Thursday, January 28, 2016

The takeover.

Image result for trump gangster images   The next republican debate is just a few moments away, and there is still no sign that the leading contender to represent the party will participate. 

Mr. Bad Hair just took his ball and went home. (Find another ball)

He is leading by a lot, so why should he give the also- rans a chance to beat up on him?
Dude is taking on the media arm of his own party and seems to be winning. It is driving traditional conservatives nuts.  All those millions Jeb is sitting on might as well be Monopoly Money, because it will not help him in this presidential race.

Anyway, this might be a good time to cut ad paste in the middle of an interesting article I saw in The New Yorker:

"The last real outsider to take over a party was Jimmy Carter, in 1976. In a piece I wrote for the magazine on the 2012 race, I cited the reaction of Averell Harriman, the former governor of New York, when he learned of Carter’s impending victory. “Jimmy Carter? How can that be?” Harriman said. “I don’t even know Jimmy Carter, and as far as I know none of my friends know him, either.” But even Carter was an elected official (a state legislator and one-term governor from Georgia) and had been active in the Democratic National Committee. On the Republican side, you have to go back to Senator Barry Goldwater’s nomination, in 1964, to find a Republican who captured a party against the will of the party’s élites.
Donald Trump’s attempt at a hostile takeover of the G.O.P. is astonishing in its breadth. He is not just competing against a large field of candidates for votes in the primaries; he is at war with nearly every power center in the Republican Party—and he is winning. How is he doing it? One of Trump’s strengths is that he has effectively co-opted a conservative counter-establishment that has been growing during the Obama years, which has seen the rise of a movement on the right that dislikes Republican leaders almost as much as it dislikes the President. Trump is finding that the anger of this movement can be harnessed to attack a broader array of targets than just Washington politicians.
Take, for instance, Trump’s war with Fox News. The fight started when Megyn Kelly, the Fox anchor and one of the moderators of a Republican debate last August, asked Trump about his pattern of insulting women with terms like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.” After the debate, Trump seemed to make Kelly’s point by attacking her in a vulgar way. For months he has continued to belittle her, despite on-again, off-again truces reportedly negotiated between Trump and Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News. Certain shows on Fox—though not all of them—soon became hubs of anti-Trump voices, and Trump, who is well-known for holding grudges, responded by publicly attacking Fox pundits by name, especially George Will and Charles Krauthammer.
This week, according to Fox News, Trump’s campaign tried to muscle Kelly out of her moderator chair for a debate on Thursday. The fight descended into a volley of schoolyard taunts between the two sides, and Trump pulled out of the debate and said he would organize his own competing event, in Iowa, to benefit veterans. Trump’s campaign continued to escalate its attack on the network. “Fox News Corp. has donated over $3,000,000.00 to the Clinton’s [sic]. Makes you wonder what goes on behind the scenes….” Daniel Scavino, Jr., Trump’s senior adviser, tweeted. The number apparently combines donations to Clinton political campaigns and corporate philanthropic donations to the Clinton Foundation, though Scavino’s sources and methodology were unclear.
Fox News has long been considered the most influential news organization for conservatives. In an e-mail newsletter today, the longtime Republican consultant Alex Castellanos called Fox “the most powerful Republican institution in contemporary American politics” and “the stage on which Republicans play.” He added, “Most Republican candidates kneel before it, supplicants hoping to sip airtime from its chalice.” No matter how unfair the coverage, few Republican candidates dared to launch the kind of assault that Trump and his aides have initiated. It was considered a death sentence in a Republican primary. Similarly, Trump has been attacking, and been attacked by, the main organs of conservative opinion—National Review and The Weekly Standard—which were previously considered the enforcers of conservative ideology and institutions to be flattered rather than condemned." [More]

They created this monster; he is their totalitarian. The man who a certain segment of the population is reaching out to and yearning for after eight years of the Negro in charge.

Let the trumpless debate begin.


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Well, Mr Field, your prediction that Donald would change his mind and join the FOX NEWS Republican debate. As I said in the previous thread, "You don't know Trump."

    But I do and I know he is going to win the Republican nomination. And if Hillary is his opponent, he will be the next President. Only Bernie Sanders can defeat him.

    I know you can't comprehend this because you are part of the establishment and for the continuation of the establishment. In short you are for no change business as usual.

    Well, we can't afford business as usual anymore. I am surprised that some of you FN folks are for "no change". That's what you will get 'if' you elect Hillary.

    But, that ain't gonna happen.

  2. Lance Cockstrong9:51 PM

    Fuck ALL white people. Worthless pieces of shit.

  3. Proud Black Man9:53 PM

    White men are the most whiny, butthurt bitches on the planet.

  4. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Two black women are on the stage encouraging people to vote for Trump. I guess according to Field they are white now.

  5. You know, I don't think I can "get over" how Hillary treated President Obama back in 2007, and there's a disingenuous that she just can't seem to shake IMHO.

    So I think I'm going to go with Bernie Sanders for now.

  6. The Ministry of Truth10:34 PM

    Two black women are on the stage encouraging people to vote for Trump. I guess according to Field they are white now.

    It's probably "Diamond and Silk," the chicks with the pro-Trump YouTube channel.

    When The Donald says "the blacks love him," I figure he's pretty much just talking about those two goofy characters. (And I am eagerly awaiting the moment in the near future when someone discovers a paper trail linking Diamond and Silk to the Trump campaign payroll, thereby explaining why they love him so much.)

  7. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Wow, Yisheng is actually going to support a whooteemoo. What has this world come to?

  8. Raguel the Sufferer10:38 PM

    This is a must read blog for all you blacks! Great fun!

  9. Lance Cockstrong10:45 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Yisheng, wipe the cobwebs from your cooch.

  11. Black Steel10:49 PM

    Fuck white people.

  12. The Ministry of Truth10:51 PM

    Yup, I was right. It was Diamond and Silk, Trump's only black friends.

    (Apologies for linking to a wingnut propaganda cesspool like Breitbart, but they're the only media that cover non-newsworthy junk like this.)

  13. The Real Lance Cockstrong12:04 AM

    Butt Trumpet and the Trumpettes. Where was Squeaky Palin? They should have just blown his little trumpet right there. I slept thru most of the debate, obviously didn't miss anything.

    Ignore that little prick that is impersonating me. His real name is Lance Roachcock.

  14. Paranoid white male12:56 AM

    Anon on the other thread didn't give me the information as to where he/she got the story about there being two deaths this year connected to the knockout game. Oh my, I need to know. I may never leave my house! First Hannity doesn't give me information and now my friend anon is holding out on me. Please anon tell me where you got your info!

  15. The Real Lance Cockstrong1:21 AM

    I wouldn't shed a tear if white boys like Josh and Bill were murdered in the street tomorrow.

  16. This place proves that blacks can indeed be racist. Your white liberal masters were wrong about that.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Jaya Permana, silakan berhenti dengan omong kosong ini. Tak seorang pun ingin membeli ramuan berharga Anda di sini. Aku satu-satunya orang di sini yang berbicara bahasa Indonesia, dan saya tidak melakukannya dengan baik. Jadi berhenti membuang-buang waktu kami silahkan.

    Pergi dr sini.

  20. I like 99% of negros ain't never heard of Fox Views. I be's thankful i is got people like field to tell me what i should be thinking about Fox Views. Any cable channel with less than 2 million viewers a day has the power to create a person be dangerous and should be stopped. I can understand why massa is so obsessed and butthurt over Fox Views. And when massa is obsessed and butthurt??? He be taken it out on us negros.

    I see Keisha and Mo'Nique are supporting Trump. Why all the fine black women supporting racists Repubthugs? I could make three meals off all that tittie and ass. Niggas know what i be's taking bout!!!

  21. Not that you guys need convincing that Donald Trump is a total bell-end, but when comic Peter Serafinowicz gives him a cockney accent it's just all the proof you need.


  22. And the Trump-Less Debate (IMO)


    Absolutely engaging; informative and substantive.

    Then watching Chris Matthew's Hardball afterward, it was grating to hear two republican strategist plus former RNC chair, Michael Steele, conceding Donald won the debate despite not showing up.

    To the credit of Fox moderators and the candidates appearing on stage, it seems most endeavored to focus on the issues without mentioning Mr. Trump.

    In any event, despite possible ratings loss, I do agree with the three RNC contributers saying this last debate was a good night for Jeb Bush and Chris Christie.

    Yet for me, the big surprise of the night was Dr. Ben Carson who stepped up his game on foreign policy. And was delighted with Gov. John Kasich's command with foreign policy as well.

    This prompts me to recall a previous conversation in Field Negro where an Ohio resident expressed concerns about a Kasich nomination. His or her exact words were "Don't be fooled by Gov. Kasich."

    Of course, no candidate is absolutely perfect. Actual workable policy positions should be the determining factor. Whether the next president is democrat or GOP, quite possible the candidates with single digit leads can contribute to cabinet positions.

  23. Fox is still racist, they only gave Dr. Carson 6 minutes while Rafael Cruz got over 13 minutes. And Cruz is a foreign born commie. Fox showing its true lack of colors.

    Carson/Cain '16

  24. Anonymous9:43 AM

    As a BM, i don't find Fox News racist. I find Fox News refreshing because they don't treat us like special needs children. Fox humanizes us and shows the world a wonderful, caring, peaceful people we are.

  25. "As a BM, i don't find Fox News racist"


    CODE 1 Violation. Beginning text with the phrase "As a bm..."

    ***This is an automatically generated digital blackface alert triggered when a white man attempts to pass himself off as a brother (or indeed, sister). Like Field-Negro, you too can install this award-winning software on your blog for a knock down price of just $99 per month.***

    [Please read the Terms and Conditions, payment in cash (small denominations, no sequential numbers), NO REFUNDS.]

  26. Donald Trump is the savior of America, who will free us from the incestuous DemocratRepublican plutocracy that is destroying the life of the common man to feed their insatiable lust for profit.

    No more mass third world immigraiton!

    No more jobs shipped overseas!

    No more wars in the Middle East!

    Viva Trump!

  27. Best theory I've heard is that Trump is setting-up to refuse to debate the Democratic nominee. You know: "the liberal press is bias" and so on ...

  28. The Ministry of Truth1:23 PM

    Today's wingnut update:

    America's worst governor, Paul LePage, is not satisfied with the comments he recently made about executing non-violent drug offenders by guillotine. Now, he's apparently come up with a more grassroots solution to Maine's crime problem: bring back lynching. He's exhorting the general public to carry out those drug dealer executions themselves. Power to the people?

    "Everybody in Maine, we have constitutional carry. Load up and get rid of the drug dealers,” Gov. LePage said. “Because, folks, they're killing our kids."

    1. And they're having sex with our innocent white women. LePage should just go ahead and wear his sheet.

  29. The Ministry of Truth1:53 PM

    "Not that you guys need convincing that Donald Trump is a total bell-end, but when comic Peter Serafinowicz gives him a cockney accent it's just all the proof you need."

    Yeah, adding a cockney accent doesn't make Trump sound dumber to me. It's really not possible to make him sound much dumber than he already does. His speeches are already substance-free tough-guy talk about "winners" and "losers" and "being great."

    There seems to be a trend now of subjecting politicians' speeches to analysis by linguistics experts to determine exactly how dumbed-down they are to appeal to the common voter.

    Trump's abysmal rhetoric clocks in at the level of sophistication of a 4th-grader (for those of you from the U.K., that means 8- or 9-year-olds). Which confirms what most people already knew: Trump's key targeted demographic is stupid people.

  30. Gotta love the Texas grand jury that indicted the assholes who tried to scam Planned Parenthood. Standing O!

  31. The Ministry of Truth2:07 PM

    "Gotta love the Texas grand jury that indicted the assholes who tried to scam Planned Parenthood. Standing O!"

    Yes, it was pretty poetic justice. These slimy weasels tried to frame PP for an imaginary crime, and likely committed a real crime in the process. Hilarious.

    Sadly, none of this will sink in for the hardcore wingnuts. Back in fantasyland, where they live, Planned Parenthood is still "forcing" women to get abortions so they can get rich selling black market baby parts [insert comic book supervillain laugh].

    And they'll stay fixated on that manufactured scandal until the next manufactured scandal comes along.

  32. blount3:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    Gotta love the Texas grand jury that indicted the assholes who tried to scam Planned Parenthood. Standing O!

    You know you are living under a corrupt and tyrannical system when it is the whistleblowers rather than the criminals they expose who get indicted.

    A chilling message was send by the indictments: Some pillars of the liberal establishment are best not to challenge.

  33. Anonymous3:02 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "Yes, it was pretty poetic justice"

    Those like you who cravenly serve power don't fare well when power changes hands.

  34. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Do you really think Hillary's personal email account with no regard for classified information is a "manufactured sandal"?

    I admit my party has some dismal candidates, Trump included, not all but some, but the Dems candidates are all pure dreck.

  35. The Ministry of Truth3:40 PM

    "You know you are living under a corrupt and tyrannical system when it is the whistleblowers rather than the criminals they expose who get indicted.

    A chilling message was send by the indictments: Some pillars of the liberal establishment are best not to challenge."

    I rest my case.

    Committed residents of fantasyland.

  36. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Committed guards of the Gulag.

  37. Now the left is praising our grand jury system? Seems like only yesterday the left was attacking our grand jury system.

    But that's the left for ya. Praise our system when they get their way and cry like Nancy Kerrigan when they don't get their way.

  38. Gotta love Paul LePage. He keeps the moonbats hanging on to his every word. And the moonbats go onto the comment section of blogs and scream





    You moonbats are some kind of funny.

  39. And just one last thing to ponderer

    I wonder if the The Ministry of Truth and PX are going to be all shits and giggles when liberal media/liberal blogger types start getting indicted for minor violations of the law when they go undercover to investigate the right?

  40. Oh dear, oh dear, TLHNC appears to be in the process of losing the few marbles he had left.

    1. Yeah, he or she doesn't seem to understand false equivalencies. Liberals don't really dress up and go on undercover "stings" to prove something that is false to begin. We saw presidential candidates, Fiorina and Huckabee, use these false videos and lie and never admit they were wrong. It just doesn't happen. If the left and a leftie candidate started using false and misleading videos they should be called out but it doesn't happen.

  41. Oh dear, oh dear, the left doesn't know how funny they are and how everyone is laughing at them, not with them.

  42. "I wonder if the The Ministry of Truth and PX are going to be all shits and giggles when liberal media/liberal blogger types start getting indicted for minor violations of the law when they go undercover to investigate the right?"

    I don't know too many times this happened, I'm sure you can inform me, but if they break the law and get caught then oh well. The two asshats that tried to bring down PP were charged with major felonies. It's illegal to buy baby parts in Texas. Maybe next time they'll keep their baby buying asses at home.

  43. "Now the left is praising our grand jury system? Seems like only yesterday the left was attacking our grand jury system."

    Seems sometimes they get it right. Don't ya just hate when that happens?

  44. Anonymous8:11 PM

    So why did planned parenthood apologize and agree to change their ways?

  45. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Those videos are real. And i bet this case will never go to trial. Whistleblowers will contunie to do the work the liberal media won't do-expose pp's illegal actives.

  46. Dan Rather8:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    Liberals don't really dress up and go on undercover "stings" to prove something that is false to begin.

    You don't have to, you have the media and government for that.

    1. Witty retort. Unaccompanied by facts as usual but witty by conservative standards.

  47. I get it, move the goal posts. That's a tactic the right uses as well as false equivalences.

  48. The Ministry of Truth9:40 PM

    "Now the left is praising our grand jury system? Seems like only yesterday the left was attacking our grand jury system.

    But that's the left for ya. Praise our system when they get their way and cry like Nancy Kerrigan when they don't get their way."

    I don't know about "praising." That's going too far.

    But if you're referring to criticism of grand juries not delivering indictments for police brutality, I don't consider the grand juries themselves to be the main source of the problem. I think prosecutors are the issue because they have an inbuilt conflict of interest that causes them to go easy on the cops, whom they must work with to perform their jobs. I strongly suspect that when cops don't get indicted for committing flagrant abuse, it's often because the prosecutor deliberately tanked the case.

    But that bias is unique to the prosecution of bad cops. It doesn't apply to cases against far-right numbnuts like Bundy and his fellow "revolutionaries."

  49. The Ministry of Truth9:56 PM

    "I wonder if the The Ministry of Truth and PX are going to be all shits and giggles when liberal media/liberal blogger types start getting indicted for minor violations of the law when they go undercover to investigate the right?"

    LOL, won't happen. There aren't any James O'Keefes or David Daleidens on the left.

    Reputable reporters have been busted for truly minor offenses like using false identities as part of an undercover sting, but I can't recall any of them committing felonies, then trying to get their political enemies to join in the felonies so they can turn around and bust them, like David Daleiden did. Real reporters report on wrongdoing -- they don't try and create it.

    Nor do I recall any reputable reporter selectively editing video so that interviewees appear to be saying the exact opposite of what they actually said, which is James O'Keefe's modus operandi in everything he's ever produced.

    Legit media would blackball journalists who behaved that way, but garbage right-wing media lay out the welcome mat for these unprincipled liars all the time. That's exactly why they are garbage right-wing media.

  50. Well said Minister Of Truth.

  51. Well said Minister Of Truth.

  52. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Orwell would feel outdone. He never could have grasped the capacity of the negro for self-delusion.

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