Monday, February 15, 2016

When your college tour turns ugly.

Image result for Texas A&M images  Imagine, if you will, you are a hardworking high school senior, and you are looking forward to your college tour and possibly being admitted to the school of your dreams in the fall.

Imagine going to said school only to have the following happen to you:

"Texas A&M University officials are expressing the requisite shock and disappointment after a group of white students reportedly yelled racial slurs at a group of black high school students visiting from Dallas’ Uplift Hampton Preparatory. A woman wearing Confederate flag earrings also reportedly approached two high school girls on the tour to ask if they liked them.
About 60 Uplift students were touring A&M’s College Station campus, which in 2014 was 62 percent white among undergrads. One of the Uplift students, 16-year-old Terquarie Wilson, told CBS DFW the incident began with a stupid sports rivalry and escalated hideously: an A&M student spotted one of Wilson’s friends carrying a University of Texas-branded bag. They yelled “Go back where you came from!” The Uplift student responded something to the effect of, “You do realize we’re all black, right?” and walked away; faculty supervisors say they heard the A&M students use a racial slur as the group walked away. The woman with the Confederate flag earrings approached a few minutes later." [Source]

One of the scary things about this whole incident is that when it was reported to the proper authorities on campus, the students were told that the A&M kids were just exercising their First Amendment rights. 

I wonder if Kevin Sumlin, A&M's high profile African American football coach, will address this issue or speak openly about it.

It would be nice, but I won't hold my breath.

Finally, just when you thought that the GOP candidates for president couldn't be more bizarre, comes the following story.

"During a radio interview, Mrs. Cruz went all in when she promised that the Cruz campaign will show America “the face of God.”

Talking with South Carolina radio host Vince Coakley Wednesday, Cruz noted that even if she weren’t married to the man, his political and faith-based credentials would be reason enough for her to work for his campaign anyway:
“We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this race to show this country the face of the God that we serve — this Christian God that we serve is the foundation of our country, our country was built on Judeo-Christian values, we are a nation of freedom of religion, but the God of Christianity is the God of freedom, of individual liberty, of choice and of consequence.” [Source]
Heaven help us! If Ted Cruz is actually "the face of god", the reservations for hell just went way up. 

Anyway, I bet you all thought that I was referring to that crazy debate Saturday night , the one where Donald trump became totally unhinged and blew his cover with republicans by telling them how he really feels about them. (My man was right about W and 9/11.) And where the two Hispanics in the race continued with their attacks on each other. At one point they even went at each other in Spanish(Oh the irony.) Can you imagine Mr. and Mrs. Bubba watching the debate from their double- wide in Georgia?  "Honey, did dem two Heeespanic candidates just talk in Spanish? What da hell? This is America. Speak English, damn it! They just lost my vote."   

I hope that we can all get through this election cycle with our sanity intact. Lord knows it won't be easy. The candidates seem to have already lost their minds.



  1. The Ministry of Truth9:45 PM

    Ted Cruz doesn't believe he serves God. He thinks he IS God.

    And that word salad his wife spewed was worthy of Sarah Palin.

    "this Christian God that we serve is the foundation of our country, our country was built on Judeo-Christian values, we are a nation of freedom of religion, but the God of Christianity is the God of freedom, of individual liberty, of choice and of consequence."

    The Christian God of individual liberty? Jesus meets Ayn Rand. That's some hardcore wingnut gibberish right there. Bonkers.

  2. Puget9:52 PM

    Ministry of Truth, you ain't shit.

  3. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I don't believe this story. Too many stories about fake racism accusations by black people on campuses to believe any of them without proof.

    I did see a story last week in my local paper I did believe.

  4. Whoops, Reid got into that rethug arse!!

  5. Why even go to T A&M when you can be a Longhorn?

    Not many Whooteemoos in beautiful Austin!

  6. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "Texas A&M University officials are expressing the requisite shock and disappointment after a group of white students reportedly yelled racial slurs at a group of black high school students visiting from Dallas’ Uplift Hampton Preparatory. A woman wearing Confederate flag earrings also reportedly approached two high school girls on the tour to ask if they liked them."

    What constitutes a racial slur? And don't Whites at TAMU have the right to free speech? Wasn't that what MIZZOU and Yale was about?

    Free speech rights trumps everything, so you folks might as well get used to it, I bet there are no #BLM chapters in Texas. Those Whites just wouldn't stand for it.

  7. Molly Ivins was white and from Texas, and she stood for it...

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. ctrl+halt+del11:19 PM

    I applaud these young scholars for maintaining their composure in the face of this low status Europeon soap scum.

  9. Anonymous11:22 PM

    "Heaven help us! If Ted Cruz is actually "the face of god", the reservations for hell just went way up."

    Field, there has always been a special place in hell for you. In fact, you don't even need a reservation to get in. Satan claims that Field would be good publicity for his Fireplace Inn. So come whenever you want. There will always be room at the Inn for you.

  10. Well, it's stupid, and pretty fucking pointless, but it is a right. It might not be a right that a lot of people like, but the freedom of speech doesn't mean one has a right to not be offended. Now, if the school does something, which 90% of universities do do something (so don't whine if A&M doesn't hang them), then that's what they deserve, as you're not protected from consequences.

    My personal issue with you on this, Field: Where was your outrage when the BLM college protesters started throwing white girls into the wall, calling them "white bitches" and "devils" and "oppressors"? These BLM students not only avoided any and all trouble but were celebrated for being bold and courageous.

    My takeaway is that it's only a crime to shout obscenities at people if it's white people to black people.

    These A&M students, if it's true, are fucking morons. There's no call for it. But hopefully the coach doesn't step in, as that would cause the football players to likely step in, and what will happen is what happened at Mizzou: Without any evidence of any wrongdoing, a black student can say, "So and so said X," and the accused is instantly thrown off campus without even so much as being questioned, while the police force literally shreds the constitution to make "hurtful speech" against the law.

    I'm sure it sucks when ignorant motherfuckers shout annoying shit at you. But what do folks want done?

  11. Why does Ted Cruz's wife remind me so much of Alice Huff?

  12. Limpbaugh2:47 AM

    I don't think I'll comment on today's topic. My wife is still giving me hell for losing one of the couch pillows the other night.

  13. The Ministry of Truth4:19 AM

    "Free speech rights trumps everything, so you folks might as well get used to it, I bet there are no #BLM chapters in Texas. Those Whites just wouldn't stand for it."

    Idiot. BLM is in Texas. The greater concentration of racist hicks in the Shitkicker State does not deter them.

  14. The Ministry of Truth10:56 AM

    More Republican primary season hilarity:

    Marco Rubio's campaign releases a Reagan-knockoff "morning in America" ad.

    Besides being chock full of intentional lies about American economic collapse and imminent jihadi invasion, the ad features an UNintentional lie: some of the inspiring American scenery is actually ... *drumroll* ... Canada.

    The only thing that would have made this funnier is if this ad had belonged to "Canadian" Ted Cruz. Then the mockery would never end.

  15. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Good for the "proper authorities". They actually got it right. Enough of special snowflakes demanding the boot of state tyranny be improperly exploited to "protect" them from the rough and tumble, and often, unpleasantness of life in a free country. While the comments and actions are regrettable, it is well within the rights of these people to behave exactly as they did, including use words, language and gestures that may be "upsetting" to special snowflakes.

    The tide is turning; freedom, including the freedom to offend, is being defended and asserted.
    Special Snowflakes need to understand that the State has lost credibility with a large swath of individuals across the political spectrum and therefore, ability to act in arbitrage.

    When I got to the line, "reported it to the proper authorities", I laughed out loud. Too, too funny.

  16. paranoid black man12:34 PM

    Confederate flag earrings??? OMFG!! Dat be scary. Dats one snow bunny dat needs to be gangbanged by us bruthas.

    We need to take away that first amendment from whitey. He sho nuff can't handles it.

  17. Ohio activist’s suicide spotlights depression among Black Lives Matter leaders

    Is all their lies and hate getting to them?

  18. Taylor swift took a rather pathetic swipe at Kanye during the Grammys!
    "Kanye West shrug"

    And imma need Clinton to NEVER again bark during a speech, though I'm happy she's coming out of her "been bashed on by the right for decades" shell!!

  19. And is Adele tone deaf, blaming that sorry arse performance on the guitar player?!?

  20. Yisheng - she didn;t. She said the piano microphone fell on the piano strings.

  21. Quote Little Joshy

    ”1: This isn't a false dichotomy, nor is there any scientific basis to conclude that one needs motivation. Incredibly small sampling. Besides, you're talking about a few points, which could fluctuate for many reasons, as simply as ticking the wrong box on a single question by mistake.”

    So let me get this straight. Is it your contention that people are more intelligent if they are paid to do something than if they are not?


    ”2: You said we're no more intelligent. That's untrue. If knowing more isn't a measure of being intelligent, what the fuck makes someone intelligent?”

    You don’t know???? You are seriously telling me that you are debating intelligence when you don’t know what it is???

    I happen to be cleverer than you , and I happen to know more stuff than you, but the one does not necessarily lead to the other. I could know more stuff because I’m older, I could know more stuff because I live in an environment that makes learning easier, I could know more stuff because I have better teachers. Volume of knowledge is not the same as intelligence.


    ”You say it's not IQ, which judges things like mathematics and pattern recognition. And now you're saying it's not knowing things that makes one intelligent.”

    As usual being the disingenuous sleazy little cunt that you are, you resort to lying when the argument starts to go against you. I said neither of these things as you well know.

    ”3: And if a student steals the exam from the teacher's desk, he's liable to get an A. Does that mean he's mastered the subject, or mastered the test? Does it mean all such testing is invalid?”

    What has this to do with my argument?

    If you study I.Q. test techniques you can increase your resultant I.Q. score by 20 points. Does that make you 20 points more intelligent – yes or no? Which of the two results is the true measurement of intelligence in your idiotic logic?

    ” In these events, you conduct blind studies and more extensive studies -- which have been done, obviously. “

    Great! Show me the links to these studies please, I’d be glad to read them.


    ”IQ is on record and is solid. It doesn't need me singing it's praises.”

    Great Show me the links please, I’d be glad to read them.

    ”4: I answered 4. You just don't like my answer.

    Liar, you have not answered my question, as you well know.

    I’ll ask it again.

    How is it possible that the US Army discovered (in the early ‘50’s!!!) that changing the invigilators skin colour alters the I.Q. of black and southern white men by 15 points. How can this be possible if I.Q. tests were a true test of intelligence.

  22. The Ministry of Truth4:13 PM

    Yet more Republican primary season hilarity:

    A daft conspiracy theory has emerged in the right-wing-o-sphere, spawning ground of so many daft conspiracy theories, that Justice Scalia didn't just die -- he was murdered. Dun dun DUN! (Probably by dastardly liberals, or maybe Obama personally ...)

    “'It’s a horrible topic,' said Trump, 'but they say they found the pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow. I can’t give you an answer... I literally just heard it a little while ago. It’s just starting to come out now, as you know, Michael.'"

    They say they found the pillow on his face ... SMH

  23. Yeah cuz logically if you gonna suffocate somebody you wouldn't bother removing the pillow from his face.

    I mean, what would be the point of that?

    'night all.

  24. Wingnut trolling as The Left Has No Clothes makes light of depression and suicide. Ok then.

  25. So says the person comparing Antonin Scalia to Muammar Gaddafi. We know we're you going field..

  26. Climate Models Botch Another Prediction

    Today's news tells of another mistake of exaggerated climate science prediction.

  27. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Taylor swift took a rather pathetic swipe at Kanye during the Grammys!
    "Kanye West shrug"

    If that was true you would not have brought it up. Taylor slapped them false teeth out the mouth of Kanye West. Kanya responded by crying like a little bitch.

  28. The Ministry of Truth7:27 PM

    I don't think it is necessary for anyone to take swipes at Kanye. At this point, he is pretty much punching himself in the face nonstop.

    His fans must have to work hard to separate his musical output from his consistently douchey behavior.

  29. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I resent you folks criticizing Kanye. He is a musical genius who deserves to receive the highest of high respects. Taylor Swift loves Kanye and will probably be his next wife. I've seen if before. What's going on between the two of them have been nothing short of hidden love. Anybody could see the beginnings of that when Kanye jumped up on stage and took the mic from Swift. If you watched that even closely, you could see the love between the two.

  30. "Is it your contention that people are more intelligent if they are paid to do something than if they are not?"

    For a long time I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, assuming you were a smart individual who just wanted so badly to be contrary of every single word I typed that you'd present yourself as hopelessly inept because you're still only gaining in it. You can literally say that man is needed for the greenhouse effect, and then call me the liar when you're called on it. You're in a win-win on this board, where no one will hold you to task whose well hasn't already been poisoned by you as a racist. But now I see that you're just not a very smart person. You make the effort, but you just don't have the intelligence to logically walk through simple concepts.

    You were the one contending that if someone does better when paid then we can't know which one is their "real" IQ, and therefore IQ is meaningless. And that money was somehow making people smarter, and since it can't therefore IQ is BS. And I supposed that, to you, this still makes sense.

    After all, when Usain Bolt is racing his nephews for fun, and then races in the Olympics for gold, we can't know which is his best effort, according to your logic. When Ken Griffey, Jr. is in batting practice and then in the Home Run Derby, we cannot possibly deduce which is his best effort. Right? When the Broncos play the Seahawks in the preseason, and then the Panthers in the Super Bowl, we cannot tell which is their best effort. According to you, we can't know on which performance they should be judged.

    Motivation accounts for a lot. Some people may need to be motivated to try harder on a test than others. It's not that people suddenly become more intelligent; it's that some people put in the effort where before they simply guessed randomly and just wanted the test to be over.

    I want to say that this isn't an unknown concept to you, and that you're just trying to argue with me for the sake of arguing, because you're a contrary cunt just to be one. But now I'm convinced that you cannot suss these things out; you're not bright enough to realize that some people need motivation to do their best, and that it doesn't mean all people need motivation to do their best. And being motivated to try harder isn't correlated with intelligence by rather things like effort and attention span and disposition.

    So, sure, ramble on some more about how astonishingly stupid I am and how brilliant you are. But your horseshit is on the record here, and any honest person would call you to account for your level-retard bullshit.

  31. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Lord have mercy, Josh just logicalized the hell out of PC. It's all over: Josh wins the argument. The black race has been hit hard.

    As a bm, I am so embarrassed.

  32. DBA!DBA!DBA! Warning.Warning.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.
