Saturday, February 06, 2016


Image result for CAM NEWTON IMAGES

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Bra, I told you to keep your politics to yourself. 

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Shake it off, bro. Be grateful you aren't Johnny Manziel and blew it for good.

  2. Don't worry, you and Big Boi will get back together and make another album.

  3. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Bro, what has happened to our man Ben Carson? Looks like he has crashed. Hell, I knew they were just stringing him along anyway. After Obama, there won't be another black President, EVER!

    1. You wish anon 1952.

      Carson/Cain 16!

  4. Bra, i wanna kiss you all over... For now i will settle on nibbling on your ear..

  5. Limpbaugh9:18 PM

    Your team's name is an insult to American Indians. Change to the Maryland Redskins.

  6. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Cam: Trayvon Martin would have turned 21 today if he hadn't taken a man's head and beaten it on the pavement before being shot.

    RG3: We won't be truly free until we can bash motherfucker's heads in without fear of being shot.

    Cam: It's nice being rich though.

    RG3: Word.

  7. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Cam: Stop crying,your mascara is running!

  8. Anonymous10:51 PM

    RG3 thinks: I don't mean to be rude but...negro please let go of my head!!!

  9. Cam: You still married to Becky?

    RG3: Yeah man.

    Cam: Don't worry, she'll dump your Black ass right after Washington dumps your Black ass.

  10. The Ministry2:10 AM

    Cam: Why the long face? It's because the Redskins are going to cut you, isn't it?

    RG3: Naw, man. Abe Vigoda. Did you hear? Abe Vigoda died. For real, this time.

    Cam: What?! Not Abe Vigoda! Sergeant Fish from Barney Miller? That brotha was my world! I can't handle this! Superbowl is cancelled ...

  11. Anonymous2:33 AM

    The Ministry said...

    Cam: What?! Not Abe Vigoda! Sergeant Fish from Barney Miller? That brotha was my world! I can't handle this! Superbowl is cancelled ...

    2:10 AM

    Cam: You think I can wear the zebra pants again? They do have black stripes after all! But nah...the yellow kills it for a funeral right RG3? Help me here bro! Man I need me some solid black jeggings,er,I mean meggins bro...right?

  12. Pilot@7:41, and MOT@2:10. 1-2 so far.

  13. Cam: It's ok my brotha. We've overcame slavery, Jim Crow, the klan and Ronald Reagan.

    RGIII: We've come so far. Yet we still have battles to fight.

    Cam:Indeed my brotha. We will overcome our bigotry, our violent ways and fear of diversity.

    RGIII: You mean we will be free to think, act and feel anyway we want?

    Cam: Yes my brotha. The democrat plantation days will end.

    RGIII: I will be free to vote Republican?

    Cam: Well.... IIIIII.... Let's take it slowly

    RGIII:At least we won't have blacks like field and white liberals calling us uncle toms, sell outs and putting us on white people who use to be black lists just because we left the plantation.

    Cam:Amen my brotha.

    RGIII: Wait, what are you doing????

    Cam: i just wanna stick my tongue in you ear you sexy brotha...

  14. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Cam: About 4% of black male shooting deaths are at the hands of police, versus 12% for white males.

    RG3: Wow. Did not know that.

    Cam: So the idea that the police are committing widespread racist murders against blacks is absurd.

    RG3: So why are so many people up in arms over the police shooting black men?

    Cam: George Soros needs them to be.

    RG3: That evil old Jew at it again?

    Cam: Haters gotta hate.

    RG3: Motherfuckers.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous2:20 PM

    If you get one that's not rainbow-colored, it means you're homophobic.

  17. I'm restricted by the relative lack of availability of XXL 65 cms, Porkpie hats.

  18. PC, go with the black. You can't miss with that. I like those, BTW. :)

  19. Have you seen ESPN trying to make the Super Bowl into a race war?

    On the ticker last night, they conducted a “fan poll” seeing whether Cam Newton is disliked because of his race.

    A couple days before I saw Newton in a press conference, he says he doesn’t want to talk about race, that he was misunderstood. And the sportswriters won’t stop talking about it!! Why? Isn’t it a big issue?!? Don’t you think there are still stereotypes about black quarterbacks?!? They were really treating him like a child unable to understand how truly important all this stuff is.

    Never mind that the “criticism” of Cam Newton is never attached to names of actual people, except one unfortunate women who wrote a letter to a newspaper. Journalists literally imagine criticism, then they literally imagine that this criticism must be about race. I hate these jock sniffing losers. The sports media is like the regular media, just much stupider.

  20. Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud!

  21. Black Privilege6:24 PM

    Must be nice.

    Newsweek: “It’s horrifying to imagine kids being proud to be white.”

  22. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Go Denver!!!

  23. I'm black and I'm proud!!!!!!

  24. Proud White Guy11:10 PM

    Must be nice.

    Newsweek: “It’s horrifying to imagine kids being proud to be white.”
    We know we know, it's so hard being white. Talk to James not Bold, maybe he can give you a pep talk about being white.

  25. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Put a towel over your head Bro,and wont nobody pay attention to ya!!!!

  26. Anonymous4:09 PM

    be some shuckin' and jivin' tonight with alot of chimping to cover up the inferior. big mouth had his a$$ handed to him in what is the first of many times to come for sure.

  27. "Hey, cuz, don't get so down. You're not really black anyway. You'll definitely get another shot."
