Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Some of you miss him already.

Image result for obama images "Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
‘Til it's gone" ~Joni Mitchell~

Joni is on point of course, and David Brooks is channeling his inner Joni Mitchell by writing an ode to Barack Obama.

He, like most Americans, will miss Barack Obama when he is gone, but sadly, he and his conservative friends were the ones who fought him at every turn when he was here.

"As this primary season has gone along, a strange sensation has come over me: I miss Barack Obama. Now, obviously I disagree with a lot of Obama’s policy decisions. I’ve been disappointed by aspects of his presidency. I hope the next presidency is a philosophic departure.
But over the course of this campaign it feels as if there’s been a decline in behavioral standards across the board. Many of the traits of character and leadership that Obama possesses, and that maybe we have taken too much for granted, have suddenly gone missing or are in short supply.
The first and most important of these is basic integrity. The Obama administration has been remarkably scandal-free. Think of the way Iran-contra or the Lewinsky scandals swallowed years from Reagan and Clinton. 
We’ve had very little of that from Obama. He and his staff have generally behaved with basic rectitude. Hillary Clinton is constantly having to hold these defensive press conferences when she’s trying to explain away some vaguely shady shortcut she’s taken, or decision she has made, but Obama has not had to do that.
He and his wife have not only displayed superior integrity themselves, they have mostly attracted and hired people with high personal standards. There are all sorts of unsightly characters floating around politics, including in the Clinton camp and in Gov. Chris Christie’s administration. This sort has been blocked from team Obama.
Second, a sense of basic humanity. Donald Trump has spent much of this campaign vowing to block Muslim immigration. You can only say that if you treat Muslim Americans as an abstraction. President Obama, meanwhile, went to a mosque, looked into people’s eyes and gave a wonderful speech reasserting their place as Americans.
He’s exuded this basic care and respect for the dignity of others time and time again. Let’s put it this way: Imagine if Barack and Michelle Obama joined the board of a charity you’re involved in. You’d be happy to have such people in your community. Could you say that comfortably about Ted Cruz? The quality of a president’s humanity flows out in the unexpected but important moments.
Third, a soundness in his decision-making process. Over the years I have spoken to many members of this administration who were disappointed that the president didn’t take their advice. But those disappointed staffers almost always felt that their views had been considered in depth.
Obama’s basic approach is to promote his values as much as he can within the limits of the situation. Bernie Sanders, by contrast, has been so blinded by his values that the reality of the situation does not seem to penetrate his mind.
Take health care. Passing Obamacare was a mighty lift that led to two gigantic midterm election defeats. As Megan McArdle pointed out in her Bloomberg View column, Obamacare took coverage away from only a small minority of Americans. Sanderscare would take employer coverage away from tens of millions of satisfied customers, destroy the health insurance business and levy massive new tax hikes. This is epic social disruption.  To think you could pass Sanderscare through a polarized Washington and in a country deeply suspicious of government is to live in intellectual fairyland. President Obama may have been too cautious, especially in the Middle East, but at least he’s able to grasp the reality of the situation.
Fourth, grace under pressure. I happen to find it charming that Marco Rubio gets nervous on the big occasions — that he grabs for the bottle of water, breaks out in a sweat and went robotic in the last debate. It shows Rubio is a normal person. And I happen to think overconfidence is one of Obama’s great flaws. But a president has to maintain equipoise under enormous pressure. Obama has done that, especially amid the financial crisis. After Saturday night, this is now an open question about Rubio.     
Fifth, a resilient sense of optimism. To hear Sanders or Trump, Cruz and Ben Carson campaign is to wallow in the pornography of pessimism, to conclude that this country is on the verge of complete collapse. That’s simply not true. We have problems, but they are less serious than those faced by just about any other nation on earth.
People are motivated to make wise choices more by hope and opportunity than by fear, cynicism, hatred and despair. Unlike many current candidates, Obama has not appealed to those passions.
No, Obama has not been temperamentally perfect. Too often he’s been disdainful, aloof, resentful and insular. But there is a tone of ugliness creeping across the world, as democracies retreat, as tribalism mounts, as suspiciousness and authoritarianism take center stage.
Obama radiates an ethos of integrity, humanity, good manners and elegance that I’m beginning to miss, and that I suspect we will all miss a bit, regardless of who replaces him." [Source]
I loved that line: "Pornography of pessimism", and we have had a lot of that from those on the right over the past seven years. I suspect that this is where all the anger in the country is coming from. (Congrats to Donald for winning New Hampshire.)  Will it end when Obama is gone? I suspect that some of it will.
Because, let's be honest, much of that anger had nothing to do with how these people's lives was actually going; it had more to do with who was leading them while they lived it.    
*Pic from salon.com



  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    When you control the police and the economic scoreboard you too can look as heroic and righteous as Superman.

    Obama's entire existence is a quest for adulation stemming from his absentee parents. He will sabotage any investigation, deny any ownership of or responsibility for any failure, and declare the awful and mundane as triumphant and unique.

    Brooks et al know that Obama is out of time, out of chances and out of luck. They are simply attempting to get a head start on a comprehensively revisionist history.

    Tokenism relies on the same incrementalism as the rest of leftist lunacy. No harm in pushing for coed sports or coed dorms. No harm in encouraging Bobby to think he is Sally. No harm in eliminating longstanding standards for fitness and endurance in the military. The token advances at a staggering cost that is dutifully called 'progress.' Well, we reached Peak Tokenism with the presidency and the results are proportionally disastrous.

  2. Lance Cockstrong10:02 PM

    Bernie won New Hampshire too. No congrats? Maybe you would like him better if he changed his name to Deion?

  3. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Recall the Obama campaign disabling the safety mechanism on credit card transactions, presumably to accept illegal foreign contributions. They did it in 2008, and even after being exposed for it, repeated the practice in 2012.

  4. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Obama was caught on a hot mic making promises to Putin/Medvedev to be fulfilled after his "last election".

  5. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Using the IRS to harass political opponents, ignoring subpoenas, and destroying evidence.

  6. Brian Terry10:11 PM

    Fast and Furious gun sales to Mexican drug gangs.

  7. Donald Hump10:15 PM

    The GOP establishment is dead.

    The Trumpenreich has begun.

  8. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I am delighted that Bernie Sanders won NH. Obviously, Field is unhappy about that and will remain mute until Hillary finally wins a state. That might take a while.

    I am praying that Bernie will be our next President. His values are right and honest. He is a man of integrity.

  9. old joe10:18 PM

    The Veterans Administration letting veterans die waiting for care. That was kind of a scandal.

  10. Fast and furious began under the Bush administration and wasn't a "scandal". According to a friend who is a fed it was a big case of miscommunication between agencies. The VA thing is kind of big but has also spanned a few administrations. The IRS thing was a huge nothing burger so big even Fox doesn't even talk about it anymore. Pretty much 8 years of good governance. Just admit it, you'll miss Barack.

  11. Anonymous10:34 PM

    What about when Edward Snowden revealed Obama was using the NSA to spy on every American citizen? Did David Brooks forget about that?

  12. Limpbaugh10:34 PM

    Obama arming and training ISIS to overthrow Libya and Syria made him as bad as George W. Bush, maybe worse.

  13. Brian Terry10:36 PM

    PilotX said...
    Fast and furious began under the Bush administration

    No, it was the Obama administration that had the idea to give weapons to Mexican drug gangs, resulting in hundreds of deaths.

    Try again ass Pilot.

  14. Anonymous10:37 PM

    The IRS scandal was worse than Watergate. Much worse.

  15. Lance Cockstrong10:46 PM

    Worse than Watergate? Go to Flint and drink the water and say that

  16. Anonymous10:48 PM

    "most Americans will miss Barack Obama ..."

    What fucking planet do you live on, Feeled?

  17. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Cheer up, everybody. The Obamanation is almost over. Things aren't as bad as they seem.

    It's always darkest before The Don. :)

  18. skelly10:54 PM

    Limpbaugh said...
    Obama arming and training ISIS to overthrow Libya and Syria made him as bad as George W. Bush, maybe worse.

    As things are playing out, it is going be considered much worse.

  19. Anonymous10:55 PM


    - Donald J. Trump

  20. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Anonymous Lance Cockstrong said...
    Worse than Watergate? Go to Flint and drink the water and say that

    Watergate was a political operation where a party office was broken into to get some campaign information. The President tried to cover it up but a determined press broke the story and he resigned in disgrace.

    The IRS scandal was a gross misuse of power where the President directed the IRS to deny applications from political groups in the opposition, audit the personal finances of organizers, and harass their businesses to the point of ruin. The press made a determined effort to cover it up, and the IRS officials involved deleted all their emails in violation of government records laws and a congressional subpoena and then went as far as to physically destroy their hard drives. The President's own administration handled the investigation, and no one was held accountable.

    The IRS scandal was much worse than Watergate.

  21. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I am sure some Whites will miss Obama. But not ONE Black will miss that sorry ass President. He gutted our race. I am not sure we will come back from it.

  22. The failure to provide Chris Stephens with the security he requested in Benghazi, the inability to put together a rescue operation that night, and the false explanation to the public afterwards blaming a video.

    Now that's a scandal.

  23. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Hillary and her private e-mail server? How did Mr. Brooks miss that one?

  24. Feel the Bern11:03 PM

    Is it time for Hillary to drop out of the race for President?

  25. Lance Cockstrong11:08 PM

    Political groups are not qualified to receive social welfare tax deductions. Hence no IRS scandal and no comparison to Watergate, not then and not now.

  26. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Will the country embrace a continuation of Obama's policies with Bernie/Hillary as president or reject Obama's legacy with a Republican win?

    I hope to god Trump isn't nominated. If he doesn't, I would bet on any Republican winning over Hill or Bern. We are done with Obama, in my opinion. Just a few months to know.

  27. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Immigration restriction is a winning issue. Sometimes the obvious needs to be restated over and over and over again.

  28. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Anonymous Lance Cockstrong said...
    Political groups are not qualified to receive social welfare tax deductions. Hence no IRS scandal and no comparison to Watergate, not then and not now.

    Apologists to corruption are the lowest form of life.

    We are going to hang you first.

  29. Any person of color that didn't know the definition of a cracka' before the President's election, certainly knows what it is now, LOL!!!

  30. Anonymous11:14 PM

    What is the definition of a cracka'?

  31. Lance Cockstrong11:15 PM

    Bring it on fuckboy

  32. Bryan Melvin got fucked11:21 PM

    Obama's stimulus boondoggle was riddled with a massive labor scheme that harmed workers and cheated unsuspecting American taxpayers.

    At the time, government regulators watched as money slipped out the door and into the hands of companies that rob state and federal treasuries of billions of dollars each year on stimulus projects and other construction jobs across the country, a yearlong McClatchy investigation found.


  33. StillaPanther211:22 PM

    Don't put the VA on any one president's shoulder. The problems with the VA are long-standing. Returning from Vietnam in 1970, the VA had no room at the inn for many vets. The WWI, WWII, and Korea vets were first and foremost. Hell PTSD was only acknowledged decades after the war. The staff was overburdened then as well as now. Wait time was long as some none at all. The wait time for any benefits were in the year plus timeframe. The newest immigrant doctors (in America) were dropped off the VA filling the vacancies... needless to say; language and cultural signals were missed. It took me 20plus years to return to the VA for any care. Was always given an appointment months in the future. So lay off President Obama's crew. He was holding the bag when the spit hit the fan.

    I always thank the young white veterans for pushing their issues to the front of the public's purview in the 2000s. America was primed to take care of their sons AND DAUGHTERS after their service in the war zones. "Thank you all again." The VA still has a long way to go. Hell after 3 back to back wars, the caseloads still a concern due to the sheer numbers of young vets having to use the VA.

    One more thing... I heard Mayor Nutter (Philadelphia mayor) say he was "offended" because Sen. Bernie Sanders ONLY talk about helping incarcerated and unemployed African Americans in the negative. I want to tell that "man in Ms Clinton's butt" to be glad that anybody that's running for president verbalize that that is a concern of him (Sen Sanders). I have not heard any other person have any passion for this elephant in the room. America is not ready for common sense solutions- every thing got to be studied, delayed and dropped. Now, do the Mayor being "offended" wants the African American issue be dropped?

  34. ratfucker11:29 PM

    Bill Clinton criticized Bernie Sanders for sexism. Let that sink in a moment. Bill Clinton accused Bernie Sanders of sexism. Maybe Hillary can get Bill Cosby to campaign for her. The thing I'd look forward to in a contest between Trump and Hillary would be Trump letting fly with the remark in a debate that if Hillary won the election, he certainly wouldn't let his daughter be a White House intern.

  35. Harvey11:33 PM

    StillaPanther2 said...
    "Don't put the VA on any one president's shoulder. The problems with the VA are long-standing"

    Yes, that is true. But Obama promised to do better but betrayed vets by siding with government unions and covering up some terrible things. Instead of getting better, things got worse.

  36. Lance Cockstrong11:35 PM

    I am an ignorant piece of shit. Deal with it.

  37. Anonymous11:36 PM


  38. Anonymous11:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Remember when the video of Obama's health insurance expert Jonathan Gruber declararing that Obamacare depended upon the “stupidity of American voter” came out?

    That was a bit of a scandal.

  40. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Trading five top terrorists for a deserter and then lying about Bowe Berghdahl.

  41. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Josh will miss Obama because then he can't rail against black people as much.

  42. Pukey Donaldson1:18 AM

    Dear Yisheng,

    It is unfortunate that many more worthwhile people have died over the years, and you continue to pollute the planet with your mere presence. You are an utter and complete waste of space. You are also ignorant and uncultured, and a racist and a bigot. You don't deserve good fortunes. You are nothing.

  43. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Fuck white people.

  44. I am going to miss the FLOTUS more than the President, she has given life to soooooooooooo many women of color! And her fashion sense is the epitome of the phrase "on fleek"!

    And I'll have those "guns" in about 3 months tops since I started boxing again last month!!!!

  45. The Ministry of Truth2:30 AM

    Today's wingnut update:

    I remember it like it was yesterday (because it practically was yesterday): America's worst governor Paul LePage was claiming that everyone had misunderstood him, that of course he hadn't been implying anything racist with his comments about "D-Money and Shifty" visiting, and ruining, his innocent, wholesome, crime-free state and sexually defiling the white women.

    But now, in a radio interview, it seems he has outright admitted that, yeah, okay, he really was talking about scary black people. But it isn't his fault!! Libruls and the evil federal government MADE him be racist, and MADE him say crazy stuff about public executions of non-violent criminals.

    “I had to go scream at the top of my lungs about black dealers coming in and doing the things that they’re doing to our state,” LePage said during his interview. “I had to scream about guillotines and those types of things before they were embarrassed into giving us a handful of DEA agents. That is what it takes with this 127th [legislature]. It takes outrageous comments and outrageous actions to get them off the dime.”

    This seems to have become a crazy new talking point on the Right, by the way:

    We're being FORCED to be racist by political correctness/the feds/Obama/the Super Bowl halftime show. We have NO ALTERNATIVE. Liberals used their HATE RAY on us, and now we're helpless to stop ourselves from trading offensive jokes and memes on social media and voting for Trump.

    It's hard for me to believe anyone is willing to say this embarrassing, infantile junk with a straight face, but I'm hearing more and more variations of it.

  46. The Ministry of Truth2:40 AM

    As for David Brooks, hey, at least he's finally pointed in the right general direction as reality. Maybe he'll get there eventually someday, though I doubt it.

    But congrats to him on at least having the painful realization that his party has gone stark raving mad. That's something, I guess.

  47. Curious Observer2:44 AM

    Now that we have elected a black president (not once but twice) can we agree that there are no limits to achievement and dispense with affirmative action and hiring practices that award points based on the applicant's race, gender, marital status and the number of dependent children before considering qualifications such as training or experience?

  48. Curious Observer2:54 AM

    Anonymous said...
    What is the definition of a cracka'?

    A cowhand who is proficient in the use of a whip and can crack it to drive cattle.

  49. "No, it was the Obama administration that had the idea to give weapons to Mexican drug gangs, resulting in hundreds of deaths."

    "Operation Fast and Furious was one of the operations under Project Gunrunner, part of the Department of Justice's broader Southwest Border Initiative, an "inter-agency effort to combat Mexico-based trafficking groups." (DOJ)

    "Straw purchasers (also called straw buyers) buy firearms on behalf of others without disclosing that fact on the forms required by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms." (DOJ)

    The operation lasted approximately 15 months, resulting in grand jury indictments of 34 suspects in drug and firearms trafficking organizations.

    Operation Fast and Furious was not the first "gun walking" investigation by ATF; it was preceded by Operation Wide Receiver, which began in 2006."

    Who was President in 2006?


    I know conservatives hate facts but the rest of the world has to live with them.

  50. Another thing, Fast and Furious was an ATF operation. Conservative law makers have severley underfunded ATF because they love the NRA more than they love federal law enforcement so it's kind of typical conservative hypocrisy to condemn the administration when they purposely undermine him at every turn.

  51. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/02/07/nra-interferes-with-atf-operations/1894355/#

  52. New Hampshire result changed nothing for the Democrats and very little for the Republicans.

    There are two reasons Bernie will not win the Democratic nomination.

    1. He is nowhere with the African American vote, without substantial African American support nobody can win the Democratic nomination.

    2. The 712 Democratic 'super delegate' votes that are handed out to long tie Democratic party apparatchiks - who vote solidly behind the mainstream candidate, meaning that Sanders is 712 - 0 down even before the convention starts,


    Among the Republicans, Rubio was rightly seen as the front runner before yesterday so the other candidates hit him very hard and he didn't react well. So though Rubio is still probably favourite for now, this has allowed Jeb(!) Bush back into the frame as a potential mainstream candidate.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. PilotX said...

    "Fast and furious began under the Bush administration"

    Who knew Bush was in office Oct. 2009 when Fast and Furious was born?

    Obama and Holder made it a scandal by contuning lying their asses off about it.

    I know blahs hate facts but the rest of the world has to live with them..

    Let's do some fact checking-

    Obama’s Univision denial that Fast and Furious started on his watch


    President Obama Falsely Claims Fast and Furious Program "Begun Under the Previous Administration"


  55. David brooks? David Brooks has been supporting Obama even before he got the Democrat nomination. In So please list examples of Brooks fighting Obama at every turn...

    " Because, let's be honest, much of that anger had nothing to do with how these people's lives was actually going; it had more to do with who was leading them while they lived it."

    Of course field's theory isn't base on reality. Instead field's theory is based on his failure to understand why everyone doesn't love the Obamessiah like he and the rest of the left does.

    Obama's weak recovery and failure of his big government trickle polices is the reason for all this alleged anger. It was Obama who promised hope and change. It was Obama who promised to build America from the bottom up. Instead, Obama has been the president of wallstreet. No wonder wallstreet has given more money to Obama than any president in history. I wonder if Hillary will break Obama's record?

  56. <Quote The Right Has No Brains

    "President Obama Falsely Claims Fast and Furious Program "Begun Under the Previous Administration"

    TLHNC's is being disingenuous here, or put it another way - he's lying through his teeth.

    Fast and Furious was simply the name of ONE project based on Pheonix Arizona that was one of many similar operations that formed part of the ATF's 'Project Gunrunner' which allowed the gun walking of US guns to Mexico.

    Project Gunrunner began in 2006. 'Operation Wide Receiver' for instance, was a very similar operation to F & F that began in 2006.

  57. Oh, the Marshmallows will soon be in charge so the rest of them will be able to sleep soundly at night and STFU. Black folks sure do drive these mofos completely out of the everlasting minds. It's maddening the two races have to live so closely together day after day after day. It wasn't our fault and it made you heaps of money and because of just that, you should be thankful. Shut Up Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  58. Perspective...

    09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75
    09/30/2015 $18,150,604,277,750.63

    Nothing says success like running up the debt.

    Strange, when Obama was a senator he was against increasing the debt.

  59. The Purple Cow said...

    "TLHNC's is being disingenuous here, or put it another way - he's lying through his teeth."

    You mean ABC NEWS is being disingenuous here, or put it another way - they're lying through their teeth?

    You mean fact checkers who rated Obama's claim a lie are being disingenuous here, or put it another way - they're lying through their teeth?

    And who was in office Oct. 26., 2009 purple cow?

  60. SCROTUS11:22 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    I am going to miss the FLOTUS more than the President

    She has to be your role model - a bitter, resentful recipient of affirmative action and racial privilege who floated to the top of society despite of her mediocrity but still retains a deep hatred for the people who gave her so much.

  61. El Chapo11:27 AM

    Purple Pilot said...
    "Project Gunrunner began in 2006. 'Operation Wide Receiver' for instance, was a very similar operation to F & F that began in 2006."

    Here's the difference for y'all negroes: The earlier operations did not transfer high caliber weapons to Mexican drug gangs. Fast and Furious did. One of these weapons was used to kill a US Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry. Others were used to kill countless Mexican citizens.

    It was a scandalous fuck up.

  62. Another Obama scandal: The Department of Justice secretly reviewed the phone records of at least 20 phone lines of Associated Press reporters — their work, home, and cell-phone lines.


  63. Another: The Department of Justice’s decision to call Fox News reporter James Rosen a criminal “co-conspirator” in leaking classified information.


  64. Yet another: The Department of Justice punishing whistleblowers.



  65. Gotta love dumbocrats...

    Name Votes % Delegates
    Sanders 145,702 60% 13
    Clinton 92,531 38% 15


    Funny how that worked out.

  66. The DNC12:14 PM

    "Funny how that worked out."

    This looks like a job for.... Superdelegate! Quick, to the Coronationmobile!

  67. The Nigger Yisheng12:22 PM

    When will be the next time a black presidential candidate runs for office? I don't see any in the foreseeable future.

  68. The Ministry of Truth12:40 PM

    "Name Votes % Delegates
    Sanders 145,702 60% 13
    Clinton 92,531 38% 15

    Funny how that worked out."

    That's because of superdelegates, Bill. Hillary "owns" most of the superdelegates because she's got tons of connections in the party, both on her own and through her husband. Bernie is friendless because he wasn't even an official Democrat until roughly five minutes ago.

    FYI, the GOP's hopelessly complicated process also includes its own horde of various types of convention delegates not selected through direct democracy.

    Neither party has decided to trust the voters completely.

  69. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Michelle Alexander, author of book, "The New Jim Crow" says, Blacks should think twice before voting for Hillary Clinton. I agree wholeheartedly with her. I have never trusted Hillary. She has been caught in a number of lies. Anyway, below is a link on her comment. I really hope Blacks will vote 'for' Blacks instead of 'against' themselves, we have done that to ourselves too many times.


  70. Critiicism of Obama has never been about race because in this country nothing is ever about race. —Charles Pierce, Esquire Politics

    Should we bother criticizing David Brooks? He says Bernie's single-payer system will "destroy the health insurance business and levy massive new tax hikes."

    Aw, poor health insurance business. They can hop aboard the new bureaucracy, maybe, or find honest work, even. And "massive new tax hikes?" Sanders says they will come from a new Wall Street speculators' tax.

    Sounds good to me.

  71. Lord Humongous1:26 PM

    The Ministry of Truth said...
    "Neither party has decided to trust the voters completely."

    Which is why they both must be destroyed.

  72. Cam Newton earns an additional $51,000 for playing in Super Bowl, will have to pay California $101,000 in taxes:


  73. Q: Sanders got 146k votes in NH, Clinton got 93k; yet she will get 15 delegates, and he only 13. Why?

    A: Fairness.

    Don't think of it as vote stealing, think of it as vote redistribution.

  74. The Ministry of Truth1:41 PM

    "'Neither party has decided to trust the voters completely.'

    Which is why they both must be destroyed."

    Well, you might get half your wish. The Republican Party appears to be destroying itself quite effectively (see: Trump, Donald).

  75. Anonymous2:01 PM

    The Trumpening. Get with it.

  76. The Ministry of Truth2:31 PM

    So ... the Beyonce halftime kerfuffle is apparently not over.

    Certain people are so mad about the performance that they are planning a protest of the NFL for letting her do that routine. The protest organizers ask,

    Are you offended as an American that Beyoncé pulled her race-baiting stunt at the Superbowl?

    Do you agree that it was a slap in the face to law enforcement?

    Do you agree that the Black Panthers was/is a hate group which should not be glorified?

    Come and let's stand together. Let's tell the NFL we don't want hate speech & racism at the Superbowl ever again!

    I'm guessing Rudy Giuliani will be all over this protest.

  77. Are you offended as an American that Beyoncé pulled her race-baiting stunt at the Superbowl?

    Yes. It's not the place for that.

    Do you agree that it was a slap in the face to law enforcement?

    Yes. How else could you take it?

    Do you agree that the Black Panthers was/is a hate group which should not be glorified?

    Yes. You cool with dancers in Klan outfits at next year's Super Bowl?

  78. The Office of Personnel Management hacking:


    Before becoming the head of OPM, Katherine Archuleta had no background in the kind of work the agency does. Archuleta, a lawyer and former Clinton administration official, was national political director for President Obama’s reelection campaign. She served as the chief of staff to Secretary of Labor Hilda Solís, and was the City of Denver’s lead planner for the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Like the president, she has roots in “community organizing”: She co-founded the Latina Initiative, a Colorado organization aimed at getting more Hispanic voters involved in politics. (In 2011, the Latina Initiative suspended its operations, citing insufficient funding.) Nothing in this record suggests any expertise in the vitally important human resources and record-keeping functions OPM is supposed to serve. Before the hack, Archuleta’s primary goals at OPM appeared to be increasing the diversity of the federal workforce and implementing Obamacare’s changes to federal workers’ health-insurance options.

    That was a major scandal. I wonder how David Brooks missed that one.

  79. scandalpalooza3:45 PM

    Oh, don't forget this one: Prostitution and incompetence in the U.S. Secret Service.​


  80. "You mean ABC NEWS is being disingenuous here, or put it another way - they're lying through their teeth?"


    "You mean fact checkers who rated Obama's claim a lie are being disingenuous here, or put it another way - they're lying through their teeth?"


    "And who was in office Oct. 26., 2009 purple cow?"


    The ATF gun walking program began in 2006.

  81. obummercare3:51 PM

    Just thought of another one: Spending $2.142 billion on setting up the Healthcare.gov website that didn't work. I remember people thinking that was a scandal.


  82. Brian Terry3:52 PM

    "The ATF gun walking program began in 2006."

    Purple Cow really is a fucking moron, isn't he?

  83. What Brooks obviously meant is that the Obama Administration has been remarkably free of mainstream media investigating the Administration's scandals.

  84. 1,180 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.


  85. David Brooks was a big supporter of the Iraq War. He's a real patriot. So much so, his son joined the army. The Israeli army:


    As a matter of fact, more sons of New York Times reporter/writers have joined the Israeli army than the American army. Interesting.

  86. The Nigger Yisheng4:46 PM

    There won't be another President like Obama for a long time now. The establishment will make sure of that.

  87. Obama's done so much for the people, like...

  88. Anonymous5:50 PM

    The time is coming soon where segregation will have to be reimposed.

    Those blacks who are willing to live by white rules can stay. The rest will have to go.

  89. Where are we going to go? Do u have room for us in your double-wide? :)

  90. Anonymous5:58 PM


  91. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Ta-Nehisi Coates has said that he will be voting for Bernie Sanders because he is the best shot for Blacks.

    Are you folks ready for an upset in S.C.?


  92. He is our Reagan. For the next 50 years, we'll be naming things after him and measuring Democrats against him. It will drive the Republicans as nuts as the Reagan cult does us.

  93. Anonymous8:37 PM

    No, he is your Carter. You'll be trying to forget him the rest of your lives.

  94. The Ministry of Truth9:13 PM

    "He is our Reagan. For the next 50 years, we'll be naming things after him and measuring Democrats against him. It will drive the Republicans as nuts as the Reagan cult does us."

    God, I hope not. Republicans have a largely fictionalized view of Saint Reagan, ascribing to him beliefs he didn't believe and achievements that he didn't achieve.

    We've already got one party that's taken total leave of its senses. We don't need another.

  95. Anonymous9:21 PM

    MoT is such a faggot.

  96. Curious Observer3:56 AM

    The Nigger Yisheng said...
    When will be the next time a black presidential candidate runs for office? I don't see any in the foreseeable future

    Ben Carson is currently running for president.

    I know right? Inconvenient Truth.

  97. Curious Observer7:35 AM

    field negro said...
    Where are we going to go? Do u have room for us in your double-wide? :)

    Don't need it. Blacks segregate themselves.



    A vacuum of disagreement and zero challenges to any and all claims is required. The PC SJW elite can't tolerate opposition to their platform and must silence all dissenters.

  98. I just said I'll miss him, his family and the dogs. I can't express that enough. The Soul's leaving the Whites' House, never to return. It'll be the same feeling as when we lost Marvin Gaye to me. Have never gotten over that; will miss President Obama to the max.
