Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mr. Trump's America.

Image result for trump images  Congrats to Donald trump for winning Nevada last night.

It now seems that he is clearly on his way to becoming the republican nominee to be president of these divided states of America.

Seven years of unadulterated hatred for the man in the White House has gotten the republicans this mountebank to emerge as their leader. It couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch.

I have heard the constant refrain of, I don't support everything trump says, but I like the way he shoots from the hip, and I think he will shake up Washington.  He might in fact do those things, but you can't separate who trump is and what he represents from supporting his policies and the influence that he will have on the political class. 

The following article sums it up perfectly:

"Let's take a page from Donald Trump's book and ignore political correctness for a moment: If you support Trump, you support his sexist, bigoted and racist views.

There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. And this is especially true for GOP party leaders, elected officials and even community leaders.
Some have said things such as, "I don't like Trump's history of demeaning women, but I think he will be good for the economy." Sorry, you don't get a pass because you like one of his policy proposals. It's akin to saying, "I supported Hitler for his tax plan." And no, I'm absolutely not comparing Trump to Hitler. But Anne Frank's 86-year-old stepsister, Eva Schloss, who survived Auschwitz, did just that a few weeks ago, telling Newsweek that Trump "is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism."  So when elected officials such as South Carolina Lt. Gov. Henry McMaster or Republican New Jersey state Sen. Mike Doherty -- shockingly a person from my home state -- endorse Trump, we need to ask them why. Do they support resolving disagreements with women by publicly referring to them as "fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals"? Because Trump does.
And what about the other elected officials who have endorsed Trump such as Arizona Treasurer Jeff DeWit, Rhode Island state Rep. Joseph A. Trillo or Iowa state Sen. Brad Zaun. What moved them to endorse Trump?
Could it be these elected officials admire the way Trump stoked the flames of hate toward Latinos? His labeling of Mexicans as "rapists"?
Maybe they admire the way Trump bullied and mocked not one but two disabled reporters: Serge Kovaleski and Charles Krauthammer -- Trump despicably ridiculed Krauthammer, a man paralyzed from the waist down, as "a guy that can't buy a pair of pants."
Do these officials admire Trump's call to tread on the rights of American Muslims using warrantless surveillance? Perhaps they enjoyed his race-baiting story -- lacking in any factual basis -- that "thousands" of Muslims were cheering in New Jersey on 9/11 to celebrate the attacks on the World Trade Center?
Or perhaps these Republican officials are drawn to Trump for defending violence against those who dared to disagree with him at campaign rallies. The most alarming incident came in November at a Trump rally in Birmingham, Alabama, when a Black Lives Matter protester interrupted the candidate. The GOP front-runner called on the crowd to get the man out of there. His supporters then beat up the man, reportedly calling the black protester "the N-word" and a "monkey." Shockingly the next day Trump defended those actions, saying, "Maybe he should have been roughed up."
And Monday night, Trump again invoked violence in stifling dissent at a rally, telling the crowd as a protester was being thrown out: "The guards are being very gentle with him. I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you that."
We must assume that those who endorse Trump know this history, given that the media have widely covered it. We must also assume they are not just endorsing Trump's policy positions but his disturbing sexist and bigoted history as well.
The same goes for people such as former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who recently proclaimed he would vote for Trump if he wins the GOP nomination because he feels compelled to back his party's nominee. Sorry, you don't get a free pass by saying you are in essence "following orders" by voting for the Republican nomination. You have a choice.
That's exactly why well-known conservative Erick Erickson wrote an article Monday titled simply, "I Will Not Vote For Donald Trump. Ever." Erickson, who I have vehemently disagreed with in the past, has offered a profile in courage knowing Trump's minions and even fellow conservatives will attack him.
Erickson first calls out Trump as a "liberal masquerading as a conservative." He writes that he simply can't support a candidate who "preys on nationalistic, tribal tendencies and has an army of white supremacists online as his loudest cheerleaders." That is one of several good reasons that no good person should support Trump.
GOP party leaders, elected officials and community leaders must realize that if they endorse Trump, the rest of us will be forced to assume they are just as bigoted and hateful as he is. " [Source]
Think about that for a minute. Erick Erickson, of all people, will not support trump because of his bigotry and the bigots who support him. 
That's scary stuff. 
This might all be too late, though, because I am afraid the genie has already left the bottle.
As America we must now prepare ourselves for the very real possibility that Donald trump could be her next president.  
Calling the Mandeville, Jamaica  Parish office now to make sure that my taxes are caught up.   


  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Aw Field don't worry,everything will be fine,you'll see, you won't have to leave! ;)

    You wrote something really funny,like hahaha funny but I can't say what it was 'cos it's not pc and I'll get flamed real bad. But Ahahahaha! and it's true! Y'all know what it was x*D omg! hehehehehe!

    Well, see the thing is Trump's a guy that just says the first thing that comes to his mind! But, it'll be alright,or at least it will be fun to watch if nothing else! :D Imagine the gafs? omg! Ahahaha! I'm laughing will certainly have fodder for the blog, thas for sure! :)

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    To lilacpr2000: You said "Trump's a guy that just says the first thing that comes to his mind."

    I disagree. I don't think he says the first thing that comes to his mind.

    I think he says the first thing that comes to his mouth.

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    It will be two old white candidates again in 2016.

  4. Ewwww, Trump has THREE "baby mamas", ROTFL!!!!!

    "Baby Daddy In Chief", should he win the election!

    1. Have you seen the side by sides of Trump & pharmdudebro? He looks more like Trump than any of his kids do. I'm betting he had a little Albanian on the side in '82.

  5. Yep, Trump will make history with that one, with a First Lady whose nipple has been seen the world over!

    Baby Daddy and Nipplegate all rolled into one!!!


  6. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    Yep, Trump will make history with that one, with a First Lady whose nipple has been seen the world over!

    Baby Daddy and Nipplegate all rolled into one!!!


    8:59 PM

    You know Yisheng I hadn't even thought about that one! :D But I think that's good though! Because he can't be criticizing anyone because he's not lily white either! ;) and neither is his wife!

    They can't throw stones hehehehe...

  7. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Well, America managed to survive 7 years of a clueless, bigoted idiot who says stupid things and does even stupider things, and revels in his status of a celebu-tard, emphasis on the "tard", so it will just be more of the same.

    The only difference is the target of the bigotry, and that many people are genuinely excited about having a true First Lady grace the White House again. Melania is everything Mooch isn't - cultured, poised, graceful, sophisticated, stunningly beautiful, and well educated. It will definitely be a nice change. Lots of people already have countdown timers set to the final hour of this current travesty. It's nice to see so many Americans from across the political spectrum united in their excitement and anticipation for a change in management.

  8. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Ying-a-ling-a-ding-dong is upset because people actually see Melania as desirable, whereas the Wookie was an economic disaster for every magazine that put her on the cover. (And yes, this was confirmed by a family member who works in magazine publishing and distribution). The Wookie was a trendsetter, alright - the only FLOTUS that has ever had multiple sites dedicating solely to pointing out her coarseness and ghetto tramp mannerisms, and making a solid living doing so. Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, nope, the Wookie would lower her standards again. Ick.

    So glad this national nightmare is coming to a close.

  9. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Why is it only black women who are called names like "Mooch" and "Wookie"? Hell, I'm an old white broad and even I can see the racism from here.

  10. White Privilege9:49 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Ewwww, Trump has THREE "baby mamas", ROTFL!!!!!

    Unlike all the negroes that have knocked you up, a White Man like Trump pays to raise his kids.


  11. Anonymous9:51 PM

    "Some have said things such as, "I don't like Trump's history of demeaning women, but I think he will be good for the economy." Sorry, you don't get a pass because you like one of his policy proposals. It's akin to saying, "I supported Hitler for his tax plan.""

    Some have said things such as "I don't like Hillary's history of demeaning Americans with her lies, but I think she will be good for continuing Obama's failed policies domestically and globally." Sorry, you don't get a pass because you like Obama's failed policies. It's akin to saying "I support Hillary's lies, emails for her sorry international doings."

  12. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    "Yep, Trump will make history with that one, with a First Lady whose nipple has been seen the world over!"

    Nobody wants to see Moochelle's nipple, or yours either.


  13. Is Trump going to play the baby daddy song at his inauguration should he win??

    He can invite all his ex wife's to sing the chorus, lol!!

  14. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Is Trump going to play the baby daddy song at his inauguration should he win??

    You haven't said why you hate White People yet.
    Is it cause they're so pretty?
    White girls are really pretty.

  15. @PR, because Yrump is a rich White man, he gets away with things that NO minority and/or woman could EVER get away with!! Think Hilary could get elected with a Second husband? Could Pres Obama have been elected if his side ho/ turned second wife had been interviewed by Barbara Walters? HELL NAW!!!

  16. avsutton said...
    "Why is it only black women who are called names like "Mooch" and "Wookie"? Hell, I'm an old white broad and even I can see the racism from here"

    Ok, you are a Wookie Mooch.

  17. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Think Hilary could get elected with a Second husband?

    She couldn't get a second husband. The first one can't stand her as it is.

  18. Romney is getting in 'dat ass, watch out Trump!!

  19. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Could Pres Obama have been elected if his side ho/ turned second wife had been interviewed by Barbara Walters?

    Obama only got elected because he was black.

  20. Pete the Pill10:08 PM

    Yisheng is only allowed to think she can be a doctor because she is black.

  21. Anonymous10:10 PM

    The Affirmative Action mindset of blacks and other people of color makes them believe they can do any shit and get away with it.

  22. 20% of his supporters thing that freeing the slaves was a mistake. An additional 17% aren't sure. Ladies & Gentlemen: Trump voters.

    1. The stupid is so strong among some folks.

    2. The stupid is so strong among some folks.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. 10:10 PM
    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    20% of his supporters thing that freeing the slaves was a mistake. An additional 17% aren't sure. Ladies & Gentlemen: Trump voters.

    And 100% of that combined 37%, have "homes" with aluminum siding and wheels.

    No surpises here folks.

  24. At least the gop convention won't be the same old boring old white AARP gathering it always is. Looking forward to that, The Donald knows how to throw a party. But seriously he should be easier to beat than Rubio and it looks like the next President will get to choose several SC justices so this will bet the most important election in my lifetime. We can either have a solidly liberal or conservative SC. Let's see what happens.

  25. Yīshēng said...
    And 100% of that combined 37%, have "homes" with aluminum siding and wheels.

    What's the difference between a black man and a pizza?

    A pizza will feed a family.



  26. Check this.

  27. PilotX said...
    We can either have a solidly liberal or conservative SC. Let's see what happens.
    Financially, my family is better off with the Rethugs in the White House.

    But I'm voting Dumbocrat for social reasons, a conservative court could be damaging for a lifetime or more of middle class and minority/poor/disenfranchised folks.

  28. Lightning10:43 PM

    What's the difference between a black man and a bench?

    A bench can support a family!

  29. Whooteemoos are worried about deaths in Chicago while supporting Trumps statement to "punch someone in the face".

    Whooteemoo = enjoy the last vestiges of your white privilege while you can, ya' hypocritical mofos!!!

  30. @PX, WOW!!!! But so NOT surprising, Bubba and company need someone to latch onto into taking hits of heroin.

    Interestingly, people who are experts in history are saying that Trump's rhetoric seems strikingly similar to that of Hitler's before he gained national prominence in Germany.

  31. Pete the Pill11:12 PM

    Yisheng, if you were to ever gain power, you would essentially be a black female version of Hitler.

  32. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    But I'm voting Dumbocrat for social reasons

    To fit in with the other dumb people.

  33. "Interestingly, people who are experts in history are saying that Trump's rhetoric seems strikingly similar to that of Hitler's before he gained national prominence in Germany."

    Really? Cults of personality. This is where the country is headed but on another tip he seems to be using Reagan's old playbook but the problem is the economy is better today than it was in 1979.

  34. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    20% of his supporters thing that freeing the slaves was a mistake. An additional 17% aren't sure. Ladies & Gentlemen: Trump voters.

    10:11 PM
    WC you never cease to surprise me with the percentages you select and leave out! For instance, you have yet to mention the percent of Blacks who support and will vote for Trump.

    Why is that, considering over 25%+ Blacks will vote for Trump? I know why. You leftists and plantation Blacks want the rest of us to think 'no' Blacks will vote for Trump.

    Well, you be wrong. Trump will carry just as many Blacks(if not more) Lying Hillary.


      Currently he is attracting about 2% of the black vote (35% of the roughly 6% of blacks who vote fascist). He is doing better among Hispanics according to the Nevada entrance polls though, with 3% (40% of the 8% Hispanic fascist vote.)

  35. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Blacks like Trump. He's Rich & Funny.

  36. Anonymous12:13 AM

    PilotX said...
    "the economy is better today than it was in 1979."

    That's not saying much.

    This economy sucks:

  37. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Millions of suffering people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their lives, and Trump wasn’t one of those people.

  38. Anonymous12:18 AM

    We have a One Party state... with two factions - Democrats and Republicans. Trump is exposing that.

  39. President Upgrade12:18 AM

    Interesting, the majority of the manufacturing jobs lost were during W's administration and there was a uptick during the Obama administration.

  40. Anonymous12:23 AM

    The more things change..........

  41. President Downgrade12:25 AM

    Interesting, the majority of the manufacturing jobs lost were during W's administration and there was a uptick during the Obama administration.

    Um, no.

  42. Anonymous1:52 AM

    The Clintons and Trump are in cahoots together. Read the tea leafs!

  43. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Fuck the white race.

  44. Anonymous4:04 AM

    White people = flat ass pale face pieces of shit

  45. Seven years of hatred, spoken as if your side loved Bush or something. lmmfao

    Obama isn't hated anywhere near the level Bush was hated by y'all. The only difference is that for Obama y'all can say "'Cause he black!"

    And fittingly enough, when it was Obama V McCain, and the right was saying "After 7 years of hatred, we get this useless Senator as the Democratic nominee," here come the "'Cause he black" cries of racism.

  46. The Ministry of Truth5:32 AM

    "Currently he is attracting about 2% of the black vote (35% of the roughly 6% of blacks who vote fascist). He is doing better among Hispanics according to the Nevada entrance polls though, with 3% (40% of the 8% Hispanic fascist vote.)"

    I am enjoying the establishment Republican freakout. Panic is setting in as they realize that Trump is actually going to be their nominee.

    Unlike the Chumps for Trump, the establishment GOP are greedy and evil, but not dumb. They know how things actually work -- or at least how they did work, until recently. They've been hate-baiting for decades, getting a sizable chunk of working- and middle-class white voters to vote against their own economic interests for decades by deflecting blame for all the ills of society onto various categories of scapegoats. In the end, rich people have gotten a cornucopia of goodies (free trade, deregulation, union crushing, immense tax cuts), while bigoted Joe Sixpack got nothing he'd been promised, and his life just got worse.

    Well, now that's blown up in their faces. Joe Sixpack is revolting. (And I mean "revolting" in both senses of the word.) Since the base have been told over and over again that the "bad people" (mostly ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities) are at fault for every negative trend in American society, they now demand a candidate who implicitly promises to get rid of the "bad people," just magically make them go away. Trump is that guy.

    The establishment politicians can do math, and can easily figure out that fascistic Trump can't win a general election. They know damn well this means a Democrat will be sitting in the Oval Office next year. At this point, there's nothing they can do but rage and seethe, and try and pretend the rise of Trump is anyone else's fault but theirs.

  47. Usher5:55 AM

    Maybe once Obama leaves office blacks can stop being whiny and race-obsessed...oh wait, that will NEVER HAPPEN.

  48. Anonymous6:10 AM

    to Usher 5.55

    As one white person to another, I disagree with you. The biggest whiners under Obama have been the right wing nuts. It's been unbelievable! The politicians use any excuse not to do the work in Washington too. The 50% racial make up of the President is no reason not to do the job one was elected to!

  49. Anonymous6:14 AM

    At some point, Donald will reach the threshold of no more possible voters choosing him. We would get to that point much faster, say, if it was just him against somebody like Rubio. Because I believe that there are many people out there who will not vote Trump under any circumstances.

  50. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Mr. Field as a lawyer do you think we will ever see the day when these big mouths on TV or radio will be charged with hate crimes for the violence they "cause" their listeners to commit? (the AZ shooting after Palin has pic in crosshairs, the abortion clinic killer after the "baby parts" faked video, etc). It just seems to me that we are on very thin ice as a culture.

    Trump is one giant step backward for race relations-just think what he could do for international relations??

  51. Seems like only yesterday field was telling us Hilter references were not kool. Today field copies and paste an opinion piece by failed lawyer turned failed comedian Dean Obeidallah which has Hilter comparisons.

    Seems like only yesterday field was pissing and moaning about ''the majority'' telling lies about a movement. Today field copies and paste lies about a movement. The blah lies matter thug wasn't beat up. He had to be restraint because he was the one punching people. Least that is what the video shows....

    Hypocrisy, hypocrisy..

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. '' middle-class white voters to vote against their own economic interests''

    Love how the left thinks they are the ones who get to judge what is in another's best interests.

    Why should white middle class vote for a party (Democrat) that considers them the enemy? Why should the white middle class vote Democrat when only the top ten % have benefit from president obama's polices?

  54. PilotX said...
    Really? Cults of personality. This is where the country is headed

    The country is already here. The obama cult of personality is still alive and in living colour.

    Leftwingers typical lie and tell us Trump was born out of hatred of obama. Of course the have no proof. They onky have their own racist views and racial paranoia..

  55. teh stupid7:10 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    @PR, because Yrump is a rich White man, he gets away with things that NO minority and/or woman could EVER get away with!! Think Hilary could get elected with a Second husband? Could Pres Obama have been elected if his side ho/ turned second wife had been interviewed by Barbara Walters? HELL NAW!!!

    Cause no minority person has ever been elected to office who has been married more than once or has cheated on their spouses.

    Teh stooopid and racism is strong in this one.

  56. ジョニー ・ チャン7:39 AM

    field negro said...
    The stupid is so strong among some folks.

    Especially yishengcow. She has overdosed on stooopid. Yishengs eats up stupid like she eats chicken wings. She will never been smart like Asians.

  57. Quote:The Right Has No Brains

    "Love how the left thinks they are the ones who get to judge what is in another's best interests."

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    yeah right,and the Right would never do that to us.

    Couldn't happen, no sir.

  58. The Ministry of Truth8:31 AM

    "Why should white middle class vote for a party (Democrat) that considers them the enemy? Why should the white middle class vote Democrat when only the top ten % have benefit from president obama's polices?"

    Please. Only the criminally stupid -- such as the Chumps for Trump -- are unaware that the Congressional GOP is blocking Obama from passing the policies he'd like to pass.

    The Democrats aren't perfect, but they aren't the main ones who've been pushing bogus supply-side economic fantasies for the last four decades.

  59. The Ministry of Truth8:53 AM

    "Seems like only yesterday field was telling us Hilter references were not kool. Today field copies and paste an opinion piece by failed lawyer turned failed comedian Dean Obeidallah which has Hilter comparisons."

    Godwin's law does not apply to people who are accurately described as behaving like Hitler. People did not just pull a random insult off the shelf here. Trump is being called fascist because he is running a fascist campaign.

    Enjoy this lovely footage of a typical Trump rally.

  60. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Trump is a character but I doubt he is a bigot or a hater of immigrants. He has married two immigrants.

    The bitter vitriol and outright lies that have been lobbed at Trump during this campaign in the media are far worse than any ever lobbed at Obama. Such hypocrisy from this Amen chorus.

    The daily drum beat from the media and clueless liberals of white privilege, hate whitey, Bad Police, stupid Christians, evil NRA has been so destructive to our country. This concerted effort by Obama et al to divide the races and the classes has gone on too long.

    I have hope Trump will be a more inclusive leader than our current one. He has common sense and he isn't a weakling either

    The race baiters will be out of a job come November 2016.

  61. "Trump is a character but I doubt he is a bigot or a hater of immigrants. He has married two immigrants."

    Thanks for the laugh, I needed that this afternoon.

  62. Speaking of stupid Whooteemoos (pardon the redundancy), does anyone ever come in regular cntact with them? I really don't think I do spending the majority of my day in academic/medical/research settings. I THANK GOD EVERYDAY for an education, ambition, and goals!!

  63. The Trumpening11:21 AM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "Joe Sixpack is revolting. (And I mean "revolting" in both senses of the word.)"

    Modern science does not have the ability to measure faggotry on the scale of a MoT comment.

  64. White Privilege11:28 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    Speaking of stupid Whooteemoos (pardon the redundancy), does anyone ever come in regular cntact with them? I really don't think I do spending the majority of my day in academic/medical/research settings. I THANK GOD EVERYDAY for an education, ambition, and goals!!

    You THANK GOD EVERYDAY you get to be around accomplished white and Asian people, your long, plodding presence funded by taxes paid by the working class white people you despise and ridicule, even though you have no contact with them and thereby know nothing real about who they are.

    You are a horrible person.

    Karma will definitely be a bitch.

  65. President Downgrade11:37 AM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "the Congressional GOP is blocking Obama from passing the policies he'd like to pass."

    Like importing 100 million more Muslims, Mexicans and Chinese wage slaves? I'm sure black Americans would love how that works out.

    What great policies benefiting the American people has Congress blocked Obama from implementing?

    I suppose the Pelosi Congress never blocked anything Bush wanted passed, right?

    Every failure is always the fault of someone else when it comes to Obama.

  66. The Ministry of Truth12:13 PM

    "Like importing 100 million more Muslims, Mexicans and Chinese wage slaves? I'm sure black Americans would love how that works out."

    Do you buy your tinfoil hats online, or do you prefer to fashion them yourself?

    U.S. net migration, including illegal migration, is on the order of 0.5% of U.S. population per year. At that rate, it'd take something like 60 years to add 100 million people.

    Your response illustrates pretty much everything wrong with the average Trump-voting doofus: not giving a hoot about terrible real-world policies that are harming them right now, while raging and panicking over fictional policies that will never happen.

  67. Intersting tha BLM don't seem to be feeling Hilary all that much due to the policies of her husband. But I hope they come to realize that 1) Sanders isn't electable and probably can't be Trump AKA 3 "sets" of children".

  68. President Downgrade, please provide a link to back up your contention that the president is "importing 100 million Muslims, Mexicans, and Chinese" to this country.

    Take all the time u need. I will wait.......

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. President Downgrade12:57 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "U.S. net migration, including illegal migration, is on the order of 0.5% of U.S. population per year. At that rate, it'd take something like 60 years to add 100 million people."

    We've imported over 50 million in the past 50 years, if Obama got his way that rate would increase vastly. And even if it took 60 more years, you think the country would be a better place to live?

    Why do you alternate between crowing about the 'browning' of America and pooh-poohing the notion of demographic change? Are you dishonest or just stupid?

    Philosophically, why do you believe the government has the right to change the nation to suit IT'S needs? Is not the government supposed to serve the needs of the citizens?

    Open borders proponents are an alliance of people who wish to destroy white America out of racial animus and those who want to get rich off importing new consumers and driving wages down to the global average. You ally yourself with greedy billionaires who will destroy this country merely to satisfy your racial genocide fantasies. You are a worm on the sidewalk.

  71. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I love these sneering faux elitists like "Yisheng" and "Ministry of Truth", one who has been unable to leave college for 40 years and the other who lives in his mom's basement, pretending to be on the noble side of politics when in fact they they despise the working class they supposedly champion.

  72. President Downgrade1:00 PM

    field negro said...
    President Downgrade, please provide a link to back up your contention that the president is "importing 100 million Muslims, Mexicans, and Chinese" to this country.

    He would if he could. That's why we have a Republican congress. And that's why Trump is the next President.

  73. ジョニー ・ チャン1:01 PM

    Education, ambition, and goals are things yishengcow dreams about while she is cleaning the offices of smart Asians. Keep hope alive yisheng and stay off stooopid.

  74. Anonymous1:14 PM

    "Modern science does not have the ability to measure faggotry on the scale of a MoT comment."

    Man, once you whiff it, you will never forget that bizarre scent of passive-aggression, insecurity, dishonesty, and truculence: The stench of gamma.

  75. Demarcus Cousins1:43 PM

    Yisheng, you are nothing but an ignorant monkey who will accomplish nothing in your pathetic, worthless life.

  76. field negro said...
    "importing 100 million Muslims, Mexicans, and Chinese" to this country.

    Catering to Whooteemoo fears, LOL!!

  77. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Yo Field I was watching the news and just saw that David Duke the former grand wizard of the KKK has endorsed Trump for President and than I just read your article on Trump.... Can we talk about the black uncle Tom's like Crystal Wright who tell say blacks our on the plantation for voting democratic but she seems to have no problems with wanting the same guy as the Mr. KKK himself as president.....

  78. Anonymous3:53 PM

    "Unlike all the negroes that have knocked you up"

    They were desperate.

  79. Anonymous3:54 PM

    So because David Duke supports Trump, Trump is KKK.

    What a moron.

    Malik Shabbaz supports Obama, so I suppose Obama supports white genocide.

  80. Limpbaugh3:55 PM

    I do think the bulk of Trump's support comes from racists. But if the election is between him and Hillary, a vote for Trump will be a vote against Hitler. People don't realize how evil establishment Democrats and Republicans are. Trump is a businessman and Sanders is an Independent. I don't think everyone who is against illegal immigration is a racist. I do believe that we could do without giving anchor babies citizenship, but not much else should be done in my opinion. My wife was overstaying a visa when I met her and I have a lot of illegal immigrant friends. Other people have lost jobs because illegal immigrants worked for less. They could be more opposed to illegal immigration than I am and not be racist. The tariffs Trump proposes would get jobs back. Increasing taxes on hedge fund managers is also a good thing. Trump has said more about 9/11 than any other candidate, and anyone who watches a video of World Trade Center Building 7 collapsing should be able to see that 9/11 was an inside job. Did the Democrats do anything about it? No, they didn't even charge Dick Cheney with war crimes. Both Democrats and Republicans tell us burning carpet melted all 84 steel columns of Building 7 at the same time.

    Corporations control our government with payoffs to politicians and media sponsorship. That is fascism. The fascists are afraid of Trump and Sanders. People like Charles Krauthammer aren't journalists. They are propagandists. Bill Kristol even wants Dick Cheney to run as a third party candidate if Trump is nominated. Kristol was on the PNAC Committee that wanted a "new Pearl Harbor" and to take over Iraq. Do you think he could be afraid of a real 9/11 investigation?

    I voted for Obama but he turned out to be worse than Bush. He destabilized the Middle East and caused the refugee crisis by arming and training ISIS to overthrow Libya and Syria. The Americans killed in Benghazi were terrorists. Hillary was heavily involved in supporting terrorism and she will attack Iran if she is elected. Trump believes in non intervention. Bernie Sanders is anti war. I don't know if Harry Reid pressured unions in Nevada to support Clinton. Maybe he was kissing up to who he thought would be the next president or maybe he is afraid of Sanders. Maybe both. There is a lot of corruption that could be exposed. I am more inclined to vote for a third party candidate or Sanders, but if Democrats steal the nomination from Sanders with super delegates and lies, etc., I will vote for Trump.

  81. Hillary wants Americans fired from jobs and replaced by H1B immigrants.

    We must support Hillary.

  82. Hillary will take us to war in Syria against Russia.

    We must support Hillary.

  83. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Mr Jamaican Field, don't forget to watch the Oscars this week. Yes, it will be lilly White but there will be outstanding actors, and directors and movies that will be rewarded for their creativity and money.

    I am sure PX will be watching and rooting for his #1 White actor. lol

  84. I suspect anonymous 3:47 and 3:54 are one and the same person.

  85. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Wrong again Cow.

    At least you are consistent.

  86. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Black Lives Matter is the Klan With a Tan.

  87. The Purple Cow said...
    I suspect anonymous 3:47 and 3:54 are one and the same person.

    LOL, I thought it was common knowledge that Field has an assnon with AT LEAST 12 different "personas", ROTFL!!!!

  88. Anonymous5:31 PM

    LOL, Yisheng is the dumbest bitch on the internet.

  89. Looks like failed lawyer turned failed comedian Dean Obeidallah is a 9-11, San Bernardino truther. That must mean field is also a truther. Well, if we use leftwing logic that is.

  90. Anonymous6:01 PM

    According to WND, The New Black Panther Party, an anti-white, anti-sematic hate group, leader Shabazz endorsed Obama.

    The removal by the Barack Obama campaign from its official website of an endorsement from the black supremacist New Black Panther Party, or NBPP, was decided upon for “understandable political reasons,” according to the party’s national chairman.

    “It’s the game of politics,” the NBPP’s Malik Zulu Shabazz told WND. “The Obama camp’s move to remove our blog doesn’t mean much because I understand politics. We still completely support Obama as the best candidate.


    David Duke endorsing Trump is about as relevant to Trump as The New Black Panters endorsing Obama was to Obama. Candidates can't keep hate filled people from endorsing them.

  91. ジョニー ・ チャン6:05 PM

    HAAAAAA! Yishengcow thought. I laugh so hard milk came out my nose.HAAAAAAAA!!!!

  92. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Nation of Islam, also a Southern Poverty Law Center designated hate group, endorsed Obama.

  93. Hey Field and PX,

    I'm going to be in the area later this Spring (Chicago) and Summer (Philly) on business and would LOVE to meet you guys! I'll email with the details in the next few months, this is gong to be a BIG travel year for me!!!

    And in other news, I work with someone who's related to one of the names being floated around as a supreme court nominee, how cool is that ?!?!?

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. When racism gets "up close and personal".

    . This kind of stuff is happening in places like New York as well.

    "A rally was held Monday evening at the State University of New York in Albany after three black female students were attacked by a group of white men and women during a confrontation on a bus over the weekend, officials said.

    The students, who attend the upstate New York campus, said they were harassed and assaulted while riding the bus early Saturday morning, according to a letter to the campus from the university's president, Robert J. Jones.
    According to the three women, who have not been identified by authorities or the university, a group of 10 to 12 white men and women used racial slurs and physically assaulted them, Jones said.
    One of the alleged victims spoke at the rally, according to CNN affiliate WTEN. "We are shocked, upset, but we will remain unbroken. We are proud of who we are," she told the gathered crowd through tears.
    The incident was caught on cell phone video and video from the Capital District Transportation Authority us, university police Chief J. Frank Wiley said in a statement." [Source]

    We already know that racists in America do not like the black male, but apparently the black female is high up on their hateration pecking order as well.
    Sadly, racists are indeed getting bolder and angrier. In a way you almost wish that one of their chosen leaders will win the damn election (I see you Mr. Trump) so that they can "take their country back" and just leave the rest of us alone.

    I know things like facts, reputation and credibility don't matter in the fields. So i don't expect field to admit he shot before he aimed or apologize to Donald J. Trump. Also, don't expect field to want to post about the fact it was the black students using racial slurs and attacking whites. I wish racist blacks woud leave the rest of us alone.

    Black University Of Albany Students Charged For Hate Crime Hoax

  96. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I haven't seen an article that these students were charged with a hate crime hoax in any national newspaper online or in print.

    I did read in every national paper for days and days how they were attacked by a white mob, however.

    Such is the bias of the press.

  97. And of course black lies matter and white liberals were also pushing this hoax. Looks like the credibility edge that field claimed black women have is getting duller by the day.

  98. Anonymous7:42 PM

  99. Huggy Bear9:21 PM

    Yishēng said...
    I'm going to be in the area later this Spring (Chicago) and Summer (Philly) on business..

    Business? Don't they enough crack hos in Chicago and Philly already?

  100. "I'm going to be in the area later this Spring (Chicago) and Summer (Philly) on business and would LOVE to meet you guys!"

    Yeah, shoot me an e-mail. You'll dig Chi-town.

  101. Anonymous12:49 PM

    @PilotX: Wear a condom.

  102. "@PilotX: Wear a condom."

    Why? Is your mom visiting again?

  103. PilotX said...
    "I'm going to be in the area later this Spring (Chicago) and Summer (Philly) on business and would LOVE to meet you guys!"

    Yeah, shoot me an e-mail. You'll dig Chi-town.

    Chicago is one of my favorites cities in America, we considered moving there a couple years ago. And it was the winters that sealed the deal for us returning back down South instead. ;)

  104. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Is "winters' a euphemism for "niggers?
