Sunday, February 28, 2016

Disavowing Duke.

Image result for david duke image Unfortunately for some of my black brothers and sisters jigging can carry a burden. In the case of folks like Pastor Mark Burns, jigging for the likes of Donald trump can cause a crisis of conscience.

Knowing what he knows about David Duke , it is making it tough for him to keep supporting a man who has refused to disavow him and his endorsement.

So now, as any good house Negro would do, Pastor Burns is trying his best to rehabilitate his master to the masses by helping him do a little damage control.

"COLUMBIA, S.C. — Pastor Mark Burns is planning to have a talk with Donald Trump about the Ku Klux Klan on Sunday.
Burns is one of a number of black pastors who supports Trump’s presidential campaign and met with him last December. Since then, Burns has been traveling the country and speaking at Trump’s rallies. Yahoo News called him on Sunday to ask about Trump’s interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper in which Trump declined to condemn the KKK and former KKK grand wizard David Duke. Burns, who was at an airport flying between Trump campaign events in Tennessee and Alabama, said he had a “brief conversation” with Trump about the issue on Saturday night and planned to discuss it further at a meeting Sunday.
“We do have a meeting today about that very thing. … We’re leaving one rally and flying to … Huntsville,” Burns said. “We had a brief conversation last night prior to this interview. … We were going to discuss some things that need to be spoken so that he continues to be a unifier and be a president for all the people.”
Burns said he “absolutely” will be advising Trump to explicitly denounce the KKK.
“That’s one of the reasons why I am here, so I can help be that ear for Mr. Trump to make sure, you know, that he is coming across, because obviously … he wants everybody’s vote. Obviously, he wants to win. We want to win,” Burns said. “We want him to become the next president of the United States. But at the same time, he is not going to endorse any hate group, any hate group. And so, if that means coming out and saying, … ‘I don’t stand behind what the KKK stands for or what David Duke stands for,’ then that is what he’s going to do and say. That’s our advice.” [Source]
My "advice" to you Pastor is to stop jigging and save your breath. Donald trump knows exactly what he is doing.   
Finally,  there has been a lot of cases of killings in the news lately. We all know about the despicable acts of Cedric Ford, the man who took out the rage he felt after getting  served with a Protection From Abuse Order on innocent citizens and co-workers.  
Then there is that Uber driver in Michigan, the slaughter of that family in Washington by a family member, and the tragic way a rookie police officer lost her life on the first day of the job while responding to a domestic violence call in Virginia.
All these killings are sad and horrific, and they all have a familiar theme. 
A friend of mine who happens to be a homicide detective here in Philly, once told me that over 90% of homicides occur because of love or money. And my life experience tells me that this is true. It always comes back to those two things. Whether it's a drug dealer killing a rival for moving in on his corner, or a husband --or boyfriend--- being angry because his relationship isn't turning out the way that he wants it to.
Sadly, I suspect that we will soon learn that the Uber driver in Michigan killed for one of those reasons as well. If he didn't,  his actions might be the most disturbing of all.  
*Pic from


  1. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I rarely agree with Field, but Trump must unequivocally and publicly disavow any white supremacy groups and their endorsements.

  2. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Joke story right?

    Trump has never met Duke, never spoken with him, and publicly disavowed his unsolicited endorsement as soon as he heard about it.

    Obama, on other hand, sat in the pews of the racist, anti-semitic Jeremiah Wright for 20 years. He even had this scum baptize his daughters. He called him his "mentor".

    This is just a MSM attempt to tar Trump as "racist" and scare black folk into voting for Hillary. You should be ashamed.

  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    That pastor isn't "jigging" Field! He's 'dancing to a different tune' m'kay! :)He's merely trying to help.

    As for murders, I agree, usually they're committed for love,sex or money,except in the case of psychopaths. Why is there such violence in America?

  4. Anonymous8:52 PM

    An antique Clinton corruption-machine that is pro-war and suckles at Wall Street's teat will represent liberals.


    Because Field says so.

  5. It is interesting to me that the black vote coalesced perfectly around Hillary considering that there is no policy reason why blacks should favor her over Bernie.

    I am guessing the idea of a Bernie revolution is simply offensive to most blacks. As in, what's wrong with Obama's revolution?

    Also Bernie is basically an atheist, and I wonder if that was known on the ground in South Carolina. The Democratic machine runs through black churches; even I know that. That is why my state of Maryland rejected gay marriage in 2011, even though generally assembly is overwhelmingly Democrat. Of course they kept ramming harder and harder in 2012 with the help of all the national Democrats, until the bleeding bunghole of the legislature finally gave way.

    And when I say bleeding bunghole, I mean it.

    Delegate Tiffany Alston was the crucial flip from yes to no that turned the tide against SSM in 2011. Before the next legislative session, she found herself facing a 10 year prison sentence for corruption.

    So in 2012 she flipped back to yes on same sex marriage and escaped with a 1 year suspended sentence and $800 in fines.

  6. Anonymous10:21 PM

    This pissy name calling that is occurring now in the Republican primary is nothing compared to what will occur in the general election. It will be non-stop race baiting / charges of sexism lobbed by Hillary and her surrogates. The fun part is that not only does the Donald seem unfazed but that his supporters are as well. In fact, it seems to have the opposite effect. This is what the Democrats probably fear the most.

    It is not an accident that Meghan Kelly tried this right out of the gate. Like everything about Trump, it is hard to tell if this ambush about the David Duke was contrived or accidental. He must have known this was coming at some point.

  7. "This is just a MSM attempt to tar Trump as "racist" and scare black folk into voting for Hillary. You should be ashamed."

    As usual, the media is lying through its teeth. The entire premise is made up. Trump repudiated Duke immediately, and now, reasonably, is bristling at the ADL and SPLC’s attempt to force him to utter words. It’s their usual technique to humiliate people. “Workers of the World Unite” is not Trump’s style, and neo-Bolsheviks pushing him around could lead to some humor. This is their best card they’re playing, so we’ll see how it goes.

    Here's Trump's repudiation from Friday:

  8. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Get ready for 24/7 Trump = Hitler for the next eight months.

  9. Anonymous10:50 PM

    In 2016, you have to assume that any professed members of the Krispy Kreme Klub you see at every "rally" are 1/2 to 2/3rds FBI informants. I gotta think that whatever real white-power organizations there might be have moved on to a newer, more modern aesthetic & uniform. By pure coincidence the KKK re-emerged near Disneyland yesterday, not contrived at all, nosiree…

  10. The gop has taken on many bedfellows that they may end up regretting in the future. This pastor is just one of many who seem to be selling their souls. Log cabin Republicans support a party that is exceptionally anti-gay, Stockholm syndrome? Anyhoo, this election and seems to be similar to 2004 to me in which many people aren't excited about the candidates and really just have to choose the least bad option. Maybe some Bernie supporters are excited but for many it;s more of voting against something than voting for something but hey sometimes it be's that way right?

  11. "Why is there such violence in America?"

    I guess we're either good at it, used to it or both.

  12. You asked10:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Why is there such violence in America?"

    Two words: Black people.

  13. The truth11:19 PM

    "Why is there such violence in America?"

    Two words: white assholes.

  14. teh stupid ™11:22 PM

    Field, you need a serious troll filter to keep assholes like You asked from contaminating this site. Teh stoooopid in that one is astounding.

  15. @PX, America was invaded by European Whooteemoos in the what, 1600's?

    These hateful fools are their demon seeds that with continued global warming, will eventually become extinct.

    1. Yeah, the whole insult blah folks everyday is getting old. We get it, they don't like us now can we move on?

  16. Chris Rock was at his absolute funniest tonight at the Oscars!!!

    Fight the power played when he entered the stage and at the closing credits was BRAVO!!!

  17. Don't you blacks get tired of constantly whining and playing the race card every chance you get? Aren't you ashamed that you are basically represented by the likes of Lance "Muh Dik" Cockstrong and "Strong Black Woman" a.k.a. Black Klan member Yisheng?

  18. Anonymous2:06 AM

    All whites are violent, dangerous and evil.

  19. Bowl of Jelly2:25 AM

    The ignorance displayed here is staggering.

  20. Anonymous3:10 AM

    "All whites are violent blah blah blah ..."

    Not yet, Sambo. But after the cucks and SJW's go by the wayside, the ones that are left will be.

    You want a glimpse of the future? Watch a couple of WWII docs. Then imagine that as your daily life. The last few days of it, anyway. ;)

  21. "An antique Clinton corruption-machine that is pro-war and suckles at Wall Street's teat will represent liberals.


    Because Field says so."


    Who knew that Field wielded such enormous power?

    All hail to the Fieldster...

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. '''man who has refused to disavow him and his endorsement. '''

    Lies. Lies. Lies. This just shows how desperate the left is getting.Hillary is a liar and poor,low energy campaigner who doesn't want the media see what poor health she is in. Donald J. Trump disavowed Duke before field posted his lies. Donald J. Trump disavow Duke 7 times on the Today Show. How many times do you leftwingers want Donald J. Trump to disavow Duke? 10? 20 Times?

    American voters want to talk about the issues. Donald J. Trump is talking about the issues.

    The left and liberal media wants to smear Donald J. Trump and provide cover for Hillary. Good luck with that.

  24. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Racists like yishengcow are so stooopid. She will never been smart like Asians. This causes Yishengcow to become bitter has she cleans the sh*t out of our toilets.

  25. The Ministry of Truth8:25 AM

    The nominees are currently shaping up to be Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. If that prediction comes true, get ready for the dirtiest general election campaign in US history.

    Trump is a stinky turd, and everyone, including the leaders of his party, knows it. So they will see their only shot at taking the White House as trying to make Hillary look even stinkier than he by inventing copious outlandish lies about her.

    Republican functionaries are building a bigger slime machine and mixing up a big batch of extra-strength slime as we speak.

  26. The Ministry of Truth8:40 AM


    Melissa Harris-Perry's MSNBC show has been officially cancelled. I can see why she was frustrated with being sidelined, with the network going in a different direction to add more reportage and her show's airtime being cut to make room for that reportage.

    However, it seems like she unnecessarily took this to DEFCON1 and made this personal and racial, and in the process burned a lot of bridges on that network and potentially others. Does she even want to continue in broadcasting? It's not clear based on her actions.

  27. I spoke on the MHP situation a few days ago and so have many other progressive websites with educated Black folks like VerySmartBrothers

    Burned bridges? She's a TENURED professor for goodness sakes! And she has a LARGE following of people (like me) that are just waiting on her to show up on the OWN network or BET.

    Tap dancing for "others" isn't a long term career gig for SOME of us, ya' dig?

  28. The Ministry of Truth9:14 AM

    "Tap dancing for 'others' isn't a long term career gig for SOME of us, ya' dig?"

    Except that from where I'm sitting, it looks like the alleged demand for "tap dancing" mostly existed in her own head. Look, media outlets change focus all the time. If, say, you're a talk-radio DJ, and your station decides to change formats and start playing Mexican music instead, you're out. It's not really anything personal.

    I wouldn't expect her to be happy about this turn of events, or to remain at MSNBC if their new format means they're not going to let her do the kind of show she wants anymore, but why make it harder for herself if she wants future broadcasting gigs?

    Then again, maybe she doesn't. Maybe she does just want to go back to teaching full time.

  29. MHP is a fringle kook who has zero cred and even smaller ratings on MSNBCDNC.

  30. '' inventing copious outlandish lies about her.''

    We'll leave the lies to Hillary and the Democrat party. We just have to present Hillary's record...

  31. Except that at places where your work and contributions are valued, they have a meeting with you, specifying terms that should obviously also be in writing, then like adults you BOTH move on from there.

    No, they were trying to save face after WEEKS of marginalizing her and her show. But then they realized they'd made a mistake after considering the potential negative feedback, and tried to put her back on air.

    Of course we live in a country where the President is punked on a regular basis so the fact that it happens to the "rest of us" isn't all that surprising. And that's the main reason why I have my own business which I'll build full-time following my Dr. title.

  32. The Ministry of Truth9:38 AM

    "No, they were trying to save face after WEEKS of marginalizing her and her show. But then they realized they'd made a mistake after considering the potential negative feedback, and tried to put her back on air."

    Hmmm. It sounds like a pretty standard management-labor dispute.

    She "went on strike," refusing to appear on air at all because her bosses weren't giving her enough airtime. At that point, discussions began about what could be done to keep her happy, since they hadn't meant to fire her in the first place. Who knows if those would have led to any mutually agreeable solution between her and management, but things hadn't broken down at that point.

    When she sent her angry email and allowed it to be published outside MSNBC, that's when someone in management lost his temper and officially canned her.

  33. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I agree, The Donald should have disavowed Duke and embraced Robert Byrd!

  34. So, let's suss this out:

    It's apparently okay to hate:

    - White people
    - Gay people
    - Asians
    - Jews
    - Latinos

    But it's not okay to hate:

    - Blacks

    World Ends, Black People Most Affected.

  35. The Ministry of Truth10:08 AM

    "I agree, The Donald should have disavowed Duke and embraced Robert Byrd!"

    Well, let's see.

    Robert Byrd stopped advocating for racist causes way back in the '50s, and stopped being alive five years ago. And yet wingnuts are still seemingly obsessed with him.

    Meanwhile, both David Duke and most of Trump's followers are still proudly racist here in 2016.

    I don't really see how any sane person could consider those two things to be equivalent. You can go on pretending the GOP isn't about hate, but Trump's candidacy conclusively proves a large segment of it is motivated by exactly that.

  36. Black Delusion Matters10:52 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    @PX, America was invaded by European Whooteemoos in the what, 1600's?

    These hateful fools are their demon seeds that with continued global warming, will eventually become extinct.

    Note: This person considers herself "educated" and a "scientist".

  37. Anonymous10:55 AM

    The Ministry of Goo said...
    "Meanwhile, both David Duke and most of Trump's followers are still proudly racist here in 2016."

    "Most" of Trumps followers are racist? Really? How did you divine that fact?

    Yisheng is racist. PilotX is racist. Field himself is racist. Are they following Trump?

  38. '' You can go on pretending the GOP isn't about hate, but Trump's candidacy conclusively proves a large segment of it is motivated by exactly that.''

    Based on what? Your hatred?

  39. rainmaker11:07 AM

    Every time the Liberal establishment feels threatened, they go nuclear with accusations of "racism".

    When the Tea Party was making it difficult for the Democrats to push their agenda, we had the fake spitting story, photoshopped pictures, and character assassination pieces that painted a Constitutionalist, limited government movement as "racist".

    When Bernie was making traction against Hillary, Soros sent his BLM lackeys out to disrupt his rallies and send the message to blacks that Sanders was "racist".

    Now an old fool klan nut from the 1980's, completely on his own, says he endorses Trump and we are supposed to take it to mean that Trump is racist? Fuck you.

  40. Anonymous11:09 AM


  41. Anonymous11:10 AM

    '' You can go on pretending the GOP isn't about hate, but Trump's candidacy conclusively proves a large segment of it is motivated by exactly that.''

    So jobs, security, and stability are "racist"?

    What else holds the Democrat coalition together other than hatred of white Anerica?

  42. Anonymous11:14 AM

    That is all they have. Hatred of the people they depend on the most, white America.

  43. At some point, are white people going to be able to say what direction they would like the country to go in without getting called racists?

  44. The Ministry of Truth11:23 AM

    "'Most' of Trumps followers are racist? Really? How did you divine that fact?"

    I dunno, maybe from multiple polls of his followers that clearly indicate higher levels of racism than for any other candidate of either party?

    Like this one:

    A newly released poll shows the populist power of Donald Trump:

    "These findings dovetail with multiple public opinion polls showing that Trump performs best among anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim Republicans. Doug Ahler and David Broockman have also shown that Trump is particularly popular with Republicans who have conservative positions on immigration and liberal positions on taxes.

    These findings also support the idea that Trump’s appeal mirrors Nixonian populism’s blend of racial conservatism with tacit support for the welfare state — a blend often seen in Europe’s right-wing populist parties as well as the presidential bid of George Wallace."

    Measuring Donald Trump’s Supporters for Intolerance

    "According to P.P.P., 70 percent of Mr. Trump’s voters in South Carolina wish the Confederate battle flag were still flying on their statehouse grounds. (It was removed last summer less than a month after a mass shooting at a black church in Charleston.) The polling firm says that 38 percent of them wish the South had won the Civil War. Only a quarter of Mr. Rubio’s supporters share that wish, and even fewer of Mr. Kasich’s and Mr. Carson’s do.

    Nationally, further analyses of the YouGov data show a similar trend: Nearly 20 percent of Mr. Trump’s voters disagreed with Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves in the Southern states during the Civil War. Only 5 percent of Mr. Rubio’s voters share this view.

    Mr. Trump’s popularity with white, working-class voters who are more likely than other Republicans to believe that whites are a supreme race and who long for the Confederacy may make him unpopular among leaders in his party. But it’s worth noting that he isn’t persuading voters to hold these beliefs. The beliefs were there — and have been for some time.

    Trump's most dedicated followers are working-class white bigots. There is now a mountain of evidence to support this.

  45. The Ministry of Truth11:25 AM

    That should be these ones. I listed two polls.

    And there is plenty more evidence than just those two.

  46. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Wow, working class whites are "bigots" by definition and deserve no representation of their interests.


  47. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Wallowing in fake racism stories and slavery porn is destroying what's left of black America.

  48. Good white man11:35 AM

    "Wow, working class whites are "bigots" by definition and deserve no representation of their interests."

    Look, as a white man, if I find out Donald Trump doesn't properly reject my interests and disavow anyone who supports them, IT's OVER.

  49. if you can hear a dogwhistle you are a dog11:38 AM

    racism is bad
    dogwhistles are bad
    racist dogwhistles are super bad
    don't be a racist dogwhistle

  50. Seriously, though, has the KKK had a meeting that wasn't run by the FBI since 1972?

  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I rarely agree with Field, but Trump must unequivocally and publicly disavow any white supremacy groups and their endorsements.
    8:01 PM

    Oh shit. The apocalypse is upon us.

    I have seen the Seventh Seal broken open. Geesh.

  52. Jasmine12:02 PM

    Is this supposed to be a real issue? Has any American politician accepted a Klan endorsement since 1927?

  53. Anonymous12:03 PM

    The ADL is a Jewish supremacist group. I hope all the candidates renounce them too.

  54. Biased polling from PPP and disagreeing with liberal positions doesn't equal hate. Weak sauce at best.

    Let's look at what else is said by Doug Ahler and David Broockman

    Donald Trump is a textbook example of an ideological moderate

  55. Donald J. Trump has disavowed Duke for the 15th time a few minutes ago. How many more times does Donald J. Trump have to disavow Duke in order to please the left and liberal media?

    When will the left demand Obama disavow Louis Farrakhan's endorsement and support?

  56. The Ministry of Truth12:18 PM

    "Donald Trump is a textbook example of an ideological moderate"

    Did you read that article? The point of it is that the label of ideological "moderate" is mostly bullshit.

    A large percentage of people who call themselves "moderates" aren't moderate at all. They simply have a mixture of what might be deemed liberal and conservative views, and some of the views are, in fact, quite extreme.

    Some of Trump's voters do indeed hold what might be termed moderate, or centrist, maybe even slightly liberal economic views. But they also hold extreme, repellant far-right racial views. They are NOT moderate.

  57. The dominate political ethos in America today is extreme, repellant anti-white racial views.

  58. The KKK gets resurrected at election time to smear White people and boost the Black Vote. Like an old Cartoon Villain.

  59. What gives blacks such a sense of entitlement? Affirmative Action from their white liberal masters? Please explain it to me. I'm dying to know.

  60. btw, the President of the Academy in Hollywood is a black woman.

  61. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Louis Farakkhan and Mike Tyson have said very nice things about Trump. That doesn't make Trump a Black Muslim, does it?

    American politics is a joke.

  62. Jesus Rodriguez2:42 PM

    The Left Has No Clothes said...
    '''man who has refused to disavow him and his endorsement. '''
    Lies. Lies. Lies. This just shows how desperate the left is getting.

    Actually, this is less the "left" than it is the Republican establishment trying to frag their front runner ahead of Super Tuesday. Cruz, Rubio and even Romney have signed on to this farce. They are too clueless to realize that if they take Trump down, they all go down.

    It's not going to work. More and more people are starting see through this crap.

    Trump '16.

  63. "What gives blacks such a sense of entitlement?"

    That the overwhelming majority of white people in America can be called racist and oppressors and Klanspeople and feel nothing about the constant bombardment of their character except a sense of altruism and guilt and a desire to shovel upon black people every single little thing they demand, which just creates a self-perpetuating cycle of black people crying, white people giving in, black people insulting, white people taking it, black people shouting oppression, white people giving more.

    Why wouldn't blacks have such a sense of entitlement? Just look at how it is at a place like Mizzou. These morons, with objectively below average intelligence juxtaposed against collegiate intellects, could not make it in school already taking nonsensical softball courses like AA studies and race theory. So, what to do to get even easier courses and black professors who will judge them for being black and not for being students? Invent racism! Lie about the police using excessive force. Lie about a black protester being ran over. Lie about the KKK on campus. Lie about Shitler leaving a poop swastika on the wall. Lie, lie, and lie some more, and people who thrive on the entitlement mentality, like Field, hold them up as heroes when it's objective reality that they lied their asses off to get every single one of their demands met. Now not only are they getting even easier courses, and funding for those courses, but they have effectively made it illegal for a white person to say anything to a black person that may hurt feelings.

    These are motherfuckers born in the late 1990s! We're not talking about people who had to step off the sidewalk for whites or had to watch their family members swing in trees or who were blasted with water hoses. These are people who grew up with money in a first-world nation, yet they were still taught that if ever they need something, pull the race card and demonize white people!

    The horrifically brutal irony is that blacks know the vast majority of whites go out of their way to placate every petty grievance they have, yet whites are still held to be this collective group of oppressors who are somehow causing 3/4 population of bastards and generations incapable of speaking proper English. Proof that you can bite the hand that feeds.

  64. "These morons, with objectively below average intelligence..."

    Oh good grief, he's off again.


    Yes Josh, you are very very intelligent.

    Really, really, really intelligent.

    Josh you are very clever, very, very, very clever - much cleverer than any darkies.


    Now that we have established beyond all reasonable doubt just exactly how much cleverer you are than us, will you please go away and bore some other poor suckers?

    I'm guessing you don't get invited to many parties.

    1. PC, isn't that the m.o. Of every troll here? To prove us negroes are inferior and let us know how much superior they are? How is your buddy any different?

  65. Kanye Luther King III3:27 PM

    Josh said...
    "Proof that you can bite the hand that feeds."

    Hey, it's a good gig. Why not milk it dry?

  66. Trollio5:14 PM

    PilotX said...
    PC, isn't that the m.o. Of every troll here? To prove us negroes are inferior and let us know how much superior they are?

    No, it is to counter the ridiculous bullshit that gets spewed here. This bullshit probably harms blacks more than anyone, but we don't do it out of the goodness of our hearts, we do it because it is destroying our country.

    A lie unchallenged becomes the truth.

    I know you would prefer this site to be an echo chamber where your misconceptions are never challenged, but Field, to his credit, keeps it open. Most of the internet is closed - you have plenty of options for intellectual circle jerks if that's what you want. Oherwise, stop whining.

  67. MSNBC reporter asks for an opinion from a black guy expecting he'd denounce Trump. He doesn't. Talking head wets herself. Hilarious.

  68. Anonymous5:46 PM

    This is why you can't trust the media. Black guy doesn't follow the media agenda so they start the spin process.

    Maybe Field could put this guy in his House Negro of the Day box for saying "It's got nothing to do with Donald Trump. We're all Americans. I think we gotta stop with all the racist stuff and the race baiting".

  69. Seriously though, why do blacks always expect everyone else to have their backs when they rarely stand in support of anyone who isn't black?

  70. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I agree, Daniel.

    If black people continue to tell all white people long enough that bad decisions by black people are white people's fault most of us will turn a deaf ear.

  71. Anonymous7:08 PM

    "...most of us will turn a deaf ear."

    Most of us have.

    Black Lives Matter...based on a lie: "hands up, don't shoot" was a lie.

    Trayvon Martin.....attacked George Zimmerman and ended up dead....good riddance.

    "Safe spaces" on College Campus....oh, please...grow up.

    The Oscars are to white.....maybe better performances would earn you -- a Black person -- a nomination.....and, no, a movie about NWA is not a better performance.

    And let us not even talk about the all of the fake hate crimes that never were committed.

  72. I long for the day when blacks don't wallow in their own victimization and self-centeredness. Alas, I doubt that day will ever come, especially since your white liberal masters actively encourage it.

  73. Black success = whooteemoo and 1/2 gookeymoo, concave ass tears!!

    Now will someone please KICK over those pillars of salt, ROTFL?!?!?!

  74. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Yisheng = nigger

  75. Blacks succeed in spite of white interference. Fuck you crackers! Fuck you honkies! Fuck you pale faces! Fuck you whitey!

  76. Black Delusion Matters9:15 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Black success = whooteemoo and 1/2 gookeymoo, concave ass tears!!

    There are many successful blacks in America. You are not one of them.

    Note: This person considers herself "educated" and a "scientist".

  77. Lance Cockstrong9:19 PM

    Bad ear piece? Bad hair piece? You will have to do better than that Butt Trumpet.

  78. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Let's take the wayback machine to...2008!

    YIM RUSSERT: "Do you reject Farakkan's support?"
    BARRACK OBAMA: "(stammers) Well, uh, I can't say to someone that he can't say I'm a good guy."

  79. Field, I heard your racist trolls are robo calling folks. Is that true, lol??

  80. I haven't noticed any half gookeymoos in Trumps audience.

    Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.

  81. Ironymous9:54 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    "Field, I heard your racist trolls are robo calling folks. Is that true, lol??"

    four minutes later:

    "I haven't noticed any half gookeymoos in Trumps audience."

    Talk about things that make you go hmmmmmmmm!

  82. Anonymous10:11 PM

    As has been pointed out above, she considers herself "educated" and a "scientist".


  83. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Yisheng = nigger
