Monday, February 08, 2016

The haters get in formation.

Image result for beyonce formation image        Some folks in the majority population are losing their minds over Beyoncé's halftime performance at the Super Bowl. It was a performance which featured her performing Formation, a song from an upcoming album.

They were led by the former mayor of New York (who has become a wingnut of incredible proportions) who, along with others, declared that the song was anti police.

"I thought it was really outrageous that she used it as a platform to attack police officers who are the people who protect her and protect us, and keep us alive,” he said. “And what we should be doing in the African-American community, and all communities, is build up respect for police officers. And focus on the fact that when something does go wrong, okay. We’ll work on that. But the vast majority of police officers risk their lives to keep us safe.”

My lord! Calm down man! It is a song for crying out loud! This is what artists do, they create art to make you think. Frankly, I wish they would do more of it. Artists should write and perform socially conscious songs that generate conversation and open dialogue. It shouldn't be all dancing and love songs all the time.

So why is she being ripped and offending certain people for trying to incorporate a little social consciousness into her performance?  

Imagine if Rudy Giuliana heard Johnny Cash singing the following lyrics at a Super Bowl halftime show: "Early one mornin' while makin' the rounds I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down I went right home and I went to bed I stuck that lovin' .44 beneath my head.."

Or Eric Clapton singing the following: "I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy All around in my home town
They're trying to track me down They say they want to bring me in guilty
For the killing of a deputy For the life of a deputy, but I say..."

Rhetorical question. I know what would happen. Nothing. There would be no outrage or calls for a boycott of their music.

And let's be clear, Beyoncé is no Nina Simone. In fact, I am not even that big of a fan. Ironically, for me, her persona often comes off as being more black girl trying to be color neutral than staying true to her roots. As a result, she has been widely accepted by white folks who see her as beautiful when judging by Eurocentric standards.   

Her music is alright, but I never considered her a musical genius, and I certainly didn't see this coming.  

Still, she must have known that white America would not be pleased. And now they are calling for a boycott of her music.   

Oh, and don't forget the nasty comments.

"Where were the white dancers in Beyonce's troop?"

The song is trash and most celebs are opportunists. The black ones like to be black when it's convenient.

Duh? You are proud of your negro nose while yours has been butchered to the gawds by Dr 90210? 😂😂

Well, she made the song for the hoodrats and people that lack critical thinking skills and it's going to flop".

Jd says:
We turned the channel for halftime. … not watching that garbage!
Watched COPS for that half hour!

  1. Blase Blase says:

  2. So too be equal, next year Miranda Lambert will do the halftime show with male dancers dressed up in the original skin head attire (blue jeans, white shirts, doc-martens) which represents the working class. Blacks would b koo with dat right? Just Sayin’

Jonathan Geller says:
Beyonce looks like a horse. With those fat legs she shouldn’t be in a body suit. That dancing, if you can call it that, looks something like two year old’s testing out their limbs for the first time.

  • Avatar

    that's exactly what she wants, controversy. Don't give it to her."

  • Too late.

    *Pic from


    1. "My lord! Calm down man! It is a song for crying out loud!

      So's this:

      Lighten up, man!

    2. If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas. No need to imagine your ''what if whitey did it'' scenarios because Cocaine blues and I shot the sheriff would never be allowed on the halftime show.

      Bless your little heart field. You try so hard..

    3. Every year, some people have to find something about the ads or halftime show to get outraged about. Remember last year (or was it the year before?) when there was one day of outrage about an ad using the National Anthem sung in a different language?

      By the next day, everyone has moved on to something else to be outraged about.

      They're just nand bored.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Wesley R9:48 PM

      Fox Blonds, Boobs, and Bigots hate Beyoncé because of her support of President Obama. Anything she does is covered negatively by these idiots.

      Carolina lost the game on two passes. The one in the first quarter that was challenged and lost (wrongly). If it's a clean catch there's no sack and fumble in the end zone. Second the same tight end drops a perfect strike on the 2 yard line in the 3rd quarter. If he catches both passes Carolina is up 14 to 6 and the game is over.

    7. The Ministry of Truth9:50 PM

      I'm actually really surprised that Beyonce was able to get away with performing anything that had even a whiff of controversy about it -- and, for better or worse, any support for police reform definitely does. I would have thought the censors would've contractually nixed that before she ever set foot on the field.

      The Super Bowl gods have been cracking down on anything that might potentially offend. Look at the mass panic after Janet Jackson popped her boob out, and when M.I.A. flipped the bird during a performance. (I don't know what she actually ended up paying, but initially, the NFL were suing M.I.A. for $16 million! That is some awfully expensive self-expression.)

    8. ''My lord! Calm down man! It is a song for crying out loud! This is what artists do, they create art to make you think'''

      Yep. Just like the Rolling Stones and Jackyl. But of course it was ok for field and the left to complain some songs they wrote.

      Without double standards, the left would have no standards at all....

    9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. Anonymous9:58 PM

      As a white person, why should i be forced to watch and be silent about an anti-cop, anti-white song? Why can't the Superbowl be an event free of hatred towards me?

    12. Anonymous10:04 PM

      The Ministry of Truth said...

      I'm actually really surprised that Beyonce was able to get away with performing anything that had even a whiff of controversy about it...

      9:50 PM

      Well letting her do that so that we can feel like you know, yeah, finally, type thing's better than having to pay actual's all part of ya know...el enga~o!

    13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    14. Hasta manana10:21 PM

      Jaya Permana said...
      Kenali Gejala-Gejala Yisheng Virus Zika

      Yisheng's got the Zika? Yikes!

    15. Anonymous10:24 PM

      "As a white person, why should i be forced to watch and be silent about an anti-cop, anti-white song? Why can't the Superbowl be an event free of hatred towards me?"

      Because you live in Black Run America, and the hatred is going to be turned up and become more and more open until you are willing to do something about it.

    16. Beyonce atones for her massive wealth and blonde hair by showing she's down with the struggle. Now, Field won't call her a House Negro and black people will keep sending her their money.

    17. Anonymous11:19 PM

      I wouldn't even believe that among black girls born on the same day as Beyonce she'd be the most talented. Beyonce is the Diana Ross of her generation, though more feted because internet.

    18. The Fixer11:55 PM

      Without double standards, the right would have no standards at all....

      There, fixed it.

    19. White Nation11:57 PM

      Because you live in Black Run America, and the hatred is going to be turned up and become more and more open until you are willing to do something about it.
      You're doing something to stop hatred? Good for you. Does that include hatred shown towards The Blacks too because if you haven't noticed there's a lot of anti-The Blacks hatred right here. Ok then.

    20. "Where were the white dancers in Beyonce's troop?"

      The reactions to her video/performance are absolutely hilarious!

      To answer the question, obviously, when she had auditions for her dancers no White girls with ass, thighs, and a fro showed up, ROTFL!!!

      Gotta give it to her marketing team, they should be millionaires by now!

    21. I'm surprised too that the NFL let Queen B do that song. It's all about guys in pickup trucks. Ha!

      Also, who the hell was listening to her lyrics? That's like watching a porn and following the plot. Pointless.

    22. By the way Field, Sean Hannity's best friend Jesse Lee Peterson was on Alan Comb's radio show and stated that racism never existed in America. He needs to be coon of the millennium.

    23. Anonymous12:46 AM

      "And let's be clear, Beyoncé is no Nina Simone. In fact, I am not even that big of a fan. Ironically, for me, her persona often comes off as being more black girl trying to be color neutral than staying true to her roots. As a result, she has been widely accepted by white folks who see her as beautiful when judging by Eurocentric standards."

      I agree totally. She is no Nina Simone, nor is she even close. For the life of me I don't see what the rave about Bey has been in the first place. I mean, the girl has gone from an average looking sister to being the most beautiful woman in the world. How in the hell does that happen?

      Wait...I know. White people must have been involved. Now the sister has gone stone back to her roots and Whites are mad as hell.

      "You can take the Black out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the Black." Stop shooting our bm!

    24. Limpbaugh1:05 AM

      I think Coldplay and Bruno Mars were worse choices than Beyonce. How about Aerosmith and Adelele next year.

    25. Anonymous1:43 AM

      Blogger PilotX said...
      By the way Field, Sean Hannity's best friend Jesse Lee Peterson was on Alan Comb's radio show and stated that racism never existed in America. He needs to be coon of the millennium.

      12:36 AM
      link please. I can tell you are anti-Rev Peterson, but please don't lie on our brother. He has always been for the cause. he just sees it a little differently.

    26. Anonymous4:11 AM


    27. Anonymous4:14 AM


      ... And she was brutally murdered by two black males.

    28. Anonymous4:31 AM

      I'll bet Yisheng and all the other Angry Blakk Wimmins on this site only WISH they could afford as much plastic surgery as Beyoncé.

      Too bad, girlz! You ain't never gonna be white! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      1. Anonymous10:24 PM

        Nahh. I'm 34 and still get mistaken for a college kid. I think we're good. Most of my white friends my age look old.

    29. The Ministry of Truth5:27 AM

      "I'm surprised too that the NFL let Queen B do that song. It's all about guys in pickup trucks. Ha!

      Also, who the hell was listening to her lyrics? That's like watching a porn and following the plot. Pointless."

      I don't think the lyrics are necessary to provoke a reaction.

      Given the political news of the past couple years, dancers dressed as Black Panthers = Black Lives Matter = Angry Rudy Giuliani.


    30. American Football fans have been warned off cricket as they might find it too exciting this morning.

      ”Doctors are concerned that fans of Gridiron might find cricket ‘too thrilling’ and suffer heart attacks from the nerve-shreddingly fast paced game.

      Cricket, the only sport with a tea-break, is regarded as too dangerously fast-moving and adrenaline-fuelled for people who watched last night’s Super Bowl.

      Although spectators are known to doze off during test cricket, medical experts have warned this might cause undue stress to people enthralled by a game whose highlight was a performance by Coldplay.

      In order to prevent Denver Broncos fans being overwhelmed by the comparatively lightning-quick play, cricket authorities are planning several changes to the rules including taking advert breaks between every ball, and asking players to walk rather than run when they get a hit.

      In other sports news, Manchester United have pledged to make their playing style slower and less interesting in a bid to attract fans away from the NFL.

      Reports from the United States indicate that the Super Bowl halftime show has just entered its second day.”

      (source: )

    31. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Anti-cop and hatred of whites have gone mainstream since the election of Obama. Not a shock minority on white crimes have skyrocketed.

    32. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Yishengcow said....

      To answer the question, obviously, when she had auditions for her dancers no White girls with ass, thighs, and a fro showed up, ROTFL!!!

      Why didn't you show up with your fat ass and pumpkin thighs? Oh that's right. You were tooooo busy cleaning the offices of smart Asians and humming 'we shall overcome". HA!! Stupidity and racism is something blackies like yishengcow will never overcome!

    33. The Fixer7:52 AM

      Without double standards, the left would have no standards at all.

      It was right the first time.

    34. Anonymous9:03 AM

      99% of the Super Bowl audience got a T&A message from Bey's performance and by T I mean Thigh.

    35. Hùifang10:52 AM

      "Why didn't you show up with your fat ass and pumpkin thighs? Oh that's right. You were tooooo busy cleaning the offices of smart Asians and humming 'we shall overcome". HA!! Stupidity and racism is something blackies like yishengcow will never overcome!"


    36. 17+ million views for Queen Bey on youtube, SLAYING like we Black Queens do! But she still needs to lay off the JJ moves and acting until after 1000 more acting lessons.

      "I twirl on them haters, albino alligators" MUST be a reference to Whooteemoos, LOL!!! Ha!

    37. LOL at the White people calling Beyonce fat. That's thick in the Black community although I agree she needs to not eat nary another hamburger. Unless of course she's pregnant. :)

    38. Aaron Rodgers MVP12:59 PM

      The entitled, Affirmative Action mindset of blacks makes them think they can do and get away with any bullshit they want.

    39. The entitled, murderous mindset of Whites in America makes them get away with any bullshit they want.

    40. Loser Yīshēng said...
      17+ million views for Queen Bey on youtube, SLAYING like we Black Queens do!

      "we" Black Queens? How many views do you have on youtube?

      I bet you have been on WSHH a few times though!


    41. Doc I know you will dig this. Watching a show about blackholes and space travel two outstanding brothas were featured, we all know about Dr Sylvester Gates but they also had Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi. Dr. Oluseyi has 4 degrees, 1 in mathmatics and 3 in physics, hold 8 U.S. Patents, 4 E.U. Patents, was on the team that won a Nobel Prize and is a professor at F.I.T. Those are some bad boys.

    42. Well played, Beyonce, well played. Stay on fleek and turn up the message. Kudos!

    43. PilotX said...
      Doc I know you will dig this. Watching a show about blackholes...

      ...Oh no you di'int!

    44. Doc I know you will dig this.

      Thanks for the info, you know I'm always down for the achievements of other Black Scientists!

    45. Anonymous6:46 PM

      What you mean "other"? You ain't no scientamabist.

    46. The Fixer TM7:12 PM

      The entitled, Affirmative Action mindset of whites makes them think they can do and get away with any bullshit they want.

      there, fixed it.

    47. The Fixer TM7:13 PM

      Without double standards, the right would have no standards at all....

      There, fixed it.

    48. I am having one of those laughs over here where it's literally hard to breathe. I mean, the extent to which black folk go to make sure they're the biggest and onlyest victims of nonsense in history is just rib-cracking laugh fodder. Do people seriously not remember bands like Twisted Sister and other majority-white hard rock/metal bands being libeled as Satanists and having to go in front of motherfucking Congress to plead their case? Not only were these bands' livelihoods at stake, but also their fucking freedom! You have a few people bitching about Beyonce here, and, oh, shit -- here it comes! "Because she black!" Yeah, well, the motherfuckers who were white were damn close to being put in prison.

      America has always been a prudish society when it comes to art. Always. White folks can attest to that every bit as much as black folks. Ask Jim Morrison and the like. (Another LOL moment: Imagine a black Jim Morrison. Half of you stunads would be saying the government had him killed in France! LMMFAO! Alicia Keys.)

      Personally, I have no issue with Beyonce, her song, her get-up, and the like. What gets me is all these fist-in-the-air, we're-REAL-black blacks who chant that black lives matter and always hold up the name of a black person killed by a white person. Ask any one of them to name you one black person killed by another black person, they wouldn't fucking know. And the fucked-up part is that it happens 50,000:1! For every one black person killed by a police officer, which is a fucking tragedy, there are funeral homes overflowing with the blacks who were brutally murdered by other blacks, and they range from infants and toddlers black women set alight and babies catching drive-by strays in their home to dudes killed for their Jordans or because they talked back to some wannabe big-timer with a gat in his waist. If black lives really mattered, the blacks who kill ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more blacks than police would seem the more logical and expedient target. Not politically expedient, obviously; and that's what matters here. And any disingenuous asshole who wants to pretend otherwise can lick balls. If it were about lives, the target would be the fucking Ebola pandemic over rare genetic abnormalities. It's not about that; it's about crying victim of white oppression because it's easy to get the majority of whites in America to give you what you want when you shame them as racists.

      I don't think you BLM folks have your priorities set right. But as far as her song and dress and whatnot, IDGAF. I don't watch Super Bowl halftime shows anyway. I turn it to the Puppy Bowl and my nephew and I enjoy watching the dogs play. Exponentially more entertaining than a lip-sync performance by a woman whose supposed "art" is so watered-down these days that she needs to roll out half naked to draw attention.

      She might be a boon for the faux "movement" of BLM, but she's setting females back decades lol

    49. Anonymous7:29 PM

      STFU Josh

    50. Bullshit Detector7:45 PM

      Yeah, well, the motherfuckers who were white were damn close to being put in prison.

      Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah! Oh yeah right, twisted Sister was going to go to jail for being Satanists! Maybe for making shitty music. I have to agree with PC, Josh has definitely jumped the shark.

    51. The Fixer TM7:46 PM

      STFU Josh

      Nothing to fix here.

    52. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Looks like it's gonna be Trump vs. Bernie for the big prize.

    53. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Yīshēng said...

      LOL at the White people calling Beyonce fat. That's thick in the Black community...

      12:42 PM

      I remember back when the epitome of beauty for an Anglo woman was a thin,thin body, flat as possible ass cheeks, because to have full buttocks was considered totally ugh, and the hugest boobs that the toothpick body could carry without toppling ovah! That was the standard of Anglo beauty up until just a few years ago actually!

      I remember seeing an interview that J.Lo. gave where she said that her handlers/managers/agents actually approached her about having buttock reduction,and she refused and said "in my culture this is an asset" (pun intended) and she said "take it or leave it, this ain't changing!" :)

      But of course that Anglo standard seems to have changed now...wonder why?

    54. thickburger8:53 PM

      @Lilac: Are you fat like Yisheng?

    55. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Bernie hasn't had this much fun since the Soviets put down the Kronstadt rebellion.

    56. lilacpr2000 said...
      But of course that Anglo standard seems to have changed now...wonder why?

      Perhaps because penis extenders actually DO work?

      Let's ask Gookeymoo!

    57. "That was the standard of Anglo beauty up until just a few years ago actually!"

      Oh, horseshit. This is just another in a long line of "you da no what iz like to be black" while simultaneously feigning expertise on precisely what it's like for all white people. That blonde-haired, huge-tits, rail-thin thing was for old rich men who wanted a status symbol. The idea of "beauty", across the expanse of the entire globe, is whatever women set. Men were killing one another to fuck women when they were still furry as goats and had already dropped 6 bastards in the wild. "Anglo" beauty isn't a thing; it's nonsense invented by race baiters who try every second of their lives to separate everyone while claiming to be the victim of something.

      And it's this false meme of "beauty" perpetuated by some morons that has the black females spending billions of dollars on straight hair weave every year and about 0.001% of that on job training or educating their children.

      Y'all gotta let this shit go. Of all the things you never will let go, lest pried from cold dead hands, at least let this one go -- the idea that we white folks--read: white males--set these white-specific beauty standards in society which harm the poor black folks' image of themselves. waaa waaa.

    58. We watch you screw and kill on damn near every channel on TV and in the movies, Beyonce should be able to make the formation of an X or tap dance like Bo jangles if she so chooses. If you didn't like watching half-time, where was your remote?? You could have switched the channel for 15 minutes. No one would have given 2 shits. She's built, she's pretty, she's black and she doesn't give 2 damns what you think. She's wealthy too. Oh, well!!!!!!

    59. thank you for a great post. יקב מצודה
