Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Lying about a movement.

Image result for beyonce lives image   Folks in the majority are up in arms over a couple of recent performances from black entertainers.

Beyoncé Knowles  (Carter) and Kendrick Lamar recently found their black side as they performed for a national audience and it made some folks uncomfortable. "This is too much". It is anti police. It is glorifying the Black Lives Matter movement. Who are these Panthers? Weren't they black terrorist? What about little white girls? " And on and on it went. There were even calls for a boycott of the artists and various forms of hand-wringing from my white friends.

And then, to top it off, police officers who have sworn to serve and protect are now refusing to protect Beyoncé's bayou bootie.  (Don't worry Bey, the NOI has your back if needed.) Something about her Formation video being anti-police. I saw the video and the only issue police should have with it is that the police car she was sitting on seemed to be sinking so quickly.  One of them  (police officers) is even blaming Bey for shots being fired outside of his home as well as what he perceives is an uptick in police killings and shootings.

But alas it seems that this is all a bunch of crap. Beyoncé and the Black Lives Matter movement is not the reason police officers  are being killed.

In fact.....

"..... According to a New York Daily News column written by Shaun King, seven out of eight officers killed by gunfire in the United States so far in 2016 died at the hands of white men. (The Officer Down Memorial Page cites nine police deaths by gunfire; the Daily News left out the death of Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics special agent Lee Tartt, also killed by a white man.) 

The deaths of the seven officers killed by white men, cited in the Daily News, seem to follow no other noticeable pattern.

In January, Ohio police officer Thomas Cottrell was found dead without his weapon or cruiser and was later discovered to have been shot by a man named Hershel Jones. According to NBC, Jones' ex-girlfriend called in a tip earlier that night, stating he had "left with weapons and was looking to kill an officer."

Phillip Ferry, who had 41 prior arrests, fatally shot Seaside, Oregon, police Sgt. Jason Goodding, making Goodding the first officer in the state to die in the line of duty since the 1800s.

Hartford County, Maryland Sheriff's Deputy Patrick Dailey and Deputy Mark Logsdon were both killed when David Brian Evans shot Dailey in a Panera Bread. Logsdon was killed in the ensuing shootout.

Utah officer Douglas Barney was killed by gunshot at the hands of 31-year-old Corey Lee Henderson. North Dakota officer Jason Moszer was killed when he responded to a domestic disturbance, and is suspected to have been shot by Marcus Schumacher. Seventeen-year-old Austin Holzer is alleged to have killed Colorado officer Derek Geer while Geer was questioning him. 

The only officer killed by a black person was Major Gregory "Lem" Barney — the first black police chief in the history of Riverdale, Georgia — who was shot by a man named Jerand Ross. 

"These shootings have nothing to do with Black Panthers or modern black activism," wrote King in his column. "That, though, is the popular story in America right now and it is nothing more than a lie."' [Source] 

Lies, yes. But it fits the narrative that some folks want to push. You know, that one about those "evil black folks."

Even if they are just entertainers.

*Pic from alternet.org.


  1. ''Lying about a movement.''

    Which is what you have been doing to the Tea Party and the Donald J. Trump movement.

    Hypocrisy, hypocrisy...

    Speaking of lies, is Shaun King black or white?

    ''But alas it seems that this is all a bunch of crap''

    What's crap is you and the racial fraud ignoring the police that were killed( and the violence and racial attacks) in the name of black lies matter last year....

    1. Left or right same racist bird and why do you obsess over black people so much you daily have to come to this website. Black people don't go to stormfront. And no black person wants to read your racist tripe. Mingle with your open racists right wing friends or your liberal not as open racists friends.

    2. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Go away white boy

  2. Clearly, if Beyonce is implying support of a movement to hold cops accountable for their actions, it can only mean she wants cops dead.

    If I were a cop, I'd be embarrassed to be making thata rgument. It's essentially, "If people are going to look at the reason behind my shooting people, then I can't do my job!"

  3. Queen B's familial net worth is 1 BILLION!

    It's BEEN past time for her to tell racists which sides of her a$$ to kiss, LOL!!

    I guess the "take unecessary $hit off racists" days of America are slowly, but FINALLY coming to an end! Personally, I wish they'd take their asses to Mars or somewhere, I'm sure NO European country wants their sorry asses back!

  4. Well maybe those white guys shooting cops WERE influenced by BLM and Beyonce. If Bey told any white guy to do something I'm betting they would. But seriously, anything associated with blah people will immediately be branded racist and anti-white because this is the history of projection and guilt. They know that when they think of white pride ect it automatically means a hatred of people of other hues and they simplistically associate that with any and all other groups while blah folks sometimes just want to let themselves and others know we are proud of ourselves and not the animals they portray us as. You can see a lot of that projection right here. I recall you saying you watched the film about the Panthers, in it you can see the same language and projection onto them that the BLM movement has projected onto it today.

  5. Anonymous7:29 PM

    "It's BEEN past time for her to tell racists which sides of her a$$ to kiss, LOL!!"

    Given its size, that would take months, if not years.

  6. Flat ass lover7:33 PM

    Given its size, that would take months, if not years.
    Maybe but it's better than a flat assed white woman.

  7. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Everything Beyonce does smells of money, lol. And I'm 100% against the glorification of the black Panthers. Just like NWA, everyone seems to forget how vile and misogynistic these men were to black women.

  8. Rachel Dolezal7:48 PM

    "..... According to a New York Daily News column written by Shaun King"

    You quoting that fake negro?

    I suppose that's appropriate. One phony citing another.

  9. King Bee7:50 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Queen B's familial net worth is 1 BILLION!

    Yisheng thinks rich people should be allowed to support hate groups.

    I guess "thinks" is giving her too much credit.

  10. Anonymous7:54 PM

    In fact, an African-American is 60 times more likely to be killed by a fellow African American than he is by a white cop, and more whites than blacks are victims of deadly police shootings.


  11. White Lies Matter7:59 PM

    more whites than blacks are victims of deadly police shootings.

    Unarmed? Wonder what that statistic is.

  12. Troll Smasher8:00 PM

    Yisheng thinks rich people should be allowed to support hate groups.

    Go the fuck away troll. Take your dumb ass and play in traffic.

  13. Fear makes people do strange things.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. crrl+halt+del9:15 PM

    "Never not be afraid."

    Grug Crood

  15. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Bernie Sanders has a dog which is also named Bernie Sanders.

  16. Eric "My People" Holder9:17 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    Fear makes people do strange things.

    Like blame the police for crime.

  17. Joe Gravee9:20 PM

    Bernie just came up with a new campaign promise: Free brunch.

    That's something I can get behind, as I usually sleep too late for breakfast but I am way too hungry by lunch time.

  18. Melissa Harris-Perry9:23 PM

    I have been very conflicted by a lot of things ever since my third grade teacher told me plants are alive.

  19. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Mummies are different from Zombies how?

  20. Dick Brisket10:22 PM

    Nasreen Iqbal said...
    "If people are going to look at the reason behind my shooting people, then I can't do my job!"

    Sun chips know nothing of the star for which they are named.

  21. Now I see10:29 PM

    PilotX said...
    "white pride ect it automatically means a hatred of people of other hues"

    So black pride means hatred of non-blacks?

  22. Nigmund Freud10:33 PM

    PilotX said...
    I recall you saying you watched the film about the Panthers, in it you can see the same language and projection onto them that the BLM movement has projected onto it today

    Maybe if both groups didn't call for violence against whites and police, people wouldn't "project" an opinion that they are violent, pro-crime racists.

    Just sayin'.

  23. teh stupid10:34 PM

    Flat ass lover said...
    Maybe but it's better than a flat assed white woman.


    Well, since blah males perfer flat assed white women over fat stinky ass blah women.

  24. Bernie Sanders10:35 PM


  25. What is heard at black lies events-

    Pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon


    "What do we want? Dead Cops."


  26. Bernie Sanders10:46 PM

    All of my life people - family, friends, teachers - have been telling me that my fingers produce oil.

  27. PilotX said...
    '' I'm betting they would. But seriously, anything associated with blah people will immediately be branded racist and anti-white''

    Because typically it is racist and anti-white.

    ''They know that when they think of white pride ect it automatically means a hatred of people of other hues''

    Most white people who think white pride are proud of who they are. It's blacks and white libs who gets their panties in a bunch and cry HATRED!!!

    ''I recall you saying you watched the film about the Panthers, in it you can see the same language and projection onto them that the BLM movement has projected onto it today.''

    Did this film talk about the violence and murder associated with the panthers? We see the same level of violence and murder with the white liberal funded black lives matter movement.

    Of course it is racist to point out your behavior....

  28. Lance Cockstrong12:40 AM

    Zombies get Mummies pregnant

  29. The Real Lance Cockstrong1:31 AM

    I am the cum bucket of a dead cock.

  30. http://www.blackenterprise.com/technology/black-owned-business-receives-largest-shark-tank-funding-in-shows-history/

    Check it Doc and Field, two brothas made the biggest splash on the Shark Tank. It gets better, the company's COO is a pilot (of course).

  31. teh stupid1:55 AM

    So black pride means hatred of non-blacks?

    Teh stoooopid is strong in this one.

  32. teh stupid2:21 AM

    We see the same level of violence and murder with the white liberal funded black lives matter movement.
    Yeah, none. Teh stoooopid is very strong in this one.

  33. Limpbaugh2:30 AM

    Maybe Beyonce would be a good candidate for Field Negro of the Day. Getting in the racists' faces is very admirable and field.But the half time show should have only had two Black Panther dancers. They could have had them chasing around a Fox News viewer voter who was holding a Donald Trump sign.

  34. The Ministry of Truth2:58 AM

    "If I were a cop, I'd be embarrassed to be making thata rgument. It's essentially, 'If people are going to look at the reason behind my shooting people, then I can't do my job!'"

    What they're effectively arguing is that identifying and prosecuting bad cops might give ALL cops a bad name, so the best solution is to just sweep it under the carpet and let bad cops continue to be bad.

    But no one would make that same argument with respect to other groups. We all know that busting black gangbangers sometimes ends up reflecting badly on ALL black people. When Pookie and Ray Ray do the perp walk on the ten o'clock news, accused of some heinous act of violence, we know that some viewers will, unfortunately, conclude that all black people are like that. And yet, I don't think any sane person would seriously suggest that Pookie and Ray Ray be allowed to run amok with impunity, so as to not incite prejudice against black people.

    Of course you can probably point to instances where BLM has gotten it wrong, where they suggested that a completely justified shooting was, in fact, unjustified. You can find instances where they used intemperate or unfair language. BLM is not above criticism.

    But the cops can't be above criticism either.

  35. teh stupid6:35 AM

    We see the same level of violence and murder with the white liberal funded black lives matter movement.

    Why does every blah movement result in violence and murder?

  36. teh stupid6:39 AM

    Limpbaugh said...
    They could have had them chasing around a Fox News viewer voter who was holding a Donald Trump sign

    Trump is a 9-11 truther just like you limpbaugh. Trump is a Fox News conspiracy theorist just like you limpbaugh.

    I'm suprised you're not supporting Trump.

  37. Hey Field, wonder if you've heard this story:


    A UCLA professor was called racist, and guilty of a “micro-aggression” against black students for correcting grammar and spelling issues on their papers. A protest was organized and students claim the professor has created a hostile climate on campus for his actions.

    They were also angry about being asked questions about their "epistemological and methodological commitments".

    How does this attitude help black students become educated?

    Are ignorance and poor grammar now considered black cultural values?

  38. Anonymous12:45 PM

    GIRL and boy, both 17, charged with vicious attack on decorated Iraq War veteran in McDonald's after asking him if 'black lives matter'
    Two teens detained and police were still seeking a third on Tuesday
    They 'attacked Iraq vet Chris Marquez who served eight years active duty'

    Marquez was eating at fast food joint 'when the teens attacked,' police say

    The trio accused him of being racist then got violent, CCTV footage shows
    Marquez says it was a 'hate crime', and was targeted because he is white

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3461507/17-year-old-girl-boy-charged-vicious-attack-left-decorated-Iraq-War-veteran-unconscious-outside-McDonald-s-asking-black-lives-matter.html#ixzz416n3X7ch

  39. Interesting paper for racism chasers:


    This study Brian Nosek, a psychologist who is a cofounder of the Center for Open Science and two colleagues at the U. of Virginia (Jordan R. Axt and Charles R. Ebersole) took a look at research in the social sciences and concluded:

    …we unexpectedly observed a social judgment bias favoring blacks over whites. In 5 subsequent studies, we established that this effect is robust, replicable, and appears to occur partly outside of awareness and control.

    The latter part of Nosek’s findings—“outside of awareness and control”—is important within the academic world because in recent years a party line has developed that white racism works on autopilot outside the conscious willpower. Since few whites will admit these days to believing that blacks and whites tend to behave differently on average, the rationalization has emerged that white racism is such a powerful mind-warping force that it works its evil whiles outside of human control. The academic mainstream assumes that white racism operates much like the CIA mind-control beams that crazy people pick up via their dental fillings.

    But Nosek’s original study and his five follow-up studies found the opposite. White people of all political persuasions tend to bestow honors upon blacks even when they are less deserving than whites. In a half-dozen studies, with a total sample size of 4,359 white people, whites consistently rewarded blacks for meeting lower standards.

    Nosek’s various studies repeatedly asked whites if they were being biased, and the majority claimed they were trying to treat the races equally. But they still exhibited a systematic pro-black bias:

    Participants, regardless of their explicit attitudes or political beliefs, appeared mostly unaware that they may have been comparing black applicants to a subjectively different standard than white applicants.

    Strong liberals were the most bigoted against whites. Moderate conservatives were the least antiwhite, but even they were still biased against their own race. And strong conservatives were even more discriminatory against whites than moderate conservatives.

    Read the whole thing:


  40. Clinton/Bloomberg 2016.

    You might have to get used to that idea.

  41. Another leftwing witch hunt comes to an end has Rick Perry is cleared of any wrong doing.

    I've got to give it to Obama. Floating Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval to fill Scalia's seat on the Supreme Court is a smart move. He's hispanic, moderate and very popular among Republicans. Unfortunately, Obama's moonbat base will never go for a moderate.

  42. I wonder if Beyoncé Knowles, Kendrick Lamar or anyone on the left will find their ''black side '' when it comes to the rise of violence in liberal cities.

    Chicago Homicide Rate Now Double Same Time Last Year

    The city has recorded at least 95 homicides since the first of the year, compared to 47 last year, according to data kept by the  Tribune. The city has also more than doubled the amount of people shot - about 420 this year compared to 193 last year. 

    Thirty-two people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, the youngest among them a 3-year-old boy shot in the leg in the Englewood neighborhood. 


  43. Pete the Pill2:55 PM

    I met a nice Puerto Rican lady last night. Nice to know they are not all dumbass cunts like lilac.

  44. Anonymous3:05 PM

    You'd be surprised how sexy Ted Cruz's tight white butt is. It complements his succulent wang and aromatic ballsack.

  45. Anonymous3:33 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Anonymous4:09 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Clinton/Bloomberg 2016.

    Nope. Hillary will have to pick a black or Hispanic as her running mate. The money seems to be on a Hispanic, particularly the suitably unaccomplished Julian Castro, but I'll bet Obama made a deal with her over the email investigation - pick a black running mate and we'll do what we can to stall on an ndictment. His favorite would be Corey Booker, another race-baiting, gay, first term senator like himself.

    Her first order of business should be picking a good lawyer. She's going to need one soon.

  47. Black Lies Matter4:11 PM

    "The city has recorded at least 95 homicides since the first of the year, compared to 47 last year, according to data kept by the Tribune. The city has also more than doubled the amount of people shot - about 420 this year compared to 193 last year.

    Thirty-two people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, the youngest among them a 3-year-old boy shot in the leg in the Englewood neighborhood."

    Time to start protesting the racist police.

  48. "Nope. Hillary will have to pick a black or Hispanic as her running mate. "

    Don't talk bollocks mate. It's not like African Americans or Latinos are going to vote for a Republican.

  49. Great new book out:

    'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

    by Colin Flaherty

    Available on Amazon.

  50. Anonymous4:51 PM

    The Purple Bollocks said...
    "It's not like African Americans or Latinos are going to vote for a Republican."

    Blacks won't turnout for a ticket without a black on it.

    Hispanics won't turn out no matter who is on the ballot, but Dems haven't figured that out.

    There is no way she picks Bloomberg.

  51. "Blacks won't turnout for a ticket without a black on it."

    Ladies and gentlemen, behold with wonder, the stupidest single sentence in the history of idiocy.

  52. The Nigger Yisheng6:07 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. Anonymous6:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "Ladies and gentlemen, behold with wonder, the stupidest single sentence in the history of idiocy."

    We shall see. Time has a way of showing who the real idiots are, something you have demonstrated to us over and over again.

  55. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Time to start protesting the racist police.

    Amen. Yes. I support Beyonce's fist in the air. Black panthers forever. Malcom X. Solid. Those racist police are shooting dozens of black men every weekend in Chicago and elsewhere in this racist country. Oops. Never mind.

  56. This place proves that blacks can indeed be racist. Your white liberal masters were wrong about that.

  57. "Ladies and gentlemen, behold with wonder, the stupidest single sentence in the history of idiocy."

    Don't know about that PC, right on this page are some really stupid statements.

  58. For the record, I'm agreeing that having Bloomberg as Veep candidate would be a stupid idea, but his people are saying that they have ben approached by Clinton's people to discuss the possibility.

  59. The Purple Cow said...
    For the record, I'm agreeing that having Bloomberg as Veep candidate would be a stupid idea, but his people are saying that they have ben approached by Clinton's people to discuss the possibility.

    In American politics, ANYTHING is possible these days.

    I just wonder how many lower class ignorant people in other countries have as strong a "voice" as those in the US.
