.

      And please don't quit your day job to continue trying to become a comedian. I need my oatmeal hot and fresh when I pull into the drive through in the AM.

  68. Anonymous12:39 PM

    "Wait a minute, Yisheng has been in college for 40 years and has never earned a Bachelor's degree?"

    That's incredible. How is that even possible?

    An epic failure, really one of the saddest cases in history.

    1. Yisheng1:14 PM

      That's just it, it isn't possible.

      It's simply a weak sauce attempt to disparage a lifetime full of academic achievement with MUCH more to come!!

      Now stop talking to yourself before you're committed to a mental institution.

  69. Anonymous3:01 PM

    "It's simply a weak sauce attempt to disparage a lifetime full of academic achievement with MUCH more to come!!"

    You are right, an Associates degree is something, anyway.

    Good luck getting your fourth one!

    1. Yisheng6:03 PM

      You are right, an Associates degree is something, anyway.

      Glad you feel that, being the most educated person in your family should make you VERY proud.

      So hold that 2 year degree HIGH!!!

  70. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Yisheng said...
    So hold that 2 year degree HIGH!!!

    I keep my doctorate framed over the fireplace in my office.

    But you go right ahead girl and wave your Associates degree over your head, all three of them!

  71. Yisheng8:32 PM

    I keep my doctorate framed over the fireplace in my office.

    You keep with those high academic aspirations no matter unrealistic they are for you!! But aren't portable propane fireplaces a hazzard to mobile homes? So be careful pookums, aluminum siding burns hot AND fast!!

  72. Oh, my!! The Pillsbury Dough Boy's dying and crying out for help!!!! Sho' is ugly!!!!!
