Saturday, March 05, 2016



I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic courtesy of via twitter.



  1. When I say Nazi you say Trump... Nazi.....TRUMP... Nazi....TRUMP!!!

    Now scream, HEIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous10:57 PM

    The herrenvolk...

  3. Anonymous11:05 PM


    @ Yisheng: Hahaha I love yours!

  4. I knew something like this was gonna happen. What do we do now?

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. The guy with the Trump banner hanging from his butt is singing in his Natalie Cole (RIP) voice:

    " I got Truuuuump............on my ass".............."I got Truuuump...... on my ass......When he touch me I can't resist........And he's touched me a thousand times...............When I think of his tender kiss, ah, Then and there I start to unwind, ooh, in his arms...........

  6. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Moments before "When stupid people attack" starts.


  7. Limpbaugh5:49 AM

    "Before we start, are there any black or brown people for Security to escort out?"

  8. Anonymous8:07 AM

    "Raise your hand if you know of someone who is keeping America from being great!"

  9. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Moments before "When stupid people attack" starts.


    That is why it is so important to get blah people out of the rally before they attack.

  10. Anonymous8:41 AM

    yishengcow needs to keep her sexual fantasies to herself. Trump or no man with eyes would never hit that wide load ass.

    yishengcow will never be smart or attractive like Asians.

  11. Steve of Indiana9:11 AM

    And there is only one thing that scares me worse than these stupid redneck Americans, and that is Asians like the one who commented at 8:41 who think they are smart and attractive and who want to step in to profit and dominate in the vacuum left by said redneck Americans. Sorry Negroes but we are in trouble in 2016 - just like we predicted - and the ones out there whining about the hell they been through the last eight - are hell bent to make sure the rest of us will suffer and pay.

  12. Lance Cockstrong11:17 AM

    I LOOOOOOVVVVVE the ignorant inbred white people ...

  13. Anonymous11:24 AM

    So Steve, are you sure negroes don’t think they’re attractive or smart? Are you saying negroes have no intention or desire to “step in to profit and dominate?” According to you, negroes haven’t been whining about the hell they create for themselves for the past, how many years?

    Are the “stupid redneck Americans” supposed to believe negroes are far from “hell bent to make sure the rest of us will suffer and pay?” Your commander and chief is living proof of what happens when you put an image in control instead of a leader! You don’t have to be sorry negroes, you don’t have to always be in trouble, it’s your choice. It’s the way you want it.

  14. Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!

  15. Anonymous3:17 PM

    The left and their homo erotic nazi obsessions.

  16. Ignorant inbred white people are some of biggest fans. Click my name and i will give you a trumper......

  17. ctrl+halt+del7:44 PM

    Trump gives Neanderoids final QC check before releasing them into general population.

  18. ctrl+halt+del7:52 PM

    Cancer cure imminent. Scientist view malignant cell at 1,000,000x magnification.

  19. Wesley R8:31 PM

    The last time some of the White Folks you have been seeing at the Trump Rally's acted like this was during Reagan's Presidency. I was in college at the time and the disrespect was something else. So were the ass whippings the brothers gave out as a result.

  20. Anonymous8:51 PM

    The Democrat Party is the anti-white party for coloreds.

    The GOP is the white man's anti-white party.

  21. The Brothers8:53 PM

    Wesley R said...
    "So were the ass whippings the brothers gave out as a result."

    If someone refuses to give you their belongings, you are justified in visiting violence upon them.

    If your opponent's interests are invalid, their motivations can only be explained by malice.

    We are good; they are bad.

  22. Daniel Copeland7:52 PM

    FYI, the Daniel Jose Older in this thread is an impostor, some white supremacist douchebag pretending to be the author. The link in his name fails to reach a real page, while the actual Daniel Jose Older has a currently active Twitter account. I follow him and...he's as pissed about this Nazi asshole's comments here as anyone.


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