Monday, February 22, 2016

Making Virginia "happy".

Image result for virginia mclaurin imagesBless Virginia McLaurin's heart.  She got to dance with America's first black president and his wife in the White House.

A lot of the folks on my twitter timeline said that they were tearing up after watching the video of Miss Virginia, and they were feeling proud that they voted for America's first black president.

Miss Virginia has had quite a life. She was born in the South in 1909; she remembers the country being led by President Hoover; she remembers using kerosene instead of electricity; she remembers using a well for water; and  she remembers seeing a Ford automobile for the first time. [Source] 

Sadly, when Miss Virginia was coming up in America, there was no civil rights for black people, so I can only imagine the unspeakable indignities that she suffered here in the "land of the free."

"I tell you, I am so happy," she told President Obama.
"A black president, yay, and his black wife."

Go on and shake your feet Virginia. You deserve it.

Finally, after reading about Virginia, the following article is apropos:

"Let's say you're driving down the street and someone rear-ends you. You get out of your car to assess the damage. The person who hit your vehicle gets out of his car, apologizes for the damage and calls his insurance company. Eventually, you receive a check for the harm done. 

Now, let's say that for years, if not generations, your family and families like yours have been damaged by your country's political and economic system -- by law and widespread practice, with the intent of benefiting families not like yours -- then the checks for the harm done would be called reparations.

Beginning with more than two centuries of slavery, black Americans have been deliberately abused by their own nation. It's time to pay restitution.

Black activists and intellectuals have been making that point with increasing volume over the last few years, turning what was an obscure thought problem into a political issue. The question of reparations has even entered into the Democratic primary, with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) struggling to explain to black voters why he has built such a strong social justice platform on every issue but this one. 

Sanders was put on the spot last month when a reporter asked him if he would support reparations as president. "No, I don't think so," he said, describing the likelihood of congressional passage as "nil" -- as if those odds normally stopped him.

Every year since 1989, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) has introduced the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act. As the name indicates, H.R. 40 does not require reparations. It simply calls for comprehensive research into the nature and financial impact of African enslavement as well as the ills inflicted on black people during the Jim Crow era. Then, remedies can be suggested.

Every year, the bill stalls.

Fifty-nine percent of black Americans think that the descendants of enslaved Africans deserve reparations, according to a June 2014 HuffPost/YouGov poll. Sixty-three percent of black folks support targeted education and job training programs for the descendants of slaves. 
Most other Americans still aren't listening.

Ta-Nehisi Coates, perhaps the most prominent voice now pushing reparations, laid out why black Americans deserve even more than repayment for slavery in a sweeping 2014 article, "The Case for Reparations." The exploitation didn't stop with the Emancipation Proclamation, so any restitution must reckon with the discrimination that followed and deal with the living victims of these ills.
Last month, Coates criticized Sanders' decision to shy away from the issue:  
If not even an avowed socialist can be bothered to grapple with reparations, if the question really is that far beyond the pale, if Bernie Sanders truly believes that victims of the Tulsa pogrom deserved nothing, that the victims of contract lending deserve nothing, that the victims of debt peonage deserve nothing, that that political plunder of black communities entitle them to nothing, if this is the candidate of the radical left -- then expect white supremacy in America to endure well beyond our lifetimes and lifetimes of our children.
Let's change that -- let's bother to have the hard but necessary discussion of what black Americans are owed for what was taken from them. If reparations ever come, what would they look like?" [More]

The author goes on to say how reparations would be paid  for and who would be eligible to receive it.

I know one person who would be eligible, and she was dancing at the White House last week.





  1. That dance was the happiest thing that I've seen since the orange haired Kleagle rode the golden escelator into the rednecks wet dream.

  2. I've spoken on reparations before, educational reparations /student loan forgiveness is the BEST way to go IMHO.

  3. Ms. Virginia sounded so proud to see a Black president in her lifetime!

  4. Professor White11:17 PM

    Jesus, just think how much in reparations Yisheng has gotten in her life.

    All for nothing.

  5. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Sadly, when Miss Virginia was coming up in America, there was no civil rights for black people, so I can only imagine the unspeakable indignities that she suffered here in the "land of the free."

    Why do you have to imagine those "unspeakable indignities"? Miss Virginia never said any such thing. You take a nice story about an old lady and you project your neurotic fantasies on her life story.

    You are a pathetic little man.

  6. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Ta-Nehisi Coates is truly a great man. His voice is powerful and righteous. He speaks with dignity, integrity and eloquence. He truly is the James Baldwin of our times. God bless him.

  7. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Why do you have to imagine those "unspeakable indignities"? Miss Virginia never said any such thing. You take a nice story about an old lady and you project your neurotic fantasies on her life story.

    You are a pathetic little man.

    11:22 PM
    Only a pathetic little racist with no understanding of American history would say what you said. YOU are the pathetic one, callous and hardened to the suffering of human beings.

  8. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Reparations? You mean ON TOP OF the trillions we've been spending on welfare, food stamps, law enforcement, set-aside jobs, etc. all these years?

    Boat rides. That's all we owe you.

  9. Lance Cockstrong11:47 PM

    I would dare say that if Congressman Conyers was running for president he would not be at the forefront of the reparations issue. "Why Precisely Is Bernie Sanders Against Reparations?" asks Coates. I would pose a different question ... Why precisely is the onus on Sanders to advocate for such and not Clinton (or for that matter Obama)? Perhaps Sanders directness in addressing this (and every) issue (in this case that it would be divisive, which it would be, are Native Americans not similarly entitled?) at the expense of political expedience is being turned against him? Clinton whose response is invariably rehearsed self-indulgent politesse, gets a free ride. I would also dare to open this can of worms ... If such reparations were agreed on, would that settle any and all grievances (standard language in legal settlements) and force the black community to relinquish the right to other remedies such as affirmative action?

  10. You'll vote for Hillary and you'll like it. So STFU already.


  11. Anonymous11:52 PM

    @ Queen Shitstain -

    Obama is not black! He doesn't act black, didn't grow up black, doesn't think black! He's a WASP who just happens to be half-black!

  12. I am glad my mom got to see a blah President before she passed. i posted a pic of my parents with Barack when he was running for the senate. Just wishing more of our ancestors had seen him win.

  13. Well, in all seriousness, at least people are finally getting around to admitting that they voted for Obama only so he'd be the first black president. It's been 7 damn years of people crying "racist" every time that's been insinuated for a reason so many people voted Obama.

    Now, if that's not a way to ensure that individuals are judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, then I dunno what is.

    Next up, we need a female, a Jewish person, an Italian, a Latino and Asian. Wonder if black folks will be so gung-ho to see those firsts, or will y'all continue to prove yourselves the most regressive demographic in America? lol Time will tell...

  14. "You mean ON TOP OF the trillions we've been spending on welfare, food stamps, law enforcement, set-aside jobs, etc. all these years?"

    No no no, we are talking about blah people not whites. Catch up.

  15. Blogger PilotX said...
    I am glad my mom got to see a blah President before she passed. i posted a pic of my parents with Barack when he was running for the senate.

    I had the same thought of how proud our ancestors would be too!!!!

    Of course, seeing how poorly he's been treated probably makes them roll over in their graves!!

  16. Mr. Coates is a very eloquent and articulate writer, and Miss Virginia made my whole day. In another video she talks about her sister, who is 108. They must be doing something right.

    -Doug in Oakland

  17. The Cobbler3:02 AM

    Josh, you are the scrotum of existence.

  18. The Fixer5:21 AM

    That dance was the happiest thing that I've seen since the half breed rode the hope and change train into the white liberals wet dream.


  19. Anonymous5:29 AM

    I don't know why people on FN attack Josh..he is a nice guy who speaks the truth.

  20. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I'm glad Mother Jefferson got to meet the first blah president.

    dinthebeast said...
    In another video she talks about her sister, who is 108. They must be doing something right.

    They must be taking white folks medicine. HA!

  21. Anonymous5:40 AM

    FN brings up Sanders being against freebies for blahs but doesn't mention obama and Hillary being against reparations. I wonder why?

  22. Lance Cockstrong7:36 AM

    Here is a news flash for Ta-Nehisi Coates ... The Sanders revolution ain't gonna happen (in no small part no thanks to you) so if reparations is to become a reality you will have to start tightening up on The Third Black President to make it happen.

  23. Funny, Cruz gat a pass for undermining Dr. Carson, but when the brown "White boy" Rubio is thrown under the, now all of a sudden he needs a staffing change.

    He must be more Whooteemoo than a person of color.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why do you have to imagine those "unspeakable indignities"? Miss Virginia never said any such thing. You take a nice story about an old lady and you project your neurotic fantasies on her life story.

    You are a pathetic little man.

    11:22 PM

    My mother is a wonderful woman. She retired after 45 years as a school teacher, she has a Master's degree, a house of her own, and a retirement of her own making.

    Just two days ago, she spoke of the indignities of segregation. In all my 45 years, it's one of the few times I've ever heard her speak about it and the look in her eyes and on her face was something I'll never forget. She didn't talk about it long and quickly changed the subject but the hurt, the pain, the questioning of's still there and it will never go away.

    Just because black people who lived then choose not to dwell on those days, doesn't mean they'll forget them.

    And it doesn't mean that those of us who didn't live then are willing to deny the sheer ugliness and despair of what our elders lived through.

    These black people are not our Ancestors - they are our Elders - still alive to tell the tale of what they have lived through.

    The indignities black people are made to suffer now are merely less frequent but no less severe. Wee are not going to let white people forget or justify their racist behavior because it makes them feel better. Most of all, we are not going to allow a descent into that type of tyranny for any of us - black, white or any shade in between - because we know what that truly means.

    The most disgusting part of the fight against black equality is that white people fight and continue the argument against their own liberty and don't even realize it. Talk about stupid.

    So yes, Miss Virginia suffered what President Obama called "the usual petty slights of racism," in his book The Audacity of Hope.

    That's the whole reason for the dance. That after all she and all black people in this country put up with in the name of white arrogance and pride, that she can stand in the highest house in this nation and dance holding the hand of a black president and his black wife.

    Miss Virginia knows what is at stake. Do you?

  25. Anon@8:16, that was well stated. Thank you.

  26. Great post, Field, If reparations won't make your trolls go off the deep end... well, come to think of it, they don't need any help!

    As a can opener for public discussion, I'm in favor of every American becoming familiar with reparations math, at least. May lead to leveling the playing field a bit, at least... or softening a few thick skulls?

  27. Black Privilege11:06 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Just wishing more of our ancestors had seen him win."

    Oh, they'd still be complaining.

  28. Anonymous11:51 AM

    ThatDeborahGirl said...
    "Just two days ago, she spoke of the indignities of segregation"

    I have sympathy for your mother, as I would for anyone who has been treated unfairly. It seems as though in the end, America has done right by her, and has come a long way is righting the kinds of wrong that created a system where people did not always treat her with the dignity she deserved.

    I don't completely know what life was like before I was born, and I don't believe everything I am told. I am a little older than you, and I do know what life in America is like now. Your mother's living testimony is more valuable than a biased history book, but there are other mothers still around too.

    What about the indignities of forced integration? The millions of white people who lost their life savings when their home values crashed? The millions forced out the cities they had built? The millions of white people raped and robbed at the hands of their new neighbors? The tens of thousands of white people murdered by the blacks the government pushed into their communities?

    Things were segregated for a reason. It wasn't because white people were just plain mean, spiteful, or thought they were superior. It was out of a rational choice for safety and security.

    Individual black people are wonderful. I admire many parts of black culture. The majority of blacks are decent folks. Some of the best, most moral individuals I have known have been black. But collectively blacks are an unacceptable hazard to live with. Their youth will run wild. They will steal everything that isn't nailed down. They feel entitled by the past to hurt whites, and they will kill you with no provocation.

    Today, the black community responds to the horrific level of crime in their communities by protesting the police sent there to try to control it. They'll burn down entire cities in memory of some thug with a 20 year rap sheet before they'll tell the police the name of the guy that shot their cousin.

    This site likes to focus on white pathology but turns a blind a eye to the truth. The numbers don't lie, cross racial violence is overwhelmingly black on white, and it has been for generations. The numbers are so bad the media and the government downplay them, but everybody knows. It's not racism, it's basic survival.

    Field can wallow in whatever indignities his imagination can conjure up that Miss Virginia might have experienced 100 years ago, but it won't change a thing about today. Reality won't go away, it has to be looked square in the eye if you want to change it.

  29. @11:51, is a reminder that a middle aged Whooteemoo is the worst kind, nostalgic to relive the stories of it's parents that tortured and castrated/killed Blacks at will, resistant to the browning of America.

    The world not just America, will be FAR better off the sooner it and "it's people" drop dead with a thunderous morbidly obese thud!

  30. 电源1:34 PM

    Yisheng reminds us why she is the worst kind of human being alive. The corrupt and unsustainable system that inflicts her presence on the good people of the earth is coming to an end. She will die as miserable as she was born.

  31. B. Real2:46 PM

    anotherbozo said...
    I'm in favor of every American becoming familiar with reparations math, at least. May lead to leveling the playing field a bit, at least

    The last thing Black America wants is a level playing field.

  32. Anon@11:51, is the worst kind of racist. It sees and picks out individual blacks to glorify but stereotypes blacks as a collective. How pathetic is that?

    I submit to you, Anon, that it is not the blacks you choose to demonize who are the problem.Rather it is the system in place to keep them where they are (a system which was set up for your benefit) you should be focused on.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Bless her little heart. Wiping tears from my eyes.

  35. Politics is a dirty business. Give you an example. Gov. Chris Christie trade his donor list to Marco Rubio for a half-dozen lemon filled krispy-kreme doughnuts. That's right. The fat bast*rd couldn't hold out for a full dozen.

    Gov. Chris Christie betrayed Donald J. Trump. But whatever. Enjoy your doughnuts.

    There is one candidate who isn't bought and paid for by wall street. There is one candidate who isn't in the back pocket of Soros or Koch. That candidate is Donald J. Trump . We can count on Donald J. Trump looking out for us and making America great again. Donald J. Trump will win Nevada tonight and sweep the dirty south. And it's on to the house...

    Ms. Virginia will be dancing a jig with Donald J. Trump come January...

  36. Don't give her a quarter3:31 PM

    "Ms. Virginia will be dancing a jig with Donald J. Trump come January..."

    Ms. Yisheng will be dancing a jig on the sidewalk outside Trump Tower in February...

  37. The Fixer ™3:34 PM

    That dance was the happiest thing that I've seen since the orange haired Kleagle rode the golden escelator into the rednecks wet dream.

    There, fixed it properly.

  38. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Anon@11:51, is the worst kind of racist. It sees and picks out individual blacks to glorify but stereotypes blacks as a collective.

    Isn't that what a thinking person does? Recognize individuals for who they are, and groups for what they are?

    You constantly trumpet your stereotypes of white people. Stereotypes exist because they convey some truth about the group that is useful in evaluating people you don't know personally.

    The "system" in place in this country certainly does not benefit me, which is why I want to see it smashed. You are the one speaking Power to Truth.

  39. The Fix is in5:08 PM

    That dance was the happiest thing that I've seen since the half breed rode the hope and change train into the white liberals wet dream.

    There, fixed it properly.

  40. "Rather it is the system in place to keep them where they are..."

    So all of Earth has the same system now. Holy shit, white people. You've rigged the game everywhere! lmmfao

  41. The Fixer ™7:17 PM

    That dance was the happiest thing that I've seen since the orange haired Kleagle rode the golden escelator into the rednecks wet dream.

    There, fixed it properly.

  42. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Imagine all of the things she has lived through and seen!

    The first ever motor cars, the first ever planes! Wow! The stories she could tell!

    And there she is using a smart phone!!! Bless her heart!

  43. The Fix Is In10:28 PM

    That dance was the happiest thing that I've seen since the half breed rode the hope and change train into the white liberals wet dream.

    There, fixed it properly.

  44. The Fixer ™1:53 AM

    That dance was the happiest thing that I've seen since the orange haired Kleagle rode the golden escelator into the rednecks wet dream.

    There, fixed it properly.

  45. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    ThatDeborahGirl said...
    "Just two days ago, she spoke of the indignities of segregation"

    I have sympathy for your mother, as I would for anyone who has been treated unfairly. It seems as though in the end, America has done right by her, and has come a long way is righting the kinds of wrong that created a system where people did not always treat her with the dignity she deserved.

    I don't completely know what life was like before I was born, and I don't believe everything I am told. I am a little older than you, and I do know what life in America is like now. Your mother's living testimony is more valuable than a biased history book, but there are other mothers still around too.

    What about the indignities of forced integration? The millions of white people who lost their life savings when their home values crashed? The millions forced out the cities they had built? The millions of white people raped and robbed at the hands of their new neighbors? The tens of thousands of white people murdered by the blacks the government pushed into their communities?

    Things were segregated for a reason. It wasn't because white people were just plain mean, spiteful, or thought they were superior. It was out of a rational choice for safety and security.

    Individual black people are wonderful. I admire many parts of black culture. The majority of blacks are decent folks. Some of the best, most moral individuals I have known have been black. But collectively blacks are an unacceptable hazard to live with. Their youth will run wild. They will steal everything that isn't nailed down. They feel entitled by the past to hurt whites, and they will kill you with no provocation.

    Today, the black community responds to the horrific level of crime in their communities by protesting the police sent there to try to control it. They'll burn down entire cities in memory of some thug with a 20 year rap sheet before they'll tell the police the name of the guy that shot their cousin.

    This site likes to focus on white pathology but turns a blind a eye to the truth. The numbers don't lie, cross racial violence is overwhelmingly black on white, and it has been for generations. The numbers are so bad the media and the government downplay them, but everybody knows. It's not racism, it's basic survival.

    Field can wallow in whatever indignities his imagination can conjure up that Miss Virginia might have experienced 100 years ago, but it won't change a thing about today. Reality won't go away, it has to be looked square in the eye if you want to change it.

    11:51 AM

    You are one sick, racist son of a bitch if you believe any of the claptrap you posted.

  46. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Reality is a bitch, Deborah. A sick, racist bitch.
