Saturday, February 27, 2016


I need a caption for this pic.

Example: My god! That thing on his head moved on its own.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Woman screaming at the top of her lungs: OH MY GAT! AT LEAST YOU HAVE HAIR, BUT FIELD IS JEALOUS 'COS HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY!!!!!

    AHAHAHAHAHAHALOLOL! Gotcha Field!!! x*D

  2. Limpbaugh9:23 PM

    "Ladies please! Stop throwing your panties at me."

  3. "It's ALIVE!!!! NOOOOO!"

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Lance Cockstrong10:27 PM

    I have no teeth and no brains but I give great head ...

  5. Lance Cockstrong10:47 PM

    Ooooohhhh Butt Trumpet ... When you talk dirty to me I could just SCCCRRRREEEAMMMM !!!

  6. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Trump you have the kind of hair we need in the WH. It's blond, long and beautiful.

  7. Anonymous11:22 PM

    OMG! I can't believe the Mexican President cussed you like he did. I hope you will smack him 27 ways to Sundays.

  8. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Your just as ugly close up.

    Your just as ugly close up.

  9. WTF is that on your head????????????????????? Kill it kill it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. "Amarillo Woman Frozen In Terror When Demon Flicks Her With Forked Tongue"

  12. Anonymous3:52 AM

    "You're shipping the NIGGERS out, too?!? Oh, Donald, I love you more now than ever!!!"

  13. Anonymous3:56 AM

    "How did you know I was wearing satin panties?!?!?"

  14. Wow. Did you see the klan get their asses whipped out in Cali? Dumb asses didn't see that coming huh?

  15. Why do all white lives matter demonstrations end in violence?

  16. Lance Cockstrong said...
    I have no teeth and no brains but I give great head ..


    That's what makes you a great gay pornstar.

  17. Trump said to woman: "That's right, madam... You just won the grand prize to touch the golden locks. Nah... Just kidding cause that would be disgusting!!"

  18. #BlackLivesMatter supporters getting kicked out of Hillary campaign events? Hilla the hun must be scared of those super predators.

    1. This is my point of contention with TLHNC: Though admirable pointing out double standards of leftist media, doing so without balance or perspective practically conveys a sense of tone deafness.

      It's totally understandable a substantial number of the electorate are not in agreement with progressive policies and have articulated valid misgivings about the Clintons and President Obama.

      In the case of Hillary's more than 20-year-old speech citing "super predators" very misleading the complex crime issues of that time and the 21st century included the majority of young people who are indeed showcasing the promise of America's best and brightest.

      Hillary Clinton on ‘superpredator’ remarks: ‘I shouldn’t have used those words’

    2. BTW, TLHNC... And I say this to fellow conservative commenters as well: It's because of the insight you share that, I'm especially grateful for the additional facts. Though there's a tendency seeking sources confirming preconceived viewpoints, on most occasions, painful truths are revealed, for which it's a huge disservice exclaiming racism and/or other biases when not liking what someone has to say.

  19. teh stupid8:33 AM

    PilotX said...
    Wow. Did you see the klan get their asses whipped out in Cali? Dumb asses didn't see that coming huh?


    The klan got their asses whipped so bad the only ones stabbed or had to seek treatment at a hospital were the protesters.

    Ku Klux Klan rally in Anaheim erupts in violence; 3 are stabbed and 13 arrested

    Scary to think you fly planes with what you see..

    1. You DID actually see the video of the event right? Nevermind, why would you do that? You must have missed the klan actually getting stomped!

  20. Anonymous8:57 AM

    The KKK is a despicable little hate group but they have a right to protest don't they without being attacked? Or is it just hate groups like BLM that that have that privilege in this country?

    As to the caption. Woman to Trump, "This little nobody named Field Negro in Philly is absolutely OBSESSED with your HAIR!"

  21. "Fuck, Daphne, run! He is a robot!"

  22. ctrl+halt+del9:39 AM

    "Anna and the King of I am"

  23. ctrl+halt+del9:42 AM

    Trump to miss next debate. Sprains tongue licking his eyebrow.

  24. The Ministry of Truth9:57 AM

    Trump: I love the poorly educated.* You "Real American" trailer trash give me such a warm feeling when you buy all my worthless merchandise and sign up for my get-rich-quick schemes.

    Orgasmic Woman: I'd do anything for you, Donald!!!! Have my baby!!!

    Trump: Don't touch me. (To aide) Hand disinfectant, please.

    (*Donald actually said this.)

    1. Speaking of Mr. Trump's request for hand disinfectant, if you missed it, YouTube the hilarious Saturday Night Live comedy sketch featuring Bernie Sanders being taken to task for not shaking a black woman's hand.

  25. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Actual Trump quote, not a slice of it, as follows:

    "We won the Evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated. We're the smartest people, we're the most loyal people."

    Donald Trump carried Nevada with the support of 45 percent of caucus-goers, 22 points clear of his nearest rival, Marco Rubio.

  26. The Rise and Fall of the BRA12:13 PM

    "The KKK is a despicable little hate group but they have a right to protest don't they without being attacked? Or is it just hate groups like BLM that that have that privilege in this country?"

    I think we know the answer to that question.

    America has been ruled by a racist tyranny for over 50 years now.

    But there is a storm on the horizon. Change is coming.

  27. The Ministry of Truth12:28 PM

    "But there is a storm on the horizon. Change is coming."

    There is a storm on the horizon for white racists. Disappointment is coming.

    Take pride in your contribution to electing President Hillary.

  28. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Too bad the election of Hillary means the end of diversity at MSNBCDNC.

  29. Lilac that was cold. U still an an Honorable Mention, though. :)

    Limbaugh@9:23 in the lead, and Anon@3:56 a close second.

  30. terminus12:59 PM

    "The KKK is a despicable little hate group but they have a right to protest don't they without being attacked? Or is it just hate groups like BLM that that have that privilege in this country?"

    I assume most of today's KKK work for the FBI, so if they are making a bigger fuss lately, maybe they've been ordered to.

  31. The Rise and Fall of BRA1:03 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "Take pride in your contribution to electing President Hillary"

    Even if the criminal Hillary is elected, it will only make the coming backlash that much harder. The racist regime is on its last legs.

    No justice, no peace.

  32. Anonymous1:11 PM

    PilotX said...
    Why do all white lives matter demonstrations end in violence?

    Because violent negroes attack anyone who disputes that only black lives matter.

    Blacks are violent, dangerous and evil.

  33. Remember, kids, Race Pride & Nationalism are horribly corrosive ideas that have no place in a Multi-Ethnic America:

  34. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Blacks are always attacking whites.

  35. Anonymous1:44 PM

    According to LA Times article, the KKK people were attacked first by the protesters.

    "Brian Levin, director of Cal State San Bernardino's Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, said he was standing near the KKK members when several protesters attacked them with two-by-fours and other weapons.

    Several of the Klan members jumped in the SUV and sped off, leaving three others to “fend for themselves,” Levin said."

    "Levin said he was standing next to Quigg when a crowd of protesters swarmed the Klan members. Levin said he pushed the Klan leader away as the violence continued and a protester was stabbed.

    Levin said he asked Quigg, “How do you feel that a Jewish guy just saved your life?”

    “Thank you,” the Klan leader replied, according to Levin."

    While the Klan is a horrible group of people, the people who attacked them were infringing on the right to protest. Do you support that right or not, Pilot x?

  36. Anonymous1:46 PM

  37. terminus1:48 PM

    "According to LA Times article, the KKK people were attacked first by the protesters."

    Of course. Violence is the prerogative of power.

  38. Anonymous1:58 PM

    PilotX said...
    You DID actually see the video of the event right? Nevermind, why would you do that? You must have missed the klan actually getting stomped!

    Who got stabbed? Who went to the hospital? Wasn't the klan.

  39. Anonymous2:39 PM

    field negro said...

    Lilac that was cold. U still an an Honorable Mention, though. :)

    Limbaugh@9:23 in the lead, and Anon@3:56 a close second.

    12:43 PM

    Hehehe, just loooove to bother you Field! But in a good way of course ;D

    1. Ha-Ha, Lila: Got another hearty chuckle happening to notice that Donald Trump's hair really is quite impressive when you look at pictures taken of him at a side-view or the back of his head.

  40. Hmm... Talk about importance of Staying Woke. Equally interesting is the gradual shift with progressive media that's cited in the comment section of "Why You Need To Care About What’s Happening To Melissa Harris-Perry."

  41. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Maybe Yisheng can get Melissa Harris-Perry a job washing glassware with her.

    1. Good Golly, Anon: What a weird way to announce Windex Glass Products are your spirits of choice **SIGH**

  42. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Melissa threw a public, childish fit by sharing her very antagonistic letter to nerdland with the world. In it, she insinuated her bosses and/or the network treated her like a "mammy" and a "brown bobble head". THEN she later said her treatment wasn't because she was a "black person". What?

    Harris-Perry may be great at her job. I don't watch her show so I wouldn't know. Her actions may be acceptable in academia for a tenured professor who can't be fired. But, I do know in a private sector business you don't shame your bosses in public.

    Thanks to her, her whole staff and production crew will likely be out of work. She must be so proud of herself.

  43. Anonymous3:45 PM

    She never should have quit MSNBC. She is not fit to work anywhere else.

  44. "Who got stabbed? Who went to the hospital? Wasn't the klan."

    A couple of people got stabbed by a coward using a flag as a weapon. Looked like a cornered animal. Now his buddies who got stomped and whooped like step-children, that shit was actually kind of funny. Though I do agree they should be free to exercise their first amendment rights.


    Klan got an old fashioned ass-whooping. And then ran off like cowards. Where was Odin?

  46. A deleted scene from They Live when they discovered The Donald was one of the aliens.

  47. Anonymous4:29 PM

    WHAT,you mean Obama's not leaving????

  48. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    Ha-Ha, Lila: Got another hearty chuckle happening to notice that Donald Trump's hair really is quite impressive when you look at pictures taken of him at a side-view or the back of his head.

    3:32 PM

    Good, 'cos like I always say, hearty chuckles are a good thing ;)

  49. United Executive6:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    "PilotX said...
    "stomped and whooped like step-children, that shit was actually kind of funny"

    You can take pilot out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out the pilot.

    All blacks are violent, dangerous and evil.

  50. J. Ralston10:48 PM

    PilotX said...
    "A couple of people got stabbed by a coward using a flag as a weapon. Looked like a cornered animal"

    Not that I support the Klan but I do support people who attack others in mobs getting stabbed by the people they do attack.

  51. OMG your uglier than I thought

  52. "Not that I support the Klan but I do support people who attack others in mobs getting stabbed by the people they do attack."

    Of course you do.
